Weirdos (2016)

Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy - Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Weirdos (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

It's all America. The way we work at various trades, the ways we worship, the music that makes us sing.

Say Good Morning to your Grandmother.

Good Morning.

Where are you headed this early?


You've got a jacket?


It's supposed to rain later on.

And I'm staying over.

You're staying the night?



It's no big deal.


Yes, mother?

Your son's going out.

Where to?

Ehm... Alice's.


And I'm staying for supper.



And I'm staying the night.



It's cool.

He's staying the night.

Her mom will be there, Val will be there, right?

Yeah. Yeah.

Mom, it's cool.

Do you have any money?

A little.

Always be prepeared.


See ya.

I think Mr. Bates is an excellent teacher.

Mr. Bates?

My French teacher.

Are you having trouble in French?



Everything cool?

Alice, Kit is here!


I slept on the couch.

Are they back together?

No. He came over for a talk and they got drunk and he stayed.

It happens.

Kit. Hey.

I'm going.

Kit, she's staying at your place tonight?


Is Dave there? Your grandmother?

They're not gone away or anything?

No Val. I'm not Val to you.

Alice. Watch how you talk to your mother.

Don't get too comfortable.

Kit, is she smoking?

No. No.

I can smell it on you Alice.

You're smelling yourself.

Does your brother not have a TV?

It's nice you stayed over Dad.

He slept on the couch.

That's right.

Don't get your hopes up.

See ya.


Are you following me Beans?

Where are you going?

To Sydney.

Yuck. Why?

There's a party on Dominion Beach.

And you're not invited, Beans.

In Sydney? Gross.

I'm gonna live with my mom.

Your mom lives in Sydney?

Yes, Beans.

Too bad for her.

Yeah you would think that, since you're an ignoramus.


Sydney sucks!

How are you going to get back?

I told you. I'll hitchhike.

By yourself?

Yeah it's easier that way.

Then maybe I should go by myself.

What about the party?

Aren't we going to the party?

Yeah. No, I know.

Hey why don't you take my picture.


It's an important day.

No I have only got two left.

That's a drag.

Are we going to have goodbye sex?



When we get there, Alice. Like I said.

So then I guess that means I'm going with you, aren't I?


Hey, I wasn't ready!

It's better that way.

Hey baby, we should go up there.

Maybe I'll go check it out.

You're going to wreck those shoes.

Are you Andy Warhol?

No, I'm just a guy in a wig.

Well, what are you doing here?

I'm your spirit animal.

Do you know what that is?


I read about it somewhere.

I think you're gonna ask me anything.

Like what?

Anything I guess.

Am I doing the right thing?

I don't know. What do you want?

I want...

I want things to change.

Is that possible? I guess.

It's always better if people only want things that are possible.

How does someone know what's possible?

Anything's possible.

So someone can want anything?

No. Just what's possible.


But I do know that things don't change on their own.

I read that somewhere.

Is that your girlfriend?


She looks a little butch.

You're going to ruin those shoes.

Come on, hurry up!

So like, how long is it going to take to get to Sydney?

If we're good at it and get a ride all the way through it's about two hours, but if we're stunned it'll take us til tonight.


Well, it's up to us if we're stunned or not.

There's a way to do it.

Ok, with a suitcase, even a small one like that, you want to stand in front of it so they can't see.

And you want to look like you don't really need a ride.

Like it's no big deal.

Look like you do this all the time. Sort of bored.

Hang on. You don't thumb for every car.

You got to check it out first.

Check what out?

No old guys alone.

Old guy alone. Walk on.

Oh, Okay. And be cool.

Looks like you weren't cool enough.

Do you think some people are "Lucky" and some people are

"Not Lucky" or do you think that some people are "Lucky" and everybody else is just "Regular"?

I don't know.

I think some people are "Not Lucky".

I thought you said to be cool.

I know them!


Come on!

That's Nalin and Marylou and Jeanie.


Alice is Denise's sister.

Denise Keating?


That's Leo, Jeanie's brother.

Yeah I know Leo.

I know Kit.

I'm Jack.


