11x03 - Plus One

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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11x03 - Plus One

Post by bunniefuu »

Powerlessness My only power Hopelessness, my only hope I see the girl Up in the tower But my hands can't grasp the rope No, my hands can't grasp the rope Unsaid unsung Unsaid undone You can call me names, but I won't come Unsaid undone Unsaid unsung I'll just eat my words and move on On a map of the world Yeah!

He stands alone...

With his dreams and his demons...

I'll just keep on having fun Yeah, I'll just keep on having fun Good mornin', captain Good mornin' to you

Let me be another mule skinner

Oh, son of a bitch.

What do you...? What the hell do you want?

No, no! Stop! Let go! Get out!

Let go, let go!

Stop! Let go, let go! Stop, stop! No!

Arkie Seavers, age 20.

Currently a resident of the county jail.

What does the other guy look like? Funny you should ask.

Arkie there wasn't in a fight. Car crash, head-on collision into a tree. Drunk as a skunk.

He's lucky to be alive.

You have no idea.

Not wearing a seat belt, I suspect.

To hear Arkie tell it, he didn't have time to fasten his seat belt... because he was busy running from the boy he says caused the accident.

And who was that? You're looking at him.

No. Not me.

What, he blames himself?

In a manner of speaking.

I don't get it, Mulder.

Arkie, our hapless road warrior... is driving by his lonesome down the highway to hell... when he sees another Arkie, across from him, who grabs the wheel and crashes the vehicle.

Well, you did say he was drunk.

I know what you're gonna say about seeing double... and the bromides about not giving the kids the car keys.

Twenty is hardly a kid.

Circumstances bear a curious similarity to stories told by other good folk... who didn't share Arkie Seavers' luck.

Who also reported seeing their doubles before dying.

And how did these people die?

Each by their own hand.

After seeing their doubles?

According to all reports out of Henrico County, Virginia.

Reports issued by whom?

Friends, relatives. A doctor.

And the medical diagnosis is...?

A rare form of schizophrenia. Right, so rare I've never heard of it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Scully, and I know you will... but schizophrenics hear voices and report hallucinations similar to Arkie's.

Hallucinations, yes... not grabbing the wheel of a car and ramming it into a tree.

Well, they didn't all die from car crashes into trees.

Seven died from hanging, four jumped off a tall bridge, three...

This is a mass phenomenon.

Precisely my thinking, Scully... which is why you and I are gonna jump on I-95 south... and get back to our bread and butter.

These the FBI agents? Agents Scully and Mulder.

And you filled them in?

We know the facts, Arkie. We'd like to hear the details.

Okay, I... I looked over, and he grabbed the wheel...

And he floored the gas. And by he, you mean...?

I mean, the dude looked just like me. And you'd seen him before.

Yes. Like, four times. He'd been following me for like a week.

Had he ever said anything?

No, I'd see him in a crowd or a window.

I thought I was tripping or something.

And do you take dr*gs, Arkie? No, I'm...

Yeah, maybe once or twice, I mean...

And you're in jail because...? Arkie admittedly has a problem.

A few previous DUI offenses.

Exactly how many is a few?

I don't know, like... six.

So the judge is gonna throw the book at you.

But that's not what we're interested in.

We want to know how you came to be the lone survivor.

Why I'm not dead like all the other people, right?

What do you chalk that up to? I can tell you.

And it's the same reason I can prove I'm not lying.

You can prove it?

You gotta admit, Scully, the kid's story makes a lot of sense.

Arkie's double takes control of the wheel.

Then Arkie pumps the brakes with his left foot... producing the skid marks that start up yonder.

Or there's another explanation, of course... which is that Arkie, in his perpetual state of inebriation... falls asleep at the wheel, waking up to find he's going off the highway.

And applying the brakes there. But if he was asleep... he wouldn't have been traveling at such a dangerous rate of speed.

You're saying you believe him. No.

I'm just saying that I think the kid's too stupid to make it up.

Yes, I treated several of the victims manifesting the symptoms.

Their episodes suggest a pattern of shared hallucination.

