Dreamworks Spooky Stories (2012)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Dreamworks Spooky Stories (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

Damned teenagers! You'd better not in my field making out.

Not in front of my pumpkins. Now scram!

Back in my day, we had respect for a man's vegetables.

Kids with your far-out hippies loving... What in the...?!

MONSTERS VS ALIENS Mutant Pumpkins from outer space

Oh yeah, the classic That was very scary.

Do the creature from "The blue lagoon".

No, not again! Stop, stop! Have you stopped yet?

What do you think I should be for Halloween? Chewing gum, football, baseball... melting snowball. Solar system? Bad Elvis? "Thank you very much".

You as bad Elvis? Actually, yeah. Maybe...

Guys, good news! Looks like that Yeti sighting was just a hokes. So we got the night off.

Enjoy your coffee. It's normal.

Noone is in it.

This could use a little more milk.

Jeez, where is your Halloween spirit?

Hey, I got plenty of Halloween spirit. Just wait till you see my Zombie cheerleader costume.

Now, where will I get some really huge pom poms? Susan...

...you are a real monster now, and that means you're playing in the big league with the big boys.

I got 50 years of misted Halloween all smushed up tight inside me just bursting to get out.

This isn't just any night. It is our night, and when it finally comes... we got to terrify... Perhaps, my fiend friend...

But for some of us all Hallows' Eve is more trick then treat I was but a lad. My head filled with dreams of particle physics and candy.

Sweet candy.

The future before me seemed sugar-coated. Until...!

My swirly pop!

From that dark day forth, Halloween was dead to me... forever.

You know, I kinda want to throw you in the trash right now.

Come on, guys. Like you said, it's our night, right? So, let's get out and have some fun.

Fun time is over, monsters! It's a no-go. I repeat, a no-go on Halloweens!

Yes! We got us a major situation.

A UFO has entered our airspace over California. And you ain't going to believe where...

Modesto? Why is it always Modesto? I thought it was kinda freaking myself.

Any idea what we are facing, general?

Invasion? Abductions? Croaps?

Unknown. And I hate these some unknow.

So I want you on the ground and searching Modesto for possible alien intruders.. asap.

Better yet. Pronto! And let's keep this on a 'need to know' basis.

Meaning: nobody needs to know! But what about my parents?

No, not even your parents. It's Halloween after all, we don't want to go around scaring folks.

Hello? Hey, get down here. They're giving away pumpkins.

And it looks like they're going fast.

"Free pumpkins for all humans". I'm a human. Sign me up.

Nobody does Halloween like the Murphys. We did it again, Carl.

Susie Q!

Mum! Dad! I'm so glad to see you.

Oh honey, I can't believe you came. I finally managed to get a night off. So, I'm here.

But you're always so busy saving the earth. It's not healthy.

Yes, we were starting to think Modesto would have to get invaded by aliens again to see our daughter.

Stop! It's just ridiculous.

Yes, we're just here for the party, mr and mrs Murphy.

If indeed that's who you actually are!

They're clear.

Clearly ready to throw the best Towelie party in Modesto?

Oh, we went all out this year, hon. I included all your own favourites... death by chocolate fountain... ??? wicked witches, candy-poison appletree and... children of the candy cornfield!

Yeah, not bad, but you know...

Call me when it's real candy. You know what I'm saying...

B.O.B., it is real candy.

Oops... Hey guys, since everything looks fine here, why don't you go out and do some 'Trick or Treat'-ing...

You know. Check out the neighbourhood. Of course. We'll keep an eye out... for candy.

Wait, where are we going? There is candy in here. You're coming, B?

Just try and stay... focused.

Susan, maybe you and your ma can start pealing the grapes for the eyeballs salad.

I've got to get the farmer's Jeb patch.

Not to point the finger, but... we need more pumpkins.

No...! Sorry.

Euh, it's not save out there. You know, kids throwing eggs.

You could get TPed. So, I'll go get the pumpkins.

It's quite simple, BOB. You ring the doorbell, then repeat the following: Trick or Treat.

They offer you candy... They're almost slightly human.

They offer to probe you... They're almost slightly not.

Wait. They give candy to us! For free! Are they crazy?

That free candy comes with a price, BOB. Now focus, we have a mission to attend to.

Oh, this is ridiculous. I've waited 50 years to scare the caramel out of these kids.

I can't wait any longer.

Just, tell them I got sick, or something. I do a makeup mission later. I've got to go..


Fine. I'll do it myself.

Trick or treat. Trick or treat.

Happy Hallowee...

This won't hurt a bit.

All clear.

Oh my god, it's Shrek! Honey, bring the camera!