Mr. Morash is his dad.

Is Mr. Morash your dad?


Mr. Morash is super cool.

Who's Mr. Morash?

Mr. More-Hash nimrod. Social Studies.

Shut up, Nalin.

I like your suitcase.


So why are you going to Sydney?

I'm actually going...

There's a party on Dominion Beach.

No way let's go!

Beach party!

Let's get more beer!

Are you going to the party?

Probably. Yeah.

Yeah. Let's go to the party.

Let's go to Sydney!

Yes, finally!

Who lives there?

The bootlegger.

I'm actually going to live with my mom in Sydney.

Where's your Dad?


Why does your mom live in Sydney?

They're divorced.


So how's Denise doing at Dal?

I don't know. Good I guess.

Is she still a snob?

Denise isn't a snob.

Yeah sure.

She's just a nerd that doesn't know it yet.

Is she really going to be a doctor?

I don't know. I guess.

That's weird.

Why is that weird?

It's just weird.

Shut up Nalin.

I gotta take a whiz.

Pass the camera.

You want to see something cool?


This is "Interview" magazine.


Check this out.

Is that... that's him?


It's super, super clever.

Yeah I'll be right back.

So why does his mom live in Sydney?

He's not actually goig to live there.

He's just says that.

His Dad is super cool.

He's okay.

What's his Mom like?

I never met her.

You never met his Mom?

I saw pictures, though.

She's really beautiful.

She used to be a model.

But he's not going to live there, he's just going to visit.


I need five more bucks!

For frig's sake!

Jeanie's not my girlfriend.



...10 to 12 hours.

And then he'll walk by...

You look like the munchies.

Yeah, right.

You want a beer?

I never say no.

You're still living with her brother?

Not for long.

I'm really starting to wear Val down.

Wasn't that the problem in the first place?

No the problem the first place is that I didn't appreciate her.

And now you do?

After living with my brother for a month?

Oh yeah. My brother, a single guy. Not me.

I'm not built for that.

Some of us don't have a choice.

How's Laura doing?

Apparently she moved into a new place.



It's just grass.

I know.

Don't be such a narc.

That's Grace Jones.

She looks like she's made of plastic.

She's amazing. And she lives with all his friends.

They all live together in a factory in New York.

A factory?

Yeah. My mom knows them.

No way. Can I meet your Mom?

Yeah. Come with us. Really?

Stop! Stop!

What? Why?

Stop! Why?

I forgot something important.

Forgot what?

My medicine.

What medicine?

That medicine that I need to take for my allergies.

What allergies?

We're not going back.

We'll hitch a ride home and then meet you at the beach later.


My medicine. I could die.

So you going to be okay?

Yeah yeah, I just have to take it every twelve hours.

It's no big deal.

Okay, well then.

We'll see you at the beach then?

Yeah for sure.

See you later Kit.

I guess so.

What the hell?

We're not driving with them.

A ride all the way through to Sydney!

They're all drunk and stoned and everything.

We could be k*lled.

What are we going to do now?


Hitchhike... We had a ride all the way.

When are we having goodbye sex?



When we get there.

It's not even goodbye sex, it's hello sex since we never had sex ever.

Maybe you don't even want to have sex.

I do, okay?

Do you?


I love you.

Do you really?


Okay then.

And anyway heard about these girls that they were hitchhiking, and they got in the car with a drunk driver, and they got stopped, and the cop charged everybody.

With what?

Drunk driving.

Were the girls drinking?

No but it doesn't matter.

So they weren't drinking or driving.

It doesn't matter, okay? They got in the car, they knew the driver was drunk, so they got charged.

That's seems a bit weird to me.

Yeah well, maybe, but that cop probably saved their lives.

Thanks for the beer.


Actually, it's great Alice is sleeping over tonight, one more night for me to work my magic on Val.

And if the magic doesn't work I'm going to start begging.

Where are they?


Where's Alice and Kit?


Right, out.

Thanks for the beer.


We just missed that one.


Totally would have stopped for us.

Let's go to New York instead.

Well we have to wait on other side because New York is the other way.