A distinct narrative. They all saw their doubles. Doppelgängers.

None of them had psychiatric problems before?

They never received treatment. So there were issues?

No, but they were arguably not upstanding citizens.

They had trouble with the law.

Not necessarily connoting they were mentally ill.

Dr. Russell, your diagnosis is of a nonconforming type of schizophrenia.

That was my clinical opinion.

So they were mentally ill?

They became mentally ill. It was almost like a kind of outbreak.

So would you say like a mass hysteria?

I've never heard of a suicidal mass hysteria.

A phenomenon known as su1c1de clusters or su1c1de contagion... have been known to affect whole communities or social groups.

Are you treating patients with those symptoms?

Nothing matching that particular pattern. Why?

This patient, what's her specific psychiatric diagnosis?

More a normative schizophrenic.

Could we possibly talk to her? I'd strongly advise against that.

Why would you say that? Because she exhibits split personality... with wild swings in affect, from benign to violent.

Unless you've got some good reason, I'd steer clear.

I'd like to take a look at her drawings.

Judy? You have visitors.

You should've warned me.

I look awful. I look a fright. No one's judging you, Judy.

Not without my coiffure.

You look fine to me.

No, I don't. I don't, not for such a handsome man as yourself.

My name is Fox, and this is Dana.

You can call me Little Judy.

That's what my fans call me. Are you an actress, Judy?

I'm a very famous actress.

They want to see your drawing. Would you like to show them?

Oh, it's nothing. It's just hangman.

You play a lot of hangman.

I play with my brother. Does he visit?

My brother's an insufferable jerk. We play telepathically.


You know a...

An Arkie Seavers?

You know, he... He had an accident recently.

I don't know an Arkie Seavers.

This is just a coincidence?

I don't know an Arkie Seavers.

But she might.

Hey, listen, man, where are they taking me? Don't know, transfer.

I gotta talk to my lawyer first or something.

Sorry. Can't help you.

Please, I mean...

Okay, okay. Transfer where?

Like I said, can't help you.

Hey, help, help! He's here! Please, somebody help me!

Please, please, help me!


Hi, we'd like a couple rooms.

Do you have reservations? No.

Do you have any rooms?

I've had a cancellation. It's just a suite. We'll take it.

There's a pullout sofa.


Just trying to get some shut-eye.

I'm glad to hear it.


What are you doing?

That bed nice and comfy?

Mulder, go back to sleep.

I wish that I could, Scully.

They just found Arkie Seavers dead in his jail cell.

Somebody want to explain this to me?

Who found him there? One of the trustees.

That guy.

This happens all the time, don't know what to tell you.

Looks like a su1c1de. He was strangled to death.

Not necessarily, Mr. Cavalier. He's wearing handcuffs.

It looks impossible, and it's highly improbable... but there is ample case history that it can be done.

The victim simply spins the belt around and unbuckles it, fastens it to the bars... loops it around his neck, and uses his body as leverage.

No, Arkie didn't want to die. I agree with you.

This is an outrage. Now, who is gonna stop this carnage?

We're working on it. Well, someone's gotta pay.

Arkie did not wanna die.

I know what you're thinking. Anyone up for a game of hangman?

It's just a coincidence.

Judy said that she didn't even know Arkie Seavers.

Not necessarily, Scully.

She said she didn't know him. She said that she might.

She also said she was playing telepathically with her brother.

Our suspect number two.

God's sakes.

My one damn day off.

Chucky Poundstone? Speaking to whom?

Fox Mulder, I'm with the FBI.

Oh, yeah.

With that tasty little redhead.

You tapping that special agent or can Chucky bust a move?

You're that trustee. You found the kid hanged in his jail cell.

Yeah, I discovered the moron. Kid had loser written all over him.

Can I ask you a few questions? Why? Am I under suspicion?

Just a few moments of your time.

Yeah, well, lucky I just tidied up.

You'd better hope the fire marshal never comes...

He'd red-tag you... You calling the marshal?

No. I'm just saying.

Talk about my house. This town needs cleaning up.

Seen what you need? Get a sense of what lurks beneath?

