Love & Basketball (2000)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Love & Basketball (2000)

Post by bunniefuu »

BOY: Somebody's moving in.

Swish. That's horse.

Nuh-uh. ALL: Uh-huh.

KELVIN: You can't make that. Watch me.


You guys are too easy.

JAMAL: Just wait till I get big like Kareem.

You wanna be like Kareem?

Man, all his big butt do is stand by the basket.

JAMAL: sh**t. I'll be blocking your stuff. QUINCY: Yeah, right.

KELVIN: Hey, look. Q.

I thought you said only girls are moving in.

That's what my mom said. Hope he can ball.

JAMAL: Bet he's a scrub like Kelvin.

Shut up.

-L-ley- Hey-

Can I play? No.

You nice? Yeah, I'm nice.

All right.

You and Kelvin against me and Jamal.

Oh, man. He is a girl.

Man, girls can't play no ball.

Ball better than you.


What a dog. She heard you.

Nuh-uh. She can only hear dog whistles.


Check. Check for you.

Dang. She dogged you, man.

Shut up.

MONICA: One-zip. Lucky.






Oh, man.



Yo. I got her. Told you I was nice.

I'm gonna be the first girl in the NBA.

No, I'm gonna be in the NBA. You're gonna be my cheerleader.





Be quiet. Hey, how you feeling, munchkin?

Yeah. You tough.

She needs to stop running like a little boy. NATHAN: Oh, she's all right.

How's she all right looking the way she does? NATHAN: Camille...

...she'll be fine.


Let me find you some gauze.


Girl, who you trying to fool?

QUINCY: At you, Dad.


New neighbors. ZEKE: Really?


ZEKE: Now, you see, Quincy?

This is how your moms caught me.

With the old fake-and-bake. Ha-ha-ha.

Had me thinking I was catching a sister who can burn.

Can't do this shit.

What'd I tell you about using that word?


-"Can't" should never be in a man's vocabulary. And Why not'?

When you say "can't", you ain't a man. That's right.

Zeke. ZEKE: What?

Oh, yeah. Don't say "shit."

Ugh. Come on. We should head on over.

Just you and Quincy, baby. I got a meeting.

With who? Some business folks.

You just got back from a four-game road trip.

Nona, please don't start bitching.

I got maybe two years left to play. I'm trying to some put things together for us.

See you later, man. Be good. I love you.

I love you, Dad.

So how long have y'all been here?

Well, we moved back here when Quince was about 5...

...after Zeke was traded again.

The neighborhood was more mixed back then.

That was before the black people down the street...

...became the black people next door. Okay?


Yes. Um...

Thank you so much again. This was terribly nice of you, Nona.

NONA: Girl, don't worry about it. It's the least I could do.

And I love to cook. CAMILLE: You do?

I cooked for all my friends' parties and things back in Atlanta.

NONA: Oh, you're a caterer? CAMILLE: Well, no.

Once Nathan gets settled in though and the girls are older...

...that's something I would like to try. Come on.

Do you know, as long as I have lived next door...

...I have never seen the inside of this house.

Well, let's just have a look.

Honey, put that on the table for Mama. Come on.

NONA: Quince, help her.

So how come you can play basketball?

I just can. I never knew a girl that can play.

My mama says she doesn't know where I come from, I act different.

Your dad play? He works at a bank.

My dad plays for the Clippers. He says I'm gonna be a doctor or a lawyer.

But I'm gonna play for them too. Same number and everything.

Well, I'm going to be number 32, like Magic.

He's all right. My dad can take him.

What was the most points your daddy ever got?

I don't know. A lot.

Well, one game, Magic scored 48 points.

They only had six-minute quarters and he sat out the whole fourth quarter.

You do act different.

I don't care.

Well, if anybody messes with you, just let me know...

...because I run this street.

I just tell my sister Lena.

She don't know how to box. My dad taught me how to fight like Ali.


I know karate from almighty !sis.

Bet you can't do this though.

Okay. How about this?


Ow, Lena. LENA: Ow.

Monica. Sit still.

And don't sit on your knees, sweetie. You're gonna turn them black.

Oh, Mama. Oh, you are lucky I found it.

Someone had put your box of dresses underneath a pile of rags in the garage.


You okay? Yeah, I just--

I need to lay down. Been running around all day.

Which one of these for tomorrow'? Blue striped.

NATHAN: You sure? CAMILLE: Mm-hm.

You wanna iron them both tonight? Just in case.

Sure. Thanks, sweetie.

That boy next door is gonna ride to school with you tomorrow so you'll know somebody.

Hurry up. I'll come back up for good night.

Make it look nice, okay?




NONA: Baby, baby, baby. ZEKE: Mm. Oh.


BOY: Yeah.

GIRL: Over here.


You wanna be my girl?

What do I have to do?

I guess we can play ball and ride to school together.

When you get mad at me, I got to give you flowers.

But I don't like flowers.


How about Twinkies? My mom Won't ever buy them.

_Okay- _Okay-

I think we ought to kiss now.

For how long?

Five seconds.

Not out here.

Over there then.

GIRL: Over here.


Wait, because you're my girl now, you gotta ride on my bike.

But I wanna ride my own bike.

My dad always drives my mom.

So? So that means I have to ride you.

Come on.

I don't have to do what you say.

Forget you then, stupid.

You stupid. Your dad plays for the worst team in the NBA.

What? Last time they won, Dr. J was a nurse.

Shut up.

I don't wanna be your boyfriend anymore, you ugly dog.

Well, I don't wanna be your girlfriend, big head.


Get off me.

QUINCY: Ugh. MONICA: Big head.

NATHAN: All right, Monica, go ahead.

Number one.


BOY 1: Hey, you rock it, dude.

GIRL: Hey, Q.

MAN 2: Go, girl!


COACH: Play some D. Play some D. Watch out my girl.

The corner, corner, corner.




Technical foul. For what?

Damn. Come on. Come on. Come on. Get in.

Let it go. Unh!

REFEREE: Unsportsmanlike conduct.

White. Three-two. For what?

Monica. Technical foul.

Man, you suck. REFEREE: Two sh*ts.

Sit down and shut up.

CAMILLE: Monica.

Let it go. Monica.

Let it go. She feels bad already. Please, she's behaving horribly. Monica.

