House IV (1992)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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House IV (1992)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hand me that screwdriver. Here, hold this.

Roger, I didn't come to watch you restore antiques.

This is Cobb family history, Burke.

How much longer you gonna fool with that?

A twist here a little tightening here, and film at 11 with Roger Cobb and friends.

Great, Rog. You know, they have a new invention, it's called video tape.

Don't you wanna see home movies?

You watch 'em, I got better things to do with my time.

You got no sense of family, Burke.

No sense of stepfamily, Rog.

Come on, sweetie, we gotta go. Right there.

What is your problem? Nothing.

Listen, did you think about what we talked about?


We could make a lot of money. Trust me on this, just once.

I told you a hundred times, I'm not selling.

Will you turn this thing off?

I could turn this place into a gold mine.

You couldn't turn cow shit into manure.

What are you gonna do with it?

Nothing. You've just let it sit here for years, rotting.

I made a promise to Dad. The old man's dead. He doesn't figure.

If you don't wanna take the chance, that's fine, just sell me the place outright.

Name a price.

Listen, I can't put a price on my roots.

Look, Roger, I know that this place was great when we were kids.

You have some good memories here, I have memories too.

But you gotta let go of the past, man. Guys, I was serious, come on.

It's really time to be going.

Laurel! Come on, honey, we gotta go!

No. No what? I didn't ask you anything.

No, you are not taking that thing home.

Please, Mom?

Please? I already named him Algernon.

Algernon? Yeah.

You said I couldn't have a real dog.

You're allergic to real dogs! So why can't I have a fake dog?

Because... it's ugly.

Mom! Honey, it'll be here next time.

Come on, we got a long drive back. Get your coat and bag and let's go. Oh!

You startled me.

I saw the lights were on.

Erm, Laurel, tell your dad that Ezra's here.

Dad, Mr Ezra's here!

Ezra, hi.

Good to see you. You know my wife, Kelly.

Good to see you again, Ezra. And my daughter, Laurel.

Who I just hate!

Ezra - how's it hangin'?

Yeah, OK. Er, look, I gotta go.

Roger, walk me out. Kelly, Laurel, have a safe trip.

Ezra, how.

We were just trying to decide what to do with this place.

It's a bit of an eyesore, but... Roger loves it.

He spent a lot of happy summers here.

There are many memories of the past still sleeping in this house.

The Great Spirit will guide you.

Mom! I can't find my little bag!

If you'll excuse me, Ezra.

Roger, you're putting me in a very difficult spot.

Promises have been made.

Money has changed hands, a deal is in place.

Wait a second, what kind of a deal? Well, I can't... tell you.

Not right now. Would you just trust me?

Listen, little brother, if you need money I'm happy to lend you some but the house stays.

You're making a mistake. A big mistake.

Well, if I am I'll have to live with it.

You, on the other hand, have to live with that hat.

So long, brother.


The wheeler dealer's leaving? Never gives up, does he?

No. Maybe I should've given him the house.


You have done the right thing.

You have honoured your grandfather's agreement.

Now the spirits will rest again.

Can we get out of here? It's getting late.

All right, baby.

Ezra, you need a ride back to the church?

No, you go on. I'll lock up.

So long, Ezra! Bye, Mr Ezra!

See you, Ezra!


Do you want the rest of mine, hon?

No, thanks.

My teeth are full of those orange things.

Laurel? No thanks, Mom, I'm done.

But I'll take your trash for you. Thank you.


What was that nonsense about an agreement with your grandfather?

It's not nonsense.

He took a blood oath on his wedding day not to sell that house.

A blood oath? Sounds like something out of the Dark Ages.

Just a simple agreement from a simpler time.

You know what Burke wanted to do?

He wanted to bring in a wrecking crew and level that house and develop the property.

That doesn't sound totally unreasonable to me.

I have a responsibility.

My father promised my grandfather, and I promised my father that I'd keep the house.


My father believed that that house was magical.


He did believe in it.

A lot of words could describe that house but magical is not one of them.

I love that house, cobwebs and everything, you know?

In some kind of a deep down way I'm... I'm tied to that house.

