01x01 - I Saw the Sun Rise

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Magnum P. I.". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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An ex-Navy Seal returns to Hawaii as a private investigator.
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01x01 - I Saw the Sun Rise

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Thunder

♪ Thunder

♪ Thunder

♪ Thunder

♪ Thunder

♪ Thunder

♪ Thunder

♪ Thunder

♪ You've been thunderstruck.



MAGNUM: Dr. Kil-yon?

Time to go.

What? What's wrong?

They come, too.

This was not the arrangement.


We go America.




I guess we all go America.

(g*n CLICKS)


♪ I was shaking at the knees

♪ Could I come again, please?

♪ Yeah, the ladies were too kind ♪

♪ You've been thunderstruck

♪ Thunderstruck


♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, thunderstruck... ♪

Hey, look at all those cool lights.


(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

♪ You've been thunderstruck...

White Knight to Little Bird. Little Bird, are you there?

Go ahead, White Knight.

MAGNUM: Okay, so don't judge,

but we're blown. They know we're here.

Can you get to the exfil point?

- Negative.
- TC: Then we're gonna

have to improvise exfil.

What's your position? Give me a marker.

Uh, I see trees.

TC: You don't say? That's all I see, too.

I'm-a need a signal.

You may want to close your eyes.

♪ Thunderstruck

♪ You've been thunderstruck

♪ Thunderstruck

♪ You've been thunderstruck...

Got you, White Knight.

Your chariot's on its way. (LAUGHS)

RICK: Hang on, hang on.

You did not just say, "Your chariot is on its way."

I didn't say it, RJ did.

Yeah, except, in the book, RJ is you.

TC: Yeah, well, this book ain't exactly gospel.

It's why RJ is pounds lighter with a "Born in Detroit" tattoo across his back.

I've never even been to Detroit.

You want to trade?

I'm described as being thickheaded.
You know what that means?

Yeah. That means I'm dumb.

- Well, you did drop out of high school.
- Yeah, but he didn't have to put that in the book.
In fact, I said it to Robin, "You know what, if it's all the same to you, just leave me out of it."

MAGNUM: Meet my three best friends.

The big guy holding the book, that's Theodore Calvin, or TC.

Ex-Marine Corp chopper pilot.

These days he runs Island Hoppers, the smallest,

but best helicopter tour business in Hawaii.

The Italian Stallion, that's Sebastian Nuzo.

Ex-SEAL. We met during BUD/S training in Coronado.

Always the overachiever.

He now owns a very successful marine salvage company.

And the guy making baloney and pineapple sandwiches,

that's Orville Wright.

For reasons I think we can all understand,

he hates his name, so we just call him Rick.

Rick was in the Marines, too.

Door gunner.

Now runs Oahu's coolest beach club,

but mostly he's, well, connected.

If you want something on the island, Rick is the man to see.

And the poor sap with the frozen bag of peas on his eye,

that's me.

Thomas Sullivan Magnum.

But we'll get to me later.

Come on, you're not gonna finish?

I was there. I know how it ends.

Although, if it's anything like Robin's last book, my character's probably cowering behind you while you take on the entire North Korean army.

Robin's not gonna do that.
Sure, he takes liberties, but he keeps it believable.

NUZO: Thomas, you jumped from space.

You know that didn't happen.

What are you talking about?
I HALO jumped into North Korea to avoid surveillance.

Yeah, but there were no planets involved.

NUZO: If you recall, I took out two sn*pers who would've made that landing a very unpleasant one.

- I do recall. Mahalo.
- Prego.

All right, before you two make out,

I just want to get back to one thing.

What I don't get is why Thomas is always front and center in Robin's books and we're the sidekicks.

- You know, Dopey's right.
- Dopey?

We were rolling

- like Musketeers back then.
- Dopey?

We were all just as important out there.

HIGGINS: Magnum. What are these?

Zone collars.

You put shock collars on Zeus and Apollo?

- It was not easy.
- Hey, Jules, you want a sandwich?

- Sounds lovely.
- She'll take it to go.

Oh, this is gonna be fun.

Zeus and Apollo have every right to roam as freely as you do.

MAGNUM: This is Juliet Higgins.

She lives in the main house.

Works here as Robin's majordomo.

That's just a fancy word for property manager.

It's just a precaution.
Look, those two hounds of hell attack me every time I try to get to my place.

You mean Mr. Masters' place.

This guest house belongs to him.

Thank you for reminding me. Every day.

Now can we get back to those two terrors and why

- they're not locked up somewhere?
- They're security.

