Lake Alice (2017)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Lake Alice (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

See ya at my place at 10.

Hey Babe.

I'm heading home now.

Just some friends.

No, not tonight, I'm just gonna head home, but I'll just see you tomorrow, okay?

You too.


Someone there?

♪ A story unwritten

♪ It's all in my head

♪ I'll tell you the details as we Thanks for having me up here.

It's really great to finally meet you.

It's great to have you here, we'd heard so much about you.

All good things, I hope.

No, all terrible.

♪ The truth lies unseen

♪ The wreckage

♪ The fairytale ends

♪ And all of my heroes are gone in the end

♪ Maybe I'm supposed to write a song

♪ Maybe I'm supposed to tell the sad, sad details

♪ Of it all So Ryan, Sarah tells us that you work in the movies.

That's right.

Oh, anything that we may have seen?

I'm just starting out, so, not yet.

Hey, we're gonna run to the store and stop at the coffee shop, you wanna come?

No, we're good.

Do you want us to bring you back anything?

No thanks. Are you sure?

They're fine, Honey.

We won't be long.

You sure you don't want anything?

Yes, Mother. Just checking.

Just want to make sure. Let's go.

Do you have the keys? Yes, Honey.


Here we go.

I'll handle this.

Hi, Sheriff.

Got the whole family up here with ya?

Up for the holidays, huh?

Come on, Hank, we do this every year.

Nice photo.

There a reason you pulled me over?

Just like to know who's going through my town.

We done?

Have a nice day.

I can't stand that guy.


You coming?


Come on.

I'll stay here.

All right, do you want anything?

Surprise me.

Oh, okay, don't set me up for that, I always know I'm gonna fail.

Miss you already.

See ya in a couple of days.

What am I supposed to do with this?

Oh, you're gonna duct tape it?

You got a better idea?

It's your camera.

Hold it right here.



Come on, let's go.

Woo hoo!


Hi. Hi, Jane.

I heard you guys were in town.

You did?

Well, you know small towns, word travels fast.

So how long are you guys up here this year?

Probably just through Christmas.

Sarah's gotta get back to California.

Aw, what a shame.

How is she?

She's good, she brought her boyfriend home.

We'd never met him before this.


I didn't know she had a boyfriend.

Yeah, almost a year.

Well that's wonderful.

How's Tyler? Oh, he's great!

He was asking about Sarah the other day, wanted to know why she hadn't been up here to visit.

Remember when they were kids?

They were practically joined at the hip.

I know, it's crazy how fast time flies.

Next thing you know, they're on their own.

Stop, stop.


Looks like boot prints.

So it does.

That's weird.


Because we only just got here.

Well, you know, may be your dad or something, right?


Come on, you're way over thinking this.

Good? Mm-hmm.


All aboard.

Let's go.

Ready? Yeah.

Oh, perfect.

Hey, Carl.

Merry Christmas.


Thanks for plowing our driveway for us.

Happy I could help.

So you have any special plans for Christmas?

Yeah, I'm not much of a holiday person.

Well, you should stop by the cabin sometime.

Oh, I don't wanna be a bother.

Nonsense. Okay.

Well, maybe, maybe.

Thanks again for helping.

Hey, don't mention it, Natalie.





My dad caught a muskie over there a few summers ago.


It's a fish. I knew that.

I just love it out here.

It's gorgeous.

You know, I was really nervous to meet your parents.


It's a big step.

I'm really glad you brought me out here though.

Me too.

What are you doing?

Sarah Marie.. Yes.

Yes. You gotta let me finish.

Okay, I'm sorry, go ahead.

Sarah, I knew from the first moment that I met you that I was gonna spend the rest of my life with you.

Not only are you the smartest, funniest, most beautiful pain in the ass I've ever met,

but you're also my best friend.

And I can't think of anything more amazing than spending the rest of my life with you.

Will you marry me?

Oh my god.

Oh my god. Yes?

Yes, yes!

I love you. I love you.

Morning, Sheriff. Two cups of coffee to go and a blueberry scone.

