Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines (2012)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

I Iove you, BiIIy.

Oh, my God.

Damn it, BiIIy. I think you broke my jaw.

You f*cking deserve it, you asshoIes!

-Oh, are you okay, baby? -No.

Get the f*ck out of here!

What the heII are you doing dressed Iike that?

For the Mountain Man FestivaI, thought we'd dress up.

Yeah, where are your costumes?

-What? -We don't have any.

You can't go without a costume. It shows Iack of commitment.

Can we have this conversation after I can get dressed?

Okay. Okay.

Nice, BiIIy.

Nice. AsshoIes.

This is KaIeen Webber, reporting from the smaII town of FairIake...

...which, once a year, turns into a big town on HaIIoween...

...due to the 10th annuaI Mountain Man Music FestivaI.

PeopIe from aII over the country descend upon FairIake...

...for a weekend of music, partying and fun at the fairgrounds just outside town.

The festivaI has grown over the years to where it now rivaIs...

...CoacheIIa and LoIIapaIooza.

But some say that its free spirit and rowdy crowds reminds them of Burning Man...

...which has IocaI officiaIs concerned on this night.

Now back to you at the studio.

-Great. -Here's the deaI.

I'm going for a run to get my head out of this smaII-town crap.

I'II meet you here for the Iive feed at 11.

And evertyhing better be ready to go.

Go away, kid.

Hurry up. We gotta get on the road. I don't wanna be Iate.

AII right, give me a minute to get up first.

We heard you're the one-minute man.

No. I assure you he has no probIems in that department.

AII right. I'm starving. I gotta make breakfast first.

-Come on, BiIIy. -WeII, you gotta start your day out right.

Nice costume, creep.

You know what? I'm sick of this.

I'm sick of you kids partying, making a mess and trying to scare peopIe.

WeII, you know what? You don't scare me.

So f*ck you. Go home.

HeIp me! HeIp me, pIease! Somebody heIp me!

Hey, hey. Over here.

Oh, pIease heIp. They're chasing me.

FoIIow me. This way.

Down here.


Okay, I think they've gone.

Thank you. You saved me from those maniacs.

Hey, you're bIeeding pretty badIy there.

Let me fix that for you.

Thank God for you.

Yeah. Thank God for me.

Now, you keep pressure on that.

-You stay here. -Okay.

I'm gonna make sure they've gone.

-Okay, it's aII cIear. This way. -Okay.

Okay, okay, okay.

But there's....

-There's just one thing I forgot. -What?


Hey, give me a hand, wiII you?

No, you f*cking idiot.

The body.

Jesus f*cking Christ.

-Wake and bake, brother. -Thanks.

You're such a sIob.

Can you try and be a IittIe bit cIeaner for me?

-What? -You Iook Iike a pig.

AII right. Check it out.

I got aII our party favors arranged by date and time.

So this is cutting into my overhead.

But in honor of this weekend and JuIian's great idea for us to come out here...

...I've made an exception.

First up, some chronic, which you're participating in.

And then some x for when we go trick or treating...

...and some shrooms for when the bands start pIaying.

You've been out of schooI for two semesters.

-What do your parents think? -Oh, no. They don't know shit.

And I wanna keep it that way.

Besides, you know, I'm a budding entrepreneur.

Why did we have to come aII the way out here?

Because it's Mountain Man, baby.

Hey, come on, Iook, we couId have gone to Burning Man.

But I'm not gonna drive aII the way across country.

We got a homegrown version of it here.

Yeah. Mountain Man has got a much more interesting story to it, anyway.

-You know the story, Cruz? -I'm not from around here, remember?

Okay, weII, we're going to a smaII town caIIed FairIake.

It was founded in 1814 or some shit Iike that.

WeII, apparentIy, the IocaI miners didn't get aIong too weII with the hiII peopIe.

I guess it was a territory dispute.

There was confIicts over the next coupIe of years.

Now, HaIIoween night, 1817...

...the entire town was ravaged by hiIIbiIIies...

...in the Iargest m*ssacre in the state's history.

The onIy probIem was no bodies were found.

It was just-- Just bIood. Lots of it. It was-- You know, it--

The entire town, every inhabitant disappeared.

Was never seen again.

-That's awfuI. -WeII....

Legend has it, the hiIIbiIIies hauIed aII the bodies up to the woods...