Then I guess I'm tied to that house too.

Lucky me. You are lucky.

Laurel. Laurel?

Kelly! Can you help me?

I'm stuck!




It doesn't look so bad during the day, huh?


It just looks a little... older.



Thank you.

All right, here we go. OK.

All right? Mm.

There you go, sweetie. Thanks, Mom.


Get your feet...


Now... we're ready.

Mom... put it on the mantle.


You're home, sweetie.

I wish you'd talked this over with me.

I had no idea you were gonna move in here yourself.

I know, but I changed my mind. Look at how much room we'll have.

I got all these books on restoring old houses.

Wait till you see what I do. You're gonna love it.

I'm not gonna love it.

Princess, why don't you move back to Dallas?

You could enrol Laurel in the next term, stay with us until you found some...

Until you got on your feet again.

I'm excited about moving here - can't you be too?

I think you're making a mistake. I'll get an electrician, a carpenter...

I can handle this renovation. I want you to trust me.

I'm not talking about the real estate.

I'm talking about you.

You have to reconcile yourself to the fact that Roger is dead.

And Laurel will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

But you've got to go on. Dad, I need to be here.

This is my home now.

Roger loved this old house. He would want me to be here.

Kelly, I wish for once in your life you weren't so...

You'll miss your plane, Dad.

Well, Kel, you... you can always change your mind.

Bye, Daddy.

Oh, God, no.

I don't think Grandpa liked the house.

Don't worry about Grandpa, it'll all be fine.

Mom, can we have a Halloween party this year?

This house would be perfect for a Halloween party.

Sure, why not?

Remember when you dressed me as a tiger?

And dad made me carry that dumb flashlight so I wouldn't get hit by a car?

That was my first Halloween. And Dad ate all my candy...


Mom, are you all right?

Yeah, er, I'm fine.


You want me to call the hospital? Oh!

Mom, what's that noise?

I don't know, sweetie. I think it's coming from the basement.

Doorbell, mom.

Excuse me? Oh!

Mrs Cobb, I hope you don't mind me showing myself in.

You have a dust bunny the size of Cincinnati under there.

Who are you? The name's Klump, Verna Klump.

I'm your new housekeeper. Oh, you're bleeding on the rug.

Oh, erm... Ah! Ah.

L-| didn't hire a housekeeper.

Well, the agency sent me. I got my work papers right here.

What agency? Did my father set this up'?

I guess so.

Now, I assume you have a vacuum cleaner?

How about the other essentials?

Ajax, some Glass Plus and a couple of sponges.

Are you sure there hasn't been a mistake?

Like I said, I got my work orders today.

But don't sweat it, I'm paid to the end of the month.

And this place could use a housekeeper. And I'm the best.

So you just moved into this old place, huh?

Yeah. Why?

Well, er, my husband left us this house.

Oh, sure, sure, sentimental reasons. I got ya.

Sounds like this house is trying to tell you something.

I think it's the pipes.

I'd check that out before something explodes.

Right. I'll be right back, Ms, er, Klump.

Call me Verna.


It's time for bed, it's late.

There you go!

Tomorrow I want you to pick out a colour for your room.

Yellow. Yellow?

Definitely yellow.

OK. Or maybe blue.

OK, definitely yellow or navy blue.

Maybe blue.

OK, sorry. Maybe blue.

Here you go.

Eh? Ow. It's just an arrow.

You know, I think we should have a yard sale.

Sell some of this old junk.

OK, but I'm not selling any Indian stuff.

They're relics. They put this stuff in museums.

Get real!

We will talk about this in the morning. Now you have to go to sleep.

Mom, do you think Dad is happy in heaven?

I mean, do you think he misses us?

I think Dad is happy.

And I think he's watching over us.

I love you, Mom.

I love you too, sweetie.

Oh, leave Algernon on, please.


And leave your door open too, so I'll know you're OK.

All right.




You have to decide.

You have to decide.

Hey, hey-

I'll give you 50 cents for this. That was my great-grandmother's.

She collected bottles for a long time and... that's the only one left.

