Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead (2009)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ People Whooping ]

[ Man ] Yeah! [ Woman Shouts, Indistinct ]

[ Woman Speaking, Indistinct ] [ Man ] Go, Trey! Go!

[ Trey ] Come on, man! [ Woman ] You guys are slow!

[ Man ] Don't get caught up in the rocks. [ Woman Yelps ] Oh, my God!

[ Man ] Come on. Keep it going north-south.

[ Trey Laughs ]

[ Woman ] Look out for that rock!

Look out!

[ Chattering ] [ Woman Whoops ]

[ Chattering ]

Whoo! Whoo!

My turn.

[ Man ] That's it.

[ Chattering ]

[ Shrieks ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Groans ]

Jesus, Alex. Anyone ever told you to go slow when we first enter the chute?

Slow is for pussies.

[ Groans ]

Get in there.

[ Alex ] Let's set up camp here for the night. All right. Let's pull the boats in.

This place is perfect.

[ Breathing Heavily ]

Hey. We're gonna go look for some firewood.

You do that. I'm gonna blow a stick.

Don't hog all the kush. [ Laughs ]

[ Lighter Flicks ]

[ Exhales ] Mmm.

[ Exhales ] You are a total exhibitionist.

So what? The girls need to breathe.

[ Laughs ] We're in the middle ofthe woods. Who's gonna notice?

I don't know. Some banjo-playing freak.

What? Forget it.

[ Sighs ] Hey, where's Trey?

Oh, the Boy Scout's gathering the right kindling up the river.

Like there's a wrong kind.

I'm gonna go look for him.

You guys, don't do anything that will scare the animals.

Okay? Mm-hmm.


[ Exhales ] Alex thinks I'm a slut. Do you think I'm a slut?

Yes. But that is what I love about you.

I thought you loved my tits. I do. You have perfect tits.

I could hold them forever.

[ Gasps, Screams ] [ Screaming ]

[ Screaming Continues ]

[ Panting ]

Please help me!

[ Shrieks ] [ Gasps ]

[ Cackles ] [ Gasping ]

[ Cackling ] Oh!

[ Grunting ]

[ Clattering ] [ Grunts ]

[ Cackling ]

[ Cackling Continues ]

[ Cackling ]

[ Screams ]

[ Muttering ]

[ Cackling ]

[ Man ] Help! [ Shrieking ]

Please, help! Help!

[ Creaking, Rustling ]


[ Inmates Chattering ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Man ] Hey, come on!

[ Man Continues, Indistinct ]

Why don't you step off, skinhead?

You fight one bean, you fight the whole burrito, huh?


You got your shit set?

Just make sure your f*cking tacojockeys don't f*ck it up.

Don't test me, cabron.

You know, normally, I'd slit your throat for less.

But seeing as we're business partners, I think I'll let it slide.

Just remember one thing.

You're not the only one that's good at slitting throats.

Now, I paid you a lot offucking money to help put this together.

So the shit better come good like clockwork next week.

Don't you worry, Chavez. I won't burn you.

Money is money. It makes the world go round.


I'm not worried, but we all know how you like to burn things.


[ Chuckles ]

[ Buzzer Buzzes ] [ Man ] All right, keep moving.

[ Man ] Let's go, guys.

Man, he is an idiot.

I'm just telling you what he told me.

Hey. Late on your last day?

Farmerwill probably write your ass up for it too.

He can write all he wants.

Damn, Nate, those are some expensive-looking threads.

You got to dress for success, Walter.

Nate, I wasjust telling Walter here how Sergeant Farmer was saying... you're probablyjust gonna flunk out in your first semester anyway.

Oh! Nice. I really care what he thinks.

Ah, by the way, warden wants to see you. He says we got a transfer tonight.

Oh, man, I just wanna have a peaceful shift and go home, not go on a g*dd*mn road trip.

I'll see you out there, man. See ya.

[ Man On P.A. ] Cell Block "A"— prisoners, clear the yard.

Clear the yard.

You wanted to see me, Warden? Nate.

You know Willy here, don't you? A prisoner from Cell Block 3.

WillyJuarez is actually U.S. Marshal WilliamJuarez. This is Marshal Davis.

They're gonna help us out with the Hazelton transfer, specifically with Carlo Chavez.

That transfer isn't supposed to happen until next week.

Yeah, well, I pushed it to tonight. Our friends here got word... that Chavez's g*ng may attempt to break him out during the transfer.

We putJuarez undercover to try and find out who he's passing the information through.

You chain him up next to Chavez on the bus.

Nate, onlyyou will know my real identity in case ofan incident.

Now, for this to work, Chavez has to trust me.

[ Warden ] As an added precaution, I've altered your route.

Nobody knows it but the people in this room.

I'm counting on you, Nate.

[ Door Opens ]

Thanks, Ally. No problem, boss.

♪♪ [ Radio: Country ]

[ Phone Rings ]

Sheriff's station. Deputy Lane speaking.

Yeah. When?

What type ofvehicle were they driving?

Ye-Yeah. Where can we reach you?

Thanks. We'll get back to you.

Some college kids went missing. They were river rafting and didn't come back.

How long? A couple ofdays.

Where? Bluefish River area.

They probably stayed over so they could camp a little longer.

I'll take a drive out there. I can do that, Sheriff. You don't have to.

No. It's fine.

I could use the fresh air.

Come on, Leon! [ Dog Barking ]

[ Inmate ] Hey, come on! Hey!

[ Key Rattling ]

[ Inmates Speaking, Indistinct ]

What the f*ck do you want? We're going on a bus ride, Mr. Chavez.

What, now? Yeah, now. You know the drill.

Well, this shit ain't right. Where are you taking me? Hazelton.

But they said I wasn't going till next week.

I guess they couldn't wait to see you.

