Lovelace (2013)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Lovelace (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I've really got to use

♪ My imagination

♪ Mm, to think of good reasons ♪

♪ To keep on keepin' on

♪ Keep on keepin' on

- ♪ Got to make the best of. ♪ Best of, best of

- ♪ A bad situation. ♪ Bad situation

♪ Ever since that day

♪ I woke up and found that you were gone ♪

♪ Gone, gone

♪ Darkness all around me

♪ Blackin' out the sun

♪ Old friends call me

♪ But I just don't feel like talkin' to anyone ♪

♪ Emptiness has found me

♪ And it just won't let me go

♪ Go right on livin'

♪ But why, I just don't know Ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for, the one, the only Linda Lovelace!

- What's your name? Linda Lovelace.

I meant what's your real name?

- That's my real name. So, what did you do before you were the first ever pornographic film superstar?

How does it feel to be the poster girl for the sexual revolution?

The pornographic film Deep Throat has become one of the most popular and profitable Blue movies of all time.

Today a Manhattan criminal court judge ruled the film obscene and ordered it removed from theaters in New York City.

This is kind of a strange country, isn't it? Judges can see Deep Throat, - but they can't listen to those tapes. Deep Throat, a trendsetting film that brought pornography into popular culture.

How did you become Linda Lovelace in the first place, if you were born as Linda Boreman?

I think you can be a star, and I don't mean just an adult-movie star.

I mean a real star.

Is your name Linda Lovelace?

So tell me, who's the real Linda Lovelace?

♪ Just give me some kind of sign, girl ♪

♪ Oh, my baby, to show me that you're mine, girl, oh, yeah ♪

♪ Just give me some kind of sign, girl ♪

♪ Oh, my darlin', to show me that you're mine, girl ♪

♪ All right So if you do want me ♪

♪ Give me little sweet talk If you don't want me ♪

♪ Don't lead me on, girl

♪ But if you need me Show me that you love me ♪

♪ And when I'm feeling down No! Patsy! Come on. Jeez! Come on, Miss Holy Holy.

You want to get tan lines? Mm.

You're gonna thank me later.

So have you slept with that guy yet?

No. Patsy, come on. Don't be such a prude.

You're 21 years old. Prude?

How am I a prude? I think I've learned my lesson that one time, thank you very much.

There are other things that you can do.

Ugh. I don't even know how to talk to you anymore.

Seriously, that's disgusting.

That's disgusting.

Linda! Shit, is that your Mom?

I thought you said she was work.

Linda. Take this, please.

Yeah. Put it out.

Linda, are you out back?

Honestly, what is this, a nudist colony?

What are you wearing? Ma!

Get in the house.

♪ I'm gonna be out all night

♪ I'm gonna be out all night ♪ Okay? 'Cause everybody's going fast.

Ready? Ready.

Careful. All I can see is your butt.

Oh, my God!

Cool band. They're missing something, though, don't you think? Like what?

Go-go dancers. You volunteering?

♪ Never met a girl who makes me feel ♪

- Come on, babe. ♪ The way that you do

- Move your hips! ♪ You're all right

♪ Whenever I'm asked what makes my dreams real ♪

- ♪ I tell 'em you do. Feel it!

♪ So fee fi fo fum

♪ Look out, baby 'Cause here I come ♪

♪ Now I'm bringing you a love that's true ♪

♪ So get ready Get ready ♪

- ♪ 'Cause here I come. ♪ Get ready

♪ 'Cause here I come

Actually, like... Do that again.

I know. You enjoyed it.

I need, like, a week off.

You two move pretty good up there. Thanks.

You ever think about doing that professionally?

Yeah, right.

Yeah! Dancing girls in Vegas, they make two or 300 bucks a night.

What? Ha. Someone would pay that much to see me dance?

I would.

I'm Chuck Traynor, by the way.

I'm Patsy. Linda.

You guys smoke grass? Yeah, sure.

Patsy, I have to go home now.

It's a little bit of grass. Come on, babe.


I'm good.

In accordance with your hopes, mindful of your concerns, sustained by your prayers, - thank you, and good night. Thanks, honey.

President Nixon addressing the nation live from...

Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. See you later. I'm going.


Where do you think you're going?

The beach.

It's dark.

And what on Earth do you have on?

It's a party. And whose party is it?

Uh, I'm going with Patsy and her boyfriend Ray. It's a friend of his.

And what does this Ray do? I don't know, Ma.

It's not like I made him fill out a questionnaire.


I think Patsy said he was a bartender, all right?

But I did tell them that I had to be home by 11:00 on the nose.

Any later, and I'll call you, swear to God.

See you, sweetheart.

♪ How long have we been

♪ Traveling, my friend?

The French Connection.

You know that one?

The one with that guy? Exactly.

My God, I was so stoned when I saw that.

I couldn't figure out what was going on.

I kept expecting there to be subtitles.

Yeah, there weren't. No, I know.

They were speaking American.

No, but by the time I figured that out, it was, like, halfway through the movie.

Hey, guys. Let's go skinny-dipping.

No! I gotta go, so...

What? Yeah.

You're such a drag.

We're gonna go. Wooh!

Come on. I'm going in!

Jump in!

You don't dig the ocean? No.

I don't know.

Ow. What?

You bit me. I did?

Yeah. No, I didn't.

It's cool.

You don't think I'm a drag?

