Scareycrows (2017)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Scareycrows (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

If you go back far enough I reckon everyone must be related to a witch.

Don't call her a witch.

Why not, everyone else does.

In any case, witches were just poor demented women that got persecuted.

You think.

Of course.

It's not like they could actually do anything.

You don't believe in spells then?

Of course not.

So, it wouldn't bother you if I was to do this?

Stop it.

That's horrible.

Cassie please that's not funny.

It can't hurt it, can it, it's not real, is it.

Stop it! Cassie!

Have you seen Esther?

Christ, Lindsey, nearly died there.

Oh sorry, have you though?

Have we what? Seen Esther?

Hello Esther, did Lindsey leave the door open again?

Come on I'd better take you back, they'll be worried about you.

Nevermind, she can't have gone far, bless her.

You shouldn't be on your own you know, there's no telling what might happen to a girl on her own after dark.

No thanks.

Do you want us to help? No, no, no, we'll find her.

She's a sweetie really, just a little bit confused.

Are you sure you don't want us to help.

She's sure.

Don't worry, don't worry we'll find her.

It's the third time this week, we ought to have a tracking device set into her nighty.


It's okay, she's here. Ah...

Esther whatever were you doing?

What are you doing in there?

I can't do this, I can't we're not kids.

We should have a place of our own by now.

We could go back to mine.


I thought I heard you come in.

I thought you said you were going out.

We decided not to bother, your dad's got one of his tummies. Right.

See you in the morning then.

Yeah night, Mom. Night, night Amy.

Night, night Ryan.

Ah shit.

I keep telling him it's all the brownies he's eating.

Mom, about last night.

It can't be any good for him but he won't listen.


Mom, I was wondering...

When I'm in my room, do you think you could?

Do you mind knocking, I'm not trying to be funny or anything.

Here he is now, Amy and I were just saying you'd be much better off with a proper breakfast.

This is a proper breakfast.

Mom, I was trying to say..

You'd never guess this was non-stick, would you?

Or we can talk about it later.

See ya later love.

Morning, all right? Good morning.

Yeah that looks great.

It does, isn't it? Yeah.

See you later. See ya.

Morning Simon. Oh morning Amy.

Hah, PC Summers, if you don't mind.

Sorry. I'm on duty now.

In my official capacity as a police community support officer.

Right. I know some people might find it petty, but, I believe it's important to maintain the dignity of the police service, at all times.

Of course, sorry Simon.

♪ In the kingdom of fairies and dragons


♪ There was a light princess and an evil dark lord

♪ Who wanted to insert his mighty sword

♪ (Mumbling) across the line

♪ (Mumbling) very fine

♪ The goblin king, he danced and sung

♪ And the


Sorry! Sorry.

Are you all right?


No I'm not...

What's happened?

It's Nathan, he stood me up last night, I thought he loved me. Nathan?

He wouldn't do that.

He was supposed to be at the pub after work last night, then we had to look for Esther, and I forgot to text him to say I'd be late.

And he didn't show, have you called him?

I'm trying but he's not answering, I've left messages but nothing.

That's weird, maybe he's had his phone nicked.

You think?

Don't worry he'll turn up.

If I see I'll ask him to call you.


I'm not implying anything, it just seems like an awful lot of products.

Well maybe that's because I've been dealing with an awful lot of clients.

Really, only the incoming for this quarter doesn't seem to have gone up at all.

Well that's probably because you've had to cut your prices so low to get anyone in here at all.

Why is that I wonder?

If the customers were happy with the service, if they walked out that door feeling pampered and beautiful, with gorgeous hair, I wouldn't have to rely on special offers to drag them in, would I?

So you're saying there's something wrong with my cutting?

Well would you want to face the world with a bob like that? It's the way she likes it!

And what's this?

What it says, kennel fees.

It was my week off remember, I was supposed to be on holiday until you begged me to come in.

It was an emergency.

Oh only so you could go on a freebie on one of your council trips.

This has nothing to do with my work as a councilor.

I'm asking why you have put down 68 pounds for kennel fees.

