Night Has Eyes, The (1942)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Night Has Eyes, The (1942)

Post by bunniefuu »

Very well, girls.

Have a happy holiday and goodbye until next term.

You may go now.

Miss Ives. Yes, dear?

Will you be taking us for next term? I hope so, Muriel.

Happy holiday, Miss Ives. Goodbye.

Goodbye. Goodbye.

Come on Marian, let's get out of this dump.

Carne House is not a dump.

If you were a real teacher ..

Thank heavens I'm not.

It's bad enough being Games Mistress.

I sometimes wonder what is your favourite game.

If you really want to know, it is one I couldn't possibly teach the kids.

Miss Drake. It's Golf.

I suppose you two are off on some gay adventure.

We would if I had my way. We were offered rooms at Bridgepool.

The place is absolutely crawling with Air Force boys.

But no. Marian insists on going to the Yorkshire moors.

The moors?

You are ..

You're not going to where poor Evelyn was lost?

Yes. We are.

Well, I don't know how you have the courage.

When I think of Evelyn, lost on those awful moors.

Being dragged down into one of those dreadful bogs.


It's more likely she met some man.

And went off with him.

That's a lie. Miss Ives.

It's not the first time you've made rotten insinuations about Evelyn.

I know you hated her youth and charm.

As deputy head of the school, I must .. Deputy head, my deputy foot.

We're on holiday now. Come on Marian.

If we must go to Yorkshire we might as well catch the train.


Goodbye. Goodbye, dears.

So long, playmates.

Don't do anything your mothers warned you not to.

You mustn't be hard on the girl.

Remember. She isn't English.

She is no lady.


The things I do for glamour.

Can you imagine a man doing this for us?


We're in a "Ladies Only". I know.

And do you mean you deliberately let me get into this without a word of warning?

The other carriages were all so crowded.

Marian Ives.

You may be able to make me give up a perfectly good holiday in Bridgepool ..

To go to your blasted, forsaken moors.

But if you think I'm travelling in a Ladies Only on a train that is ..

Stiff with men.

Did you see that?

If it hadn't been for that stupid sign, he'd have come in.

A friend of yours?


I did kind of ..

Notice him.

I heard one of his friends call him "doctor".

That's it.

All you have to do is to be taken ill and you're perfectly set.

Oh, don't be so ridiculous.




Oh .. Doris, what is it?

Hey, stop it! Do you hear?

I'm a doctor. Can I help?

Well, it isn't really necessary.

It looks rather serious. Oh?

Hmm. Only one thing for it. We'll have to inject strychnine.


Isn't that rather dangerous? Oh, rather.

A k*ll .. or cure.

Now let me see.

I'm not certain whether it's a third of a gram or point 03.

You know, I always get muddled up between fractions and decimals.

Oh well, we'll just have to trust to luck.

Do you know, I believe it was three grams?

Why, where am I?

Who are you?

The name: Randall. Profession: Doctor.

Present intention:

To get you out of here and give you a nice cup of tea as soon as possible.

We are quite near to the dining car. It's just along on the left.

It's awfully kind of you, Doctor.

I hate wasting your time.

Don't worry. You won't.

Oh, doctor.

Now, off you go.

Aren't you coming with me?

I might easily faint again.

That's the sort of faint you never have twice.

With the same doctor.

I am grateful to your friend. I was wondering how I could introduce myself.

You don't seem to have made the most of your chance.

I'm doing my best.

Doctor, you may not realize it but this is a "Ladies Only."

That's one of the great advantages of having "MD" after one's name.

They can get you into almost anywhere.

If you take my advice Miss you'll not go traipsing over the moors this afternoon.

The glass is falling, and weather might be a bit mucky.

Well that settles it.

No lady ever goes traipsing in mucky weather.

Thank you, Sergeant.

Why, hello.

Oh, hello.


This is a pleasant surprise.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I just happened to be passing.

Oh. You just "happen to be passing" pretty often, don't you?

It's a gift.

But what were you doing in the .. clink?

Just getting some details.

About the way Evelyn went on her last walk across the moors?


I wish you'd give up that idea.

It's .. morbid.

Sorry, Barry. We've been discussing all that for the past three days.

Alright. But at least let me drive you.

Only part of the way. You've got your work to do.

They only call me in for births and deaths.

The people around this place live to be a hundred.

What about births? Very rare.

The husbands and wives don't get on so well together.

Hop in.

On my left, you have the Yorkshire moors.

On my right, you have the Yorkshire moors.

And when we get over the crest of that rise, you'll have a magnificent view ..

Of the Yorkshire moors.

You must be psychic.

Barry, I think we'd better get out now.

I don't hold with it. Big moors are no places for small girls.

Besides, the copper was right.

The weather is going to be definitely mucky.

It's no good, Barry. We're going.

Say that again, will you.

We're going?

No. The "Barry" part. It always gives me a thrill.


Pardon me if I interrupt the love scene of the century, but when do we walk?


Will you stop here, Barry?

Well, goodbye Barry. And don't worry about the weather.

We'll be in Pensley long before nightfall.


It's getting like pea soup.

And we should never have left the road.

And that divine Scoutmaster said it was a shortcut.

Never trust divine Scoutmasters.