What about my shit? We'll have it boxed up and shipped. Let's move, Chavez.

Touch me again, I'll break your f*ckin' fingers.

Just move your ass before I lose my patience.

Oh, no, you don't. No. You're not chaining that m*rder*r next to me.

Shut up, Crawford.

Let's get Chavez up front followed by Juarez here and then the rest of'em.

What's your problem?

My problem is I don't wanna be chained to a whackjob... who went all post-traumatic stress on some poor assh*le in a bar.

I mean, what-what-what— You know, couldn't hack the w*r, soldier boy? Huh?

Can't handle your liquor? Listen. I pushed the guy. He fell.

And he hit his head. Okay? I'm innocent.

Yeah. So am I. And so is everyone else in here.

Never trust a con, huh?

I'm not buying your bullshit, soldier boy.

I heard you had your hands all up in the cash register.

Just leave me alone. Oh, now. Soldier boy wants to be left alone.

Oh! She had what? You get a "DearJohn" letter?

Yeah. Yeah, went psycho... when you found out yourwife was f*cking a real marine, you punk-ass bitch?

That's enough. Shut up. Man, I'm just saying, I don't wanna be chained to a m*rder*r.

I mean, at least stealing cars, that's an honorable trade.

Jesus Christ, Crawford. Floyd over here k*lled three people that we know about.

That-That's different, man. Floyd's my friend. -Just get moving!

[ Walter] Keep it moving.

[ Nate ] Get out ofthe way. Move. Watch your step.

Here are the transfers. Gas up here.

The sheriffwill be told you're coming 20 minutes before you're scheduled to arrive.

Stupid shit, making us go all night. [ Snoring ]

f*cking bullshit! Don't you think?

Shut the f*ck up and don't talk.

[ Grunts ] Floyd!

What the hell? What you laughing at, bitch?

f*ck you, Adolf. You're dead, w*tback.


It's not him you should be worrying about. Right?

It's all right. I got the word out.

It better be all right, homes.

So, what you gonna do when you graduate law school?

Practice law.

I know that, wiseass. [ Gear Shifts ]

What kind of law? The kind that buys me a big townhouse... on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

So it's all about money? I plan on doing some pro bono work.

But first I got to be successful.

Hmm. You got some pretty big expectations.

I put myselfthrough school, and I'm gonna put myself through law school.

And when I'm all done, I wanna retire to, like, Miami.

South Beach. Live a nice, comfortable life, you know.

[ Chuckling ] Retire?

Man, you'll be too old to enjoy it.

Money isn't everything, my friend.

[ Exhales ]

I gotta go. Just can't wait.

Move. Oh, God.

Walter, where's the fire? Man, I got to go.

[ Crawford ] Hey, hey, me too, man. Can you hurry it up?

You will each have an opportunity to use the restroom.

♪♪ [ Radio: Country ]

[ Sheriff] Keep moving. [ Whistles ] Hey, sweetie.

Nate? Nate Wilson?

Well, I'll be damned. Hi, Sheriff.

I haven't seen you since you were about 1 2. [ Dog Whimpers ]

Well, since your folks moved away.

Is that Leon? Here, boy. [ Chuckling ]

Sure is. Fourteen years old and still acts like a knucklehead.

How's your dad? Uh, Dad passed away a few years back.

[ Toilet Flushes ] Mom's fine though.

[ Sheriff] I'm sorry to hear that. Next.

He was a good man. He was a great help when we had that trouble... at the old mill years ago. Mm-hmm.

[ Sheriff] I think it got to him.

[ Chuckling ] I can't believe howyou've grown.

Law enforcement to boot. Hmm.

You two know each other? Sure thing. Nate was brought up around here.

[ Chuckles ] Damn, Nate. I knewyou were a hick.

But, like, shit, this is the middle of nowhere. Yeah.

Coffee? That'd be great.


That better be my name tag you're staring at.

Are those g*ns standard issue, baby?

[ Groaning ] What did you just say?

[ Laughing ] [ Groans ] Easy there, honeypot.

Oh, you like the rough stuff, huh?

Hell, I can do that. Even all tied up, I can show a girl a good time.

You like being tied up? You mean all hog-tied, bound and gagged... to where I can't move a muscle? Aw, yeah. That's it, baby.

No. I don't like to be tied up.

Aw, now, don't be that way, sugar.

You, get moving.

[ Lips Smacking ]


So, uh, why are you going through Greenbrier?

High-profile prisoner. They wanted to keep the route confidential.

You going by the old mill road? Yeah. That's the plan.

Until we hook up with the main highway on the other side ofthe mountain.

[ Grunting ]

[ Cackling ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Panting, Muttering ]

It's good to see you, Nate. Safe trip. Thanks, Sheriff.

Hey, hey. Give us a call when you get through the backcountry.

Or give me your cell, and I'll call you.

Maybe we can grab a beer on your way back.

Sounds good.

[ Engine Starts ]

[ Exhales ] I think it's a conspiracy.

I mean, the World Bank is owned by 1 2 m*therf*ckers... who run our lives. [ Scoffs ]

And they decide to put us into recession... just when I'm about to buy a house.

[ Sighs ] You know, it's like that old Michael Douglas movie.

You know, the one with the 1 2 judges... that decide to hand out the wrong form ofjustice?

What was it again? The Star Chamber.

Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

Yeah, I mean, the World Bank is the f*cking Star Chamber.

[ Sighs ] [ Horn Honks ]

Hello. What is it?

There's some assh*le blinking his high beam.

[ Honking ] Go around, assh*le!

[ Horn Blaring ]

Now he's slowing down. [ Honking ]

Make up your mind, prick. -Just keep cool. Don't slow down.

[ Sighs ] [ Horn Blaring ]

[ Blaring Continues ] Hejust shut off his lights.

All right, we're in an emergency procedure. Don't stop. This could be an escape attempt.

