Blood Quantum (2019)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Blood Quantum (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

What took you so long? Fish Mitten's. Where is she?

Fish Mitten's.

What'd you do to her? Nothin'.

There could've been, uh, rat poison in that garbage.

That could've been it.

This f*cking dog, Traylor, I told you about them.

Now I gotta pick all this shit up.


Sorry, girl.


What I wouldn't do to sh**t my ex's dog.

Have you met my ex?

You're a little early.

Early for what? You didn't talk to Doris?

She's just getting in now.

She might've called my place, but I wasn't home.

What she's supposed to be telling me?

Joseph got picked up this morning.

They got him in town, and they said they'll only release him to you.

Jesus Christ.

You think this is us?

Just shitty parents?

I think he thinks his dad is a f*ck-up.

And it gives him a free pass.

I'll meet you there at noon. No reason to get him out early.


Have you seen Harley?

No. I'll keep an eye out for her.



- I'm here, Chief. I've been calling your place all morning.

I'm at Joss's.

- Oh, yeah?

Not like that. Get on with it.

Skip the hillbilly antics and just give me the highlights.

- I'm just trying to get organized.

Today has been crazy, really crazy.

Burner called earlier.

He said some drunk white guy was trying to eat his chickens, and that if you didn't show up soon, he was gonna blow his f*cking head off.

His words, Chief.

Where's Bumper?

- Where else, Chief? He's in the woods.

Bring him down and get him strapped. What else?

- You know Joseph got picked up?

I talked to Joss already. I'll get him this afternoon.

- That's not what I was gonna mention, Chief.

Spit it out.

- Lysol got picked up with him.

Of course he did.

This band is open. Keep me posted.

- One more thing, Chief. Your dad called.

He sounded... scared.


Look inside!

Look inside.

Dead salmon.

I think I'm going crazy.

Dad, you--

That... that thing is gutted!

I pulled him out of the river this morning.

I've been fishing these rivers for 60 years, I never seen nothing like that.

I have gas in the trunk.

Burn it.

What the f*ck is going on, Dad?

Give me the gas and the dog.

Feel like coming out of retirement?

You're a Deputy in the Red Crow Police Department.

Bumper will be up at his camp. Bring him down.

See what's up at Burner's.

Don't get anyone shot.

That fish is still moving.



So you want to quit drinking, just... f*ck AA, just lock somebody in a cell with you two f*cking idiots all night.

Hey, f*cking die already, hillbilly.

You here to break me out?

Come on, man. Hmm.

I knew Dad wouldn't come and get you, but he'd come get us.

Hmm. So I got arrested townie side.

Ooh, do you think he's gonna come get you? He could just leave you.

My mom wouldn't let him.

Thanks, man, but... I'm no f*cking charity case, and you being Traylor's good son, any stupid shit you do, your people are gonna hang on me.

Maybe I'm just trying to f*ck with my dad, then.

That's the same difference, Joey.


Oh, my f*ck!


Get us outta here!!

Jesus, Traylor, you said noon, and that was an hour ago.

Get the hell off RC time.

I'm here.

Thank you.


Hey, Sham.

Whenever you're ready, man.

We don't got all day.


Hey, Jess.

So we got some paperwork for you to read and sign, and then, uh... me and Traylor here, I guess we'll just do that all up just like last time.

You know your boy gets arrested more than a prost*tute?

I'll be in the car.

She seems mad.

So what'd he do?

- Well, we caught him on the bridge.

He had climbed up the structure and... and shimmied over the road on the crossbar.

And then he took a shit on the first car that drove by.

Happens there was a little lady from our side of the line.

She probably thought it was a g*dd*mn pterodactyl sh1tting on her.

Gross. Alright. Ahem.

Let's go.

It smells like a f*cking ass in here!

What's with the blood?

Was this guy beat up when he came in?

No, he's been clutching his guts all night. And then he started--

Come on.

Don't go nowhere, shitbrains.

What the f*ck?! Ah!!

Ah! Help!! Help!

Ow! Ah, f*ck! He f*cking bit me.

You don't bite me when I'm fighting, m*therf*cker!