Now Hank, you shouldn't be eating that stuff.

It's gonna weigh you down.

You sound like my ex wife.

Well she was right, I'll be right back.

Keep the change. Well thank you.

You two have a good day.

He's such an ass.

I heard he's gonna be retiring soon.

We'll be better for it.


We got locked out.

Aw, I hope you weren't waiting long.

No, not long at all.

Here, let's get you in.

Okay, I'll be quick.

There we go.

Hey, did you guys take the spare key?

Greg? Hmm?

Do you have the spare key?


It wasn't in the garage.

I'm sure he has it somewhere.

Can't remember anything anymore.

You guys were gone for a while.

Your mom and a few people in the coffee shop.

Did you guys eat?

Not hungry. I'm good.

Hey Mom, guess what. What?

Oh my god!

Honey, congratulations!

Aw, thanks, Mom.

I'm so happy for you both.

Well, we need to celebrate.

I'm gonna make a huge dinner tonight.

Anything you want.

Mom, you don't have to do that.

Oh, nonsense, what are you in the mood for?

Nevermind, I'm gonna surprise you.

Congratulations, Honey.

Thanks Dad.

I gotta go get the Christmas tree out of the garage.

Hi! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Is it cold enough for ya out there?

Yeah, tell me about it.

Good to see you. You too.

Where's Sarah? She's in her room with Ryan.

Sarah, come on out here!

Hi guys.

Hi! Hi.

How ya doin'? Oh, we're just doing great.

Tyler, how's it going? Great.

Oh, long time no see.

Yeah, work's been kinda crazy.

I'm sure it's pretty nonstop over there.

Who's this?

This is Sarah's boyfriend Ryan.

Well, not boyfriend any more.

Oh my goodness. congratulations.

This is such good news. Thank you.

Wow, yeah, that's amazing.

Would you guys like to stay for dinner?

Yeah, I'd love to. Oh, we'd love to, but we've already eaten at the cafe.

We really just stopped by to give you this.

Jane, you didn't have to do that.

Stop, it's Christmas.

Thank you.

Well hey, it was great seeing you.

You know what?

I have a show tomorrow night at nine so you two should come by, it'll be a good time.

I'm a singer, songwriter.

Course you are.

Yeah, we'd love to. Yeah?

Okay, great, awesome, then I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey, and congrats again.

Thank you. Yeah, congratulations.

Thanks guys. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas. Drive safe.

Well, Tyler won't be calling you anymore.

Aren't you gonna open it?

I feel kinda guilty I didn't get them anything.

We'll just get them something later.

I suppose.

It's cute.

It is.

They seem nice.

They're great.


What's the deal with you and Tyler?

Tyler and I grew up together.

That's it?

Before I left for California...

We hung out.

One thing just sort of led to another.


It was just a silly summer fling, nothing serious.



Tyler and I were best friends.

Funny, you never mentioned him.

When did this end?

Technically, no one ended it.

But we both knew that nothing serious would ever happen between us.

Ryan, I'm yours.

Okay, nothing can ever change that.

Let's just leave the past where it belongs.


I dunno.

I mean, it was kinda convincing.

What do you mean?

Oh my god, shut up.

Oh my god.

Okay, all I'm saying is that they've only known each other a year and now they're getting married, I mean, don't you think that's a little sudden?

They're in love, Honey, that's what people in love do.

Well, we don't even know this guy.

I mean, how's he gonna support her?

He doesn't even have a real job.

Come on Greg, you and I both know that doesn't mean anything.

It'll mean something when they can't pay the rent.

Just try to make an effort.


You gotta really stir it, otherwise it's gonna burn.

Beans don't burn.


What's for dinner? Hi.

Hi. Are your hands clean?

Nope. I don't care.

Can I have some, get it on me.

Catch it. I gotta run into town and gas up the truck.

Supposed to be a major snow storm headed our way and the t*nk's only half full.

Okay Honey, drive safe.

Hey Dad, Ryan will go with you.

All right.

Have fun.

I'll be right back, you need anything?