I'm an FBI agent, Mr. Poundstone, not an archeologist.

Yeah, well, I got body parts in the fridge.

You play with your sister?

My sister's a miserable slut and a damn cheater on top of it.

How does she do that? She cheats. Breaks the rules.

What are the rules?

What are we, amigos now? Bros?

Is this you deftly profiling the mind of Charles H. Poundstone?

It's a simple line of inquiry. Yeah, well, it takes a dipwad to know one.

I take it you're twins.

Powers of deduction. And she's the good twin.

You don't know Little Judy.

How do you both play a game with the name of the deceased Arkie Seavers in it?

I like the name Arkie.

Funny name for a no-account douche bag.

All right, well, you mind if I take a picture of your wall? For my records.

Is this guy a numbnuts or what?

You talking to me?

No. I'm talking to him.

Is she expecting me here today?

We told her you were coming. Then she flung dookie at us.

So this is the other Judy.

We call her Demon Judy.

Why is the light off?

Makes you a harder target. Sometimes a split personality responds... to a strong persona who challenges the psychotic child.

Both parents hanged themselves.

And you'll come in with me?

No way. Not a chance.

Judy, it's Agent Scully.

I want you to behave yourself. I know what you want, bitch.

I wanna know about Arkie. Reached the end of his rope.

I'm not afraid of you, Judy. Oh, yes, you are.

Everybody's afraid of sweet Little Judy.

Is Little Judy a k*ller?

Little Judy's an angel.

And what about your brother? Is he involved?

Could be.

Chucky Poundstone is the devil's dimwitted disciple.

Did he k*ll Arkie Seavers? Arkie Seavers k*lled himself.

How did you know that, Judy, if you weren't involved yourself?

Are you trying to trick me, Agent Scully?

I want the k*lling to stop.

Well, don't you have a heart of gold?

What's he see in you, your handsome partner?

One taste of Little Judy and he'd forget you even exist.

Maybe I can make you go away too.

Are you threatening me?

Afraid I'll dirty your cheap little ensemble?

You're nothing but a hosebag.

How old are you, 40s? Past your childbearing years.

You're all dried up, not even half a woman.

You can't hurt me, Judy.

Nothing hurts like the truth.

Just a minute.

Hey. What'd you find out, Scully?

That dookie-winging past your head sends a sharp message to your brain.

What message is that?

To gather the other apes and make w*r on your dread enemy.

I believe I'm in touch with that feeling, Scully.

Really? Did you have dookie flung at you too?

Figuratively. By the queerest little man in the queerest little house.

I don't know, Mulder, this Judy... she has some malign influence over these victims.

I'm at a loss to figure out what it is. I agree, there is some evil in the air, Scully.

No, it's not evil, it's mental illness.

There's some kind of psychic transference.

I wouldn't rule out ghosts.

Well, except for the fact that they don't exist?

Of course there are ghosts.

Science has proven stimulation of the brain's left anterior insula... is linked to the feeling of a sense presence.

Repeated stimulations to an area of the left temporal parietal junction... is what promotes the sense of a shadowy figure... collectively known as the Gastaut-Geschwind syndrome.

Talk about flinging dookie.

Mulder, do you think of me as old? What? Where is that coming from?

Maybe in dog years. No. What are you talking about?

Well, a woman thinks about these things.

No, Scully, you're...

You still got it going on and...

You still got some scoot in your boot.

I'm gonna boot you out of here.

Knock three times.

Bloodsucking scumbag. You think you're gonna point the finger at me?

Four letters, little sister.

Is there an E?

I thought so.

Top of the morning, Agent Muldoon. What's on your mind?

I wanna know how you do it. Haven't a clue what you mean.

Is the other Chucky here? The one I talked to yesterday?

Search me, Muldoon, I'm not my brother's keeper...

It's Mulder, and I think this is an act.

You choose them at the jail, don't you? Losers like Arkie Seavers... who you hanged, if not literally, then psychically.

Does that FBI health plan of yours cover anger management, Agent Mulder?

Who's next, Mr. Poundstone? You're asking the wrong guy.