Well, I'll give you a dollar. I don't know. It was her favourite.

Five dollars. That's my final offer.

'One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

'Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, jump...'

How's it going, sweetie?

What? Oh, hi, Mom.

It is new. Maybe we should get it.

Harry, why are you fooling with that piece of junk?

Piece of junk? This is like the one my dad used to have.

It's really ugly.

I've got all his home movies and I'd like to get this running.

How much is this?

You don't want that, it's broken. No, I can fix it.

It's not for sale.

Fine. Fine, fine.

I have to talk to you. I was gonna call you.

What are you doing here?

Having a yard sale. See anything you like?

No, no - what are you doing in this house?

Well, we were gonna rent it out but we changed our minds.

No. No, no. Look, there's some kind of misunderstanding here.

I have plans for this property. You'll have to change them.

This is my home now.

You don't understand. I own this house.

This house has been in my family for the last hundred years.

When Roger died the house automatically passed to me.

Roger's my brother. You're Roger's stepbrother, Burke.

I'm his wife. The house reverted to me.

Now, if you have any problems with that... can talk to my lawyer.

Kelly? Kelly, wait a second.

This is no place to live. No place to bring up a kid.

Especially a kid in a wheelchair.

Where would you bring up a child in a wheelchair?

Some place a little safer.

A place with elevators, like an apartment building near a hospital.

Laurel is perfectly safe and happy here.

Kelly, you're not thinking clearly.

Now, I know you've been through a lot, nobody knows that more than I do.

Hell, you lost your husband, and I lost my brother.

And not a day goes by that I don't think about Roger.

But that was then and this is now.

And if you don't mind my saying so, I think you're becoming a little obsessive.

No of fence but now you've got to start thinking about the future.

Your kid's future. With the money you make off of this you could do something really nice for Laurel.

Get her an operation.

I think you'd better go.

I'm just trying to turn a buck - is that so terrible?

We can make a lot of money on this deal.

I just wanna throw some your way.

Oh, Burke, please!

My money's not good enough for you, huh?

Kelly, Roger's dead.

You're all alone, and I want this house.

Come on, let's go!

Don't let me catch you stealing again! What's the matter with you?

You wanna grow up like them?

Get in the car. Let's go!

Come on!

Get in the car.

Mrs Cobb, are you all right?

I'm fine.

Never better.

The yard sale's just about finished. Why don't I make you a cup of tea?


You've really had a tough time of it.

Just lousy, Verna.

L-I don't know, I...

I wanted to be in this house, I wanna make things good for Laurel but everything I touch falls apart.

What did your brother-in-law want?

Oh, Burke?

I don't know. He wants this house. He's got some crazy plan.

What kind of plan?

Did you hear that? Hear what?

You mean that?

Jesus, lady, I got a pacemaker!

Who are you? The plumber.

The plumber? Al, Albert Bones.

You, er, you called me this morning. You did call me, didn't you?

Oh. The plumber.

That's why you were in the basement. That's where the plumbing is.

Oh, Jesus, lady...

Now, I inspected the mains and the sewer lines and they're both in perfect working order.

And the pipes in the bathroom... Did you find the brown goo?

No, I didn't find any brown goo.

I did find some rust in the upstairs bathroom.

Rust? Yeah. But it cleared right up.

No, this wasn't rust, it was more like mud, only it was a little runnier, and when it came out there was this loud noise.

And... And it smelt like...

Er, like I don't know what.


No brown goo here.

I'm sorry to have wasted your time, Mr Bones.

Oh, oh, not at all, ma'am.

I-It's a pleasure to work on pipes like yours.

A real pleasure.

Thank you. I always say, treat your plumbing with tender loving care and it'll give you years of pleasure.

Just like a good woman.

Well, thanks again, Mr Bones. You're welcome. And here's your bill.

OK, I'll get my chequebook.

You can mail it in. I'll show myself out.

I can't afford this.

I don't know, Verna, maybe it's me. Maybe I'm losing my mind.

Maybe I oughta go talk to somebody.

You can talk to me.

I'll see you tomorrow, Mrs Cobb. Kelly.

