06x15 - The Chance to Forgive

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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06x15 - The Chance to Forgive

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to introduce you to some people.

And if I can make things happen for you, you damn well better believe I will.

You know, if it's all the same, I'd rather lay low, grab a drink with my guys.

I wanna connect a sledgehammer to a halligen bar.

You wanna mig weld it.

( Grunts )

( Laughs )

It's a Slamigen.

We're gonna be rich.

Zach broke up with me.

Let's stay in. Just you and me.

Anna, she was her best when the two of you were together.

Cancer's in my bones.

My odds are not good.

( Beeping )

No, baby.

It's good to see Antonio again.

( Dramatic music )

♪ ♪



What time is it?

It's 7:15.

You'd better get a move on.

Oh, I slept through my alarm.

Did, um...

Antonio headed out.

Said not to wake you.


Okay. Just give me ten minutes, okay?

I understand.

No, I just... I really don't think I can make it tomorrow.

I wish I could. It looks like I gotta work.

Okay, yeah. I appreciate it.

Listen, we'll talk soon, okay?

I gotta run. Bye.

( Beeps )

You working a double shift?


I just thought I heard you say you work tomorrow, too.

Uh, no. It's...


♪ ♪

Uh, you driving this morning, or we taking separate cars?

No, I can drive.

Good, 'cause my heater conked out.

♪ ♪

Crack of dawn.

Yeah, sure.

It hurts.

What's this?

A little present for myself.

It's my squadaversary.

He made rescue squad on this date nine years ago.


Didn't you have to go back for retraining seven years ago?

Once in squad, always in the squad.

Well, move it on down. I don't want us bumping knees.

Well, look at this.

It's no longer the squad table.

This is now officially the Gabriela Dawson nap time area.

I knew this was a bad idea.

( Laughter, sirens beeping )

Truck 81, ambulance 61, car accident, 91 South Oakley Boulevard.

♪ ♪

( Sirens blaring )

♪ ♪

( Grunts )

♪ ♪


( Indistinct chatter )

♪ ♪

Hey, hey, hey! Wait, wait, wait!

Wait, whoa!

Sir, do not move!

My head is bleeding.

Okay, but if you move, the car can drop and make any injuries you have worse.

Otis, Kidd, support the high side with cribbing stacks and paratech struts.

Mouch, Herrmann, stabilize the low side with cribbing.


Copy that.

♪ ♪

Ma'am? You okay in there?

♪ ♪

( Coughs )

♪ ♪

Driver's eyes are open. She's not talking.

( Grunts ) Looks like no airbags.

Steering wheel could have concussed her.

She could be in shock.

Wanna give it a whirl?

♪ ♪

Ma'am, what's your name?

♪ ♪

Her name's Holly. Boylan.

And I'm Scott.

♪ ♪

Okay, what happened, Holly?

I'd like to know that myself.

Tell them, honey.

How'd it happen?

I, um... a shopping cart was rolling by itself across the lot. It was about to bang into us.

I just... I... turned the wheel, and my foot must have slipped.

( Grunting )


Gotta brace your foot.

( Groans ) Just...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

( Grunts ) Get this stupid thing off me.

♪ ♪

Ma'am, don't move your head until we get your neck stabilized.

He... he...

I'm sorry about all this.

♪ ♪

Happens all the time.

( Grunts )

Maybe not quite like this, but trust me, we've seen worse.

You ready to move her?


♪ ♪

Is there anything else you wanna tell me?

♪ ♪

I can't.

♪ ♪

No, you don't need to check my vitals; I'm fine.

What's up with him?

He refused treatment.

I told him there could be internal injuries, but he insisted.

♪ ♪

You guys married?


We're going to Chicago Med.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, hold on.

She's gonna be fine.

We're just gonna wait in the tow truck.

No, she's not fine.

She has a head injury, and we're taking her to Med.

Hey, she can refuse care just like I did, right?


Holly, just tell them you refuse care.

Sir, can I talk to you for a second?

♪ ♪

Stay right here.


♪ ♪

Look at your car.

You ever seen anything like that?

Herrmann, Mouch, you've been doing this a while.

You ever seen one like this?

Eh, definitely a first.


♪ ♪

So? I wasn't even looking.

I was on my phone.


( Doors slamming shut )

Hey, wait a minute! What...

( Sirens blaring )

What is this?

We're gonna check on the wellbeing of your wife.

She'll be at Chicago Med.

Or, since you refuse treatment, you can wait here for the cops.

I'm sure they're gonna want to talk to you.

♪ ♪

Let's go.

Pack it up.

♪ ♪

How's it feeling?

Everyone's jealous.

What are you gonna do when third shift comes in?

Put a sign on it that says, "Off limits."

Hey, where you guys been?

We had a call.

Well, there's a sales meeting apparently happening that I don't know about.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

Oh, yeah.

( Stammers )


Nick Porter!

Hey, Julian!

Gentlemen, Julian.

What the hell's going on?

Hey, thanks for bringing us on.

Uh, I apologize.

You guys showed up, and I didn't know we were already bringing people on.

With shirts, apparently.

Well, I was talking to my buddy, Nick, about your brilliant invention.

And he said he was looking for a new product to rep.

It just so happens that Julian and I were talking over at Chief's house, and we thought, why don't we have two salesmen out in the field?

How are we gonna pay for all this?

Don't worry about that, Cruz.

You gotta spend it to earn it.

I have been spending it just to make a few more prototypes.

We can discuss this later.

The important thing about this meeting is that our sales force gets their marching orders.


So, uh, Nick and I were talking.

We thought maybe we could start with the Midwest model.

