03x09 - Poor Wandering One

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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03x09 - Poor Wandering One

Post by bunniefuu »

You regret moving in?

I don't.

It's your shift.

Yeah, I kinda regret it.

I'm up!

Thank you for not regretting it.

You're the best.

Okay, little buddy. It's okay, buddy.

I don't understand a word of this, but somehow it's working.

"Go shine your light, Bella.

Tell your truth."

Was that "Kiss me"? Yeah.

Can we call in sick?


I mean, I don't want to pretend to hate you.

You can just pretend to respect me.

I-I do respect you.


I mean, I think you promoted the wrong Captain, but other than that... Oh, oh, oh, shh, shh.

Captain, you know, uh, PRT's stood down for maintenance and inventory today.

I know.

You doing your treatment, sir?

No, I'm not, which you know. I know.

I know you're not doing radiation or surgery, but, you know, there's, uh, there's palliative care.

Oh, palliative? Like hospice?

No, no, like pain management or integrative therapy, physical therapy.

I'm doing all that in my own way.

Listen, I, uh, need your help.

With what?

Well, let's take a drive, and you'll find out.

Hey. I heard, uh, Vasquez goes home today.

How you doing, Jack?

Half the team still won't look at me, but the shiner's gone.

You didn't come home again last night.



Did you meet someone, or...?

Not anyone I'm ready to talk about.

Don't get weird.

No, I'm not weird. I w... I was worried.

You know, you could text if you're gonna be out all night, 'cause... Jack the Ripper was a thing.

Deal, but then it goes both ways, because Jackie the Ripper is a thing, too.

No, it's not. Yes, it could be.

It could happen. And...

Herrera! A word?

My dad used to do that.

Do what?

Bellow across the firehouse, like summoning people like a king on a throne.

Lieutenant Herrera, Captain Bishop has requested a meeting with the two of us.

Uh... about... about what?

Well, she wouldn't tell me until you were here, so...

You have something to say to me?

I do.

Chief Sullivan, I think you made a mistake.

I think you gave me a medal I didn't earn.

Herrera has more experience. She has the respect of the team.

She was on deck, sir, and I stepped past her.

I asked for the job, and that was hubris on my part.

And you gave me the job, and that was...

You know, I think you were trying to protect her from her own grief, and I think it was a mistake.

Andy Herrera deserves the job you gave me.

She has more than earned it.

And... I don't want it anymore.

I'll take it into consideration.

Sir. Are you quitting?

Are you gonna walk out that door and never come back?

No, sir. I'm requesting a demotion.

And I will take that request into consideration.

For right now, we all have jobs to do.

So, Captain Bishop... get to work.

Medical response on channel 4 for Aid 19, 2300 Oak Avenue.

Reported injury.

That's you and Gibson.

Dispatch from Aid 19, confirm address.

Aid 19, dispatch. 2300 Oak Avenue.

The injured party is reported to be an employee inside a military surplus store.


What was that about?

What was... What was what about?

Secret meeting with Sullivan and Bishop.

It wasn't a secret.

Then what was it?

Am I getting fired?

Jack. Vasquez is fine.

He's going home today.

Doesn't mean I don't deserve to be fired.

Dean hates me. You hate Bishop.

I hate myself.

If they don't fire me, I think I should put in for a transfer.



This is... No.

We're gonna get through this.

We're gonna get through it as a family, okay?

No one's going anywhere.

Give me my money back! Beat it, psycho!

Hey! Take it easy! Take it easy! Whoa, whoa! Whoa!

Dispatch from Aid 19. Everybody out!

Help the firefighters at 2300 Oak Avenue.

This is an ongoing as*ault.

Have units respond without sirens.

He cut me! Arrest this maniac!

Arrest me?! You're the criminal!

Nobody's getting arrested.

We're not cops. Just put the weapons down!

Stop! Him first!

Back! Okay. We're back. I'm back.

Okay, just tell us what's going on.

I sold my knife here a week ago for 20 bucks.

And I came in here to buy it back, and he wants $40.

Inflation's a bitch, kid.

Sir, not helpful. Ignore him.

Hey. Look at me. Look at me.

Take it easy. What's your name?

I'm Kyle. Okay, I'm... I'm Jack.

Now, sounds like that knife means something to you.

So, here.

Buy it back.

Then you and I can take a walk while my partner treats that cut on his arm.