Because I agreed to look after my sister's cat during my holiday, what was I supposed to do, leave it to fend for itself. It's a bloody cat!

That's what they do!

Right, that's it, I'm leaving, I've put up with your crap for long enough.

It's your bloody salon, you cut the bloody hair!


f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

Where's the appointments book?

Here. I don't have time for this.

I'll put out an emergency call, there must be a stylist somewhere.

I have finished my training now..

The next one is due at 10:15, you'd better start phoning.

There's a couple of kids due in later.

I'm sure you could cope with them.

What about me?

Come back tomorrow, until then, try a hat.

♪ She's going out with birthdays

♪ I wanna be with you night and day, so swag

Don't you ever shut up?

Music is my life man.

They sound better than you do.

♪ I, I want you tonight, want you tonight, come on Jesus. Yeah!

Enjoy, guitar solo!

I'm starving, I haven't stopped all morning.

Really, lucky you, I've done bugger all.


He's had me trailing around behind him, putting up for sale signs.

I guess someone's gotta do it.

Yeah but why me?

Maybe he likes to keep you close so he can teach you things.

Amy I still haven't found him.

There's something wrong there must be, he wouldn't worry me like this. What is it now?

It's Nathan, he's vanished, I can't find him anywhere.

He's probably avoiding you.

He can't have just disappeared.

Well where could he be then?

Well it's obvious, he hasn't got the guts to dump you to your face.


Oh I'm just saying. Well don't.

Nathan is not like that, he's kind and sweet.

Oh yeah, check your texts.

Zip it Ryan she's worried.

Sorry Lindsey he doesn't mean to be a prat.


It's okay Amy I forgive him, I know he can't help anyway.

Dillon, have you see Nathan, has he been on the beach?

Nah, he's probably gone over to East Point, they've got some massive surf over there.

I don't understand he always lets me know where he is.

I should be very disappointed if he's..

Check your texts it will be there.

You guys making Scareycrows this year?

You seem to be forgetting Dillon the rest of us grew up years ago.

I'm supposed to be doing one for the salon, for the winter display.

I used to love making Scareycrows.

Then make one, there's no rule that says it's only for kids.

I just hope it goes better than last year.

Ah, me too, oh my God, all I remember about last year was getting bundled into an ambulance until my appendix had burst, look I thought I was dying.

You missed out on all the action.

Ryan doing his hero act and dragging Cassie of the sea.

I still say she was lucky he was there, most people I know would've left her to drown.

Dillon, that's a terrible thing to say.

What it's true, she's a bitch, she always was.

Even so, you shouldn't be horrible about her.

It's like, well, speaking ill of the dead.

She's not dead, she's just in a wheelchair.

It's a bit more than that.

Have any of you actually seen her?

Since the accident I mean.

Well didn't you know she's back.

Really? Hmm-mm.

I was kind of hoping we'd never see her again.

Well her dad's got her.

Hmm, that's all we need.

Cassie causing trouble again.

I don't think there's much chance of that.

What? ID please.

So who the f*ck do you think I am then?

I have no idea mate, no ID, no entry.

If you can't prove your age, you're not coming in.

Ah Jesus. Please, Sean.

He's your cousin. So?

So you f*cking well know I'm over 21.

Passport, driving license or photographic ID card.

Have we got a problem? Hey, good to see you mate!

You all right? Hello Steph!

Hi Ryan.

We going in?

Not without IDs you're not.

Oh God, nothing changes does it?

Happy now?

Come on.

I'll pay you back mate I'm just a bit short.

That's all right, forget about it, it's good to see you.

So are you back for the summer?

Oh God no, I'm doing a placement in Paris with an aeronautics company for a couple of months, and then I'll be back at Uni in October, so I thought I'd better pop down and see the family before I head off, you know.

So watch about you?

You're were working in that grotty little estate agents the last time we came back, what are you up to now.


He's still in the grotty little estate agents, doing very well there, actually.

That's great, it's always busy in the property market isn't it? Yeah.

Oh I'll be with you in a minute.

And how about you Amy, what keeps you busy with your days?

Still in hair and beauty, I could make the most ordinary girl look stunning.