MAN 2: Give some to Monica.

I'm out.

All right.

Catch you later, man. Later.

PLAYER 1: Coming out. PLAYER 2: Come out.


PLAYER 3: Over here. COACH: Get in, sub.

Dribble. Sub, sub, sub.

One shot. One shot.

One shot, come on.

PLAYER 4: Come on, man. Come on.

MONICA: Come on, Dad. You gotta talk to coach for me.

What am I supposed to say to the man?

Tell him to keep me on the floor.

The coach from UCLA was there. He has me riding the bench.

You lost your head.

I was just showing emotion.

Oh, so it's all right for you to act like that?


What did you do? MONICA: Nothing.

I don't know why I keep hoping you'll grow out of this tomboy thing.

I won't. I'm a lesbian.


That's not funny.

That's what you think. I'd rather wear a jersey than an apron.

Oh, please. NATHAN: Monica.

I think what your mother's trying to say is...'s time you start thinking about other things beside basketball.

What? You got one game left...

...and you haven't been recruited.

Munchkin, I wanted this as bad as you did, but we have to face reality.

The coach from USO is gonna be at the championship.

I know. But chances are--

Chances are, there's still a chance.

If you would just listen to someone for a change...'d realize you have a lot going for yourself.

You're smart. You would be pretty if you did something with your head.

I don't know why you wanna run looking like:

"Who shot John and forgot to k*ll him?"

Be real pleasant-looking if you would smile.


Hey, my mom's about to be home.

So I'm not good enough to meet your moms?

Now, girl, if my mom knew I had a hottie like you up in the crib, heh...

-...she would beat the black off of me. Heh.


That's a lot of beating.


[CHEERING] U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi You ugly, yeah, yeah, you ugly M-A-M-A, ask me how you got that way Yo Mama, whoo, whoo, yo Mama



MAN 1: Come on.

CROWD: Go, go, go Go, go, 90 Go, go, 90


Hey, girl. Hey.

You know, your hair looks really cute like that. Heh.

So, um, you know who Q's asking to the spring dance?


Come on, girl, you live right next door. Just tell me who's been creeping.

There's just so many, I just can't keep track.

Well, can you give him this for me, please?

Give it yourself.

I'm not trying to look all fast.

Thanks, girl.

Good Lord, look at that booty.

I just wanna lick the sweat off it.


MAN 1: Thanks, guys. MAN 2: Quincy.

So help me out. Where's it gonna be? We'll see you at the press conference, baby.

Come on. Four years I've been writing about your son.

Did that great cover story on you two in Sunday Magazine.

You'd love him to play at USO like you did, right?

I'd love for him to get a good education. See you at the conference.

Fine. Blow me off. Never like that, baby, never.


We should have another talk with Coach Carril at Princeton.

Oh, come on, Pop.

No way an Ivy League team is gonna go all the way.

I don't care about the team, Quincy. I care about the school.

Ugh. Didn't we have this conversation already?

MAN 3: Hey, man. Come on. All right.

MAN 4: Come on, man. You played a good game today, man.

I'm proud of you. Thanks, Pop. Hey, you up for a game later?

I don't wanna hurt your feelings. You don't wanna hurt that back.

Oh, yeah, because I gotta bend down low to guard you.


Anyway, I gotta get to this meeting.

So tell your mama I'm gonna be late. Don't work too hard, Pop.

Yeah, let's hope I can say the same about you someday.

I love you. I love you too, man.

Be good.

Hey, what's up, man?

PLAYER: Man. What's up, man?

Thank you.

Hey, Mr. M. Hey, Miss Baller.

Excuse me, ladies.



Way to hoop. I know this.

What you want?

A ride home? Pfft.

Your legs don't look broke.

Look, big head, I'll be at your car.

I guess "please" would be a stretch. Please.


QUINCY: Hey, don't touch the radio, all right? Appreciate the ride home.

MONICA: I'm not touching the radio. QUINCY: Come on now.

Have a little respect for a man's car. MONICA: Put something on.

I like going home in silence after the game. MONICA: Tired of hearing your voice.

Thinking about how good I looked sh**ting that three.

Don't flatter yourself.

What's that?

Some note Shawnee Easton told me to give you.

Shawnee Easton.

Shawnee East-- With the big-ass titties? Hey, give it here.

Give it here. Uh-uh. No.


"Q, you are so fine.

I've been wanting to get with you.

Let me take you to the spring dance, and I promise I'll leave you satisfied."


What a ho.

Oh, why she gotta be a ho? Because she wanna get with me?

She's a ho because she's sending her coochie through the mail.

And? And? She's not saying:

"I think you're a nice guy, I wanna get to know you better." She's saying, "I wanna bone."

She's honest.

Yeah. An honest tramp-ass ho.

But then I guess you'll stick your thing in anything.

Pfft. My thing?

I didn't know you cared so much. I don't.

So, uh, who you going to the dance with anyway?

Spalding? Who's Spalding?


See? That's why you ain't getting recruited. Stupid.

Who said I'm not getting recruited? Your hot-ass temper, that's who.

I'm not the one who put this scar here when we were 11 years old...

Oh, here we go again. -...because he was about to lose.

You know what?


Give me your best shot. Give me your best shot. I'm sick of you--

Would you watch the damn road?

I'm sick of you hanging this over my head now. Give me your best shot.

What-- Don't tempt me. Don't tempt me. I'm warning you.

I'm warning you.

If you don't stall that bad attitude, no one's gonna recruit you.


You jump in some guy's face.

You talk smack, and you get a pat on your ass.

But because I'm a female, I get told to calm down and act like a lady.

I'm a ballplayer, okay?


With a jacked-up attitude.

Heh. Didn't know you cared so much. -Pf-ft.

I really don't.


Too fast. I'm home.

What's up, Ma? NONA: What is this?

That's your earring.


Oh, I look like some hoochie to you? I found it on your bed.

What you doing in my room? Quincy, I have told you...

...about these fast-ass girls.

We were just studying, all right? -I'm not playing with you.

Now, I'm telling you, these girls are looking to get you caught.

They see you and they see dollar signs.

I know.

Are you hearing me? I'm hearing you.

No, are you hearing me?

I've been hearing you, Mom.