Come on. - Give me that. You want to eat people?!

You want to... you want to eat people?!

You want to f*ckin' eat people, you cocksucker?!

Hey! Hey!

f*ckin' lost your g*dd*mn-- Hey, he's had--

Now you're going to get your-- He's had enough!

Your f*ckin' hillbilly-- - That's enough! You f*cking--

I'll put a new hole in your head, you sonofab*tch!!

You're gonna f*ckin' k*ll him!

Lock 9!!

Ah! f*ck!!

Looks like he got your tit.

Just... just f*ck off, or I'll f*ckin' put you back in there, you understand?!

f*ck. - This is too f*cked up! Where did he go? Where the--


Hey, hey, you're not leaving me here, right?!

And then this f*cking mental case just lunges, like... like lunges at Shamu and bites him right in the chest.

And me and Lysol and Traylor trying to pull him, and then he f*cking bites me, too.

I don't give a shit who bit you.

I'm ready to bite you myself.

So what did you get arrested for?

Just vandalized some car.

You just vandalized some car?

You need to start making better choices.

I know I f*cked up, Mom.

Now you know?

Well, maybe you do, maybe you don't.

Look, I know your heart's in the right place, but... your head's up your ass.

It's not like I just met Charlie, Mom.

It's not like I don't care about her.

Look, I really love her.

Look, I'm not talkin' about Charlie.

I'm talkin' about your brother.

And I'm talkin' about why you keep getting into trouble with this guy.

He doesn't have anyone else.

Traylor f*cking abandoned him.

The whole reserve knows what happened to his mom.

I hear you and I... I get you on that.

Joseph, if you're more focused on being a brother to Lysol than being a father...

...and if the question ever came up if you were ready...

...the way you're prioritizing your life right now is your answer.

Well, that was really f*cked up.

This whole day has been f*cked up.

Oh, I'm sure you've had worse.

- You on, Chief?

What news?

- Shocker called and said his girlfriend is sick, and the ambulance from town still isn't picking up.

They never pick up.

What time did he call you?

And how long has he been calling the townies?

- Well, he called here at 12:30 this afternoon, and he said he's been calling for an ambulance since last night, but he could be lying.

You have no idea how many times I've been over there because of his bullshit.

His girlfriend's still pregnant?

- Pretty sure, boss.

I can't keep bailing you out, Alan.

Nobody told you to bail me out.

Tell that to your brother.

Whatever you think of me... the kid deserves better.

Better than what?

Either one of us.

Sperm donor!

This is the ugliest waiting room I've ever seen.

Thanks for stopping by.

I'm sorry.

Everything seems like a good idea when you're drunk.

Says the teenage boy to his pregnant teenage girlfriend.

At the abortion place.

I didn't even tell my dad.

Are you embarrassed of me?

What in the hell happened to your arm? Don't change the subject.

I'm not changing the subject. I just want to know what happened.

Look, some hillbilly bit me in the drunk t*nk.

My mom's getting me a tetanus shot.

I'm not gonna bleed to death waiting, so can you please answer my question?

Are you embarrassed of me?

No. f*ck no.

I'm embarrassed of him.

He's just embarrassing.

You still want to do this?

Lydia, are we, uh... are we out of tetanus?

How could that be?

Yes, the guys in Emergency cleared us out.

They said they've been getting a lot of bites.

This town has lost its mind.

A lot of bites.

You got the wrong number.

What's going on?


Jesus Christ, Shooker! She's had it.

What the f*ck are you on about?

There's no... no time.

And where there's supposed to be little finger nails, little yellow teeth are growing out.

Of course, you're high, you stupid cocksuckin' f*ck-face.

You should've just called a cab right away. I got no more money left.

And nobody's gonna let us into their house to use their phone!

And they don't like her, huh, Chief? 'Cause she's white!

Is she alright, at least? No, no, no, no, no, no...

She's definitely not alright, Chief.

And I got no more coke here. I don't want anymore. I don't want anymore.

I swear to God, if you don't get a hold of yourself, I'm gonna kick your ass off the face of this f*cking planet!