You should call in sometime.

I'd love to, but my aunt's got me a place in a short history of art course at the Sorbonne.

So I'll be flying out with Alex.

You won't be here for long then.

Afraid not. Right, what can I get you?

Cranberry vodka. Pint of cider.

I'll have a pint of (mumbling).

And I'll have a lager please.

Okay, (muttering), yes.

And how's life with your Josh?

Good thanks. Still working hard?

He never stops.

I have to raise money somehow.

For what? Equipment!

Amplifiers, speakers, lighting.

Really, what for?

Oh to launch myself, I was gonna go on Britain's Got Talent, but I've lost faith in them now, so, I've decided to self-promote, I've got the website, YouTube channel, all I need now is recordings from a few gigs, so I can start selling my music direct to the public.

That's impressive, how have the gigs been going then?

Well I haven't actually had any yet.

But I do have my first booking lined up though.

Really? Yeah, come if you like!

We'd love to but, we're only back for a few nights.

Well that's okay, it's tomorrow.

Great, where are you playing?

On the lawn, I'm the official entertainment for Scareycrow Night.

Oh dear God. Brilliant, we'll be there.


Oh look it's Jules and Marvin.

Oh right, we'll see you then.

Bring it to the table Josh. Cool!

Pretentious stuck-up little cow.

Why does he get to work in Paris for the summer when I'm stuck in this dump?

Because his father owns a construction company and yours doesn't.

I bet they don't have to creep around the park benches.


It's all about opportunity thought isn't it, he's had 'em all of his life.

Here guys. Thanks.

Cheers mate.

I'm never gonna get any though, am I?

Not unless I go out and find it for myself.

How do you mean?

I can do so much more with my life Amy.

I know I can.

Do you know how I spent this afternoon?


Dusting a house.

I'm not joking, some old lady dies and she's got this cottage as a holiday let, so he had me over there all afternoon tidying it up. Hmmm.

Shit. What?

Oh, I've gotta bring the key back.

Will you get in trouble?

Only if he finds out.

You said it's empty?


I still don't see how he can just sack you.

Really, because he just did.

Yeah but you could've apologized.

No. Oh sure.

No, I don't like begging.

But you..

And do you know why because I don't want his crappy little job.

I haven't meant it to happen like this but how would you feel about moving to London?


I know it's a bit sudden, but sometimes you have to take an opportunity when it comes.

What opportunity?

If this hadn't have happened, we might have gone on for years, never daring to make the break.

What are you on about?

It's what we want isn't it?

A real life somewhere with prospects.

I'm not going anywhere, I've still got a job, remember.

I thought you loved me.

I do, well I'm not just gonna throw everything out and go to London.

What so what, you're saying we're over?

No, you're the one who's talking about leaving not me.

But if you won't come with me then it's the same thing.

Jesus Ryan you're unbelievable.

Make your mind up Amy! Are you coming or not?

Where is it? Pardon?

The Scareycrow you were supposed to have done the window display.

I'm sorry I was on my own.

And, Christ Almighty.

I'm sorry.

You do realize that I am supposed to show the judges around all the Scareycrow displays?

What the hell are they going to think if my own salon doesn't even have a Scareycrow, hmm?

I did try.

Not hard enough, I want that window done by lunchtime

and it had better look spectacular.

Now where the hell is this stylist?

Oh Jesus, why do I always have to deal with idiots hmm?

Just for once, for once, why can't they send me someone efficient and professional.

Someone hardworking, talented and stunningly creative?

Your prayers have been answered.

Hmm, shabby chic meets rural neglect.

Very 1970s.

Are you? Yes, Declan Villers, formerly of Cuts 'n Quiffs on the King's Road.

Of course that was before I went into exile in the provinces.

Right, well, I'm Donna Bex.

And this must be Cinderella?

It's Amy the junior stylist.

Excellent, I always like to have a sl*ve.

Now show me the basics.


Can I help you, Madam?

I hope so.

There was a bit of a problem with her cut.

They told me to come back today.

Oh my God that's terminal.

I'm sorry sweetie, but this is an emergency.

But you've only just started.

