Overcomer (2019)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Overcomer (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »




ANNOUNCER: This one's coming down to the wire, folks.

The Cougars trail by 4 with 35 seconds left.

Knights with the basketball.


COACH: Pressure!





Stay on him, Ty!

Pick him up, Ethan!


Come here!

Come here!

Come here!

ANNOUNCER: Knights call their final time-out.


They're gonna try to hold the ball and run out the clock.

You gotta keep the pressure up.

Get in their face!

When we get the ball back, run a double flex, look for Ethan or Jeff for a three, then crash the boards.

Stay at full court press till it's over.

Cougars on three.

One, two, three!

ALL: Cougars!


Come on, move!

ANNOUNCER: Knights to inbound, 25 seconds remaining.



Ty, get him!

Get him, Ty!




ANNOUNCER: Three-pointer!




Pick him up, Ty!



sh**t it!

sh**t it!

sh**t it!




Good game.

- Good game.

- Good game.

Good game, coach.


ANNOUNCER: Your final score, Knights, 86, Brookshire Cougars, 83.

We want to thank you all for your support this season.

Please, drive home safely.




Hey, I know.

I know.

Come on.

COACH: All right, everybody look at me.

I wanted this one too.

I am proud of you.

And here's the good news.

That team is the biggest hurdle we'll face next year.

They're graduating four of their starters while all of you are coming back.

We'll also be that much stronger.

Which means next season, we take everything.


See, right there.

That is eight calls they missed.

And he just walked!

You gonna show the refs your video?

Oh, I'm thinking about it.

I think it would do a lot of good.



Hey, John?


You might wanna come see this.

You go.

I gotta finish this up for fifth period.

All right.

I'll be back.

All right.

REPORTER [ON TV]: We have just confirmed that Tarsus Steel, the town's oldest manufacturing plant, is closing its doors, moving its local operations to facilities elsewhere in the state.

We've been told that local employees will have the option of transferring to another location.

News 3's Ashley Graham joins us live from downtown with more on this developing story.

ASHLEY: Phil, I'm outside of the plant, where a company representative tells me the transition will be finished by July 1st.

In a city of 24,000, estimates are that this will directly impact 6000 jobs in Franklin.

There goes the football program.

You don't know that.

Most of my players have parents that work at the plant.

MAN [ON TV]: The board voted to close our plant in Franklin.

This ain't gonna be pretty.

MAN: We're moving production to Sharpsville and Fairview but we are gonna give employees the opportunity to transfer to one of those locations.

ASHLEY: Local businesses are learning the news and bracing for what lies ahead.



I got you one.

Watch down low, watch down low!

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

ALL: Yeah!


BOY 1: Hey, I got it, I got it.

BOY 2: Back out, back out.

BOY 3: You gotta play D.

BOY 1: I got him, I got him.

Come on.



BOY 1: Yo, man, this is it right here.

BOY 4: That's all you!

ALL: Yeah!


Best out of five.

Where you at?

Best out of five.

Nah, not no "best out of five." You funny, man!

You're always complaining.

All y'all always complaining.

Hey, where are my headphones?

Hey, y'all see my headphones?

I had them right here.


No, you don't.

Hey, come on!


Bring it back or you're dead!


Do you see her?

BOY: No.




I bet she ran into those apartments.

Who was she?

I don't know.



BARBARA: Baby, where have you been?

I thought the camp dismissed at 4:00.

I walked by Webb Park.

Webb Park?


Where'd this come from?

I found it in your jean pocket.

I found it.

Hannah Scott, do not lie to me.

I already bought you one of these.

Brookshire's giving you a chance.

You're not gonna get thrown out of there too.

Take it back.

I'm already late for work.

Your food is on the stove.

I'll be back at 10.

I mean it, Hannah.

Take it back.

Yes, Grandma.



Hey, be careful.

They're hot.

Hey, Will.

Did you wash your hands?

Yes, ma'am.

Did you hear Coach Wright is moving to Fairview?

Well, he went from 32 players to 13, so I think he saw the writing on the wall.

So no football on Friday nights?

Wash your hands before you sit down.

Most of those boys will play soccer or baseball in the spring, so they'll be fine.

They could run cross-country.

Gary would love that.


Hey, what about our team?

We're in good shape.

We still got your brother, Ty and the twins, so we still got our best players.

So how was work?

It was fine.

We had two groups come in, but neither escaped.

AMY: Because the rooms are too hard.

ETHAN: Do you know how many students we'll have?

I think about 240.

We had 550 last year.

Don't say that.

That makes me so sad.

Well, I think we'll be fine as long as no one else leaves.

Gary is leaving.

Why is Gary leaving?

He took a job in Texas.

Now I'm down three coaches and two teachers, and school starts next week.

At this point, I don't think I could save football, but I do think I have a solution for cross-country.



I believe you could do it.

Olivia, I'm not a cross-country coach.

I don't even like running.

Amy bought me a treadmill three years ago.

I never use it.

I don't want to have to cancel another program.

You are my best option.

Cross-country's not even a real sport.

That's not fair.

Come on, now.

I have never seen your basketball players throwing up after a game.


I don't want to see that.

No one wants to see that.

And it overlaps with basketball.

Not by much.

John, I have heard you give very inspirational speeches to your players about stepping up under pressure and going the extra mile.

That is exactly what I need from our staff right now.



Hey, guys.

Y'all here for tryouts?

- Tryouts?

- Cross-country.

No, sir.

We're just hanging out.

None of you are here to try out?

No, sir.




Hey, you here for cross-country?

Yes, sir.

Do you know anybody else coming to try out?

No, sir.


Tell me your name.

Hannah Scott.

Hey, Hannah.

I'm Coach Harrison.

There's a form.

Okay, you're a sophomore.

Oh, you ran at Franklin High last year.

Yes, sir.

Born on Valentine's Day.


I'm sorry, Hannah.

Is that...?

It's for my asthma.

You have asthma?

Yes, sir.



There is no cross-country program.

What do you mean there's no program?

I had one girl show up, and she's got asthma.

Oh, you mean Hannah Scott.


Does she want to run?

Yes, but we can't allow that.

How could she compete?

Her grandmother gave me a doctor's note.

She ran at Franklin last year.

She just has to keep her inhaler with her.

We still don't have a team, so does it matter?

I thought that one runner could still medal without a team.

Technically, but why have a season with one runner?

Because one runner matters.

John, you are a good coach, and you're a good teacher.

If she wants to try out, then let her.



ETHAN: Come on.

What you got?

Where your handles at?

Trying to dig into me like that?

Don't let him push you around.

Take it to the hole.

Okay, I see you.

That's new.


There it is.

Ho, ho!

I may have two boys playing in college.



Ethan's a good big brother.

He is a good big brother.

So how was tryouts?



I gathered everyone together, and I said to her, "Thanks for coming out." No.