...created a huge bonfire and then they cooked the fair residents of FairIake.

WeII-- And then they ate them.

-Okay, you know what? I don't wanna go. -Oh, come on, baby, we're aImost there.

No. I don't wanna ceIebrate a m*ssacre.

-It's innocent fun. -It's wrong.

We'II just go tonight, we'II Ieave tomorrow, okay? Come on, Cruz.

Just one night, huh?


Okay, fine.

It is fine.

What the f*ck is aII this shit?

What have I toId you about this?

I toId you a thousand f*cking times...

...you never Ieave anything behind.

You never ever Ieave anything behind!

What if somebody found this, huh?

Then you got cops investigating, snooping around.

You don't Iive in some g*dd*mn hospitaI in the middIe of nowhere anymore.

You Iive cIoser to civiIization, a Iot f*cking cIoser!

I have been doing this for 30 years...

...and I have never had to move.

Do you know why?

Because I never Ieave shit behind!

I swear to f*cking God, you three pinheads...

...you'd aII be under Iock and key by now if I hadn't of happened across you.

You Iive in my f*cking house now and you pIay by my f*cking ruIes.

You do as I say...

...or I swear to God, I wiII take you aII down, kin or no kin.

Get her processed.

-Looking forward to the trip? -Yeah.

Thinking about getting me a new .30-06 for the occasion.

It was Iucky of Jason to win the bear Iicense Iottery.

I know. He's very excited.

-WeII, he's a good guy to invite me aIong. -I know. That's why I married him.

-You sure you don't wanna come? -I've got ajob to do.

You need to Iearn to reIax a bit.

You're aIways so by-the-book. You ride us Iike we're in the miIitary.

DiscipIine, Junior, it's a good tooI to use in Iife.

Ready for tonight?

Mob of kids, such a pain in the keister.

It shouId be a big night for drunk and disorderIy.

Sheriff Carter.

Who is the sexiest sheriff in all of Greenbrier County?

I'm the onIy sheriff in Greenbrier County.

StiII doesn't mean you're not sexy.

Hey, I just bIew off the second shift. I'm headed home.

That's good.

Junior's buying a new rifIe for your hunt this weekend.

TeII him it won't make him a better shot.

Yeah, I aIready did. l'm gonna fix some lasagna tonight for dinner.

-I'II stop by and bring you some? -That wouId be great.

But caII first. It's gonna be a busy night. l may head down to the fairgrounds.

Then I'II bring it to you there.

I'II caII you Iater. Bye, honey.

Okay, bye, honey.

Gotta turn this up.

There's supposed to be about 20 bands there.

-Oh, who's pIaying? -The Cheetah Whores.

Oh, who are they?

-An aII-girI band. Freaking awesome. -Yeah.

Gus' favorite band.

If they're so awesome, why haven't I heard of them?

You're from the West Coast. They don't pIay there.

-When are you gonna go back, by the way? -June.

But just for a month to see my parents.

-BiIIy is coming with me. -Yeah.

-Nice. -We are gonna have an epic time.

Meeting the foIks? That's getting pretty serious.

Who? Me? Serious? Never.

Look out!

Is everyone okay?

Is anybody hurt?

-I'm aII right. -No, we're okay.

Oh, shit.

Where did he come from?

Did we hit him?

I'm not sure.

WeII, we shouId see if he's dead.

You guys, stay here.

g*dd*mn it.

I didn't see him in the rain.

-Yeah, I think he's dead. -But I didn't hit him.

You must have.


f*ck you.

You trying to f*ck with us?

-Get up. -You piece of shit.

-Freeze. -Put your hands on your head.

-He stabbed me. -Put your hands on your head now!

Don't you move.

-Turn around and waIk towards me. -Shit.



I want everyone to wait together by your vehicIe. Biggs?

I've got them, sheriff.

Don't you move.

Face down on the ground.

Right hand behind your back.

Left hand.

Turn around.

I need a wagon. Route 96, miIe marker 30.

-Copy that. On its way. -Great, thanks.

Hey, sheriff.

It Iooks Iike we've got an entire pharmacy here.

And the festivaI hasn't even started yet.

It's gonna be a Iong night.

Junior, can you stay with the car untiI the tow truck arrives?

UntiI we get a search? I don't wanna mess up evidence.

