01x14 - I, the Deceased

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Magnum P. I.". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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An ex-Navy Seal returns to Hawaii as a private investigator.
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01x14 - I, the Deceased

Post by bunniefuu »



Zeus, Apollo, sit.

You do realize that eating in bed leads to insomnia.

I sleep just fine. And it attracts insects.

I'm not afraid of ants and roaches.

These hounds of hell, on the other hand...

Zeus, Apollo, outside.

Roll over.

Good boy.

Do we really have to do this now?

Well, roaches and ants may not bother you, Magnum, but they bother me.

It's bad enough that you're sleeping out here.

It's not my fault the guesthouse is full of termite damage.

This house has eight bedrooms, and yet you choose to sleep on a sofa in the common area.

It's really comfy out here.

I give up.

There is just no point trying to reason with a toddler.

Oh, and a package came for you this morning. It's in the study.

And for the love of God, put some trousers on.

Usually, when a lawyer wants to reach you, it's bad news. But if he's reaching out on behalf of a potential client, that could mean a job.

That's a lot of cash.

It's $10,000.

Why on earth would anyone send so much?

I don't know, but this came with it.

You mind if I use the laptop? Sure.

That'll be $50.

Are you seriously gonna charge me?

You promised to purchase your own laptop months ago, and it still hasn't happened. As such, now every time you want to use my laptop, the charge is $50.

That's a little extreme.

That is my price. Either you can get your own, or you can, as you Yanks are so fond of saying, make it rain.

You have any change?

I'll just keep it. Thank you.

No doubt you'll need to borrow my laptop again in the future.

By the way, you still owe me for the repairs on the Ferrari.

I know.

Mr. Magnum, hello.

My name is Larry Hayes.

You don't know me, but I'm reaching out to you for help.

I've tried everything. No one will listen.

No one will believe me.

At first I thought I was just being followed, being watched.

But it's clear now that it's much more serious than that.

Someone's after me, Mr. Magnum.

They want to hurt me, I know it.

And if you're watching this now...

I'm hiring you to solve my m*rder.

Careful with that. And watch where you're walking.

Auntie, please, we're trained pest management professionals.

Who are about to pump this place full of poison.

Look around. We have valuable artifacts in here.

Plus, we have animals on the property.

I need more than just your word that everything will be okay.

Knock, knock.

What seems to be the problem?

Rick, did these guys come through you?

Yeah, uh, Higgy asked me to help out with Thomas's termite issues that he's having, so I called my buddy.

Dennis Sterling.


You guys know each other?

We went to high school together.

Haven't seen each other in what, 15 years?

Uh, give or take.

Okay, looks like you kids have some catching up to do.

You still look the same, though.

Oh, stop.

Okay, go on.

What's the holdup?

I'm concerned about your chemicals.

You don't have to worry.

There's no residue, and as long as we aerate and do a clearance test, this process is perfectly safe.

But to be careful, these gentlemen will carefully remove whatever items you want and put them in the garage.

Guys, Teuila's in charge.

Nothing happens until she gives the green light.

Mahalo, Dennis.

Wow. Well, looks like my work here is done.

Um, you know, since you guys have to clear everything out of here, I'm-a go ahead and take this.

Uh, you know, if Magnum asks, just, uh, tell him it's for the bajillion favors that he owes me for. Mahalo.

I'm sorry to be so difficult.

You still haven't changed.

You still have that fire in you.

So, listen, I have to head over to another job site, but I will be back to check on everything.

Sounds good.


Okay, boys. Let's do this.

I've tried everything.

No one will listen. No one will believe me.

At first I thought I was just being followed, being watched.

But it's clear now that it's much more serious than that.

Any answers?

Yeah, I just spoke to the law firm that sent this.

They handled Larry's mother's affairs after her death.

They hadn't heard from Larry until last week when he asked them to send me this envelope in the event of his death, which apparently happened 12 hours ago.

It was a car accident.

Well, that's a little curious.

That's more than a little curious.

I mean, this guy's convinced somebody's after him, and then he ends up dead.

I mean, there's got to be a connection there.

One thing I don't understand is why Mr. Hayes hired you to investigate his m*rder specifically.

'Cause I'm good. Debatable.