One person?

Hannah Scott.

She's a sophomore.

She's got asthma.

Hannah Scott.


I have her in science.

I caught Olivia afterwards.

Still wants me to coach her.

Hey, I think that Neil Hatcher just pulled up.




What was that about?


Twins are moving to Sharpsville.

What's happening to my team?

This is supposed to be our year.


Okay, Hannah.

Looks like to medal in this division, you'll need a time under 22 minutes.

To medal in state, it's under 21 minutes, and for what it's worth, the current state champion, Gina Mimms, runs a 5K pretty consistently in less than 20.

She's a senior.

Have you been timed lately?

No, sir.


Maybe we start there.

You've already walked the course?

Yes, sir.

I'm gonna get the golf cart while you stretch.

Do you have your inhaler?

I'll just run with it.

Can I run too?

It's three miles, buddy.

You need to finish your homework.


I promise I'll get it done.

At least she wouldn't be running alone.

All right.


I'll time you guys.

Come on.

Hannah, I bet you can run this in 24 minutes.


I can do it in 24.

I doubt that.

Oh, please.




All right, Hannah!

Come on, bring it in!

Come on.

You're almost done.

Great job.

All right.

Nice job.

Twenty-three fifteen.

Not bad.

Make sure you walk around a little bit before you sit down, okay?

Look at you, Will!

You've got this.

Great job, great job.

Twenty-four ten.

That was amazing, Will.

That was terrible.

Why would anybody want to do this?

AMY: Let me get you both some water, okay?

The problem with this sport is that there's no ball.

There's no dunking or goals or anything.

I think this sport's about endurance, sweetie.


I was about ready to take the golf cart out there.

He looks like he's dying.


Don't die.

Don't die.



Wow, Dad.

You did it.

All right.

See, if he was carrying a ball, this would be like a touchdown.

Are you okay?


That was terrible.

Why would anyone want to do this?

WILL: That's what I said.

You're supposed to walk around a little bit.


Leave me alone.

Oh, I feel like death.

Need me to call you an ambulance?

What was my time?

Thirty-two oh-two.


I didn't even break 30?


I'm just impressed that you finished.

Oh, go away.


Hey, Hannah?

Do you have a ride home?

It's just a mile.

I can walk.

No, no.

We can take you home.

We'd love to meet your parents.

It's just me and my grandma.

My parents have passed.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

Well, we'd be happy to take you home.

I can call your grandmother and let her know.

I'm okay.

I don't mind walking.

Thanks anyway.


Hey, didn't I take my watch off out here?

Or did I leave it at home?


John, she did better than I expected.


Did you know her parents passed away?

Ethan could do it if he wanted to, you know.

He sure could.

You know, John, I just...

I don't understand.

I don't understand why he won't run.

He's your son, and he's so athletic.

He would do really well out there.

You know, and then...

Then we could all be out there together.

You know, I could go talk to him.


Yeah, that's good.

I could go now.





Can I appeal to you to think about something?

What's that?

I know you don't want to do cross-country, but there are advantages to it.


Just hear me out.

I'm not gonna twist your arm.

Running will help you stay in shape.

You make the team run as punishment.

That's true, but it'll help you stay disciplined.

And it'll show a lot of school spirit.

And I think you'd be really good at it.

You know how you've always practiced basketball with me?


Well, even though I would hate it...

if you'll run with me to train...

I'll do it.

He's not running.

Oh, John.

Why not?

You know, Amy, it's okay.

He doesn't want to, and we just need to be supportive.


I'm gonna go talk to him.

Oh, no, no, no.

You know what?


We just need to give him space, you know?

And love him, and we don't have to bring it up anymore.





It's Mark.

Hey, pastor.

Oh, hey, I forgot to tell you that I told him you would do visitation at the hospital tonight.



I will be there in an hour.

MARK: Thanks for volunteering.

Hospital lobby.

See you there.

MARK: I'll see you in a bit.


You know what?

Sorry, I forgot to tell you.

- Need to grab a shower.

- Okay.

You're a good man, John Harrison.

JOHN: Whatever.


MARK: Ben is one of our founding members.

JOHN: Oh, I didn't know that.


Here we go.

Excuse me.

May we see Mr.


There's several family members there already.

Maybe just one at a time while the room's full?

Oh, no, that's fine.

You go on.

Give me a few minutes, then go in.

Yeah, I'll be right out here.


Thank you, gentlemen.


Sorry, sir.

I didn't mean to disturb you.

Who's there?

Um, I'm just waiting to visit a church member next door.

Are you a minister?

No, sir.

I'm just here visiting a few people with my pastor.

Well, if you're just waiting, maybe you can visit me too.



My name's John.

John Harrison.

Thomas Hill.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, Thomas.

Um, have you been here very long?

About three weeks.

Been trying to keep diabetes from getting too greedy.

Took my sight a few years ago.

Now it wants my legs and my kidneys.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Do you have family here?

I'm more or less on my own.

I grew up in Franklin though.

They brought me back here from, uh, Fairview.

Get dialysis here.

You might be the only one coming from Fairview.

I think everybody else is heading that way.


That's what I hear.

So tell me about yourself, John.

Well, um...

So I'm the basketball coach at Brookshire Christian.

I hope, anyway.

You don't sound too sure.

Well, there's a lot of things I'm not too sure about right now.

Um, I also teach history, and I've been assigned the cross-country program.

Ah, cross-country.


That was my sport.


Oh, yeah.


I was third in the state in my day.


Uh, then I might need some advice, because I don't really know what I'm doing.



So how do you train to have that big kick at the end of the race?

Oh, that kick.

John, I'm sorry to interrupt.

Visiting hours are almost over.

Oh, are they?



Thomas, I should probably say hello next door.

No problem.

Hey, John?

I don't get many visitors that I can talk shop with.

Feel free to come back anytime.

It's good to meet you, Thomas.

I'll be praying for you.

I'll take it.

You guys get to class.

You get...


Let's go.


You're not teaching next hour, right?



I need you to judge drama monologues.

Drama monologues?

I got history papers to grade.

History's already happened, and I really need three judges.

Come to drama class.

History has already happened.

This is drama, people.

This moment is why we're here, okay?

Hope you're ready.

Here we go.

Oh, no, no, no.

I need to sit in the middle.

That's my seat.


Is there a third judge?

Oh, yes.


Here she is.

I am so sorry that I am late.

We had to put the potato salad leftovers in the refrigerator.

Hey, John.


Thank you for coming.

What do I do?

Just follow my lead.


Wesley Ford.

You're first.

Oh, sing, oh, heart of great desire where passion glows like burning flame.


My bride doth set my love afire the first night when she calls my name.


That's pretty much it.



Uh, Bonnie?

Your thoughts?

I thought it was real nice.



No, we don't like it, Wesley.

We just don't believe you.