If we stayed in that car we'd probably be there now.

It's not my fault. Nobody's stopping.


And nobody's stopping because of your stupid suitcase.

I'm trying to hide it.

What did you bring anyways?

Hardly anything.

Did you bring that shirt with the big sleeves?


What else?

This is new.

I never wear it.

Can I have it?




You can have this one.



You know, to remember me by.

I'm going to be seeing you all the time though.

Yeah I know.


Everybody likes you, Alice.

Nobody likes everybody.

But everybody likes you.

I don't care.

I wish everybody liked me.

I wish you didn't care.

Yes! Yes!


I get-I call the window No!

Bye! Thanks.

We didn't order more fries.

They're on the house.


So where you headed?


So you running away to get married?


I didn't think so.

Beans! Have you seen Kit?




When before?

I don't know. Before.

Where was he?

Over by Alice's.

Was he alone?


Who was he with?


Was this recently?

No before. Just after he left here.


Is Kit really moving to Sydney?

You don't have to live in Sydney, you know.

You could just go for the summer.

Your grandmother is a riot.

Your father is cool.

No he's not.

Why not?

My mother is cool.

She says I get to live with her.

Maybe she meant for a visit.

No she didn't.

It's a big deal you know, moving.

I hate moving.

Crabs have it best.


Crabs. Little crabs on the beach.

They're always moving and they always have their stuff.

I'm not carrying your suitcase.

Once upon a time...


Make a story.

They walked along the road.

They walked along the road and?

Walked along the road.

Walking and walking.

The boy wore shoes and the girl wore sneakers.

It was the longest day at the end of the world.

She didn't want him to go but he was going to go anyways.

It was the end of the world.

That's a depressing story.

And then a helicopter flew in and picked them up, took them to New York where they lived with Andy Warhol.

And the guy with shoes well, he wrote books and the girl with sneakers, she took pictures.

And the boy's mom came to live with them in New York.

Yeah and the world ended everywhere but not in New York.

And there was a party.

Every night was a party. Forever.

Why would he take Alice with him?

At least he's not alone.

Should I call Val and Joe?

No. They'll just worry.

You're not worried?

He's fifteen. You took lots of trips when you were fifteen.

I got to go and get him.

Okay. If you do that then you stopped him.

And I'm not supposed to stop him?

She'll call.


No, Laura will call.

She will not call.

Okay. Kit will call.

So I'm just supposed to wait for him to call?

Let him find out for himself.

Shit. Oh shit, unlucky.

No. No, that's lucky.

But hitch-hiking is illegal.

No it's not.

It isn't?

Lemon gin. Dump it.

You're sure?

Is hitch-hiking illegal?

Are you two lawbreakers?


There you go then.

Where are you headed exactly?


Dominion Beach.

What's going on at Dominion Beach tonight?


Just-Sydney is where we're going.

55, if you're in the area, we have a code one, minor MVI, just off the 105.

En route, over.

Gonna have to make a stop. You got to sit tight.

Lucky or unlucky?

I don't know.

You want to see somebody who's drunk? He's drunk.

Yeah no shit, Sherman.

Who's that other guy?

He probably lives in that brown house.

What brown house?

You know what?

What house?

I think I want to be a cop.

What house, Alice?

It's-You can see a corner of it.

I can't see anything.

Really. It's right there.

Everybody's okay right?


Because I probably shouldn't have had you in the car.

But-But everybody's okay so we don't need to mention anything about this.

No way. Yeah, everything's okay.

So the cruiser's okay, you're okay.

Everything's okay.

So let's get you to Sydney.

If you could take us straight to Dominion Beach that would be extra okay.

You got a deal.

You want me to turn on the siren?




So the beach is just over the road and down the path through the brush.

Great. Yeah we know. Thanks.

No wild party going on tonight is there?


A party is no problem but a wild party that would be not so good. Got it?

Yeah no wild parties for sure.

You take care.

Thanks. Bye.


Lucky twice!

Come on.

My shoes are getting wrecked.

I told you.

I told you.

There they are.

Denise is a year ahead of me. Alice is a year behind me.

