Bacurau (2019)

Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy - Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Bacurau (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

Western pernambuco

a few years from now...

What was that?

Look up ahead.

We'll take two.

What the hell.

If you go, go in peace what's with the lab coat?

Isn't it hot?

Let's just say, it's kind of protection.

Got it.

They're after lunga.

There's a big reward on her head too.

Don't expect me to turn lunga in.

Me neither.

They're holding it all back.

Nobody did anything?

Lunga tried.

Now, I fill up with water 5-6 km up river.

They blocked all access.

About four months ago, lunga rocked up with her g*ng and all g*ns blazing.

They k*lled three of them but couldn't get it open.

Only pacote knows where she is.



They're assholes.

Trigger-happy morons.

Anything unusual, they open fire to scare you off.

Let's go.


If only all cucks were like that.

Mrs. domingas!


Open up.

Pass it on.

Grab the case.

The suitcase!

Careful with the suitcase.

Here comes the case. The suitcase!

Thank goodness.

I'm glad you could make it, sweetie.

Your grandmother.


Let's show some respect for carmelita.

You old witch!

Whore! Lowlife c**t! And you shut your mouths.

Shut up or you'll regret it.

I'd be curious to see if, for my funeral, so many people turn out.

Nobody will.

You were evil through and through!

You! What are you staring at?

Get away from that window!

You stuck-up prick!

Ok, time to go. You, leave me alone.

Come on, woman, we're going.

Don't you... This is not the time or place.

I'll be back.

She's my friend.

Everybody, can I have your attention?

I'll make the most of the contribution from domingas, who is clearly very emotional, to say a few words about my mother, carmelita.

Carmelita had children.

She had grandchildren.

Great-grandchildren, godchildren...

She had lots of friends.

In our family, there are bricklayers and scientists.

Teachers and doctors.

Architects, gigolos and whores.

But not a single thief.

There are people in Sao Paulo, Europe, the United States...

People in bahia and minas gerais.

Unfortunately, many couldn't come to pay their respects because of the problems in our region.

Instead, they sent their support.

Precious support for bacurau.

Which goes to show that carmelita and bacurau live on in all of them.

Thank you, everybody.

Viva carmelita!


It's time.

Careful, with the sheet.

My dear friends from bacurau...

Let us begin the funeral procession in honor of Mrs. carmelita, which is why all of bacurau is here with us today.

Carmelita lived 94 years to tell the story.

She was a major figure in our community.

As is customary, I'll now play you the message from Mr. Sergio Ricardo...

J it is very late in the night &

> now is the time for the bacurau j' the Jaguar dances forward the caipora and babau dance

I a feast of fear and terror j phantoms haunt the wake j punching holes in the trunk of night, the woodpecker's beak

J spells are floating in the air

> the work of an evil sorcerer j charms and jinxes dreamed up at the xangé in nicolau's

Second dead person I saw today.

Morning, girls.

Enjoying your shower?

Son, help your mother, will you?

Dear listeners...

Breaking news.

After the incidents in serra verde, for now and all next week, we're cut off from Southern Brazil. The highway is shut for at least another week.

The upcoming festival in the neighboring village is canceled.

With motorcycle access only, tricky to get your goat there.

Anyway, chin up!

It's a few minutes after 7 am.

Make the most of life as long as we have life.

Migraine, nausea, feeling like death.

That's a hangover.

Morning, doctor.


I was drunk so my wife kicked me out.

I need a bed to get some sleep.

Take number 2.

Draw the curtain, please. Thank you.

Go home and drink heaps of water.

And vomit.

Vomit. More water. And vomit again.

Hello, hello, Paulo Roberto...

Jade's trying to reach you.

Answer the phone!

You're just down the street, so keep connected.

Jade wants you to answer her call.

Today's weather forecast, temperatures will reach a high of 36°c.


And a low of 37°c. It's a furnace out there.

Some general information...

St. Francis natural leather sandals!

Humility is the secret to success.

This is dj urso, to the beat of araripe.


Grandma's cake.

Like she knew you were coming.


This dress was her favorite for wearing around the house.

Morning, Mr. plinio.

Teresa, madalena... Hi, pacote.

Morning, pacote.

If you don't mind, I go by acéacio now. You see?

Can I sit down? Sure. Take a seat, acacio.

Acacio. I like it.

Acacio Albuquerque da silva.

You're doing ok?