Okay, let's keep the ball rolling.

Um, Mindy Smith.

Coach Harrison, got a minute?

Hey, Ken.

How are you?

Fine, thank you.


Hey, coach.

Um, we wanted to come tell you that we decided to move Ty to Cornerstone.

He's got a good chance of getting a scholarship there, and after we've lost so many players here, well...

I understand.

Look, you're an excellent coach.

And none of this is your fault.

We just have to do what's best for his future.

You're a great player, Ty.

I'll watch you on TV one day.

Thanks, coach.

I enjoyed playing for you.

Thanks again.


Good luck.


AMY: Hey, buddy?


Homework, 10 minutes.

Yes, ma'am.

Ethan, it's your turn to clean the kitchen tonight.

Dad, did Ty come see you today?


Of course.


Brookshire School Board letter.

Ten-percent pay cut.

Does this surprise you?



AMY: Hey, John?

Your plate's getting cold.

Why are you doing that now?

Is it bothering you?


What's the urgency?

Those bricks have been laying there for months.

And they've needed to be cleaned up for months.

So you have to do it now?

Do you need me to be doing something?


Actually, I do.

I have papers to grade and laundry to take care of, and Will needs help with his homework.

So can this wait, or do you still need more time to pout?

Excuse me?

Okay, John.

You know what?

I get it.

You're a basketball coach without a team.

And now you have to coach cross-country.

But it's not the end of the world.

Oh, is it that simple?

I'm glad it's so clear to you.

But you forgot the 10-percent pay cut, no scholarship option for our son, no possibility of winning with one runner with asthma.

So while I'm left with a job that's totally pointless, I'm glad I have your understanding.

Stop it.

No one asked for this.

But this is what we've got.

Are you trying to help me?

Because you're not!






Are you okay?



You and Ethan, you guys need to come and clean up the kitchen, okay?

Yes, ma'am.









I have this problem that pops up sometimes.

And I see things about my husband that I don't really like, and so I just, you know, I want to try and fix 'em.

But I'm not very good at it.

And maybe, you know, I'm not supposed to be.

Because he gets really angry with me.

But the thing is...

The thing is, is that, um...

I really, really love him.


He's a very good husband.

And he's a great dad.

And I know I don't tell him enough.

So when he's discouraged and he's hurting, you know I just...

I want to try and help, you know, and it's...

It's not always easy to know how.

You know?

So maybe...

Maybe if I just...

If I tell him...

and remind him...

that I love him.

And that I'm praying for him.

And that I'm here for him.

I am...

I am right here for him.

Can I do that?

I love you.

I love you too.

I love you, John Harrison.

I'm sorry I've been a jerk.

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.



Come here.

They're okay.


Hey, Hannah.

Can I sit with you?


I hear you're running in your first cross-country race tomorrow.

Are you excited?

A little.

We don't really have a team.

Girl, that makes me admire you even more.

You still represent our school.

Do you enjoy running?

It's really the only thing I'm good at.

Hey, good morning.

Hey, Miss Scott.

BARBARA: Good morning.

Thanks for giving Hannah a ride.

Of course.

We should have her back by 3.

Sounds good.

Take care.

Hey, Hannah.

♪ Feeling good Like it's summertime ♪

♪ Shining like The Fourth of July ♪

♪ What ♪

♪ In every city And every town ♪

♪ We're on a mission For the lost to be found ♪

♪ What ♪

♪ Here we go We're burning like a disco ♪

♪ Come on come on Believe it in your soul... ♪

John Harrison.

Hey, Mitch.

How are you?

You coaching cross-country?

I'm trying.

You're not gonna beat me in another sport now, are you?


So, uh, where's your team?

She's right there.

Well, basketball season's just around the corner.




Runners, take your mark.

WOMAN: Let's go!

Come on!



JOHN: She's fast.

That's Gina Mimms.

She's last year's state champion.

AMY: All right!

There she is!

Go, Hannah!



Go, Hannah!


I think she's 34th.


Not bad for her first race, huh?

It's not that great either.

So, what's your plan, coach?



Hey, it's John Harrison.



It's the maybe-maybe-not basketball coach.


It's, uh...

It's looking more like maybe not.

You got time for a visit?

Well, let me check my calendar.



I guess I could squeeze you in.

Interval training is good too.

Run one minute fast, then one minute slow.

Then increase to two minutes fast, one slow.

Three fast...

Well, you get the idea.

Oh, this is good.

Oh, it should go without saying that them eating healthy and getting good sleep is crucial for your team.

Well, I only have one runner, and she's got asthma.

So I have to figure...


Wait a minute.

Hold up.

You lost your ball team.

You changed sports.

And you still got no team?

Oh, that's sad even for me.


Well, you see why I'm so frustrated?

Yeah, actually, I do.

This year, I had the players, I had the schedule.

I mean, this was gonna be our year.

I'm sorry.

I don't mean to dump on you.


If I asked you...

who you are, what's the first thing that comes to mind?

I'm a basketball coach.

And if that's stripped away?

Well, I'm also a history teacher.


We take that away, who are you?

Well, I'm a husband, I'm a father.

And God forbid that should ever change.

But if it does, who are you?

I don't understand this game.

It's not a game, man.

Who are you?


I'm a white American male.


Yeah, that's for sure.


Is there anything else?


Well, I'm a Christian.

And what's that mean?

It means "follower of Christ." And how important is that?

It's very important.


how it's so far down your list.

Okay, wait a minute.

I could've easily said Christian first.

Yeah, but you didn't.

Look, John.

Your identity...

will be tied to whatever you give your heart to.

Doesn't sound like the Lord has first place.


You're calling me a bad Christian?

Let me be a little direct.

Last time you were here...

you said you'd pray for me.

Did you?




For someone who knows the Lord...

you're acting like somebody who doesn't.

Which makes me wonder.

What have you allowed to define you?

When you lost your team...

it didn't just disappoint you.

It devastated you.


or someone...

will have first place in your heart.

But when you find your identity...

in the One who created you...

it'll change your whole perspective.


You know, you could still be a walk-on somewhere.

That won't pay for college.

So earn it.

Lots of guys get a scholarship when they're already on a team.

Or make the grades.

What if I can't do it?

I'll help you where I can.

But you may have to get a job and work your way through like most people.

If you never play in college at all...

I'll love you and I'm already proud of you.

But, ahem, to keep you humble, I'm about to tear you up in one-on-one.


Come on, Dad.

Don't do this to yourself.

Give me the ball.

You're going down.

Dad, you can't beat me.


You're gonna let me do that in front of you?

It is on.



It's make it, take it.

Give me the ball.

Make it, take it.

Here we go.


Are you kidding?

Come on, young man.


JOHN: Foul.



ETHAN: Foul?


No foul.

JOHN: Foul!

ETHAN: Come on.

Are you kidding?