I can have you and your alter ego arrested. I can have you committed.

On what legal pretense?

Intent to commit a crime. I've seen many a bad jailhouse lawyer... spring far less innocent men than I, Agent Mulder.

I'd even venture I'd have grounds to have you censured for abuse of power.

You're going down, Poundstone. Tell it to the hand, G-man.

That's original. I haven't heard that before. Before I punch you in the face...

And snatch Little Red Riding Hood. There's the Chucky I came for.

And that's the Chucky who's eventually gonna hang himself.

Judy? Excuse me, hon. Agent Scully's here to see you.

What brings you here today, Agent Scully?

Do you have any recollection of our exchange that we had yesterday?

No memory whatsoever?

You look mad at me. I am mad, Judy. I am... angry because I need to stop the killings...

And I don't know how. And you blame me, don't you?

Are you to blame?

I'm an actress, Agent Scully.

I've never even played a k*ller.

Where is the person that I talked to here yesterday?

Where is that Judy?

She's right over there.

No, she's not. Sure she is. Just look.

No, she isn't, Judy. And I think that you're pretending that she is.

You mean I'm pretending so I can sit here in this bed all day?

I think you have some kind of power to influence people's lives.

I think you mean their deaths.


That's exactly what I mean.

People can protect themselves.

How? Protect themselves how?

By taking these pills.

I take them every day to protect me from her, and so far... they've worked.

Did the nurses give you these? Every morning with breakfast.

Would you consider not playing that game with your brother?

Well, what would I do in here all day, Agent Scully?

I'd go mad.

I have a question for you.

She said that you give these to her at breakfast every morning...

And that they have secret powers. That's really only half true.

That you give them to her at breakfast or they have secret power?

We bring her bread every morning and she rolls it into those pills.

So these are just bread pills.

They have no medicinal qualities. No. Not that we know of, anyway.

Well, but we both take them.

In case they have secret power.

You might wanna take them too.

What'll you have, Dean? I'll take the lunch special.

No mayo, salad on the side, lightly dressed.

And if you bat those baby blues at me, I'll give you a little something on the side too.

Promises are like bananas.

Only good when they're appealing. I gotta have you over to my place... to see my sword collection. You say that to all the girls.

Hey, did you see that guy? Did I see what guy?

Cancel the blue plate.

Agent Scully, I saw him.

Hold your horses, Mr. Cavalier. He looked just like me.

Calm down and you can tell us both what it is that happened.

All right. I saw him through a window, the same way Arkie said he saw his double.

Was it the first time? No, no, I think I saw him the other day... staring at me from a bus stop. You're making it worse.

I'm making it worse? This guy is stalking me. Your paranoia is gonna feed on itself.

You know that mass hysteria is just a symptom of fears run wild.

Those people all died. While I agree with Agent Scully's theory... there's a danger and take every precaution against it.

All right. What should I do?

Stay off the interstate?

Do you have a family, Mr. Cavalier? No, I don't. I live by myself.

Okay, well, maybe stay home.

Take some time off work, lock your doors and call the police if you have another panic attack.

Yeah. Well, that's easy for you to say. Take my card.

And just know that it can't haunt you if you don't let it.


Like I said before.

Clearly there's a dark influence set loose in this town, Scully.

Well, by dark influence, again, I presume you mean evil, Mulder.

But there is no such thing as evil.

I mean, evil is a concept.

Like the devil. Oh, the devil is a concept?

Certainly, that's not what they taught young Dana Katherine Scully in Sunday school, is it?

Well, I certainly believed in the literal devil when I was a child.

You don't believe that we as humans have dark sides that we sublimate or repress?

Well, anyone with an imagination can entertain acting out v*olence or antisocial behavior.

That doesn't mean that there's an evil twin lurking inside of us.

Speak for yourself, Scully. And tell that to Chuck and Judy.

Chuck and Judy are mentally ill.

Explain how they're doing it. I can't.

But if you eliminate the impossible... whatever is remaining, even if improbable, must be the truth.

No sugar, Sherlock.

But I have to admit...

I still sleep with my back to the door in case the devil comes in the night.