[ Shotgun Cocks ]

What the f*ck is going on?

Get on the radio now.

Uh, Hazelton— Uh, Hazelton, this is Custody Bus-

[ Loud Thud ]

[ Tires Screeching ]

[ Screams ]

Holy shit!

Damn it.

[ Inmates Shouting ]

Uh, Hazelton, this is Custody Bus 2 from Grafton Penitentiary.

Come in. Over. Come in. Over!

[ Tire Bursts ] [ Tires Screeching ]

[ All Yelling ]

[ Heavy Breathing ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Inmates Coughing, Groaning ]

[ Coughing, Groaning Continue ]

Oh, f*ck! [ Coughing ]

[ Chavez ] Hey, guard! Come on!

Let us out! We're gonna fry! Come on! Get up!

[ Floyd ] Hey, don't let me burn! [ Pounding ]

Please, I don't wanna burn! Ofcourse.

Ofcourse the f*cking torch doesn't wanna burn.

Walter! [ Chavez ] Come on, man!

Please get us out of here! We're gonna burn!

Everybody move to the back ofthe bus.

Chavez, move. We're getting out the back. Come on!

[ Coughing ] Get up! Come on.

[ Clanking ]

[ Flames Crackling ]

[ Coughing ]

[ Coughing Continues ]

[ Groaning ] [ Nate ] Get the f*ck up.

Now, don't be a hero, and we'll be cool.

All right? Let me get the other two out ofthe bus.

Shut the f*ck up and hand me the keys.

They're in the bus. I dropped them.

Drop the g*n, or I'll blowyour face off.

[ Shotgun Cocks ]

Maybe I should just save the state the cost ofroom and board.

[ Grunts ]

You guys see that shit? Right in the f*cking neck.

Hey, guys, come on out!

Your idiots nearly k*lled us all.

[ Arrow Whooshing ] What the f*ck was that?

[ Whooshing ] [ Shouting, Chattering ]

sh**t the fucker! Come on! [ Mutant Cackling ]

Who's out there? [ Cackling ]

Let's move before the bus blows. You, move.

Walter's still on the bus. I don't give a shit. Move.

Now! Come on. Let's get out ofhere.

I know I'm a redneck, but a bow and f*cking arrow? Who the f*ck does that?

I don't know, and I don't give a shit.

All I know is we're all getting the f*ck out of here.

You, get in that bus. Get me the keys for these chains.

[ Coughing ] [ Coughing ]


Come on. I'm gonna get you out of here. Come on. I got you.

[ Groaning ] [ Grunting ]

[ Both Grunting ]

[ Yelling ]

[ Shotgun Cocks ] [ Coughs ]

Smart move.

[ Coughing ]

Now, get him up.

[ Mutters ]

[ Grunting, Coughing ] Get going.

Okay, let's stop here and get offthese f*cking leg irons.

[ Groans ]

f*ck. What's up with these keys?

There are three different sets of keys.

One for the cuffs, one for the cage and one for the leg irons.

So hand me the other ones. They were in the bus. I told you.

This is the only set I found. f*cking liar. k*ll him.

I say who lives and who dies.

The fuckyou do, assh*le.

Let'sjust find out exactly what's going on around here. All right?

When was Hazelton expecting us? -Just before dawn.

All right. Now, that gives us a five-hour head start.

Man, we ain't going anywhere in a hurry all tethered together by the ankles like this.

You're right. We have to find a way of getting out ofthese irons.

You. Sheriffsaid you grew up around here. Which way do we go?

It's been years. I don't know. -Just k*ll the son ofa bitch, man.

No, no, no, no. Officer Wilson here's gonna be my compass.

You take me to a phone, you live.

You don't, you die.

Do I make myselfclear? Yeah.

Good. What about whoever's out there?

They won't be coming back ifthey know what's good for them.

Now, which way do we go?

There's an old forest ranger's fire watchtower near the top ofthe mountain.

It should have communication equipment.

A radio. Maybe a cell phone. Good.

So pick up your pig and lead the way.

[ Grunting ]

[ Walter Chuckling ] Miami. South Beach. That's where I should be.

Retired and surrounded by p*ssy.

Sounds like a plan.

[ Chavez ] Hurry it up.

You k*ll that m*therf*cker first chance you get. You hear me?

I hearyou, Walter. Save your energy.

There he is!

[ Screams ]

[ Muttering ] Take it easy.

Take it easy. Nobody wants to hurt you. Is that one of'em?

A f*cking little bitch did all this? Don't be stupid.

She's not who I saw on the tow truck. She's got nothing to do with this.

Let'sjust cap the bitch and move on. You're gonna be fine.

[ Floyd ] Maybe we should f*ck her first.

I don't know about you, but it's been a long time.

Who are you? What are you doing here?

Just let me go before it finds me.

Please. -Just let her go. We don't need her.

-Just shut up, assh*le. Nobody's going anywhere.

What happened to you?

My friends and I were rafting on the Bluefish River... two days ago.

We were having a good time.

We stopped for the night. Then it happened.

What? It k*lled my friends.

"It"? I thought it was just some hillbilly.

It eats people. [ Laughing ]

No. You got to be out ofyour mind.

It's a f*cking mutant! Deformed!

It's got, like, three fingers on one hand. And it kills to feed.

I've seen it.

So then, why doesn't it eat the animals in the woods?

Because there are none. It's a cannibal. We're its food.

[ Nate ] We're gonna get you out ofhere.

Everything's gonna be okay. What's your name?

Alex. I'm Nate.

Looks like you're screwed too, aren't you, Nate?

Did you just say rafts?

Yeah. Two of'em.

Then that's our way out of here.

Down the river.

Now, you take us there, sugar tits, and I'll make it worth yourwhile.

I think I was better off with that freak.

Now move. Move!

Hey. How old do you think she is?