What do you say?

Why? So he can rip off the next vet that walks in?

You're a veteran, Kyle?

Crazed veteran!

Shut... up! Hey!

Hey, hey, hey.

Dispatch from Aid 19. Thank you for your service.

Tell Chief Sullivan we're dealing with a troubled veteran who's armed How original.

And he needs to get here now.

You know, I'd thank you for your gratitude if it didn't ring hollow.

Okay, I get that. I didn't mean to offend.

Let's just... Just take the cash, okay?

Buy your knife, and... and let's... let's get out of here.

What do you say?

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa! Easy, Kyle! Easy!

See? Psycho!

We got to get out of here... now.

If anyone goes out that door, I'll drop this spoon and blow up this whole block.

The entire block? Is there something we need to know, Kyle?

Jimmy here sells all kinds of goodies.

He sells a*mo, C4, land mines.

There's plenty more where this came from.

You're standing in a powder keg.

Can I help you, sir?

Uh... yeah.

I-I'm here for the Chief.

I'm s-sorry, sir. The Ch... um...

Chief doesn't work here.

Unless you mean Sullivan.

No. Not Sullivan.

The Chief!

Okay, uh, can I tell him who's here?

Sir, uh, what's your name?

Get the Chief now... Okay... or I'm gone! All right, s...

Oh, you know what? You're in luck.

He's right here. He is right here. What?

Uh, this man is here to see the Chief, which is you.

Uh, it... it is?

So, Chief, uh, this gentleman is... here to see you, Chief.

Mm-hmm. So... perhaps we could show this gentleman to your office?

Wait, I have an office?

It's just... Okay.

All right, after you, sir.

Right through here.

Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Mm-hmm. Yep.


♪ Surely strayed ♪

♪ Take heart of grace ♪

♪ Thy steps retrace ♪ Oh!

And look at what the cat dragged in!

I walked in, Grandma. You saw me.

Oh, my mistake, Victoria.

How'd you do on the math test?

I got a B-minus.

B-minus? Hmm.

You know what that makes you?


Some kind of math genius.

I never passed a math test in my life.

This calls for a celebration!

Dad says I should get A's.

I love your dad, but he's never really been very good at...

Math? Oh, no, he was excellent at math.

He's never been good at fun.

I mean, look at him.

Always at work. Boring!

We are watching "Pirates of Penzance," and we're singing along and... and we are calling it a party, and that's that.

No homework tonight.

Can we make popcorn?

I'd love to, but... I lost my glasses.

They're on your head, silly.


Just testing you.

♪ Poor wandering one ♪ ♪ Wandering one ♪

♪ Though thou hast surely strayed ♪

All right, just... make yourself at home, sir.

We'll be right with you, okay?


Fire chief?

Ixnay on the irefay.

Do what the what? It's pig Latin.

That's not a real language.

Okay, Dean, he doesn't even know his own name.

Okay, he clearly has dementia, maybe Alzheimer's.

He's lost. We have to help him find his way home.


We play along.

Try to help him remember his name or where he's from.

It's easier for us to be in his reality than try to drag him into ours.

Okay? So just roll with me on this, please.

You owe me.

Are you gonna pull the baby card every time you need something?

Oh. Yeah. Thought that was our deal, right?


Next stop is...

742 Southgate Drive.

Okay. Um...

Now can I ask what we are doing?

Well, you can ask, but I won't tell you.

You know what? Fine.

I don't actually want to know. I'm keeping too many secrets.

Whose secrets are you keeping?

You can ask, but I won't tell you.

PD's a few minutes out. SWAT's en route.

You handle the perimeter.

Sir, Herrera says there's a troubled veteran inside.

I'll talk to him. Sir!

Montgomery, Dixon, disperse this crowd now.

Copy that.

You go left, I go right.

Okay, what? uh, what should I do?

Tell the people to back off.

Try not to sound like a person who's new at this.

Folks, back up, please.

Back up, back up.

Please keep back.

What do you think you're doing?

Uh, t-treating him.

He could bleed out.

Let him. He's a parasite.

Whoa! Whoa! Hey! Okay, okay, okay.

Whoa! Who the hell are you? Are you a cop?

Uh, my name's Robert.

I'm not a cop. I'm a firefighter.

Freakishly tall one.

And clearly not very bright.

I'm also a Marine.