I take everything below Indianapolis.

Kansas City, St. Louis.

Yeah, I'll take your Minnesotas, your Wisconsins, your Michigans, Ohio.

Yeah, we think there's real money to be made.

We just gotta land a few orders and you'll be talking profits instead of expenses.


You know the last time I saw something like this?

♪ ♪

The Snuggie.

♪ ♪

( Knocking )


♪ ♪

I saw your brother-in-law here.

Yes, he thinks he sees Slamigan money falling from trees.

Told him I don't wanna hear anything about it.

Something on your mind, Captain?

Yeah, yeah. A call we had this morning.

Car wreck.

Wife driving, husband in the passenger's seat.

They were fine, except when I went to put the C-collar on, she had bruises that weren't from the accident.

They were fading, on her neck.

I got the license plate.

I was thinking about calling Antonio.

But, uh, it wasn't a lot to go on.

I'm waiting for Dawson to get back from Med to compare notes.

Okay. Call Antonio.

But I wanna make this clear.

After that...

It's a police matter.

Of course.

How is she?

Her head's fine.

Did you see the bruises?

I saw them. I don't like them.

But the patient said she slipped getting out of the bathtub.

( Scoffs )

I'm not a lie detector. That's my brother's department.

If she doesn't want...

No, we're leaving!

Ma'am, ma'am, you need to stay for observation.

She's leaving.

This isn't a fascist country. Yet.

We can go when we want.

It is our serious recommendation that you...

Sir, your wife suffered a head injury.

We should keep her here until we can make...

Yeah, you know, I suffered a head injury, too.

You don't see me bitching about it.

She's fine, obviously.

Hey, why don't you think about your wife for a minute?

♪ ♪

Okay, I know what this is.

Yeah, you get in one little accident, and you got medical bills out the wazoo.

Just so the insurance companies can really stick it to you.

You think I don't have enough to deal with with a car that's now totaled?

Who's gonna pay my deductable on that?

If this is a financial thing, we can...

Oh, you people. You don't get it!

All one big system, just sticking it to everyone!

You write down whatever it is you need to write down.

We refuse treatment. Let's go, Holly.

Yeah, well, I need to hear it from her.

♪ ♪

I feel fine, doctor. I'd like to go home.

♪ ♪

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Well, she refused treatment, but you could tell she didn't have a choice.

She's terrified of him.

I called Antonio with the license plate.

Is he coming by?

No, he offered to send an officer to their address to check it out, but I've seen how that sort of thing can backfire.

I told him I'd like to swing by myself first.

Good. If there's anybody who can convince her to get help, it's you.

Yeah, well, I don't know about that.

But I've gotta try.

Hey, do you guys have any cold or flu medicine on the ambo?


'Cause I might have a cold or flu.

Ooh, not today. Go quarantine yourself.

Oh, thank you for the bedside manner.

You know how those things blitz through the firehouse.

I'm already running on empty.

Check the jump...




You're firing up the grill?




Mmm. I left my gloves in your car.

Uh, keys are on the desk in my office.


All right.

( Dramatic music )

♪ ♪

( Sighs )

They're waterproof.


Not water resistant. It's pretty impressive.

What do you know?


But the size of it, the sheer si...

Hey, you want a sandwich?

I left out the...

No, I don't want a sandwich.

I wanna know what the deal is with the Slamigan.

The deal?

The deal is, we're gonna get rich.

See, that's just it.

We have no deal.

Sure, we do!

A handshake deal.

There hasn't been a handshake!

There's been no handshake.

You don't wanna partner with us?

( Sighs )

No, I do. I just...

You guys move so fast.

There's already sales reps and, uh, logo shirts, and...

That reminds me.

All right.

( Uplifting music )

♪ ♪

Mouch and I were talking, and this is your company, Joe.

I mean, yeah, sure, we got a little, you know, spending money to invest.

But it's your ingenuity... your grit... that got this thing on its feet.

So you be the chairman and take 51% of the company, okay?

Herrmann and I will split the other 49%.

But what about Brett?

What about Brett, what?

There wouldn't be a Slamigan without all of your help on those prototypes.

♪ ♪

Brett gets ten percent of the company.

Well, I guess she deserves a little...

From your share.

That's perfectly reasonable.

Aww, I've never owned any part of a...

♪ ♪

I think she got overwhelmed by your generosity, Joe.

So let's talk about outgoing expenses.

♪ ♪

( Gags )

♪ ♪

( Sighs )

Oh, sorry about that.

I shouldn't have looked at that chicken salad sandwich.

You want me to take 61 out of service so you can rest a minute?

No, I'm fine now.

I think I got it out of my system.

This may be psychosomatic after Otis said he had the flu.

You sure?

I think so.

I mean, one minute I'm achy and tired and nauseated.

The next, I feel fine.

I don't know what's going on.

I felt the same way this morning.

Yesterday, too.


( Dramatic music )


♪ ♪

You sound pregnant.

♪ ♪

Oh. Oh.

( Laughs )

♪ ♪

Are you late?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

( Sighs )

Smell that meat all the way to Firehouse 21.

( Chuckles )

What are you doing? Slow cooking brisket?

Yeah, about five more hours.

Yeah, well, I got here too early, then.


Look, I know I might have come on a little strong this past month.

A little?

( Laughs )

Well, I've always been a bull in a china shop.

And the china, too, come to think of it.


All right, this is me extending my hand saying I'm in your corner.

Good. And you're gonna love this.

I'm having dinner with the Deputy Commissioner.

( Laughs )

Frank's an old friend of mine.

Steve Mitchell and Gil Tanner from City Hall.