I don't know, man. Twenty maybe.

g*dd*mn it. I think I'm gonna make that one sit and spin.

Man, not if I don't first.

Hey, baby. Baby. Hey, you like—you like cars?

I can jackyou any car your sweet little ass wants. [ Laughing ]

Huh? Aw.

Well, would you look at that.

[ Crawford ] Hey, Floyd, check it out. Is that an armored car?

[ Nate ] Which way?

I'm not sure. [ Sighs ]

I thought it was this way.

But it doesn't look familiar.

[ Nate ] Careful. [ Walter Groans ]

You. How old would you say that thing is?

[ Nate ] Late '50s maybe.

Let's go.

[ Clanking ] [ Grunting ] Still locked.

Climb in the cab and take a look around. We're wasting valuable time.

Let'sjust go. He's right.

Let's go. [ Shotgun Cocks ]

Shut the f*ck up, bitch, and don't even think about giving me an attitude.

'Cause I'll sh**t you where you stand, you hear?

You. I said climb in the f*cking cab and take a look around.

Any dead bodies? No. They're gone.

They must have been ejected. You guys have a look around for bones.

One ofthe guards must have had some keys.

I don't think you'll find anything.

[ Chavez ] Why?

Because somebody broke the windshield from the outside to get inside.

All the glass is in here.

And judging from the amount ofdried blood, they died in the cab.

You find anything else? No.

Then get out ofthere.

Found these.

This mightjust be our lucky day.

Well, I'll be damned.

[ Floyd ] Sweet Mother ofJesus!

We're f*cking rich! Holy shit!

How much money do you think's in there? [ Brandon ] Who cares?

It'll just slow us down. Fine. We'll split your share.

The f*ck we will. It's equal shares all around.

Why would I give a little f*cking beaner like you anything?

[ Blow Lands ]

He won't suspect you. [ Blow Lands ]

You f*cking morons.

A little money, and you all lose your mind?

This is how it's gonna work.

Each ofyou will carry two bags.

You. Hand out the bags. I don't want the money.

I don't give a shit what you want. You're carrying the cash. Got it?

[ Grunts ]

You too. I have to help Walter. He can't walk on his own.

I don't give a shit what you got to do. Pick up the bags.

Go on. Go on.

Now move. Move!

Go on.

[ Groaning ]

Him too. He can't. He's too badly injured.

I'll carry his bags. Or I will.

Everybody's got to carry their own weight.

Now, pick 'em up. [ Nate ] Please.

-Just let me carry the bags for Walter. Shut up!

I'm waiting.

You smiling bastard.

Pick 'em up.

Pick 'em up!

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Groaning ]

[ Coughing, Laughing ]

You know what they say about money, don't you, Chavez?

I don't know, Corrections Officer.

What do they say about money?

They say money's hard to spend—

[ Panting ] when you're dead. [ Shouts ]

[ g*n Clicks ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Spitting ]

Now, that was a stupid thing to do, now, wasn't it? Huh?

Nowjust pick up the bags.

Shove it up your ass.

Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Okay.

You hear me? Shove it up your ass, m*therf*cker.

[ Alex Screams, Sobs ] Oh, my God!

No! Walter! Walter!

Don't. Don't do it. [ Quietly ] Not now.

You stubborn f*ck.

[ Creaking ] [ Crawford ] What the f*ck?

[ Alex Screams ]

[ Growls ]

[ Yells ]

Come here.

[ Shrieks ]

This is what's been f*cking with us? A mutant kid?

That's not him.

This thing was a full-grown man.

He was deformed like him.

Oh, would you look at that. It's got three f*cking toes. Probably his kid, huh?


Now, let's send this cocksucking hillbilly a message.

You. Hold it.

[ Whimpering ]

Floyd. Yeah.

Hold him down. Come here.

Hold him down.

[ Knife Stabs ] [ Screaming ]

Here's the rafts. [ Crawford ] What?

That's a two-man raft.

That's not gonna hold all of us and the money.

Huh? So what do we do know? It'sjust for the bags.

You can go f*ck yourself ifyou thinkyou're taking it all.

Let's worry about that once we get these chains off. [ Rock Striking Leg Irons ]

Man, that ain't gonna work.

[ Shotgun Cocks ] This might sting a little at first.

God... damn it! f*ck!

[ Laughing ] What the f*ck did you do that for?

Well, you said the rocks weren't gonna work.

So I thought that'll do the trick. Are you f*cking crazy?

I don't know. Maybe I am.

How are we gonna deal with the boat?

Let'sjust get it in the river first, and then we'll figure it all out, all right?

Uh, I don't think that's a good idea, man. Shut up, Crawford.

[ Hissing ]

Now we're walking. You stupid son ofa bitch!

Oh, God! [ Groaning ]

f*ckin' assh*le! Why did you f*ckin' do that? Huh?

Why did you f*ckin' do that? Tell me! f*ckin' tell me!

Stop it! Stop it!

You got something to say? Huh?

You got something to f*cking say? [ Coughing, Spits ]

Looks like you still need this mule to carry your money.

That's right. Then I guess it's back to you, Corrections Officer Wilson.

Now, you wanna live, you get me the f*ck out of here.

Now, lead on! Lead on!

Get up! Get up!

Give me that.

Now, move! Move!

Get a f*cking move on.

[ Grunting ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Sobbing Loudly ]

[ Chuckling ] Sounds like he's learned his lesson.

[ Chuckling ] Either that, or we just pissed him off.

[ Sobbing, Screaming Loudly ]

[ Newscaster On TV ] Good evening. [ Phone Ringing ]

[ Newscaster Continues ]

Hello. [ Ally ] Hi, Sheriff. I just got a call from a Cliff Moore.

He said he spotted a truck up by the upper river inlet yesterday.

Any sign ofthe kids? No.