Maybe I have a better chance with her.

Shut up.

Jeanie's not his girlfriend.

Yeah, she knows that.

Does Jeanie?

Jack wants Denise.

Shut up Nalin.

You know, you're prettier than Denise.

No I'm not.

Shut up Nalin.

Yes you are.

Hey how's it going?

It's good. Yeah.

You want a drink?


There it is.

Thank you. Yeah no problem.


Talk about things...

And then Dolly Parton comes in and goes:

"I do! Two of them!"

I've got a Dolly Parton poster in my room.


My brother put it there.

She's really funny.

I like your shoes.

They're wrecked.

I'm a little drunk. Are you?

Not really.


I like your shirt.


Too bad you're not a little drunk.

Why's that?

Because sometimes if you're a little drunk things would happen that sometimes wouldn't if you weren't.

Like what?

I like your eyes.

My eyes?

Can I look at them a bit closer?





People can see.

No they can't.


Don't get q*eer on me, man.


Your boyfriend's a weirdo.

He's not my boyfriend.

Alice-Alice, Alice. Wait.

Alice-Alice, Alice. Wait.


Where are you going, Alice?

Nothing happened. That was... Leo's the weirdo.

Is he?

Yeah. Nothing happened.

Why are you lying?

I'm not lying. Nothing happened, Alice.

Is he a weirdo, Kit?

Is Leo a weirdo?

I don't know.

Don't lie.

I- I'm just a little drunk, Okay. That's...

No you're not.

Nothing happened.

You're a liar.

No I'm not.

You're a liar.

No I'm not. I didn't do...

You know what?

Some people are lucky and some people are unlucky and some people are f*cking liars.


Go to hell.


So-you really think I'm prettier than my sister?


You never had a chance with her.

Yeah I know.

But you do with me.

I gotta find a bathroom.

There's one in that store over there I think.

I gotta wash my hair.

Do you want to wash your hair?


You can use my blow dryer.

You brought your blow dryer?


Of course you did.

I am a weirdo.


I'm a weirdo.

Oh honey.

She's a weirdo too.

We're all weirdos.

That's what makes us beautiful.

I love this T-shirt. Can I have it?


Why are we here?

In Sydney?

No. In the stupid graveyard.

I know why we're in stupid Sydney.

We're in stupid Sydney so I could make you fall in love with me so you wouldn't want to move here.

I do love you, Alice.

No you don't.

I'm not a liar.

Everybody's a liar.

I always knew you didn't want to kiss me when you kissed me.

I wanted to.

I wanted to-want to.

Are you gay?

'Cause if you are then you have to say it.

You have to say it out loud.

I am.

I- I wish I wasn't, though.

It would make everything easier.

No it wouldn't.

You know I-I kind of thought you knew maybe.


Maybe I kind of did.

I do love you, Alice. For ever and for always.

You'll forget you even said that.

No I won't.

I'm touching my third eye.

That's how you remember moments. You touch your third eye to wake it up and you will always remember the moment.

My Mom told me that.

Try it out.

I don't want to remember this.

Come on.

Oh! Oh baby!


Hi. Hi.

Is this your girlfriend?

No. Best friend.

I'm Alice. Alice.

Alice? did you bring my boy to me?

I guess.

Let's make sandwiches.


Come on.

I love your house.

Isn't it wonderful!

I share it with a couple of other artists.

Jim and Alejandro.

And I've been painting, I'll show you.

My rooms are at the top of the stairs.

The whole third floor is studios. It's fantastic.

You should go. Go look around.

In a minute.

I'll go look around.

Go darling, explore.

Can I turn on the radio?

Music be the food of love, play on!

So you would usually do like something... like up. Yeah!

Let's try it. Let's try it. Come on. Okay.

One, two, three, go! Yeah.


Ha, ha, ha, haa.


Ohh, it's so good.

Here. You should put this on.

Where are you going?

Don't run away, Alice.

Come back into wonderland and have your sandwich.

Come on.

Tell Alice about meeting Andy Warhol?

Oh. Andy was delightful.

What a party. They took over the whole hotel.