- Then why am I here?
- I am constantly asking myself and Mr. Masters that very question.

MAGNUM: Look, I love animals, I really do, but t-those two are a lawsuit waiting to happen.

RICK: Good doggy. Yeah, yeah.

Your BFF doesn't seem to mind them.

Listen, if I see these again, you're going to be wearing one of them, and not around your neck.


- Yes, ma'am.
- Now, if we're done here, there's someone named Emily for you at the front gate.

- You let her in?
- It is not my job to receive the endless stream of young women who, for reasons passing comprehension, choose to spend their time with you.

- She's a client.
- Well, you can forgive me for assuming otherwise.
Lovely seeing you gents.

- Zeus, Apollo, come on, lads.

I love those dogs.

Emily, I'm so sorry.

I hope you haven't been waiting too long.

No, I just got here a few...

Oh, God, what happened to your eye?

Oh, yeah. (LAUGHS)

This thing, it's-it's a funny story.

I didn't realize that the tennis ball machine had been set to the highest speed.

It's normally at the lowest.

Actually, I think the majordomo here cranked it up just to mess with me.

You know, my husband was icing his hand tonight.

Said he had a run-in

- with some jerk outside the Halekulani.
- Hmm.

You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

He wanted to know why I was following him.

When I refused to answer, he got a little handsy.

That sounds like him.

- You have pictures?
- Yeah.

- I'd like to see them.
- I'm not so sure that's a good idea.

I'd like to get what I paid for, Mr. Magnum.

Why don't I hang onto them, just for a little while?

If a week goes by, and you still want them,

I'll send them over.

Hey. Tomorrow,

I'm gonna e-mail you a list of all the top divorce lawyers on the island. You should meet with all of them right away.

Don't mention my name. They all hate me.

I can't afford a $ an hour divorce lawyer.

I know. But once you share the details of your case, it becomes a conflict of interest, and your husband can't hire any of them.

Evens the playing field.

I hope no one ever breaks your heart.

Eh, too late for that.

You're a good man, Thomas Magnum.

MAGNUM: She's right.

Bad guys like her husband get the girl.

Good guys end up with a panda eye.

Story of my life.

MAGNUM: Yeah. I-I know what you're thinking.

"This guy's life doesn't suck."

But before you go hating,

you should know that this pretty picture is fairly new.

When Robin Masters offered me the job

as live-in security consultant as a way to supplement

my P.I. business, I jumped at it.

You see, before he was a New York Times best-selling author,

Robin Masters was a journalist embedded

with our special operations team in Iraq.

He told us, someday he would pay us back for the material

we were giving him for a series of books

he was planning to write.

You can say Robin Masters is a man of his word.

And his words have made him a man of great taste.



Forget it.

You can have the towel. It's yours.


Nice doggy!

Heel! Heel!

Heel, boy!



(LAUGHS) Not today, boys.


NUZO: Hey, Thomas, it's me.

Look, I know it's short notice, but I need you to come up to my place.

It's about a job.

I'll explain everything when you get here.

See you soon.

MAGNUM: As a general rule, I don't work for friends,

but I owe Nuzo.

Before we all beached ourselves on this rock,

the four of us spent some time in a POW camp

in Afghanistan.

Truth is, we should've died there.

And if we didn't have each other,

believe me, we would've.


Sebastian was in the kitchen, when they came in.

I took Jake and we hid in the closet.

I didn't know what else to do.

Did they say anything when they grabbed him?

Did you hear any names?


I mean, I don't know.

Lara, Sebastian said he wanted to hire me.

Do you have any idea what that was about?

No. He was out when I got up this morning. He's been on a job.

When he came back, he seemed concerned about something, but he didn't say why. I just figured

- we'd talk about it later.
- MAN: That's enough, Magnum.

- It's okay. He's a friend.
- Not mine.

- Lara, this is Lieu...
- Lieutenant Yoshi Tanaka, ma'am, with the HPD.

Magnum, a word?

TANAKA: If you tangled with those guys, I'm gonna need forensics to process you.

I never laid a hand on them.

So they didn't give you that black eye?

It's unrelated.

Look, I get this guy was one of your w*r buddies, but if this is a kidnapping, it belongs to HPD and Five-O, not some private eye.

Private investigator, and I'm not standing down, Yoshi.

Nuzo wasn't just a friend, he's my client.

So you were on the job when this happened?

Actually, I was coming to get the job, and odds are, whatever he had to tell me, it has something to do with his kidnapping.

