Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror (1998)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror (1998)

Post by bunniefuu »

I found another.

A calf.

Where? - Near the boundary of the property.

They sliced ​​the neck.

It is the third in this month.

I think Luke were boys.

Why would they do that?

That was not the storm.

That was something else.

There's something out there.

I'll go see.

What are you doing here?

Corn belongs to us.

That sounds disgusting. - What are you talking about?

She is a treasure. She takes care of me, not you.

You take care of me? - Just said. If I take care of you.


This pointing to the wrong place. - Yes?

There it is.

And so? - Perfect.

I'm sorry baby. But it will not work ours.

You are plastic. I meat. - You are pathetic. Let's go.

Tyrus, you remember our friend? What I have here.

Hello Friend.

Get that. I do not want to see. - No dirty Kurt me my car.

I want to see him. - Sorry.

I forgot you were a widow. - Shut!

We were not married. We talked a few times.

Well, Kurt talked about many things. - Yeah, what an idiot I was.

Come on guys. We are the closest thing to a family I had.

Try to have more respect for death.


I think it's one of the dolls Lazlo.

Wait a second.

You should not do that.

Shit, no.

This is the heart of America, where people invite you to their homes ... to talk about tornadoes, hurricanes, floods ... grandmothers and weddings. Obligation.

Introduce you to his virgin daughters.

And where...

people disappear.






Come here.

What did you do?

And if you're not alone? Did you think about that?

Do not let him back on the road.

This is not good.

You took the wrong path.

You saw the wrist. He pointed to this side.

You know what? You should have remained on the road.

Yes? Have a problem with how I handle?

Everyone is fine? - Yes I think so.

God! Great, it became good.

Oh God. Boys! Kurt is above me.

What the f*ck is that? - It is one of the dolls Lazlo.

You know? We'll need a trailer.

You think so, Ty?

Do you know? It would be a great idea if it was not so obvious.

You know what? I have a problem with your driving.

Which? - The part where we crashed.

Hit ... - Guys, guys ...

Does it smell something weird?

You ... - What is that?

It's not his problem.

Hello. What is your name?

We had a little accident.

They are on private property.

Why do not you go and give us some privacy then?

It was a joke. - Shut up, Greg.

Could we use a phone?

We do not have phone.

Well, what a tractor to tow?

The village is about a mile to the side.

Thanks for nothing.

Little bastard. - What happened here?

I do not know. Those guys got scared.

Guys, why do not we get things out of the car and we see in town?

You think that at least there will be a bar on the ends of the earth.

I think I found the place.

Kurt's favorite place. - That must be the place.

We may have a close with a cold beer.

Guys, move. I go to wash.

Where are they? They left an hour before us.

I'll call Lazlo and leave a message on the answering machine.

Friend, do you have beer Pale Ale Millwood? Make that two.

We had a little accident on the outskirts of the village.

Is there any towing service? - Do not.

It is out of service. It is in a garage.

Oh thanks.

We are also looking for some friends coming in a convertible.

Supposedly we would be here.

We do not get many tourists here.

It should probably be about the problem of health of its people.

What the f*ck does that mean? - Greg, come on.

Your town sucks.

No, I mean what I say. Do not you smell?

I do not smell anything.

It smells like burnt popcorn. - You must be talking about ... the corn shed Enright.

While it is burning.

You mean the fire is on? - Spontaneous combustion.

The gases rise and then ... boom.

A fire like this can last for weeks.

Lucas Enright is quite rare. It is not open much.

It is a sort of Howard Hughes, but no money.

Has adopted a group of guys working the farm for him.

Are all religious fanatics.

They love someone to call "The walking behind clouds" or something.

Wait a minute.

Does it mean "He who walks behind corn"?

Yes, it's that one. Strawberry Shortcake lunatic that group.

What did I miss?

You're welcome. Let's go.

What's the rush? Still I not tried my beer.

Let's go.

Alison, what about you? - Yeah, and where the hell are you going?

I am going home. - And Lazlo and Charlotte?

It is assumed that they would be ahead of us.

We must be in the wrong place.

Hello friends.

It seems to be lost.

No, we are not lost. We're just stupid.