So I have the answer.

For what?

A plan to fix cross-country.

I call it "The Plan to Fix Cross-Country." Nice title.

Imagine, every runner is dribbling a ball.

For three miles?


And before they cross the finish line, they have to dunk it on an eight-foot goal unless they get tackled.

So there's tackling?

Oh, yeah.

And if you take someone's ball, it's double the points.


So, what if I tackle them under the goal, take their ball and double dunk on them?

[MIMICS expl*si*n]


And what did you say?

I told him I liked it, but I couldn't make any changes this year.

He calls it "Tackle Ball Extreme." [LAUGHS]

Well, they do change the rules from time to time.

Oh, there's a few schools trying to get earbuds allowed for runners right now.

During races?


It won't happen.

So I've started implementing your running tips.

She's running intervals now.


Well, you should see some improvement.

I also, uh...

wanna thank you for what you said.


I think I'm more of a hypocrite than I'd like to admit.


that's true of me too.


Three years ago...

God had to let me lose my sight so I could see.

When I was...

much younger...

I found myself in athletics.

Then my job, then friends...

Then it turned to...

Into dr*gs and women.

I hurt a lot of people, John.

But it all caught up to me, and...

that's when I turned to God.

Sick and broken.

Now He's all I got.

He's everything to me.

You said you grew up here.

I did.

I left Franklin 15 years ago, running from all my responsibilities.

I had a child with my girlfriend.

Then we got hooked on meth and it took her life.

I left the child with her grandmother...

then I ran.

I just ran.

Was it a boy or a girl?

Little girl.

She was born on Valentine's Day.


John, are you sure?

She said that her father passed away.

Maybe that's what she was told.

So you don't think that he did?






And you think Barbara told her that he was dead on purpose?

JOHN: That's what I'm wondering.

If his influence led to her daughter's death, then he abandoned Hannah, it makes sense that she wouldn't want anything to do with him.

Well, I'd say that your assessment is correct.

Why do you say that?

Because I knew her daughter.

You knew Hannah's mother?

We were friends up until a year before she died.

When this charming older guy came around, we warned her to be careful.

She didn't listen.

The next thing we knew, she was pregnant.

And she cut off all contact with all of us.

Then after she gave birth, she became an addict.

I didn't even know she was dead until after the funeral.

I went to go see Barbara, but I just saw bitterness.

I reconnected with her this year and saw more of the same.

We wondered how Hannah was able to come here.

You're paying for it.


Thomas Hill is not the same man, but he is sick.

If he and Hannah were to meet, it needs to happen sooner rather than later.


Barbara may not be telling Hannah the truth, but she still is her guardian.

And how can we go around her?

In my official capacity as the principal of this school, I can't advise you to go around Barbara.

But I can tell you that if you include her, Hannah may never meet her father.

If it was you...

would you want to meet your dad?



We need to pray.


WOMAN [OVER RADIO]: ♪ I'm not giving...

♪ Thomas?


How are you?

Put me in, coach.

Tired of sitting on the bench.


First, I need to introduce you to my number one teammate.

I brought Amy with me.

Oh, my goodness.

I can honestly say I did not see that coming.

Heh, heh.

Hi, Thomas.

It's nice to meet you.

The honor is all mine.

Well, coach brought his wife.

This must be an important day.

It is an important day.

We have something that we'd like to talk to you about.

Okay, sh**t.

You know that I have one runner that I'm coaching.


Well, that runner is 15 years old.

She lives with her grandmother.

She was born on Valentine's Day.

Her name is Hannah Scott.


AMY: Are you okay?

Your runner...

is my daughter?

Tell me about her.

She's beautiful.

She's quiet.

She's observant.

She's athletic.

We wondered if you would want to meet.

Does she know about me?


We haven't told her anything yet.

We don't even know how she would respond, but, um, we wanted to talk to you first.


I've had a conversation in my mind with her a thousand times.

I wanted to talk to her.

What daughter would want a dad like me?

Thomas, she needs a father.

You still have so much to offer her.


She'd be disappointed.


That's not true.

Thomas, would you be willing to pray about it?

If she's willing to meet...

would you want to?


We can pray about it.

JOHN: Hannah, you've been doing intervals for a while.

Wanna see if you can break 21 minutes?

ETHAN: I can break 21 minutes.

What are you doing here?

I went to work and they're closed.

Roger told me he's moving Race to Escape to Fairview.

So who am I racing?

You wanna run?

I want to see if Hannah can catch me.

Oh, I wanna see this.

You haven't been running.

You think you can handle three miles?


Oh, please.

He is your son.




♪ Throw my hands up high And ♪

♪ Shooby, doobee, doobee Doo-wop ♪

♪ Feels so good I gotta ♪

♪ Shooby, doobee, doobee Doo-wop... ♪



You okay?



That was crazy hard.

You said this wasn't a sport.


Yeah, I was wrong.

Mom, Will and Hannah wanted to see you finish, but they got tired of waiting, so they went home.

I need to get a ride with you.

If you'll drive.

All right.


I'm tired.



ETHAN: Hannah Scott!

You got this!


Come on, Hannah!

GIRL: You can do it!

ETHAN: This is all you!

Did you know Ethan was coming?

I didn't.

Now that is my son.

Oh, okay.


ANNOUNCER: Runners, take your marks!







JOHN: Come on, Hannah!

AMY: Hannah, you got this!

Hold your spot, hold your spot.

She's 10th.

She's 10th.

Come on, fight, Hannah!

Come on, Hannah.

You got it!

Come on, Hannah.

All right, finish strong.

Go, go, go!

Let's go see her.



You did so good.

That was amazing.

Nice job.

Did you even need your inhaler?


What place did I come in?

Uh, you were 11th.


No, no, no.

Don't you be upset.

You just ran your best race.

Yeah, that's right.

That's nothing to be ashamed of.

It was fantastic.

I thought I at least made top 10.

Keep running like that, you will.


You got friends who want to say hello.


That was awesome!


That was your fastest time you've made yet.

JOHN: Hannah, can you tell before a race whether you might have an attack?


But today, I felt good.

You're a good runner, Hannah.

Ethan said he'd pick up Will, so we've got time.

So I want to ask you a question.

I want you to think about it, okay?

Who is Hannah Scott?

I don't know.

Do you believe God loves you?

He does.

More than you know.

Why did He take my parents?

I think it's easy sometimes to blame God for decisions that we make or other people make.

What do you know about your dad?

He was a runner.

He got into dr*gs, and it k*lled him.

Your grandmother told you that?

Do you know his name?

Thomas Hill.


Hannah, I went to the hospital recently, and I met a man there.

He's not doing very well.

Diabetes has taken his eyesight, but we've gotten to know each other.

He used to be a runner years ago...

and, um...

and got on dr*gs.

He had a daughter, a baby girl, and he left her with her relative when he left town 15 years ago.

