Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (2007)

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Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (2007)

Post by bunniefuu »

Now in the street there is v*olence And, and a lots of work to be done No place to hang out our washing And, and I can't blame all on the sun


It's dead out here and I'm hating you about now.

What kind of agent are you?

You'll find the road, Kimberly.

Look, it's 4:00 a. m. in LA. Can I go back to sleep?

I was up all night on the red-eye and it wasn't first class like you promised.

Give me credit for the car. Nice ride, huh?

Yeah, whatever.

By the way, these directions suck. This project sucks.

Hey, it's a great opportunity.

It's a reality show pilot!

Hey, you sang your way to the top seven the last time you were on TV.

Now, you're the star.

You're Kimberly-f*cking-Caldwell.

You're the only celebrity they've got!

If I'm such a celebrity, Tommy, get me a movie.

Look, Kimster, your Q score is going to go way up and you'll have a chance to win 90 grand.

I thought it was 100.

Well, I get 10%, remember?

Wait. There's a turn off.

Look, I've got power yoga in, like, two hours. Did you find it yet?

I don't know. There's some old paper mill here, but there's nothing about it on the map.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's got to be it.

Look, Kimbo, you can't afford to make a wrong turn here.

You really don't have the time.

Why am I here?

Because this business is tough. Besides...

Wait, you're breaking up. Hello?

...of all my clients, you're the one with the "it" factor here...

Hello? f*ck!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Don't be dead. Don't be dead.




Don't worry. I'm going to get you help. Okay?

No. Please!

Please! No, don't die. Come on. Breathe! Breathe!

I'm here. I'm here.

It's the end of the world. Society in chaos.

Governments no longer in control.

The world has been devastated by a catastrophic disaster but you're still alive.

Overnight you've been thrust back into the Stone Age.

Modern conveniences are a thing of the past.

Would you have the guts to survive?

I am retired Marine Colonel Dale Murphy.

Welcome to the apocalypse.

Over the next five days, these six contestants will be put to the ultimate test.

I'm going to be the ultimate survivor, because on my last show I learned, more than anything, what it takes to win.

So what's the tattoo?

It's the infinity sign. Because I want to be remembered forever.

My friends call me Jonesy but Fearless is my middle name.

No, that sucked, dude. I told you to shave that run!

Can we do that again?

Hi, I'm Elena. I'm like a fox.

Sexy, sleek and I always get what I want.

Nina. I'm a survivor because I know there's only one person I can count on, myself.

I'm Jake.

Three surgeries on my rotator cuff destroyed my shot at a pro football career but not my drive to win.

Amber. One tour of duty in Iraq.

They call me La Conquistadora.

Enough said. Semper Fi!

These six contestants have been thrown together in a devastated wasteland with only the clothes on their backs and the will to survive.

Rain or shine, in five days, only one will remain.

Welcome to the apocalypse.

Well, what do you think, man? We spent all last night cutting it.

Brando, eat your heart out.

You're the real deal, yo. That's why the network loves you.

It rocks, M.

Damn straight. We're going to series for sure.

Today's a good day to die. Where's my producer?

It's brilliant, Michael. Really. Mara? Thank you.

You know, I still don't see what makes this show any different from that other survivor show.

I don't watch television.

It's supposed to take place at the end of the world, man.

That's what makes it different.

Look, you're not on some summer resort trying to make alliances, you're trying to be the last man standing after the apocalypse.

It's k*ller, middle-America family entertainment, mate.


I'm so there, dude.


I plan on being the last woman standing.

Chill, Ramba. The prize money's going to be mine.

You two girls could mud wrestle for it. Be ratings gold.

You stupid man.

I am tapping that.

Hey, it's the parrot heads.

Nice shirts, boys.

Yeah, make fun all you want, but while you Hollywood freaks are out here sleeping on rocks us parrot heads will be in Margaritaville back at the hotel.

The woods are all wired up, 32 cameras and mikes ready to go.

Oh, you the man, Wojo.

Listen, just make sure everything's copasetic with Neil, okay?

Yeah, see you in five days.

Enjoy the great outdoors, Tarantino.


I could help you spread it on all those hard-to-reach places.

You know, if I hadn't seen you eat shit at the X Games last June, maybe you'd stand a chance.