All very good people to know.

No, I don't...

No pressure.

But these aren't mouthpieces.

These are your kind of people.

Hard workers.

Trying to make Chicago stronger.

You don't like politics. I get that.

But there may come a time where you may need something from the city or the department, and it helps to be able to call a friendly face.

When is it?

Tomorrow night.

What time?


I'll text you the details.





I'll see you tomorrow.

Send some of this barbecue to 21.

( Chuckles )

( Car door beeps )

Mrs. Boylan?

Mrs. Boylan.

It's Captain Casey from Firehouse 51.

I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing after the accident this morning.

Please, my husband is upstairs.

If he finds out I was talking to you...

I know what you're dealing with.

I watched someone very close to me go through it.

♪ ♪

Thank you for your concern, Captain.



There are places you can go to get help.

♪ ♪

No one can help me.

♪ ♪

It's clear she lives in total fear of this guy.

Worse than that, she's given up all hope.

I ran Scott Boylan's ID.

Turns out we've had a few run-ins with him.

CPD was dispatched to his residence on two separate occasions.

Yeah, I responded twice to those calls back when I was in uniform.

Both domestic related.


The first call a neighbor phoned in saying he heard a disturbance.

When we got to the door, guy meets us halfway down the sidewalk, tells us this is a waste of time.

Wife comes out, says she slipped in the bathtub.

Did you arrest him?

We didn't. She was convincing.

This is exactly the problem, Chief.

No victim, no crime.

We can't make an arrest without a complainant.

( Sighs )

And the second call?

About a month later, we get a 911 call.

Same house, but it was a hang up.

Meaning what?

The call went through to 911, but no one was on the line.

Dispatch sends a uniform by to be sure.

I recognize the house as soon as we roll up.

Wife says she was dialing 411 but her finger slipped.

But she's cradling her midsection, and her husband's got bruised up knuckles.

Tell me you arrested him that time.

Yeah, Atwater put the cuffs on him, over the wife's objections.

But, look, I don't know what happened after that...

If he pled or the charges were dropped, because there never was a trial.

( Dramatic music )

This guy's gotta go down.

♪ ♪

How do we put an end to this?

You tried talking to the wife.

I'll try talking to Boylan himself.

If I catch a whiff of probable cause, I'll drag him in. If not...

If not...

At least he'll know he's got eyes on him.

That's the idea.

Now sit tight till we get back to you.


I'd love nothing more than to put bracelets on this guy again.

♪ ♪

We were so careful.

I don't understand.

Well, you know, let's not jump to any conclusions until we get to Med.

Grab a test.

We can't go to Med.

No way. Take me to a pharmacy.

Somewhere out of our district.

Hospital tests are way better indicators...

Nope, you're right. Pharmacy's a much better idea.

( Relaxing music plays )


( Clears throat )

Best one.

♪ ♪

How y'all doing today?

♪ ♪

Uh, can I, uh...

Need to see if my husband knocked me up.

Oh, uh, okay.

( Cash register beeping )

18 dollars and 42 cents.

( Dramatic music )

♪ ♪


Uh, Ma'am?

Keep the change.

♪ ♪


You okay?

♪ ♪


( Sighs ) Here's the thing.

Knowing is better than not knowing.

I can't be pregnant, Gabby.

♪ ♪

When we come to it.

Come on.

♪ ♪


This is not good.

What is it?

Hey, Otis, buddy, do you think you could cover my rent this month?

It's just a floater until the next paycheck.

Of course.

What's going on, Joe?

Uh, nothing, it's just that I was writing so many checks making the prototype, I guess I lost track.

Funds are in the danger zone.

Oh, well, hey, listen.

Mouch and I will pay our share.

What, no. No, no way.

I'm the CEO and the chairman.

And like you said, you gotta spend it to make it.

So, I spent it.

Now I just gotta trust we make it.

That doesn't seem right.

Hey, give me a call if you hear from Nick or Julian.

What... Sure, but you know, that might take a... little time.

( Chuckles )

You need help with that?


Did Hank Aaron need help hitting home runs?

Oh, so you're calling your shot?

That was Babe Ruth.


Hey, so, when I went to go grab the keys... and I swear I wasn't snooping.

I saw the letter on your desk.

♪ ♪

From Springfield.

♪ ♪

Why aren't you going?

♪ ♪

It's just not a good idea.

♪ ♪

Of course it's a good idea.

♪ ♪

You... You don't think you can handle it?

♪ ♪

Maybe you should stay out of this, okay?

♪ ♪

I know you pretty well, Kelly.

♪ ♪

And you can. You can handle it.

♪ ♪

In fact...

You have to.

I'm gonna go, too.

You can thank me later.

♪ ♪

( Suspenseful music )

♪ ♪

Where is he?


Where's that fireman?

There he is.

Hey, did you call the cops on me?


'Cause I'm gonna rip your stinkin' head off!

( Indistinct shouting )

What, do you beat your wife, tough guy?

Hey, you go to hell.

Oh, come on!

See what it's like when someone hits back.

Stay out of my business.

Hey, get in your car, get the hell out of here, or I'll let him kick your ass.

Hell with all of you.

♪ ♪

Next time you won't see me coming.

I'm right here, pal.


Hey! Enough!

You! Leave now.

( Spits )

♪ ♪

We went by there and talked to them both.

She sang the same old song.

"I slipped in the bathtub." "I fell down the stairs."

Our hands are tied here.

Well, he threatened me.

Arrest him for that.

I press charges.

There were a half dozen witnesses.

Yeah, I was standing right there.