If it's all the same to you, I thought I'd drive out there and take a look.

Any word from Nate Wilson or the corrections office? No. Not a peep.

Why? Were you expecting a call?

No. I just got a bad feeling, that's all.

I'll be there in a minute.

[ Distant Hooting ]

What is that?

It can't be, but it looks like Preslow's keys.

Good. Now we can get these f*ckin' chains off.


[ Grunting ]

[ Gasps ]

[ All Groaning ] [ Mutant Cackling ]

Come on, you motherfuckin' hillbilly! Come get me!

You got a death wish?

Don't f*ck with me again. Right?

[ Panting ]


What the hell is going on?

I'll tell you what's going on.

He's gonna k*ll us all. That's what's going on. He's hunting us.

Well, he won't be the only one hunting us in a couple ofhours.

So let's go. How are we supposed to do that?

[ Fabric Rips ]

Here. Cut it at the kneejoint.

You don't have to cut through any bone.

Jesus f*cking Christ. f*cking p*ssy. Give me that. [ Vomiting ]

[ Vomiting Continues ]

f*cking w*tback. [ Laughing ]

[ Crawford Coughing ]

At the kneejoint. That's it. [ Laughing ]

Piece ofshit.

Okay. Let's get out of here.

Come on. Get your bags. Let's get out of here.

Take that. Come on! Move!

Why don't you call Hazelton?

And say what exactly?

That I got a bad feeling? That Nate didn't answer his cell?

Itjust seems like an awful lot ofeffort for a hunch.

Well, it's my hunch, so it's my effort.

You really think they staged a breakout?

I don't know what to think, Ally.

What about that truck up by the river?

You follow it up. [ Bag Zips ]

[ Floyd ] What is this place?

[ Chavez ] This doesn't look like the watchtower.

It's not. I've never seen this place before.

There has to be some tools that we can use on these chains.

[ Chavez ] And you better make it quick. Move.

[ Clanking ] Jackpot!

Give me that. Wait your turn, assh*le. [ Grunts ]

[ Metal Clanks ]

[ Metal Clanking ]

How much farther? [ Panting ] I'm not sure.

A couple of hours maybe. You better find it.

Oh-ho-ho, man. I got to go pinch a loaf.

I say we split up. No.

Maybe it's a good idea. You think this is a democracy?

You wanna f*ckin' debate me? What happens when we meet up with your men?

What are you gonna do then, Chavez?

What ever happened to honor among thieves?

You're gonna k*ll us all, then you're gonna take the cash foryourself.

That's what you're gonna do. Yeah, you're right.

I probably will k*ll all ofyou.

Then why shouldn't we k*ll you now, eh? Good luck.

And you better be quick, oryou're surely gonna be dead.

Then I'll k*ll all you m*therf*ckers.

But I don't think that's in your best interest, compared to a compromise. [ Chuckling ] Hey. Hey.

I just wiped my ass with a $1 00 bill.

It's comin' out ofyour share, assh*le. Now, shut the f*ck up.

What do you propose? You got one g*n. I got two.

These humps have none.

Now, I can't carry all the bags ofcash on my own.

And ifyou k*ll me, that's one less pair of hands.

Plus I have something none ofyou do.

Yeah? What's that? Infrastructure.


My men will find me.

And all ofyou can come with us to a safe house and not be on the run.

And in exchange for that, you give me one ofthe bags you're all carrying, and you all get to keep the other one.

How can you trust him, Floyd?

We can't.


Now get this bum up.

Sorry about your friends.

This isn't going to end well.

I know that. Then why are you going along with them?

Up to now, being all chained together, I really didn't have much ofa choice, did I?

So that's the fourth time we've passed that tree in the last two hours.

What are you up to, Nate?

Bidin' my time.

Chavez catches on, man, he'll k*ll you.

He's right, Nate. Even I noticed. You gotta be careful.

[ Nate ] You should go back to the road. Turn yourself in when the police arrive.

I am not going back through the woods alone, unarmed, to get sliced up by that hillbilly freak.

I don't know who's worse— him or Chavez.


I'll do what I can to help you once we've reached the ranger station.

I appreciate that, but I thinkyou should look afteryourselffirst.

Chavez isn't gonna bring anyone along for the ride that he can't use.

You're damn right.

He'll k*ll us all for the money.

Ifthat cannibal freak doesn't beat him to it.

[ Exhales ] It's ironic.

What is? Money.

I struggled my whole life to put myselfthrough school... so I could get out of here and make good money. So?

Now I'm holding in my hands more money than most people ever make in a lifetime, and all I wanna do is get rid of it.

[ Panting ]

This is a logging access road. Fire watchtower's on the other side... further along the mountain. Hang on. Hang on.

Hang on. Hang on. Crawford. [ Faint Howling ]

Come here.

Thinkyou can jack that thing? Piece ofcake, man.

Finally, a ride out ofthis shit-hole.

Wait a minute. That's the tow truck that ran us offthe road.

That's why Crawford here is gonna go get it for us. [ Grunts ]

Right, Crawford? [ Grunts ] I don't know about that, man. I mean— It's a truck.Just run over there and check it out.

Come on! We got the cash. Now let's get the hell out of here!

No way, man! Send soldier boy, damn it!

I'm not the car thief. You are.

[ Scoffs ]

Could be a trap, man.

Get movin', assh*le. Go on.

Damn it.

[ Sighs ]

[ Screaming ] [ Lift Whirring ]

[ Screaming Continues ]

[ Engine Starts ]

Help me! Please!

[ Screaming ]

f*ckin' hillbilly m*therf*cker!

I'm gonna find you, then I'm gonna f*ckin' k*ll you! [ Screaming Continues ]

No! [ Screams ]

Let's backtrack and get as far away from here as possible.

He's not gonna stop until we're all dead.

