07x08 - Passport and a g*n

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Ray Donovan". Aired: June 30,2013 - February 2020.*
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Ray Donovan works for the powerful law firm Goldman & Drexler, representing the rich and famous. Donavon is a professional "fixer" for the rich and famous in LA, who can make anyone's problems disappear except those created by his own family.
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07x08 - Passport and a g*n

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Ray Donovan...


I taped every f*ckin' thing Jimmy ever said to me.


They're all dated.

What the...

Hands up!


f*ck this.

I wanna... run the company.


Your sister was my babysitter.

No, no, no, no, no! No!

You know, I've always liked Ray.

Creative with v*olence.

I'll k*ll him, Ray.

I'll f*ckin' k*ll him.

Mick's your father, huh?

That knife for him?

What have I got this afternoon?

Cancel them both.

And get Miss Lee to come in at four.

Tell her I need a full Swedish. I'm a f*ckin' wreck.

And that, uh, that acupuncture, uh, guy... what's his name?

Yeah, him.


Die, you m*therf*cker!

Get down! Fucker!

f*ckin' O'Malley.

Piece a shit.

You sleep at all?

The first time I met your father, I was ten years old... in a bar.

I was lookin' for my father.

I went in there with a... uh... with a kitchen knife, thinkin' I was gonna k*ll him.

Your father stopped me.

Sent me back home.


Oh, my God.


Hey, you.

Hey, Jas, listen, I need you to bring me my passport, and then bring your passport.

What? And I need you to bring my g*n.

What the f*ck is goin' on, Daryll?

What's goin' on? We got a broken main.

It's gonna be a while.



Hey, Ray.

Ya all right?

Yeah, oh, I'm great. I, uh, came in early.

I was gonna get a head start on, uh, some... some work, you know.

All right.

Why don't you go to the corner and get us a couple coffees.

Yeah, yeah, coff... Ab-absolutely.

Hey, Ray, that, um, detective picked me up and she brought me in for questioning.

Yeah, I know. Terry told me.

Yeah, well, it was just kinda more of the same... showed me pictures of heads, went over the alibi.

I didn't say anything different. All right.

Yeah. I ju-just wanted you to know.

Okay. Right, um... coffee.

Aw, shit.

I got it. No, I got it.

Good morning. Ray Donovan's office.

Hey, it's a... it's a collect call from a Manhattan detention complex.

Guy named Gary O'Malley?

Gary? Ray.

Aw, thank God.

Listen, I need your help.

That f*ck Jim Sullivan... c*cksucker thinks he can get away with m*rder. Well, f*ck that!

What are you talkin' about, Gary?

f*ckin' Sullivan!

He f*cking k*lled my father and Ronny!

Gary, you got a lawyer?

This ain't about g*dd*mn lawyers.

It's about gettin' even with that piece of shit.

What makes you so sure it was Sullivan?

'Cause I got pictures of that fat little f*ck.

At my brother's house.

Pictures? Just come down here.

First you f*ck over my brother, then you're literally f*cking my sister.

Jesus Christ, Ray, what's that about?

Can't find anybody better than Molly?

What're you doin' here, Declan?

My dad wants those stocks back.

Says your half-breed brother took 'em.

So take it up with him.

See, I was thinkin', you know, since he's your brother and all maybe you should be the one to do that.


I mean, I could do it but, you know, might get messy.

You remember that time in sixth grade when I kicked the shit outta you?

No, I don't.

Well, let me ask you somethin'.

Were you... were you already suckin' Father O'Connor's d*ck at that point?

One way or another, I'm gonna get back what's ours.

If you don't wanna help with Sammy Davis Donovan, I'll do it myself.

Yeah, Ray.

I need you to rent a car and go stake out Daryll's place.


I had an emerald necklace.

Wha... w-w-what was that?

An emerald necklace.

Been handed down mother to daughter in my family for three generations.

I promised it to my daughter.

Oh, that's, uh... that's nice.

W... w... when I first went to the Center, we were told all jewelry and m-m-money...

We were told we had to hand them over to the shaman.


But when I called to get it back, they said they didn't have it, I must have misremembered.

I didn't misremember.

I didn't. I gave it to them to keep.

They stole it from me.

Dolores, are you sure?

I need you to get it back for me.

No, I... Dolores, I-I can't just... I...