How was your game?

Twenty-seven points, 11 assists, still undefeated.

Ah, still the man. You know that.

Where's your dad?

Oh, he said he'd be home later.

Later when?

I don't know. He said he had a meeting or something.

At 1:00 in the morning?

ZEKE: Hey, look, I'm not getting anywhere... punching a clock just so my wife doesn't get an attitude.

You know, I came second to the NBA.

I'm not about to come second to no bullshit scouting job.

I didn't mean it like that.


All I'm saying is, that it would be nice if you found time for your family.

You should see the tramps coming after Quincy.

If you don't talk to him... -lhave.

You said that you would think about going back and getting your degree.

No. You said I should get my degree.

I like my bullshitjob, okay?

It's gonna lead to a front office position. Until then, don't worry.

We got just enough savings to keep your fine ass in Gucci and gold.

All right.

How many nights does my fine ass get? Damn you.

What about now? Do I get a week yet? Keep your g*dd*mn voice down.

Then why don't you keep your ass home? Why can't you stay home at least one night?

What about your family? Don't you give a shit about us, Zeke?

Why don't you come home sometime?


MONICA: Coming to my game? LENA: You know that.

But I got finals tomorrow so I gotta leave at halftime.

MONICA: Uh-uh. You can't leave at halftime. It's the championship.

LENA: I know, honey, but I got a cutie coming to my room to help me study.


So, what's going on with you and the spring dance?

You, uh, got a date yet?

Yeah. Brothers are lined up at my locker.

I found you someone.

Found? I'm not some charity case. I know.

Ma tell you to do that? No, she did not.

Damn, Lena.

Who is he?

He's a brother from my college.

He's in college?

And he is fine, girl.

How did you get him to say yes?

I told him you looked like me. Ugh.

Great. Monica, you do.

Yeah, right.

If you were tore up, I would not be claiming you.


We're gonna do something cute with your hair...

...get you on a nice, sexy dress, get you some heels.

I don't know how to walk in heels. Hey.

Worry about playing your heart out for that recruiter tonight...

...and let your big sister worry about your date.

You ever been in love?


Too many times.

They ever love you back?

Yeah. Once I out them off.


MAN 1: Yeah.

[CHEERING] We got to show our pride Yeah, yeah, we got to show our pride Yeah, yeah, we got to what? What, what, what?

Yeah, yeah, we got to show our pride Yeah, yeah, we got to what?

COACH: I don't have to tell you girls how big this game is.

We worked too damn hard not to take the championship with us.

So we're gonna play smart...

...and with control.

And we're gonna kick some butt.


Whose house? ALL: C House!

Whose house? C House!

C! C! House! House!

Lady Cougars on three.

One, two, three, Lady Cougars! COACH: Yeah! Come on, now.

Come on. Come on, now. Come on. Lady.

CHEERLEADERS [CHEERING]: Crenshaw Cougars MAN 2: Crenshaw!




Forty-four. Forty-four. Forty-four, spread. Forty-four.

MONICA: Down four. Down four. You got this. What you got, babe? What you got?

MONICA: Don't get tight. She's laying off. Pull off.

PLAYER 1: Nice shot.


Down one. Down one. Come on, come on. D up. D up, Mon.

Watch the ball. Watch the ball.

- Watch the ball. Now. Don't blow this. PLAYER 2: Get that ball.

MONICA: Toss them. Take a right. Watch left, watch left.

Yeah. NATHAN: All right, munchkin.

MONICA: Out, baby.

D up, Mannie.

Come on. Play smart. Up one. Play smart. You got this.

You got this. Play smart. Play smart. You got this.

Play smart. Don't put that out there.


Reaching in.


Come on. Ref.

Ref White, 32, reaching in. One-and-one.

Bull. COACH: Monica.


COACH: Let it go. Stay on the line.


NATHAN: It's all right, munchkin. Keep it up.

Rebound. The rebound.


REFEREE: One shot.


COACH: Let's go, Monica. Take this all the way.

CHEERLEADERS: Let's go, Cougars, let's go Let's go, let's go, Cougars MONICA: It's all you, Mannie. Let's go.

Come on. Come on, Mon, get there. You just need two. Get there.

Come on. Get there. You just need two. You need this. Please.


COACH: Foul, foul, foul.


Holding. That's five.


COACH: All right. It's all right.

It's okay.

-It's all right. You played hard. -It's okay. It's all right.


It might help if you didn't look so evil.

I don't even wanna go.


Talk to me.

Go look in my top drawer and bring your grandmother's pearls.


...don't worry about yesterday's game...

...or the recruiters or anything else.

I just want you to enjoy being beautiful.

Will you do that?

LENA: Here you go, Ma.

CAMILLE: Thanks, sweetie.

Do you really think I'm beautiful?

Honey, hush.


Oh Yeah

Feels good, feels good

MAN 1: Yeah. Good job, girl.

MAN 2: Hit it, Q.

MAN 3: Go, Q. MAN 4: Go, Q.

MAN 5: Go, Q. WOMAN 1: Go, Q.


Check the mirror We're lookin' fly Round up the posse Jump in my ride Radio rockin' A monster jam Feel the rhythm Pump up the sound I'm feelin' so good Can I take your coat?

Are you cold?

No, no, no. I mean, I can check it for you.

Oh, sorry.

Your sister wasn't lying.

Party huntin', feelin' all right Place is right Booty shakin' All around AH around, baby Pour one drink When I'm gettin' down MAN: Ooh.

Damn. Hold on.

Fine young lady Standin' by Come on baby Sweet eye delight Well, I see you made it. Yeah.

You don't look half bad.

You either.

What's up, black?

I'm Jason. Q.

Dust got paid -Friday night

- Money in my pocket Party huntin'

Damn, girl, I didn't know Nike made dresses.



Guess we'll see you later.


So you like school?

Yeah, high school was cool.

I don't remember the sisters being as fine as you, though.


How come you're so stressed?

Sorry. No, I mean, I'm having a good time with you.

So tell me what I have to do to make you have a good time with me.

My mouth is kind of dry.

Then I'll get you some punch.

Just don't jet while I'm gone and leave a glass slipper behind.


There we go.

MAN 1: Ooh. MAN 2: Oh, man. Heh.