Oh, it will pour in a minute.

Where do you think we are?

I don't know. I'll get the map.

This must be Pensley. We're here by Puttock Hag.

What's a Hag? The local name for a bog.

Doris, come back!

Help .. help!

Marian .. Marian!


Marian .. Marian.

I'm sinking.

I'll get you out.

How far are you from the side of the road?

I'm not a yard away but ..

I can't get my feet out.

Get hold of this.

I'm slipping. Hold tight.

Pull! Hold tight.

Thank God .. I thought I was done for.

But I've lost my shoes.

It's a house.

And a man. Come on.

We've lost our way and we're soaked to the skin.

And hungry as hell. We nearly fell in a bog.

Can you give us shelter?

Well, make sure you'll know us, won't you.

You'd better come in. Nowhere else you can go.

You had better get dry.

Give me your things.

I can't tell you how thankful we are to be in here.

What were you doing outside? Walking.

In the storm?

I enjoy storms.

Well, it takes all sorts to make a world.

I once met a man who got fun out of swallowing swords.

I can understand that.

A sense of isolation.

Being alone in a world of wind and rain.

Being alone? Yes, I'm with you there.

That wouldn't be a help to us.

You said you were hungry. I will get you something.

Well .. give me Boris Karloff.

Well, my feet are worn down to the ankles.

You know, he looks the kind of fellow who buries his wife under the fireplace.

Oh .. it was a fellow I read about.

In a book.

On second thoughts, you'd better come and help me.

It's just as warm in the kitchen.

If you ask me we're going to swing for our supper.

Bring those eggs and a carving knife.

There's some bread in that bin.

Oh heaven.

I'm so hungry my stomach is sticking to my back.

Oh, by the way. May I introduce Miss Marian Ives?

Mr Stephen Deremid.

How did you know my name? It's on the packages in the pantry.

Nothing much misses little Doris.

Quite the detective, eh?

Yeah. Nick Carter's grandmother. Didn't you know.

"Stephen Deremid"? There is something familiar about that name.

Suppose we talk about you.

There's nothing much to tell. We're just a couple of schoolteachers on holiday.


Don't worry. We won't give you a lecture.

Where do you teach?

A girl's school at Oxford: Carne House.

Where? Where did you say?

Carne House. Do you know it?

Yes. I've heard the name.

What made you come to these moors?

A kind of sentimental journey.

A friend of mine died here a year ago.

She was lost in a storm, like we were tonight.

They .. they never found her body.

These moors are like quicksand. They never give up their dead.

You're telling me. They wouldn't even give up my shoes.

I thought I had to come.

I have to say goodbye to her here.

I hope to see if, perhaps by a miracle, I may be able to find where she died.

You may have read about it at the time.

No, we never get the papers here. This house is almost cut off from the world.

Of course!

Of course?

I remember where I heard your name before.

You're Stephen Deremid, the composer.

Stephen Deremid, who used to compose.

That's right. You haven't written anything for several years.

I gave up music for w*r.

I had an idiotic notion that civilization was worth fighting for.

That nothing that really mattered, not even music, can exist under sl*very.

Oh, you were right. Was I?

The world didn't think so.

I fought in Spain with the Republicans.

"Reds" they called us.

In those days, red was a very ungentlemanly colour.

We were worthy fodder for the German and Italian bombs.

Civilization watched on the sidelines to make sure there should be no fair play.

I know it was horrible.

Criminally stupid.

I had it all.

Buried alive by a shell, and then for months in an internment camp.

Thousands of us in the open and left to rot.

But you came back.

Why didn't you compose then?

I tried.

It had gone. There seemed no point.

Need you be bitter?

After all, the world has learnt its lesson.

Has it?

Perhaps you're right.

The things that we bled and died for so unfashionably ..

Have become quite the thing today.

You are bitter.

Yes. I am bitter.

The Spanish w*r was just a preliminary.

This is the main event and I'm out of it. Cracked.


Funny, isn't it?

Doesn't anyone in this house ever go to bed?

I'll show you to your room.

You can switch on.

You'll have to make your own beds. The housekeeper isn't here.

She must have been held up by the storm. I'll get you some sheets.

I'll bet they're mouldy.

You're wrong.

They haven't been used for fifty years, but this cupboard is well aired.

Fifty years? You wouldn't rather we had a couple of shrouds?

These were a bit before your time.

But they're warm and dry.

Not me, thanks. I'll stay put in my clothes.

Please yourself.

This, believe it or not, is an alarm clock.

I'll set it for eight, and then you can leave here early.

I always say there's nothing like making your guests feel they're really wanted.

I want you to lock the door.

Well, of all the ..

Very well.

It's just that .. my housekeeper might come back early.

If she finds the door locked she'll know we have company.

Will you do this?

If it makes you happier.

It does.

Well. What do you know about that?

He can't trust himself.

It must be that aloof manner of mine.

Treat them rough and they eat out of your hand.

It reminds me of a picture I once saw of Diane de Poitiers.

Who played opposite her?

She was a medieval courtesan. She went to bed in a sack like that?

Those old-time girls had a lot to learn.

They believed in the charm of concealment.

You would have a job selling an idea like that to the boys of today.