His name is Thomas Hill.


Hannah, I believe you were told your father died to protect you.

I don't want to go around your grandmother, but I don't know how much time you have.

My father's alive?

He wants to meet you, but only if you want to.

Hannah, you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do.

Why did he leave?

He regrets it.

He regrets it with his whole heart.


BARBARA: Hannah?

In here.

Hey, baby girl.

How'd your race go today?

I finished 11th.

Oh, well, you're improving.

I wish I could have been there.

I thought about you all day at work.

Did you ever see my father run?

Uh, one time at the city race.

He was in his 30s.

And how did he die?

Baby, I already told you this.

The dr*gs got ahold of him.

You don't need to be worrying about that.

The best thing you can do is to get on with your life.

He would want that.

So have you eaten?

Because I can whip us up something.

I'm starved.


So I'll call you in a few minutes, okay?

JOHN: All right, come on.

Finish strong.

You got it.


Good, good, good.


Twenty forty-five.

Hannah, you're getting faster.

How's your breathing?


Let me get you some water.


I wanna go.

I wanna go see him.

What about your grandmother?

She said he's dead.


He's right here.

I'll tell you what.

Let me step in there for just a second, okay?


Hannah, are you okay?

I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Listen, if you want more time, we don't have to do this now.

I want to.

I'm okay.


Okay, guys.

You ready?



Well, Thomas, uh, we're here.

Um, you've met Amy.

Hello, Amy.

AMY: Hi, Thomas.

It's nice to see you again.

I tried to pick out a better outfit, but I couldn't tell if anything matched.


Well, you look just fine.

JOHN: And Hannah is here.

Hello, Hannah.


JOHN: Coach tells me that you're his number one runner.

I guess.

She gets better every day.

That's good.

I hope you keep at it.

AMY: Thomas, I understand that you were third in state.

THOMAS: Yes, I was, back in the day.

So, Hannah, how's coach doing?

He's doing okay.

THOMAS: Oh, just okay.


NURSE: Excuse me.

I need to get his vitals if I could, please.

Hello, Rose.


You come to join the party?

ROSE: I'd love to, but I think I'll have to take a rain check.

- How are you feeling today?

- THOMAS: Good.

I need to leave.


ROSE: If it was good, yes, that was me.

I'm gonna go after her.


ROSE: There we go.

I'm gonna try and get you outside.



Are you okay?

Okay, listen.

Let's go sit down in the car, okay?

John will be out, and he'll be down in a few minutes.




All right.


Hannah, would you like me to stay with you until your grandma gets home?

It's okay.

I just...

I need some time to think.

Well, you have our number.

So if you need anything, please give us a call.

Thank you.

Please tell me we did the right thing.

How are we doing today?

I don't really feel like running.

So maybe we take the day off.

Hannah, I'm sorry that taking you to the hospital caused you pain.

I know that must have been difficult.

I wanna go see him again.

Are you sure?

But this time...

could we talk alone?

Of course.

I didn't say anything I wanted to say.


Neither did he.


Thank you...

for coming back.

I was worried I said the wrong thing.


You didn't.

I know you must have a lot of questions.

You can say anything...

ask anything you want.

I promise to be honest.

What happened?

You know how...

people think that they're a good person?

I thought I was.

But I wasn't, Hannah.

I lived selfish all my life.

I lived it for me.

I hurt so many people.

Your mother.

Your grandmother.


And so many others.

I left because I was a fool.

And I wouldn't listen to anyone.

Especially God.

I ran from everything that mattered.

Because God loves me...

He let me be broken.

And I needed to be broken.

He finally got my attention.


And I gave Him my heart...

because that's the only thing I got left.

So I'm sorry, Hannah.

I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.

If I could take it all back, I would.

I know I don't deserve it...

but I pray one day...

that you will forgive me.

It's hard.

I understand.

I understand.


JOHN: Let's go.

Two minutes.

Get to class.

Come on, Dennis.

No more tardies.

Don't move in slow motion.


I need you tomorrow for midterm monologues.

Troy, you don't need me.

No, no, no.

I do.

It's important.

You're a judge.

I've got a part for you in the spring play.

You don't have to audition.

Good, I'm not doing it.

I've already given you the part.

We'll talk details soon.

No, we won't.

Hey, Hannah.

How far do you run in practice?

Three miles.

Sometimes five.

Are the Harrisons coming?

No, ma'am.

They have tutoring.

But I can still run.

I know you've had a lot to think about lately.

I've just been wondering how you're doing.


I met my dad.

That's a big deal.

How'd that go?

He said he was sorry he left.

How did that make you feel?

I still wonder.

I wonder why he didn't want me.

Do you believe he's sorry?

I guess.

You know you have another Father, who has always loved you.

You mean God?

Yeah, I do.

And listen, He's not like your dad.

He's a perfect Father, and He wants you to know Him.

How do you know God?

God went to great lengths to express His love for you.

You've heard in Bible class how Jesus died on the cross.

But do you understand why?


Not really.

You were created to know Him...

and to worship Him.

But we reject Him when we do wrong.

When we sin, that's the thing that separates us from Him.

So He sent His Son to pay the price to get you back.

And it was a painful price.

But then He rose from the dead, and He made a way for you to get right with God...

if you trust Him, if you believe.

That's faith.

But He doesn't force it on you.

He just offers it to you because He loves you.

We've all sinned, Hannah.

We've all lied or stolen or hated...

But when we give our heart to Jesus, He starts cleaning it.


He takes better care of it than we ever could.

If we'll trust Him.

Is that something that you'd like to do?


Yes, but...

I don't know what to pray.

Would it be okay if I led you through it?


Lord Jesus...

Lord Jesus...

I am a sinner.

I am a sinner.

And I need a Savior.

And I need a Savior.

I believe that You are that Savior.

I believe that You are that Savior.

So today...

So today...

I place faith alone...

I place faith alone...

in Christ alone...

in Christ alone...

to forgive my sins.

To forgive my sins.

Come live in me.

Come live in me.

In Jesus' name.

In Jesus' name.



Hannah, that was beautiful.

You know, the Bible says that when you place faith in Jesus, you are a brand-new creation.

You are brand-new.

I want you to do something for me, okay?

There's a book of the Bible in the New Testament, it's called Ephesians.

I want you to look at the first two chapters, read it through, and write down everything that it says you are as a believer in Christ.

Can you do that?

Yes, ma'am.