WOMAN 1: Hey, Q. WOMAN 2: Hey, man.

_l-ley, hey. _Hey.

Are you having fun? Yup.

The DJ is fresh.

Who's this clown?

He ain't Spalding. Heh. Guess not.

DJ: Gonna slow down a bit tonight for the lovers.

So you took Shawnee, huh'? DJ: Roger.

It was late. She asked. I mean...


You wanna dance?


Hey, lady Let me tell you why

I can't live my life without you Oh, baby Every time I see you walking by I get a thrill You don't notice me But in time you will I must make you understand I'm gonna be your man I wanna be your man I'm gonna be your man Yes, I do Yeah, yeah I wanna be your man I wanna be your man I'm gonna be your man I wanna be your man Better not pass me by

'Cause if you do You'll lose a good thing Oh, baby DJ: Ladies in the house.

'Cause what I've got to say ls sealed with a kiss And a wedding ring




Early night for you, isn't it? I should be asking you the same...

...after your big date with college boy and all.

So where did y'all go after?

Mulholland Drive.

It figures.

What dead-end street did you and Shawnee hit?

None of your business.

Well, I'm sure she kept her word and left you satisfied.


That's what you think, huh?

A little after you left, I told Shawnee it was time to go.

I drove her ass straight home.

And after she told me I was the dumbest brother in the world...

...I took off.

I was sitting in Jason's ride with him.

And he was kissing on me and feeling on me and...

It was bugging me because I couldn't remember... many offensive boards I had in the championship.

And then I guess he got sort of tired of me accidentally kneeing him in the balls.



Four. What?

You had four offensive rebounds.

Hold up for a second.

What's that?

“Use 'u It was on my desk when I came home.

What are you waiting for? Can you?


All right. All right.


Damn, girl.

They want you.

Yes. Yes. Yeah.


And guess what.

Guess what. What?

I'm going too.

I'm announcing it tomorrow.

No way. I knew it.



What was that about?

I don't know, right?


Come on.

Wait a minute.


You want me to stop?



DAVIS: Let's go, freshmen. You're getting spanked.

DAVIS: Monica.

Point guards lead from the front, not the back.

Unh. Ugh.

Come on, girl. Dang, T, you took her out.

Girl, you need your mama?

Do you need a hug?

Are you trying to tell me you can't take a charge?

I can take it. DAVIS: Get your feet set this time.


PLAYER 1; That's all right. PLAYER 2; Way to go.


Let's go, let's go. Move it, move it.

Way to work. Good job.

Lower. Monica, move your feet.

I said lower.

Monica, Monica, Monica. This is low. This is low. You got it?

Offense sells tickets, defense wins games.

Back to the line, everybody. Let's go.

Hustle up! Move it! Come on, get a move on.

There you go, huh?

You got it. Come on. Lift.

ZVETTE: Let's go, Dorey, another round. That's it.

Coach hates me, doesn't she?

SIDRA: She hates all freshmen.

What is up with that?

Oh, don't take it personally. And don't think just because we play the same position...

...we have to compete with each other.

We're teammates, okay?

Oh, thanks, Sidra.

Besides, I've been the starting point the last two years.

And ain't no way some soft-ass freshman is taking my spot.


Ugh. Damn, Sid.

You're all right, fresh. Come on.

BOY 1: It happens all the time.

You finish your reading for econ? Yeah.

What did it say'?

Basically, it broke down how I'm gonna make mad loot in the NBA...

...being I'm such a limited commodity.

Whatever, big head.

BOY 2: I thought you said...

Hey, Q-man, are you gonna take us to the Final Four?

We'll see.

I'll be watching. Hope so.

What? You do see me standing here, right?

I can't be nice to a fan?


Fine. Quincy.

Hey, look, I can't help it if girls come up to me. I said fine.

Oh, little baby.

Oh, you. Ow!

What are you doing? Quit.

Daddy's here.


You're such a punk.

All these girls...'re the only one I know who's for real.

I love you too.

PLAYER 1: All right. PLAYER 2: Man, give it.

DAVIS: Right now. Hustle back. PLAYER 3: Get back on D.

PLAYER 4: Right. Get in. PLAYER 5: Right there.

PLAYER 2: Get that shot. Nice shot.

PLAYER 4: Watch her three points. DAVIS: Stay with her.

PLAYER 4: Excuse me. Excuse me. DAVIS: Monica, get up on her.

Monica, stay on her.

PLAYER 2: Come on. PLAYER 4: Let it go.

DAVIS: That's it. PLAYER 1: Get that.

You got it, you got it. PLAYER 3: Pass that ball.

DAVIS: Ball.

All right, now push it up, push it up. PLAYER 1: Come on.

You got help.

DAVIS: Be active, Sidra, don't reach. PLAYER 1: Cut. Cut.

PLAYER 2: Out. PLAYER 3: Jump!

Yeah, girl! Sidra, you feel like playing any D?

PLAYER 1: Come on now, D. PLAYER 5: Yeah.

DAVIS: Stay in balance. PLAYER 2: Get down hard. Get down hard.

DAVIS: Nice steal.

You're by yourself.

PLAYER 1: That's it. PLAYER 2: Yeah.

Yes. Come on, let's go. PLAYER 3: Just get her!

Yeah. PLAYER 4: Who's mad?

PLAYER 5: Yeah, girl.


PLAYER 1: Don't get slow.

While you were so busy posing, your man just scored.

Show me again.

What? You like to pose so much. Let's see it again.

Heh, heh. You think I'm funny?


PLAYER 1: Yeah.

I want you stand like that for the rest of practice.

Coach. Stand like that so you get sick of it...

...because I don't wanna see it again. Do you hear me?

That's right.

Dora, take her place.

You better step off the court.

ZVETTE: Fresh meat, y'all. Fresh meat. PLAYER 2: Come on, let's go.

PLAYER 3: Yeah. PLAYER 4: Ball's in.

PLAYER 5: Let's go. PLAYER 6: Ball.

DAVIS: Nice pass. PLAYER 1: Ball, ball, ball.

PLAYER 2: Run some D.

LISA: What was up with practice today? SHAYLA: She tried to k*ll us.

Hey, can you hook me some socks, please?

Yeah, and I need my socks back. TONI: What am I, the sock lady?