Sorry, I didn't see you.

Gonna have a crazy Christmas, huh?

These six beers.

They're for my daughter's fiance.

Fiance, Sarah?

I didn't see that one coming.

Yeah, he's from California.

Well that is a shame, isn't it?

Not really.

Have a good night, David.

Your fly's undone.

You the same, Mr. Thomas.

Serve and protect, my ass.

Hi, can I help you?

So you're Sarah's fiance, huh?


Tell me, is she still a firecracker?

Excuse me?

You heard me.

Is there a problem?

Is there something wrong, deputy?

Just getting better acquainted with, what's your name?

Ryan. Ryan.

Guys have a good night.


You kidding me?

I have no idea what's going on, but I'm getting a little bit sick of this shit.

Oh come on.


He made a comment about Sarah.

Like what?

Said she was a firecracker.

Oh you know what it's like when you come back to your hometown.

People remember who you were and not who you are.

Sarah was a...

Was a bit of a rebel.

That's one of the things I love about her.

Come on.

Greg, is there anything else on?

The kids don't wanna watch football all night.

I'm sure Ryan does. Oh, I don't mind.

What's your team?

Green Bay.

That's good to know, now I won't get yelled at every time there's a game on.

Okay, just not now.

I can never figure out how these stupid things work.

It's the one that says channel, Honey.

What would I do without you?

Went missing in the early hours of the morning last Wednesday. Hey, turn it up.

The bar owner and some of their patrons said they saw her seated at the bar alone for the majority of the evening.

Police have since canvassed the area and have come up with nothing.

Authorities are requesting that anybody with any information regarding Julia Mahoney please contact the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department.


You think she's dead? Hey, Ryan.


Stuff like that doesn't happen up here.

But isn't it the perfect place to do something?

I mean, we're in the middle of nowhere.


Just sayin'.

Well, people out here look out for each other.

Or so you think. Not funny!

We're gonna be just fine, Sarah.

Hey Carl, (mumbling).

Hey, I brought you some firewood.

I figured you could use it.

Well, that's very nice of you, Carl, but we've got plenty.

Anything else?

Snow's supposed to get pretty bad the next couple days, I wouldn't want you to freeze.

As I said, Carl, we're good here.

But thanks for dropping by.

That guy is a nut job. Sarah!

Mom, come on.

Probably just lonely.

I may have asked him to stop by.


Sarah, I didn't know what else to say.

I didn't think he'd actually come.

All right, it's fine, he's gone.

Wash up, it's dinner time.

Ryan, could you do me a favor?

Could you get some more firewood from outside?

I'm gonna help Natalie in the kitchen.

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, just a second.

Did ask if anyone needed to use the bathroom.

You doing that on purpose?


Driving me crazy.

Que pasa, what's this?

Open it. Really?


I gotta warn ya, if it's an engagement ring, I'm not really ready for this kinda commitment.

Sarah, Sarah, it's too much.

Merry Christmas.

It's perfect.

Come here, thank you. Mm-hmm.

You know?

I'm kind of in love with you.

Just a little bit.

My parents are still awake.

Well, you are gonna have to be extra quiet, Mrs. Emerson.


Great fort.

It's a duck blind.

Yeah, I knew that. Mmm-hmm.

Right here? Yeah.

All right, m'lady. Thank you, Sir.

Down you go.


Graceful. You okay?

Yeah, here, take your gloves.

Thank you.

Here you go. Merci.

Cheers. Cheers.

Wisconsin wine.

You know, I don't think your dad likes me very much.

He likes you.

He's just being protective.

He'll warm up. Well, he better.

'Cause I'm not going anywhere.

You better not.

I'll take it. Okay.

Yeah, I'll take it. Such good potatoes.

You like 'em? Yes.

I tried something new with them this time.

What? You want these, Dad?

Well, I used a different seasoning.

They're crispy, I like 'em like that.

Yeah? Mm-hmm.

I've found that potatoes are one of the easiest things for me to make so I've been eating way too much starch.

One of the few things you don't burn.


