01x17 - Enter Alexis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: October 2017 to present.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Soap opera reboot of the 1980's show.
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01x17 - Enter Alexis

Post by bunniefuu »

[Cristal] Previously on Dynasty:

Dad always made me believe my mom was the bad one.

-You destroyed our family. -l was protecting our family.

When Alexis left, she wanted full custody.

I just let Steven and Fallon think that she had abandoned them.

I love you, Michael. Is that what you wanted to hear?

-It was, but not like this. -[Fallon] Are you in the market?

-For what? -The biggest payday of your life.

Liam, my husband.

Carrington Atlantic's chairman of the board d*ed.

So did your father.

As for Alexis--

You never thought you'd hear this. Wish she were here.

That's my mother.

Sorry I'm late. Traffic was a bitch.

♪ Crash into the ceiling ♪

♪ What a feeling Feeling that vibe ♪

♪ Smashing all the glitter Strike a match and watch it ignite ♪

♪ Bang, bang ♪

♪ Bang, bang ♪

♪ Bang, bang ♪

-I Bang, bang ; -[organ music playing]


-[Steven] Did you invite her? -Why would I?

-She's still up there. -Doing what?

Shedding more tears than the crocodile k*lled to make her bag.

-Did you invite her? -Why does everyone keep asking me?

Pallbearers are ready to carry the casket.

Well, here you all are.

I don't know if you've noticed. This isn't a good time.

No, it's a devastating time. I am so sorry for your loss, Blake.

I came to pay my respects. Thomas was like a father to me.

Hi, Mom.

It's been a minute.

It has.

I can't believe it.

Steven, you look so handsome, but you do look pale. Have you had your vitamin D tested?

Never mind therapy for abandonment issues. How is your vitamin D?

Fallon, I'm glad to see that your father had your teeth fixed, if not your tongue.


You must be a friend of Fallon's.

-[chuckles] -[Fallon] Actually, no.

She's the new Mrs. Carrington.

You'd hate her. That's my favorite thing about her.

Also, I got married, you have a year for your secretary to send a gift.

Fallon, stop engaging. We're going.

Go home, Alexis.

As you wish.

Can you believe her? She barely even looked at me after waltzing in like she'd only been on a holiday.

-I haven't seen her in 11 years. -She was nervous.

-She really-- -l was talking to him.

Should've seen the way she looked at Steven.

Then she embarrasses him about his complexion? She's not wrong, but...

Oh, come on, Michael.

I know you're mad at me, but you can't be. Not today.

He's on your payroll now. Talk to Liam.

I was prepared to hate my mother-in-law, SO, ho worries.

I was thinking you should stay with me until the end of our contract.

You shouldn't be seen roaming around solo.

-You want me to stay with you? -Relax. We have 16 bedrooms, it'll be less crazy than dealing with paparazzi.

Will it?

["Science Fiction" playing]

You could've introduced me to her. After all, we're engaged.

1 didn't because I want my family to celebrate our engagement, not forever associate it with my mother.

-They think she's the devil. -What about you?

Anyone who put up with my father for that long deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Let's just hold off on telling people, okay?

Until after she's gone?

[Cristal] She seems like a textbook narcissist.

Are you okay?

Sure. My ex-wife just crashed into my life and my current one is walking out.

Blake, I didn't want to fight with you before the funeral, but I didn't call that lawyer because I wanted a divorce. The opposite.

I called her to change the prenup so that you keep everything.

All I want to keep is you.

Why the hell is she back?

-Oh, all of this wasn't necessary. -This is everything you asked for.

What are you doing here? How'd you get past the guard?

You mean Frank? I was the one who hired him, dear.

We're old friends.

I do hope it was a lovely service.

Well, you've sure made yourself comfortable.

Yes, I've been catching up with the staff. The place hasn't changed much, has it?

-It still feels like home. -Well, it isn't. Not yours.

Anders, please see her out. The lawyers will be here for the reading of the will.

That's exactly it, Blake. Didn't Anders tell you?