Say 'cheese'! Trick or treat. Trick or treat. Got it!

All clear.

What? Hey there, little genius. You're dressed like me.

Uhm, no. I'm dressed as the Missing Link, you're dressed like a fat old mermaid.

Yeah, since when does Link have a beer gut?

What is happening right now?

I believe what my colleague intended to say, was "Trick or Treat".

Oh, what an inventive costume, dear. Really quite discusting.

You deserve something special.

A swirly pop? For me?

And this time, no pimply hooligans will deprive me of my lickable loot.

Come, B.O.B. We have a new prime directive... candy!


Come on, Link! Let's here to be the best Halloween ever.

Look, mammy! It's Kermit. Ridiculous...

Biggest one in a patch, son.

Because that's how we roll. I'm going to call you...

Wicked Jack.

That's perfect, son. Now, what'd say that we gut this sucker?

Waw, that almost looks real, hon?


You can talk?! You just...

Farmer Jeb? Hello? Jeb?

Hello, guys, are you there? Susy.

Are you seeing anything? I'm just outside of town, and there's nothing.

Not even weird old farmer Jeb.

Same here, Sus. I think that this is just one big...

Link, are you alright? What happened?

Sorry, Susan. Creapy clown costume.

But everything is simply delightful here.

No, B.O.B., put it down! That is my butter picker. A trade is a trade We'll be in touch, Susan. Over and out.

Is anybody in there?

They're alive!

Oh, look at that. Everybody is having such fun. What's happening?

To think I've spent all those years poo poop-oing Halloween.

Link, I own you an apology.

Can we, please, forget Halloween, and find these stupid...


If I wouldn't have a cockroach head myself... I'd be freaking out right now.

Hey, pal, you're about to get cool whipped. Wait, I think I can reason with them.

My mother was a tomato. I speak 'Pro Juice'.

What did he say? Horrible things, about my mother... in a salad bar.

Whatever you're after, you won't get it here.

Let go! That is my candy!

Galileo's clock!

Link! Whatever mutated these pumpkins gave them a sweet tooth.

It's not the children, they're after! It's the candy...


Just like us. The more candy they eat the bigger they'll get.

Until the whole world becomes their pumpkin punch.

I'm looking at you, stemhead!

Go away, pumpkin thing. You're not getting one more piece of candy.

And you're definitely not getting what's at the Murphy house.

She's right down the street, right there.

Susan! We have a problem.

Only 20 minutes till the party begins. I get the feeling it's going to be a mad house.

You know it, Wendy! You think we overdid it on the candy?

You've messed with the wrong monsters, pumpkin.

Nobody steals candy on my watch. Nobody freaks these kids out but me.

I'm thinking. Stop pressuring me. I hope somebody brought the Net mag.

Halloween belongs to monsters, and this monster's a pumpkin crushing giant.

Apparently, you're a giant crushing pumpkin!

Well, you'll never get this candy!

Come on, guys! I can't do this alone.

You know what? Never mind, I can.

I can't believe I'm actually fighting a vegetable.


Technically, he's a fruit, Susan.

In your face, pumpkin! Get it? Oh no, don't punch yourself.

Oh man, this wasn't the best strategy after all.

Or maybe, it was. If it's candy he wants, let's give it to him...

It makes them bigger.

Bigger... and bigger... and nausear.

Yes! Loops the lawn and shake the trees.

Kids! Get every piece of candy you can find.

Hold on the fort, children.

Look, it's Missing Link! Do you like that?

Say hello to my little friend.

Get some!

It's working!

Let's not overdo it.

Oh, no!

Get a few more pieces! We're all out

There must be some...

Farewell... My precious.

Happy Halloween!

Mum. Dad. Just give me a sec, ok?

Nobody ruins a Murphy Halloween.

I'm going to say "Trick".


Elvis! I knew you were still alive.

A swirly pop!

So I guess you did just come into town to stop an alien invasion... and not to visit your parents. I'm sorry. I can tell you about this.

And I wish I could make it home more often, but... Oh, it's ok, Susie Q.

From now on, your mum and I are just going to have to get used to... sharing you with the world.

I think you need to talk to those people about a raise.

Your mother is right, honey. How are the benefits?

You know what, dad? They're pretty awsome.

Oh, speaking of awsome... Who wants to buffer up home?

You got it, Carl. Just stick your face in my body. B.O.B?


Still got it.

Well done as always, monsters.

I love the smell of mutating pumpkin guts in the evening.

Smells like... victory.

Also little like pie. Glad you could make it to our party, general.

Greetings, fellow Halloweeners.