I've yet to meet potato I do not like.

Mom, we always eat so early.

It's tradition.

Don't mess with tradition.

And now Ryan gets to be a part of it.

Well, I love it. Aw, you kiss ass.

No, I'm good.

Could you pass me the butter please, Sweetheart?

No, I got it.

Here ya go.

These carrots are fantastic.

Okay, since I'm always the one to pass out gifts, I decided Dad's gonna do it this year.

What happened to tradition? Will you be quiet?

All right.

To Ryan.

From Mr. and Mrs. Thomas.

That was Sarah's grandfather's.

We thought it would be special for you to have now that you're part of this family.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, Mr. Thomas.

You're welcome.

To Mr. Thomas from Ryan.



Where'd you get these?

I have a friend south of the border, Sarah told me how much you really like cigars.


Thank you.

All right, Mom, this one's special.

I want you to open it now.

Hey, you ready?

Let's go.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the very talented, very yummy, Tyler Patterson.

Thank you for that introduction.

♪ Planes and trees and rocks and things

♪ What a start we had

♪ I remember everything

♪ Then everything, everything went bad

♪ Close your eyes He's good, right?

Yeah, he's okay.

Uh-oh. What?

You jealous? No, what?


♪ Everything went wrong Oh, you are.

No, I'm definitely not jealous of your handsome, John-Mayer-sounding ex-boyfriend.

Even if he does have a smile that could melt the polar ice caps.

Well, he doesn't melt me.



There's only one man that can do that to me and that is my fiance.


You're engaged? Yeah.


Must be one heck of a guy.

Yeah. Yeah?

You're kinda stuck with me.

That's a good thing 'cause you're kinda stuck with me too.

♪ Gonna learn to love this place

Oh my god, Tyler, hi!

You did so great. Thank you guys for coming.

Of course. Good job, man.

For a little bar out in the middle of nowhere.

I'm sure you guys see plenty of talented people out there in California. There's a few.

Well I'd love to get out there some day.

Oh you should come visit us.

Thank you, but it's kind of hard to get away from my mom right now with my dad leaving and all.

Okay, well you both will definitely have to come out for the wedding. We wouldn't miss it.

Hey, let me get you guys another drink.

Sure. How 'bout you, Ry?

Why not? Yeah, that a boy!

Three more sh*ts please. You got it.

What was that?

I don't know.

What's going on? It's okay, Honey, we just heard something. I don't know, someone was knocking on the front door.


I don't see anything.

Oh my god. Greg.

Stay there. Why would anybody be coming here right now? I don't know.

Greg, what's going on?

You see anything? Nobody.

What are you doing?

We don't need a g*n, somebody's gonna get hurt.

Dad, what are you doing?

Something is going on right now, Natalie!

I'm calling the police.

It's dead.

It's okay, stay there.


Greg. It's okay.

Oh my god!

No! Oh my god!


What's going on?

What's happening, oh my god.

Hey, where are the flashlights?

Stay here.

My god.

Put these on, we have to make a run for it.

We can't go out there.

Well we can't stay in here either, come on.


Run, run!


Come on, come on, come on.

No, no, no, no, damn it!


I got out there and I just I ran, I'm sorry!

It's okay, it's okay.

Did you see anyone else out there?

I don't know, all I know, one got inside.

Listen, Sarah, listen to me.

We've gotta find your mom, we've gotta get the key to the truck and we've gotta get out of here.

I don't want to go out there, he's out there.

I don't want to.. Sarah!

Listen to me, okay?

I'm just as scared as you are.


But I need you to keep it together because if you don't, we are not gonna make it out of this alive.

Can you do that for me?

Take this. Why?

In case we get separated, you gonna need more than one.

We can get separated, Ryan.

Yes, Sarah, yes you can, yes you can.

We have to go now, okay?

Let's go.


Come on, let's go around back.

Check the bathroom. Okay.


Ryan, she's in here!

Oh my god, I had no idea where you were!

We were in a duck blind, we thought we lost you.

Let's get the keys and get outta here.