The thing in serrita, that wasn't you?

Mr. plinio, that was different.

Different but the same, pacote.

I am trying, Mr. plinio.

A compilation of your greatest hits is out there.

There's a video?

No, it's dumb. Please, don't watch it.

It's a video someone posted.

You can't really recognize me.

No. 6 isn't me. It's another dude.

Knowing you, it's you.

You saw it?

Don't watch that stuff, madalena.

Everybody watched it, dad.

The clothes in the living room, they belonged to carmelita?

Sleep with me tonight?

You're not in mourning?

I'm not religious.


What was going on at the funeral yesterday?

Domingas lost it, right?

She was clearly emotional, as my father said.

Bacurau couldn't handle carmelita.

Now nobody knows how to handle domingas.

Her wife can handle her.

What do you see up there?

A plane!

Can it go faster than a bird?

Sure. It flies at 850 km/h.

From where?

From Sao Luis, headed to Sao Paulo. It flew into a cloud.

So, the plane's flying to Sao Paulo.

How far is bacurau from Sao Paulo?

Here, let's look it up on the map.

Look, everybody.

Let's see if we can find bacurau here.

Let's see now...

Here we are... Bacurau's probably too far, sir.

The satellite goes over here.

Sir, bacurau should be here somewhere.

It should.

Let's look on the class computer.

In this heat, we need water.

Let's try the other computer.

Bacurau must be on the map.

If we can't find it here, we'll take our time to look.

Are we going back inside, sir?

Yes, we're going to look it up in the classroom.

Let's all try to find bacurau on the map.

It's easy here. Let's see...

All right, everybody.

Here we go...

Hold on...

Forget the map. Let's go satellite mode.

Serra verde...


It should be here.

Where's bacurau?

Where's granny Stella's house?

Sir, don't we pay to be on the map?

No, horacio.

Bacurau has always been here.


Here we have serra verde...

It should be right here.

Bacurau has always been on the map.


On this map here. Let's see.

Here, on this one, bacurau appears.

This map shows bacurau.


Tony junior's coming.

So I see.

Listen up.

Tony junior's here.

I repeat.

Tony Jr. is on his way.

He'll be with you in five minutes.

I repeat. Tony Jr. is on his way.

I repeat.

Tony Jr. will be with you in five minutes.

Your attention, please.

For anyone who didn't hear Darlene's message, the mayor's on the campaign trail. Let's get organized.

Look out.

It's a surprise visit but we're on it.

Serra verde needs him for mayor it was going good it's gonna get better you all know who's your best go-geftter candidate 150 is the guy for you vote Tony junior to be your mayor!

Film it!

Good morning.

Morning, everybody.

I know you're all listening to me.

I know we had our differences in the past.

But today, I come to you with an open heart.

I bring you all kinds of goodies.

Books for the school, which has the best library in the region, for sure.

The library run by Mr. plinio and Ms. Angela.

Right, Angela?

I also bring supplies.

Food. Always important.

And coffins.


I'm there for you, that's the honest truth.

Elections are coming, as everyone knows.

We are going to continue moving forward together.

I'm standing for another term, so that we can unite.

Starting with retinal scans.

I brought this reader device, which makes life easy for those who cannot come to vote.

So come on out.

There's nothing to worry about.

Open the dam, you crook!

Release the water!

If only politics were so easy. I'd love to see you try.

The problem's far more complex, but we'll fix the water issue.

f*ck you!

Easy now, let's talk. I'm open to dialogue.

Go f*ck yourself, you scumbag!


Son of a bitch!

Beat it!

Get your lying ass out of here!

Release the water!

She doesn't want to go. Butt out, kid.

Pay up front.

You need to pay up front.

Leave her alone. Do it in the f*cking truck.

It's cool, she'll be right back.

You weren't nice last time.

All righty.

They're forcing Sandra to go!

Pay up front. That's how it works.

The mayor's taking Sandra by force.

Pay now.

What's this ruckus?

The girl will be back, no problem.

Listen, for your information, whores vote too.

Put it on my tab for when I get back.

Let's go.


The girl doesn't want to go.

You're taking her anyway.

I saw her come into the world.

I liked her mother very much.

If she comes back hurt, I'll feed your cock to the hens.

Evening, everyone.

We sorted the food you can see on the table.

Now I'll hand over to Mr. plinio. Thanks, amaury.

So then, folks, we went through the supplies here.