I'm leaving.

Seriously. I mean, I can understand someone wanting to engage your services if the only compensation they could offer was...

I don't know, live poultry.

But it appears money was no object.

Surely Mr. Hayes could have hired someone more reputable.

But he chose you. Why?

I don't know.

But he did, so I'm obliged to look into this.

Magnum, you-you know that twice as many people die in car accidents as homicides.

I'm not saying I'm not intrigued by all this, but have you considered the possibility that it is just a coincidence?

Like any good detective, I don't believe in coincidences.

I still don't really know why I'm here.

My assistant said that you had information about my brother? Yes.

I know this may sound strange, Katrina, but your brother hired me to solve his m*rder.

I'm sorry.

Uh, this morning I received a video he made for me.

He thought somebody was out to k*ll him.

Are you saying that what happened wasn't an accident?

Well, we're not saying that, but the timing of it is suspicious.

I can't believe this. I...

Last week Larry said that he thought someone was watching him.

He wouldn't leave his apartment.

The only reason he left yesterday... because he felt sick and he needed to see the doctor.

I thought he was being paranoid.

That he was having delusions again.

What do you mean?

Larry was... schizophrenic.

If he was off his meds, he would sometimes see things, hear things.

You don't think that this time it could've been for real?

Well, we won't know for sure until we look into this. You have to.


What if he was right all along and I just didn't believe him?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

At this point, it's very likely that it was just a car accident.

And if it wasn't?

Well, if it wasn't, then we'll do what Larry hired us to do in the first place.

We'll solve his m*rder.

Okay, according to the police report, Larry lost control here and then slid off into the ravine.

Does that furrowed brow constitute a conflicting thought or the need for a potty break?

I'm thinking maybe someone forced him off the road.


But it's a single lane going in one direction, so that would've been difficult.

And plus, there's only one set of skid marks.

All signs point to it being an accident.

Not if somebody tampered with the car.

And how do you intend to find that out?

The police must have impounded the car by now.

Really appreciate this, Mikey.

Car's in the back.

Only got an hour. Does that buy you enough time?

Please. This'll take 30 minutes, tops.

Don't hold your breath on Magnum reimbursing you for that hundred, by the way.

What are you talking about?

He promised he was gonna pay me back.

When will you learn, man?

Thomas never has more than 40 bucks to his name.

Welcome to the club, Shammy.

What club is that?

The Do Free Favors for Thomas Magnum Club.

Working for me, you get an honorary membership.

Yeah, lucky me.

I'm not worried about the money

'cause I know this client paid him ten stacks just to take the case, so he's got no excuse not to pay up.

Hold up. $10,000?


Thomas ain't mention that.

Yeah, probably 'cause he knows you're gonna want him to reimburse you for all the fuel costs that have been stacking up, helping him out with his cases.

That's what I'm thinking.

Damn. Is this it?

Yeah, that's the one.

You up, doctor.

I really thought I had a shot at being prom king that year.

Not with that beige tux, you didn't. Wait a minute now.

It was pale gold, and I only wore it to match Kalea's dress.

Oh, look, there she is.

How's she doing?

Actually, we're divorced now.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Well, it's pretty recent.

Still can't bring myself to take this thing off.

Hey, do you remember those parties I used to throw when my parents were on the mainland?

How could I forget?

Well, I have moved back into that house since they passed away, and whenever I'm on the lanai, I think about those days.


I had the biggest crush on you.

Oh, stop.

You loved all the ladies.

I'm embarrassed by the way I used to be.

Well, you certainly have changed a lot.

Thank you.

Listen, um, you think you might want to... uh, I don't know... get together sometime?

Oh, no, I couldn't.

It-It's just, uh... my husband was the love of my life.

I... I haven't even thought about dating anyone since he passed.

I understand.

Tell you what.

It's a... open invitation.

I would really just love to reconnect.

I mean that.

I'll think about it.

Well, I'd better get going.

Um, thanks for the coffee. Okay.

Listen, you can hang onto this. Oh.

And I will pick it up when I come back to get the tent. Okay.

Are you sure?

Dude, I ran a full diagnostic on this thing.

It's clean.

Steering, brakes, tires, everything?