Well, I don't think you're a drag at all.

No? No way.

Thanks for the ride home.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait! Come on!

Come on!

You haven't said a word since we got in the car.

You can tell me.

What is it? What's going on?


I got pregnant. Mm.

And I had a baby last year, and that's why we moved here from Yonkers.

Where's this... Where's this baby now?

I don't even know.

My Mom put him up for adoption.

She told me I was signing circumcision papers.

Damn. Yeah.

I'd like to meet your folks.

Really? I think they'd dig me.

No, they don't dig anybody.

They don't even dig themselves.

Listen, I'll make you a bet.

You have me over for dinner, and by the end of the night, if they say, "What a lovely young man," then I win. What do you win?

You spend the night at my house.

And if they don't, what do I win?

You spend the night at my house.

Yeah? Mm-hmm.

Okay. Right there.

Lord, make us thankful for these and all our many blessings. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Chuck, I'd like to thank you again for those lovely flowers. My pleasure.

Linda tells us that you were in the service.

Yes, ma'am, Marine Corps.

Mr. Boreman was in World w*r II.

Oh, yeah? You in the Corps?

No, Army. Italy, mostly. I was stationed in Korea.

I won a couple of marksmanship competitions, but that's about all the action I ever saw.

I bet you would have been brave, though.

The guys that served with your father, they're some of the bravest men that I ever met.

So, what do you do now?

I own a bar and restaurant. That's interesting.

What kind of bar and restaurant?

Just good food and pretty waitresses.

What do you do for work, Mr. Boreman?

I was a cop in New York before we moved to Florida.

Now I do security at the airport.

Mr. Boreman has a million stories, Chuck.

Is that right?

Johnny, you better go in the kitchen and warm his milk.

Milk. Okay.

Mugs are above the sink, Linda.

Jesus. Forget about them.

Yeah, right. Yeah.

Where are you? Where are you right now?

I'm with you. Yeah.

Yeah, that's my girl.

You're my girl, hmm? Right?


They don't eat with their hands, you dope.

Say it. I... I'm...

I'm your girl.

How's it coming out there, Linda?

Uh, almost there, Ma!

What time's the movie get out?

I told you, 10:30. Be home at 11:00.

I know.

Seems like a nice young man.

Oh, right. Um...



Just cut it out.

What are you so uptight about?

My scar. It's gross. Come on. Foxy girl like you should love to show off her body.

Come on. Come on. Let me see.

Come on. Let me see it.

It's gross. Please?

This is it? This little thing?


It's ugly. I hate it.

Why? 'Cause it's different? 'Cause it's not perfect?

All those uptight idiots in the suburbs.

All those cookie-cutter robots that your mama goes to church with.

♪ I fooled around and fell...

Screw 'em.

Screw 'em.

'Cause this and you, mm, are beautiful.

♪ A girl that I liked

- ♪ I'd get out my book... Hey. I love your freckles.

You're late.

Come on, baby.


♪ Wooh Baby ♪

♪ Lord, Lord, Lord...

To... Keep going. Keep going. Boom.

And here we go.

You put a lot of Margarita mix in there.

Uh, yeah. Okay.

♪ To keep a flower growing Margarita?

Thanks. Hey.



You like porno? I like some.

You like 'em.

No. I can tell.

Yeah, you do. I don't.

Yeah. I don't actually.

Trust me.

I love your XXX. What are you doing?

Hey! But Linda won't mind. She's cool.


I wouldn't go in there if I were you.

♪ Oh, baby

♪ We're making love and I like it ♪ Oh, my God. Home movie.

My parents took one of me once, but it didn't look like this.

I bet.

I've never seen a porno before.

Is it turning you on?

Good girls don't do that stuff.

Oh, 'cause you're a good girl?

I can tell you're such a good girl.

That's what I love about you. You're such a good girl.

Come on.

I don't want to.

You know, maybe that's 'cause you're not any good at it.

Come on. You're gonna love it. Really?

Yeah. - I'm gonna like it? Choking myself?

I could teach you. Remember how I got you to quit smoking?

Yeah. You gonna hypnotize me?

It's the same mind-body control technique.


Out of sight. Ah!

Hey, your mind has control.

Come on. A little more. There you go.

Take it in. That's right.

Don't forget to breathe. Come here.

Don't forget to breathe, Okay?

You got it. Okay? Go.

Oh, yeah.

♪ When I die and they lay me to rest ♪

♪ Gonna go to the place that's the best ♪

♪ When I lay me down to die

♪ Going up to the spirit in the sky ♪

♪ Going up to the spirit in the sky ♪

♪ Spirit in the sky

♪ It's where I'm gonna go when I die ♪

♪ When I die

♪ When I die and they lay me to rest ♪

♪ I'm gonna go to the place that's the best ♪

♪ Prepare yourself you know it's a must ♪

♪ Gotta have a friend in Jesus ♪

♪ So you know that when you die... ♪ Congratulations, Mrs. Chuck Traynor.

I've never done it with a married man before.

Me neither. Good.

♪ That's where you're gonna go when you die ♪

♪ When you die

♪ When they die and they lay you to rest ♪

♪ You're gonna go to the place that's the best ♪

- Hello. Hi. It's me.

Where are you? I've been really worried about you.

Get some money, and come get me.

- I'm in jail. Ha-ha. Very funny.

Here you go, ma'am.