Yo, Mon.


That's what you get for trying to show off, freshman.

I was just playing ball. You were trying to make me look bad.

Didn't have to try very hard.

Girl, don't you know you're just sloppy seconds?

Sidra, let it go.

The only reason you here is because Tonya Randall got pregnant and decided not to come.

They were done recruiting.

That's cold, Sid.

Just thought the girl should know.

PLAYER 1: Damn, you cold.


Don't even trip, Mon.

She's just mad because she's bowlegged.

QUINCY: Man, forget Tonya Randall.

MONICA: I'm telling you, coach wishes she was here instead of me.

QUINCY: So prove her wrong.

Look, I don't have it easy like you, all right?

There's no red carpet laid out for me.

So you're gonna act salty all night?

Yo, dog, about to order some wings.

No, thanks, man.

No, we're fine.

Don't worry about proving everybody wrong.

I mean, if you can't handle the pressure, I'll understand.


That is so weak.

I'm serious. Who cares if you're never known as the first girl to be in the NBA?

Every body knows you're gonna get more play being Quincy McCall's girl anyway. Heh.


That's what you get. Heh.

' 90f you.

So, how about a little one-on-one?

What we playing for?


Clothes. What'?

I score, you strip.

You score, I drop something.

Give me the ball.

Home court advantage, baby.

All right. Hold up a second.

Let's see what you got.

Don't reach. I ain't reaching.

Don't reach. Boom. Mm-hm.

Strip. Heh.

All right, George Jefferson.

Take it off. Take it off.

Yeah. -It's all right.

First try, lucky try.

What? Feel the butt. Feel the butt.

Whoo! Where's the D?

Kiss my black ass.

I plan to.




MONICA: Ooh, oh. Ooh.


Hold up. Hold up?

All's fair in love and basketball, baby.

QUINCY: All right. MONICA: Mm-hm.

All right.

Strip. Mm-hm.


Come on.

What? You trying to clown?


Too bad you got your mama's height, huh? Yeah.

MONICA: Take it off. Mm. Heh.

QUINCY: Come on. MONICA: What you Want, homey?

I'll kick your ass. Okay.

What? What?

Oh. Oh, ooh.

My bad.


MONICA: Yo, where's the D?

QUINCY: It's right here.


I won.

I wanted you to.

ROBERTS: It's about emotion.

It's about determination. It's about heart. It's college basketball.

I'm like a kid in a candy store. Are you kidding me? I get excited about it.

There are too many great teams to choose from.

I mean, we're talking about the Dukes, the Kentuckys, Arkansas.

My surprise treat this season... ls the probable emergence of USC as a basketball powerhouse.

On the men's side, the heavily recruited freshman phenom Quincy McCall...

One of my real diaper dandies, a genuine PTP'er...

...a prime time player, baby.

And for the women, while not boasting one of the top recruiting classes...

...they are returning four starters from last year's squad, which made it to the sweet 16.

And Coach Ellie Davis feels that if just one of her freshman has a breakout season...

It's gonna be awesome, baby, with a capital A.


ANNOUNCER: And at guard, player number 22...

...Quincy McCall!







PLAYER 1: Go, go, go!

PLAYER 2: Go, go, go. PLAYER 3: Down. Down.

Quick. PLAYER 4: Go, go, go.



QUINCY: What else do I have to do?

I mean, up and under between two defenders with the left?

You know, that's gotta make SportsCenter. Zeke and Q.

How you doing? What can I get for you?

Genuine draft for me. Orange juice for my son.

Hey, P0P-

The numbers I'm putting up this year are better than any other freshman.


And there's people saying I'm a definite lottery pick. Heh.

What people?

Just people, you know.

Tell them to mind their own damn business. Here you go, fellas.

Thanks, Terry.

Quincy, give yourself time to develop.

Get an education.

The NBA ain't going nowhere.

You're right.

Besides, the sooner you go pro, the sooner you got to deal with the mess I'm dealing with.

What mess?

There's this thing out there, this paternity suit.


Some girl that's been hanging on at every party.

Now I'm supposed to be her baby's daddy.

I told your mom I wanted to be the one to tell you.

Tell me what? I just told you.

I mean, it's--

It's not true, is it?

You got the balls to ask me that?

I'm sorry, Pop.

I'm sorry.

Well, if you need to hear me say it, I'll say it.

It's not true.

Yo, Q-man. Awesome game. -Thanks, man.

Can I get your autograph?

Yeah, sure. To Paul.

Thank you. Take it easy.

Come on, y'all, let's go. -Let's go, USO.

DAVIS: Come on. Keep pressing.

Aah! DAVIS: Time.

PLAYER 1: You all right, Sid? DAVIS: It's gonna be all right.

Just hang on. Stay calm. PLAYER 2: It's all right.




I'm late.

What's up, Ma?

Hey, you scared me, baby.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You okay? Mm-hm.

I'm fine.

You know, Ma, last time I remember you drinking, Marvin Gaye died.


Is it about Dad?

I guess he talked to you.

Don't sweat it.

I mean, the truth's bound to come out sooner or later, right?

And whose truth are you talking about?

We can't let something like this break up the family.

You do believe him, right?

Don't you? Quincy, just let it go.

Ma, this ain't nothing but about money. Quincy, please.

Mama, how many times you yourself done told me to watch these hos out there?


I should have been telling your father that.

So you're gonna take the word of some trick over Pop?


What's this? I hired somebody.

Ain't that pathetic?

After all his late nights and his meetings, and I still needed proof.

I used to think that I was lucky being married to Zeke McCall.

I am too tired.

I am tired.

Mama, don't cry.

Mama, don't cry.

Don't cry.

QUINCY: Put your hands in your pockets.

Keep your head up. Always look a man in the eye.

The whole time, I'm hanging on his every word like he's God or something.

Q, I know he messed up, but that doesn't change what he's been to you.

What has he been to me?

The man looked me in my eye and he lied to me like it was nothing.


Like it was easy.

I know some guys dog their wives, you know...

...but, man, I didn't--

I never thought my pop would do something like that.



Why don't we walk to my dorm?

I don't feel like running into anybody.

Let's just kick it here.


I can't.

Why not?

Coach has us on an 11:00 curfew.