-She's a beneficiary? -I'm afraid so, sir.

She didn't return my call, so I had no idea.

[Alexis] It was a surprise to me, too.

Although Thomas did promise me that whimsical red painting in the den.

The Chagall?


Well, at least we know why you're back. Let's get this over with.

The reading of the last will and testament of Thomas Fitzsimmons Carrington.

As executor, Thomas asked me to gather you all together for the distribution of his estate.

As Blake knows, his father left shares in CA to him and to the grandchildren, to be divided into their trusts.

A few items fall outside those trusts.

Fallon, you'll receive your grandmother's jewelry collection.

I never understood why you didn't receive it.

She knew you'd take it.

Thomas' watches and personal jewelry go to Steven.

He never had good taste, you could melt it down.

-Must you comment on everything? -Let's get through this.

Anders, continue.

His art collection is bequeathed to the High Museum with the exception of one Chagall left to Alexis, -entitled Maternity. -Grandpa always had a good sense of humor.

He left me a generous sum of money, -and his g*n collection. -Hmm, I hope he left something for Fallon's friend. Terrible if she didn't get anything.

As for real estate, Parcels 1 through 178 are bequeathed to Blake.

However, there is a codicil that bequeaths Parcel 132 to Alexis.

He left her property?

Where? New York? -Vienna, I think?

-Villa in Florence? Are you kidding me? -No. I'm afraid... we're sitting in it.

-My God! -Carrington Estate?

-He left her our home? -All 341 acres.

Oh, my God. How generous. Looks like you can go home again.

What the--?

Do you think Alexis knew?

Of course. Why else show up after all these years?

-She wanted to pay her respects. -She waited until after he d*ed?

I'm with Fallon. She got to my father somehow. He was a fool for her charms.

-Yeah, or her buoyant breasts. -She wouldn't kick you out of your home.

Didn't realize your father owned all of this.

Gifted it to me, kept his name on the deed for tax purposes.

Okay, let's just say, worst-case scenario, this thing's legit, she gets the house.

You guys can move into one of your others. To a petit chateau somewhere?

1 will die before I move to Switzerland.

I'm not gonna live in a place where nobody picks sides.

It's the epitome of weak.

No one is going anywhere.

This is our home. You children were born and raised here, it represents our family, she's not going to destroy that again.

My lawyers will find a way to overturn that will.

-But-- That could take weeks, months. -I've got it handled.

As for you two... let's see some wedded bliss, huh?

Come on, honey.

-Hi, honey. -Sweetheart.

My father meant that my mother might sniff out this sham like the pig that she is, find a way to use it against us.

-Time for us to get acquainted. -I'm looking forward to it.

Sam can brief you. As my assistant, he knows things--

Not all things, but what married man does?

[Blake] What is happening?

How did you get past the gate?

Billy was there. He and I have always had an understanding.

I'll bet.

-Which of these three is your guard dog? -Blake.

This is Mickey, my driver, and Douglas, my tax assessor.

Assessor. You realize you can't sell a place you don't own yet.

Well, I don't wanna sell.

When I move in, I need to assess the estate and the expenses that come with it.

Oh, go ahead. Get started.

I'm filing a restraining order until we get that will overturned.

Oh, Blake, don't be like that.

[door closes]

Surely you can understand why he's upset.

I take everything he does with a bucket of salt.

We have a tempestuous, passionate dynamic.

[dog barks]

And who is this?

-He's adorable. What's his name? -Krystle.

Oh, my God, Cristal. I didn't realize the coincidence until I said it out loud.

-Can you believe it? -No, I can't.

-An interesting name for a male dog. -The name screams out at you.

He was a rescue, trashy little thing.

Desperate. Practically ate garbage out of my hand.

Oh, stinky, little freeloader, aren't you, Krystle?

Yes, you are. Oh, yes, you are.

Oh, yes, you are.

-I do so love the opera. -Well, then you're at the wrong venue.

But we can't sit here waiting for Lucha Libre to start.

-We need to Hardy Boys the situation. -We?