Oh! Okay.

What happened, Chuck?

What did I say?

But this is different.


You said never ask about your work.

That's right.

Some girls were turning tricks out back.

What do you mean by... Prostitution?

Yeah. Linda, it's a titty bar.

What do you think these girls live off? Minimum wage?

Wait. The cops gonna come ask me questions?

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, baby.

Wives can't testify against husbands.


Look, all I need is money.

Look, after paying your bail, I have, um, $32, $33.

Linda, real money.

It's the IRS and the Miami PD, and it's all just that shakedown.

Do you have enough? "We."

Baby, do we have enough, right?

No, we don't. Mm-mm.

Not yet. So, what are we gonna do?

Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went...

...the lamb was sure to go.

Yeah, right?

That... That was great.

Did I tell you, or what, right? You did. You told us.

Sweetheart, there's a little diner on the corner.

Why don't you run down, grab us four coffees, regular?

Okay. All right?

On the corner? Yeah.

Thanks a lot, darling. Beautiful work.

Jesus f*cking Christ, Chuck. What the f*ck was that?

Does she even know what she was auditioning for?

I know. I know. She's new at this professionally. I could show you this thing.

Well, Chuck, she's really cute. She's adorable.

She's like a sexy Raggedy Ann or something.

Cute freckles. Really dug her freckles. It was very...

But, you know, for this industry, I don't... I don't know.

You don't know what, Jerry?

Go ahead. Be honest.

Yeah? Yeah.

No, look, the point is, we traffic in fantasy here.

Yeah, she's very real, the kind of girl you sit next to her in class.

You see her out on the street, you want to ball her.

But, you know, you've seen the girls that come in and do this now.

I mean, they've all been to the surgeon.

I mean, you can't light your cigarette around 'em.

You're afraid their tits are gonna go up like the Hindenburg or something.

Linda has tits.

She does. Nice ones, too.

Not the point.

It's not like the old days, you know, where you just point a camera at two people screwing, and you call it art.

I mean, the audiences expect a lot more.

She's beautiful, but, you know, more pizzazz.

We need more pizzazz. No offense.

I'm gonna show you what Jerry's talking about.

No, I... Nicky, come here for a sec.

I want to show you this... I want to show you this movie we made.

Now, this is the prototype, right?

People want blonde hair, huge tits, and a nice, beautiful round ass.

It's the harsh reality of our chosen profession.

Dynamite work, Nicky. Thanks, Butch.

I'm gonna show you this.

Chuck, we are making a movie here on 35 millimeter. Jerry even wrote a script.

Forty-two pages. - You hear that? Forty-two f*cking pages.

This thing is gonna be in theaters, and, look, people want what they want.

Chuck, your girl, she's cute, she's skinny. She's got no hips.

It's like making a w*r movie without the fighting.

Tits and ass, that's the action.

Chuck, I don't want to bum you out. Can she type?

Maybe I could find some work for her in the office.

Look at this! Look at the...

I don't care about this. Listen to me.

I know she doesn't have it. Chuck.

Look at that! We just saw what she could do.

She acted? Couldn't act. Look what she can do.

Look! See? Whoa, Butchie.

But... Are you... Did you see this?

Look at this. Look at this. Are you seeing this?

Holy shit. Oh!

Wait. Is that real?

Is she actually doing that?

Yeah, right.

Ho ho! Oh, my God!

Yeah, can she do that with a big cock?

No offense. She can do that with anything.

Ah, that's far out. That is... You see that?

That is art, baby. That's art.

♪ If you ain't getting your thing ♪

♪ Like you ought to be getting your thing ♪

♪ Somebody else be getting your thing for you ♪

♪ Better listen what I'm saying now, fellas ♪

♪ If you ain't getting your thing ♪

♪ Like you ought to be getting your thing ♪

♪ Somebody else be getting your thing for you ♪ Anybody want a hit? Jerry?

Yeah? Not a cloud in the sky.

What's with all the f*cking lights?

Shadows, Butchie, shadows.

Your shadows are costing me hundreds of dollars.

You want to turn the lights off? You want it to look like shit?

No problem. I'll turn 'em all off.

f*cking artist, huh?

Bad toupee. Wants to make a movie without lights.

How long have you been a makeup person?

Oh, I'm not a professional.

I mean, not in makeup, anyway.

You know, when you get to be my age in this business, it helps to have as many skills as you can.

I don't have any skills.

That's not what I heard.

There she is. Here's our star, huh?

What'd I tell you? The girl next door.

Linda, this is our financier, Anthony Romano.

It's very nice to meet you.

Sweetheart, let me tell you something.

If what these guys are saying is true, this is gonna be the best investment of my life.

I can't wait to see your work.

Yeah. Oh, and this is Dolly.

This is Linda's costar and makeup artist. A pleasure.

I have many skills. Yeah? Do you?

Let's let the stars get back to work, huh?

All right. We'll see you later.

Easy there, sister. Don't cover her freckles.


Hey. What are you doing?

Her freckles are her thing.

All right? Okay.

Be cool.

You look good.

All right. Just not too much, Okay?

You hear me? Yeah, I hear you.

Wow, he's pretty intense.

I used to have an old man like that once.

You know, I should probably... something about those.

Mr. Damiano will be really pissed if I just leave 'em like that.

I'm so clumsy. I know, sweetie.

We all are.