Who the f*ck is he? Tell me right now! [ Gasps ] I don't know!

The fuckyou don't! You grew up here! The sheriffsaid so!

[ Grunts ]

Now you better get us the f*ck out of here before that freak comes back.

f*ck him. We don't need him anymore.

You k*ll me, and you're on your own— lost.

Maybe I don't give a shit. He doesn't know anything! Can't you see that?

Whoa! Just wait a minute. Ifyou k*ll him now, we are f*cked.

Okay? We have no idea where we're going, with some crazy hick out there trying to pick us all offone by one.


[ Chavez ] Enough. Come on.

Now, you don't want to see me angry.

Now, you get me to that station— and a phone, you hear?

[ Screaming ] No!

[ Screaming ] Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! God!

I need a rest.

Get the f*ck up. We gotta keep moving.

Get up, both ofyou.

It's the money that's slowing us down. We gotta lose it. No way.

They'll be looking for us in a couple of hours.

Ifwe don't show up at Hazelton, the F.B.I., U.S. Marshals... and every law officer in West Virginia is gonna be hunting you.

Brandon's right. Ifyou want to get away, you need to move quicker.

Dump the money. Now you listen to me.

We move now with the cash, or we all wait here and die.

[ Bag Drops On Ground ] [ Floyd ] She's the one who's slowin' us down.

[ Gasps ] Ah.

[ Chavez ] Be cool. [ Sniffs ]

Be cool.

She's a nice piece ofass though.

Let'sjust pass her around, then pop her in the head... and get the f*ck out of-

[ Grunting ]

[ Groans ]

I'm gonna k*ll you, you f*ckin' bitch! [ Shotgun Cocks ]

[ Panting ] Notjust yet.

Now be cool. Stay calm.

I got this in hand.

Be cool. All right?

Now, you just chill the f*ck out.

You're dead, bitch. We're all dead, assh*le!

Give me my g*n back. [ Panting ]

Looks like you got some impulse-control issues there, Floyd.

I don't think so.

You having all three g*ns does us no good ifthat freak comes after us again.

Then that'sjust a chance I'm gonna have to take.

They're gonna start lookin' for us soon. There'll be a full search by morning.

Ifwe make it till then. We'll make it.

These guys don't look like they'rejust gonna let you go.

Why haven't they k*lled you already?

They need me. And what happens when they don't need you anymore?

I'm not planning on finding out. There should be a radio and cell phone at the watchtower.

I'll call for help once we get there.

How do you plan on keeping this lot under control? There's a ladder.

Only one person can climb up at a time.

It's 75 feet straight up and through a trapdoor.

Each station has a g*n hidden in it, and I know where they keep it.

It's a tight space. I can ambush Chavez when we're up there.

I just want to go home.

It'll be okay, Alex. I'll get you out ofthis.

[ Faint Shrieking ]

[ Chavez ] Walkin' a little slow there, aren't you, Floyd?

She hurt you that bad?

Die, bitch! Wha—

[ Both Grunting ]

Come on.

[ Grunting Continues ]

[ Yells ]

SheriffCarver calling Deputy Lane. Come in. Over.

Ally, this is Calvin. Come in. Over. [ Radio Static ]

County Dispatch, this is SheriffCarver.

I want to report an emergency. Over. [ Man On Radio ] Go, Sheriff.

The custody bus from Grafton Penitentiary has crashed... offthe old mill road near mile marker 37.

I'm goin' in to take a look around. Carver out.

Dispatch, this is Carver. [ Man On Radio ] Come in, Sheriff.

[ Sheriff] There is no one onboard. Gonna see if I can track them.

Carver out. Roger that.

[ Grunts ]

Come on. Let's go.

[ Both Grunting ]

[ Fist Smacks ]

All right. Stop. He's had enough.

I say when the n*zi bastard's had enough! [ Floyd Groaning ]

[ Grunts ] [ Groans ]

[ Spits ]

Now, which way did they go? I don't know.

I didn't see 'em go.

Come on.

Well, what do we do with him?

f*ck him. Leave him.

Nate, I— I can't run anymore.

I— I just need a minute.

We need to keep moving.

Wejust have to make it a few more hours, and then we'll be fine.

The police are coming. You can do this.

Listen, Chavez.

You can't get out of here alone.

You know that, right? I'll be fine.

Well, I can get you out ofthese woods. So, what do you want?

A fair deal.

How much? [ Scoffs ] No.

I don't want the money. I don't need it.

But you gotta promise me that you'll let me go when your boys show up.


And, uh, I also need one ofthose g*ns.

Why should I give you a g*n?

Because whatever's hunting us is gonna continue hunting us till we're both dead.

It's simple tactical strategy. Two gunners are better than one.

And why should I trust you? [ Scoffs ]

Why would I fuckyou?

I helped you with Floyd, didn't I?

Well, I didn't run.

[ Groaning ]

[ Spits, Panting ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Chittering ]

[ Door Creaks ] [ Lock Clicks ]

[ Muttering ] [ Chittering Continues ]

[ Muttering Continues ]


[ Muttering ]

[ Engine Starts ] [ Groans ]

[ Barking ]

[ Distant Whistle ]

[ Distant Chittering ]

[ Inhales, Exhales ]

Where will you take them, Nate?

[ Breathing Heavily ]

I'm too old for this shit.

Come on.

We gotta go. We're not far now.

Psst! [ Nate ] We gotta move.

We gotta keep moving.

[ Alex ] I can't go on anymore. [ Nate ] Come on.

[ Whispers ] Over there.

Okay. Let's leave the bags down over here. Come on.

We'll come back for them later.

[ Screams ] [ Grunting ]

[ Blow Lands ] [ Screams ]

You shouldn't have run.

Stop it! Stop it!

[ Grunts, Sobs ] Shut the f*ck up, puta!

This is all your fault!