What .. what's the matter?


Suddenly I feel ..

Nearer to her than I've ever done since she died.

It's as though ..

If I close my eyes and open them suddenly ..

I can see her sitting at the bottom of the bed.

Smiling out of the shadows.

You mean .. she might be here?

In .. in this room?

No, no.

It's just a passing feeling.

I'm afraid it was because we were talking about her downstairs.

Where are you going?

To lock the door.

Oh .. do you think it's really necessary?

After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

If you know what I mean.

I know exactly what you mean.

[ Piano music ]


[ Alarm clock ]

Shut that damn thing off.

Put that light out. Do you want to blind me.

Come along, Doris. Time to get up.


I've a hell of a cold in my nose.

Well, I'm afraid we can't stay after what he said last night.

Oh, that's alright. Doris. A Christian martyr. That's me.

Well, I've always wanted to try pneumonia.

This is purdah, that's what it is, purdah.

Do you see what I see?

Or is it a mirage?

Charming, isn't it.

The bank of the town must have gone.

It's joined up with the river floods to form this.

Well, however much you may want it, I'm not going to swim.

I'm going back to bed. Are we completely cut off?

If there is no more rain it will drain off fairly rapidly.

Otherwise you're here until it drops.

Then, what are we to do?

I didn't ask you to come.

Oh, I'm very sorry. We'll try and keep out of your way as much as possible.

I don't want you to go ferreting about the house.

I beg your pardon?

There's a very natural temptation to go looking for secret rooms ..

And Priest-holes in an old house like this.

Really? I'm not as gullible as all that. Oh no?

Actually, there is meant to be a secret room. I've never tried to look for it.

Oh. A secret room?

You wouldn't find it. So don't bother to try.

There are two other rooms you won't be able to get into.

My bedroom and my study. I keep them locked.

Which of them is Bluebeard's chamber?

The only flaw in that story is that the rescuers came too soon.

Hey, Marian .. come up here.

What is it?

That secret room. We've got to find it. I'm nuts about secret rooms.

Come on Doris, you must go back to bed. You'll never find it.

No, but I'll have one more try.

Hear that? It's hollow. Come on.


Do you think perhaps there is a body inside it?

Don't be so stupid.

Let's open it and see. No. No.

I'd rather not.

Come on, let's go.

Wait a minute. The secret room.

It's hollow too. I think we've got something here.

If I get out of this window.

I may be able to see if there's another one between here and the next floor.

Give me a hand. You stay in here. I'll do it.

Looking for something?

He's coming up. I'm gone!

I expect you've seen everything you want to by now.

I need someone to give me a hand. Any objections?

Of course not.

I'll lend you my dungarees and my housekeeper's wellingtons.

Won't she mind?

Mrs Ranger is a philosopher. She never minds anything.


The storm has made a nice mess of this roof.

I've got my grain stored in there.

Here's your chance to make yourself useful.

Hurry up with that felt. I'm coming.

Come on, come on, come on.


If you could only see yourself. Here, let me give you a hand.

I can manage quite well, thank you.

A fine time of year you've chosen to go swimming.

There. You'd better get some dry things on.

I'm perfectly alright, thank you.

Don't be an idiot.

What's he been up to?

Oh, I slipped.

So did I. But it didn't get me that kind of a bed.

Now take your things off. I'll get you something to wear.

They won't be very up to date I'm afraid.



The dress I mean.

It belonged to my grandmother.

Would you prefer mushroom or mulligatawny?

I .. I don't know.

Does it matter? Well, make up your mind.

Well, mushroom. Me too.

Mulligatawny for Doris.

With her cold, won't it be too hot for her?

Could it be?

Hmm .. some cook. I can cook 57 varieties.

Talking about cooks, tell me about your housekeeper.

Mrs Ranger? She's a treasure.

I can never tell you how much she's done for me.

She was my nurse in the hospital they sent me to ..

In England when I was released from the prison camp.

I wasn't allowed any razors or braces or scissors at that time.

That's the kind of state I was in.

When I was discharged, she came here with me.

She's been with me ever since.

Is she the only person here besides you?

No. There's Sturrock, the odd-job man.

He drove her over to Pensley for her shopping.

Where did you get that?

From Evelyn.

She had one, too.

Why do you ask?

No particular reason. I must have seen one like it somewhere before.

Evelyn had a kind of fancy about it.

She looked on it as a symbol.

She was to give it to the man she fell in love with.

And did she?

She never met him.

And what about you?

Oh, I ..

I've met men whose characters I've liked.

Whose brains I've admired.

Yet who .. meant nothing to me.

I've met others.

Brainless and brutal.

You know?

Yes, I know.

The q*eer fascination cruelty has.

The water level is much lower now.

By tomorrow, you will be able to go.

I know.

I saw it from my window before I came down.

I haven't been able to play like this for almost a year.

It's as if I were coming to life again.

Tomorrow, you'll be gone.

I meant to send you away.

I still mean to send you away. But why?

Because it would be best for both of us.

This doesn't it mean anything to you? Oh, yes it does.

But it was something beyond me. I shouldn't have given way to it.


Don't ask me why. Think anything you please, but ..

Don't keep asking me why.

Very well.