Kelly. And if you need me for anything at all, just call, OK?

OK. Thanks, Verna, you've been great. I'm feeling a lot less... crazy.

♪ I'm your pizza man, I'm your pizza man

♪ I'm delivering your favourite pizza pie

♪ I'm your pizza man, I'm your pizza man

♪ And I am everybody's favourite takeout guy

♪ Never worry that your pizza will be cold

♪ Cos I keep it heated up on my engine's manifold

♪ So the next time you are hungry for a pizza in a pan

♪ Don't forget to call your favourite pizza man, ah! ♪

12.50, please.

♪ I'm your pizza man, I'm your pizza man ♪ Whose allowance is this pizza coming out of?

Yours or mine?

Mom, we have to have dinner.

Get the plates, knives and forks.

♪ I'm your pizza man, I'm your pizza man ♪

♪ I'm your pizza man, I'm your pizza man

♪ I am everybody's favourite takeout guy

♪ Never worry that your pizza will be cold

♪ Cos I keep it heated up on my engine's manifold

♪ So the next time you get hungry for a pizza in a pan ♪

♪ Don't forget to eat your favourite pizza man! ♪

Smells good. I am starved.

Um, honey... I wanna show you something, OK?

And I want you to not be scared and I'd like for you to try and keep an open mind about this.

Oh, gross!


Yuck! Take them off, please!

It's gross.

Eat this, pizza man!

Mom'? You happy now? No more anchovies!

I don't hate anchovies that much.

All you had to do was pick them off.

I really hate macaroni and cheese.

Especially when the box is older than I am.

I'll probably get food poisoning and die.

But it's a good thing because I think I'm pregnant!

Hm? Did you say something?

Mom, are you OK?

Yeah. Why do you ask?

Well, you've been acting kind of weird today.

Oh... Moving here was really stressful for me and sometimes when a person is under a lot of stress they can behave in really strange ways.

Like fighting with a box of pizza?

Well, yeah.

Mom, I can do that. OK.

There you go. Thanks.

Sweetie, have you... heard anything or... seen anything since we've been in the house?

Like What'?

Well, like, er... like anything strange or weird?

You mean, beside you?

You sleep tight. You too.

Good night, Algernon.

Don't let the bedbugs bite.

See you in the morning light.

Rust. Eugh.



You have to decide.

You have to decide.

You did the right thing.

Mom? Mom, I'm thirsty. Can I have a drink of water?

You go back to sleep now, OK? Mm-hm.






Let it be.

The music will bring in the lost souls.

What is it'?


Oh. Sorry.

I don't really know why I'm here.

It's just that there's been a lot of really strange things happening.

Weird things.

I thought that it was me but it's not me, it's something else.

I think it's the house.

Trying to punish me. The house cannot punish you.

Then what is it?

Why are these things happening to me?

The house is built over a sacred spring. A healing spring.

A shelter for spirits.

The land where it stands was a wedding gift from my people to Roger's great-grandfather when he married the daughter of our last shaman.

But then the white man came...

and my people were driven out.

Their spirits sucked dry by the white man's poison.

The white man had a name for it.

And he called it...


So it was decided that the last of her power would be preserved.

So a great seal was placed over her.

And to hide it a house was built.

My house?

But that still doesn't explain why these things are happening.

Roger's spirit is trapped in the heart of the house, between two worlds, and there can never be peace until his soul is set free.

I don't understand this.

Roger is dead.

How can he be trapped anywhere?

Because he died at the hands of another.

More tea?

This stuff looks good. Here you go, Fred.

Watch the drum, man, watch the drum - that's chemical, you know?


Miss! I have an appointment with Mr Grosso.

'I have an appointment with Mr Grosso.'

'He's been expecting you.'

I'll be with you in a minute.



Thank you.

You wanted to see me? Yes, sir. It's about the house.

Is this a new house?

No, sir, same old house. New business.

Last week we were talking about your house, now you say, "the house".

You understand my confusion?

Well, I-l... I drove by "your" house the other day and I saw something peculiar - a woman and a girl moving into "your" house.

It's... lawyers. You can't trust 'em. You know what my lawyer told me?