Maybe I should end you first! Wait. That's not gonna get us anywhere.

It gets the bitch out ofthe way though!

The watchtower'sjust right over the hill. [ Grunts ]

You've been leading us in circles all night.

Why should I believe you now?

It'sjust over the hill— right there. I swear.

It'll take two minutes to find out. Please. Get this bitch out!

[ Grunting ]


[ Whimpers ]

[ Chavez ] This is it? A bunch offuckin' charcoal?

It must've been burned down. No shit.

So now what?

I don't know. This is the only place I knew ofthat had a radio.

You've been f*ckin' with me the whole time, haven't you?

No. f*ck you. You're a liar!

He's not lying. Nate thought the tower was gonna be here.

We were gonna barricade ourselves in and call for help.

Well, let'sjust keep moving, all right? It's gotta be at least 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. by now.

We could go northeast. I've had enough ofyour bullshit.

Get on your f*ckin' knees!

Get on your f*ckin' knees! There's a small town 1 0 miles past the river.

I'll take you there. Fuckyou. Say good-bye, assh*le.

Think about this, Chavez. He's out there.


I can feel him.

He's been following us. He's close.


[ Chuckles ]

[ g*n Cocks ] I warned you.

[ Growling ] [ Chavez Screaming ]

Get it off me! Get this f*cking dog off me!

Drop the g*n! Down, boy!

Get the dog off me! Take his g*ns, Nate.

Are you okay?

I'm fine, Sheriff. Just really glad to see you.

When you didn't answer your cell, I— I came looking.

There are others out there. How many?

Don't know. At least one other prisoner and some freak hillbilly local.

Hillbilly? That can't be.

Please. Let'sjust get out of here.

Okay. Come on. Let's move it up there.

Hey, you, come on. Move your ass. Get up.

Come on! Move it!

Move it, you son ofa bitch! Move!

Come on, honey.

He's close. He's really close.

Who is? He's a f*cking monster.

Please. Please. I just want to get home.

Oh, all right.Just— Just calm down, little lady.

[ Cackling ]

[ Screams ] [ Screams ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ Cackling ] [ g*nshots ]

Ifyou thinkyou're moving out ofthis forest... without going back for the cash, you're f*ckin' wrong.

Now move. Move.

[ Sobbing ]

[ Laughs ]


Chavez, you stupid son ofa bitch.

[ Grunting, Panting ]

[ Police Radio Chatter ] This is where the sheriff reported the bus crash.

On foot in this terrain, they should be within this perimeter.

I want it approached from all sides, and we'll work our way in.

When is the air support getting here?

They're in the air. They should be here within the hour.

Gentleman, we have a man out there.

I want all precautions taken.

Let's move. Yes, sir.

Where's my bags? Are you sure this was the spot?

Yes, this was the spot. Now where's my g*dd*mn f*ckin' money?

Huh? It's Floyd.

I'm gonna k*ll that m*therf*cker.

No. I'm gonna skin him alive first, then I'm gonna f*cking k*ll him!


[ Grunting, Panting ]

[ Bone Crunches ] [ Floyd Screaming ]

You— You stay here and you guard them.

You hear? You don't move! Don't move!

[ Panting ]

That'll teach that m*therf*cker!

[ Laughing ] Who's laughin' now, you Mexican piece ofshit?

[ Screaming ]

Let me go, Brandon.

I can't.

I'm sorry. If I do, he'll k*ll me.

[ Nate ] Then let her go. I'm not leaving you.

[ Grunting ] [ Chavez ] I see you!

You cocksucker! You're f*ckin' dead! [ Laughing ]

[ Grunting ] f*ck you, Chavez!

You can pick it up! You can pick it all up!

[ Laughing ]

You're f*ckin' dead! [ Cackles ]

Dead! Fuckyou!

[ Cackles ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Screaming Continues ]

[ Shrieks ] [ Screaming Continues ]

Come on.

[ Chavez ] Come on out, you hick m*therf*cker! [ Screaming ]

I'll k*ll you with my bare f*ckin' hands!

[ Screaming Continues ]

[ Screams ] Shit! My money!

[ Gasping ]

[ Groans ] My God.

[ Brandon ] What do we do now?

We die... ifwe don't start fighting back.

[ Gasps ] Let's head towards that town!

Come on! Move! Let's go!

[ Horn Honking ]

[ Honking Continues ]

[ Engine Rumbling ]

It's gotta be a trap. Yeah, but why would he think it'd work?

What the f*ck does he want?

You hear that? You hick-ass m*therf*cker!

What do you want? Huh?

Tell me, you son ofa bitch. Can't be the money.

You've already f*ckin' burnt that! Huh? What do you want?

[ Cackles ]

Okay. You want to f*ck with me? Huh?

Come here. Come here. What the hell are you doing?

[ Grunts ] [ Shrieking ]

Come on, f*ck-stick! Huh? A head for a head!

There she is. Take hers.

Come on, you bastard! It's what you want, isn't it?

Take the bitch! [ Shotgun Cocks ]


No! [ Screams ]

[ Cackles ]

Alex! Nate! [ Screams ]

[ Nate ] Alex! Stop!

No! Alex!

[ Engine Revs ] [ Alex Screaming ]


You son ofa bitch! We've got to go after her. No.

He's gone. She's gone. We're moving on.

I'm gonna leave her to him. I said, we're moving on.

Now lead us out of here.


[ Shotgun Cocks ]

This is something I should have a long time ago, you stupid son ofa bitch. [ Grunts ]

Here. I'm sorry I let it go this far.

What are you gonna do? [ g*n Cocks ]

Try and reach that town.

Good luck.

Get her back, Nate.

Should we k*ll him?

I'm not a m*rder*r, Brandon, and neither are you.

[ g*n Clicks ]

[ Alex Screams ] Somebody!