They all check out. Nothing was tampered with.

Okay. Well, thanks for checking it out for me, Shammy.

I appreciate it. I'll talk to you guys later.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, Thomas. One more thing.

Heard about your big payday.

Got me thinking.

Maybe it's time for you to finally pay me back for all that free flying I do for you any time you have a case.

You want to charge me for that?

It's $450 to fill up my t*nk.

Of course I want to charge you.

Yeah, but I thought you enjoyed it.

Why would you think that?

I don't know. Rick likes helping me out with cases.

Uh, no, no, Rick doesn't, in fact.

Rick thinks that Thomas is taking advantage of their friendship.

All right, I hear you.

TC, send me a bill.

Check the mail, brah.

I mean, geez, you come into a little money, and suddenly everyone's got their hand out.

I liked it better when I was broke.

"Rick enjoys it." Give me a break.


I'm out of here.

So, it appears as if your client Mr. Hayes' demise was indeed a tragic accident. It wasn't a homicide.

Yeah, maybe.

You're still not convinced?

Not really. There's still one thing I want to check out.

Hola. Not a good time, Magnum.

She always says that.

And I always mean it, except this time, I really mean it because I have a double homicide on deck.

Look, this isn't gonna take long.

This is Dr. Noelani Cunha, the best medical examiner on the island.

And this is Juliet Higgins, majordomo of Robin's Nest. Pleasure.

You're the one that has to deal with this guy all the time?

Sadly, yes. Ugh. That can't be easy.

Are you really having this conversation in front of me?

It's dreadful. You poor thing.

Okay, that's enough. Look, I have a question.

Uh, what can you tell me about Larry Hayes?

What do you want to know? How'd he die?

Well, his car went off an incline, so he suffered multiple fractures, so chances are blunt force trauma had something to do with it.

Okay, well, that's obvious.

Dig a little deeper, though.

I-I'm thinking there may have been foul play involved.

See, right about now is where Magnum tries to bribe me with food, except this time I'm going to preemptively decline.


H-How about a-a donation to Home for Hawaii?

Whatever spare change you have in your pocket won't be enough to get me to do this favor.

How about a more sizable donation? Say, uh...

75 bucks. It's pretty generous.

I was thinking more like a thousand dollars.

Magnum's actually pretty flush at the moment.

Magnum? That can't be true.

No, I can assure you he's, he's quite liquid.

So, a thousand dollars?

Anything for charity.


Okay. I'll look into it.

Keep your phone on.

Juliet, it was great meeting you.

Girls' night sometime? I'd love to.


She's great. You know, at this rate, I'm not gonna have any of Larry's money left over.

Not my problem. So what now?

I'm gonna go check out Larry's apartment.

You are welcome to stay here if you want.

And miss the opportunity of seeing you arrested for B and E.

Not a chance.

That's not gonna happen.

Can I help you?

Yeah. Good afternoon, ma'am.

I'm Lieutenant Thomas Magnum with HPD.

This is my associate Juliet Higgins.

I need to talk to you about one of your tenants... Larry Hayes.

Come in.

See? No B and E.

You do realize that impersonating a police officer is a much more serious crime?

It's not a real badge.

Yes. You have made that moronic point before.

You're ruining the moment.

If you need anything else, Lieutenant, just let me know.

Thank you, Caroline.

I'll be sure to tell the captain how helpful you were. Hmm.

Wow. Looks like Larry was pretty serious about home security.

Makes sense.

He thought someone wanted to k*ll him.

Discover something, Detective?


And, yeah, uh...

This receipt's dated from yesterday.

14 hours ago, to be exact.

Must've been Larry's last meal.

Yeah, not a bad choice either.

Been to that place. It's delicious.


Roaches. How lovely.

You do realize Robin's Nest is gonna be crawling with these things if you don't stop munching in the living room. Just saying.

Yeah, yeah.

It looks like Larry was staying up on his medication.

Magnum, look.

Lieutenant Magnum, what do you think you're going to do now?

I... I don't know. I spent most of my adult life, uh, trying to help people and trying to be of service.

I guess it's-it's part of who I am, part of... who we all are.

Uh, I think it'd be nice to be able to find some way to keep doing that, to... help people in need who... maybe have nobody to turn to.