I don't care what your lawyer told you, I only care what you told me.

I thought I had it free and clear, but as it turns out she does.

Then buy it from her. She won't sell.

She's kinda stubborn.

Seems like you only have one option.

She's a... a woman. My sister-in-law.

You can't stop... progress.

No, sir. I'm very disappointed, Burke.

When I brought you into my organisation I thought you could do good things for me.

You promised to cure my... toxic waste problem!

We had an agreement!

The EPA wants to inspect the premises.

This scheme of yours to dump the toxic waste under the house in this cave, or whatever, must be put into action immediately.

We can pump out the water and pump in the toxic waste once we level the house, our problem is my sister-in-law won't sell.

Your problem, Burke, and you'd better fix it now because I got word today that the FBI has put their best man on the case.

I don't like it when my people go to jail, the temptations are... too great.

You're not afraid I'm gonna make a deal with the feds?

No, Burke, I'm not worried.


What the f*ck is this?

This is to make sure you don't forget your friends.

It's terrible to be bound in a wheelchair.

To be vulnerable. You have to depend on the kindness of strangers.

Get her out of the house now!


Can you hear me'?

Boy, do I feel silly.

Now, remember what the boss said, just scare 'em.

Yeah, yeah. Hey.

f*ck you. f*ck you too.

I wanted to be the snake.

Hey, little girl, want some candy?

Oh, God, I miss you.

Please forgive me.

Relax, little girl! We just come to warn you!

Yeah, warn you. This house is full of snakes!

So you and your mom better get out!

Right now!

What's the matter?

That little bitch almost poked my eye out!

That does it!

Now you've done it- you've pissed off the bug!

Nice doggie. Good doggie.

N-nice doggie!

sh**t! sh**t!

This way!



Let's get out of here!

Let's go! Oh, God.

'Dr Hershey, telephone, please. Dr Hershey.'

Mrs Cobb? Your daughter has had a very bad fall but she's OK.

It appears there are no serious injuries but I'd like to keep her overnight.

Just for observation.

Can I see her?

'Dr Hershey, telephone, please. Dr Hershey.'

Hi. Momma?

It's OK, sweetie, I'm right here.

I was so scared. I know, baby.

But it's OK, everything's gonna be OK now.

I'm gonna be right here with you.

Momma, can we go home?

Tomorrow. The doctor said you'll be all better by tomorrow.

No, I mean our old home.

We gave up our old house.

But I miss my friends!

We'll talk about this tomorrow, OK?

Please, Momma?

I don't wanna go back to that house.

Oh, Laurel, I know.

I'm sorry, sweetheart I'm so sorry.

A dog with a lampshade on it'? It's true.

I swear, boss. I swear on my balls, boss.

Came from nowhere! As big as the house!

I send you to scare these people and you come back and tell me a 12-year-old girl in a wheelchair kicked your ass?

No, no, a dog bit me in the ass!

I don't give two shits about your ass!

It's my ass I'm worried about if I don't get that bitch out!

'Hayes Novelty Company.'

'Burke, this is Kelly.' Kelly!

I told you so. Kelly, hey, erm...

I told you so. Would you shut the f*ck up? Yeah?

Are you still interested in buying this house?


Erm... Come by tomorrow with the papers.

Uh, OK, er, l-I'll be there.

What is it, boss? What'd she say?

Your little surprise visit paid off after all. We're back in business.

Told you so! I told you so!

Don't worry.

You're looking pretty chipper today. Thank you.

I was sorry to hear about Laurel. I hope she's all right.

She's fine. Good.


I know what a difficult decision this was for you.

I know how much Roger... loved this old house.

But he would not have wanted you to suffer all this just to hang onto it.

I've drawn up all the paperwork, so if you'd just like to sign... here, and initial here and here...

Burke, I'm gonna sell you this house, but on two conditions - one, you can't tear it down. What?

Two, I get to visit from time to time. And I want it in writing.

Kelly, you can't be serious? Those are my terms.

Look, if you're trying to pump me for more money, I'm sorry...

It's not about more money, but the house has to stay.