[ Screaming ] Help me!

[ Screaming, Indistinct ]

Help me!

Please let me go!

[ Screaming ]

Help me!

[ Screaming ] Help me!

[ Muttering, Cackling ] [ Screaming ]

[ Screaming, Indistinct ]

[ Screams ] [ Whimpering ]

[ Cackling ]

[ Sobbing, Shouting, Indistinct ] [ Panting ]

[ Shrieks ]

[ Screaming Continues ] [ Panting ]

[ Groaning ] [ Screaming, Sobbing ]

[ Grunting ] Nate! Nate!

[ Gasps ] [ Screams ] Help me!

[ Cackles ] Please let me go!

[ Screaming, Indistinct ]

[ Sobbing ] Nate!

Nate! [ Screaming ]

Please, somebody!

[ Sobbing ]

Help me!

[ Rustling ]

[ Barking ] Leon. Hey, boy.

Come here, boy. Come here.

[ Panting ]

[ Growls ] Find her, Leon. Find Alex, okay?

Go, boy. [ Barking ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ Buzzing ] [ Gasping ] Help me.

[ Gasps ]

[ Weakly ] Help me.

[ Gurgling ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Sobbing Continues ]

[ Gasps, Sobs ] [ Door Opens ]

[ Screaming, Sobbing ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ Groans ]

[ Sobbing ] [ Cackling ]

[ Shouts, Indistinct ]


[ Muttering ] [ Screaming ] No!

No! [ Screaming ]

[ Helicopter Passing Overhead ]

[ Helicopter Retreating ] [ Gasping ]

[ Panting ]

[ Helicopter Retreating ]

[ HelicopterApproaching ]

[ Helicopter Retreating ]

You made a bad choice, army boy.

[ Panting ]

Hey! Hey!

Here! I'm here!


[ Muttering ] [ Chavez ] There you are.

I've been looking foryou.

[ Babbles ]

Bring it, you m*therf*cker!

What's the matter, you cr*cker-ass f*ckin' freak?

Scared of losing your head? [ Growls ]

[ Gasps, Groans ] [ Clicking ]

[ Grunts ] [ Screams ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Shrieks ] [ Bones Snap ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Screams ]

[ Cackles ]

[ Screams ]

[ Coughing ]

Is that it, huh?

That all you got?

[ Both Grunting ]

Now you're dead!

I'm gonna k*ll you now!

You're dead.

[ Grunts ]

[ Screams ]

[ Groans ]

[ Winces, Groans ]


Looks like we're even.

[ Grunting ] Puto.

[ Coughs, Groaning ]

Shit. [ Coughing ] [ Groaning, Laughing ]

[ Snickering ]

[ Rapid Breathing ] Ain't so tough.

[ Screams ] [ Flesh Ripping ]

[ Coughs, Groans ]

[ Screams ]

[ Groaning ]

[ Groaning Continues ]

[ Grunts ] [ Flesh Rips ]

[ Coughing ]

[ Muttering ]

[ Mutters ] [ Rapid Breathing ]

[ Coughing, Grunts ]

[ Bone Cracking ] [ Muttering ]

[ Cracking Continues ]

[ Muttering ]

[ Knife Cutting ]

Yeah. Good boy.

[ Panting ]

[ Gasps, Panting ]

[ Panting Continues ]

[ Creaking ]

Where is he? I don't know.Just hurry.

[ Gasping, Sobs ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Groans ]

Nate, she's dead.

[ Creaking ]

[ Shrieks ]

[ Both Grunting ]

[ Shrieks ] [ Gasping ]

[ Cackling ]

[ Groans ]

[ Grunts ] [ Growls ]

[ Barking, Snarling ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Blow Lands ] [ Leon Whimpers ]

[ Gasps ] [ Mutant Cackling ]

[ Mutters, Cackling ]

[ Rapid Breathing ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Growls ] No!

[ Groans ]

[ Panting ] Is he dead?

[ Panting ] Yeah.

[ Whimpers, Sniffs ]

Let's get out of here.

[ Sobbing ]

[ Alex Groans ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Groans, Panting ] [ Siren Wailing In Distance ]


It's almost dawn.

We made it through the night.

Thank you, Nate, for coming back for me.

[ Cackling ]

[ Metal Clangs ]

[ Alex ] Oh, my God!

[ Screaming ] Oh, God, Nate!

[ Screaming, Shouting ]

[ Cackling ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Shouting ]

[ Screaming ] Oh, God.

[ Screams ]

[ Cackling ] Get the shotgun!

[ g*nsh*t ] [ Screams ]


[ Grunting ] [ Screaming ]

[ Screams ] [ Cackling ]

[ Shrieks ] [ Clattering ]

[ Hissing ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Screams, Groaning ]

[ Flames Crackling ]

[ Nate Grunting ]

Alex! Alex!

We gotta get out of here. Alex!

[ Screams ]

It's me. Get Alex first.

[ Grunting ]

I got you. [ Grunting ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Alex Groans ]

[ Grunting ]

My leg.

[ Groans ] Give me your arm.

[ Both Grunting ]

[ Screams ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Nate ] It's okay. He's gone.

Funny— All that money... up in flames.

You really didn't k*ll that bartender, did you?


So, now what?

You didn't make it.

Nobody goes looking for a dead con.

You'd do that for me?

Just stay out oftrouble.

I will.

Trust me.

[ Sobs ]

[ Muttering ]

[ Coughs, Muttering ]

[ Sirens Wailing ]

[ Officer ] Is it them?

[ Police Radio Chatter ]

[ Chattering ]

Miami, South Beach, surrounded by p*ssy.

I'm gonna miss you, Walter.

[ Blow Lands ] [ Groans ]

[ Gasping ]

Like I said, never trust a con.

[ Muttering ]

[ Blow Lands ] [ Brandon Screams ]
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