Well, it seems like Larry was an admirer of yours.

At least we know now why he reached out to you.

Noelani, what do you got?

Hey, I found traces of aconitine in Larry Hayes' system.

Even a small amount can cause shortness of breath, nausea, and then, finally, cardiac arrest, which is exactly what happened to Mr. Hayes.

He was dead before his car went off the road.

You were right.

More like Larry was right.

It was m*rder.

No, none of this makes any sense.

My brother was a good person.

He was kind, and he was sweet.

That's why we're trying to help.

You know... I made a promise to my mother before she died that I would look after Larry.

I worked as hard as I could just to support the both of us.

I thought I was helping him, but maybe if I had focused less on work and more on him, I would have listened better.

You know, I wouldn't have dismissed his fears as symptoms.

I-I... If I had just believed him, I could have done something to stop.

Don't do this to yourself.

Someone is responsible for this, but it's not you.

Excuse me.

Katsumoto. Uh, Katrina, this is Detective Gordon Katsumoto.

I'm with HPD, ma'am.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

I need to ask you some questions, but first I need a word with Mr. Magnum and Ms. Higgins.

You know, just when I was starting to think, "Maybe Magnum's not such a bad guy," you go and keep me in the dark about a homicide.

Instead, I have to find out from the M.E.

We were gonna tell you.

We just thought Katrina should know first.

Look, Detective, I don't see any reason why we can't all work together on this.

Oh, you don't? How about, out of the three of us, I'm the only one with a badge.

Now, you two want to investigate a homicide on this island? Great.

Graduate from the Academy, spend five years in uniform, pass the exam, and get your shields.

But until that day comes, you need to back off.

The only reason there's a homicide to investigate is because of me. Is because of you.

Yes. And the only reason you got this far is by breaking the law.

Now, you're lucky we're not charging you. Now go.

Look at it this way: you proved your client was right, and now HPD are going to investigate.

And let's face it... $10,000 for one day's work is not bad.

Maybe you could take some of that cash and use it to get a hotel room until the house is fumigated.

That way you can eat in bed as much as you like.


Uh, cockroaches. I'm sorry?

So, there's three ways Larry could have been poisoned... injection, skin contact, or he could have ingested it.

Okay. And?

Well, Katrina said Larry was so scared somebody was after him, he wouldn't leave his apartment for over a week. Right?

So, if somebody's stuck in their home, how would you get to 'em?

Poison the food being delivered there.

Exactly. And what do cockroaches go after?

Wh-What you said earlier about the crumbs.

What if those dead cockroaches in Larry's apartment ate his leftover food and that's why they died?

Certainly seems plausible.

We need to find whoever delivered Larry his last meal.

Katsumoto told us to back off.

I'll back off when my client tells me to back off.


Oh, what are you doing back here?

Oh, Higgins asked me to come check in on Dennis's crew while she's helping out Thomas with something.

Oh. Hey, how crazy is it you guys went to high school together?

I guess it's a pretty small island, but...

You okay?

Dennis asked me out.


Wow, that's exciting.

What? Nothing.

It's just...

I've been thinking about it, and...

I just don't think I'm ready for that.

Well, how long has it been?

Since my husband died?

Almost four years.

Uh, now, Kumu, don't take this the wrong way, but you're still pretty young.

Why would I take that the wrong way?

No, let me finish. I...

I'm saying you're still pretty young.

You got a lot of years left on this earth.

You really want to spend all that time being alone?

I mean, look, it's not like the guy proposed or anything.

He just asked you on a date.

You should go, you know?

Let your hair down.

You deserve it.

Thank you so much. My associate and I really appreciate it.

So, the delivery guy didn't recognize the photo of Larry that I sent.

He said he didn't give the food to Larry, that he handed it to someone who was waiting outside the building.

So Larry's k*ller intercepts the delivery, poisons it, and pretends to be the delivery guy.

We have to go and get Larry's last meal so the lab can test it.

Only got one pair of these, so make sure you don't leave any prints.

I was a covert operative, Magnum.

You don't need to teach me how to be invisible.


Go that way. Cut him off. Yeah!

Are you kidding me?

If that man already k*lled Larry, why would he come back here?