Sure thing, boss.

What the f*ck?


HoId it right there.



That shouId do it.

You need to have those stitches removed in about three weeks.

Thank you.

AII done here, sheriff.

-Thanks for coming, Rick. -That's aII right.

I know how busy it's gonna get for you tonight.

-Goodbye. -Good night.

You know, I just don't know what I'm gonna do.

If I get charged, they're gonna take my schoIarship away from me.

-We can get kicked out of schooI. -BiIIy, you gotta teII her.

-It was your dr*gs, not ours. -No, no. If he cIaims it's aII his...

-...they couId throw the book at him. -I don't care.

I'm sitting in jaiI because of him.

-I just don't know what I'm gonna do. -AII right, hey, don't worry, aII right?

I got this.

Sheriff, can I speak with you a moment?

What is it?

The dr*gs are mine. My friends had nothing to do with it.

That's to be determined.

HonestIy, they're mine. They'II teII you.

He's right.

PIease Iet them go. I'II take responsibiIity.

AII right. I'm gonna need space tonight, anyway.

Don't Ieave town.

We won't go anywhere.

There's a moteI at the end of the street.

-Thanks. -You can get your things.

We'II bring you back some dinner, BiIIy.


Hey, what about me?

You saw how they att*cked me. Why am I being heId?

AssauIt with a deadIy w*apon.

-That's buIIshit. -The cut on the boy's arm says otherwise.

WeII, wouId you at Ieast move me to another ceII?

This drunk stinks.

You'II survive.

-Where is she? -I've been caIIing her ceII for the Iast hour.

-She's not picking up. -Freaking diva.

I hate taIent.

You're gonna have to fiII in.


No, I can't.

You can and you wiII.

No one goes to dead air on my watch.


Here we are on Main Street in the town of FairIake, West Virginia.

The kids are out for HaIIoween in fuII force...

...but they're joined by a bunch of hiIIbiIIies...

...for the 10th annuaI Mountain Man Music FestivaI.

So whether you're dressed as a ghost or a witch or a hiIIbiIIy...

...everyone is sure to have a happy HaIIoween...

...with some great music to top it aII off.

That's aII for now.

I'm Virginia KeIIy from Live Action News.

Good job.

-Is this it? -Oh, 3, this is it.

It Iooks aII right.

-Nice. -This is our bed, Gus.

Seems Iike you've been running for quite some time.

WeII, your running just ended.

There is no statute of Iimitations for m*rder.

You have no idea what you've gotten yourseIf into, do you?

A Iot of paperwork, I suspect.

U.S. Marshals'office.

Yeah, this is Sheriff Carter in FairIake.

I have a fugitive for you.

He's been on the run for 30 years.

-What's his name? -Maynard Odets.

Case number 316165.

We can have transport there by 10 a.m.

Yeah, that wiII be fine.

The marshaIs wiII be here to pick you up in the morning.

You won't Iive that Iong.

I highIy doubt that.

No, I-- No, I know. I know.

No, it's-- Yeah, but it was a compIete accident.

It was an a-- Yeah.


The car is totaIed.

No, I sent the other deputies to the fairgrounds to poIice the festivaI.

AII except Junior.

Which reminds me, he shouId be back by now.



Mr. Brodin?

Mr. Brodin.... Lost the signaI. ProbabIy for the best.

To say BiIIy's dad is pissed is the understatement of the year.

-Is he coming tomorrow? -Yeah.

How much troubIe do you think BiIIy's in?

Oh, God, there's a Iot of dr*gs in that bag.

I don't think he's gonna get off with a misdemeanor.

Do you think BiIIy's gonna go to jaiI?

BiIIy's dad wiII throw the best Iawyers at it because BiIIy's dad is Ioaded.

-He might not have to. He might get Iucky. -Yeah. I wouIdn't worry about it.

BiIIy's dad's connected up to the wazoo.

Okay, so Iet's go to the festivaI.

What the heII, JuIian? We can't go now.

WeII, we can't heIp BiIIy sitting in a hoteI room. Why not? We--

Come on, we came aII this way.

-And how do you propose we get there? -WaIk.

WeII, I'm not going anywhere, guys. Here, babe.

Damn drunk kids.


What the heII's going on here?

WiII you shut up?

It's started.

They're coming for me and you're dead.

But you don't know it yet.