You ever think this might be a straight up K&R?

Steal an ambulance, use it to get past security of a fancy neighborhood. I mean, look at where this guy lives.

All the locals think he's a high muck-a-muck.

Any moke outside these gates would want a piece of this haole.

You're right, Lieutenant.

You guys are the pros, this is what you do.

I just need to stay out of your way.

Magnum, what the hell are you doing?

Writing down my number, in case you hear anything.

This entire house is a crime scene now.

Why are you touching things?

So you... you don't want it?

I have your number.

- So you'll call me?
- Please leave.

I'm not stupid, Magnum.

Whatever you're planning, don't.



Could only mean one thing: White Knight.

Nuzo wanted me to find this.


Your call cannot be completed as dialed.

If it was that easy, I'd be out of a job.

Any good P.I. will tell you,

following a clue means knocking on doors.

And I'm not gonna be doing that standing around here.

HIGGINS: You can't do this.

- I need a car.
- Call an Uber.

Wh-What am I, ?

You cannot take another car, Magnum.

Call Robin. See what he says.

I don't have to call him.
I know what his answer will be.

And unfortunately for you,

- Higgins, I'm not doing this
- my an... with you right now.

Nuzo's in trouble.

What happened?

Someone kidnapped him this morning.

- Have they made any demands?
- Not yet.

And I don't think they're going to.

Look, I'm happy to figure out some way to pay for the damage to the Ferrari, but, right now, the most important thing

- is finding my friend.
- I'm sorry.

Can I take it?


After what I just told you, you have to think about this?



- Easy, lads.


- Yeah?
- RICK: Thomas,

I got some information on that stolen ambulance for you.

Friend of mine said some guy stopped by his place the other day, wanted to do a custom job on an old ambulance he bought at auction.

- What'd he look like?
- What'd he look like?

Haole. s. Buzz cut.

Sounds like one of the guys I'm looking for.

- Did anybody get a name?
- Oh, not a real one, no.

But, uh, it's all good, 'cause the guys here put a tracking device in the old ambo when they were working on it so they could steal it back.

Wow, that's some business model.

You got a location?

Yeah. Sending it to you right now.




What are you guys doing here?

What are you talking about?

I gave you the address.

- Stay behind me.
- This isn't one of Robin's books, White Knight.

Biggest g*n goes first.

Hey, what about me?

Oh, no.

RICK: Thomas?

No, Nuzo.


Pull all the traffic cams.

You want to tell me how you found the ambulance?

I would if I thought it would help find the guys who did this.

Go home, Magnum.

I'll call when I know something.

I tried telling you this wasn't about the money.

You didn't want to listen.

Look, I get that you lost a friend today.

But for the record, we haven't been sitting on our asses waiting around for some ransom call.

We've been working other leads.

Actually, you might be able to help us with one.

Is that right?

We dumped Nuzo's phone.

Seems your friend placed a bunch of phone calls to Naval Intelligence over the past week.

Three calls to a Captain Buck Greene.

Any idea what that could be about?

I don't. No.

Find Lara and Jake.
Get them to Robin's Nest.

Until we find out what this is about, they'll be safe there.

- Copy that.
- Thomas.

- Yeah?
- We're gonna get these guys, right?

You bet.


MAGNUM: If Nuzo was reaching out to Naval Intel,

then maybe his m*rder had something to do

with our service.

Which means my next stop is Captain Greene.

Truthfully, I'd rather pick up a rattlesnake.

Come in.

- Magnum, what are you doing here?
- How you doing, Buck?

- You got a minute?
- Actually, I'm pretty busy.

Why don't you try making an appointment?

Sebastian Nuzo is dead.


He was kidnapped and m*rder*d this morning.

Tortured in between.

Any idea who's responsible?


But I heard Nuzo had been calling over here a lot.

As far as I know, he doesn't have any government contracts, so...

it's a bit strange.

He was doing a background check on a couple of new clients.

And he... asked you for help?

They were ex-Marines.

Both of them had never even served a full tour. They were recently released from the brig at Miramar.

Nuzo wanted to know what they'd done to get themselves arrested.

And before you ask, that's classified.

- So you're not gonna tell me?
- Very good.

You remember how "classified" works.

You're gonna keep me from finding

Nuzo's k*ller because you have a problem with me?

Come on, don't flatter yourself, Magnum. This has nothing to do

- with you.
- No, we both know that's a lie.

This is personal.


You're not entirely wrong.
We do have history.

But the cold hard fact of the moment is that you're no longer Navy Intel.