I know that emotion can be real for a moment and then ..

Die out in a second. No, no. It isn't that.

It's just no good. It's too late.

You know your own mind best.

It's your life here.

You look lovely now.

It's as if something had lighted a lamp inside you.

I suppose I should thank you for that.

I'll go to bed now, Stephen.

I'll leave before you get up in the morning.

Goodbye, Marian.



If these old eyes don't deceive me there's been a spot of fun and games.

Did he kiss you?

Yes. Well, go on.

That's all.


Well, anyway he kissed you. It's the thin end of the wedge.

Doris. Look at this!

What is it? Don't you see?

It's a Carne House report form. How did it get here?

It may be Osborne House or Belmonte House or any house ending with an "e".

But I recognize the form. It is the one we use at Carne.

So do half the schools in England. What does it matter, anyhow?

Don't you see?

If this is from Carne ..

Only one person could have brought it here.



Last night in this room, I ..

Felt she'd been here.

Oh, baloney!

Old Stephen Sourpuss downstairs has never even heard of her.

Then how did it get here?

Well, it probably blew in from the moors and old Sourpuss picked it up.

He looks the "waste not, want not" type.


If he saw the name on it .. that would account for the kind of ..

Recognition he gave when he heard we came from Carne.

Come on, let's go to bed.

Thank heavens the water is down and we can leave this place in the morning.

Yes .. we shan't see Stephen again.

Come on, dear. I want the loaf.

You must be Mrs Ranger.

That's right.

I reckon you got caught in the storm and Mr Deremid gave you shelter?

Our clothes got wet. He took them away for drying.

I'm looking for them now.

The airing cupboard is in the kitchen. Depend upon it, that's where they are.

Hurry along Jim, now. Get on with the fireplaces.

I was only having a look.

Come on, I'll show you. Thank you.

It's dry. Mr Stephen is not such a fool for a bachelor.


Looks as if I'll have to lend you some of my stockings. You don't mind?

Not at all.

Did Mr Stephen tell you about me? Yes.

Well, he said you seemed to have helped him when he needed it most.

I did my best.

I'll go and change quickly. I've got a friend with me.

I expect she's wondering what's happened to me.

I'll get the stockings.

By gum .. the house is full of women.

Oh .. I'm sorry if I startled you.

Oh, it wasn't that.

Only I'm not used to seeing heavenly visions at this time of the morning.


Oh, go on.

There are lots of better looking girls than me.

Not in this house, Miss.

We haven't had a young lady here for ..

Oh, quite a long time.

When was the last?

I'd better get on with my work.

Don't be frightened. He won't hurt you. Here, stroke him a bit.

What is he, a monkey?

No, he's a Capuchin.

He's a rare-un for fleas.

What's he called? Cain.

It's a good old bible name.

You know, he sleeps with me at night. Aye.

And he nips me too, if he doesn't get his fair share of the bed.

What about the fleas?

Oh, they don't like my blood.

But he likes a nibble at a young lady's.

Oh Doris, this is Mrs Ranger. Mr Deremid's housekeeper.

How do you do? And I'm Jim Sturrock.

This is Cain the Capuchin.

Your friend has told me about your adventures.

I've a mind you won't be sorry to leave these Yorkshire moors.

Sorry? I'm on my way back to civilization if I have to swim.

I don't think that will be necessary. Jim, don't stand gawking there.

Get the car and drive these young ladies to wherever they want to go.

It's very kind of you, but .. I won't hear a word.

You've done enough walking.

Besides, the bogs will be even more dangerous after these rains.

I'll see you to the car.

Come on.

Now you behave yourself.

You know, one day he nipped my backside. We nearly had a smash-up.

Hurry up, Jim. The young ladies can't wait all day.

The countryside looks nice after its wash and brush-up, doesn't it.

I always say the earth is like a human-being.

A good bath every now and then doesn't do it any harm.

The only difference is ..

If the earth doesn't get any water.

It gets cracked up and dries.

With a human being it just gets smelly.

I don't mind a good bath myself now and then.

Whenever I begin to see people drawing away from me.

Jim Sturrock, I say .. Jimmy.

You're beginning to stink.

You get a nice view of Puttock Hag down there.

You see them three paths leading across it?

Don't you ever try walking on them.

Or you'll find yourself with your head under the mud.

They say one of the paths leads right across it.

Them that's tried to find out which one, have never come back.

I reckon they've made a nice, tasty morsel .. for Puttock.

Does no-one know the path that leads across?

Well, Mr Stephen thinks he knows it.

He spends a lot of time looking at Puttock.

It seems to draw him, somehow.

I hate leaving like this, without knowing about Evelyn.

Go on. It's old Sourpuss you're worrying about.

I hate leaving him, too.

Don't you see, Doris?

That report I found last night. And the feeling I had just being in the room.

A whole lot of hooey. The sooner you forget about it the better.

Please stop.

I'm going back. Oh, don't be a fool, Marian.

I tell you Doris, I've got to know about Evelyn.

Well, don't think I'm going with you, because I'm not.

I'm going back to Bridgepool, for some fun, bright lights and normal people.

Goodbye, Doris.

Hello .. did you forget something?

Mrs Ranger .. I had to come back.