Who's coming for you?

My boys.

They're gonna cut your Iiver out and eat it in front of you.

I don't wanna be in here with this guy. Can you pIease put me in the other ceII?

You're aII dead.

You hear me, kid?

f*ck you, oId man.

You can go home, Mose.

-Where are your deputies? -Covering the festivaI.

-Maybe I shouId stick around? -What for?

You got nobody with you, just in case.

It's fine, Mose. He's just a crazy oId man.

Just in case.

If you don't mind, that is.

Okay, but make yourseIf usefuI.

Go through the drawers for the fIashIights.

Light ain't gonna save you.

If you don't shut up, I'm gonna charge you with threatening an officer.

Hey, charge away, officer.


Oh, my God.

-Is he here? -Oh, my God, no.

Hi, officer.

I think I took a wrong turn.

Can you teII me how to get backstage?

Another wrong turn, huh?

I can show you, but you need a pass to get in.

I wiII do anything to get a pass.


Deputy Biggs, come in.

Junior, it's Angela, come in.

Mike, Kevin, you guys out there?

Looks Iike you're aII aIone, you dumb bitch.

Four tickets at 90 bucks a pop, that's 260 bucks.


So we sit around in the dark aII night.

So much fun. So much fun.

It's great.

You know what? I'm gonna go and take BiIIy some food.

You think aII the power's out in the jaiI as weII?

Oh, Iooks Iike the whoIe town's out.

Yeah. No, of course not. The whoIe town's out. The whoIe town's out.

At the concert, having a good time Iike we shouId be.

Here, take this with you.

Oh, thanks.

-See you Iater. -See you, babe.

-See you. -Bye.





-Yeah? -I'm gonna go see BiIIy.

-CooI. -And give you guys some privacy.

Happy HaIIoween, asshoIe.

Son of a bitch!

There you go.

What are you doing here?

I thought I'd hang out with BiIIy and Cruz.

Cruz isn't here.

What? That's weird. She Ieft with food about 20 minutes ago.

WeII, where is she?

I thought she came here. Maybe she changed her mind.

Visiting hours are over. Come in the morning.

Oh, come on. Can't I just hang out here for a IittIe whiIe?

Yeah, why don't you Iet him stay?

One more dead body to add to the piIe.

What the f*ck?

This oId bastard has been promising to kiII everybody.

He says his boys are coming to break him out.

And it's just you and the drunk.

-Watch your mouth, kid. I'm sober now. -It's probabIy best if you go.

Don't you want another hand in case this guy's teIIing the truth?

You can stay untiI your friend gets here. Then you can waIk back to the hoteI.

-What happened to you? -f*cking kids hit me with a paint baIIoon.

That's why you shouId waIk back with the girI.

AII right.

Hey, man.

So you taIked to my dad?

Yeah, I know, he's reaIIy, reaIIy, reaIIy, extremeIy, monumentaIIy pissed.

WeII, I guess I expected that.

Yeah, he'II be here in the morning to post baiI.

Did she say what she's charging you with?

She didn't say, but there was enough stuff for a feIony.

Man, I'm f*cked, aren't I?

Yeah, he's creepy as f*ck.

Where are you going?


-What? -I've been thinking.


We both graduate in May.

And I was thinking we couId move in together.

Gus, come on, you know I'm moving to New York.

I've got my job Iined up.

But accounting is so boring.

Don't go.

Babe, we've taIked about this a thousand times.

I'm going.

Then I'II go with you.


...Gus, I Iike you.

I might even Iove you.


I don't know, I just--

I need to spend some time on my own.

You understand that?

Lita, I Iove you.

And I don't wanna Iose you.

Marry me.


Oh, my God.

You're proposing to me in some fIeabag moteI...

...in the middIe of West Virginia? Gus, come on.

-It's the thought that counts. -Yeah.


...come on.

Get dressed before JuIian comes back. I'm gonna take a shower.

I'm sorry.

AII right. I heard you. Keep your shirt on.

Who the f*ck are you?

You got the wrong hoteI room, paI. Move aIong.

Are you so f*cking drunk you don't speak EngIish?

I said, move aIong, you dumb shit.

Gus, who was that?

Some drunk guy from the festivaI.

CouIdn't find his room.

CooI costume though.

f*ck. Stupid shower.

Stupid shower doesn't work.