There's just got to be more to life than screwing around.

Than screwing around.

Sex, I don't enjoy it.

Sex, I don't enjoy it.

Linda? Harry.

We're getting it on in the next scene.

Oh, hey. It's nice to meet you.

I thought your name was d*ck.

My stage name used to be d*ck Long, but it sounded kind of obvious, so you know...

Yeah. I agree.

This is a great business, isn't it?

Anyway, I just thought I'd come by and introduce myself before we started going at it.

You Okay?

I'm a little nervous.

I've never had lines to talk before.

We got the best job in the world.

We just tune everybody out, live in the moment, like we're the only two people on the planet.

Tune everybody out.

Live in the moment. Exactly.

You're gonna do great.

And I cannot wait to get it on.


Whoa. Whoa. You all right? Yeah.

You Okay? Yeah?

You're just gonna drive normally.

You know what we're doing, right?

Mm-hmm. Right. Okay.

It's just I don't know how I normally drive.

You... I just drive, you know.

Yeah, that's exactly right. Just drive, and pretend we're not here, Okay? Whatever you'd normally do.

All right, we rolling? Let's roll.

Doing beautiful, baby, beautiful!

All right, sound, speed.

And action.

It's not that I'm turned off to sex.

I enjoy it. In fact, I could spend the rest of my life getting laid.

Then what seems to be the problem?

Well, I don't know. Something's different.

I mean, there's just got to be more to it than just a lot of little tingles. Little tingles?

I want to hear bells ringing. Bells?

Dams bursting! Dams bursting?

Bombs going off! Bombs going off!

Something. Nurse, Mrs. Lovelace is done with her bubbles.

Thank you, Dr. Young. Open your mouth for me.

Wider. Ah.

Ahh... Ah, ah, ah.

Ah? Ah? Ah? Ah.

Well, there it is!

There it is, you little bugger!

What? Your clitoris.

It's down in the bottom of your throat.

Oh now, now, Mrs. Lovelace.

There, there. Listen. It's better to have a clitoris deep down in the bottom of your throat than to have no clitoris at all.

That's easy for you to say.

Suppose your balls were in your ears.

Well, then, I could hear myself coming.

And cut!

That was great. That was great!

That was fantastic, really. We good? - Yeah.

Great work, everybody. That's a wrap.

Two days down. Five to go. Nice work.

You see?

You see that? That's gonna be a problem.

I need you to do me a favor, Chuck. What's that?

I need you to go to Miami, pick up some film tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Tomorrow? Why?

Why? Yeah.

Because the stores are all closed, and if we run out of film tomorrow, we're screwed.

But tomorrow's Linda's big day. She needs me.

Send somebody else. Okay.

How about I send Linda for the film, and you can spend tomorrow with Harry's cock down your throat? Man.

You got no movie without my girl, right?

You know that, right, Butchie? Yeah.

And we ain't got no movie without no film neither.


All right, this is it, everybody. Here we go. Places!

Camera! And action!

You can try it on me.

You'll like it.

Well, what do I have to lose?

Not bad. We're all gonna win Oscars.

Cut. Cut. Cut. Whoa! Harry?

Mm! What's the matter?

What's happening? What'd you...

I don't... I'm... I... He came.

Yeah. - He what? He came? You came? Get outta here.

What is this, your Junior prom?

I know. I didn't... I just wasn't...

Just give me three minutes. I can go again. - I'm really sorry.

Did I do something wrong? No.

Wooh-hoo! No, thanks.

Hey! Hey, this is silk!

Oyster? Thank you.

Thanks. How you doing?

Hey, oyster man! Yeah, come here. We gotta talk.

Oyster, sir? Best oysters in Miami. Come here, baby.

You know, these are natural aphrodisiacs, honey.

Yeah? Yeah, they make you horny.

I'm always horny.

Marry me.

No girl for you? I can fix that.

No, thanks, Charlie. Hey, Linda.

Why don't you come sit on Mr. Romano's lap?

I'm having an interesting conversation, Chuck.

Why don't you sit on his lap?

All right, come on.

Party's moving up to my room. Where you going?

Up to my room. Come on. We're going upstairs anyway.

♪ Help me, help me

♪ Let me hold it, baby Hey, quiet.

Quiet. Quiet.

Oh, my God, that... that's unbelievable.

Who's in the next room? That's Linda and Chuck.

Girl should be in the f*cking Olympics.

I'm a little nervous.

Let's try this. Forget I'm even here. Forget about all this stuff.

Just be yourself.

Okay, um, I don't think for the movie poster, we can be so anatomical.

Just don't want to disappoint anybody... I guess.

Tell me about the role you're playing.

A girl whose clit...

I know all that. Okay.

Um, tell me about the person you're playing.

Well, at first, I'm closed up like a flower...

Mm-hmm. Yeah? ... bud.

And, um...

And then, gradually, the petals start to... to open, and... and then...

...I finally learn about myself, and I learn how to... enjoy sex. Beautiful.

Then I feel free.

Don't worry. They're just Polaroid sh*ts.

Oh, I know. It's not that. It's just...

You made me beautiful.

All right, all right, all right. Hey, what's the matter?

Your girl is gonna be a star.

Yeah, great, but who the hell's Lovelace?

It's a dynamite name. You got to admit that.

What about my name? Linda and I are a team.