Kit said he took your picture.

Oh, he did.

Andy was always taking pictures.

Tell her.

It was Toronto.

And they showed their films and we all went and there was this party in this decrepit hotel.

And there were rooms there that were just filled with silver balloons.

There was one room with mounds of dirt.


Mounds of dirt growing daffodils.

And, and shirtless waiters with astronaut helmets carrying trays of Manhattans.

When was this?

A million years ago.

Where was Kit?

Kit was a baby. He was at home.

I'd gone away for a while.


Because sometimes, people have to go away.

Was Mr. Morash there?

Are you an inquisitor?

Andy asked you to come to New York.

He did, he did.

He said, "Come to New York"

He did?


Alice in Wonderland.


Down the rabbit hole.

This one makes you bigger.

This one makes you smaller.

I wasn't named for the story. My grandmother was Alice.

Was she evil?


Grandmothers often are.

I thought that was stepmothers.

And grandmothers.

You know what I decided?

I think I'm going to learn how to play the piano.

Guitars are cooler than pianos.

No they're not.

Yeah they are.

Elton John plays piano.

I decided I want to be a cop.


A police officer.

I will not have it.

I will not.

I will not have a cop in my house.

She's not a cop.

Oh. That's what they all say.

Alice is fifteen. Mom. She's my age.

She's a kid.



Do want to stay?

What are you talking about?


You can go if you want.

I'll wait for a while, just in case.

Just in case what?

Nothing, just. I'll wait.

These are Manhattans.

They come in their very own glass.

It's not really a Manhattan if it doesn't come in it's own special glass.

Just like us.

People. We all come in our own special glasses.

Unless we don't. and then we don't.


You just sip it. Little sips.

A long afternoon of little sips.

That's a cherry. It's real.

You can eat it if you like.

I prefer to save mine until the end, but you can eat it anytime.

Do you want to get some ice cream?


Yes. Yes.

You kids go and get some ice cream cones.

I have some money.

No, I have money.

No, it's a perfect idea. Let's go.

Go and get some ice cream cones and go and have some fun.

What's wrong with your dad?

What's wrong with him?

Yeah. Why is he so bad?

He doesn't like gay people.

Did he say that?

He calls people, f*g.


Mr Bates.

The French teacher?


To his face?

While he was on the phone with someone.

As a joke.

It's not a joke.

It just means he's a pain in the arse.

Well then say, he's a pain in the arse.

It's just a word. Everybody says it.

Do you?


Let's get out of here.


This is my house.

What? This is Mr. Po.

This is my house.

He's my landlord.

And my good friend.

Do you want a fancy drink?


Give them pop.

I bring pop.

He'll call.

Can I take your picture?

Let's get a picture of everybody.

Can I just take a picture of you?

Why you want my picture?

Mr. Po doesn't want his picture taken.

Are you Chinese?

He's from Cambodia.

You know Kampuchea?


There was a w*r.

There is a w*r. Yeah.

You know Khmer Rouge?


Too busy with Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday America.

Why do you care about these people?

You are not these people.

Happy birthday, America.

Mr. Po is grumpy today.

Who is he, exactly, Mom?

He's my landlord and my very good friend.

Why doesn't he have a shirt on?

It's a really hot day.

You can take your shirt off if you'd like.

I don't want to take my shirt off, Mom.

My little uptight prince.


Do you want to get tickled?

Mom. Stop.

You want a cigarette?

What's your w*r about?

Is not my w*r.

Kampuchea. You say Cambodia. Near Vietnam.

America blow up boarder.

You know?


No? You don't know much.

Yeah, I guess.

Stop watching parades. Is not your parade.

You are not like these people.

Who's these people?

Ask Khmer Rouge?

Who's Khmer Rouge?

This Khmer Rouge.

You want to take my picture now?

Take my handsome picture.


Where are you going?


Why do you come if you're just going to leave?

Don't get crazy.

Go then. Go, go.

Don't get crazy.

Then don't go.

I come back tomorrow or next day.

Don't come at all if you're going to leave.

Don't come back at all.

This is my house.