Look, if that's what you wanna do, absolutely.

Could jam him up for 90 days if he doesn't have a good lawyer.

In and out, if he does.

Maybe we can get him away from her, even for a short time, talk to her alone.

There are a number of no-contact women's shelters.

Look, you have to know... and trust me when I say I've dealt with this before...

If she doesn't wanna go, she's not going.

Doesn't matter how many brochures we give her or if we walk her inside the front door.

She has to decide she wants it.

( Dramatic music )

The parking lot, she was behind the wheel.

He was looking down at his phone.

She swerved and floored it over a cluster of pylons.

I don't think it was an accident.

Soon as we got the husband out of the vehicle, she looked at me with desperation in her eyes.

She's desperate. I felt it.

She's looking for a lifeline.

I'd like to give her one before he kills her.

Okay. We have our marching orders.

I'll talk to Richardson in violent crimes.

And this woman I know, Charlene, she's a Victim Information and Referral Advocate.

We'll make our pitch to her.



♪ ♪

Let us know if we can do anything else.


♪ ♪

Wanna call out to the cars?


Okay, I'll do that.

Hey, there she is.

I'll take that.

Good to see you, Antonio.

Hey, sis.

I'm gonna call Sarge. Let him know what we're doing.

Yeah, good.

Hey. Sorry I took off earlier.

But you were so cute there with your eyes closed all snuggled up.

Oh, yeah. Well, I, um...

I hope it's okay.

I mean, if I wasn't on duty, I'd have stayed all day.

♪ ♪

( Weeps )

Hey, what's going on?

I don't know.

It's okay. ( Shushes )

Hey, what is it?

Antonio, I have to...

( Sirens beeping )

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, 525 West Cullerton.

They say West Cullerton?


That's their house, the guy, Scott Boylan, the wife beater.

Let's go.

( Sirens blaring )

( Suspenseful music )

♪ ♪

Truck 81, take the rear and check the first floor.

Rescue Squad, primary search on the second floor.

51, let's get a hose line on that fire.

Otis, you and Mouch vent the roof.

Herrman, Kidd, with me.

Clear rooms and work our way up to assist Rescue Squad.

Capp, Tony, you head upstairs and clear the bedrooms on the north side. Cruz, stick with me.

We'll clear the south.

Okay, we have reason to believe the house is owned by the man who tried to mix it up with Casey on the apron floor.

He may be on scene.

He may be violent.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

♪ ♪

Tony, Capp, clear those rooms.


Cruz, with me.

Chief, the second floor's fully engulfed.


Fire department! Call out!

Go that way.


( Muffled breathing )

♪ ♪

Fire department, call out!

Fire department, call out!

♪ ♪

Fire department! Call out!

( Coughing )

♪ ♪

There is no way out.

Dawson, Brett!

We've got a male, 30's, breathing, unconscious, on his way to you!

Copy. We're standing by.

Oh, God.

Team, second floor fire is contained.

( Suspenseful music )

♪ ♪

Holly. Listen to me.

♪ ♪

I know you wanna talk.

I know that's why you wrecked the car.

Why you did this.

♪ ♪

The person that went through this that I knew, it was my mom.

♪ ♪

And she went to prison for a long time, for the way she handled it.

Now, you can go down that same road, or you can walk into a no-contact shelter.

( Dramatic music )

But it gets better. I promise you.

♪ ♪

You have an entire life to live that you can't even see yet.

♪ ♪

( Indistinct radio chatter )

Thank you.

He's got a deep laceration on the side of his head.

Second, third degree burns.

Minor smoke inhalation.

♪ ♪


Um, lung sounds are slightly stridor, but sats are good.

Hey, uh, how'd he get that gash?

♪ ♪

Saw him fall in the fire.

♪ ♪

Yeah, exactly.

Hit his head on the bed post.

That's good enough for me.

♪ ♪

Fire's out! Secondary search complete and negative, Chief!

Okay, let's get back in there to help them overhaul.

Let's go.

Copy that, Chief.

♪ ♪

Hey, Nick Porter just texted me.

He already has a purchase order.

What? Oh, thank God!

Where, when? How many Slamigans?

Otis, hold off on that loan, buddy.

You got it.

He doesn't say the details.

Says he's sending a fax to the firehouse.

All right.

Oh, boy.

( Clears throat )

We'll reimburse the department for ink and, uh, paper, of course.

Did you change your hair? I like that.

It's pretty.

Looks nice.



I'm sure it's a small firehouse.

Yeah, in Appleton.

♪ ♪


51% of 330 is...



Well, minus the commission, too.

But, hey, you know what?

Come on, Joe.

We'll buy you breakfast.


I'm sure Denny's has a Grand Slam-igan.

( Clicks tongue )

♪ ♪

( Laughter )

♪ ♪

Not cool!


Burgess called, told me that she talked to the Monmouth Women's Shelter and that they have a spot open.

Holly Boylan accepted.

That's great.


She also told me that the husband is conscious.

He is not pressing charges.

I should have seen it coming, Chief.

I knew she was at the end of her rope.

Enough of that.

You did good.

Come on.

Put it in gear, roomie.

♪ ♪

I'm just so glad you could make it.

Well, I'm glad to be here.

This... this wouldn't even have been possible if Kelly hadn't started the ball rolling.

Ah, well, you took the reins.

I wish I could have done more.

Oh, you did plenty.

It is my pleasure to open the Anna Turner Children's Nursery as part of our care and support of the families of children going through cancer treatment.

Anna Turner was a bright light in this facility.

And what this nursery does is spreads that light... that hope... that radiance she embodied.