Right. I meant you. While Daddy may be taking the legal approach, if I can find leverage, we can kick her out.

When was the last Alexis saw my grandfather?

Day the codicil was drawn up? Where's she's been, who she's with.

-I'll take whatever you find. -Why not you?

It's always a very special day in a young lady's life when she goes behind her mother's back to find dirt.

I know, it does k*ll me to miss out, but Daddy doesn't want me getting any closer.

Even the most powerful men have their misconceptions.

Anyway, if I can't get her out of here, you can.

-So, whatever it takes. -Are you sure that's what you want?

I don't say things I don't mean. Unless it's "sorry." Let me know what you find.

Does no one else think it's suspicious she shows up after all these years?

I'd show up, too, if my father-in-law left me the entire estate.

You don't think they were boning? She's a lot, but she does have standards.

You know, no offense, Grandpa, rest in peace.

-I don't think they were boning. -[sighs] Thank you for clearing that up.

-I don't even know why you're here. -I'm pouring my heart out. We're bonding.


I'm only indulging you because it's your mother.

Instead of sending Anders to dig up her dirt and venting to me, be a grown-up for a change.

Ask her to her face.

[cell phone ringtone playing]

-This is Alexis Carrington. -[Fallon] Hey, it's me.

-Who's calling? -It's your daughter.

[silently] Bitch.

[in normal voice] Listen. It's possible I was a bit unwelcoming, and, um...

I was thinking, I do have a standing mani-pedi appointment tomorrow.

Couldn't help but notice your claws earlier, you could use TLC.

-You there? -I was waiting for something that resembled a...

-An invitation. -Oh, well, that was it. Do you wanna come?

I mean, we could catch up.

I'd love that, Fallon. Thank you.

[Fallon] So, you've been living with Rupert?

Well, sadly, he passed away last summer.

Tragic. How much did you get out of that will?

You know, I've really just been on my own. Traveling Europe.

-Christmases in Acapulco. -m*rder capital of Mexico.

-Well, I haven't been that recently. -Too bad.

Why don't you ask me what you'd really like to ask me, instead of plying me with alcohol to loosen my tongue?


Oh, you know, I'm the one who taught you that trick in eighth grade.

We're good.

If there's something you want to know, I have nothing to hide.

Why now?

-What do you mean? -Well, you've missed 11 birthdays, my high school, college, and biz-school graduations, my first company, my wedding, which was complicated, whatever, yet you come back for Grandpa's funeral?

Did you know you were getting the house? Why show up after all these years?

First of all, this house means nothing to me without family in it, and I do not want to displace anyone.

-Are you delusional? -You make it sound like I had a choice.

Do you really think that I left you behind willingly?


Fallon, your father practically banished me.

And the truth?

He bribed a judge to take you out of my custody, and then paid me off to stay away.

-And you took the money. -I did because I had nothing else.

But you don't know your father like I do.

If I hadn't, God only knows what he would have done.

What choice did you have then? He was a monster, right?


Raising two kids on his own while you slept your way across Europe trying to survive.

That must've been real tough... for a psychopathic liar like yourself.

What the hell?

She invited me, Blake.

I cannot believe you. In my own home, turning my children against me.

You mean my home. You're the one turning them against me

-according to everything Fallon said. -I have lawyers working 24/7 to reverse that codicil.

So, if I were you, I would just go before my guards have to drag you out of here by your extensions.

Oh, Blake, you shouldn't get yourself so riled up.

So many frown lines... since the last time I saw you.

Laugh lines. Not that you would recognize them.

No one is falling for your act, Alexis.

If memory serves, you used to fall quite hard for me.

I mean, of course, we'd argue, but we'd fall again and again, and... sometimes fall all over this desk, do you remember?

Or that chair.

Didn't we conceive Fallon right there on the rug in front of the fireplace?

No, that was down by the lake.

Oh, mm, after that strip croquet game.


You sure knew how to swing your mallet.

You remember the first time we did it down at the stables

-and dear Daddy caught us? -And chased me with a shotgun.