Where is she? Yeah, yeah, upstairs to the left.

I think I... I-I left it open, maybe?

Y'know, in the back. In the back room.

Yeah, upstairs to the left.

She said... she said the... the baby needed to eat...

...with no mouth. What?!

There was no mouth.

Are you alright, ma'am?

What hap... What happened?

Holy shit.

Keep her the f*ck away from you!!

Come on, man!


Get her!

You f*cking k*lled her, man. Shut up! - Oh...

Oh, f*ck, man...


Doris! Doris! Shooker's hurt!

- I'm here, boss. You should see what your father brought in.

You're gonna shit Frisbees.

Hey, man... f*ck.

You brought me here, man.

Doris, I gotta bring Shooker to the hospital.

There was supposed to be a f*cking ambulance!

I dropped that girl.

I think I k*lled her!

- Joss is coming over in an ambulance.

She's talking hysterical, Chief.

About what?

- She's saying...

She's saying don't get bit, Chief?

Don't get bit.

Tell her I'll be right there.

f*ck, man!! Hold on!

You can let me out here, boss.

Stay put.

We're gonna go get 'em.

Traylor. We have to, Traylor. He's coming back.

He's coming back. He's coming back.

He's coming back.


Joseph's still in the back.

The door's stuck!

Charlie, open the f*cking door!

Get the f*ck out of here!

Get the f*ck off me, you bitch!


New chain.

Just like the dog, Just like the fish, The dead are coming back to life.

♪ I pray for nothing ♪

♪ I'd have been I'd have been all alone ♪

♪ I clean my hair spray ♪

♪ No matter no matter How low I go ♪

♪ I remember the days y'all ♪


Would you check this out? Found a whole box of these, and this was the only one that didn't have blood on it.

Could probably swap a blow job for this. It's cherry-flavoured.

f*ck, you could get a blow job from anyone.

It's probably the last cherry-flavoured powder in the world.

I'm eating this.

Shooker's coming in with Joseph, Charlie and three boat people.

Everyone, behave.

Oh, to you who are highly favoured. No shit.

Hey, Doris, that's my little brother, so I wouldn't harm a hair on his head.

Three more mouths to feed. Yay.

Ah, good grief, Charlie Brown.

We know the girl; this guy and his kid are stragglers.

Hey, I know you too.

We've got two more mouths to feed. The girl's sick.

Welcome to our pallet-tive care.

Put her down.

What's going on here? I haven't done anything wrong.

When you're bring in your sick here, what's right about it?

My little girl got injured, that's all.

She needs help. I was told I could get help here.

Who told you?

Oh, wait a minute.

We could just go back and leave or use one of the boats. We don't need--

Hey! Charlie, we barely know this guy.

f*ck, Lysol, settle down.

f*ck, you just said it, man. You don't know this guy.

How do you know this f*ckin' townie didn't come here with this refugee Pollyanna act to plant this infected bitch right on our doorstep?!

Here, you brought her here. What? - Take this knife, slide it in her ear and stir it around.

Do you know what we had to do to get here?!

No, and I don't give a f*ck, either!

You do it up, or I'll do it for you!


What if my baby's born sick? You gonna sh**t us too?

I do what I have to do.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, boys.

You broke my dipstick. You owe me a blow job!

Point that g*n at Charlie again, I'll f*ckin' k*ll you!

Joseph! Alan!

What the f*ck are you doing?

Just checking for bites like you told us to.

Are you gonna f*cking open up the floodgates and let them stay?

Look at you.

Look at all of you. Get your f*ckin' shit together!

What are you doing?

How the f*ck do you even keep arranging this?

We're supposed to be helping people. That's what I'm doing.

We're not supposed to be doing anything.

We're supposed to be surviving!

How far gone?

We're gonna have to k*ll her.

What are you guys talking about? Speak English.

What about the other two?

Joss can look at them.

Just the girl.

Speak English!!

Your girl's been bit. She can't come in here.

She'll put everyone in danger. You should've said something.

I heard that you could cure bites here.

I should've been honest about that upfront.

But look, look, he's been bit!

She stopped on her breathing.