Higgins, there's a hole here, behind where the fridge was.

It's empty.

Whatever was in here, he must have gotten it out just before we arrived.

So that's what all this was about, then?

Larry was m*rder*d so that the k*ller could get into his apartment and break through the wall?

Yeah, looks like it.

But why now?

Yeah, good afternoon, ma'am.

I'm Lieutenant Thomas Magnum with HPD.

Demolition notice posted at the front of the building.

The building's about to be torn down.

That would explain the urgency to get inside.

Stay right there. Don't move.

It's okay.

You can put 'em down.

I know these two.

The hell you doing here?

Larry's sister pays the rent on this place.

Okay? We had permission.

What's with the hole in the wall?

That was already here when we got here.

According to the M.E., Mr. Hayes ingested the poison before he got behind the wheel.

That makes this the primary crime scene.

You need to leave so we can get CSU in here to process.


No problem.

Katsumoto isn't gonna be pleased when he finds out you're keeping him in the dark again.

It's the only way we're gonna stay on the case.

What's the next move? Got to find out who the tenants were that lived there before Larry.

Maybe they can tell us what was hidden inside the wall.

I don't think she appreciated your little deception earlier.

Larry was someone I cared about, and you lied to me!

And I'm sorry about that.

Look, the truth is, I'm a private detective.

Larry hired me, and I just...

I need a list of people who lived in his apartment before he did.



Caroline, I don't know what the police told you, but Larry didn't perish in a car accident.

He was m*rder*d.

Now, I know that Magnum's ethics can sometimes be... questionable, but you should know that he never gives up on a client and he will do whatever he feels he must in order to solve a case.

Now, you don't have to forgive him.

But by helping him, you would be getting justice for Larry.


I'll get you that list.

May I help you?

Kalea Upolu?

It's Kalea Sterling now.

Do I know you?

It's, um, Teuila Tuileta, from Kukui High.



Oh, wow, it's been a long time.

Wh-What are you doing here?


Uh, I just stopped by because your husband, Dennis, is, uh, fumigating where I work, and I, I just wanted to tell him everything is going well.

He was right.

I had nothing to worry about.


I'll be sure to tell him.

Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

Uh, j-just give him the message.

Nice seeing you again.

You, too.

By the way, you look great.


We should start by looking into previous tenants with a criminal record.


There are two, one of whom is deceased, the other of whom is currently in prison.

Randy Hamaka.

He was arrested two years ago on an as*ault charge.

I heard of this guy. He used to run all the criminal activity on the Waianae Coast.

But if he's still in prison, there's no way he's the same man we ran into in Larry's apartment.

No. But he could know what was in the wall and who may be coming after it.

Sorry, can't help you.

Well, whatever was hidden in that wall was worth k*lling over, which tells me it was probably valuable.

If you say so.

When do you get out?

Two months, right?

Yeah. So?

So tell me what was in the wall, and maybe I can help you get it back.

Look, Randy, I'm not a cop.

Okay? So I don't care what was inside the wall.

Stolen goods or whatever.

I just want to find the guy who has it.

Well, you're gonna have to do that without me.

'Cause, like I said, I don't know what you're talking about.

And if I wanted to hide something, I'm not sticking it in no kitchen wall.

Good talk.

So, is he in on it?

Up to his eyes. But he's playing dumb.

Well, actually, he's not playing dumb.

He's straight-up dumb, because I said there was something hidden in one of the walls.

I didn't tell him which room.

And, somehow, he knew I was talking about the kitchen.

We have to find out who Randy's been in contact with on the outside.

He might have sent someone to Larry's apartment.

Yeah, that's gonna mean accessing prisoner phone records and visitor logs.

You think you can manage that?

Child's play.


Don't ask how, but we found a suspect.


An ex-con named Jayson Colfax.

He's an accomplished thief who's recently been in contact with a prisoner at Halawa who used to live in Larry's apartment.

I'm sending you his photo now.

We'd seen Colfax poking around Larry's apartment earlier. Pinged his phone.

He's in Honolulu Harbor right now.

I'm thinking he might be trying to get off the island.


We'll meet you there.

But wait for us.

Of course.


Looks like he's in the mill.

Ow! Ow, you're hurting me.