♪ Who am I That the highest King ♪

♪ Would welcome me? ♪

♪ I was lost But He brought me in ♪

♪ Oh, His love for me ♪

♪ Oh, His love for me ♪

♪ Who the Son sets free ♪

♪ Oh, is free indeed ♪

♪ I'm a child of God ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ Free at last ♪

♪ He has ransomed me ♪

♪ His grace runs deep ♪

♪ While I was a sl*ve To sin ♪

♪ Jesus died for me ♪

♪ Yes, He died for me ♪

♪ Who the Son sets free ♪

♪ Oh, is free indeed ♪

♪ I'm a child of God ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ In my Father's house ♪

♪ There's a place for me ♪

♪ I'm a child of God ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ In my Father's house ♪

♪ There's a place for me ♪

♪ I'm a child of God ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

So I strive not to survive, for I have the drive to thrive.

For this day, while we're alive...




Truxston, did you write this?

Every word.

Completely original.





I'm gonna need more.



It was okay.


Thank you, Truxston.

You can sit down now.

While we're compiling our notes, the rest of you can get your things together.

The bell should ring in about three minutes.



Hannah, you okay?

Ask me who I am.

Ask me who I am.


Who is Hannah Scott?

I am created by God.

He designed me...

so I'm not a mistake.

His Son died for me...

just so I could be forgiven.

He picked me to be His own...

so I'm chosen.

He redeemed me...

so I am wanted.

He showed me grace...

just so I could be saved.

He has a future for me...

because He loves me.

So I don't wonder anymore, Coach Harrison.

I am a child of God.

I just wanted you to know.


Did you...

Did you see that?

That's what I'm talking about.

That was fire!




Why is she not in my class?


What happened to you?

I talked to Miss Brooks yesterday...

and prayed.

And then I read in, um, Ephesians...


And it was like God was talking directly to me.

This is amazing.

What you said in there was amazing.

I wanna know more.

I wanna read more.

You can.

I want Amy to hear this.

Can we go see her?

What's your next class?


Who's your teacher?

Miss Leipzig.




Hold on, hold up.

I'm sorry.

♪ Taking all I have ♪

♪ And now I'm laying it At Your feet

♪ You have every failure God ♪

♪ You'll have Every victory ♪

♪ Ooh, oh ♪

♪ You say I am loved When I can't feel a thing ♪

♪ You say I am strong When I think I am weak ♪

♪ You say I am held When I am falling short ♪

♪ When I don't belong Oh, You say I am Yours ♪

♪ And I believe ♪

♪ Oh, I believe ♪

♪ What You say of me ♪

♪ I believe ♪

♪ Oh, I believe ♪

♪ Yes, I believe ♪

♪ What You say of me ♪

♪ I believe ♪

♪ Oh ♪



Hey, are you looking for Thomas Hill?


Are you a relative?

I'm his daughter.

He's just been moved to ICU, sweetie.

Do you want me to take you?

Is he okay?

His EKG showed signs of a heart attack during dialysis, but he's stable now.

You can go in.

Thank you.

Are you okay?


They said you had signs of a heart attack.


I just need a little excitement.

Sometimes I get a little bored, and so I decided to shake things up a bit.


maybe you shouldn't do that again.


I admit, I don't want to.

So how are you doing?



I wanna tell you something.

Two things, really.


I made the decision...

to follow Jesus.


And I've been learning a lot...

and reading a lot.

And one thing I've learned...

if Jesus can forgive me for all the things I've done...

then I can forgive other people.


I wanted you to know...

that I forgive you.

And I want to spend more time with you...

if that's okay.



I'd love that so much.

Thank you, Hannah.

I wish I could be there for you.

It's okay.

I don't mind coming here.


BARBARA: Where have you been?


You scared me.

I wasn't feeling well, so I came home early.

Miss Cole didn't know where you were.

You wanna tell me?


I want the truth.


Miss Scott?

I need to speak to you.

Come on in.

I come home early from work, expecting to find Hannah there.

And two hours later, she walks in, having ridden her bike to the hospital, where she has been visiting the one person I vowed she'd never meet.

Then I find out you two connected them.

Mrs. Scott...

I am not finished!

She's been going there while I'm at work and not telling me.

I didn't know he was back in Franklin.

And I don't care what shape he's in.

He's caused me...

more pain than anyone in my life.

You had no right to interfere.

It was not your place.

I am the one that raised her.

I am the one that provided for her.

Not him!

She will not see him anymore.

And if you take her there, I have a right to bring action against the school and against you.

Now I said what I came to say.







What did you say to them?

Are you worried about their feelings?

How about worrying about the one that has taken care of you for the last 15 years?

Hannah, do you think I'm trying to hurt you?

I'm trying to protect you.

You don't know him like I do.

Having him in your life is pain.

And I've had enough of that.

You should've told me instead of deceiving me.

You said he was dead!

I wanna know my father.

JOHN: I don't know what to do.

Please forgive me if I've jumped ahead of You.

You know I did not want to hurt them.

Lord, we need You.

We need wisdom.

But show us what You want us to do.

We want to honor You, Lord.

- Please help us.

- Yes.

Please, Lord, help us.


WOMAN [ON RADIO]: ♪ Your love is all That binds me ♪

♪ You call me by my...

♪ Is someone there?

I won't let you hurt her.


I wondered when you might come.

Oh, I didn't wanna come, but Hannah is so determined to learn more about you, and I have told her about what she might find.

You got every right to hate me.

I can't defend the wrongs I've done.

And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness.

But I'm not the man that you knew.

I only want to love and to help Hannah.

Help her?

You wanna help her?

It's been 15 years, and now you want to help her?

How are you gonna help her?

You can't even help yourself.

You wanna help Hannah?

Leave her alone and let her go.


You just gave her to me.

Give me the chance to love her, Lord.

Don't You leave me here useless.

Don't You leave me here useless.

BARBARA: Hey, God.

It's me.

I'm not handling this very well.


I'm working two jobs.

I'm trying to do everything I can do on my own, and it's not working.

So look...

if You want me to do this forgiveness thing, You gotta help me.



I can't do it anymore.


I can't.

I need Your help, God.

CINDY: Good afternoon.

We have three rule changes for consideration this year.

A few of our schools have requested that runners be allowed to wear earbuds during a race.

Now, while this association can modify the rules for our events, we have two problems with this request.

One, we need runners to hear any signals or warning sounds during the race, and secondly, any live communication to the runner would give them an unfair advantage.

So we have a solution that we are presenting to you coaches to vote on for this race.

If a runner wears only one small earbud and the content is prerecorded only, we will allow it, pending your vote.

Any questions?

This is ridiculous.


And the content is fair game, as long as it's prerecorded?

That is right.

There is no live communication.

All right.

Well, we will just go around the room, and get a yes or no vote from each of you.


Cindy, I see problems with this.

I vote no.

WOMAN 1: Sounds good to me.

I'm a yes.

I think it's a little late in the year for a change like that.

I'm a no.

I vote yes.

Say yes.

Say yes.

Say yes.



Ethan, hey, I need a favor.

See if you can find a picture of the Sherwood College cross-country course.

Okay, Gina Mimms won the state championship on this course last year with a time of 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

I need to know where she would be at any given point during the race.