-I never should've gone back. -[Alexis chuckles]

Oh, but you did with a ring.

And then your father bought my family's farm, and all of the land surrounding it.

Then he gave it to us for our wedding gift.

Now he's willed it all to me.

But, you know, Thomas never did approve... of our getting a divorce.

So, maybe it was his way of... getting us back together.

-Alexis. -Well, it's not the craziest idea.

You, me, our children.

And, oh, we could make new memories.


Even if you were... to get the house, it will be as cold and empty as your heart when you walked away from it.

I made a binder of Fallon's favorite things.

I'll need to sign you up on social media as Mr. Fallon.

Actually, TheRealMrFallon, so we don't risk dealing with impersonators.

We wouldn't want someone else pretending.

Look, I appreciate all the help, but I'm good at reading people, -enough to put on a temporary show. -Maybe this is ridiculous to you, but Fallon made this my job. So, work with me?

-Okay. -Okay. We'll need rings, too.

Something modest, yet Fallon-worthy. Three months' salary should do it.

Blake will pay. Now, based on your size... you're like a mix in between Steven and Blake, which is, well, something Fallon should work on in therapy, but try that on. I'll turn around.

No, you're right. You should turn around just, like... a little bit.

[horse whinnies]

Don't mind me. I'm reminiscing.

I have more memories here than anywhere else in the world.

-Blake's chauffeur lives here now. -This was my art studio... but I was never a really good artist, was I?

-l was never a critic. -Mm.

I always kicked myself after I left here for not fighting for this place.

This was my family's land. As a girl, nobody taught me to look out for me.

-Accounts on side, deeds in your name-- -And now look, -it's all coming back to you tenfold. -Come on.

You think Blake's gonna let any of this go?

If he can take two children from a mother, how hard can a house be?

I need your help.

If I could get Fallon on my side... I'd have a fighting chance against him.

I don't know, but your daughter is not too keen on that idea.

That's because she thinks I don't care. And I have always cared.

You say she wants to know more about me.

If you could give her these things, well, maybe it would help her see the truth.

I'm sorry. We both know where my allegiance lies.

Yes, I know. You have always been here for our family, but I need you to help get us back together... for the children's sake.

Oh, Anders, you always come through. Tell me there's something

-I can use against my mother. -I may disappoint.

Nothing that contradicts anything she told you.

Few clippings. String of relationships moved her around Europe, Paris, Prague, Kenyan safari, Courchevel ski trips.

-I get the picture. Gold Digger 101. -Well, I couldn't comment on that.

These are things I dug up from her last time here.

Stuff she gave to give to you when you started asking about her.

-But you've had this and I've never-- -You didn't ask.

[knock on door]

Hey. How are you holding up?

Don't you wanna wait 11 years to ask me that?

-That's what this family does. -Good thing you don't consider me family.

Been putting up with her marvelously. I'm impressed. Should've heard the lies she was spouting, she would've come back but my dad banished her, that he paid off a judge to win custody. I mean, complete insanity.

-Well... -What?

-There are two sides to every story, but-- -Spit it out.

It's true. I found out when I squashed that exposé on Judge Daniels.

What? Wait. But if my dad paid off a judge, -then my mom should've had custody. -I can't speak to that, but Blake can.

♪ Iwas a child in my dreams ♪ Take those through here. The wine through the kitchens.

Hey. Have you seen--?

-What is this? -Tuesday.

Oh, and the day we celebrate all of the birthdays Mom missed.

Evidently, something you said yesterday got to her, and so now she's throwing 11 birthday parties at once.

-She's doing it here? -Strong move, but at least she's trying.

Maybe instead of fighting her, we give her a chance?

-I know it sounds crazy, but-- -Doesn't sound that crazy.

I like presents and Dad will lose his mind, -which is a gift all unto itself. What's this?

Representation of all the joy you robbed from us.

-Tell me what's going on. -Can't believe you made us think she was enemy when you rigged her exit.

-Your mother. -I don't think she meant Hillary.

-You paid off Judge Daniels for custody. -Who told you?