Everyone inside.

You need to move away from her.

Go inside.

You're not gonna want to see it come back.

You're especially not gonna want to see what he does with that axe.

Gotta make them take that shit down!

I've never k*lled a child before.

It was the dogs that got my family.

I was sentimental about my dog. Turns out, immune to the plague doesn't mean immune to being eaten alive.

Look, I get it, you're still feeling bad about Karen, but look around you.

Everyone here lost somebody.

Kyra. What?

Her name was Kyra.

ZED. That's just ZED, not some little girl.

It's better to, you know, not look at them as whatchamacallits, people.

Are you f*cking crazy?

You can't bring that here!

Go. Follow J and Charlie, the pregnant lady, into the nurses' station.

And don't forget, ain't nobody immune here but us.

So feel safe here.

I'm just gonna ask you a couple of questions, okay?

So how long were you out there for?

I lost track of the time.

What did you guys eat while you were out there?

Did you eat any salmon?

Did you eat any dog?

Anything else?

Are you asking me if I had to eat people?

Has anyone ever answered yes to that?

Well, what's your answer?


I haven't eaten any people or dogs... or f*cking anything!

Settle down. Do you have a bathroom?

One more question. It's a big one.

Did you get bit?



Who's there?

Everything is blocked off.

We got four-man teams at every blockade.

The roads coming in off of 132, ain't nothing really to worry about.

Stragglers still stumbling in from some of the podunk towns on the island.

Pretty old and mangled. Don't move as fast, so they've been pickin' them off easy.

Bodies are starting to pile up faster than we can bury 'em, so we might have to spark up those pyres again, regardless of who sees 'em.

They were getting the same problem on the bridge.

Says it's been coming in townie-side nonstop.

We're wasting our a*mo trying to keep them from ramping up the blockade.

Bumper found a way around that without having to fire a single shot, or mop up a single body.

The bigger problem than the dead-walking-around townies, is the live breathing ones.

They're coming across in almost the same numbers.

Some people in Red Crow don't like it, but we got to do right by survivors.

We've been housing all the intakes here at the hall.

We've been keeping the boats that have been coming in, tied up by the old man's shanty.

If something happens here, we get separated, we meet up at the church.

We got enough space between here and there to buy us time to get on those boats.

We wait this thing out till winter.

Can hit the towns, clean out the ZEDzicles and find any other survivors.

Keep reminding people... moose and deer are clean, and anything out of the water is bad meat.

We hunt and trap for food. That mountain water's clean.

That leaves one thing: gas.

Only thing left is that gas station that the Muppets own on the rez side of 132.

Burner said there's a whole reservoir there that we haven't even tapped yet.

Shooker's been keeping an eye on things for us.

They've been bringing girls up there.

Papa Muppet's been tellin' them if they give him head, they're gonna be immune.

Either way, we gotta clean 'em out.

It's... the guy that came with the girl, Chief.

He k*lled himself.


Jesus, he couldn't sh**t himself like a normal person.

You need a hand, Chief?

I think going on the run has made your brother even more mental.

I used to think it was because my dad had him when he was, like, young.

And was just never in the picture.

The way his mom died didn't help.

Sent him to foster care, and who knows what happened there?

He left an Alan and came back a Lysol.

Yeah, I forgot that was his mom.

Gave him a pass on so much f*cking nonsense.

"You still have a mom."

Do you know how many times he said that shit to me?

It has to stop some time. You can't just be an assh*le.

Yeah, f*ck him, then.

But either way... he was right.

Yeah, he's right.

If that girl flipped five minutes sooner--

I know it's not the sick little girls that I'm worried about.

Do you know what we have here, man?

This might be the last place on the planet that isn't overrun.

I know. I know, I know.

Then what are you doing? I'm straight up asking you:

Help me understand what are you doing?

People look at me here... my vag*na's Pandora's box.

I have nightmares, Joseph.

This baby eating me from the inside out.

You're immune, I'm not.

What if this baby isn't either?

I mean, what if it just decides to eat its way out?

Charlie, my mom's watching you every day.

People have been doing this shit since monkeys got off their knuckles.