What's wrong with Traynor? Nothing. Chuck Traynor.

Good name for a producer. So I'm a producer now? That's funny.

I thought I was a production assistant.

A girl like Linda, you want to see her name in lights. Like "Linda Lovelace."

That's gotta go up on a billboard, right?

"Lovely lace, Lovelace."

You're gonna be filthy rich. Me? No. You're gonna make a fortune.

Ah. - Come on, Charlie. You don't think the investors deserve to make a little bit of money?

That's not what I'm saying.

And, you know, my name isn't Charlie.

Chuck. You got it.

Your girl's gonna be a star.

That's the value, man, and you, you own the product.

Two consenting adults. $6.00.

Is it all guys in there? What do you care?

♪ Keep on truckin', baby Will you pass me a cigarette, hon?

Do you mind if I smoke while you eat?

Hey, did you hear about Goldstein?

His magazine gave us 100 percent on the Peter meter.

Looks like we got a full-blown big-titted hit!

What's the Peter meter?

Did they say anything about how the film was shot?

Who gives a f*ck, Jerry? A hit's a hit.

Well, then, I could hear myself coming.

This is Chief Rocker Frankie Crocker, on WNYJ Radio, New York City. We're back with the star of the scintillating skin flick, Deep Throat, Linda Lovelace, and the film director, Jerry Damiano.

Hi. Hello. Hello, New York.

Now, Jerry, you were saying earlier how you as an artist were able to Transcend the pornographic medium.

Yeah. Well, you know, it wasn't that difficult to do.

I mean, it was... The industry was getting pretty stale, you know.

Everything was just screwing, screwing, screwing, and then cut to a money shot.

You know, how many times you supposed to look at that?

This film is becoming bigger than that, right?

I mean, this is a phenomenon.

♪ Baby, that's bad

♪ So hard to bear, yeah...

I went to see Deep Throat 'cause I'm fond of animal pictures.

I thought it was about giraffes.

♪ Feel like I'm on fire

♪ And I'll keep on trucking, baby ♪ Linda, right here. Big smile, Miss Lovelace.

♪ I gotta keep on truckin'

♪ I got to get your sweet lovin' ♪ How does it feel to be the poster girl for the sexual revolution?

It's just a goof.

To me, it's... it's a movie, like any other movie, only it has so many better things in it.

Like what? Like me.

♪ Now now

♪ Keep on truckin'

♪ Yes, I got...

Now, Linda, I mean, what do you want to do with the future here, baby?

I hope to make movies, real movies, and maybe do a play.

I want to be an actress, you know.

The Mississippi River.

What's the only thing that has a bigger mouth than Linda Lovelace?

Right here!

Please, Miss Lovelace! Linda!

Linda. That's what I call a welcoming committee.

Right on. Linda.

Hi, Mr. Hefner. Hef, please.

Welcome to your party. How about I trade you two blondes for a brunette? Yeah.

♪ Hear your mama come

♪ You're the best that she ever had ♪ You come with me.

♪ Yeah, mama won't you ride... ♪ Look at this. Butchie Peraino.

Big fan of yours, Mr. Hefner. Thanks.

Anthony Romano, Mr. Hefner.

Love the magazine. Love the article about the swinger parties.

Thank you. You, Harry, I'm a big fan of your work.

It is truly an honor, sir.

Oh, I used to tell people that I had the best job in the world until I saw what you do.

We'll see you gentlemen inside.

Look at these two cool cats. Mr. Sammy Davis Jr.

Miss Lovelace. Sammy Davis Jr.

Better not miss this show.

- They love you. Makes me feel sort of tingly all over, and then nothing. There's got to be more to sex than just a lot of little tingles.

There's gotta be bells ringing and dams bursting and bombs going off, something!

You wanna get off, or you want to wreck a city?

I think you can be a star.

I don't mean just an adult-movie star.

I mean a real star.

Oh, I wish I could believe that.

Well, trust me. I see tons of girls go through this town every year.

Most of them...

...go just like that.

I hear bells ringing...

...and dams bursting, and bombs going off!

Fabulous. Very sexy, right? Right?

No question. We're getting laid tonight.

We got a hit. We got a hit! No question.

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for, the one, the only, Linda Lovelace!

Are you ready for this?

I want to set the record straight.

All right, the first few are just to establish a baseline, so just answer yes or no.

Is your name Linda Lovelace?

Can we start with an easier question?

All right. Are you currently working on a book about your life with Chuck Traynor? Yes.

Are you taking this polygraph at the request of the publisher?


Were you married to Chuck Traynor?

Chuck, you're hurting me. I know. I know. I know.

Chuck... Sh!

Chuck! Easy.


Stop it. Stop it, Chuck.

Chuck, s...

Oh, shh.


Oh, God, that was f*cking far out.

Hey, come on.

Baby, you're my wife.

Don't trip out.


You really hurt me, Chuck.

That was passion.

I love you.

Where's my girl? Where's my girl?

You're my girl, right?

Right. Yeah? Say it.

Say it.

I'm your girl. Don't...

Hey. Hey.

What do you mean by... Prostitution?

Wives can't testify against husbands.

All just that shakedown.

All I need is money.

Baby, do we have enough?

It's just you and me. We can't miss.

♪ Hold up

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

♪ Who's that girl knocking 'em dead ♪

♪ Whenever she's in town?

This is sure as shit more fun than the convention, huh?