Oh, please, I just wanna give it to my daughter before I die.


All right.

It's all right. Ohh...

It's all right.

He pulled my father outta his nursing home.

Ray, he f*ckin' electrocuted him.

Then he went after Ronny.

He stabbed him to death.

All because of these f*ckin' tapes!

You know, you remember... what a piece of shit that Jim Sullivan was when we was kids.

My father had to protect himself.

He recorded a bunch of his conversations with him.

Sullivan's the only one who woulda given a f*ck about them tapes.

What'd you mean about there bein' pictures?

Ronny rigged a surveillance camera.

He hid it above the safe.

It's gotta have pictures of that murderin' m*therf*cker.

All right.

I'll check it out.

Thanks, Ray.

See, that's what I call reliable.

Like a Timex, this kid.

Why can't you clods be that reliable, huh?

That's for you, Ray.

Thanks, Mr. Sullivan. You got it.


When I first laid eyes on you, I said, "That kid's gonna make himself f*ckin' useful one day."

And ya did.

I was right.

One more thing I want ya to do.

You make it to school today?

You know how important education is.


And, um... before ya leave...

Make sure he knows... you speak for me.

Hey, what the f*ck?

Are you Ricky Ronsen? Who the hell are you?

You owe Jim Sullivan $600.

So what?

I'm here to collect. No shit.

Should I go get it for ya?


f*ck off.


What the f*ck?

You owe Jim Sullivan $600.

Tell Jim Sullivan he wants his money come back and ask for it himself.

Now get your ass outta here before I kick ya in the balls.


Hey, what the f*ck are you doin'?


You gonna gimme the money?

f*ck you!




It's all I got, I swear to God.

Wait... maybe my brother'll come by with another hundred tomorrow.

Along the inside...

This real? 'Course it's f*ckin' real.

What do ya think?

As they head down the far side.

Mighty Bull and Captain Courageous opening up a three and a half lengths...

Hey, Ter. I need a ride.

I'm sorry. I gotta do something for Ray.

f*ck that. This is important.

Ter... When have I ever asked you for anything, Bunch?

I need a ride f*ckin' upstate, and I need it now.

Hey, you need, uh, help with whatever it is that you're doin'?


I just thought that I could come with you in case you needed me. I don't need you.

I-I-I could do stuff. I could, you know, create a diversion, or...

I could go get coffee.

I'm sure you're wondering why I slept at the office last night.


Bridget and me... we're still on the outs.

I know that you think that I should just get over it, but...

You're an adult. She's an adult.

You'll figure it out.

I keep having dreams about those cops.

It's all just so clear and then it takes over.

I just... I don't know where to put it all.

Do you still think about what we did?

Get some sleep.

You need it.

Hey. Hey.

I brought what you asked me for.

No, no, no, not... not out here, inside.

Stay in the car.

Oh... Holy shit, that's a lotta blood.

Thought I told you to stay in the car.

Is this a crime scene?

Think that Gary guy did this?

Ah, f*ck.


Wait... is that Daryll?


You just erased all that?

Let's go.

Hey, that was pretty awesome.

You're very stealth.

Like a f*ckin' ninja.

Wow. This is nice.

Wait here.

Hey, Terry.

f*ck you.



Terry. It's so nice to see you.

I come for Dolores's necklace.

Excuse me? You heard me.

I need the necklace.

This is something that transpired between myself and Dolores, something she gave up freely and generously to rid herself of negative energy and to benefit the Center.

I'm gonna ask you one more f*ckin' time.

Terry, forget this false quest... and let me help you move through your own phases of mortality.

Don't do this to yourself, Terr...

You f*ck... Ohh... Aah!

Aah! f*ck!

Now, where is it? Uhh...

Where's the f*ckin' necklace?

I'd tell him where it is, I were you.

Up there!

Box on the top shelf!


Holy shit.

Which one? The emerald.

Got it.

All right.

Can I ask you somethin'?

Terry said that whatever happens between me and Bridget I can't leave the family 'cause we k*lled all those cops.


I-I think about it all the time.

Do you think about it?

You think about what you did?

I mean, just the sound of that fire poker goin' through that guy, I...

I-I-I can't get that outta my head.

Never done anything like that before.

And Daryll said that you went crazy on that cop.

He said that you shot him like 20 times.