Can never be too careful.

Is there an S?

Damn you, Chucky Poundstone.

Please, Mulder, you've got to quit scaring me like that.

Oh, I'd like to quit.

Thank you.

So neighbors called police when they saw him acting suspiciously.

He was dumping firearms in the driveway.

The doors were locked from the inside when they arrived?

Yeah, he wasn't responding.

They broke through the window and broke in the door.

Has anybody offered up any evidence for how this could happen?

Well, it seems everyone's under the agreement that a man can't cut off his own head.

Oh, good to see there's still a shred of sanity left in this town.

But I have to say, it's not outside the realm of extreme possibility.

Oh, so he tripped and fell and splattered the walls with blood?

Well, if he were a determined man... with a razor-sharp sword set on creating his own self-fulfilling prophecy...

He was scared out of his mind, Scully.

Well, if he was in his right mind, he might've called you.

Oh, maybe he tried.

Only he lost his head.

You coming, Scully?

Oh, hey.

Speak of the devil. I can't sleep, Mulder.

What's the problem?

Something about this case is getting under my skin.

Well, we've had stranger cases, Scully.

Can you hold me?

Yeah. I can do that.

What's gonna happen?

What's gonna happen when?

When we're old.

What do you mean when?

I mean...

sooner or later we're gonna retire and...

Are we gonna spend time together?

I'll come push your wheelchair.

With my wheelchair.

That's not what I mean. Oh, I'll always be around, Scully.

Offering bulletproof theories of genius that you fail to assail with your inadequate rationality.

And I'll always be around to prove you wrong.


No, but that's not what I mean. What do you mean?

What if you meet someone?

What if you meet someone... younger... who wants to have kids?

Oh, that's what you mean.


You could do the same. You could meet someone... and have kids.

Mulder, that's not gonna happen. It's nonsense.

No, it's not. I'm...

I'm at the end of that journey.

Do you wanna have more kids?


I would have liked to have had another one.

At the risk of sounding insensitive, what's stopping you?

Besides the fact that the first time was a miracle?

And besides the fact that...

I don't have anyone to have one with even if I could?

You're a woman of science.

Mulder, sometimes I think the world is going to hell...

And we're the only two who can save it. The world is going to hell, Scully.

The president working to bring down the FBI along with it.

What if we lose our jobs?


Then what would we do?

We'll think of something.

All right.

Is there an L?

I said, is there an L?

Are we playing or not, Chuck-face?

Earth to Judith. Yes, Your Royal Highness, there is an L.

Scully, get up. Get dressed.

Come back to bed. They're coming after me.

What are you talking about? I was looking in the mirror, and there he was.

There I was. It wasn't my reflection. It was my double.

I know. I saw my double too. They're targeting us both.

That's how they operate. I know how they operate.

You're playing into it. Spare me the pop psychology, okay?

Mulder, you have to calm down. Scully.

Put a dimmer on that afterglow and get to the hospital before they hang us both.

They can't hang us. We can only hang ourselves if we panic.

How many letters in Scully, Scully?

Is there another L?

What do you mean, no?

Don't throw a hissy. One L.

You know you're in love with him. Double L, Chuck-face.

Who's the one in love?

Chucky Poundstone.

No letter C, super-freak.

I know you're in here. I said, no letter C.

You're under arrest, Chucky.

Put the pencil down.

Who's the cheater now?

My rational mind knows that you are only... a manifest psychic ideation borne of latent hostility.

Maybe Mulder was right.

You're evil incarnate. It's all you are.

Step aside.

I'm coming through.

Is there a J?

Oh, look, and a D, and an I-T-H.

Is there a C-H-U-C-K-Y?

Not going in there.

Judy, open the door.



Nurses, get in here!

Get Dr. Russell.

So I was thinking maybe we could get a couple hours in before checkout time?

I'm just talking about getting some shut-eye.

I'm glad to hear that, Mulder.


I guess I should hit the hay.

Okay. Yeah.

If you need anything, you just call me.

I can't imagine that I will.

But then again... it's not out of the realm of extreme possibility.
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