♪ ♪

( Applause )

♪ ♪

I don't know what you mean. I'm a born navigator.

Yeah, well, we'll agree to disagree.

♪ ♪

Hey, thanks for getting me there.

♪ ♪

Any time you need someone to support you, I'm your girl.

♪ ♪

I know.

♪ ♪

Have you been to the Harlo Diner?

♪ ♪

They have the best milkshakes.


They're good.

It's, like, 20 degrees out.

I am just throwing it out there.

♪ ♪

I... No, I can't. I, uh...

♪ ♪

I agreed to a dinner with Grissom and some of these Chicago bigwigs.

And I'm barely gonna make it back in time.


Pedal to the metal, then.

♪ ♪


Thanks for coming over.

I couldn't bear to do it on my own.

I understand.

I'm here for you.

♪ ♪

Thank you.

♪ ♪

I'm the one who keeps reminding Antonio that we're keeping it casual.

Seeing other people.

♪ ♪

But watching him today, the way he's always looking after the vulnerable, the people in need...

♪ ♪

He makes a pretty great dad.

♪ ♪

He does.

He does, but, um...

♪ ♪

Maybe... maybe you're just thinking a bit emotionally right now.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Or maybe this was meant to be.

♪ ♪

( Sighs )

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

( Beeps )

♪ ♪

( Chimes )

♪ ♪

Talk to me.

♪ ♪

( Gasps )

That's... that's a good thing.

No, yeah.


Just... really thought...

It's been a whirlwind.

Come here, lady.

♪ ♪

But this is not something that you can decide.

Why not? It's my name.

Hey, Herrmann. Back me up on this.

What's your problem?

Okay, so, last night, Lily and I were at Molly's North, talking, and we kind of got on the subject of how it's kind of infantilizing for everyone to still be calling me Otis.


Wait. We call you Otis because your name is Otis, Otis.

I didn't even know your other name the first two years you worked here.

Thank you. That's what I told him.

Guys, my name is Brian.

I was Otis when I was on elevator duty as a candidate.

Fine, made sense, but I graduated from that role years ago.

Nobody's changing anything.

I'm not changing anything.


Firehouse nicknames are a sacred tradition.

They are a sign of familiarity, brotherhood, and respect.

Hey, you know what?

His name means half man, half couch.

Guys, I'm just saying that words have power.

Referring to me like a candidate changes the way I'm perceived.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Who ordered the limited edition "Dr. Who" Tardis LEGO set?

( Laughter )

( Quirky music )

♪ ♪

I agree, they were good.

Okay, well, then, uh, one of these days, we should take a trip to Milwaukee and hit up some breweries because I know a place that'll make your top three.

Okay, well... what about the day after tomorrow?


Yeah, sure, I got time.

I'll pencil it in.


Milwaukee, huh?

Ah, we'll see.

( Alarms blaring )

Engine 51, Truck 81, Ambo 61, Squad 3.

House fire, 5082 North Bell Avenue.

( Sirens blaring )

( Suspenseful music )

♪ ♪

( Coughing )


What happened?

Popping sound. Like pipes bursting.

Next thing I know, the basement's on fire!

Could be a gas expl*si*n.

Please, my folks are still in there!


Truck 81, Squad 3, with me!

Ambo, take care of this man. Battalion 25 to Main.

I need a still and box alarm, 10144 North Bell Avenue.

Copy that...

Gas levels are fine.

Fire started after an expl*si*n from an unknown cause. Stay sharp.

We'll run a primary search near the basement while it's still accessible.

Do it. Otis.

You and Kidd do a sweep upstairs.

Herrmann, Mouch, and I will search the first floor.

On it.

Fire department! Call out!

Hey, Chief!

I found one, looks like the father!

( Coughing )

Take it easy! We got you.

My son...

He's okay, he's okay!

Guys, let's get him up!

Fire department! Call out!

♪ ♪

Check the bed! I'll check the closet!


♪ ♪

Fire department! Call out!

♪ ♪

Hey, I think this room is clear!

Let's check the...

( g*nsh*t )

What the hell was that?

Mayday! Mayday!

sh*ts fired!


( g*nsh*t )

sh*ts fired. She said sh*ts fired!

( g*nsh*t )

Hey, let's go, let's go!

I need this area cleared right now.

Get everybody back.

Battalion 25 to Main, sh*ts fired, 10144 North Bell Avenue.

We need CPD backup right now.

Hey, what the hell is going on in there?

Who's inside with a g*n?

I-I don't know!

( Man coughing )

( Glass shatters )

Come on, guys. Come on.

( Sirens approaching )


You stay back!

♪ ♪

Severide, you get eyes on the sh**t?

No, I didn't see anything.

It sounded like it was coming from upstairs.

Otis and Kidd are up there.

Truck 81, report.

( g*nsh*t )

Truck 81, report!

♪ ♪

Truck 81, do you copy?

( Alarms blaring )

( g*nsh*t )

Chief, this is Casey! We're taking fire!

( Glass shatters )

We're on the first floor! South side!

Evacuate immediately. That's an order.


Casey! Hang on!



She's been hit!

( g*nshots )

( Glass shatters )

Must have come through the ceiling while she was hiding!

Come on.

Follow me!

( g*nsh*t )

( Alarms blaring )

Otis, Kidd, report.

( Grunts )

( Screams )

( Grunts )

Otis, Kidd, report.



( g*nsh*t )

( Screams )

( g*nsh*t )

( Grunting and screaming )

( g*nshots )

( Screaming )

( g*nsh*t )

Otis, talk to me.


We've got another victim. Smoke inhalation.

g*nsh*t wound to the back.