What do you do for a living?

I sell medical supplies. How about you?

Uh, I'm a part-time gynecologist. Really? Oh, that's so funny.

We're actually coming out with a new set of stirrups that make it a lot...

I get it. That's very funny, yeah.

Should I take some drink orders? Yeah, yeah. What do you want?

Oh, wow. A Cuba Libre would be great. Two Cuba Libres.

Don't worry about that. I got it. Here you go.

Boy, she's... she's great.

Mm-hmm. You guys married?

Yeah, she's gonna be a star. Wow.

Hey, is that what I think it is?

It is if you think it's coke.

Do you, uh, think I could get a little?

You let people use your, um, medical supplies for free?

Okay. No, I get it. Yeah.

Yeah. Um... Well, how much?

How much for what? The p*ssy or the blow?

Seriously? Seriously.

♪ Would you let it ride? Would you let it... ♪ It's your lucky day. I'm gonna go get Linda.

♪ Try, try, try Let it ride ♪

♪ Try, try, try Let it ride ♪ Hey, look at me.

♪ Try, try, try

♪ Let it ride

Hi, Ma. For the love of Christ, it's 2 a. m.

I know. I know.

Don't wake your father.

You want something to eat? I got leftovers.

You're a bag of bones, Linda. No, I'm not hungry, Mom.

So, what'd you wake me up in the middle of the night for?

I was really hoping that, uh, I could, um...

...move back in here for a while.

Here? Yeah.

No. You know that's not possible.

Why not? How would it look for a married woman to move in with her parents apart from her husband?

He hits me, Ma.

I can't say I'm surprised.

What did you do?

What do you mean, what'd I do?

What did you do to make him angry?

He didn't just hit you out of the Blue.

I guess I didn't do what he wanted me to.

You took a vow, a very serious vow.

Can't I just stay, like, a few days, Ma, please?

And then what? You gonna get a divorce?

What do you think we are, Protestant?

Ma, you just don't understand.

Linda, I was...

I was 18 years old when I had your sister, unmarried...

...and all alone, before I met your father.

I'd suffered long and hard.

How dare you come here and tell me I don't understand.

I understand.

Now, God gave you a husband, who provides for you.

And you...

Look at me.

Go home to Chuck.

Be a good wife.

Listen to him, and obey him.

Can't I just stay for a little while, Mom, please?

Just please?

Mom, I just need, like, a day, please.

If you knew... That's enough.

- Hello? Dorothy, it's Chuck.

Hi, Chuck.

- I'm sorry. It's late. Yeah.

I'm looking for Linda. You know where she is?


I can't do it.

I can't do it anymore.


You can't do what?

Everything. I can't do it.

You're doing the movie, Linda.

You know me, right?

Huh? You believe me?

Right? You believe me?

Do you believe me?


'Cause I worked too f*cking hard to get you this part.

Now, you watch.

This movie is gonna make us.

You and me, Okay?


Oh, there, there, Mrs. Lovelace.

It's all right. Listen. It's better to have a clitoris deep down in the bottom of your throat than to have no clitoris at all. That's easy for you say.

What if your balls were in your ears?

Well, then, I'd hear myself coming.

And cut!

That was great. That was great! That was fantastic.

We good? Yeah, we got it.

Great work, everybody. That's a wrap.

Two days down. Five to go.

Here's your damn film.

Why don't you sit on his lap?

Who's in the next room?

Man, I don't think that's them balling.


If I tell you to sit, stay, screw, f*ck, you'll do it, hmm?

♪ Woman

- ♪ Take me in your arms. Hi!

Hi! Hey.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God, you look so beautiful.

And you look like a poodle with a perm.

I'm kidding. You look beautiful.

Hey, Chuck. Hey, Patsy.

You look older.

All right, hurry it up. You guys want to be quick?

I got some real important people we gotta meet up with later.

Yeah. Picked out some dresses. They're in the changing room.

Go on.

Wow, you look stunning.

Linda, can I be honest with you about something?

Yeah, of course. I'm worried about you.

Why? Because of the movie? No.

I don't care about the movie.

It's everything. It's Chuck. It's the people you...

Don't be crazy.

What is going on?

It's Chuck, isn't it?

Just tell me so I can help you.

Please? Please?

Do you know how lucky I am?

I mean, a... a girl like me landing a guy like Chuck?

I'm nothing without him.

Jesus, Linda, you know we're in a hurry.



Hey, little toast. - No, no. I'd like to propose a toast.

All right, Harry. Oh.

To Linda, for sharing with me the ten best minutes of my professional career.

I heard it was the best ten seconds of your career on the first day.

Leave it to the broad to get honest. What about me?

You f*cked me. If the movie's such a hit, where's my cut?

I told Linda we're gonna double her salary on Deep Throat 2.

She's gonna get $2,500. How about that?

You told Linda? Yeah.

Let me see the picture. It's a full-on irregular pose.


No. No! Chuck. Chuck, no!

Chuck, it's freezing! God!


It was stupid. I spoke to Butchie Peraino about my salary for the sequel.

I never spoke to anybody about money after that, that's for sure.

Did Chuck control your finances?

Yes, he controlled everything.

I never saw a penny, not even after we moved to Malibu.

Yeah, but the price break doesn't...

I get pitched this shit all the time.

It's gotta be something special.

- These are special. Could you make it glow?