It's not about the pregnancy, dumb-ass.

It's about sitting here and just waiting for something to happen, because don't you feel it? Something's gonna happen.

I trust my mother. She says it's healthy. It has a healthy heartbeat.

Shooker's baby?

I didn't say that.

Look, Shooker's woman was a dope addict and so was he.

I didn't want this.

I know.

But you said it a million times when you were at the hospital. No, to fight with you.

Have you thought of any names?

No. Not really.



You don't name things that eat you.

Jesus, Charlie.

I love you.

He clipped me.

Right. Well, take your shirt off, let me have a look.

Here, sit.



Yeah. Ahem.

You're gonna need stitches.

I don't have any lidocaine, so you're just gonna have to grit your teeth.

Got any beer?

You did so good by him.

Yeah, well... you're in there too.

Yeah, the part that gets drunk and takes shits off of bridges.

Look... he's loyal.

And he's smart.

He's a fighter.

And maybe he didn't split the atom, but...

...he survived the end of the world.

You're your father's son,

so is Joseph.

Thank you.

These are all the 302s I could rustle up.

James got more, but I can't find her drunk ass.

I don't plan on using 'em.

You should've ran that fool off the reserve when he was alive.

I thought Rob Muppet was from here.

Everyone thinks that.

But that family's not from Red Crow.

Speaking of which, what about this place?

Some of these f*ckers ain't local.

Never seen a brown person since their grandparents owned one.

And they outnumber us too.

How long before it comes to pass they get tired of being herded by a bunch of Indians?

We got all their g*ns.

And they're all too civilized to shit anyplace that doesn't have a door.

What the f*ck are they gonna do?

What the f*ck are they gonna to do?

One of them could come in here and infect this entire camp!

It takes one, Traylor! And Joseph's pet townie keeps dragging them in here.

Hey, f*ck you. Every one of these m*therf*ckers is a time b*mb!

That's why we have a wall. Anyone flips in here, this place is a f*cking sh**ting gallery.

With f*cking Peeky and Maynard up there, they couldn't hit water if they fell out of a boat!

There's about, what, 100 people here?

That's three-plus Gs for every swinging d*ck we have!

We don't have enough b*ll*ts, man!

You don't have to reload a sword.

f*ck this shit.

If you say the rez is clean, so be it.

It's on you... when these bingo bunnies go south of cheese.

Get word round, J, the rez is clean, we got celebratin' to do.

We party at my place!

I'm taking this gas for my f*cking car!

Hey! Let him go.

Why? Because he's not wrong.

Follow him. Don't let it get out of hand.

Alright, Dad.

Dad? It's a brave new world.

Leave them to their parties.

They have their recreation, and we have ours.

Oh, hey.

Ah... listen, I'm glad you came, man.

I wanted to tell you that I shouldn't have put that g*n on your lady this morning.

I want to say... your punching me in the face, just means you're gonna be a good father.

That's the weed talking.

It is, but it isn't.

I felt shitty about it, man.

The thing is, it's just more about Dad and our bullshit.

It's never gonna change.

It can change.

You don't have to be a trash dad, Joey.

That shit is optional.

And why do you choose to be a f*cking assh*le?

Gimme my f*cking joint back.

Did it ever f*ckin' dawn on you that I'm not someone to look up to?

That if you have to get arrested to spend time with somebody...

...they're just f*cking worthless.

I'm not an assh*le to impress you, Joseph.

I'm just an assh*le.


Yeah, when you find out family ain't shit.

I don't think you're shit.

Give it time.

Whoa! Yeah, ah-ha.

This is the last of it.

My man.


We're square.

Remember that night before Z day?

A bunch of us got arrested for getting in a fight down at the Fish Mitten?

It was because of that chick right there.


...her boyfriend has a stripper's ass in his face.

Lilith's pissed.

So she is looking for some payback attention.

And she's drunk enough that...

...she'd be willing to get it from anyone, man.


Long story short...

I get her home, and I'm eating her out and she's gushing, right?

f*cking details you can spare me, man.

f*cking prig here all of a sudden.