Hey, I made the street comp finals.

Okay, here's a clue.

I only give it up to winners, not guys who choke.

I'll give you something to choke on.

I wish I had abs like yours.

I do 200 of these a day.

I guess I'll just stick to my low-carb diet and hope for the best.

Mara, where the hell is Kimberly?

There's still no answer.

God damn it! I knew that prima donna was a problem when we cast her.

Yeah, but she's got those Angelina Jolie lips.

You know what I'm talking about, don't you?

It's gonna be a long five days.

All right. We can't wait any longer. I gotta sh**t, like, now.

You're the producer, Pop-Tart.

It's why you make the big bucks. What are we going to do?

Well, we can't recast.

So we're just going to have to go with five.

Whoa, whoa. No. Wrong.

You know the show.

All I have to do is sh**t your character intro and we're good to go.

No, I don't think so.

What other choice do we have?


Okay. Yeah. What the hell?

That's it. Show them what you're made of.

All right, boys and girls, listen up.

We have a half-mile hike to the survivalist camp.

Let's go! It's time to move out!

All right. Everybody grab your gear and let's get going.

This is it.

Hey, Michael.

You know I'm a complete geek without my BlackBerry and my cell.

I mean, there's a good chance I'll be the first to go.

Oh, come on. Just change your clothes, put on some bug spray.

You'll be great, even without your CrackBerry.

Okay. I'll do it for you.

Okay, but, Mara, it's "M" now, not Michael.

Yes. I know. Okay. Sorry.


God. Who am I kidding?

Okay, we're moving out.

You're all alone out here, so let's close ranks and stick together.

Hey, everyone's leaving.

Hello? Hey. Everyone's leaving.


We're about to start the game. It's time to go.

Hi, I'm Jake. You're Nina, right?

Look, I'm just here for the money, not to make friends, okay?

Wow. Okay. Fair enough.

Oh, Nina. Nina.

I saw you drop this while you were getting out of the RV.

Now M said no food.

Oh, well, I'm vegan.

That might be the only thing I can eat out here.

Well, you can always go chew on a tree.

This is cheating.

Sue me. Give it back. Ah-ah!

I would have, but since there's no need to be making friends...


That's good.

All right, everybody. Ready?

And action, Dale!

You cannot survive the apocalypse alone, so you make friendships, perform tasks together.

You figure out who you need to ride out the chaos and who's expendable.

Today we're going to split into three teams, go out and search for food.

The number each of you picked decides your teammate.

Number one all the way, baby.

You and me, baby, all the way.

Who's got a number two?

Well, I did a number two back at the gas station.

Come on, dude. That was funny.

Oh, sweet.

I guess you and me are a team. Hello?

All right, boys and girls.

It's the end of the world and the odds are against you from the start.

Radiation poisoning is a reality.

That's why you're all wearing these.

Every day you will be given a Radiation Elimination Card and one of them is already contaminated.

At the end of the day, the player holding the simulated radiated card is dead.

Don't worry, it just means you're disqualified.

But you have a chance to survive the day by giving your card to another player and surviving the Radiation Elimination.

It's a test of your personal will, your endurance and fate.

And in the apocalypse, your fate can change like that.

Wild animals, bacterial infection, and post-apocalyptic crazies are all around you waiting to take you down. They're represented by these.

We call them Twists of Fate. They are survival challenges and dozens of them are scattered all over the playing area.

You trigger the motion sensor and you hear this...

Instructions on the back explain your survival challenge.

Accomplish the challenge and you earn the right to take your radiated card and give it to any player you choose and automatically survive the day.

We are going to assemble back here at 1800 hours and see who will perish in the chaos and who is one step closer to $100,000.

Good luck to all of you.

Remember, you have to work as a team to survive the game.

But only one of you can be the Ultimate Survivalist after the apocalypse!


Nice work, Dale.

All right! I'm ready for my 15 minutes, Hollywood.

Okay, everybody.

The headsets are transmitting audio and video back to the edit bay.

So don't take them off.

And also, cell phones, PDAs, etc., give them to Neil.

He's going to put them in the RV.

Have fun. I've got to go take a wicked piss, mate.


Okay, I'm going to follow Elena and Jake first, as planned.

Just remember, everybody, let's make it feel real.


Hey, what's up?