If I'm late, I don't suit up.


I mean, I could stay a few more minutes.

Don't sweat it.

Quincy, I'm sorry.

No, for real, I...

I should be alone right now, you know.

Will you call me when you get in?

I'll stay up.

Okay? Yeah.

MAN 1: Yeah.



MAN 2: sh**t, sh**t, sh**t. The ball.


Hustle up. Hustle up.


MAN: It's not your fault.

Come on, come on.

DAVIS: Let's play, let's play.

Play smart.

PLAYER 1: Come on.

NATHAN: Hold it.

DAVIS: Get back, get back.

PLAYER 1: Come on.


No shot! Offensive foul!

Yes! PLAYER 1: Yeah, girl.

PLAYER 2: Yeah!

PLAYER 3: Yeah. PLAYER 4: Yeah.

Good job. Now take it. Let's go.

PLAYER 5: Sweapt clean.

Whoo! PLAYER 6: Yeah, Mon.

Yes. Come on.


Yeah, baby. We won.

That's what I've been talking about. MAN 1: What's up, baby?

MAN 2: Hey, good job.

It's all right.

PLAYER 1: Yeah. Yeah. PLAYER 2: Nice.

Did you see that crowd'? SHAYLA: Mm-hm.

PLAYER 3: No way.

PLAYER 4: The wild-- Oh, damn, Mon.

I think the old girl took out your chi-chis with that charge.

PLAYER 5: You're kidding me, man. PLAYER 6: You okay?

Yo, T, why you so quiet? Just thinking about next year.

I thought you were hyped about playing overseas.

I was, but it's never gonna be like this. Playing in front of my family...

...hanging out with my home girls. Probably don't have a McDonald's over there.

Girl, please, there's always a McDonald's, you know.

DAVIS: Monica.

ALL: Ooh.

PLAYER 1: Is she pregnant?


PLAYER 3: Better be Q.

PLAYER 4: Boy Wonder.

PLAYER 5: Keep going. PLAYER 6: Hey. Yeah.

PLAYER 7: Friday night. PLAYER 8: I remem--

You could've given up after you threw that ball away.

But you kept your head and you showed real heart.

Thanks, coach.

We've got our final games against Oregon State.

I wanna shake things up a little bit so I'm starting you at point again.

But I--

I thought Sidra's ankle was okay for next game.

You want the job or not?



It just...

It just seems like you're always riding me.

You think I go horse for a player with no potential?

When I ignore you, then you work.


ALL: If you're okay, jam on WOMAN 1: Yeah WOMAN 2: Yeah


MAN 1: What's up, Q?

MAN 2: Hey, Q is in the house.

Hey. Pucker up.

I missed you all day.



I came by your crib. Derek said you'd be here.

When was this?

A little after my game.


Well, we went to celebrate after, all right?

But I came-- I came by there after.

Sorry about your game.

Hey, it happens, right?

What's up, superstar?

Did you hear about your girl? She won the starting spot.

Aah. Hey, where the keg at? It's on the balcony.

SIDRA: Monica.

What's up? I just wanted to say good game.


No buts.


Just one word of advice for next season.

What's that?

Never let a freshman take your spot.


MAN 1: It's going down, girl.

WOMAN: I like you, man.

I'll see you.

Who was that?


Who's "nobody"?

Look, this party's wack.

You ready to go?

You wanna go talk?

Not really.

We could-- We could finish what we were talking about last night.



Q, quit.

WOMAN 1: Check it out, girl. You're drunk.

You know what? I'm gonna just-- I'm gonna go crash.


Maybe I'll come by later.

No, I got curfew.


WOMAN 1: Turning all these...

Oh, there's him right here, right here. WOMAN 2: Right now.

What are you doing here?

Your door was unlocked.

It still is. You can let yourself out.

I messed up, okay? I know that.

But I ain't that kid's father.

Lucky kid.

I ain't saying it's right.

Just sometimes things happen. And some things should never happen.

Look, boy, you so perfect you can look down on me?

I'm not a liar.

Your mama's real quick to show you those pictures, huh?

You know, she was 19 when she got pregnant.

Don't get me wrong, you're the best thing in my life.

But she knew I wasn't ready for no marriage.

You're trying to say my mother trapped you? I'm saying I handle responsibilities like a man.

When you're in the NBA and you roll into a city...

...there's a hundred girls waiting down at that lobby. Listen to me.

And there's 20 more that make it past security onto your floor.

And the boldest one is right there at your front door.

And after a while, man, it just becomes part of the game.

I'm sorry I lied to you and I shouldn't have.

But I only did it because I didn't wanna see that look on your face that you got right now.

Well, since we're being so honest...

Since we're being so honest, I--

I figured that I'd tell you I'd decided to drop out of school and turn pro.

Oh, boy.

Damn it!

Look, man, I know you're mad at me, okay?

But I cannot let you do this.

I always thought "can't" wasn't in a man's vocabulary.


REGGIE: Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Hey, what's up? Downtown. Hey, What's up, girl?

Where's your boy? In the back.

REGGIE: Oh, man. MAN: Yeah.

Hey. Hey, baby.

You weren't at my game.

I'm sorry. I had this meeting with this guy.

You win?

Yeah, I hit four threes. REGGIE: Yo, Q.

The man again, huh?

No. The woman.

QUINCY: What's up?


Oh, Monica, this is Kerry. Kerry, this is Monica.

What's going on'?

Just about to go get some food. You wanna come?


Look, maybe I should come back.

No, you stay.

I'll leave.

QUINCY: Ready? KERRY: Yeah.



What are you doing here?

I didn't know I needed a reason to come home.

Don't be so defensive. I'm just surprised to see you.

Dad around? No. He's still at the bank.

Is everything okay?


Good. I'm going to the market to get some things for dinner.

Will you join us? I don't know.

It's just a game. What?

Every time you lose, you get this attitude, but it is just a game.

You have your key? Yeah.

Can we talk?

Taik to your new girlfriend. Look, I took the ho to Burger King.

Cheap date.

At least she had time for me.

So you messed around to prove a point?

What'd I just say? Got your head so far up your ass, it took a cheap date for you to notice me.

Heh. What, Q man? Did I forget to kiss your ass like everybody else?

You forgot to be there.