So you don't have the clearance.

MAGNUM: Greene was right.

We have history.

But there's no point in getting in his face about that.

It's not him I'm angry with.

The truth is, I'm mad at myself.

Nuzo saved my life,

and I couldn't save his.



It's not stopping. Son of a bitch must've hit a blood vessel.

I'm gonna bleed out.

Hey. That's not gonna happen.

You're not leaving me alone with those two idiots next door.


Now, I got an idea.

- But it's gonna hurt.

- (STRAINED): It already hurts.
- That's the spirit.

Bite on that.



Cauterizing a wound with gunpowder

is way worse than you think.




But it did the job.


Here you go.

Thank you.


You're not having?

I can't stand tea.

I know.

I might be the first Brit in history to ever say that.

I should check on Jake again.

Just give yourself a few minutes, Lara.

He's with Rick and TC.

They're down at the beach.

It's okay.

You're good at this.

So, what brought you to Hawaii?

Winters in England.

And you're not married?

What gave that away?

I've heard Thomas talk about you.

Did you know he almost got married once?


I don't think he's ever gotten over what happened.


- Magnum.
- Hey.

Nuzo's family get there all right?

Yes, I'm here with Lara now, actually.

- Thanks for letting them stay there.
- Of course.

Listen, Magnum...

- The Ferrari's okay.
- I don't care about the car.

You don't?

Well, I do, but at the moment, no.

I, uh, I just...

I just wanted to know if there is some way that... that I could be of assistance.

Hello? Magnum, are you there?

- What's the catch?
- If that is your answer,

I rescind the offer.

- Uh, Higgy, wait.
- Excuse me?

Did you fall on your head or something?

- I'm hanging up now.
- No, no, I'm sorry.

You just caught me off guard.

It's a limited time offer, Magnum.

Okay. Yeah.

Yeah, I can actually use some help.

Nuzo was running background on two ex-Marines who hired him to do a job. Maybe you can run to Nuzo's office, see if you can find something.

- I can do that.
- You'd have to open some e-mails.

I know how to use a computer, Magnum.

You'd be breaking the law, you know.

It's only breaking the law if you get caught.

(LAUGHS) Thank you, Juliet.

You're welcome, Thomas.

Dr. Cunha. How's my girl?

What do you want, Magnum?

- What? I can't bring my favorite medical examiner a treat?

Do I look stupid to you?

Do I look like I need to gain another pound?

Wait, don't answer that.

Just tell me what you want so I can get back to work.

I have a question about the body that was found on Lunalilo.

Why do you want to know about that?

He was a friend of mine.

I'm sorry.


I was just about to start the autopsy.

Can you do me a favor?

Check his lungs first.

See if there's any fluid in there.

I want to know if he was waterboarded.

- Waterboarded?
- Yeah, I think the guys who tortured and k*lled him, they might be ex-military.

Evidence of waterboarding would support that theory.

You do realize that I would be committing a serious violation if I gave you autopsy results before giving them to HPD.

Which is why we should keep this between us.

(SCOFFS) Have a seat.


I'm so sorry, I'm afraid we're closed.

- Then leave.

I'll be honest with you.

I don't actually work here.

I broke in.

That's why the door was open when you arrived.

But here's an idea: why don't we all just mind our own business, and get on with whatever it was we came here to do.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.



Come on, let's go. Let's go.




Higgins, you there already?

I'm actually on the way to the hospital.

Wait, what?

- You okay?
- I was shot.

Wh-What? How?

Two ex-Marines came in while I was there.

Don't worry, I'll pay to have the blood removed.

- Whose car are you in?
- I'm in an Uber.

You should try it sometime.

A-Are you sure you're okay?

Well, I've never been shot before, but I think so.

- And what happened to the guys?
- Gone.

But I have a way to identify them: I found that background check on Nuzo's computer.

That might be what those blokes were after. Trying to erase any connection to your friend.

Can't be sure, though, since they took off before we had a chance to chat about it.

Higgins, I-I got to go, but thank you.

- Get yourself checked out.
- I will.

Call me as soon as you do.

You were right.

He was waterboarded.

You recognize them?

This is Dale Gerard, that's Charlie Resnick.

Both recently did time for looting villages in Iraq.

And you think these men are responsible for what happened?

I saw them at the house.

Through some people I know, we were able to connect the stolen ambulance back to Resnick.

But why would they have gone after Sebastian?

What did they want?

I'm not sure.

They hired him for a job, so it probably had something to do with that.

Lara, why don't we get you something to eat?