I'm so gonna suck at this. Why'd I let you talk me into it?

Because I'm irresistible?

You're a jerk, you know.

Come on.

Colonel, what happens if we lose the elimination round?

We go back to the RV and you drown your sorrows with me and Jack Daniels until the game is done.

Well, that sounds like fun, but don't worry, sweetness. I won't let you lose.

And if any of those pig-f*cking hillbillies come around, I got your back.

Hey, bonehead!

I grew up two counties from here.

I never had sex with a pig in my life!

You're not promoting stereotypes, are you, son?


People in these parts might not take that talk too well.

You might want to put a lid on it.

Is that all right with you, funny man?

Yes, sir.

That's cool.

You guys got the whole military bond thing happening.

Semper Fi and shit.

Yeah, and we both hate assholes.

Shit! The techies were supposed to finish setting these up before they left.

Put your producer hat away and get your head in the game.

I'll set these up. I've got time to k*ll anyway.

Thank you. God, I wish I didn't have to do this.

Old Mikey really put you on the spot, didn't he?

Guess he thinks it'll be entertaining to send a city girl into the woods.

Cruel if you ask me. But don't worry.

There's something in you he doesn't see that I do.

You may be pretty, but you're tougher than you think.

You'll be all right.

So, Nina, which way should we...

I guess we go that way.

If you eat fish, maybe we should head towards the river to find some food.

I'm vegan. I don't eat or use any animal products, including the swimming kind.


Isn't your belt made of leather?

It's pleather. I'm not a hypocrite.

No, I didn't think that you were.

Actually, being vegan is why you got picked to be on the show.

M thought that there wouldn't be a lot for you to eat out here and you might have to resort to gulping down insect larva or something.

It's the kind of thing America loves in its reality shows, right?

America's sick.


I hate reality shows. They're pretty idiotic.

Then why are you doing this?

Because it's my job.

It's M's first project and I'm just trying to be supportive.

If I was his girlfriend, I would've said, "This sucks. You're on your own. "

Come on. No, you wouldn't.

Yeah, I would. If you haven't noticed, I can be a bit of a bitch.

Well, if you hate reality shows, then why are you doing this?

Let's just keep going.

We've got to find some food.

f*cking weekend warriors.

You better stand down or someone's going to get hurt.

Broken arrow, that's really going to help us hunt for food.

Spear. I like it. It's so long and hard.

I'm just goofing.

Come on. I read your bio back in the RV.

West Point, 4.0 average. You're brainy. That's tight.

I bet you're a reader.

What's your favorite book, huh?

I'm in The Cat in the Hat myself.

So you did the whole tour of duty in Iraq thing, too. That's cool.

I'm more of a pacifist myself, but, hey, I can get down with the patriotism.

Woman in uniform is a turn-on.

Will you shut up? Oh, she talks.

We've been hiking for three hours, but we haven't seen or heard any animals or birds.

It's dead quiet out here.

It's freaky, right? It's like we're all alone.

We could get all nasty and nobody'd see a thing, except for 30 million people.

Come on, you're into me, like, a little bit.

You just don't get it, do you?

I'm not into men.

You... You're a lesbian? How hot is that?

All right, let me just get focused here, and action.

So I'm at the two, I'm at the one, I jump, I leap, bam...

Shoulder was never the same.

k*lled my chances at a pro career just like that.

It's funny because you never know when your life's going to change.

Man, I wanted to be in the NFL so bad. Since I was six.

Oh, honey, I totally understand where you're coming from.

No, dude, don't. Don't look.

Don't look in the lens.

So then after college you just bounced around trying to find yourself?

Yeah, well, this opportunity came up, you know, to be on this TV show.

I can't throw a football no more, but I'm still athletic.


I figure I'd use the talents that God gave me, right?

Well, we'll have to thank God later.

Yeah, right, thank God later.

You know, I think I hear the river this way. Yeah.

Come on.

God didn't give you a pair of balls?

How about we take a break?

We have to find food. If we prove that we're the best at it, then it's less likely that anybody will give us their radiation card.

I haven't seen anything to eat.

Oh, no. Holy shit!

It's one of those Twists of Fates. I set it off.

Where is it?

"You've been infected by anthrax from a nearby laboratory expl*si*n.