It is Mr Stephen.

You've caught me with one of my hobbies. Aren't they dear little things?

You see, I spin this into wool, and then I make jumpers and suchlike.

I have a lot of village ladies who love the little woollies I make.

Isn't she a pretty creature?

He's still asleep.

Mrs Ranger.

I suppose I'm not the first visitor you've had here?

You mean tourists and suchlike? Ha. Short-shrift that sort gets.

Still. Sometimes there must be people you can't turn away.

Walkers who get lost on the moor.

Or caught in a storm and coming here for shelter as I did.

You know, it's q*eer you should say that.

I suppose I ought not to mention it, but ..

You don't look the sort that would talk.

I'm afraid it might hurt Mr Stephen if he was reminded of it again.

Please tell me.

Alright, I will.

Come along, Emily.

It was almost a year ago, a girl came here. She'd lost her way on the moors.

What was she like?

Dark. Very pretty. She was a School Mistress.

After she left, they got some tale about her going down in one of those bogs.

They even sent the police from Pensley up here.

Great gawks .. poking and prying about to see which way she set off.

As if she'd lose her way in broad daylight walking back the way she came.

To Brick Fell? That's right.

I didn't see her go. Jim and I went down to Pensley that day.

Mr Stephen saw her off.

You are in love with him, aren't you?

Same as that one a year ago.

I suppose you're feeling ..

That given the time, there's a chance that he'll grow very fond of you.

Yes. I'm sorry.

Understand, I'm not preaching. I don't want to make trouble. Only, I like you.

I don't want to see you get hurt. Or him.

How could he be hurt? Easy.

I fancy you don't understand about him.

He's the best man I know. I'm fond of him like my own son.

But he's no more use now in the outside world.

Oh, I won't believe that. Listen.

When they downed him in Spain I watched that boy come back to life.

He hated the world and everything in it.

So he set a wall around himself to shut out that world.

Every year now, he gets further and further away from it.

But suppose I were willing to share his life?

Cut off with him from the outside world.

A stranger is alright for a break but not for a long time.

In a month, you'll be rubbing his nerves raw.

I've still got to see him.

Alright .. I hope it will easier now after what I've said to you.


When he tells you to go.

Hello, Jim.

Did you drop the lady at the station?

Aye. A right tasty bit of stuff too.

Now, that's no way to talk of a young lady.

Have you been drinking?

What, at this time of the morning? They're not open.

Come here. Let me smell your breath.

He's right. They can't be open yet.

Has the floods done much damage?

I haven't had a chance to look yet.

The wall has crumbled, on the other side of the gate.

There's a ruddy great hole there. You'd better mend it then.

No. I'll leave that to the Master.

Knowing how fond he is of mortar.

I always said he should have been a plasterer.

Get along now.

You ought to be working instead of jabbering like an old woman.


You look like could do with some sleep.

Why not go to your room and rest? I'll call you when he wakes.

Come on.






Come here.

Come here you little rascal.


What are you doing here? I'm very sorry, Miss.

I meant no offense.

Only I came for my monkey.

I thought he might give you a fright. Oh.

It wasn't him that gave me the fright.

Come here, you little brat.

Aren't you ashamed of yourself, behaving like that in a lady's bedroom?

He's almost human though, Miss.

I shall never forget the first time I took him to Pensley.

He found his way into the Ladies ..

[ Door knocks ]

Are you alright, my dear?

When I heard that scream, I thought he'd got you.

What are you doing here?

Oh, it's alright. He only came after his monkey.

Right. I came after my monkey.

You great blundering fool. You may have scared her out of her life. Off you go!

Quick. Take your monkey with you. Go on.

It's not a monkey. It's a Capuchin.

Go on! Alright.

It's not a monkey.

And get on with your work!

Jim's got a heart of gold, but he's no more brains than one of my rabbits.

Mr Stephen has been up for an hour.

When I last saw him, he was going down to the stables.

Good morning.

Why are you still here?

Stephen, I know why you don't want me here.

Not only me, but any woman.

I know that Evelyn was here.


Why didn't you tell me?

After all, she was my friend.

And now she's gone. I want to know about her.

Alright, she was here. I sent her away.

Was it because she was in love with you? Yes.

You didn't love her?

She could have helped you if only you'd loved her.

I could help you, Stephen.

If I left here without trying, I'd never feel right again.

This is all very high-minded of you.

You seem to regard me as a sort-of male sleeping beauty ..

To be restored to life by your kiss.


You are like someone who's been thrown by a horse.

Or crashed a plane.

The one way to get your nerve back is to get on a horse or fly in a plane again.

At once.

Go on.

The Spanish w*r was your crash.

A wound has been buried alive by that shelling.

Above all, your bitterness and frustration.

Oh, you've never even tried to climb back.

You are still buried alive. Cut off here from the world.

Oh listen, Stephen. Use me as your cure.

I'm flaying myself to behave with you like this.

All I know is .. that I love you.

Before I go, at least I must try and do this for you.

I see.

So you think a brief interlude with you, would send me back to the world, cured?

If you'd like to put it like that.

I'll be anything you want for these next few days.

If only it will make you well and happy again.

After that ..

Unless you've asked me to stay, I'll ..