Why do you need to know that?

We're gonna help Hannah.


JOHN: Hold it as steady as you can.

Got it.

What's our time, Will?

Um, 2:15, 2:16, 2:17, 2:18...

What is this again?

The state championship race is this Saturday.

You've wanted to be there for Hannah.

Now you're going to.

I'm gonna walk you through the course and then you're gonna coach her.


ANNOUNCER [OVER PA]: Welcome to the Cross-Country State Championship.

All runners please check in at the starters table.

Hannah, how you doing?

I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

Yeah, I bet half the girls out here feel that way.

Well, here's your chip.

You lace it up tight.


You're gonna do great today, Hannah, okay?

Don't be nervous.

This is just another race, okay?

No, it's not.

It's a huge race.

I'm nervous.

That's not helping, John.

I'm sorry.

You got your inhaler?

Okay, good.

Is your grandma gonna be staying?

She has work soon.

I don't think she can stay for the race.

Hey, check out the stands.

You got a cheering section today.


COACH: Looking good, girls.

Stay loose.

Hey, see those four girls?

That's your only competition.

That's Anna Grant, Catherine Austin, Joy Taylor, and Julia Mitchell.

No one else is a threat.

Stay loose.

Hey, Hannah.

I need you to do something for me.

I'm gonna take your arm, I'm gonna strap this on.

I want you to put this earpiece on, okay?

What is this?

There's only one track on it.

As soon as the race starts, I want you to hit play.

ANNOUNCER: All runners to the starting line.

Let me help you.

Is this music?


You hit play and start running.


I want you to trust me.

Okay, you can go to the starting line.



Now I'm nervous.





Runners, take your mark.


THOMAS: Hannah, this is your dad.

I'm gonna coach you through this race and be with you every step of the way.

We're gonna do this together.

Just stay with me.



AMY: Go, go, go!


Don't burn yourself out too early.

Settle into an even pace.

About 70 percent of your max speed.

But we're gonna need to save some energy for the end.

You don't win races with just your legs.

Victory or defeat happens in your head first.

This is a mental competition.

So I want you to start thinking like a winner.

I'm your biggest fan.

You're gonna do great today.

Now find a girl in front of you and speed up for a few seconds to pass her.

Then find your pace again.

We're going to take them out one at a time.

When your body tells you that you can't do it, don't listen to it.

It'll tell you that you should quit.

But you tell your body that your mind is in charge today.

Give God your best, Hannah, and no matter what, I love you.

Where is she?

She should be at the first hill.

Right now, you're coming to your first hill.

A lot of girls are gonna slow down, but not you.

You're going to attack this hill.

I want you to pump your arms hard.

Your legs are gonna speed up too.

Pick out the next girl in front of you and pass her.

You can do this, Hannah.

I know you can.

Get after it.

When you get to the other side, let gravity do the work.

Take advantage of that free speed, then find your pace again.

You're doing great, Hannah.

Even if your legs start to hurt, don't slow down.

That can make them hurt even more.

Keep your pace and push through.

You'll find a second wind.

The first mile is done.

You're doing it, Hannah.

Don't look back to see who's behind you.

Don't worry about them.

Focus on what's ahead.

It's just like in life.

You can't let the past slow you down.

Press on to what's ahead.

When we give our life over to God, He helps us.

He forgives us.

He can turn the bad to good and carry us forward.

Hey, John.

Are you not going with the other coaches to the midpoint?

Uh, I'm not coaching her today.

She's got a better coach.


THOMAS: Hannah, having you in my life is an answer to prayer.

I asked God for it, but I knew I didn't deserve it.

I begged Him to forgive me for not being there for you.

One of the greatest blessings in my life has been getting to know my daughter.

I praise God for you, Hannah.

You don't know how proud I am of you.

I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, ready to pray for you.

I've been praying that you would know that I love you and that God loves you.

He says, "I know the plans that I have for you.

Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.

Plans to give you hope and a future." I've been praying for your grandmother too.

That He would help her and draw her to Himself.

Hannah, the second mile is behind you.

One more to go.

Find your breathing rhythm because we have one more hill coming up.

This is where you'll pass another girl.

Remember, attack this hill.

If someone is in front of you, fight past her.


You can shake her hand after the race.

Big breath, Hannah.

Now take the hill.

We have another update.

With half a mile to go...


MAN: ...it's Gina Mimms in first, Anna Grant in second and Joy Taylor in third.

Hannah, if you're like me, this is where your body hits a wall.

But we're gonna push through it.

This is where you think like a winner.

Most runners will slow down, but not you.

You have half a mile to go, and it belongs to you.

If your legs are burning, let them burn.

Your lungs may be tired, but they're not done yet.

Other runners are feeling the same thing.

You've got to get yourself in position.

Your last kick is coming.

If anyone is in front of you, you gotta get around them.

Don't let anyone block you.

Gina Mimms should be coming out of the woods.

You're near the finish line, and we're gonna finish strong.

You're about to come out of the woods.

If Coach Harrison is right, the lead runner is about 30 yards in front of you.

It's almost time to kick it in.

This is where you pull all your reserves.

This is where you leave it all on the course.

Now, my daughter, it's time.

Hannah, track her down.



There's Gina.

There she is.


Is that...?

That's Hannah.

- Run, Hannah!

- AMY: You gotta go!

JOHN: Come on, Hannah!





Gina, now!


THOMAS: You can do this.

Give it everything.

Catch her, Hannah.

Catch her, Hannah!

THOMAS: Extend your stride.

Pump your arms.

AMY: Fight it, Hannah!

JOHN: Come on!

Catch her, Hannah!



Right there!


Go, Hannah!

JOHN: Fight!

Come on!

THOMAS: Keep your eyes on the finish line and fight for it.

I'm right here with you.

You can do this.

I can see you winning.

I can see you winning.

Do it, Hannah!

Do it, my daughter!

Do it, Hannah!



- Fight, Hannah!

- Whoo!

Go, Hannah!

- Go, Hannah!

- Go!







JOHN: Hannah.

Hannah, come on.


- JOHN: Hannah?


- AMY: Hannah?

Got oxygen?

WOMAN: Sit her up.


JOHN: She needs oxygen.

Come on, Hannah.

Stay with me.

You got it, Hannah.

Come on.

WOMAN: Take some deep breaths.

We gotta move her.

We've got runners coming.

Come on.

Move her.

We need to move her.

BOY 1: What happened?

GIRL 1: She just fell.

BOY 2: I think she just passed out.

GIRL 2: Is she okay?

BOY 3: I don't know.

GIRL 3: Did anybody see who won?

WOMAN: I feel bad for her.



WOMAN: Hey, sweetie.


MAN 1: Way to go.

MAN 2: Nice job.

Right here.

WOMAN: I think you're gonna be okay.

I hope you feel better.