Some things are past their expiration dates, sometimes by more than six months.

We didn't throw it away. It's your call.

But I advise caution.

Tony Jr. donated a thousand books to our community.

As usual, we'll take good care of the better ones.

We'll sort them together.

Please, Dr. domingas...

This week Teresa brought, in her suitcase, a selection of vaccines.

We are now stocked up for polio, dpt and snake bite serum.

But let me call everyone's attention to this box load of brasol iv that Tony Jr. delivered today.

It's a trojan horse.

A black label drug given away free of charge, without prescription.

As many of you already know, brasol iv 1s a mood inhibitor presented as a powerful painkiller.

It's a drug taken by millions of people all over Brazil.

Don't ask me why, but suppository is the most popular form of administration.

It's bad for you, addictive, and it dulls your wits.

The box is here.

If you want some, help yourself.

I thought I'd let you know.

I just wanted to add...

I'd like to apologize to you all

for behaving so badly

at carmelita's funeral.

Carmelita was an important person.

Carmelita is still important.

She's a sweetie when she's sober.

Help yourself to food.

Take what you need and share.



Are you ok? I'm going home, all right?

You good, Sandra?

They're from manelito's farm.

And? Nobody's answering.

Go take a look, that's the best idea.

We'll be in touch. Sure.


Horses bolting, nobody answering. Weird, right?

Manelito, it's acacio. Flavio tried calling.

Your horses are in bacurau. The guys are bringing them over.

Your truck's full of holes.

Come again? It's got holes.

Somebody shot at me.

What's going on, erivaldo?

No idea. First I knew of this.

Two more here.

Go easy.

Plug the hole.

With plastic? Give me that...

What happened?

No idea, pacote. I just noticed these b*llet holes.

I took my usual route.

Are you ok? I'm fine.

You never use your mirrors?

I keep my eyes on the road.

Plug those holes!

More buckets.

Hey, man, what's up?

See anything strange on the road?

No, why?

The water truck came in full of b*llet holes.

b*llet holes?

Three of them. You need to turn back.

No way.

We're on our way there.

Too bad. I'm serious, turn back.

Wait, pacote. Hold on.

What's up?

Two bikes headed for bacurau.

Two motorbikes? Hold on...

Flavio, what bikes?

Strangers. On frail bikes.

Don't hang up. Are they stopping?

Hold on, they're coming our way.

Still there? They're headed for bacurau.

Two trail bikes headed for bacurau.

Both riders wearing helmets.

They'll be there in two minutes.

Two trail bikes headed for bacurau.

Both riders wearing helmets...

We've drawn a crowd.



How are you?

What's up out there?

An issue with the water truck or something.

Then you rock up with helmets on.

Bikers with helmets, we don't like that.

We're not real bikers, just out for a ride.

I thought so, from your outfits.

Like them? - Sure.


Do you have beer?

Sure. Beer, cachaca...

No, just a beer, please.

Get the lady a beer.

Sparkling water?


And what's that?

The green one? There.

A local soda. Want to try it?


What are inhabitants of bacurau called?


Is there a word? Bacarauans?

You came to see the museum?

Museum? What museum?

The bacurau museum. It's good.


It's right next door.

And bacaurau? Does it mean anything?

It's a bird.

A small bird?

No, it's a fairly big bird.

I see.

Extinct, I guess?

Not here.

Only comes out at night. A hunter.

Anyway, thanks a lot.

No problem.


Thanks, bye.

Do you know, sir, anything about the water truck?

What about it?

Do you know, sir, anything about the water truck?

What happened to it?

It came in full of b*llet holes.

Very good.

Good-looking guy, he's gonna catch the q*eer eye nice, thanks.

Just like a movie star his pride swells, his balls grow apart make the most of it now, dude, old age sneaks up on you check out the pretty babe with her brown hair dark sultry eyes and slender pink lips she'll give k*ller coitus and claim you were never near her hips you've got me all wrong.

Great, thanks.

These folks from down south get no sleep and less sun they all learn to fish without hook, line or fun acting like cocks of the walk they don't know Sao Paulo's a powder keg!

It shows I'm from Sao Paulo?

Here, this is for you.

Actually, I'm from rio.

You can keep your money, lady.

I'm only messing with you very good, really.

Very good.


Hi. How are you?

Here to see the museum? No.

How come? Not today.

We're in a hurry.