-Mom did. -I didn't need to pay anyone for them to see the truth. If I'd share custody, your mother would've left the country with you. Don't you see what she's doing?

-She's pitting us against each other. -[Alexis] Oh, good, you're all here.

-How did you get back in? I fired Billy. -[Alexis] Adorable.

When are you gonna realize I am the one who hired the staff?

-I'm throwing a party for my children. -You can just throw some glitter and all will be forgiven? No. This ends now.

What's the problem, Daddy? You want to prove you didn't send her away before?

Well, don't send her away now. Give Mom a chance to prove herself.


Go ahead. See for yourself what kind of person she really is.

Thank you, darling.


-My daughter's first husband. -Call me Liam.

It's perfect running into you.

Perhaps you can help me with the menu for this evening.

I'm sure that Fallon's palate has refined over the years, but does she still like foie gras?

I'm pretty sure that's not PC to eat anymore, which is exactly why Fallon loves it.

She tried to go vegan, but who was she kidding?

The things we do for love. Right?

Thank you. You've been so helpful.

Chapter nine, Liam.

Fallon Carrington has no sympathy for protein. Study.

-Put this on. -It's a bit much.

So is this family. Congrats.

Hey. Driver slash bodyguard slash eye candy.

-Name's Mickey. -Uh-huh. Listen, Mick.

Why don't you take the afternoon off? Lift weights or drink beer.

-I'll drive my mother back. -Gotta run that past Mrs. C first.

Cute. I won't bore you with sentiment, but Mrs. C and I could use quality time.

So, which hotel am I taking her to?


I'm not totally sure what it's called.


-She mentioned Fairbank in Druid Hills. -That's right. It's the Fairbank.

Not a hotel. You're not my mother's driver, you're her Uber.

Try cleaning your windshield once in a while.

Now, I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where has my mother been staying?

The address he gave is an hour outside Atlanta.

What if I go and find some other husband she's gold-digging or another freak show family? Literal freaks.

There's civilization beyond the city. Not hill people there.

See? You're making me feel better. Come with me.

-No. -Culhane.

I've called on you for a lot of things, but my mother showing up suddenly and taking the house away? This is uncharted territory. Put that down.

You are my rock. You are my bridge over troubled waters, the wind beneath my wings. Running out of ballads, [cell phone buzzing] but I really need you right now, Michael.


You're the only person I can count on.

Let's see what your mother's been up to.

You must have gotten the wrong address.

I don't believe this. She told me she spends her time traveling all over Europe.

Judging from outside, it hasn't left Georgia in months.

Didn't she get a chunk of change in the divorce?

-And claims he paid her to keep her away. -Then where's the money?

There isn't. She's not here for family. She's back because the money ran out.

Check this. Looks like she got her hands on a wedding announcement.

I may or may not have done the same.

[exhales sharply]

Well, that's weird.

How did she get--?

Hey, is that her with Steven? But that looks like--

[Fallon] It was taken six months ago.

And this is from last summer.

That's why Steven's been acting so weird. She's been in contact with him.

Question is, who hasn't been lying to me?

Why are we doing this? Why are we welcoming this woman

-into our house? -We're not. It's just Alexis.

She insinuates herself. That's part of her game.

Well, I'm not playing anymore.

Don't you get it? She is manipulating everyone.

-Especially you. -Me? Oh, you're being ridiculous.

Am I? Why don't we give her the house and we move out?

-l am not giving her my home. -It's four walls, Blake.

-We can buy another one. -It's 182 walls, give or take.

This is my family's legacy. You don't just walk away from that.

That what you're afraid of walking away from? Or her?

-What is that supposed to mean? -She has some kind of hold over you.

You like being in w*r with her. Why would you be putting up with this?

Blake, was it Steven or Fallon whose first baby food was white truffles?


Keep these coming.

Wow. Wasn't expecting a party like this for two grown adults.

Nothing like guilt of divorced parents with billions of dollars, right?

Mom, what's with the gifts? This is too much.