So the phone rings.

And it's Moon from the club, saying the boys just got arrested for fighting this chick's boyfriend and his buddies.

So I forget about the girl.

I head straight down to the police station.

I'm not even halfway through the door before I get arrested.

What for?


And Shamu is, like: If you weren't fighting, then why is your face all bloody? - "If you weren't fighting, how come your face is all bloody?"


Come on, loser. Hey, I wasn't fighting!

What are you doing?! This is bullshit, dude!

That's the most f*cked-up, repugnant shit I've ever heard.

At my age, you done it on purpose at least once.

If he dies by mistake.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.



Hey, Lilith! Lilith.

The earth is an animal.

Living and breathing.

White men don't understand this.

That's why the dead keep coming back to life.

Not because of God.

Because this planet we're on is so sick of our shit.

This old, tired, angry animal...

...turned these stupid f*cking white men into something she can use again: fertilizer.

Lysol, what the f*ck?

Don't let her finish.

Who says we're immune?

Maybe the earth just forgot about us.

How many did you say there was in there again?

More than 10. Twelve or fifteen, counting the girls.

We're using shotguns?

Traylor is. We're inside.

No fun in there with shotguns.

Don't let any of them get out.


A little f*cking warning.

Look out.



How many did you get?


So there could be as many as six or seven left in here?

Maybe ten.


Check if that genny works.

You throw another G at me, I want to see it coming.


Zed dead.

f*ck you.



What the f*ck's going on here, man?

Joseph. Why didn't we k*ll that G?

No, you gotta get someone to sound the alarm.

You gotta get as many people as you can.

You get them in that hall! Why did we bring that here?

It's obvious now: it's us or them.

Have you f*cking lost it, man?

There is no us or them, there's only us.

No. Okay? Look.

Just come downstairs, we can fix... we can fix you up.

The whole world's f*cking dead, man.

You still have a family, though.

Okay? This can all stop.

Just... just stop.

Just stop.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

It's okay. It's ok--

Ah, I have no family.

Get her!

You're gonna get all those dicks for me, okay?


Run!!! Clear out!

Run now!! Run!

What were you saying to her?

I was telling her a story.

She was scared.

We used to tell it to Joseph, that story.

It's about his grandfather.

I'm scared, Joss.

We're all here.

This place is safe.

Did you hear that?



What happened?


Everyone stay calm.

There's the other exit.


Can we panic now?

We're here.

I'm in the basement with Charlie, Joseph and eight other survivors.

I don't think anyone else made it.

What was the headcount up to last week?

100, 150 townies.


Can your people move?

- Not all of them.

Hold tight, we're coming to get you.

- Traylor, hurry the f*ck up.

How you want to do this?

Who's got the most meat on 'em?

No problem.


It's bad.

Get on with it.

You ready?

♪ Everybody knows you've been steppin' on my toes ♪

♪ And I'm gettin' pretty tired of it ♪

♪ Steppin' out of line and a-messin' with my mind ♪

♪ If you had any sense you'd quit ♪

♪ 'Cause ever since you were a little bitty teeny girl ♪

♪ You said I was the only man in this whole world ♪

♪ Better do some thinkin' then you'll find ♪

♪ You got the only daddy ♪

♪ That'll walk the line ♪

That'll buy us some time, but there's bound to be more inside.

Get the truck.

Don't use your g*n unless you have to.

Circle around, keep the engine running.

Where the f*ck were you?!

Where's Charlie? What happened to you?

Where's Charlie? Get Charlie. Dad, Dad, get Charlie.

Get Charlie. Get Charlie, get Charlie.

There's a truck outside! You want to live?! Get on it!

Let's go. Let's go.

Move your ass! Alright, let's go.

Come on. Come on. Move, move!

I am not getting on without you!

Shocker! Move!


This is some f*cking rescue.

This door is not gonna hold. You're gonna have to make a run for it.

A run for it? You have no choice!

And if I don't make it out of here...

I want you to tell my grandchild big stories about me.

On the count of three... run!


Now, you're gonna say it exactly like I told you.

No cute stuff.


...they're k*lling people in the church.