Would you prefer a b*llet?

My friend has 16 of them.

Well done.

Who are you guys?

Larry Hayes hired me.

You remember him, right?

The man you poisoned to death.

I didn't mean for that to happen.

I was just trying to get him sick enough so he'd leave his apartment.

Did Randy Hamaka send you there?


Why? What was in the wall?

I got him. Go check it out.


No. Not Katsumoto.

Three men. All armed.

Your friends?

No. Randy must've sent them.

I got word to him about everything that happened, and I told him where I was so he'd help me off the island. Well, it looks like he wants to silence you.

We'll get you out of here, but you have to work with us.

Did you scope the ins and outs of this place?

Yeah. There's only one, and they're coming through it.

Then we'll have to cat and mouse it out of here.

Got 'em!

Go, go.


What did Jayson say?

Randy told him to break open the wall behind the fridge and remove whatever was inside, but when he did, he didn't find anything.

Are you saying this guy Larry was m*rder*d for something that wasn't even there?

Looks that way.

Unless Jayson was looking in the wrong place.

Yeah. Some of the apartments got remodeled a few years ago and things got moved around.

This is where the kitchen used to be, and that's where the fridge was.

We ran ballistics on the g*n we found in your old place.

Got a match to a pair of unsolved murders from eight years ago.

Both g*ng-related hits.

But until now HPD hadn't found a w*apon or the person who pulled the trigger.

You knew they'd find the g*n in your old apartment when they tore it down next month, so you had Jayson Colfax go recover it.

Problem is, the man who lived in the apartment wouldn't leave.

So Jayson had to get creative.

Tried to poison the guy just enough to get him to leave.

Unfortunately for both of you, he went too far.

You were so close to getting out, Randy.

Now you're not going anywhere.

Enjoy your time in prison.

On any other day, solving two murders would feel good.

Trouble is, for that to happen, one man had to die.

All because some guy was dumb enough to hide a g*n in a wall.

I know it doesn't make it hurt any less, but if it wasn't for Larry, the families of those two victims never would've got justice.

We hope that will give you some small measure of solace.

It does. Thank you.

And thank you.

Both of you, for believing in Larry.

He's married.

He's married? Are you kidding me?

Men are such dogs.

Damn right. You know what?

When we're done here, I'm gonna go over there and have a talk with that guy. I'm going with you.

Don't you dare, either of you.

You're not at least a little bit upset?

Maybe a little.

On the other hand... it felt good to get all dolled up.

And it made me realize that I need to put myself out there.

Maybe it's time.

Can't we just key his car, at least?

Please don't. Then I'll have to cite you for vandalism.

Which reminds me, you'll be getting a citation of your own in the mail in the next day or so.

For what?

You can't go around impersonating a cop, Lieutenant.

Found out about that, huh?

Oh, just be thankful you're getting off with only a fine.

I'll also be needing that phony badge of yours.

At least you still have all that money from your case.

Uh, that's not entirely true.

How come?

'Cause you sure as hell didn't give any to me.

Or me.

I felt bad for taking all that money.

I mean, my daily rate's only 550 bucks, so I took what I needed, and donated the rest to Homes for Hawaii in Larry's name.

You mean after you put aside the money that you promised to reimburse us.


I think that's a no.

It's not cool, Thomas.

What you want me to do? You want me to get the money back?

'Cause I could get it back.

Nah, 'cause then we would be the bad guys.

See, this is exactly what we're talking about.

You always taking advantage.

Katsumoto, back me up here.

Yeah, he's right, Magnum.

I got to say, it's getting a little old.


I'm not gonna ask anybody for any more favors.

How long do you think that will last?

They do have a good point, Magnum.

You have a terrible habit of exploiting your friends.

Although, to be fair, you do also possess some admirable qualities.

I'm listening.

Case in point: I was skeptical at first, but you always had faith in your client.

And were it not for your pig-headed persistence and sense of mission, this case would never have been solved, so you deserve a little credit.

Well, thank you, Juliet.

You're welcome.

Oh, and I wasn't gonna pile it on just then, but I do still expect you to repay me for the repairs on the Ferrari.

I was really hoping you'd forgot about that.

Sorry. No such luck.
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