I just said "weeners."


I just said "weeners."

Tonight's story is a tale so scary, so horrifying, so shocking, so, so... so full of vegetables...

B.O.B., stick to the script! Oh, right.

It all started with a spooky spaceship, mutant pumpkins and monsters saving the day!

But that was only the beginning.

So sit back and get ready for a story that is guaranteed to give you nightmares.

OK, wrap it up.

Come on, kids! Time for the costume contest.

The winner gets their weight in candy!

Avast ye, scallywags. That booty shall be mine!

Now it's booty time!


Me timbers being shivered.

Come on, B.O.B., that candy was for the contest.

But it all tastes so good.

But it all tastes so...



Who's there?

I've got a Nutter Buddy Butter Bar, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Whoa, kid, that is one scary costume.

For a minute there, I thought you were a real carrot.

And carrots really creep me out.

Like that! That was creepy.

You are a shoo-in to win that costume contest.

Kids today and their papier-m�ch�.


Mr. Murphy? That carrot made Carl a zombie!

Creepy carrot! Danger! Danger!

It's alive! It's a living carrot. I know, right?

I totally freaked out the same way. Giddyap!

Kid, you are k*lling with that costume.

I'm getting out of here! Doc, how could you do this?

Worst party ever!

He was... He was just a... Mutant zombie carrot.

It must've been contaminated by one of the alien pumpkins.


And apparently the curse can be broken by eliminating the infected carrot.

And that one carrot could've infected our brains and transformed us all into slack-jawed walking vegetables.

Doc? Whoa!

Kind of like that. Everyone, run!

Oh, man. I don't wanna be a zombie. What are we gonna do?

Well, we definitely know that we shouldn't blast them with this scanner.

I definitelyjust blasted you with this scanner! I love this thing!

Back! Stay back.

B.O.B.! Thank me later!

No! Bang, bang, bang!

Doc! We're completely surrounded!

No, we're not.

Now we're completely surrounded.

It's Monger!

Lock and load, cowboys. The cavalery has arrived.

Nobody told me they can leap.

Quickly, now. Create a barricade.

There's a jet-packing zombie general with an army of carrots out there...

The more that I sh**t them, there's more of them, and I don't like carrots...

B.O.B., calm down! Talk slowly.

Zombie general, army of carrots...

B.O.B., just get the back door!

I'm on it.

Where do you want it? Oh, dear.

Give me that.

Well, well. If it ain't the gruesome twosome.

Now go on. Get out and stay out!

Hey, Link.

B.O.B., time to go!

I forgot the pickle.

Cotton candy, bubblegum! Go, team, go, and beat those bums!


All right!

B.O.B., focus. Zombie problem.

Oh, no! B.O.B. I can already see it.

The vacant, lifeless expression. They've already infected your brain.

But hear this, zombies, you may take my brain, but you will never take my dignity!

Come on, pull yourself together.

I know this is scary, but we're gonna get through this.

And when we do, here is my number.

Call me.

Of course! B.O.B., how can a zombie infect your brain when you don't even have one to infect?

What? B.O.B., you're immune!

Zombie carrot!

Hold still, Doc! I'll get it.

And if you're immune, you can save us all.

There's only one way to stop the zombies and save your friends.

You must eat all... carrots!

What was that last part? You must eat all the carrots!


Don't cry, little monster.

Uncle Monger's got enough carrot puree to feed you your entire life.

Jerry, bring over the feed hose, ASAP. The boy's hungry!

Eat the carrots, save your friends. Eat the carrots, save your friends.

You know what? It's easier if I just make new friends.

Here are four new friends already.

Quick, to the rooftop, where we'll get a great view of our new future together.

Eat the carrots, save your friends.

Excuse me, son. That's my girl.

Not this time, amigo.

I can't do it!

Oh, yes I can.

You guys are going down.

Right down into my belly.

'Cause I'm gonna eat you.

I did it. I eat all my vegetables!

And now it's time for dessert.

What?! But I eat all the carrots. The curse should be broken.

I don't understand. Why are you guys still zombies?

I eat every single carrot.

You! You...

Come on, guys. I only missed one carrot.

Hey, that's my Nutter Buddy Butter Bar.

You wouldn't dare.

You just crossed the line.

Wow, chocolate-covered carrot.

Still disgusting.


Well done, B.O.B., you broke the curse!

You guys! It worked! I knew you could do it!

Not so hard, really full.

And so, there you have it.

I saved the day because those silly little carrots had absolutely no effect on me.

Unlike you. Right, Bubbles?

So, remember, kids:

Eat your veggies or they just might eat you.
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