We put our car in a ditch outside of town.

Sorry I can not help. The trailer is being repaired.

If we listen.

We had to meet some friends, but never appeared.

What kind of car handled? - A blue Pontiac Bonneville.

No, sorry. I did not see anything.

Is there any group that can take us back?

If, at the intersection with the road. Twice perday.

At 8 am and 8 pm.

If they run, they can achieve.

Thank You.

Thank you sir.

Guys, I have tacos!

Wait! Wait! Re!

And now that?

I do not know.

I have some blankets in the car. We can sleep there tonight.

And those children?

It will be dark. They will not know we're there.

Look, my car. That's my car!

¡No! ¡No! ¡No, no, no!

No car was fine.

I am freezing.

I think I saw a house on the road. Able is a phone we can use.

It seems empty.

It's probably one of the expropriated farms.

Soon, everything there will be an industrial park.

Hi! Is anybody home?

There is nobody here.

I suggest we stay here tonight and take the collective morning.


This place has been empty for long.


Well, I have hypoglycemia. I need to eat something now.

We have running water. You must come from well.

You guys are not going to believe it. The beds are made up with sheets and everything.

Like in a hotel.

Are you okay?

By God, that's disgusting.

If a hotel with giant rats.

Well, we have cucumbers, beans, fruit salad ...

How maraschino cherries? I love. What is that?

It's flesh!

Guys, look what I found in the basement. Until they are cold.

Por Kurt.

I guess we'll never know what went wrong.

I do not understand, I thought that bungee jumping was safe.

Yes, but it was Kurt. He was a free spirit.

Come on, Alison. Join the party, having a beer.

No thanks. - Come On!

You never know when you leave your number.

I said no.

It was an accident.


Sure it was. Do you think he was m*rder*d?

When we were emptying her apartment, I found a su1c1de note.

You're lying! Kurt never do that.

I got rid of the note before anyone saw it.

I thought I was helping Kir. He was trying to protect you.

Does not matter. It was wrong and I'm sorry.

Kir, are you okay?

Hey, nena.

it's okay.

Come on, lie down and try to relax.

Want something?

I'll be in the next room if ...

No Please.

I do not want to be alone.

Look, Alison, I understand if you do not want to talk.

You know you can trust me. is not that. It's about my brother.

You never told me you had a brother.

Our father took, and it was a bad drunk.

When I was old enough, I left home and never returned.

My father Jacob worsened and the worst part of it was.

Finally he ran away from home. He was only 14.

I had no idea.

I am so sorry.

The last thing he told me before he left ...

It was that he would devote his life to "He who walks behind the corn."

Do you think that is with these kids?

When I heard that, my first impulse was to get out ... and go as far as possible.

Is he your brother.

Will not you see it?

Jacob wants nothing to do with me.

He thinks that I abandoned. And you know what?

He's right.

What is? What happened? - Oh, my god.

There was a man in the window.

I'm Greg. Stay here.

This mud is still wet.

What the hell was that?

I do not know.

Alison! What are you doing?

What is this thing?

Oh, my god.

It is blood. - What?

My God, is Charlotte. - And Lazlo.

¡Sheriff, mire!

Here's something else. - What is?

I think it's a foot, sir.


It is the big toe.

Belongs to that foot, I think.

Look, officer, needed a place to stay.

We had no choice. - Did I say you could talk?

No, sir, I thought I should explain ... - Then shut up.

Were you drinking last night? - No, we did not.

Only we had a couple of beers. - A couple of beers?

I found it near the combine.

You do not think we have anything to do with this?

By God, they were our friends.

They have nothing to do with these machines.

They are dangerous as hell.

You're lucky I did not die all.

One more thing...

I want them to go in the group of the morning. Do you understand?


Alison, come on. Let's get out of this hell.

We are behind you.

I'll stay.

I have to find out.

This has to do with your brother, right?

We must stay together. - No way.

Come on, we can not leave her alone. - No way.

You have no proof that your brother is there.

Have to drag my dead body fingers before I do ...

"Stay together."

You know? When these crazy bury us in a ditch, there remain together.

Did you hear that? - We are watching.

For all we know, may be cannibals.