Normal... real people.

James and Moon are just killin' 'em.

And I'm f*cking locked up here.


I'm coming to get you.

Thank you.

See you around.

Good luck.


Just breathe. They'll be back soon.


♪ As a way ♪

♪ We carry on today ♪

♪ And now it's time ♪

♪ For whiskey ♪

We got a chance to...

...get rid of all these f*cking...

...dependents once and for all!

Meet back up here at the church if... makes an outbreak.

Yeah, these f*ckers come to the buffet, then we... torch the f*ck out of 'em by mid-meal.

And that's f*cking all of you!

After all this, that's all you f*ckers.

We even... got that bitch up in the belfry.

You have to hand it to Lysol.

f*cking, you know, crazier than a shithouse rat, but all in all, he has it pretty good.

Get Doris, boy.

You're gonna tell me where that f*cking coward is?

Just breathe.

Just breathe. Ow!

It's okay. It's okay.

Behind you!

Then there was one.

Stop! Keep f*cking around, I put a b*llet right in her f*cking head.


We can still undo this.

No, this goes back so much further than that!

f*cking Sir Lancelot!

Come on!

Come on.


You know, Jess, I wasn't the one who brought these people here.

I didn't have a chick bringing plagued-up opies into the flock.

f*ck you!

Alan... I know how you feel.

There was a time when I wanted to run that compound down myself.

But these are real people.

Don't you open that f*cking trunk!!

What are youse gonna do to me?


Joseph... I've been bit.

Y'know... when you have some time to sit and think, you'll thank me.

Set you all free!


A question... Joseph...

Between brothers.

You really think that... that sick chick made it in the Muppet house by accident?

Where do you think I got the idea?

I'm sorry.

Jesus, God, what the f*ck are we gonna do?

We're not gonna die here.


What are we gonna do, swim?! Listen!

Where the f*ck have you been?

They wouldn't let me wait. I heard sh*ts, so I came. Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Oh, shit.

Okay. Okay.

It'll be okay. I got you.

Let's go, let's get the f*ck outta here.

You got her?

Come on, breathe. Yeah.

We need to go.

Grandpa... we need to go.

I'm not leaving this land again.

Don't look back here.

None of you are getting past this line.

You can do it. Just push.

Come on, push. Come on, push.

Charlie, you can do this. You can do this. Push.

Come on, just push, Charlie. You're almost there.

You don't know how much this hurts.

I do, I do. Come on, just push.

Just push. Just push. Alright, yeah. You're gonna have to push.

Otherwise I'm gonna have to cut you, okay?

You're doing so good, come on. Push, push.

You're doing really great. Come on.

Almost there.

It's okay. I love you so much.

Is it too late?

It's a little girl.

The g*n?

Do you want to hold her?

No. I've been bitten.

I'm sick, I can feel it.

She can't get sick.

It's okay.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Take her back.

Charlie, you can hold her. No, I don't wanna hurt her. Take her back.

She's gonna be okay. Hmm.

Maybe you'll be too. No, I won't.

Joseph... we have to end this.

Don't let me turn into one of those dead people. Look at her.


We did it.

Love her.

Love her.

♪ Do you know ♪

♪ I love you so ♪

♪ And mommy will ♪

♪ Never let you go ♪

♪ To the stars ♪

♪ And the sky ♪

♪ You'll always be ♪

♪ Mommy's little guy ♪

♪ Do you know ♪

♪ I love you so ♪

♪ And mommy will ♪

♪ Never let you go ♪

♪ To the stars ♪

♪ And the sky ♪

♪ You'll always be ♪

♪ Mommy's little guy ♪

♪ Do you know ♪

♪ I love you so ♪

♪ And mommy will ♪

♪ Never let you go ♪

♪ To the stars ♪

♪ And the sky ♪

♪ You'll always be ♪

♪ Mommy's little guy ♪

♪ Do you know ♪

♪ I love you so ♪

♪ And mommy will ♪

♪ Never let you go ♪

♪ To the stars ♪

♪ And the sky ♪

♪ You'll always be ♪

♪ Mommy's little guy ♪
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