"An antidote can be found by the river. You have two minutes. "

God, I would get this!

Yeah, well, good luck. Go!

Hey, come and sh**t. We need your footage.

I think I see the river.


What do you need now?


One minute remaining.

45 seconds remaining.

30 seconds remaining.

Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two.

Got it!

I can't believe I did it!

You kicked ass!


All right, guys, one sec. Okay. Keep it loose.

You ready?


Whew, it is hot out here.

You know what? I think we can fish later.

We are rolling.

I think I need to cool off.

So, do you want to get wet?

What are you doing?

M, what the f*ck? I am standing here giving it my all and this jock is just standing there.


Okay, what's going on, man?

Look, man, I want to create chemistry between you two, okay?

You guys are, like, the sex of this thing.


You said you wanted a family reality show.

Well, sex is America's dirty little secret.

You can't talk about it at church, but at home on TV, people want to see hard bodies, wet and glistening in the sun.

Look, if I do that, I have a mother and six nieces that would never speak to me again.

Look, man, people want to be entertained.

Elena and I are just greasing the wheels a little.

Greasing the wheels? Yeah.

Well, look, man, I'm here to play the game, okay?

Now, you can go grease the wheels.

You can try catching some fish.

I'll see if I can find something to eat in the woods.

Grease the wheels. You two are warped. I'll catch you all later.

"Catch you all later"! Great. I wanted Diddy, I've got a boy scout.

M, wait.

We don't need Jake. I'm all the sex that you want.

You're hot, but it's not the same thing.

Hey! Where you going?

What, you're gonna go sh**t your girlfriend?

No. Actually, I've got to rethink the story lines.

Hey, listen, I'm doing this gig for, like, free, and I want all the screen time that I can get.

And I know how to make sure that happens.


Works for me.

No, you don't get it.

I'm like a complete spaz when it comes to anything even remotely athletic.

I'm sorry I didn't help.

You're just playing the game. I understand.

I just really need this money.

Look, I'm not going to give you my radiation card, if that's what you're worried about.

I'm just thrilled that I actually get to live another day!


Look, I know it hurts but you don't need a piece of shit like that in your life.

You're better off without him.

I thought he was "the one," you know?


I've known scumbags like this all my life.

Six months ago, I caught my fiancé in bed with my best friend.


To top it off, he used my credit cards to put me into major debt.

That's why I have to win this game.

The sooner you realize you can only depend on yourself, the better off you'll be.

Come on.

Take a breath. Let's go down there and kick his ass.

Is that what you did to your fiancé?

Put him in the hospital. Come on.

No. I'll just deal with it my own way.

It's what he deserves!

It's not me.

Come on.

No! I'm not like you. I don't want to be.

I'm sorry. That came out wrong.

It's okay.

Come on. Just tell me one hot experience that you had.

Oh, God.

No, I can even get you on Howard Stern if it's good.

I've got a buddy who works in his studio in New York.

You're such a moron.

Yeah, but we're on the same team here, you know?

The same team.

All right. All right. All right. All right. I'll stop. I'll stop.

I swear. Cross my heart.

No more sex talk.

From now on, you'll be the uptight lesbian sister I never had.



And now that we're family tell me, who went down on who first?

I'm kidding. I'm just...

Is that barbecue?

Mission f*cking accomplished.

Wait. This is too easy.

Maybe this is a trap to make us lose the game.

What trap? It's a hunter's camp, sister.

What are you doing?

I'm starved, and damn, that smells awesome.

Well, if this is a real hunter's camp, we can't just steal his food.

Why the hell not?

It's a survival-of-the-fittest kind of thing, you know. Finders keepers.

You're a lesbian. Where are your cojones?

Look, if we bring this back to share with the others, nobody's going to want us out of the game, huh?

What, it's hot?

Finally, we're a team.

Don't push your luck.

Mmm. Pork. Man, these hillbillies really know their barbecue.

So what are you going to do?

Getting out of here. I'll call the techies to drive me back to Wheeling.

Well, you're headed the wrong way.

RV and cell phones are back that way.

Yeah, I can't get a signal from the RV.

I'm just going to call them from there.


Besides, I really don't want to run into Michael at the trailer.

You're kidding. No, you're crazy. Okay.



You can't just walk into somebody's house.