Outside. You come outside now.

You can't live here.

I'm going away.

Where, Mom?

Going away.

To Toronto.


I was happy when I was there.

It's a real city.

I'll take the bus. I have a bus schedule.

To Toronto?

I'll get a job.

Doing what?

I have money.

Mom, You don't make any sense.

Okay? You know that, that you don't make any sense?

You asked me to come here. You told me to come.

For lunch.


I asked you to come for lunch.

No. You asked me to come live with you.

It gets better-

and then it gets worse.

And when it gets worse it's worse than before.

You really can't stay here.


Hello, Kit.

Kit, Is that you?

Answer me.

Hi Mr. Morash it's Alice.


Can you come and get us?

Yeah, yes.

Where are you?

Ahh, we're in Sidney.

I'm coming right now.

Get up.

Where is she?


I'm sorry.

It didn't...

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay. Shhhh...

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

We're going to start spending more time together.

A lot more.

I'm going to go to the hospital for a little while.


They're going to try something new.


We didn't make a nice home for you?

Your Grandmother and I?

It's so terrible?

I'm a f*g.

Don't say it like that.

That's what you call it.

That's what you called Mr. Bates.

A f*g.

Well, that's what I am, a f*g.

What did you say?

Go in the car.


Thanks for the sandwiches.

Peter Bates might be a good French teacher but he's bit of a jerk.

That's all I'm saying.

I'm just saying I shouldn't have used that word.

That's all I'm saying.

Oh hello Mr Morash, can you come get us?

Oh hello Alice. Sure I'll come and get you.

Where are you?



Sidney. Unbelievable.

Can we get some fries?

You want to get some fries?

You want to get some fries, Kit?


Let's get some fries, Alice.

Shall we get some fries?




Crying never did nobody no good no how.

That's why I, I don't cry.

That's why I, I don't cry.


Loving never did me no good no how.

No how.

That's why I, can't love you now.

That's why I, can't love you now.


Lying never did nobody no good no how.

No how.

So why am I, lying now.

So why am I, lying now.

I like your Dad.

You're lucky.

And they walked along the road.

Walking and walking and walking and walking.

And the helicopter never came.

New York disappeared. There was no party and everything turned to shit for everybody.

Maybe we shouldn't move to New York.

Maybe we should live in Toronto.

Did you ever see their City Hall?

It looks like a space ship.

I bet Andy was never even in Toronto.

Maybe we could be Andy Warhol in Toronto.

Did you mother say you could stay for supper, Alice?


Would you help me peal a few potatoes?


Disney's coming on soon kid.

She is such a sweetie.

I'd love to take her picture.

Were you ever in Toronto?

I think so. Maybe. Sure, why not.

I like Canada.

Why do you like Canada?

Well, you're all kind of weirdos, which is a good thing.

And you're flag's a leaf.


It's just a leaf.

It's kind of nice.

I like trees.

They never steal you stuff.

They never call you at four in the morning looking for money.

So what happens now?

Whatever's possible.

Are you really Andy Warhol?

Sure. Why not?

We're all a little Andy Warhol.

Mr. Morash, we met some kids yesterday who thought you were really cool.

Really. Well, that's nice.

Does that surprise you?


How about you?

Does you mother have a nice house?

Not really.

I bet she has a nice yard, though.

Does she have a nice garden?

Kind of.

You should write a story.

You like writing stories.

About what?

About your weekend.


Because sometimes when you turn something into a story and you can stand a bit outside of it, and then you can, you know, you can better see you place in it and see where you fit.

Does that make sense, David?

It does.

No, not to me.

It does to me.

Do you remember your great Uncle Charlie?

Not really.


Well he ran a dance studio with his friend Bob.


Just saying.

Uncle Charlie was a very nice fellow.

I don't really remember him.

Well he was a lovely fellow. and he taught your father how to dance.

Mr. Morash dances?

He does.

Come on buddy, you dances.


Come on Dave.

Come on, show your son how cool you are Dave.


Come on.

Show Kit what Uncle Charlie's got.

Come on, Dave. Come on.
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