On the way back? Yeah, maybe.

See the b*llet-riddled truck?

b*llet-riddled? Three sh*ts in my tanker.

Is it yours? That sucks.

You didn't see anything on the road?

We left the road to ride on trails.

Really? Where you headed?

We're touring the region.

Beautiful, right? And hot.

Beautiful hills.

Hi, is that a 2007?

Yup, 200.

I plan to get one.

_ - excuse me. Great machine.

When you came in, engine roaring...

Could hear it from miles around.

It's hot.

If you need anything, I'm erivaldo. This is Teresa and acacio.

No, pacote. Pacote?

Interesting name.

A nickname.

We're joao and Maria.

Joao and Maria... Nice meeting you.

Oddly, the village isn't on the map.

Sure it is. We just stumbled on it.

Stroke of luck 'cause we were thirsty.

It's bacurau. I know, she said.

But it wasn't on the map and there's no signal.

I tried sending a photo.

I just got a message.

No signal, guys.

True enough, no signal.

Weird, we always have reception here.

Bye, good to meet you.

Take care on the road. Sure thing.

Shit, still no signal.

Soraya and her little girl.

Wait there.

Let's go. Wait.

Maciel! Be right back.

Maciel, come on!

Let's bail, flavio.

They're all dead.

We're going to die.

No, they're tourists. Look at the outfits.

You didn't see what I saw.

I went into the house.

You didn't see what I saw.

We're going to die.

Hi there!

Good morning.

All good?

Sure. You guys are riding trails?

You came from that farm?

Sure. The tairaru farm.

If I were you, I wouldn't go. There's been a tragedy.

You got phones on you?

The signal's... Sure.

We called some guys to come out here.

You got a signal? I heard there's no signal here.

There was no signal.

Let's see your phones.

Lady, why you got g*ns?

Do you have g*ns?

Look, lady...

This isn't supposed to happen around here.

What happened here?

You f*cking bastards!

We have two men down.

Think we messed up? It's done now. Let's go.

Two f*cking morons heading back to base.

I'll knock him off his bike now, look!

Oh, that was close!

Hey cowboys.

This water really stinks.

It's because it's from the well, it stinks but it's safe. Don't worry.

Hey, the drone thing? That was not cool, ok? I almost got hurt.

Hey, keep it easy, I was just f*cking with you. Let's go!

Make yourselves comfortable, we'll be here in a minute.


I thought it would be simple.

We just went out there, collected water, some food, some...

Some extra fuel, like...

Meeting in five minutes. Yes Michael.

They leave like a rash... Burns...

And then, so outside of that, the bugs, that were biblical. Eating me up...


How did I come to love this g*n?

I was a babysitter in new York, and the grandfather, must have had four thompsons.

And he had them in this thick glass cabinet, I mean super hi-tech stuff.

And one day I asked him about that machine g*n and he took it out of the cabinet, and placed it in my hand...

And that was that.

We speak Portuguese.

Water? No, thanks.


Jake and Terry had a very successful first mission last night.

At the hacienda.

Ta-ra-iru... tarairu.

It's tarairu.

Whatever. Yeah it was tough.

But we did it.

It was intense.

I'm ready to go home, mission accomplished!

It was f*cked up.

We are on a countdown now.

How is the signal jamming situation?

It's jammed, the signal is down and they are literally off the map.

People in bacurau were complaining about the signal.

And the place was not on the maps, so it works.

Electrical shut down tomorrow.

They will be coming back with battery power straight after shut down, but by then some panic should set in.

How is the truck?

The truck's ready, the local contractors came through.

Good. And the road?

Well the road is blocked, nobody is coming from serra verde.

Because of the people we are paying to do it.

Local contractors?

Yes sorry, the local contractors, and also there's no street market for the next few days, so we are clear.

And no police, huh?

No police here. No.

The old man's cabin is also isolated.

Damiano is his name.

We don't give a f*ck what his name is.

Me and Willy will be paying him a visit.

Yeah, we won the draw.

I am so going...

Oh f*ck...

You all get one round, sh**ting, at the target.

One round each, for the old man is cool.

I think we'll be fine. Or use your knife.

Excuse me.

I think it's great that the cellphones are all laser, satellite jammed, and the contractor got his truck, but we have g*ns. And we have amm*nit*on, right?

So what are we waiting for?