Hello? I need to use your phone, please.

We shouldn't be here.

Then just wait for me outside.

I want to make one phone call and I'm gone.



All right. No phone, so...

Oh! Uh...

We done yet?

Holy shit!

The whole family's deformed.

God, look at the twins.

It'll be all right. Don't worry...

Hold on. Don't drop her.

Baby's coming now. You stay here with your ma.

I'm gonna fetch some water.

The toolbox!

Go, go!

What do we do now?

Help me!

There's light. There's light.

Help me.

f*ck her.

Hey, you good?

I'm good.

Can we keep this as our secret?

I wouldn't want to mess things up with Mara.

You know, I think she's "the one," so...


All right. I'm heading back to the RV. You coming?

No, my job is done. I'm just going to stay here and tan.

Tell Mara I say hi.

You're the star.


M? Is that you?

Don't screw around. It's not cool.

Oh, shit! Okay, what's the challenge?




Hey, Neil! I'm back, yo.

What, are you dropping a deuce?

Seriously, Neil, light a match.


Guess you're not here.

All right, let's see what we can see.

Run, no, run.


What the...

Oh, f*ck.

Let's see.

This end...

This end, too. All right.

Well, this works. Well, then, what's the matter?

Neil, I can't figure. This seems...

Great, you know. You spend money on film school, just to...

Looks fine.

Two, three, four...

Input. Output. Yeah, that works. Looks good.

What is that? Nina?

Damn it! Neil, you can't move! We're hardwired in.

What the...

This is cool.

Going for another one, huh?

The only white meat.

If this is what Armageddon's like, bring it on, baby.

Yeah. Maybe next time you should search for a bib.

I'm so glad I ran into you guys.

Yeah, and don't forget who got you the nosh, dude.

You win the chance to get rid of that nuclear card, send it someplace else.

No worries.

Hey, where's M and Elena?

Back at the river sh**ting the unrated version of the DVD.

I'll see you two later.

Oh, dude.

I can't even move.

I'm so stuffed, sex is going to have to wait.

Shit ghost!

You're nasty.

If you win, what will you do with the money?

When I win, I'm going to throw the most outrageous beach party in history.

You're a cliché, dude.

How about you?

Well, when I win, I plan on getting my degree in sports medicine.

Since my arm won't let me play football anymore, I figure I can still help others, you know, stay in the game.

Can't be a football hero, so you'll settle for a hero of any kind.

Yeah, something like that.

Nice to know there's still hope for mankind.

Dude, if you're saying this to get in her pants, forget about it.

She doesn't play on our team.

Shut up.

How about you? What you plan on doing with the cash?

I owe my father a bunch of money.

If I win, I am free and clear of him for good.

Your father?

He doesn't approve of my lifestyle.

Wants nothing to do with me.


I guess you can't choose family.

Man, M is so screwed.

He wanted a show for middle America, but he hired a lesbo, a sensitive jock, a bi-polar vegan, an extreme f*ck-up and Miss Hollywood.

Dude, we're the red state cast from hell.

Oh, God.

Yo, Nina.

You all right, Nina?

Mara... Dead.

What happened to you?

We have to get out of here!

Now! What?

They k*lled her!

Hey, look. Calm down. They'll find us here!

Whoa, take a deep breath, okay? Who?

Who will find us here? What are you talking about?

These hillbilly freaks. They k*lled Mara and they tied her to the hood of their truck.

We have to get out of here. Right now!

This is awesome!

What is wrong with you?

I'm not kidding!

Come on. It's part of the game.

Post-apocalyptic crazies are roaming through the forest?

It's not a game, okay? These hillbillies were eating her finger!

Hillbilly cannibals. M is a genius!

Stop laughing!

Yo, you, yo, stop laughing, man, okay? Hold on.

It's Mara. She's M's girlfriend.

She was in on it. I got this.

What you saw was special effects.

What I saw was real.

We need to get out of here. Now.

Please. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're going.

This is just a test to see if we bug out.

These kind of shows always screw with their contestants.

You guys want to go, go ahead.

I'm staying put and winning the hundred Gs.

Then they'll k*ll you, too.



Nina? Nina!

Get the f*ck...

That's Kimberly's tattoo.

Holy shit! That's her leg.

That's it.