Well, you can join them. Then you could eat me.

Look at the welcoming committee.

They are on private property.

Well, I want to talk to my brother Jacob.


He does not want to see you.

Should I come to the police?

It will not be necessary. This way.

The rest of you stay here.

All remain together.

You will be fine? - I'll be fine

Wait here.

... I go to milk a cow or something.

Kir, about last night ... - What?

I just want you to know I care about you ... and it was not something one night for me.

Sorry, Ty, but that's what it was for me.

Outsiders call me monster ... violator un, un lunatic.

But I'm not any of those things. I am a prophet.

I am El Salvador for these children.

¿Saving them from what?

A few years ago I was working in the fields ... and boy I found ... they had left there ... to die in the cornfield.

I took him home and raised him as mine.

At the same time, the eternal flame ... he went on, acting like a beacon ... for all those forgotten children ... who they were abused and neglected by their parents.

The di amor.

I gave them a family.

And I gave them a purpose.

Now they have the opportunity to serve something higher.

Worship "He who walks behind the corn."

But you have come to thr*aten the harmony we achieve.

I just want to see my brother.

I understand your concern.

Our behavior you must seem strange.

But you know ... when your brother came here, he was depressed ... suicidal.

But under my guidance, he blossomed ... like the proverbial spring flower.

Then you should not be afraid to talk to him.

Yes, of course.

We have no secrets here.

Ezekiel will take with him.

You can withdraw.

Hello Friend. I was just looking for a place where you desagotar, you know?

You know what? I better go. - Go.

I said that. I'm leaving now. - Now.

Now, it's a good idea.

I'll go this way.

Beautiful ax.

Hello. - Hello.

What is your name? - Kir.

I am Zane.

Forgive me for saying this. - What? What is?

Since I first saw ...

I realized that you suffered.

I felt you had a lot of pain.

Someone very close to me died recently.

I'm not trying to judge you, but how you feel.

I went through the same thing not long ago.

Kir ... there are good things in this world. Not everything is ugly.

I found something good here on this farm.

You see, we all start with a pure heart filled with joy.

And sometimes we lose it on the road.

But you can recover ... if you let "He who walks behind corn" show you the way.

I go back with my friends. - Okay.

¿Jacob? ¿Alison?

I can not believe that really you.

How did you find me? - I'm not sure.

Good luck and a bit of intuition, I guess.

Would it bother you? I would like a few minutes alone.

I'll wait outside.

Happy Birthday. - Not until morning.

I know. I just wanted to...

Dad died a few months ago. - It was inevitable, right?

Jacob, it was not easy for you.

You left me alone with him. - I am so sorry.

Please give me a chance to make it up. Come home with me.

This is my home. This is my family.

I have a wife. Luke chose to have my son.

Does he chose?

You love her?

Of course. What kind of question is that?

Why everyone is so young here?

Children are still pure in heart and mind.

They have not yet been corrupted by the outside world.

When you turn 18 and you become an adult, you enter the age of sin.

For you, tomorrow.

Yes it is.

And what about Luke? He is an adult. Does that make him evil?

Luke es diferente.

Jacob, do you want to stay here?

You must leave now.



I want you to take this book.

This will help you understand.

What the hell happened there? - I'm not sure.

That is all?


Even if it is you saw your brother?


Did you read what I wrote your brother? - Do not.

'He who walks between maize' will guide us to our only father ...

See this.

Look, a recipe. For fruit juice.

I was reading the book and makes sense.

Like what?

It basically says that children are born sinless and pure.

And being educated by adults, that's when ... you know, they corrupt.


By evil.

You're missing, Kir.

What do you think, Al?

There are probably a lot of truth in it. That's what makes it so dangerous.

Yes, two of our friends died last night ... and I do not want to stay to see if history repeats itself.

Who's with me?

Kir ... Are you coming or not?

I guess so.

Come on guys. What happened to the whole thing Musketeers?

You know, all for one, one for all.

Look ... all support and she returned empty-handed.

It is no longer my problem.

What are you going to do?

Do not worry about me. Something will happen to me.

In the evening of his 18th birthday ... around the bright star that gave birth to all creation ...

he must return to earth ... be adopted by "He who walks behind corn" ...