You haven't had anything since you got here.

Thank you.


Thomas, you get anywhere with those numbers?


But I'm gonna see an old friend who may be able to help.


They don't like you.

Feeling's mutual.

I want to tell you something I've never told you before.

When I was your age, I lost my dad, too.

He was a fighter pilot.

He got shot down during a mission.

And I remember a couple officers showing up to our doorstep to tell us.

I'm not gonna lie, it was... it was hard.

Did you cry?

I did. A lot.

You know what helped?



That used to be our thing.

We used to go to ball games together all the time.

But after he was gone,

I-I just kind of gave up on it.

After a while, though, I-I realized something.

I realized that even though he wasn't there, he was still a part of me.

Everything he ever said to me, everything he ever taught me, it-it stayed with me.

It made me who I am.

So anytime I... I go to a ball game,

I feel like... (LAUGHS) well, he's right there next to me.

Your dad is-is a part of who you are, so he's-he's always gonna be with you.

You understand?



MAGNUM: They must mean something, I-I just, I don't know what.

Nine digits.

Could be... some kind of phone number.

- Could be Social Security.
- Neither, I checked.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

Come on, Kim. You were a code-breaker.

If anyone can figure this out, it's you.

Maybe it's like some kind of cipher or something.


- Hmm?
- Coordinates.

Latitude, longitude.

I'd say, uh... windward side.

Off the coast.

You're welcome.

It's a location.

Thanks, Kim.


Wait. Are you gonna pay for this?

Put it on my tab.


- You don't have a tab!



It's funny.

- I've been looking for you guys.
- GERARD: Oh, yeah?



Looking for this?

Why Nuzo?

We told him he didn't have to die.

But he was a stubborn son of a bitch.

GERARD: He held out a long time.

Got to give him that.

- Listen to me, Mr. Private Eye.
- Private investigator.


Like I was saying, you're gonna stop asking questions about us and why we're here.

And in return we're gonna let your friend's wife and son live long enough to bury him.

You understand?

I'll take that as a yes.

Nuzo left me coordinates to a spot miles offshore.

My guess is those two former jarheads

hired him to find something out here,

then made sure no one would ever know about it.

But why k*ll Nuzo and not me when they had the chance?

You sure you're doing okay?

- Fine.
- You don't look fine.

You look like you should be in the hospital.

Just drive.


Sorry, man.

We're-we're cool, it's all good.

- I do want to say one thing, though.
- What's that?

You've been getting your ass kicked a lot this week.

- I'm just saying.

- It's true.
- You know, maybe you should

take up jiu-jitsu or something.

- I know a guy.
- You always know a guy.

That's my bag, man.

You know, I'd make a great partner.

You just say the word, and I'm there.

Magnum and Rick, Private Investigations.

Make a hell of a team.

We already do, brother.

We already do.

All right, here we go.

Coming right up on it.

Sure you don't want to go?

Thanks, but I'd rather not watch

- you get eaten by a shark today.

Wouldn't be me. They go for the white meat first.

- Ha ha!

Be safe.


(OVER RADIO): ♪ But you do,
there's no doubt... ♪

♪ Now don't go wasting my precious time ♪

♪ Get your act together, we could be just fine ♪

♪ I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want ♪

♪ So tell me what you want, what you really, really want ♪

♪ I wanna, ha, I wanna, ha, I wanna, ha, I wanna, ha ♪

♪ I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig, ah... ♪

♪ Ha, I wanna, ha, I wanna, ha, I wanna, ha, I wanna ♪

♪ Really, really, really wanna zigazig, ah... ♪ Ah!


Oh, hey, man. That was... fast.

Come on, brother.


Find anything down there?


- Is that...?
- Yeah.

And there's a ton of it.

Went down on a wreck called the Roselita.

This is Arabic.

GREENE: Magnum, what the hell?

I already told you I'm not...

I'm not asking you to reveal anything.

I'm asking you to confirm.

Were the guys who hired Nuzo ever suspected of stealing gold while stationed in Iraq, yes or no?


RICK: Captain, this is about finding the men who k*lled one of our own.

Appealing to my patriotic side isn't gonna work.

Then how about your parental side?

Remember who you called when your boy had that little dustup in Kabul? Are you actually standing there in clown pants trying to blackmail me, son?





They were suspected of trying to steal gold from one of S*ddam's strongholds in Tikrit, but there was never enough evidence for a court-martial, not that it mattered because we caught 'em doing other things.

But not before they managed to get their gold on a boat to Hawaii.