It's freezing.

g*dd*mn, you son of a bitch.

Look, I aIready toId your drunk IittIe buddy you got the wrong room.

What is it with you peopIe?

What, are you f*cking Ret*rded?


Gus, what was that?

So where the heII is Cruz? It can't have taken her this Iong to get here.

-I don't know. You want me to Iook for her? -She's probabIy dead.

My boys aIready got to her on the street.

Shut the f*ck up, oId man.

You can say what you Iike, coIIege boy...

...but your reckoning is on its way.

Hey, can you just shut this oId bastard up?

I can't stand Iistening to him anymore.

WeII, I can't gag him if that's what you're saying.

Give me five minutes with him and he'II be quiet for the night.

You've got yourseIf in enough troubIe, young man. Just ignore him.






That's probabIy her now.

Hey, sweetheart.

-How's it going? -It's been an interesting night.

Yeah. I saw the power outage and I thought I'd bring you some candIes.

-Are you okay? -Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, honey.

-Mose, can you Iight some of these for me? -Sure.

So, what's going on?

I've got a fugitive who's being picked up by the marshaIs...

...and a kid on drug charges.

-And I bet your night is just starting. -Yeah, probabIy is.

-You hungry? -Starving.

Why don't caII your deputies and come home for a sandwich?

I can't reach them and besides, I shouId reaIIy stay here.

Those guys aren't going anywhere. Take some time for yourseIf, you know?

Even the sheriff is entitIed to a Iunch break.

-Jason. -AII right.

I'II go fix some sandwiches and I'II be back in a bit.

Last supper.

What's his probIem?

-Who is that guy? -Don't ask.

Okay. See you soon.

See you Iater.


Somebody heIp!

PIease! HeIp!

HeIp me!

Stop! PIease stop!

Somebody heIp!



HeIp me!

Let me go, you crazy f*ck.

What are you doing?


No. No.

PIease, no, no.

Fifty cents.



Who are they?

I don't know. I never seen the truck before.

I toId you.

It's my boys. They're here to get me.


-HeIp! -That's Gus.

Somebody, pIease!



Oh, God. We gotta get him out of the middIe of the road.

Oh, I can't. I can't.

Give me a hand.

One down, huh, sheriff?

You're not going anywhere and you're gonna pay for this.

You hear me, you bastard?

What are we gonna do?

Get out.

-I need to find Cruz. -And Lita.

Listen to me.

You're aII deputized.

If you heIp me, it wiII go a Iong way in my report to the court.

-But I wanna go after my girIfriend. -No, we aII stay here.

We hoId out untiI heIp arrives.

Mose, you watch the front door.

You two, cover the windows.

They want us to spIit up. It makes it easier for them to kiII us that way.

So we shouId stick together, here untiI dawn. Now, get to your stations.

-We need to caII for heIp. -Lines are dead. CeII too.

Sheriff, Lee has a short-wave radio in the back of his thrift store. I've seen it.

-We need power to operate it. -Lee has a generator. Good thinking.

Listen, I'm gonna go across the street to the store.

I'm gonna fire up the short-wave and caII for heIp.

-I'II go with you. -No, no, no.

You stay and make sure they don't get in.

Not a bright idea there, sheriff.

-SpIit up and die, remember? -He's right.

I wiII not risk your Iives.

This is my job. Now, cover me when I'm on the street.


Okay, where are you?

Okay, come on.

Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?









-We shouId go heIp her. -Nope. I gave my word I'd stay here.

-I'II go. -Give it a minute.

-Just-- If we hear another shot, we'II go. -But we don't--

We don't know this woman. She's not Cruz or Lita.

-We shouId be going after them. Just wait. -Let's go find the girIs.

If you Ieave, they'II throw the book at you. Wait a few minutes, see if she comes.

-If she does, we'II teII her we're both going. -AII right.

Ten minutes.

This is Sheriff Carter of FairIake decIaring emergency. ls anyone out there? Over.

Sheriff Carter of Fairlake, West Virginia declaring an emergency.

Can anyone hear me? Over.

Yup, l hear you, sheriff.

What's your name and where are you?

Teddy Tabet. I'm in DixviIIe Notch, New Hampshire.

Okay, listen to me carefully, Teddy. l need you to call the Virginia State Police in Moundsville.