Was it a punishment? A what?

It's okay, I think we can salvage something.

I know a place that does an excellent range of wigs, joking.

Don't worry, we'll have you fixed to face the world again in no time.

Would you like a cup of tea?

I'd rather have my hair cut.

Well I would do it but Donna will k*ll me if this isn't finished by the time she gets back.

Why did you leave London?

Long story, big city, but a small world.

All those millions of people and wherever I went I kept bumping into my ex. Oh...

I got quite paranoid in the end.

I even confronted him once and asked if he was stalking me. And was he?

No but it got a bit nasty.

That's when I decided I had to do something, Declan I said, time for desperate measures.

You've gotta get away for a while.

It doesn't matter where, just get on a train and go.

Just like that?

It's the Irish in me, always been impulsive.

Aren't those things supposed to go in fields?

You're thinking of scarecrows, this is a Scareycrow.

And the difference is?

Also a long story.

More of legend really.

Oh go on, I love a good legend.

Well it all started hundreds of years ago when we were at w*r with the French.

Sidcombe was just a little fishing village back then.

All the men had been press-ganged and taken away to join the navy, that meant the women and children were left alone with no one to protect them, and one day a French ship approached.

Of course they were terrified, because they knew they couldn't defend themselves, and the French raiders had been burning villagers all along the coast.

It was looking bad but one of the women had an idea.

She told the others to gather scarecrows from the fields and stand them up along the key side, as the French got closer, they saw the scarecrows lined up thought they were troops and sailed away.

Ah that's sweet.

And every year since then, there's been a Scareycrow Festival to celebrate.

Better? Oh yes!

Thank you so much. My pleasure.

My God those things are everywhere.

What's it doing there?

Oh I can't cope with that staring at me all day.

They're personal friends of mine of course, yes.

Here it is, and look at that, that's a fine piece of weaponry wouldn't you say, a fine piece of weaponry.

Highly dangerous.

Well you know, a Scareycrow is supposed to be dangerous aren't they?


Your face!

What is it with you people, I thought the stereotype

(Mumbling) not trying to give everyone heart att*cks.

Friendly, Scareycrows aren't friendly, they're evil.

Aren't you ever gonna grow up?

You said I should make a Scareycrow, what do you think?

I think you're a twat.

How can Scareycrows be evil?

I thought they saved the village.

Oh they did, but I bet you've only heard the PC version.

You mean there's a non-PC version?

Oh yeah, there's the true version, you know a long time ago when Sidcombe was a small fishing village, it happened once all the men were press-ganged into joining the navy, there were a lot of French raids going on back then.

But it just happened one of the women was a witch.

Next thing you know there's an army of Scareycrows with pitchforks and scythes that are slapping the French into the pieces until the beach was red with blood.

Oh no, I don't like that at all.

I much prefer the prettier version.

Anyway Amy's version is far more believable.

They are stuck in the Dark Ages around here.

You don't seriously believe in witches?

What are you doing with that, that's one of the prices.

All right, all right. Playing with that, you'll spoil it, I thought agreed to help me.

Okay, okay I'll sort these things out.

I'll (mumbling). Yup.


Look, it's Cassie and her dad.

It's horrible, I had no idea she was so bad.

We should go over and talk with him.

No, I mean what's the point it's not like we can help her.

But it's so tragic.

Yeah but we don't have...

Hi Mr. Rundle, we were just saying how glad we are now that Cassie is back.


We were hoping we could look after her for a while, weren't we Amy?

We could show her the window displays.


And now the highlight of our tour.

Please, after you.

Oh my God.

Who did that?

Much friendlier now.

Let's get out of here.

♪ I wanna be with you


♪ I wanna see you

♪ Oh yeah Oh hello girls, do you want a to have a go.

We've got some lovely prizes.

No thanks Mom.

I will I can't resist a little flutter.

Oh lovely.


Oh what a shame, oh do you want to try again?

No thanks.

Are you sure, we've got some (mumbling) left.

Have you?

Tell you what, how about five for a fiver?


Sure to win.

Go on then.

These are out of date. Ssshht you!