- Huh? Like glow in the dark?

Yeah, that'd be groovy, right?

And it should say "Lovelace" on the side, and then Chuck Traynor on the other side.

- Why would you want your name on the side? It's America, man!

Why wouldn't I want my name on the side of a dildo?

You got it. I'll send 'em out right away.

- All right. Okay. Thanks.

Talk to you later.

All right, where'd we leave off?

Uh, part about the first time I screwed Linda?

"Chuck pushed me back."

His fat, rock-like muscle tore into me.

"Oh, my God, ' I said" What do you think?

Sounds good. But you got a problem with it.

It's just that your rock-like muscle seems to play an inordinately large role in Linda's autobiography. "Inordinately."

How'd you get here? Mr. Hefner sent me.

Right. And how about the next time I want your opinion, I'll ask you what my cock tastes like.

Yes, sir, boss. Reckon it tastes like a piña colada.


Hey, Chuck. - How you doing? Look who's here.

Hi, Anthony. Look at you. Look at you.

You're like a... You're like a regular California girl. Come here.

I thought you were in Vegas. Yeah. I just came back from the pa...

What, are you kidding me? It's gonna look more like her.

Come outside. I want to show you something.

Great to see you, kid.

Jesus. Gonna put freckles.

Ah, Jesus.

How you been? Good to see you.

I bet you $10 the only thing rock-like on that man is his brain.

You're gonna get us into trouble.

Baby, look at us. I think we're already in trouble.

Good afternoon. Lovelace Enterprises. Marsha speaking.

Nice car, Chuck. Must have cost you a few dimes.

I know why you're here. I should hope so.

I need a couple more weeks.

We got the Linda Lovelace blow-up dolls. We got all the sex toys.

Hey, you're getting, like, five times your money back.

Man, you want a blow-up doll? I got a couple in the house.

I don't want a f*cking blow-up doll. I want my 25 grand.

You'll get it. You're in on the ground floor. We got the...

We got the Playboy spread coming out.

Mm-hmm. She's a brand name.

She's like Betty f*cking Crocker.

No, she's Linda f*cking Lovelace.

Listen to me. You want to pay us back, you get her doing what she's good at.

Now, I got Deep Throat 2, 3, 4 lined up, ready to go.

No... Now, this is big business we're talking about, not some f*cking nickel-and-dime shit you're talking about.

See, that's where you're wrong. This isn't small-time.

I'm meeting this guy at Hef's party, Okay?

This guy, he owns half the adult bookstores on the West Coast, millions in merchandise.

Linda, like, sweet talks this guy, right?

Or better yet, she sweet sucks this guy, we're made in the shade!

Come on. You worry too much.

We're talking about money, Chuck.

I always worry about money.

Well, what do I have to lose?

You know how sometimes... life imitates art?

I think, um...

I think this is one of those moments.

Chuck seems to have left with the car.

Yeah. I see he hasn't changed.

Well, come on. I'll give you a lift. Really?

Hey, why don't we go someplace?

Let's grab a drink somewhere.

You don't want to? It's probably best just to take you home, Linda.

I'm sorry. Okay.



Hi, Daddy. Did I wake you?

No. No, no, no. We're just getting up.

It's late out there, huh? It's Linda.

Well, who else would it be at this time of day?

I just got home from a party.

Yeah, why am I not surprised?

No, Daddy, it was a business party.

But I met Sammy Davis Jr.

Who's Sammy Davis Jr.? You know who he is. He's that colored guy, you know, "Mr. Bojangles."

- She's right. I know who he is, Dorothy.

I was just joshing.

Your mother, she, uh...

Every time that Johnny Carson mentions your name, she changes the channel.

I saw your movie.

I don't even know who that was up there.

That's certainly not my little girl.

I had to walk out.

Was it something that we did?

I keep thinking that it has to be.

I gotta go, Daddy.

I'll tell your mother you said you're all right.

I love you.

I'm sorry, Chuck. I looked everywhere for you.

You lost us a movie deal tonight, just sitting up onstage taking bows like...

...Princess f*cking Grace.

I'm sorry, Chuck. Fifty, maybe 100,000.

To do another f*ck film? No, Linda, it's Shakespeare.

I told them you do a great English accent, particularly with a cock down your throat.

Hey. Hey! Hey!

I'm sorry, Chuck. I'm...

I'm not doing any more porn... ever.

We're going to a party. Come on.

We just came from a party. Yeah.

All right, here it is.

Hey. How you doing?

Welcome to the party. Good to see you.

This is Mr. Shapiro. He's a big-time Hollywood producer.

I'm a huge fan. I've seen Throat, like, ten times.

You look like... Let's go inside. It's cool. It's...

In fact, I'm sh**ting something right now.

It'd be perfect for you. All right.

Oh, is that what this... Is this an audition?

Linda Lovelace audition? No, no.

Give me a second. Absolutely. Sure.

Just give us some privacy for a minute. Okay.

You just sit down right here. Just have a seat.

You will sit here and say nothing, Okay?

♪ Keep shaking everything you got ♪

♪ Rock and boogie Chuck!


Ah, man, you know what? What?

No. - No, no, no. Come on. Come on.

What are you gonna do?

No, it's gonna be six times the money. Hey!

Listen to me! Come here. Come here.

This is crazy. Come here.

Come back in here. Shh! Shut your mouth, Okay?