Thanks, guys.

Thank you.


Thank you.


You doing okay?




I'm very proud of you.

You've never run better.

You were amazing.

You did amazing.

I gave everything I had.

I believe it.

Young lady, you doing okay?

I'm okay.

That was quite a finish.

A little scary too.

I understand you've never won a race before.

No, sir.

Well, you have now.


We actually had to go back and look at the video because the computer had the identical time.

It turns out you were leaning forward an inch more than she was.


You just won the state championship.

You did it, Hannah.



Hannah, you did it.






Go, Hannah!

Oh, you did it.

You did it, you did it, you did it.

Come on.


Go, Hannah!

ALL: Hannah!








ANNOUNCER: In first place, and this year's individual state champion, from Brookshire Christian School, Hannah Scott.






Grandma, you stayed.


I'm late for work, but it was worth it.

I am so...

I'm so proud of you.


I want to go see my father.

Just get her home safe.

Thank you.

For everything.

He's gonna be so excited.

I hear three sets of footsteps coming.

Hey, Thomas.

How are you?

I've been on pins and needles all day.

How is everybody?

We're good, Thomas.

Hey, Daddy.

And how is my daughter?


You won a medal.

Thomas, that's not just any medal.

You mean to tell me...

my daughter won the race?

I had a really good coach.


Come here.


Thank You, Lord.

Thank You, Lord, for all You've done.


PRIEST: Thomas Hill's life is a testimony of redemption, of the grace of God and God's power to change a man's heart.

So we take comfort today that he no longer suffers, and is now alive and well in the presence of the Lord.

For Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life.

He who believes in Me shall live, even if he dies." Hannah, are you okay?

I want you to know your dad was a very good friend to me, and I grew to love and respect him very much.

Me too.

For six weeks...

I had the best dad in the world.


HANNAH: At some point, you will ask yourself who you really are.

I used to struggle with that.

I felt like I was a mistake...

and had no place in this world.

I felt unloved and unwanted.

I got so many mixed messages from the world around me...

that I lived in confusion most of the time.

But when I met the One that created me, I found my identity.

It doesn't come from what the culture says, or even how I feel at any given time.

The Creator gets to define His creation.

I still have good days and bad days.

I still have struggles.

But through all of that, I know that the One who loves me and died for me is with me.

He overcame everything for me.

Sin, suffering and death.

So I walk with Him every day.

I trust in Him every day.

And since my identity is found in Him, I know exactly who I am.

THOMAS: Happy Valentine's Day, Hannah.

Today should be your 21st birthday.

I want to tell you that I love you and that God loves you.

Here's what I've already prayed for this year of your life...

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ Stay in the fight Till the final round ♪

♪ You're not going under ♪

♪ You're not going under ♪

♪ 'Cause God is holding you Right now ♪

♪ You might be down For a moment ♪

♪ Feeling Like it's hopeless ♪

♪ That's when he Reminds you ♪

♪ That you're An overcomer ♪

♪ An overcomer ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ An overcomer ♪

♪ Everybody's been down ♪

♪ Hit the bottom Hit the ground ♪

♪ Ooh, you're not alone ♪

♪ Just take a breath Don't forget ♪

♪ Hang on to his promises ♪

♪ He wants you to know ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ Stay in the fight Till the final round ♪

♪ You're not going under ♪

♪ You're not going under ♪

♪ 'Cause God is holding you Right now ♪

♪ You might be down For a moment ♪

♪ Feeling Like it's hopeless ♪

♪ That's when he Reminds you ♪

♪ That you're An overcomer ♪

♪ An overcomer ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ An overcomer ♪

♪ The same man The great I am ♪

♪ The one Who overcame death ♪

♪ He's living inside of you ♪

♪ So just hold tight Fix your eyes ♪

♪ On the one Who holds your life ♪

♪ There's nothing he can't do He's telling you, ooh ♪

♪ Just take a breath Don't forget ♪

♪ Hang on to his promises ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ Stay in the fight Till the final round ♪

♪ You're not going under ♪

♪ You're not going under ♪

♪ 'Cause God is holding you Right now ♪

♪ You might be down For a moment ♪

♪ Feeling Like it's hopeless ♪

♪ That's when he Reminds you ♪

♪ That you're An overcomer ♪

♪ An overcomer ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ An overcomer ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ An overcomer ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ An overcomer ♪

♪ See, don't quit Don't give in ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ Don't quit Don't give in ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ Don't quit Don't give in ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪

♪ You're an overcomer ♪


♪ You're making me a fighter Fighter ♪

♪ You're taking me higher Higher ♪

♪ You've given me the strength I need to believe ♪

♪ Life is worth it 'Cause you love me ♪

♪ So many people Up ahead of me ♪

♪ Feels like I'll never see The finish line ♪

♪ I hear the voices Of the enemy ♪

♪ Telling me I'll never see The other side ♪

♪ But it's not what they say It's not what I do ♪

♪ That defines who I am ♪

♪ I need your voice I need your words ♪

♪ To remind me again ♪

♪ You're making me a fighter Fighter ♪

♪ You're taking me higher Higher ♪

♪ You've given me the strength I need to believe ♪

♪ Life is worth it 'Cause you love me ♪

♪ And that's enough ♪

♪ That's enough ♪

♪ That's enough You love me ♪

♪ You're enough You're enough ♪

♪ You're enough Enough for me ♪

♪ If you'll take away My abilities ♪

♪ I'll still know Who I'm meant to be ♪

♪ I can overcome anything ♪

♪ 'Cause your spirit Is alive in me ♪

♪ Only your voice Only your words ♪

♪ Can define who I am ♪

♪ I need your voice I need your words ♪

♪ To remind me again ♪

♪ You're making me a fighter Fighter ♪

♪ You're taking me higher Higher ♪

♪ You've me the strength I need To believe ♪

♪ Love is worth it 'Cause you love me ♪

♪ And that's enough ♪

♪ That's enough ♪

♪ That's enough You love me ♪

♪ You're enough ♪

♪ You're enough ♪

♪ You're enough Enough for me ♪

♪ I am chosen and redeemed ♪

♪ Your love Has set me free ♪

♪ You define my identity ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I am seen And I am known ♪

♪ You call me as your own ♪

♪ You define my identity ♪

♪ You're making me a fighter Fighter ♪

♪ You're taking me higher Higher ♪

♪ You've given me the strength I need to believe ♪

♪ Life is worth it 'Cause you love me ♪

♪ And that's enough ♪

♪ That's enough ♪

♪ That's enough You love me ♪

♪ You're enough ♪

♪ You're enough ♪

♪ You're enough Enough for me ♪

♪ And that's enough ♪

♪ That's enough ♪

♪ That's enough Enough for me ♪

♪ You're enough ♪

♪ You're enough ♪

♪ You're enough Enough for me ♪
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