I mean, why the f*ck are we sitting around some bullshit meeting in a farmhouse, on the edge of town, drawing straws to see who gets to sneak off, and off farmer Pablo one at a time?

How can you... how about, we just skip ahead to the part where we put the amm*nit*on in the g*ns, and we roll down main street and we do some damage?

I came for the body count!

I mean, let's just f*ckin' go!

Let's go! Okay, okay, okay Joshua.

Thank you for your contribution.

Where were we?

But no credit for extra sh**ting.

Excuse me.

Could I ask you to please stop playing this video?

Let it go. It creeps me out.

Please don't speak Brazilian here.

There is another angle.

You want to see it?

Look at it.

It is from his helmet.

Yeehaw, y'all are a bunch of cowboys, ain'tcha?

Those two you shot, friends of yours?

Friends? Oh we don't sh**t friends in Brazil.

But no, we come from a different region.

Oh, where you from?

We come from south of Brazil. It's a very rich region. With...

German and Italian colonies, more like you guys.

Like us?

They're not white, are they?

How, could they be like us? We're white. You're not white.

They're not white?

Right? I don't know, they...

Well, you know.

They kinda look white...

But they're not.

Her lips and her nose give it away, you know.

More like white Mexicans, really.

You could be Italian, she could be Polish.

I think he's a handsome latino guy.

Yeah, latino like...

Why do you do that?

Come on guys, knock it off. That's bullying.


why did you sh**t these people?

Well I did... we did, what we did, because, they would talk.

Yes. They lied to us.

They said they called somebody to let them know what had happened, and, we know they did not. Our point is.

You came here to work for us.

Not to take our kills. Yeah.

You did a great job.

Finding these, little, innocent, shit-hole town.

But you did something you shouldn't have done.

You k*lled people.

You are a m*rder*r.

No, we did what we did to help our mission.

Our mission?

Yes, I mean, we saw what you did at the farm, so we were just trying to help you.

Five, six kills, we were just trying...

No, no, no...

You k*lled two of your own people.

You see, technically, we are not here.

But you are here.

I have documents, that prove...

That we are not here.

What we do, is completely different.

First of all, nobody at this table hunts with modern weapons.

We only use vintage firearms.

I don't have my g*n...


I shot her!

I shot him.

I shot her!

I shot her.

I... I shot her.

I shot her!

Assistant federal judge.

Some kind of government official?

Should we be worried?

We'll be out of here tomorrow anyway.

I should've come with them.

So there'd be 3 corpses?

Yesterday, I saw a drone.

Like a flying saucer from some old movie.

But it was a drone.

Where was this drone?

Near bacurau.

Go back to bacurau.

I'll go talk with lunga.


A man is judged by the evil he does, not the good.

That drone doesn't belong to anyone local.

Watch the skies.

I told you guys not to go there.


I said turn back, dammit.

It had to be an ambush. f*ck, maciel!

Holy f*cking shit.

Lunga, it's pacote.

Let him in.

You're sure you weren't followed?


Lunga, that's my cousin.

Is that flavio?


What the hell happened?

Does my aunt know?


I found them at tarairu. Manelito's farm.

Everyone k*lled. Soraya, her daughter, everyone.

I came to ask for your help.

Who did it?

I don't know, lunga.

They have k*lled seven since yesterday. Seven.

And shot up erivaldo's truck. He's dead?

No, he was unhurt.

The truck was leaking water.

Leaking water...

Lunga is exhausted. Bullshit.

I'm hungry.

Stuck here like that f*g Che Guevara, starving to death.

I'm hungry too.

Bacurau has food and water. Let's go.

People there know all you do for them.

You're important.

So pacote is back.

Trigger king pacote

You ok? No.

Amaury, turn that shit off.



Holy shit.

Some outfit, kid!

A real beauty!


Great rhythm, right?

In recent months, who moved back?

Madame came back with her people.

Claudio and nelinha.

Martina, too.



Erivaldo and his kids.



When I left, I hated the place.

But with what's going down, we're back.

You were a good writer, lunga.

You should've studied.

Now we have a hole to dig.


I might reopen the church.

Antonio, the church was never closed.

For some reason, it became storage.

But if it makes you happy, we're happy.

And they were scared.

The dog ran away.

Guys! Guys!

Let's play who goes farthest in the dark.

You have the flashlight, you go. Not me!

You then.

Me? No. Yes, go on!

Who wants to go?

Mel - I'll go.