You're gonna do this, you understand me? What?

You're gonna do... Just shut it.

You're gonna do this, and there's nothing you or Hugh f*cking Hefner can do about it, all right?

We're Okay? Okay.

Okay, Okay. I'll talk to her.


You know what? I don't think this is gonna...

Oh, no, no. This'll work fine. No.

Just... Yeah, it's just... Okay, all right. That's...

Baby, got a good one. Chuck! Chuck!


Aw, man. Hi.

You all right?

Hey! Hey!

Linda! Linda! Hey!

Oh, honey, honey, honey, honey! Stay down. Stay down.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, Jesus. Get up.

Get up.

Oh, shit.

Step away from the lady!

Sir, step away from the lady! She's my wife.

Step away from the lady now! Look, I'm her husband.

Is that true, ma'am? Yeah.

Ma'am, are you Okay?

Wait a minute. I know you. You're that chick, right?

That's Linda Lovelace. Blow-job girl?

Sir, take her home, and get her cleaned up, Okay?

You have a good night. Yeah.

Uh, hey, Miss Lovelace?

Uh, think I could have your autograph?

Hi, operator.

I'd like to make a collect call.

I wanted to talk to you about the money Chuck owes.

You mean, uh, the money you and Chuck owe?

Chuck always handled the money, so I've never seen any of it.

Okay, Linda, listen to me. Just do another movie.

Call it whatever you want, Really Deep Throat, I don't care.

One more movie, and youse both out of debt.

The world wants to see you, Linda, but they only want to see you do one thing.

You do another movie, I'm gonna make sure it's a classy production, and you're gonna have any director you want.

I'm gonna bring Harry back. Come on. It'll be like old times.


I just can't do it anymore.

Here you go. Thanks. Thank you.

Hello? Linda?

- Shh. Shh. Can I help you?

Linda, it's Chuck, and I told you I wanted to say I'm sorry.

- This is the hotel operator. Oh.


Traynor. Traynor's room.

Could you spell that, please?

Traynor, T - r - a y - n - o - r?

- T - r - a - y - n - o - r? Yeah.


I'm sorry. I don't see a guest by that name.

Try Boreman. B - o - r e - e - m - a - n?

- B - o - r - e - e - m - a - n? Um...

Any other... another name?

Uh, Lovelace?

I'm sorry. There isn't a guest under that name.


You stupid bitch.


Linda? Linda?


Hey, Charlie.

Um... I thought you said Linda was staying here.

She was. We switched rooms this morning.

You're gonna have to find yourself a new porn star, Charlie.


Hey. Hey, man. Is...?

No. No, no, no, no.

Turn around. Turn around. No.


Fucker. You're not gonna...

You're not gonna see her!

You're not gonna think about her!


This is Linda Marchiano.

Oh, my God.


Okay. Okay, bye.

That was my publisher.

I passed the polygraph.

They believe me.

You really want this?

I just really want people to know what happened, you know.

Well, we'll explain in just a moment, uh, why she is no longer this person.

I hope she won't be offended if I identify her by the name that really has become world-famous, a woman who starred in what has been called the Gone With the Wind of pornography.

Would you please welcome Linda Lovelace?

Linda Lovelace's book is titled Ordeal, and it really was. This is the...

This is the grimmest book I've ever read in my life.

I mean, you've been beaten, knocked around, I mean, every liberty in the world.

How'd you get involved with all that stuff?

I mean, how could a nice girl like you... How do you answer that?

Well, I had the misfortune of meeting Chuck Traynor.

But it didn't start out like you're describing.

He was a... a gentleman when I first met him.

He was always opening doors for me and lighting my cigarettes, and he was very charming when he wanted to be.

And I was young, you know. I was...

I was 21 when I went to live with him.

And it wasn't until after that that things just started to change.

Uh, he started talking about different sexual things, things that I had never heard of before, things that I couldn't imagine, you know.

I didn't want to. You know, I was raised...

I was raised to obey my husband, to please him, for better or for worse, so that's what I did. Dear God.

Linda, I have read your book, Ordeal, and I still find it very hard to relate to you and to believe that you have become a changed person.

I expect people to have great difficulty realizing how hard it was for me to get out, but I think people who have known fear will understand it, though, immediately.

Linda, do you think this book will help bring about, you know, any change for other girls that are in this predicament?

I do have that hope. I... God forbid there's somebody out there that's going through what I went through.

And maybe they can get the courage to get out of it.

I hope this book helps her to realize that...

...that you can come out of this a complete person again.

Linda, you really were, and are, but especially in the early seventies, you were quite a celebrity. Everybody talked about you.

All conversations about you include a normal statement that comes out dirty because of the context.

That's an awful way for you...

That's gonna follow you forever.

You know, I spent exactly 17 days in the pornography industry, and somehow these 17 days are supposed to define who I am for the rest of my life, but I hope that people can see me for who I really am.

I mean, Linda Lovelace was a fictitious character.

My name is Linda Marchiano.

I can finally be myself.

I'm a mother and a wife, and that is where I found my joy.

Go ahead. We'll give you a minute, all right?


You made it.

I love you, Mom.

Oh, let's not make a federal case out of this.

Hey. Hi.

Hey, how are you? Good.

Let's get you something to eat.

Good to see you. How you doing? What have we got here?

Oh. Good to see you, man. How you doing?
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