I'd go away for good.

You are going now.

You're getting no unctuous glow out of saving me.

You fool! You think I'd turn my back on real women, lovely women?

To change it all for a sentimental little schoolmarm?


What have you got? No beauty, no brains.

Just a lot of half-digested ideas about life ..

Picked up in a teachers common room.

Now, will you go?


We're back where we started.

Let's not think about that now.

Let us not think about anything beyond the next few days.

And hours.

I've brought your tablets.

I don't want any tablets.

It is the full moon.

Switch off the light.

Stephen, what's the matter?

Your tablets.

Can I trust you take two before you go to bed?

Will two be enough? They weren't last time.

They will be tonight. Alright then.

For God's sake, don't stare at me like that.

You mustn't be late.

Don't worry. Miss Ives is going up now.



Come on.

Take them now.

Miss Marian, I've got something to say to you.

I'll make it short, but it won't be sweet.

You must leave this house. At once.

Oh Mrs Ranger, please.

We've been over this so often before.

I'm sure you mean well.

But I know what I'm doing and I'm staying.

But you don't know the risks you're running.

You've told me often enough.

I may hurt Stephen and break my own heart.

But there is more than that.

Haven't you felt there is something ..

Wrong about this house?

Alright, I'll put it another way.

Are there things about this place, about us, that have puzzled you?

This is a bad house.

Surely, you've felt that, too? Someone educated, like you?

Why do you suppose we three live here?

Cut off from the world.

You told me why.

He told me why. That's not the half of it, my dear.

I .. can't tell you .. all.

I'm like a dog that's whistled two ways.

I can't say why you should go. I can only tell you that you must.

But why? At least give me some hint.

For my conscience's sake, I've said too much already.

Please go!

Get out of here tomorrow. Before he wakes up.


Whatever it is, I'm staying.


I've done all I can.

Said all I dare.

Will you promise me one thing? What?

If you feel or hear anything strange that frightens you ..

Will you come straight to me.

Yes. I promise you that.

Always lock this door.

That's what Stephen said.

Lock it now.

As soon as I've gone.

Goodnight, dear.

Try to sleep.



[ Scream! ]

He's k*lled him.

He's just k*lled Cain.

His neck is broke.

Poor little love.

Poor little Cain.

If you'd done your duty and kept me in sight, you could have spared her this.

And saved the monkey.

He isn't a monkey .. he's a Capuchin.

Take it away.

Do you think it's safe?

To leave me?

Yes, Sturrock.

I've made my k*ll for tonight.

After the w*r, when I was released from that prison camp.

They shipped me to a hospital at home.

Mrs Ranger was my special nurse.

There was a brain specialist there who told me a shock like mine may result ..

In something hidden and permanent recurring at certain intervals.

A full moon?

Yes .. that's right. The full moon.

However the authorities were satisfied I was cured and they sent me to the sea ..

With Mrs Ranger to look after me and give me sleeping draughts.

The landlady had a little dog. A Pekingese.

That took a great fancy to me.

And I was very happy there.

Then, suddenly.

Everything stopped.

I woke up one night in the middle of the floor.

With the Pekingese in my hands.


And my right hand was twisting its neck.

That was the first of those blackouts that the doctor had warned me about.

I had k*lled a dog.

The next time it might be a man.

Then Mrs Ranger came in. She knew at once what had happened.

I think she'd known it was going to happen.

She took the dog and got me back to my bed.

The next day we moved on to a cottage in Dorset.

Well, three months went by.

I was beginning to feel my confidence creep back when it happened again.

So then I decided to hide myself away here.

I knew what they'd do to me, if once they found out.

Take me and lock me up in a private home with tame cat doctors.

Purring over me like a collector's piece.

Can you bear to think of one of those places?

The bright pretence of being one big, happy family.

And all the time everyone watching each other ..

With sly furtive glances and loose mouths.

The nightmare parody of a Hydro.

I couldn't have stood it, Marian.

I'd have been in a straitjacket before a month was out.

So I came here and fooled the world.

Sometimes after a longer spell than usual, I dared to believe I was sane.

Then it would happen again to jerk me back.

Don't pity me, Marian. I've won, in my way.

I ought to be locked up, put away. But I'm free.

My own land and my own house. I draw cheques and they honour them.

I've cheated the world alright.

Each day, for almost five years, I've mused a little about that.

Stephen, this may not be incurable.

You've no idea what they've done for the mind.

Do you think I'd risk that?

Oh, it's such a pitiful waste.

There is to be no talking from you when you go.

It's all so wrong. I'll decide that.

I ought to have turned you out of this house at once.

Now you know why I have to send you away. Why you have to lock your door.

I love you. You forced that out of me.

Don't use it to betray me.

You've got to promise me that.

But Stephen, you know .. Now go to bed.

I want to be by myself.

Good morning.


I'd have given anything for it not to have happened like that.

I've tried to tell you so many times, but I just couldn't.

That fool Sturrock should have kept by him or at least stopped you seeing him.

I should have found out in time anyway. It would never have altered anything.

I wish you'd gone when I begged you to.

At least I know now it's not because he doesn't love me.

Besides .. I'm coming back.

You can't do that. It's unsafe for you. No, I've thought of all that.