No, me. I want to go.

Me first, come on.

You can go next.

Watch out for carmelita!

And flavio and maciel!

You'll scare him.

I bet he doesn't go any farther.

It is very dark.

It's pitch black. Look!

He's gone.

Really far.

Whose turn is it now?

Come on, rivaldo.

You! It's your turn.

I'm brave.

We'll see if he really is brave.

Go on!

We're under attack.

Keep digging.

My god, the boy!

They k*lled him.

Dad, who did this?

I don't know.


Let's get out of here.

Are you crazy, Claudio?

Come on, get in.

I'm telling you, this is crazy.

Claudio is taking off.

Wait, Claudio!

Hold on, Claudio, it's dangerous!

Ok, so car leaving the village.

This is four doors, two passengers, one adult male, one adult female.

Traveling quite fast, on the access road.

You should be able to intercept them in about two minutes.


Julia do you copy? Should be able to intercept target in two minutes.

Checking Julia, copy?

We're on it.

Open wounds, blessed heart.

May the blood of Jesus Christ keep us from peril.

Open wounds, blessed heart.

May the blood of Jesus Christ keep us from peril.

Keep us from peril.

Claudio, let's leave tomorrow.

You can, nelinha.

I'm not staying in this hell.

I know this road.

It's only an hour to serra verde.

In this darkness?

This is f*cking awesome!

Did you see poor flavio?

Keep calm, nelinha.

And maciel.

I liked maciel so much.


Notes to k*ll: We got him!

We should both get credit. Both of us!

One adult male, one adult female.

Aaah, that was insane!

You wanna f*ck?


You guys know you're on camera, right?

f*ck off!




Did you see it? I did. Lay off it Terry.

Enough! No, I'm not going to quit!

This is bullshit!

Michael... What's going on here?

This guy, shot a kid!

That is not what I signed up for.

It was dark, he could have been, like, sixteen.

Knock it off guys.

Look, you f*cking maniac.

He was a child, man.

He wasn't older than nine years old, a child, okay?

Not a criminal.

This guys been giving me shit ever since we came in.

Alright, the kid got nosey, he was potentially armed.

That little boy...

Had a flashlight.

Which I thought was a g*n.

Yeah, I shot that kid last night but I didn't even know she was in the truck.

It's a whole different ballgame Chris, shut the f*ck up!

Hey, hey, hey...

Look at you, Josh.

Bad cop.

Human resources guy in the supermarket.

And Terry.

Good cop.

Correctional officer in a state prison.

This world is up-side down.

Josh just scored.

For the dead, armed teenager.

f*ckin' a.

He's not a teenager, you n*zi.

What did you say? I called you a n*zi.



I get it!

Bet you do.

Terry, how old are you?

Terry! How old are you?

I'm 37.

I haven't been in Germany for... More than 40 years.

I'm more American than you are.

Whatever, old man.

Don't use your arms for protection.

I'm not going to sh**t... Away from your body.

Hey man...

You know?

Hey, hey, hey!

Terry, you know? Next time, you want to piss somebody off, don't use those stupid cliches.

Calm down! My god...

I thought you were all dead.

And as for you...

C'mon, buck up. Don't do this to me.

Let's keep you good and lush.

Come on, my beauties.

You're looking...

It's all good. Take it easy.

Why does he have to be sold old? And naked?

One shot each.


Go, go, go...


Help me.

Do you want to live or die?

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.


Why are you doing this?

I don't know, I don't know.

Help me, please.

My hand.


Stay awake.

Looks like we're getting close guys.

Can I tell you guys something?

Yeah. sh**t.

So right after my divorce, I kinda lost my mind. Y'know?

One day I went home and I packed my glock and my Mac-10.

And all the a*mo I had, in a backpack.

And I drove straight to my ex-wife's house, and I beat on the f*cking door.

'Cause I was going to f*cking sh**t her when she answered. Y'know?

That's f*cked up, Terry.

Yeah. But she didn't answer.

She'd left town.

But I still had, this like, feeling, of wanting to get it off my chest. Y'know?


I drove to the f*cking mall, twice.

And then I drove over to braybury's park.

But each time I couldn't do it.

Something was telling me not to.

Take it easy man.

And now, god's given me the opportunity to deal with that pain here.

Willy and Kate, are on their way to bacurau.

So they won't be joining us?

No, that's where most of the time it gets out of hand.

Every f*cking time.