That night you wanted to talk about your dad, I had curfew. What was I supposed to do?

Stay. -If I stayed, I wouldn't be starting.

At least you got your priorities straight. I'd never asked you to choose.

I never have to.

I'm a ballplayer.

If anybody knows what that means, it should be you.

If basketball is all you care about, why are you boning me'? Why don't you bone d*ck Vitale?

Wait a minute. Hold on.

How do I know the next time you're feeling neglected or whatever...'re not going to just run around on me?

If we're gonna be together. I have to be able to trust you.

I'm not asking for us to be together.


I'm going through a lot of shit right now. It's obviously more than you got time for.

Heh. How are you gonna tell me what I have time for?

I mean, whatever I did, we can fix this.

I don't think so.

You don't think so?

Look, I'm entering the draft.

You're what? I'm going pro.

Who knows where I'm gonna end up, you know?

When did you decide all this? A few days ago.

So that's it?


Just forget about you and me?

I'd still like us to be friends.


Look, I'll see you around.




Luisa, what did he say?

He say to give the ball to you.

What's up?


What's up, Sidra?

Well, what do you know?

I'm gonna love winning this championship in your house.

And how do you say "you're dreaming" in Italian?

This ain't college and I ain't on crutches.






Can you take that damn thing off the table?

Oh, you mean my championship trophy? Hmm.

My bad.


You are still a cocky bitch. Ha, ha.



SIDRA: Hey, hey.

Look at you. So, what are these Spanish guys like?

I wouldn't know.

What? You mean you've been over here seven months and you ain't tapped nothing?


They're just not my type, I guess. Shit.

Them Italian boys, they love them some black women. They can't get enough of me.

Mm-hm. Heh.

Do you ever think about going back?

Sometimes. But what's the alternative? Not playing?

You remember Big Toni? Mm-hm.

She quit last year and now she works at some bookstore.

I mean, look at us.

They treat us like Hollywood stars over here.

We just played in a championship game.

It doesn't get much sweeter than this.


CHICK: They've made seven straight points in this run. Worthy for three.

ANNOUNCER: James Worthy.

CA-“CK: This game is in the refrigerator. The door is closed, the lights are out.

The eggs are cooling, butter getting hard and the Jell-O jiggling.

And here come the subs.

You know, it's nice to see the subs gets a chance to play and the fans love it.

CHICK: They really do.

ANNOUNCER: And Quincy McCall is in for Nick Van Exel.


CHICK: Quincy's got the ball over in the corner. Puts up a three-pointer. That's no good.

The former Trojan came out after his freshman year.

As they get out the floor the other way, I can tell you that he has moved around quite a bit.

But now he's trying to find a home with these Lakers.

Quincy makes a steal. He's on his way. Open court.

Look out, folks. It's showtime.



MEDIC: Don't move.


How is he? Not great.

What is that, "not great"?

He tore his AOL-.

Almost didn't recognize you with your hair like that.

How you been?


And he won't wanna see you.

Hey, son.

You made SportsCenter.

What do you want?

Just came by to check on you.

After five years?

I don't remember that being all my fault.

Seems like you divorced me the same time as your mom.

Look, I know things look kind of bleak right now.

But don't get down on yourself.

I stopped taking your advice a long time ago.

Or did you forget?

You want me to step off, man? Yeah.


But not until I say something.

You're a better ballplayer than I ever was.

But that ain't the only thing you got going for you.

You're smart, Quincy.

I always knew that you could do anything you wanted to.

You wanna play ball, son?

Well, then play ball.

Just know that you're not like everybody else on that g*dd*mn court.

You ain't like I was.

You got options, Quincy.

That's all I ever wanted to show you.

How come you couldn't be the man you kept trying to make me?

I just couldn't, son.

Good morning.



And I thought this was gonna be awkward.




I got these.

Not that you need any more.

So how are you doing?

I'm, uh-- I'm doing all right.

I heard you were in Spain.

I was. Hmm.

I see your peach fuzz finally grew in.

Just something new I'm trying. No, it looks good.

I mean, it's cool.

Thank you.

Shouldn't you be lying down and--?

No, no, I'm cool. Uh...

You can have a seat. No, no, I'm fine.

I'm fine.


Still trying to be the first girl in the NBA, huh?

Yeah, well, I tried sneaking in after college, but they found breasts during my physical.


That's funny. I never did.

Oh. Kiss my ass.

I can't believe it's been five years.

I tried calling you a couple of times.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. I wanted to give you props on making first team all-American.

And then, you know, when Magic retired, I tried again.

Must have been my cheap-ass answering machine.

It was always messing up.

I figured something like that.

So when you going back?


...I'm not.

What do you mean?

I'm tired of playing overseas.

I mean, I'm over there by myself... family, no friends.

My phone bill is ridiculous.

Thinking about giving it a rest for a while.

A rest?


I mean, basketball just isn't fun for me anymore, you know?


Quincy. Hey, girl.


Nobody would switch flights with me. Don't worry about it Baby, what are you doing out of bed?

What are you doing? Okay, okay.

Take it slow.

Oh. Let me help you.

That's my baby.


Hello. Hi.

Baby, this is Monica.

KYRA: Monica.

You guys grew up together, right?

Quincy's told me all about you.

Monica, this is-- This is Kyra, my fiancée.

Fiancée. Wow.

Wow, heh.


Thank you.


I didn't know. Wow.


That's great. That's...

Well, uh, heh, I should go.

Monica, I really appreciate you coming by.

Yeah. We really appreciate it.


Quincy, good luck with your knee and everything.

KYRA: Bye. Bye.

Hey. Hi.

Your sister's bringing the baby by later, so be nice to be around.

Yeah. I can't wait to see her.

Need any help? No, I can manage. Thank you.

I just saw Quincy.

How's he?


To that stewardess?

Yeah. You met her?


His mother had a barbecue a few weeks back.

He could do a lot better, if you ask me.

So, what do I do?

Find out where they're registered and send them a gift.


Is that still your answer to everything?

Yeah, when you come at me with bullshit like that.

Oh, no. Are they cursing their mamas in Spain?

You didn't want my opinion, I don't know why you asked.

I asked, but why does it always have to be so damn prissy?

What do you want me to say, Monica? Go over there and beat up the girl?