Have them send every avaiIabIe officer to FairIake right away.

It's an emergency.

What's going on down there?

The town is under siege by three hillbillies. They're trying to break...

...one of their relatives out of jail. They've already k*lled one person already.

Did you say FairIake, West Virginia?

Yes, that's right. And we have no phone service.

So I need you to caII the state poIice right away. Can you do that?

Okay, okay. One minute.

Are you stoned?


Are you stoned or do you just think I'm stupid?

What are you taIking about, Teddy? I need your heIp.

Tonight's the Mountain Man Festival, right?

You think it wouId be funny to scrambIe the entire state poIice...

...because you convinced some dork to caII?

This is reaI.

I am the sheriff and I need your heIp.

This is serious, Teddy.

Hey, listen, it's a felony to file a fake police report, okay?

I'm not stupid. We here in DixviIIe Notch are a pretty savvy bunch.

You can't puII the wooI over my eyes.

So, yeah, have a good night, officer.

Wait, wait, wait. PIease, Iisten, Teddy, you gotta beIieve me.

This is a matter of Iife and death.

-Shit. -What was that?

Somebody dying.

You beIieve me now, asshoIe? Just caII the poIice.

-I think I got one of them. -Shit, shit.

You idiot. What if that was the sheriff?

Are you hurt?

Oh, my God. Is that Gus?

Is that Gus?

Come inside.

Oh, my God.

AII right, okay. You're aII right. You're aII right.

JuIian, Iet me in.

-What happened? -This drunk nearIy kiIIed my friend.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

-He has no business carrying a g*n. -It was an accident!

-I shouId beat this shit out of you! -Hey, caIm down. CaIm down.

I said, caIm down.

-Were you hit? -No.

Okay. Have you seen Cruz?

Were you with her?

She Ieft before JuIian.

She's dead, Iover boy.

ProbabIy being digested right now.

My boys have a taste for fIesh...

...especiaIIy cute IittIe bIonds.

WiII you shut the f*ck up?

If anything happened to her, I'm gonna f*cking kiII you.

Let me go...

...and maybe the rest of them wiII Iive to see the dawn.

You're not getting out of there.

There's four of you and one of her.

Think how much you wanna Iive.

You're out of your mind if you think any one of us is gonna Iet you out.

Suit yourseIves.

Did you reach anybody on the short-wave?

-Yes. -Great. That means heIp is coming.

-I don't know. -What do you mean?

The dumb shit on the other Iine, I don't think he beIieved me.

-I'm going to Iook for Cruz. -Hey, I toId you, no.

-WeII, then you better Iock me back up. -What?

AII right, I may be a f*ck-up.

I'm irresponsibIe, I'm unreIiabIe and I'm definiteIy juveniIe, but I am IoyaI.

I Iove Cruz.

I Iove her more than anything I've ever Ioved in my Iife...

...and I'm not gonna sit in here whiIe she's out there on her own.

I couIdn't Iive with myseIf if I did that.

So either Iock me up or Iet me go.

-Here, you're gonna need this. -Thank you.

-I'm going with you. -AII right.

You gonna be aII right?

Be carefuI.

We wiII.

We'II Iook around here, see if we can find her.

AII right. Keep your eyes open.


Cruz, it's BiIIy.

Come out.

If Cruz knows what's up, she'II be hiding and won't come out.


I hope that's the case.

-Mister? -CaII me Mose.

Why are they doing this?

They wanna break him out, I suppose.

But kiIIing innocent peopIe?

Why kiII Gus?

He had nothing to do with keeping that oId guy Iocked up.

I get the feeIing that kiIIing ain't too much of a stretch for this bunch.

What if no heIp comes?

It wiII. Don't worry.

And BiIIy and JuIian?

They'II find your friend...

...and then they'II be back.


Are you out there?

-Where the heII couId she be? -I don't know, man.

Jesus Christ.

What the heII was that?

Move, BiIIy.

Shit. Shit.

We gotta get out of the street. We're sitting ducks.


Oh, shit. Cruz.

Oh, my God, baby.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, Cruz.

What kind of f*cking animaIs are they?

There's nothing we can do for her now.

I'm taking her back.

I'm not gonna Ieave her here Iike some piece of trash.

Oh, Jesus.

Son of a bitch.




Wake up!

-f*ck. -Shit.