Hey, hey.

Hang back, all right? Let the medics do their job.

You don't understand.

Otis. Kidd.

Do you have eyes on the sh**t?

( g*nsh*t )

( Glass shatters )

( Groans )

( g*nsh*t )

What are we doing standing here?

Let's go and get them.

No one goes inside until the sh**t is located and contained.

( g*nshots )

Otis, Kidd, report!

Chief, this is Kidd! I'm fine, but Otis took a b*llet in the neck, and it looks bad.

( g*nsh*t )

Everybody, stay put!

No one goes inside. Help is on its way.

Casey, I need the aerial ladder going to the second-floor window.

You stay low, you watch the windows, you use the rig as cover.

Chief, we don't have...

On it.

We don't have time for the aerial, okay? Let us go in there.

Let me go in there, okay? I'll get there quicker.

You walk in blind with an active sh**t, you run the risk of not reaching them at all.

With all due respect, Chief...


Clear a path.

♪ ♪

( g*nsh*t )

The hell with this.

Severide, stop!



♪ ♪

Not one more step.


You need to hear this.


There's no sh**t.

In my room, I have some weapons... and boxes of amm*nit*on in my closet.

A few of them are loaded.

Hold on!

You had a*mo and loaded g*ns in there, and you didn't think to tell anybody?

Cruz! Back off.

( Grunts )

Kidd, there is no sh**t.

But there is amm*nit*on in the fire.

You get out any way you can.


Kelly, watch out!

( g*nshots )

Stay down!

( g*nshots )

( Grunts )


Watch it!

Hey, are you hit?

I don't think so!

( g*nsh*t )

( Screams )

Hey! Your radio!

Don't worry about me! I'm fine!

( g*nsh*t )

We gotta get Otis out of here!

Low and fast! We'll get him to the window!

( g*nshots )

( Glass shattering )

♪ ♪

Hey, Chief! I need a ladder cradle!


All right. Let's bring her on up!

( Tense music )

Hey, slow, slow!

♪ ♪


( Somber music )

♪ ♪

We got it.

( Grunts )

Got him!


All: One, two, three.

Okay, we got him.

Otis, can you hear me?

Pressure's dropping.

He's in bradycardia.

Come on, come on.

Otis, can you hear me?

He's in neurogenic shock.

Let's hang some dopamine.

Hold that.

I gotta pace him. Hold that.

♪ ♪

70 milliamps at a rate of 80.

( Charging defibrillator whines )

You stay with us, Otis.

Increasing to 90.

Come on, brother.

( Charging defibrillator whines )

A hundred.

( Heart monitor beeping )

Heart rate is 80 and captured.

Okay, let's get him to Med.


Got it.

How bad is it?

It's bad.

Is he gonna make it?

I don't know, Joe. We're trying.

( Sirens blaring )

( Dark music )

♪ ♪

Hey, how is he?

Still in surgery.

We're waiting to hear.

Stella lucked out. Her radio stopped the b*llet that hit her in the chest.

She's got a couple bruises on her ribs, but she should be out soon.

That the homeowner?

Says he knew his son was obsessed with g*ns but had no idea there were loaded weapons in the house.

His wife's barely hanging on.

Where's the kid?

Still under observation for smoke inhalation.

Police are waiting to bring him into custody when he's released.

They better. What, did he think w*r's gonna break out on the streets in Lincoln Square?

What kind of parent lets their kid collect g*ns in Chicago?

Parents who may have just lost everything.

( Sighs )

Is he okay? Did he make it?

We don't know. Doc hasn't said...

How long has he been in surgery?

What's the procedure?

We're all in the same boat.

We're just waiting for news.

Hey, folks. He just got out of surgery.

He's in recovery now.

What's the prognosis?

Much better than anyone could have expected.

The b*llet didn't damage the vertebrae or the spinal cord.

It merely grazed the bone and got stuck, right here in the C1-C2 region.

What... what's that all mean?

It means he got lucky, Herrmann.

We're assessing moment to moment, but we have options we rarely have with an injury like this.

Can we see him?

He's still unconscious... but if you want to see him, one or two guests should be fine.

Hey. Go for it.

One look at you'll do him better than all the meds in the world.

Joe. Would you come with me?


Dr. Choi. What's the outlook, long-term?

He's stable, but that could change.

The b*llet is still dangerously close to his spinal cord.

Without intervention, there's a risk of infection, possibly even paralysis.

So why the hesitation? Why not just intervene?

It's a high-risk procedure.

The b*llet is close to the spinal column, plus he has a blood clotting disorder, which may require platelet transfer.

It's not an easy call.

We hope he'll regain consciousness soon so he can decide for himself.

We'll keep you updated.




( Somber music )

♪ ♪

( Sniffles )


It's me, Lily.

Joe's here too.

We're right beside you, brother.

I don't know if you can hear me or not, but...

I wanted to let you know that you're not alone.

Whole fire house is here.

Everyone is rallying around you.

I don't know how to do this.


You're doing great.

Looking at an alternate universe?


For one brief moment, I had this clear vision of my future.

Antonio and I together, building a family.

All these crazy possibilities.

I know that's dumb.



There she is.

Barely a scratch on you, huh?

Yeah. I mean, a little shaky, but yeah.

My radio, not so much.

That's a real life saver.

You should get that framed.

( Scoffs ) No, thanks.

Uh, if you need tomorrow night off from Molly's, it's not a problem, I got it covered.

No, no, no. I want to be there.

We're gonna make it a fundraiser for Otis, yeah?



You can count on me, boss.

♪ ♪

A word.