Think of him!

He wouldn't be able to bear seeing you watch him knowing you know about him.

Mrs Ranger.

I believe this thing of Stephen's is curable.

It is not organic and it's not hereditary.

It's the result of an old shock. A darkness that comes and goes.

If we could get a brain specialist .. Mr Stephen would never allow that.

I know the man. One of the finest in the world.

Of course, Stephen mustn't know. He must come here casually, on some excuse.

I see, but tell me something.

Mind you, I don't want to cram all this.

How much would a big man like that cost?

Oh dear.

I hadn't thought about that.

I may be able to raise something myself. Borrow against what's owing me. But ..

Not enough, I'm afraid.

I think I might be able to find it here.

How? Listen.

Mr Stephen's great grandfather had a lot of gold cups and things.

They found most of it when he died.

But the things he cared for most are supposed to be hidden in the house.

If that is so, I know where they are. In a secret room?

How did you know about that?

When we first came, Stephen told me about it, but he said he never found it.

I think I know where it is. I believe I do, too.


On the floor above is a little window covered with ivy.

You can see it if you look closely. That's where I'd make it.

If there's anything of value hidden, that's where it will be.

Oh but I ..

I don't feel right about going in there. Well, you're doing it for his sake.


Yes, that's true.

But how and when?

Well, Sturrock is driving us both into Pensley this afternoon.

Mr Stephen has to see his bank manager so he has to go.

You'll have at least an hour. And then you can try to get in.

Very well.

I'm so glad we're going to be partners in helping him.


Still here, eh?

I suppose, more than ever you want me to go?

No, not yet.

Remember my saying something to you last night. Something about a promise?

What exactly did you want me to say? You know very well.

You found out my ..

Well, let's be thoroughly dramatic and call it "my secret".

I want you to promise that it remains a secret.

Oh, you know I'd never tell as an informer.

But if I did mention your case to anyone, it would only be to help you.

That's just what I'm afraid of.

That you'll go to some quack brain specialist.

Only too eager to use me as a guinea pig, until ..

He tired of the experiment and handed me over to the authorities.

Oh, but Stephen.

Every doctor is as much under the seal of secrecy as a Priest.

You forget something.

Madmen are public enemies.

Understand this. You are not discussing me with anyone in the outside world.

Anyone. Do you understand? Suppose I decide I know better?

I love you. That gives me some right in the matter.

None at all. It's my life.

You give me that promise?

And if I don't?

Once again, you've forced me to be dramatic.

Until you do promise, I can't allow you to leave the house.

I see.

[ Door knocks ]

Come in.

Look dear. I've brought you some lunch.

He says you're not to leave your room. What's the meaning of it?

I'm afraid he's getting suspicious about what I might do.

Then you mustn't do it.

It's too dangerous. Dangerous?

But Marian ..

I'm frightened for you.

There is something more you know, you haven't told me about.

I don't know, thank God. I don't even want to suspect.

Tell me. Please.

I never meant to tell you this, but now I must.

That girl who was here last year.

She found out about Mr Stephen.

She wanted to do like you. Bring a doctor up here to see him.

He couldn't talk her out of it. She was so determined.

They say she went down in Puttock Hag.

Nobody ever found her body.

And we never saw her leave the house.

I know what you're thinking.

It's not true.


So you see why mustn't do any more. Run further risks.

I am still going on with my plan.

Oh, you do love him, don't you.

Alright, then.

I'll have Jim get out the long ladder. It's by the side of the house.

He won't go past that way.

[ Door knocks ] Mrs Ranger.


I'm going to lock you in.

When I come back, we'll talk about the future.



What are you doing up there?

What is all this? Exterior decorating?

I say, is anything the matter?


I'm alright.

It's just coming into the sunlight after the gloom in there.

What is it? A secret room?

How did you know? Elementary my dear Watson.

The ladder and your antics tell me that the door on the inside is blocked.

Oh. Well, why are you here?

Two reasons. One of them is your luscious girlfriend.

Doris? Yes.

I ran into her in Bridgepool.

She told me a crazy story about a mysterious house.

And bits of paper stuck in a wardrobe door.

And a locket given to a dead girl.

And an antisocial sort of blighter called Stephen.

So .. I thought I'd come along here and do a bit of snooping.

Oh .. you said there were two reasons.

Why yes. Didn't I tell you? I'm in love with you.

Now Barry, please. I know, I know.

We only met a couple of weeks ago. Spent a few days together.

But it doesn't make any difference.

My heart turned over when I saw you sitting in that carriage.

And it's been whizzing around like a flywheel ever since.

Oh Barry, please. I can't listen. Alright. I'm watching the fences.

But tell me one thing. Huh?

Do you love anyone else?

No .. no!

I heard you the first time.

Barry, please will take me away from here. Now.

That's what I've come for. The car is around the corner with Doris in it.

She couldn't face coming back to the house.

I'll go and get my things. Wait here for me.

Have another cake. No thank you.

Oh go on, it won't hurt you.

Men like curves.

So they tell me. And what else did they tell you?

Well, they didn't have a chance to tell me much.

There was I, in a town full of the gorgeous beasts.

And there was Jiminy conscience on my shoulder nagging me to return to Marian.