Go have sex with him? Because I'm not gonna do it.

Yes, I think decorum is important...

...and, yes, I'd rather bake a pie than sh**t a stupid jump-up shot.

If that makes me too prissy for you, then that's just too damn bad.

So that's why we can't get along?

Because I'd rather sh**t a stupid jump shot?

You're the one who always turn your nose up at me.

No, I don't. Oh, yes.

Female superstar athlete whose mother is nothing but a housewife.

That's not it. Don't tell me you're not ashamed of me...

...because I know.

I remember when I was 8 years old.

You spent, like, four hours cooking up this big, fancy meal...

...and I guess you and Dad got your wires crossed...

...because in he walks with a couple of pizzas...

...and you didn't say anything.

You never stood up for yourself.

Even If I was ashamed, it was because of that.

That is ridiculous.

What's ridiculous is not being a caterer... your husband can feel like a man...

...knowing his woman's home cooking and ironing his drawers.

Damn it.

Oh, Monica. I'm sorry.

Is that really all you think about me?


When your daddy and I got married, yes, I had dreams.

But I happen to have gotten pregnant with Lena...

...and then I had you... I had to put my dreams on hold.

You know what day I remember?

In high school...

...your spring dance...

...and I put my mother's pearls around your neck...

...and I told you, you were beautiful...

...because you were.

That day, I was happy I didn't have a catering business to run off to.

My family had three meals a day.

They had somebody to pick up after them...

...and when my daughters went to a dance...

...I could help them get ready.

That is what I came to care about.

That's all you cared about.

I must have played in a thousand games...

...and I can only remember you being at two.

You had your coaches and your daddy for that stuff.

You know it never mattered to you one way or another whether I was at them games.

It mattered, Mama.

It mattered.

--Seven pulls up the original account.

Shift F8 pulls up the corporate account. You can see the information there.

You could get-- Oh, hello, Mr. Wright. Could you excuse me?

Sure. Thank you.

How's it going?

Fine. Fine?


No, no, no.

QUINCY: No? Why? No.




Damn, girl.

I remember your mom had to beat you into a dress.

Heh. Very funny.

Visiting? Kyra's out of town for a couple of days.

Figured I'd keep my mom company.

So how's the knee?

It's getting there.

Strong enough to get you down the aisle?

Two weeks. Heh.

I didn't get to send you an invitation but, you know, you're more than welcome.

It's okay. I'm probably, you know...

Can I ask you something?

You never told me why ball wasn't fun anymore.

It just isn't.

Because I'm kind of feeling that way too.

You had a rough couple of years. That's all.

I haven't dribbled a ball in four and a half months.

I miss some of the attention, but besides that-- You're serious.

Seems like I needed ball when I was trying to be like my pop.

Now, it's just trying to be better than my pop.

Now it's time to try something different.

Like what?

I'm thinking about going back to school.



Yeah. Kyra hasn't heard about the school thing yet. Heh.

She'll probably say it's the painkillers talking.

It's a trip, you know?

When you're a kid, you see the life you want...

...and it never crosses your mind it's not gonna turn out that way.

So why did you give up ball? Why do you keep sweating me on that?

Because I don't get it.

Man, I never knew a girl, I never knew anyone...

...who loved ball as much as you.

Now you're gonna trade in your Nikes for a pair of shoes you can't even walk in.

What's up?

Just leave it alone, all right?

All right.

CAMILLE: You need to put a sweater on. It's a little chilly, sweetie.

She's fine, Ma.

Yes, your little icicle arms are so sweet.

All right, Ma.

LENA: Come on, Lorena.


Your grandma says it's too cold. Oh, "grandma"?


You know, Monica... of the things that always drove me crazy about you...

...and I have to admit, it made me jealous...

...what I always admired was the fight in you.

What are you talking about?

Well, I might be a little more prissy in the situation than you...

...but remember when I said I thought Quincy could do better?

I was talking about you.

What's going on'?

We need to talk.




You asked me what was missing.

What'? From basketball.

You woke me up to tell me that? -It's not fun for me anymore...

...because you're missing.

What I'm trying to say is...

...I've loved you since I was 11.

And the shit won't go away.

We haven't talked since college.

And you wait two weeks before my wedding to tell me something like that.

Heh. I know. I probably should have said it two weeks ago.

You haven't changed.

You still think the sun rises and sets on your ass.

Guess what, it doesn't.

Then why are you so upset?

You don't pull this on someone who's about to get married.

Better late than never, right?


I'll play YOU-

What'? One game. One-on-one.

For what?

Your heart.


You're out of your mind. So, what, you're gonna bitch up?

Huh. What's that supposed to be, some psychology?

Look, I know why you broke up with me in college.

And not that it wasn't messed up, but I should've been there for you.

I just didn't know how to do that and be all about ball.


...after that stuff with my dad...

...I couldn't trust anybody, okay?

I was lost.

That was five years ago.

I've moved on.

Prove it.

What will this prove?

You once said the reason I beat you was because you wanted me to.

So? So if I win...'s because deep down, you know you're about to make the biggest mistake of your life.

And deep down, you want me to stop you.


And what happens when you lose?

If I lose...

...I'll buy you a wedding present.

First to 10.



I got better things to do.




Why don't you D up this time?


Three-zip. Where's the D?


Your knee hurt?

Come to play?


So now you wanna play. Now you're taking off your brace, huh'?

You think that's gonna make you play better?




Three up.

I don't hear you talking.

I don't hear you.

Come on. Come on.





All's fair in love and basketball, right?


Double or nothing.





ANNOUNCER: All right, ladies and gentlemen...

...let's stand up and welcome your Los Angeles Sparks.

Fifteen and six on the year, five in a row.

Let's meet tonight's starters.

At one forward, 6 foot, from the University of Florida...

...number eight, DeLisha Milton.

At guard, 5'7", from USO, number 32, Monica Wright-McCall.

At forward, 6'1", from the University of Georgia...

...number double zero, La'Keshia Frett.

At guard, 5'11", from the Congo, number four, Mwadi Mabika.

And at center, 6'5", from USO...

...wearing jersey number nine, Lisa Leslie.


Let's go, McCall.

Go, Mommy. Go, Mommy.

See Mommy? Yay!
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