Is this place even on the map?

Not originally, no.

Willy found it a couple of days back.

I thought you'd know that.

This one's got b*llet holes.

It's a cop car.

Who cares?

They're just old cars.

Let's move.

Is the area really safe?

Yes, and it's here, where we split.

What, are you going solo?

I am.

Good luck.


Come on, come closer.


Cashew milk.

American music.

Two people. A man and a woman.

Where are they?

Why are you doing this?

Answer my question, dear.

A man and woman...

Everybody left.

They were scared.

There is so much you can do with a knife.

Whose blood is that?

Hombre? Mujer?


Are they dead?


How do you feel being cut off from base for this mission?

It's what it's about.

Remember, we're not even here.

So this is bacurau.

Just west of the church, near the village.

There's nobody here.

I thought we'd come in and just start sh**ting.

f*ckin' savages.


There's blood stained clothing hanging by the main road.

I don't like the look of it.

Any kids clothes, Julia?


I told you, it was kinda dark.

I just thought the kids was just a big guy, Josh.

Can we get on with this?

Where is everyone?

They must be, somewhere.

Michael, are you sh**ting?

Are you using a sil*ncer?

Oh yeah.

I'm using the sil*ncer.

Did you just sh**t a dog?

Hell no.

Well stop sh**ting, we've got to go in and get Willy and Kate.

Truck's late, it's coming in now.

I'm in this house, it's deserted.

They knew we were comin'.

Alright, I see the truck.

Gets your heart pumping, doesn't it?

Some weird sight those coffins, yeah.

I met this...


Interesting strange lady.

Did you sh**t her?

Hell no!

I did not.

I don't k*ll women.

Rebellion quashed in bacurau

Did you see that?

Michael, did you sh**t the guys from the truck.

What truck?


I didn't.

Michael, I know it was you.

I'm sh**ting no one.

Heads up guys.

The locals might be armed.

The population could be hiding in there.

I really feel like sh**ting something.

What the f*ck?

Who's sh**ting?

Is that us?

Who's sh**ting?

Guys, is that us?

What the f*ck?


Bloody hell.

Close to me, Terry?

Stand up, you bastard. I've got you.

What are you doing on my land, you scum?

Rivanildo gomes dos Santos.

Flavio tavares nascimento.

José Paulo da silva maciel.

Maria de lurdes cavalcanti moura.

Marisa leticia silveira da costa.

Francisco de assis chaves.

Adalberto moreira dos Santos.

Marielle gomes de sousa.

Aldilene Maria ferreira da silva.

Roberto ferreira da silva.

Claudio tavares ferraz.

Nélia Maria Albuquerque dos Santos.

Joao Pedro teixeira.

You're crazy.

You think lunga went too far?


We'll clean it all up good and scrub the floor.

But leave the walls as they are.

All right?

I want it to stay like that.

Exactly as it is.


What happened? Where are the gringo tourists?

Shut the door.

You need anything?



They're dead.

Lunga, you guys have got yourselves in deep trouble.

They are important people.

The water issue, we could resolve. Resolve.

But this...

We'll all pay for this. Even I'll die for this.

In 24 hours, everything will be ashes.

Right, plinio?

I had nothing to do with it.

I'm on your side, plinio.

We have taken a powerful psychotropic drug.

And you are going to die.

We can do this differently.



Who the hell is that guy?


I don't know him, I never met him!

I don't know him.


I've no idea who the guy is.

Quit yelling!


What's happened?

You promised! Tony!

Never met you, friend. Quit shouting my name.



I don't know you, friend.


That's enough, stop saying that.

I don't know you. Get lost!


I don't know you.

Tony! Dinero!

All right, let's get this over with.

He's leaving now.

The mayor of serra verde municipality, Tony junior!

On his way to the bacurau caatinga.

May he find there the inner peace he sorely needs, among the cactuses, thornbushes, mandacaru, favela and xique-xique.

All those bushes waiting to give him a spiky hug.

Spinner of lies, natural-born assh*le.

He brought pain and suffering to our community.

Today, we in bacurau say goodbye to this demon.

Hopefully, it's the last we'll see of him.

That donkey better come back unharmed from its miserable mission.

Filthy son of a bitch.

Good riddance.

So much v*olence.


I think he could have been a good person once.

Don't you think, domingas?

He had a mother.

We k*lled more people than you know.

This is only the beginning!

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