I shot him, he's dead. What's the difference?

You don't feel bad?

You don't feel bad for the families?

No, I don't feel bad.

He got what he deserved.


I don't feel bad either.

That cop was gonna k*ll Aunt Sandy.

I did what I had to do too.

This is not a*t*matic.

What? Just so you know.

What you talkin' 'bout? I don't date thugs.

I ain't no thug.

"Bring me my passport and my g*n."

I didn't sound like that.

Daryll Donovan.

You in there?

It's Declan Sullivan. I know you're in there.

Hide, hide.

What you want? Wanna make a deal.

What kinda deal?

You got somethin' that I want back, that's all.

I'm prepared to pay to get it... cash, today.

How much we talkin'?

Two million.

Come in.

It's not as simple as you think, transferring those stocks to cash.

If you don't have any experience with this type o' thing, it's very easy to get caught.

Very easy.

This way, two million in cash... bird in the hand.

It's cash.

All right.

Gotta give me about an hour though.

All right. And... you know, call me when you're ready.

So... did you find it?

Yeah. And?


What do ya mean, nothin'?

I dunno. Wasn't workin'.

Looks like it hadn't been workin' for a while.

What the f*ck?

It was workin' last time I checked.

I don't know what to tell ya, Gary.



I'm gonna...

I'm gonna call a lawyer right now, we'll see if he can help ya out here.

Are you still workin' for that piece a shit?


Sullivan! Are you still in his f*ckin' pocket?

Look, Gary, I'm sorry for you...

After everything he did to your family?

To your wife and to your sister?

What are you talkin' about?

f*ck you, Ray.

You go ask that motherfuckin' subhuman yourself.


All right.

Let's go.

Hi. Hey.

Hey, where are you?

I wanted to ask you about those tapes.


Is there anything in there from the fall of '87?

Around the time Bridget passed?

Um... I can check.

Think you can get 'em to me?


Are you okay?


I'll call ya later.

It's Ray.

Come on in, Ray.

And McKinley, the Pro Bowl defensive tackle...

That, uh, degenerate Ronsen give you any problems?

Gave me this.

That real? Yeah.

Ha ha ha.


Hand-off to Jackson, up the middle for a no gain.

Second and ten from the 25.

That's really poor execution there that time by the offense.


That's worth more than 600 bucks.

That's for you.

No, I'm all right.

What, you don't like dogs?

You want a drink?


Cortez, who was almost immediately taken down by the defense...



You're a good kid, Ray.

Look, I know you had a rough life.

I know.

You need anything, anything at all, you come see me.



I'm thinkin'... What you thinkin'?

There's this island on Galapagos, right?

Mmm. And like they have these birds that you can just pull off the branch.

So there's not... there's no predators out there, so they don't know what it's like to be scared.

Like, fear is not in their vocabulary. Wow.

So I'm figurin'... we get a one-way ticket.

One way? Yeah.

What? To Antigua or the Caribbean.

One way? See the sunset, yes, around...

All right, here we go.

What's up, fellas?


The f*ck? Where's the re...

Sorry... cash flow's a little tight right now.

Hand over the stocks.

Jasmine, pop the trunk.

Shit, get... Yo, get in the car! Get in the car!


Holy shit!


Oh, shit!


Oh, fu...


Ray, what are you doin' here?

Nothin'. What is that?


Bridget! Hi, Ray.

Hi, Gary. Hi, Molly!

Ready to make pies?

We got a ton of limes!

You want me to pick you up later?

Nah. Mr. Sullivan'll give me a ride.

Come on! Okay.

Good night.

Good night.

What happened to you?


You workin' for him now?


Jesus, Ray. Seriously?

This is Dr. Arthur Amiot.

Please leave a detailed message, and I'll return your call as soon as possible.

Is it okay if I stay here again tonight?



'Kay, good night.

What's wrong?

Take your shirt off.


I didn't know what else to do.

That detective was gonna come after Bridget.

I didn't have any other option.

Take your f*ckin' shirt off.

I'm sorry.

All right, Mr. Donovan, I need you to relax, okay?

I need you to stop right there, okay?

I said I need you to stop.

God damn it, I said sto... Uhh...

On the ground.

I said get on the f*cking ground.

Get on the f*cking ground.

You wanna talk?

Let's talk.
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