Look, Chief, I was just... I was doing my...

I will speak, you will listen!

And I will decide whether or not to bring you up on insubordination charges, do you understand?

You disobeyed a direct order.

Hey. Look at me.

This is not the first time, this is not even the first time this past year we have had words on this!

So I need you to tell me, are you the ranking officer in this house?

No, Chief, I'm not.


Then you tell me, what the hell were you thinking when you ran back inside of that building?

♪ ♪

I can't go through this again.

( Indistinct chatter builds )

It was one of your guys, you wouldn't be pulling this!

( Chatter continues )


What's going on?

The cops. They're letting the kid go.

What are you talking about?

There's nothing we can do.

The g*ns we recovered checked out.

All legally owned and registered.

There's just no crime we can hold him on.

No crime! What do you mean?

Our buddy is going to the ICU...


I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

Wait. You're not serious. They're letting him go?


No. Hey!

You can't just walk away from this, you hear me?

Cruz, stop!

No! He let us go in. He knew.

Hey! You got blood on your hands, kid!

You got blood on your hands!

( Groans )

I think he's waking up.

I'll get the doctor.

Hey. Hey, Brian, can you hear me?

Joe... my head hurts...

Doctor's on his way.

( Groans )

Did I get shot?

The a*mo cooked off in that fire.

There were a bunch of loaded g*ns in the closet.

You took a b*llet to the neck.

God... oh, it hurts like hell.


She's fine. She's fine.

Discharged yesterday. Not a scratch on her.

Hey. Lily's here right now.

She just went to the vending machine.

( Breathing heavily )

The guy who was responsible for this... swear to God, he's gonna pay.

♪ ♪

I just want to go home.

Yeah, I hear that. ( Sniffles )

I'm glad to hear your voice, Brian.

You really scared me.


Yeah, feels weird to say, but hell, I'll call you whatever you want.

( Laughter )

You just stay with us.

You're my best friend in the world.

I need you around.

Same, man.



♪ ♪


Oh! I'm sorry.

Did I hurt you?



It's perfect.

So perfect.


How's it looking?

Oh, it's been steady all day.

I mean, guys coming in from as far as Morningside.

Bet Otis has no idea how appreciated he is out there.

If this boot isn't filled by 9:00, let me know.

I'll shake some trees.

Don't think that'll be a problem.

What's that?

A list of stuff to bring from home.

Stuff that might cheer up Otis.

Oh. Let me know if I can add anything.


You expecting someone?

I can't decide if I want to be here when Antonio arrives or if I want to be gone.

( Sighs )

You don't have to tell him anything about the test, you know.

You're in the clear.

It's... it's not that.

For months, I've been on this "keep it casual" track with Antonio.

You know, seeing other people.

But... now I just... I'm starting to think that's just a facade.

So... what does that mean?

It means I want to be with him.

I'm gonna give things a real try.

And I want to... I want to tell him that.

I'm so terrified of what he's gonna say.

If he reacts as anything other than a perfect gentleman, you know he's gonna have to answer to me.

I do.

( Music playing over stereo )

Where you been?

I had some business at the academy.

So, I was thinking, obviously, I mean, tomorrow's not a great day for the Milwaukee trip.


Maybe after next shift... if Otis is on the mend... I mean, I'm supposed to come in and do inventory at the bar, but...

Maybe, yeah.

Like you said, there's a lot going on.

Maybe just take a rain check for now and try again another time.

Sure. Yeah, uh...

Sounds good.

Sylvie. Hey.

Oh, hi.

I was worried I wouldn't see you.

I mean, I'm not worried, just, um...

Yeah, it was... it was a long shift.

But I had to at least stop by, you know, pitch in for Otis.

Of course.

Um, you know, if you're gonna stick around for a little bit, I could hang out.

I was thinking that we could, um...

No, I only have a minute.

Oh. Totally understand.

We can catch up another time.



Hey... Sylvie.

I know it's not the best timing, but, considering the small circle we travel in, I wouldn't want you to hear from someone else.

Friend of mine down at the district, he set me up on a blind date.

S-so you... you... that's great, Antonio.

Um, appreciate the heads-up.

I hope it goes well.


( Chuckles )

We'll talk soon.

Yeah. Sure.

Take care of yourself.

( Soft music )

♪ ♪

( Clears throat )

I believe you saved my life.

I just want to thank you and tell you how awful I feel about... about everything that's happened.

♪ ♪

I didn't know.

How could you not know?

Man, you'd be surprised.

Things you miss as a parent.

I can't even pinpoint the moment he started isolating himself.

I can't stop wondering how many times I missed my chance to connect and...

I kept thinking, "Tomorrow."

Tomorrow's never for sure.

That's something we learn doing what we do.

♪ ♪

( Sighs )

Hey, Chief, you got a sec?


I just want to say, um, about last shift at the fire, it was never about disrespect.

I was reacting and not thinking, and I just want you to know that it shouldn't have happened and it won't happen again. You have my word.


Oh, Kelly.

I'm aware that you lost more than most these past few years.

The heart you have, it's a strength.

It's not a liability.

I would never ask you to give it up.

But you have gotta know, duty comes first.

( Footsteps approaching )

Chief Grissom and Chief Walker here to see you.

Thank you, Connie.

Come on in.


What can I do for you?

I understand you're a man down today.

Terrible business.

Yeah, well, all things considered, my firefighters are handling it well.

That's good to hear.

Reality being what it is, though, we have to think about the future of Truck 81.

In what sense?

In the sense that we can't keep a seat on hold indefinitely.

Look, Firefighter Zvonecek is undergoing a procedure this morning at great personal risk.