Nonsense. I have missed 11 birthdays. That's 11 presents.

Not to mention Christmases. There's a lot to make up for.

Oh, I forgot a wedding gift.

Though I could get you rings.

-I noticed that you weren't wearing one. -Thanks, ma'am, but we're all set.

Mm. That's "miss" to you. I do find it odd that I never noticed that before.

-I do have a keen sense of jewelry. -You do?

Right, I wasn't wearing one before.

It's, uh-- It's my fault, really.

Getting them resized ‘cause they're my grandparents' rings.

See, my grandfather, he fell madly in love with a girl.

But she was rich and he was poor. Her parents forbade them.

He nearly d*ed in w*r and she nearly married someone else.

But they found each other 10 years later.

-They d*ed the same night, holding hands. -Oh.

Yeah. I know it sounds crazy, but... I guess that's the kind of crazy I feel about your daughter.

How sweet.

That was impressive. Hey.

-Was it true? -Might've plagiarized The Notebook.

Mrs. Gunnerson informed me you're putting all this on the household account.

For convenience sake. We'll untangle it later.

-And the cost of the carpet cleaning? -[Alexis] Oh, Krystle.

Looks like somebody needs a little walk. What a naughty little boy.

Come on. Outside we go.

[door opens]

-Where the hell is she? -What's the matter? Why are you so--?

She's taking Krystle for a piddle.

The dog, not--

You lying bitch!

-What in God's name? -[Cristal] Steven, what happened?

-We're about to find out. -[Fallon] Was any of it true?

-Or has it all been a lie? -What are you talking about?

Where have you been the last 10 years? The last five? The last month?

-l was all over Europe, Dubai-- -You couldn't afford to send a postcard to Dubai. I know all about your Duck Dynasty trailer.

You went there? Well, that's just a temporary situation.

-Oh, temporary insanity? -I'm in the process of developing that land for a summer home. Casa Morell.

-The architects are doing the plans. -What is wrong with you? Unbelievable.

I caught you and you're doubling down on more lies.

How dare you call your mother a liar? You don't even know me.

How could 1? I'm not the child you stay in touch with.

-Well, I-- Steven at least bothered. -[laughs]

There it is.

Now we see what it looks like when Alexis Carrington runs out of lies.

You know, for a second, for a split second, you had me believing you cared, but you don't care about anybody.

What kind of woman abandons their daughter?

That's not true. My feelings for my children are genuine.

Nothing about you is genuine.


[Alexis] You spiteful little brat.

[both grunting]

[Krystle barking]

[Alexis gasping]

Okay, I better break this up.

Don't you dare.

[Fallon yells]


-You were never a mother to us. -As if anyone could mother you.

-You were born an egomaniac. -Like mother, like daughter.

We should have spanked you more as a child.

I told you she needed to see a specialist.

-Now she's gone and lost her mind. -That was subdued behavior for Fallon.

-Your lies caught up with you, Alexis. -You poisoned her against me.

[Fallon] You poisoned yourself.

-[shrieks] -What are you doing?

-That's more typical. -You may remember this.

A little gift Mommy dearest sent me for my sweet 16.

-To show me how much she cared. -Put that away.

Listen to him, Fallon. Sit down and let's talk about this.

Why? So you can feed me more of your lies?

You want the house? Fine, take it.

But if you think we're gonna be one big happy family here, I have news for you.

[Alexis shrieks]

1 will never... ever...

live under the same roof as you again.

♪ Bang, bang ♪

♪ Bang, bang ♪

♪ Bang, bang ♪

Thank you.

-Why didn't you ask for money last year? -I didn't want you to think that's why I was reaching out. And true, my finances aren't ideal, but it's nothing to worry about. Truly.

Should've given me a heads-up. Might have helped keep peace with Fallon.

Ha. I doubt it.

You know your sister.

You were always my son and she was always her father's daughter.

I just don't want her mad at me. You have no idea what that's like.

Pool fights and b*llet sprays aside.

You know, most children of divorce are forced to choose between their parents. I just don't want Fallon to make you choose between mother and sister. Family's complicated, isn't it?