Game's over. Amber, let's go.

Come on.


They're f*cking cannibals, dude! Shut up.

Where the hell's the RV?

Just over the ridge.

Keep quiet and keep moving.

I ain't stopping.

My foot!

Let me look at it.

I'm a shark, man! I gotta keep moving or I die. You know what I'm saying?

Jonesy, shut the f*ck up!

Look, you guys get to the RV, okay?

We'll be right behind you.

This is going to suck.


I need to put pressure on that.

Come on, give me your wristband. No.

Look, you don't have to hide anymore.

How did you know?

When I found out I'd never play football again, I spiraled down pretty hard.

My therapist told me I should sit in one of her su1c1de support groups.

You know, give me a better perspective.

There was a girl that used to do the same thing, only she used a bandanna.

So how old is the scar?

About six months.

What happened?

I just trusted too many of the wrong people. All my life.

But I'm past it now.

So it's old news?

Why do you think I came to win this game?

Guess you'll get your chance to do just that.

You so much as fart, old man, and I'll drop you.

Don't k*ll me, brother. I'm a good Christian man.

Shit! Are you sure?

Yeah, this was the place.

Here are the tire tracks, the empty equipment cases, the garbage.

This is so F'd in the A.

The f*cking RV is gone!

Let's just keep going.

But we're dead meat. Where to?

The nearest town is 50 miles away.

We're all going to end up hillbilly barbecue.

I'm not going to tell you again. Keep quiet!

Then come on.

No, no. There's that old paper mill out by the main road.

Right. You know, it's abandoned.

Well, we've got to dig in somewhere.

Maybe there's a public phone.

Dude, you know why they call it abandoned?

Because there's nothing in it anymore, including phones!

Hey! Don't hurt me!

That's a bear trap.

There's no animals around here.

Why do they have a f*cking bear trap set?

They're not trapping bears. They're trapping people.

There's no wildlife to eat around here, they're eating us!

Okay, I was wrong. The paper mill's a great idea.

Let's just get out of here.

No, no, no. Look, man, now we take the road, we're sitting ducks, all right?

So I want everyone to stick together and watch where you step.

Yeah, no shit.


Who you blowing up, old timer?

Just the trout. Only way to bring them to the surface.

Dynamite stuns them.

They float like lily pads and I just scoop them up.

Pretty wife.

Ah, that's my Delilah.

Gave me the happiest days of my life.

God bless her soul.

You know, you one lucky son of a bitch.

Lot of folk go in them woods. Never seen one come out.

Now, I stay clear of them myself.

How many of those freaks are out there?

Hard to know.

More than the ones you run across, that's for sure.

What are they?

Just like you and me, brother, except uglier, and a lot stronger.

Hey, I hit one of them young'uns once in my pickup.

He popped up and just kept going.

It's the chemicals changed them.

Pulp mill shut down near 30 years ago, and left a mess, and the poison k*lled off all the game.

Most of the folks around these parts left.

There's one family stayed on in this holler, and pretty soon their babies started gushing out of their mama's womb, just as ugly as them trout I got hanging out there,

and then they grow up, have kids of their own,

turned out even worse.

You going to stay for a bite?

Fish is ugly, but they fry up real good.

No, much obliged, but I got to get going.

Well, if you're going to head out to get your friends, settle the score, best jump to it before it gets dark.

You don't want to be out in them woods at night.

Why do you stay, old timer?

Well, I could never leave.

Got to stay close to my young'uns. You m*therf*cker!

I going to k*ll you, man! I going to k*ll you!

You k*lled my boy!

I'll k*ll you!

I'll k*ll you! I'll k*ll you, m*therf*cker!

I'll k*ll you, m*therf*cker!

I'll k*ll you! I'm gonna k*ll you!

I'll teach you to mess with my kids.

Say hello to the missus for me.

It's one of them.

It's Elena.

Yeah? What makes you think that?


Get off her!

Oh, my God.

Nina, wait!

Oh, shit!

Help me!


Where's Nina?

She deserted us.

Son of a bitch!

Just keep moving.

Look, split up. I'll find Nina.

We'll meet up at the mill. Go.


Help me! Help me!

Nina? Help me!


Down here.

Nina? Are you okay?

I'm going to get you out of there, all right?

Look, come on. Come on, Nina.