What is this, 2010, you can't give that away!

It's for a very good cause.


I told her myself, she won't listen to me.

Not my lucky day.

Do you want to try again?

No, no.

There we are, I hope that's comfortable.

She can't hear you. How do you know?

She might know everything that's going on, it can happen sometimes, I read about it.

You're joking? No seriously.

Wouldn't it be awful, can you imagine being trapped like that, unable to move but still conscious.

Oh shut up, I don't want to think about it.

What happened to her anyway.

No one knows exactly she must have fallen off the seawall.

It happened this day last year, it was late at night and apparently she had a lot to drink.

You don't think she was pushed?

No of course not.

I mean, I could she could be a, a bit of a cow sometimes, but surely no one would really try to k*ll her?

Oh look it's the comedian.

Hey did you see that?


Well that Scareycrow just moved.

One of your friends was it?

No, no, seriously.

Wasn't it over there just now?

Wasn't what?

Well that Scareycrow in the green trousers, I swear it was over there.

I don't know they're everywhere.

Geez, there's another one.

I don't know about you lot but after all this entertainment I need a drink.

Good plan.

Oh hey you two.

We're heading to the pub, you coming?

Yeah sure. Yeah.

I could do with a drink.

Oh, how cute.

It's watching us.

Oh Dillon it's not funny.

I'm not joking. Give it a rest okay?

We should tell someone. Has he been on dr*gs again?

Oh don't panic Dillon, we'll protect you.

They're only made out of straw after all, here.


Shit. There's no signal!

We can use the landline in the pub!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

You've got to let us in! ID please!

We need your phone, it's an emergency.

Passport, driving license or photographic ID.

My boyfriend is dead, you have to let us in.

Coming through.

We need your phone! 999!

Now! Please!

It's dead.

That's weird.

Are there any other phones?

No. What are we gonna do?

The Scareycrows, they're all on the lawn.

We have to warn everyone.

What about her?

We'll have to leave her here.

You can't do that. It's fine, she's over 21.

Go home it's not safe!

But we caught something!

Piss off mate, it's not Halloween, don't think you're coming in dressed like that.

No she was on the lawn earlier, I haven't seen her since then.

All right okay, thanks.

Thank you so much everbody for coming, (mumbling), so we have our third prize winner...

Look at this, look at this, the w*apon and...

What is it?

One at a time!

Our second prize is...

You first!

My boyfriend's been att*cked he's dead.

You're driving me on.

Our first prize winner...

And my Nathan, he was missing and now they've just fished his head out of the brink.

Thank you so much, all of you.

Listen, I don't know what you..


I'm calling for backup.

Code red, this is Summers, control...

What's she doing here?

Stop, I'm gonna have to detain you!

Stop now, come on!

Mom, Mom, listen, go! What?

Listen to me, go, move it, go!



Start you bastard!

What's wrong?

I don't know, it's dead.

We've gotta find somewhere safe.


You can't do that.

Why not.

This is the house of God, it's open for everyone.

Not today it's not, it's every woman for herself.

What's wrong?

Take your top off.


They'll see it.

Mother, if you could see me now.

Run, come on let's go!

Do you think they're gone?

Do you think they'll come back?

I don't know, I don't know.

We'll be safer in a building.

But they'll see us.

They must be somewhere nearby.

Please forgive me for the mean thoughts I had about my poor Nathan, I had no idea he had his head cut off.

I suppose that's why he didn't meet me.

I should have known he wouldn't have just gone off.

He was such a lovely person.

Such a lovely, lovely person.

Get a grip.



Get the ax.


Hit it.

Hit it!


Cut his f*cking head off!

Not so tough now are you Mr. Strawman?

Wait someone's coming.

Look it's the guys, come on let's go.

It's Simon.

Let us in you dickhead we know you're in there.


Let us in. Get back, get back!

This building is only open during office hours and..

Scareycrow invasions.

Why are you here?

Me, I thought the station, someone should..

Because he's hiding.

No I'm not, I made a strategic withdrawal until backup arrives.

Good plan.

Help's on the way then?

No I'm afraid not, (mumbling) radio is dead.