Oh my god.


No, no, no, no.

Why are you doing this?

Help me!



Oh god.


Please wake up, wake up.


Let's go, we're getting outta here.

Let's go.

All right, Baby, come on.


Sarah, Sarah, wake up.

Oh thank god. Where is he?

I don't know, I don't know. Where's my mom?

We gotta get to the car. Sarah.

She tried to get away in the truck but she lost control, crashed in the ditch.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Okay, listen, we gotta get out of here.

I'm not dying here today and neither are you, do you understand?

I love you. I love you.

Go, go, go!

Come on!

Ryan, slow down, I can't run!

What are we gonna do? I don't know, just keep going! I can't keep up with you!

Sarah, listen to me, they know where we are.

We can't stop, we have to find a place to hide.


Come on.

Woah, woah woah, Sarah! Tyler!

Tyler, Tyler, you gotta help us, please.

Tyler, they're trying to k*ll us!

Okay, calm down, who's trying to k*ll you?

I don't know, we gotta keep moving, now.

Okay, well, let's, follow me.

Wait, what are you doing out here in the middle of the night, Tyler?

Oh my god, Ryan, he's going to help us.

Answer me!

I heard g*nshots coming from your place, okay?

And with everything that's been going on lately, you know, people are kidnapped, there are break-ins, I wanted to check on her.

Now, let's go.


Sarah, run, run!

You chicken shit.

Don't even have the f*ckin' balls to show your face to me, huh?

What, got nothin' to say?

Ya cock sucker.

Come on!

Who are you?

Let me go.

You f*ckin' p*ssy!


I don't wanna die.

Let me go, let me go now.

Please, god.





No, no.






Please, no!


Hey, hey, wait!




I saw you.. Dying?

Well, I had to take the attention off me somehow.

So cliche to have the jealous ex be the k*ller.

We've all seen that before, boring.

You're so gullible.

It's really cute.

How could you do this?

How could you think that's it's okay to go off and marry someone else?

But I do owe you an apology.

Hey, I'm sorry for hitting you.

f*ck you.

Hey, there's no excuse for that kind of behavior and it's not gonna happen again.

I'm sorry.

You're just so hard to pin down, you know?

I always knew there was something special between us.

Then we had that magical summer together and I knew that I can't live without you.


Then you just left.

I don't understand how you could just, just walk away from everything that we had.


It was supposed to be me.


And now it can be.

I am so proud of you.

I just knew you two would end up together.

She did, she did, she always used to say, "You're gonna marry that girl, Tyler."

And here we are, it's fate.

Now. Okay.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Do you like it?

You people are sick.


Don't you talk about my son that way.

Mom, what the hell?


Oh, I, I am so sorry.

I'm just, I'm just a protective mom.

It's okay, it's okay.

It's okay.

Mom, can I have a moment with my fiance?

Of course.


Can I have a moment alone, is that okay?


Well, it's, it's your night.

I will, I'll be outside if you need me.

Okay? Thank you, thank you.

Hank, I told you those pieces were gonna weigh you down.

I tried to move on.

See other women.

You met Julia, she was pretty, right?

I was hoping that she could fill the hole in my heart.

But she didn't understand what it meant to be with someone so I let her go.

You did that?

She wasn't you.

No one, no one can be you.

No one can compare to you.

No one can compare with you.

Everything's gonna be okay now.


It's okay now, hey.

It's okay.

It's okay, it's just us now..

Hey, hey, hey, I'm gonna be right back, okay?

I'm gonna be right back.


No, no.

No, Mom, Mom.

Mom, Mom, Mom, no no no.

Hey, I'm gonna untie you.

I'm gonna untie you but you have to promise me that you're not gonna run.

I can't lose two people I love, okay?

Let's go!


It's just me and you now.

Ow, no!



Get in the car!

No, no!

Don't touch the f*ckin' door.

Stay right there.

Oh f*ck.


Where are the keys?

No, no, no, look for the keys!

I don't have your f*cking keys!

f*ck, god, f*ck!

Stay here, don't move.

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