You'll understand it once you start a family of your own.

I actually... I wanted to tell you...

I'm engaged.


Well, that's fantastic.

Do I know him?

You've met him. It's Sam.

Cristal's nephew?

Oh, that is wonderful.

Oh, Steven, congratulations.

Michael, where have you been?

Sorry I've been MIA. I got roped into the Fallon side of this thing.

She expects me to put my life on hold if she so much as chips a nail. Not that I'm blaming her.

If 1 don't set boundaries and learn to say "no"--

Trust me, I understand, but that's not what this is about.

Your mother has been trying to reach you, and your sister called.

I'm sorry. I've been meaning to call them, -but that's what I'm talking-- -Your father's been admitted to hospital.

You need to talk to your family.

Your door was unlocked. That's a little unsafe.

You probably keep your valuables in your summer home. Is that a convertible?

What do you want? Where's my dog?

Krystle? [smooches]


-Krystle? -Your charade is over, Alexis.

My lawyers discovered that codicil is invalid.

Turns out it was drawn up when my father had open-heart surgery, and you coerced him to sign it while he was still under heavy sedation.

That is not true and you know it.

I have an injunction against you stepping foot on my property until the courts officially overrule the codicil. Which they will.

Once you pay them to.

You can't do this to me.

1 will fight you harder this time because I have nothing to lose.

That is the first true thing you've said.

I'm sorry about your dog. He ran right out when I opened the door.

Hope the coyotes don't get him.

You son of a bitch! You're not gonna get away with this, Blake Carrington!

I'm gonna get everything back that you took from me.

My money, my house, my children!

And you, you're the one who's gonna end up living here until you rot in hell!


So, what do you have planned? Another wedding?

Funeral? A good gunfight outside a saloon?

You haven't gotten to see my best side.

My mother brings out the awful in me.

I'm enjoying the free entertainment that came with our arrangement.

-You're not gonna move out? -Not yet.

-I'll keep you posted. -Okay.

Well, why don't you let me make up

-for everything by taking you shopping? -Not a reward for a straight guy.

Sammy Jo gave me the once-over.

Who said we were talking about clothes? Let's go buy some cars.


Perfect timing. Will you tell Culhane to bring the car around? We're going out.

-I'll be happy to take you. -That's okay.

-Culhane can drive us if he's available. -Well, actually...

Michael tendered his resignation this morning.

He no longer works for the family.

If you're heading for the loft, I have additional bad news.

What part of "injunction" don't you understand?

Are you off your meds? I've had time to reload.

There's that wicked sense of humor again.

Oh, Joseph, would you be a love and bring me fresh linens?

And maybe some pantry items, fresh paté, tins of Beluga, and a case of champagne.

-To celebrate. -What are you doing?

-This is Culhane's place. -Not anymore.

Well, it never really was. Fallon, you might remember, through old photos in dusty albums, that this stable was built on my family's farm.

When Daddy and I were married, his father bought the deed from my father.

Which means we own it, along with the house you tried to take from us.

Actually, when I heard there was a vacancy...

I looked into the land rights.

And as it turns out, Thomas deeded this to me.

Which means the land around the stables belongs to you, but this is mine.

-Well, that can't be true. -Anders?

I'm afraid she's right, sir. I confirmed ownership this morning.

[silently] Thank you.

-You'll be hearing from my lawyers. -I'll invite them, as well as you to the housewarming party. He'll come around.

It's the least I deserve considering he stole the rest of the estate.

He didn't take anything from you. I did.

I paid off some anesthesiologist to change the time of Grandpa's surgery to when the codicil was signed.

I'm only telling you now because you're too poor to prove it.

You are your father all over again.


But Daddy was wrong banishing you from our lives.

Someone like you... needs to be destroyed.

And you, my dear, need to be smothered.

With love.

For the first time in your life, I'm gonna make you care about other people.

And I am going to prove to you just how much you really are loved.

Even if it kills you, Fallon. Because I am your damn mother.
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