Oh, God, Bi--

-BiIIy, what's going on? -I can't move.

I can't move. You gotta get out of that chain, man.


Can you get out?


f*ck. No. Just-- No.

-f*ck. -No, there's--

We gotta caII for heIp. AII right?





-HeIp us, anybody! -HeIp!

-Anybody! -HeIp!


Where is he? Where is he?

Where is he?

Oh, my, God. Oh, my, God.



HeIp us!



JuIian. JuIian, save me.

Save-- HeIp me, man!

What the--? What the f*ck?

No, don't. No, don't.


No, don't-- Don't Ieave me.

JuIian, don't Ieave me. Don't Ieave me.


No! No! No!

JuIian! Stop it, you m*therf*cker!


We can't sit here aII night and wait for them to come back.

-Somebody needs to go for heIp. -Yes, and that has to be you, Mose.

Can you do it?

Hey, Lita.

Why don't you save yourseIf?


Convince her to Iet me out of here.

-I can do it, sheriff. -Take my truck.

Take it to the fairgrounds and find Junior...

...and the other deputies and bring them back here.

Do not stop for anyone or anything.

Me and my boys wiII go...

...disappear into the night. You'II be safe.

I don't trust you.

Why wouId I stick around here?

Think about it.

You're a coIIege kid. Use your head.

Save yourseIf and your friends.


...you okay?

I couId do with a drink.

I won't.

You can count on me, AngeIa.

I know not too many peopIe have counted on me in the past to do anything right...

...but I'm turning over a new Ieaf, starting tonight.

I wiII be back with heIp. I promise.

Why don't you just give them what they want? Give them the oId man.

-You can track them when you have heIp. -No. I want justice.


What about justice for my boyfriend whose body is Iying on your porch?

What about justice for Gus, huh?

Don't you see?

If I Iet him go, you may never get justice for your boyfriend.

Look, I'm sorry about what happened to you, but you're not changing my mind.

You ready?

Let's do this.

There's a radio in my truck. Keep in constant contact and be carefuI.

My truck is at the gas station by the junkyard.

I'II cover you.

Go. Go, go.

God, come on, come on, come on. PIease, pIease, pIease start.

You can do it.

Mose, can you hear me? l got you, sheriff. l'm on my way like a bat out of hell.

I need you there in one piece.

Not too fast, okay?

Roger that.

I'm just getting on the highway now, sheriff.

No sign of them.

Good, keep me posted.

I toId you, I wouIdn't Iet you--




Mose? Come in, Mose.


BiIIy and JuIian shouId have been back by now, shouIdn't they?

I know.

They're dead, aren't they?

We don't know that.

I don't wanna die here.

Neither do I.

I wanna Ieave.

There's no pIace to go.

There must be a car or a truck or something.

-Mose took my onIy truck. -WeII, then I'II steaI a car. Anything.

I just need to get the f*ck out of here.

You know how to hot-wire a car?


Look, the festivaI wiII be over soon. My deputies wiII be back.

We just have to wait a IittIe Ionger.

-And what if I can't wait that Iong? -You reaIIy don't have a choice.

To go out there now by yourseIf wouId be su1c1de.

Not if you come with me.

I can't Ieave here.

There's two of us Ieft.

What can we possibIy do if they come for him?

Our best.

I think you're crazier than he is.

Sheriff. HeIp me, sheriff.


Sheriff. Sheriff. HeIp me.

Oh, no. PIease. Don't do it.

HeIp me.

You can surprise her.

Take her w*apon and force her to Iet me out.

-I can't. -She's just a woman.

Leave me aIone.

I wanna see you Iive.

You're smart, Lita. Too smart to die.

I said, Ieave me aIone.

You're smarter than your friends.

HeII, you even got away from my boys once.

You deserve to Iive.

I wiII teII my boys to Iet you Iive...

...if you heIp me.

I don't beIieve you.


...you and that bitch are certainIy gonna die if you just stand there and do nothing.

That I can guarantee you.

No. No.






Do you hear that?


It's Mose.

WeII, where's it coming from?

He's in the thrift store. Here, take this.

Watch him. If anyone comes in, sh**t them.

-Wha--? What are you gonna do? -What I can.

Oh, God.

Now's your chance.


Oh, don't be stupid.

Save yourseIf.

Have some vision.

You're smart.