Yeah, only it sinks, which for them actually turned out to be a good thing.

Those guys do a stretch in prison while their fortune sits at the bottom of the ocean waiting for them.

When they get out, they hire Nuzo to find it.



You find the wreck?

Yeah. Right where you said.

There's just one problem.

- What's that?
- TANAKA: The gold's gone.

- What do you mean "gone"?
- TANAKA: Gone,

as in there's nothing on that wreck except barnacles.

Those guys must have followed us out there.

We were the only ones with the coordinates.

That's why they didn't k*ll me when they had their chance.

A boatload of gold bricks?

You can bet they're long gone by now.

Only way you're gonna find those guys is with a time machine.

You got one of those, Magnum?


But I know someone who does.

- Higgins.
- Have you heard of knocking?

- I need a favor.

The last favor got me shot.

Eh, technically, you offered to help.

This is a favor.

That is the worst apology I have ever heard.

I'm sorry you got shot.

Really am.

Okay. What is it?

I need you to contact your old MI buddies,

get me access to a GCHQ satellite.

MI ?

- Yeah.
- I think there's been some kind of...

No. Please. Don't give me the whole

"I don't know what you're talking about, Thomas."

I know you're former British Intelligence.

MI . I can only assume Robin owes you, too.

How do you know this?

Well, I'm a private investigator.

I-I know you don't think I'm a very good one, but... I am.

If you know I'm former MI ,

then you also know that I was disavowed.

I'm sure you still have one friend there.

What is it you want me to do?

I need you to track a boat that was out

to open water in the past four hours.

I'm pretty sure the guys that are on that boat

are the same guys that k*lled Nuzo.

Give me the coordinates.


All right, I've got something.

Fishing boat, -footer.

Left your coordinates about three hours ago.

Looks like they crossed

Mamala Bay, so continue east.

Okay. Forget the marina.

It's docked outside a warehouse on Sand Island.

- Slip .
- Thanks.

I can meet you there, you know.

That is so sweet.

- Forget I offered.
- You can't take it back.

Do you want backup or not? I can be there

- in minutes.
- I'll be fine.

- Magnum?
- Yeah?

Just... bring the car back in one piece.

I think you mean me.

(SCOFFS) Aren't you there yet?

MAGNUM: Higgins offering to help.

Normally I'd be skeptical,

but that little voice inside my head was saying

she might actually be worried about me.

HIGGINS: Wait.Magnum, a truck just left the warehouse.

Looks old-school military.

Short bed, canvas top, diesel stack.

My best guess: Unimog.

They're leaving with the gold. Can you track it?

They're headed north. The Keyhole's positioned

for open water.

I'm already at the edge of our coverage.

Reconfiguring a satellite will take time.

They're not getting away.


TC, you're up. Get your ass in the air!

We're looking for a Unimog, canvas-wrapped bed, heading north.

Gotcha, White Knight.

Your chariot's on its way.

Really? Is that gonna be a thing now?


Magnum, I got access to another satellite... a U.S. Keyhole.

- How'd you do that?
- Don't ask.

Actually, I'd like to ask.

TC: Hey, Higgy, welcome to the party.

Technically I was first to the party, but thank you.

There! TC!

Magnum, we got 'em. They're headed up Tantalus.

- Don't lose 'em!
- Not gonna happen.


Okay, White Knight, what's your plan?

I'm working on it.

- You don't have a plan, do you?
- Right now, I'm open to suggestions.

Mine includes not destroying another one of Mr. Masters' Ferraris.

That's not a plan.

Correct. Simply a wish.


Magnum, there's a civilian approaching.

- I see it!
- TC: If you're gonna do something,

do it now.


MAGNUM: Remember that little stunt from Robin Masters' book?

Well, let's see if it actually works.

- Higgins?
- Yes?

Close your eyes.

Why would I close my eyes?



MAGNUM: Okay. That didn't work.


MAGNUM: Sure, Robin's gonna be pissed.

He loved that car.

But in the end, we got Nuzo's K*llers,

and now that gold gets to go to the people

who need it the most.

People ask me all the time, "What's with the ring?"

The Cross of Lorraine was the symbol

of the French Resistance, but to us,

it represented our friendship, and the pact that we made

back in the POW camp to always be there for one another.

Rick, TC

and the man we're burying today...

friends like those come around once in a lifetime.

But maybe I'm wrong about that.

Right there.

My dad's here, isn't he?

Yes, he is.

You ready?



After yesterday,

I think I should drive.

With one arm?

I assure you, it's still safer.

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