He has every intention of coming...

We'll see how that goes, but moving forward, we can't have your truck understaffed any longer than a shift or two.


I'll send you and your captain a list of floaters to consider.

We'll talk.

Appreciate it, Chief.


Before we begin today, I have an update from the hospital.

Otis is headed to surgery as we speak.

Now, I'll report the news the moment I have it, but in the meantime, let's just keep him in our prayers.

I have also been informed Samantha Haberman, the woman who took a b*llet in the fire last shift, she has succumbed to her wounds.

So what does that mean?

Is her son finally gonna get arrested for man...

That's on the CPD and the state's attorney to decide, not us.

( Scoffs )

Look, okay, we had a terrible moment last shift.

We nearly lost one of our own.

So for the next few hours, I want each of us to put aside our anger so we can show this city who we are.

Of course, Chief.

Yes, Chief.

Okay, then.


Engine 51, ambo 61, squad 3, house fire.

10144 North Bell Avenue.

That's the house where Otis was shot.

( Dramatic music )

Let's move!

( Sirens wailing )

I saw the smoke from our window.

I knew something wasn't right.

I thought it might've started burning again.

All right, just stand back, sir.

Hey, Lieutenant?

Yeah, I hear it too.

Let's get this thing open.

♪ ♪

That's what I thought.

It's a su1c1de.

♪ ♪

Ah, it's chained from the inside.

This side too.

Run and get some cutters.

I can fit under there, get a head start.

Don't know how much exhaust he's already taken in.

Move quick.

Capp, hurry up!

Copy that!

( Coughing )

Damn it!

( Car beeps )

( Grunts )

I got him! He's not breathing!

Get him on a stretcher!

I'm not getting a pulse. We need to intubate.

Okay, I got the monitor.

♪ ♪

All right, I'm in.

( Charging defibrillator whines )

All right. Shock and clear.

Come on, Patrick.

Increasing to 300.


( Monitor beeping )

I got a pulse.


Patrick, can you hear me?

No, no, no, no!

Ah, can't do that. Can't do that, honey.

Patrick. Patrick. Hey.

Your dad needs you.

And you can't bail on him now.

Oh, hey. Oh, hey, hey.

You screwed up. You can't change that.

But he knows that you never meant for any of this to happen.

Now, you can keep this from getting worse.

Give your dad a chance to forgive.

You owe him that much at least.

( Sobbing )

Heart rate's 110. Let's get him to Med.

( Phone rings )

Hey, Chief?

Uh, Otis is getting out of surgery any minute.

I was wondering if it'd be okay if I could get off so I could be there.

You're not going alone.

Copy that. Let's go.

Thanks, Chief.

Good news?

He's okay. Thank God.

Doctors are saying he came through just fine.

Can we see him?

Yeah, you can.

You guys go ahead.

Thanks, Casey.

Hey, there he is.

Look at this guy.

Strong as an ox.

I don't feel it.

The whole house is in the waiting room.

I'm not used to being the center of attention.

Thanks, you guys.

Soak it up while you can, Otis.

Hey. It's Brian.


Sorry about that.

It's fine.

Otis is fine.


I heard Boden chewed your ear off for insubordination the other day.

Yeah, I'd rather not relive it.

For what it's worth, I get it.

Racing into burning buildings is one thing, but being stuck outside while someone you love is at risk, hell, there's no training that can make that any easier.

Casey, I told you, I'm... I'm not...

Yeah, I know what you told me.

That feeling, that connection, it won't go away just 'cause you don't want it to be there.

( Emotional music )

♪ ♪

Sorry to interrupt.

Mind if I borrow him for a second?



Hey. How you feeling?

I feel like there's a construction site in my skull.

But it's easing up, I can focus more.


A few more days of chicken soup and bed rest, I'll be hopping back up on Truck.

Well, that's up to the department.

It'll be a while before you can get a proper assessment.

I'm a patient man.

Everything okay?

Let me just check on something.

Would you excuse me for a moment?

Should we be worried?


I'm sure it's gotta be nothing, right?


Yeah, I'm sure it's...


What now?


Just cleaning out some useless junk from my locker.

For instance, Antonio gave me these when we went to Montrose Beach.

Don't know why I still keep them.

I haven't used them since.

I have realized something.

Let's hear it.

I need to move forward.

With a fresh perspective.

And that includes this thing with Antonio.


That sounds different than last night.

I mean, technically, nothing changed about our situation since before I took the test, right?



So why would my feelings be any different now?

I wanted to keep things light, leave my options open, do me.

I like this new attitude.

Strong. Steady.

And who knows, I mean, if... if down the line, Antonio and I are meant to be together, then...

Veering off course.

I think it might be better to just stick to the first part.

No. You're right. You're right.

Fresh start.

New day, new Brett.

Amen to that.

( Soft rock playing )

Uh, sorry, we're...



You stuck here a while?

Yeah, I was just about to start inventory.


I was gonna hit Chi Cafe.

Thought you might be up for a bite, but... another time.

Well, hold on. Kelly...

Look, I know that communication is not your first language, but... what's going on with you lately?

You've been dodging me and just acting off ever since the fire.

Can you just, for once, just tell me what you're feeling?

( Soft rock continues )

♪ ♪

♪ I will watch all my bridges burn ♪
♪ Stand in the rain till the...♪
♪ Dance in the light of a lesson learned ♪
♪ Lesson learned ♪
♪ I don't need everything that hurts ♪
♪ Never go back to the way we were ♪
♪ Stand there, oh, my baby, watch it burn ♪
♪ Watch it burn ♪

♪ ♪
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