And Jiminy conscience won.

For the first and last time.

You know, it was lucky I ran into you as soon as you arrived at Bridgepool.

You're telling me.

I didn't fancy meeting Dracula on my own.

Oh, come on Marian. Snap out of it.

Forget about old Sourpuss.

Leave her alone, Doris.

I understand how you feel.

I don't wonder you would have been shaken at what you found in that room.

What room? What .. what did you find?

You went in there?

Yes. I nipped up the ladder while you were packing your things.

You .. you saw it?

The skeleton? Yes.

A skeleton?

I might have known he'd have one knocking around.

As a possible future coroner it rather interested me.

I mean, how long he'd been there.

He'd been there? Some old Priest, I dare say.

That was probably a Priest hole.

A man? Certainly.

And I should think at least 300 years old.

Do you know what you're saying?

Rather. The one thing I can't be fooled on is bones.

When I was a medical student, they brought me a skeleton and ..

Barry, will you take me back?

I thought you might be wanting that.

Well, this is where I came in.

Coming? Not me.

I prefer to keep my skeleton in my clothes.

Well, she was a luscious beast, I can tell you.

So, speaking the language like a native ..

I said to her: "Mademoiselle, voulez vous .."

You love him very much, don't you.


This will do, Barry. Please drop me here.

Can't I take you up to the house?

No. I'd rather walk.

Shall I wait for you?


I won't be coming back.

Get her, Jim!

I might have known you'd come back.

Standing there so quietly while I planted the little bunny.

A proper sly piece, isn't she. You're right.

I shall have to get Jim to pull your throat out.

How shall we do it?

We can take her upstairs and do it there.

Then plant her by his bedside.

When he wakes up, tell him he did it.

He'll be more under us than ever, then.

I think you're wrong, Jim. He's so high-minded he might give himself up.


Perhaps the Puttock Hag is better after all.

I think you're right, Jim.

Really I do.

Hurry up.

She's coming to, Jim.

You didn't hit her hard enough. I will next time.


Go on, scream. There's nobody to hear you.

Why did you this to Stephen? Why do people do most things? Money.

And he paid us very well, didn't he Jim, to look after him.

Us knowing his weakness for k*lling.

He didn't k*ll .. I know that now.

Those animals he found dead.

Even Cain.

You k*lled them!

Not bad. You've got brains.

Those sleeping tablets.

They just make him unconscious, while you planted dead things in his hands.

Proper funny the way he took them and thought they were doing him good.

You must have planned this all from the very beginning.

When you were his nurse in hospital.

That's right. I did.

You're evil.

To have him dependent on you.

And yet to make him suffer.

There was fun in that.

To watch him try to escape and jerk him back as he thought he was getting free.

It was real fun, that was. Ha-ha.

Get her, Jim!

Thought you'd get away, eh?

Just like your Evelyn, and she ended up in Puttock Hag as you're going to.

You k*lled Evelyn? Yes.

She got the same bee in her bonnet as you.

Of course one thing we couldn't have was a specialist coming to find he was sane.

So we had to stop her.

A rare cool one, Mrs "R", isn't she.

Jim, we're wasting time. Will you do it or shall I?

Let me.

I've never done it before.

[ g*nsh*t! ]


Don't move! Either of you.

I'm sorry I had to let you go through all this.

I had got to hear everything they had to say.

I've been following from the beginning.

You're surprised to see this, aren't you Mrs Ranger.

It's my one secret you haven't shared with me.

I brought it back from Spain and kept it by me. It's been a great comfort to me.

Every night I look at it and I think ..

If ever it does become unbearable.

Before they start chaining me down.

There is always this way out.

And now it seems there is another use for it.

You k*lled Evelyn.

You were going to k*ll me, only I took longer to die.

Think of it: to be sane ..

And think you were mad.

Well .. what are you going to do about it?

I'm going to take you to Pensley, to the police.

And charge us with the m*rder of Evelyn Prentice?

Spinster of God-knows-what parish.

Oh, don't make me laugh.

Where is your evidence?

A story told by this hysterical girl and you.

A man whose actions for years have been those of an idiot.

Besides, you can't have a m*rder without a body.

And I can see them draining the Puttock for that.

Alright, Mrs Ranger.

I'll convict you and sentence you myself.

No, Stephen. No.

I'd like to sh**t you and watch you die.

But I'll not be your executioner. I'll leave the judgment to that.

You see those three paths?

Well, you know the story.

One of those goes through to the other side.

The other two end in slime.

You can take your choice.

And if you choose wrong, you can think of Evelyn as you go down.

He means it.

You had better start. I might change my mind.

I'm thankful for every moment you've suffered ..

These last .. five .. years.

Come on. Come on.

We'll take the left.

No. Centre .. centre.

To the left. Trust me, I know.

Get off me or he'll k*ll us if you don't.

Pull yourself together. I tell you we're alright.

They are going to get across.

I said to you this is the wrong path. Shut up.

I'm going back. And have him sh**t you?

I don't care. I'm not going to die in the bog.

I'm going back.

Stephen. It's ..

It's horrible.

If only they had chosen right.

They did.

That's why l let them go.

This is the path that goes across.
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