I can't reach!

Come on, Nina.


Okay, hold on.

I've got you, now.

What happened?

It's my shoulder. It's dislocated.

You've got to help me pop it in.

Nina, easy!

Okay, pull and twist, okay?


Help me up.

It's like going to w*r.

Amber, Jonesy. Did they make it?

We all made it. We'll meet up with them at the mill, okay?

Let's go. Let's go, let's go.

Let's go. Where?

You totally kicked ass back there.

I'm serious. You were like Xena, Warrior Princess.

You were right. I was a total assh*le before.

I'm never going to dis you or any other female ever again.


It's cool. We outran them.


Come on.

Oh, shit.

Come on.


Help me! Help me!

Oh, shit. Amber. Amber, help me.

Jonesy! Get me down. Get me down.

Oh, no. Oh.

Amber, Amber, help me!

Oh, God. Hurry, Amber, he's coming.


Amber, go. No!

Amber, don't do this. Get away. Go. I'm not leaving you!

Run. No.

Amber, no.

Oh, God. Oh, God.


Oh, God.


Jonesy, give me your hand.


Don't look down.

I'm here.

Amber, I'm scared.

You're not alone.

All right, I'm going to get us out of here.

You know, my mother always used to say I'd live for...

There it is.

Jonesy wasn't kidding.

This place is dead.

Birth defects, no shit!

Can't see anything.

How the hell are we going to find them in here?

Let Amber and Jonesy find us.

Where did you get that?

I brought it with me for the game.

I thought it might come in handy.

That's cheating.

Sue me.

You think they're up there?

Maybe they found a CB radio, called for help.

I guess I'll go first.

Be careful.

They got to be around here somewhere.

If they even made it here at all.

Come on, guys, where you at?

Oh, my God. She was just a little girl.

Looks like she's been in there forever.

She's hiding.

Yeah, but from whom?

This isn't right.

No, Nina. No, Nina!

It's too late. We've got to get out of here now!

No! No, Nina. We cannot leave them, okay? Let's go.

Look, there's the RV.

I don't see them.

Oh, Jesus. This family's been doing this for decades.

Oh, my God. That sounds like M screaming.

Okay, I'm going down there.

No, no, no, no.

Hold this.


Do you got my back?

Please! M? M!

Come on, come on.

f*ck! f*ck face.

M. Get me the f*ck out of here!


No. f*ck, no!

No, please! Please, God, no!

Please, don't. Please.

M? Please...

Oh. Help. Nina, it's a trap!

Oh, shit!


Brothers and sisters, you must know that we live in a world of technology that promotes sin, where the...

...extracurricular sexual activities, h*m*...

...to exercise...


Would it be Heaven or Hell that you decide?

This is the crossroad...

It is all a test.

It is a test to show us the way to find the light.

This is what you need to find your way.

It gives you what you need to find that light.

To stay away from the darkness, do not take wrong turns to living a life of sin, of personal destruction, a painful, blasphemous life.

Here I have the book that will change your life, that will let you live the way God has intended...

...that living a life of sin will only lead you to.

f*ck you!

Don't do it. Leave her alone.

Leave her alone!

Leave her alone.

Stop messing with her.

What the f*ck is wrong with you people?



I hope you f*cking choke!

Leave her alone!

Please, let us go.

Come on, man. Help!


Help! Help!

Help! Please! We're here. We're trapped!

Please, someone, help us.

Help us.



Nina. Nina.

Nina. Come on, wake up.

Nina, wake up!

Nina can you pull your hands free?

I need you to pull your hands free.

I can't.

Nina, you've got to try. Nina!

Nina, wake up. Nina.

Dale? Be quiet.

I got to do this. Breathe through it.

Ready? Okay.


One more.


Get up.

There's an exit door through there.

I'll be right behind you. Go.

I want you to go find Nina.


Hey. Hey. Find Nina.

Go! I've got it. Go!

Is that all you got, bitch?

f*ck you. f*ck!

Let go of me, you son of a bitch! Let go of me!

Let go. Let go of me!

Let go of me!


Let go of me, you son of a bitch.

Come on!

You know you didn't have to come back for me, right?

Sue me.

Wow. Nice ride.

You want to take it for a spin?

Why not?

It's the least this
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