It's Cassie.

I know it is.

But how?

I don't know, but it's her.

It must be, she's blocking all the signals.

It's not just phones, it's cars too.

Yeah it's true, nothing's moving.

So no communication, no way out, and a town full of homicidal Scareycrows?


What do we do now?

In the circumstances I think there's only one thing we can do.

But if it is Cassie then why is she doing it?

Because she's evil. She always hated everyone.

And now she's found a way of k*lling people.

But it's not everyone is it? How do you mean?

Because it wasn't just random, the Scareycrows, they're targeting people.

Do you think?

Nathan disappeared first, then Alex was att*cked, then Josh, then Ryan.

All guys, strange but if you'd ask me, I would've thought that Cassie was hating girls more than guys.

Well there must be a reason, what have they all got in common?

Thank God!

I'm safe!


Oh you don't get it, that's all the guys she screwed.

Alex, Nathan, Josh, Ryan.



Forget I said that.

Is that true?

Listen it wasn't like that.

Really, then how was it exactly?

Please just listen all right?

Amy it was ages ago.

Long before I started seeing you honestly you gotta believe me.

Keep going.

It was just a once.

I didn't wanna have anything to do with her after that.

But last year on Scareycrow night, she was drunk and she would not leave me alone.

Oh really? She works there.

She was battered.

That's so romantic.

I'm still in love with her you know that?

Yeah, oh really?


Cassie please.

Oh come on baby.

Let's get together.

Cut it out.

Sorry love I don't think he's interested.

Yeah well he will be.

I know what he likes.

No, no, no, no, no, I'm with Amy now.

What do I have to do?

Put a spell on you?

Look just f*ck off okay?

Then I saw her watching us.

And it was just after that when you collapsed.

I wanted to get into the ambulance with you, but your parents were there.

I was just helpless.

And so the others tried to calm me down and they took me to the seawall and, that's when it all happened.

Look, don't worry Ryan, she'll be okay.

No she won't.

Just forget her, she's gone now.

What the hell is that?


You're evil.

No I am strong and you are weak, all of you!

She's mental.

You're all too scared to have what you want now, but I'm not.

Hey, stop it.

Look I said stop it.


You should've told me.

I didn't think you'd understand.

No you're right there.

As soon as I saw what had happened, when she landed on the rocks I went in and pulled her out.

And let everyone believe you were a hero.

No I didn't want that.

You could've told me, Ryan.

You could've told me.

I'm sorry.

I thought I could trust him. I know.

I trusted Nathan.

It's hard when you realize your boyfriend's an assh*le.

Sometimes it's hard to see any purpose in anything.

There's one good thing to come of all of this.


Yes at least we know who's she after.

She's probably not interested in the rest of us at all, if that, I'm going home.

You can't do that.

I can't guarantee your safety if you leave these premises.

Simon, you couldn't guarantee my safety crossing the road, think about it.

If all these Scareycrows are out to k*ll him, the best I can do is get as far away as possible from him.

But they may be outside.

So, why would they want me, I've never had any issues with Cassie, I never tried to k*ll her.

I always try to be positive, try to look for a silver lining, to see the best in people but...

I guess we have to think about other people.

About their problems.

About what it's like to be them.

What do you mean?

Cassie she's so alone.

She's never had any real friends.

Maybe she's never felt truly loved.

So, who's coming with me?

Not you Ryan.

Right, stay here and be victims if you like, I'm going home for a nice warm bath.

See you later.

I need to pray.

Oh my God, what are we gonna do.

That's not enough, you're the policeman, do something!

Like what? Anything, protect us!

With what?

How should I know, you're the machoman!

Listen, I bleed just as much as you do remember?

When I signed up the training covered all sorts of situations but there was no mention of being impaled by rampant Scareycrows.

But somebody has to do something.

All right.

It's okay Amy, I can see clearly now.

Clearly this is an emergency situation so I'm taking control.

You'll all do exactly as I say, we don't know how long this is gonna last, so it's important that we all stick together and support each other.

I need to speak with her.

It's time we take action, we're gonna find the other two, move to the most secure part of the building and barricade ourselves in.