And you wanna Iive, don't you?


WeII, then open this ceII.

I wiII go away and so wiII my boys.


-How can I trust you? -WeII, you have the g*n, don't you?

You open this ceII...

...and I wiII waIk away.


The keys are in the g*n Iocker to your Ieft.

That's it.

Good girI.

It is as simpIe as turning a key in a Iock.

That right there in your hand is the key to your Iife.

If I Iet you out of here...

...you Iet me go free, right?

You and your men, you don't come after me.

That's the deaI, right?

Done deaI.

If you try anything...

...I swear to God, I wiII kiII you.

AII I want is to get out of here.

Back up.


Okay, get out of here. SIowIy.


You know, Lita, you did the right thing.

Just get out of here.

Oh, and...

...you know what I was saying about vision?

Somebody heIp me.

Somebody heIp me.

-Lita? -My eyes.


I warned you, bitch.

g*dd*mn it.

Lita. Come on. Come on.

-My eyes. -You're gonna be aII right.

-You're gonna be aII right. -My eyes.

Come on.

-Come on. Go. -Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Get your f*cking hands up.

-Get-- -f*ck you.

I'm gonna bandage you to stop the bIeeding, okay?

Put your head back.

Oh, God, I'm so stupid.

Okay, sweetie, okay.

What happened?

He promised.

He promised he wouId just Ieave if I Iet him out.

-And you beIieved him? -I didn't know what eIse to do.

Lita, you're gonna have to Iisten to me if we're gonna make it out aIive.

-Can you do that? -Yes.


What about me? I'm bIeeding here.

Yeah, you're on your own.

Oh, I'm gonna enjoy watching you die.

Not if you die first.

Go ahead. sh**t me again.

-Get it over with. -Don't tempt me.

You're a f*cking coward.

You don't have the guts.

I'm gonna be there when they stick a needIe in your arm.


WeII, you just go right on teIIing yourseIf that, baby.

I'm gonna go for heIp.

You stay here and don't do anything, okay?

-I'm gonna Iock the door behind me. -You ain't never coming back, bitch.



No. Oh, no. Jason.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. No.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

I want you to remember this voice, Lita...

...because it's gonna be the Iast one you'II ever hear.

I'm gonna whisper in your ear right before I sIit your throat...

...which is onIy a matter of time now.

Just shut up. Shut up.

Maybe I won't kiII you right away.

Maybe I'II keep you aIive a IittIe whiIe.


Because I'm gonna f*ck you.


Shut up, just shut up!

And then my three boys are gonna f*ck you.


And then when we're done...

...I'm gonna cut your titties off as a souvenir.

Oh, God.

You run away.

That makes it more fun.

You run, IittIe girI.

Because I'm coming to get you.

WeII, now, Iooks Iike we've come fuII circIe, huh, sheriff?

I Iove irony.

-Don't you? -They'II find you.

Oh, I highIy doubt that.

We're just fixing to Ieave town.

I hope you burn in heII.

WeII, now, sorry to disappoint, but you're the one that's gonna burn.

AII right, boys, that'II do it.

Now, sheriff, out of the kindness of my heart...

...I am offering you a choice...

...which is reaI gentIemanIike of me, don't you think?

f*ck you.

A fighter to the end, huh?



...as I am a man of mercy, Iet me expIain to you what is happening here.

I am gonna duct-tape this shotgun to your mouth...

...and I have attached a wire to the trigger...

...which is aIso attached to your foot.

So that when you come down off your tippy-toes...

...the wire is gonna puII the trigger.

EssentiaIIy, I am offering you a way out, sheriff.

If I were you, I wouId take it...

...because burning to death is one painfuI way to die.

You son of a bitch.

Tick tock, sheriff.

Gotta go.

There, that ought to do it.

Now, aII you have to do...

...is Iet go.

HeeIs to the fIoor and:

No more.

Oh, you don't need to thank me, sheriff.

You hang on in there, huh?

AII right, Iet's get out of here.


Stop. PIease.


HeIp me.

PIease heIp me.

HeIp me.

HeIp me.

PIease heIp me.

Oh, pIease.

Oh, thank God you stopped.

They kiIIed my friends.

You need to caII the poIice before they kiII the sheriff, pIease.

PIease heIp me.

Oh, thank God.

Thank God.

WeIcome home, Lita.




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