Why? This place is a dump.

Roger didn't see it that way. Roger doesn't figure into this anymore!

Look, Kelly, please, I'm offering some extremely good terms here, a chance to start your life over.

Do yourself a favour, do Laurel a favour.

Do you want some candy?

How did you know about what happened to Laurel?


How did you know about what happened to Laurel?

We talked about it. No, we didn't.

I think we're getting off the point. Look.

You made a deal with me last night. We have a contract.

Now we don't have a contract.

Kelly... Kelly!

Kelly! You can't back out of this, I'm warning you.

No, I'm warning you.

I am not some little girl in a wheelchair that you can terrorise!

What are you talking about?

Who pushed my little girl down the stairs last night?

Was it you?

No! You're talking crazy! Am I?

Yes! This is just a misunderstanding.

I'm beginning to understand who you are and why Roger wouldn't sell you this house!

Roger'? My brother would still be alive if you weren't driving that night.

Get out of my house!

Look, if it is a question of more money...

Get out of here right now or I'll k*ll you, I swear I will!

Look, you better get smart or you'll end up like your husband.

Get out!

God...! Ah, shit!

What are you doing here?

What do you want?



Yes, I'd like to report a horrible accident.


Burke m*rder*d Roger. Then you have to go to the police.

And what am I supposed to say to them?

That I had a dream, and Burke k*lled Roger to get at the Great Seal?

They'll lock me up!

Burke is a dangerous man. Let the police handle it.

You told me Roger's soul was trapped because he was m*rder*d.

Don't go down that road. But if Burke destroys the house then Roger's soul is destroyed, right? Let it go.

I can't let it go.

Burke m*rder*d Roger and I won't deliver his soul to his m*rder*r!




Seems like nobody's home.

What do you think happened to her?

Oh, she probably got delayed somewhere.

I'm sure she'll be back soon enough.

I know, why don't I make us something to eat?

OK. But not macaroni and cheese.

Ugh! How about... ice-cream sodas?

For dinner? Sure, why not?

OK. But I want lots of whipped cream.

It's a deal.

Thanks. OK.

I, er, left something in my car. Back in a second. You comfortable?


Freeze! What are you doing?

What does it look like? I'm reading the meter.

Come on, grab her legs.

Phew! Insurance company oughta pay us to burn this joint down.

What's this?

What do I look like, a tour guide? Come on, let's go.

Ah! Snakes!

Snakes! Snakes!

Snakes? Snakes.

Snakes? What are you, nuts?

Right there! Listen. What is wrong with you?

You are acting like a little girl.

There are no snakes.

Bugs! Ah!

Snakes! Bugs!

Bugs! Snakes!


Snake! Bug!


Lee... Charlie...

Ah! Charlie! Ah! Snake!

'911.' Yes, I'd like to report a horrible fire.

Verna! Laurel, where is she?

Verna? Verna!

Where is she? Inside.


Laurel! Momma!

Laurel... Help!




Am I dead?

Kelly, you have to go back. I can't without you. I need you.

If you don't go back, Laurel will die.

Momma, don't leave! Don't leave, please!

I'm so afraid.

I'll always be with you, Kelly.

Burn, you son of a bitch!

Burn! Burn!

Hurry! Hurry! Help!

Come on, hurry! Save my house! Come on!

My house is burning! Please, you've got to save my house!

Come on, let's go! Let's go!

Laurel, sweetie. Come on.

Out of the way. I'm going, I'm going!

I don't get it. Is he OK?

See that?

Did you see that?

Mr Grosso, what a surprise.

What are you doing here? I'm here to check up on your progress.

Well, sir, I've taken care of everything.



Seems like your little plan failed.

No, sir, nobody will live in that god damn house ever again.

So our business can proceed, and nobody can prove I caused the fire or Roger's death.

The police can't pin anything on me. They're too g*dd*mn stupid.

What the hell? Who the hell are you?

Verna Klump, FBI.

I think there's been, erm, some kind of mistake.

There's been no mistake. You're under arrest.

Thanks for the confession, schmuck.

Take him away, boys.

Wait a minute...

Here you go.
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