"He who walks behind corn," our only father ...

Let it come into your heart to expel the ... demons of gluttony and avarice.

I thought I told you to take the bus.

You have feelings for her, right?

Well, what's your excuse?

I have no place to go.

Are you coming? - I'll wait here.

Hey, Alison.

Alison, are you here?


Kir, where are you?



It was those damn kids! - Just relax, okay?

They disappeared, Greg. - Do not jump to conclusions.

First Alison and now Kir.

Where else could they be?

We love your eminence on this special day ... and today is the day of Jacob.

Jacob, you should climb the ladder to the eternal flame ... and fusiónate with "He who walks behind the corn."

From your ashes a new crop will grow around us.

I can not. - Jacob ...

It is the way to "He who walks behind the corn."

I know, but I can not. I do not want. you should do it.

You said I could leave whenever I wanted.

It is true.

But who would you recurrirías in the decadent outside world?

Does your sister who betrayed you?

Lilly, come with me. We can have our ... family. We do not need.

This is my family, Jacob.

Now that we have been betrayed by Jacob ...

We must not disappoint "He who walks behind the corn."

Who among us is about to turn 18?

I will fulfill.

Why are you here, stranger?

I read the book... and for the first time in my life I know my purpose.

And what is your purpose?

Reject the adult world before reaching the age of sin ... and join "He who walks behind corn" ... because Kurt is waiting for me there.

Come with us, beautiful girl. Because today is your day.

You challenged my authority and you committed heresy Him.

That kind of insubordination will not be tolerated!

Now your only purpose will be to scare the birds ... and other bugs that invade our fields.

Strangers are coming!

I'll be there in a minute.

Put it in the cornfield.

Be sure to cut his throat so you can not hear their cries.

Stay close to me all the time, you know?

Police Department. We have a warrant to search the place.

They have no right to be here. Where's your warrant?

Here you go, kid. To be delivered to Luke Enwright.

Get out of my way. - Do not!

I waited a long time to catch you, Luke.

If you try to extinguish that flame, your men will be punished ... with a fury never seen before.

Am I threatening you, Luke?

I'm trying to save.

Why do not you come to the light where I can see you?

I warn you, Sheriff.

You are arrested for threatening an official.

Do not do this.

I have more control now.

Do not feel bad about Luke. He's dead for years.

You do this.

We all have some skeletons in the closet, Alison.

Fortunately, I could put it to good use to mine, as our leader.

Are you okay? - Come On.

No keys. Where is Kir? - I thought she was with you!

Behind you!

Oh God.


I got them!

Where did they go? - Come On!

Arise! Come on!

I hurt my ankle. - Come On!

I think I can run. - Come On!

I think we lost.

Oh, my god. Is Jacob.

I'll stay here with him. Make sure that all doors are closed.


It's all my fault.


I remember all the times ... that protected me from Dad.

You were only a child.

When I came here I thought ...

I could start again, you know?

I did not want to be like him.

Now I'm going to be a dad.

But did not know anything about Ezekiel and all deaths, right?

There is still time to stop it.


Fight fire with fire.

In the store there ...

I love you.

I love you too.


Charlotte's car.

This is our ticket out.



Let's see.

Try again.

Come on.


I can probably fix it, but it's going to take a while.


Wait. I think I heard something.

Alison, move!

Are you okay?

Can we talk about this?

I got your name right eternal here.

Firefighting ... with fire.

Our family broke apart.

Our brothers lie broken ... and bleeding around us.

Before the latest innocent souls on earth will be annihilated ...

We must get away ...

and join "He who walks behind corn" in a better place.

Now ...

..síganme, children.

¿Ezekiel joined with "He who walks behind corn '?

I do not know.

Capable yes.

Can we do it ourselves?

I do not think it's time yet.

Hello. - You must be Alison.

Please login. - Thank You.

Lilly is not ready to be a mother. After all it's a girl.

She has a whole life ahead.

It would not be fair to her or the baby.

It is what is best for him.

This is what Jacob wanted.

I take good care of him. I promise.

Thank You.


Maybe we'll all and let you two are known.



Hey, sweetheart.

Hello you.
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