No no, come back!

Lindsey! Lindsey?

What the hell is she doing.

Praying. Lindsey!

Get back in here at once!

I've come to share God's love with you Cassie.

Would you like to pray with me?

I think that was a no.

We need to barricade.

Move everything down!

Come on everybody, come on!

Oh shit!

Now what?

Run! No, bike!

Where are we heading anyway?

(Mumbling), I've got the keys to Dad's unit.

Amy, Amy!

Like I'm the gay guy with the girl's bike.

Then leave it, come on!

Declan, come on!

Coming! Come on!

Amy I need to talk to you.

Let's not now, Ryan.

Do you still love me?

No. Really?

Listen this really isn't the time to..

Look if I'm gonna die then I need to know do you love me.

You're not gonna die.

Just tell me.

Okay, I love you.


What is this place?

My dad works here.

And you have a key because?

Does it matter?

No, I'm not going in there.

Fine stay out here with the Scareycrows.

Okay, follow me.

It's not that bad.

No I can't, it smells like (Foreign language).

My mom got me that last Christmas.

Can't we just stay here?

This is ridiculous where are the lights?

Oh no, I don't like this.

So what are we gonna do?

Nothing. Nothing?

You mean just wait for Cassie to find us?

Yeah this place is like a bunker we'll be safe here.

That's what they told Hitler.

Nowhere safe, Cassie's cut out the phones, she stopped the cars, God knows what else she can do.

Yeah you're right.

Look I'm sorry Amy guys this was a mistake.

What do you mean?

Well it's me Cassie wants.

Running away is not gonna solve anything, I might as well just go out there and face her.


Look, I love you, and I would do anything for you.

You're not going anywhere.

Look if he wants to be a hero.

Shut it Declan, I've had enough.

From now on, we're doing this my way.

No but there is no..

It's not about you anymore.

Cassie k*lled Lindsey didn't she, and Simon.

We have to start fighting back.

Ryan is right about one thing, he's the one that Cassie wants.

So I think we should let her have him.


Makes sense to me. Listen.

If Cassie has these weird powers, she's gonna find us.

But if we're lucky, it won't be for a while, I think we should be ready.

You mean set a trap?

What with me as the bait no way.

Whatever happened to I love you Amy, I'd do anything for you Amy.

If we surprise her, maybe we can catch her on her own.

Look, if I'm supposed to be the bait then who the hell is gonna take out Cassie?

And with what, we don't have any weapons.

Unless we're supposed to batter her with spanners.

Oh, batter a girl in a wheelchair, bad karma.

She's not a girl in a wheelchair.

She's the bitch that m*rder*d my best friend.

I'll do it, for Lindsey.

Cassie, you've got me.

I'm all on my own, there's no one else around.

It's what you wanted though wasn't it Cassie?

Just you and me?


Hit her!



One down.

Are you okay?

No, hay fever.


Let them go.

They've got nothing to do with this.

Let them go.

I said let them go.

Let him go now.

Yeah you're not helping.

Please Cassie.

Bad move.

Never beg a psychopath.

Okay, okay we get it, you've got the power here, you just do not need to k*ll anybody else.

Oh my fingers!

Please, please.


I can't style without fingers!

Just calm down.

Come on!

Not without my fingers!

Are you joking?

(Mumbling) with those fingers!

Not anymore!

Nonsense, surgeons can work miracles.

Oh my God, there's one.

Come to daddy.

Okay, now (muttering), come on.

Yeah, yeah okay thanks I'll tell him.

Hey, the ambulance is on its way, they say they got a surgeon waiting for you.

Oh good, a perfect end.

To the perfect day.



Are you still going?


To London and if you are I think I might come with you.

I think I've had enough of Sidcombe for now.

♪ Well, you know he was standing out from the crowd

♪ Asking himself why I'm not feeling his sound

♪ Sleeping off (mumbling)

♪ Here's how dreams are made

♪ That's why you've been sold

♪ (Mumbling) begins to flame

♪ Now it's easy and much better, I'll never do it

♪ You're a wayward country boy
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