Yeah. Well, that explains it.

Nice ink.

You're a jarhead, too, huh?

And a Marine would know that body armor isn't gonna protect him from this grenade.

It'll blow your legs off, minimum.

Good. Then we can talk eye-to-eye.

You're a trip, man.

So, what do you want, Bob?

Look, that man right there is hurt.

So are you.

Why don't you let my people treat your injuries?

How 'bout it?

You do whatever the hell you want with him, but nobody's touching me.

There ain't no fixing what I got.

All right.

Go ahead. Get him out of here.

And tell everybody out there that if one more person walks into this store, nobody's walking out.

Two people coming out.

I'm not leaving him alone.

No, he ordered us out.

No, go talk to the police, fill them in.

I'm gonna stay in case he needs backup.

All right! Welcome to the Chief's office, sir.

You mind if I take your coat for you?

Uh, y-yeah, yeah. All right.

Uh, s-sure, uh...

Help you out here.

Uh, thanks, doll.

Mr. Earl Davis.

Could I, uh, get a-a-a black coffee, uh, sweetheart?

Oh, Victoria.

Do bring the man some coffee, please.


It's hard to find a good secretary these days.

Hey. How'd you do it?

Uh, what's... what's that, Earl?

Get the top job.

Oh! Well, you know, put... put in... put in work and paid my dues and...

A colored Chief?!

Boy! Times have changed!

Yeah. Yeah, Earl.

They... They have.

I, uh, marched with Dr. King, you know.

Oh, yeah?

I got hit in the head a couple of times, but, hey, you're Chief.

So I guess it worked.

It did, Earl.

Hey, Earl.

Why don't you call your secretary and, uh, let her know you're gonna stay for lunch?

Here you go, Earl.

Your phone lines are out.

Dinner's almost ready!

My life is over.

Well, at least it was short and sweet.

I'm serious, Grandma.

A senior in drama club got mono, and they gave the lead role to me with only two days to prepare.

This is a disaster!

Well, what are we talking? Hindenburg? Titanic?


This is definitely a nuclear-meltdown-of- epic-proportions type disaster.

Sing one line.

What?! No!

That show is gonna go on with or without you, Victoria.

And I prefer without.

Well, I say better with.

One line. I don't even know the words.

What's the show? "West Side Story."

Oh, I know that show by heart!

♪ Poor wandering one ♪ Uh, Grandma...

♪ Though thou hast surely strayed ♪ Grandma...


That's "Pirates of Penzance."


Well, what show are you doing?

"West Side Story."


Well... go ahead, then.

♪ There's a place for us ♪

♪ A time and place for us ♪ Oh, honey, you're gonna bring down the house.

You okay, sir?

Nope. I'm dying.

Sir, you c...

I gotta name it, Warren. I gotta say it.

And I need you to not pretend it's not true.

Okay. It's not something we say a lot in our culture. We don't say it out loud.

We don't... own it.

We pretend that death is this quiet, lurking shadow.

And... And it's not. That's a big lie.

It's loud and obnoxious and it comes at you g*ns blazing.

And I don't understand why we can't just name it, call it what it is.

Chad. What?

When I was a kid, there was this neighbor... you know, Chad.

He was loud and obnoxious and mean and intentionally hurtful.

If I was gonna give death a name, it would be Chad.


To hell with you, Chad.

Yeah. To hell with Chad.

Hey, let's swing by City Hall.

I, uh, got a few things to do before Chad shows up.


I-I can see it.

Why don't you put that pin back in the grenade?

Be safe, so we can talk.

Did you even deploy?

Iraq and Afghanistan.

Well, me, too.

Did you actually leave the wire, or were you one of those rear-echelon pukes who hid out at base?

I was a scout/sn*per, son.

When I left the wire, I ate cold food.

I slept in my own filth.

I left, didn't come back for weeks at a time.

All for just one shot at the very bad people trying to vaporize you and your pals.

Hard core.

I was just a grunt.

We were all just grunts.

Tell me, Kyle, why you survive two wars and want to go out like this.

Traumatic brain injury.

I got blowed up three times by IEDs.

Twice for me.

And I rinsed out what was left of my friends from Humvees many more times than that.

Why don't you put that pin back in there?

Let's talk about it.

Gibson says there's expl*sives inside.

Move this perimeter back now.

We need to sweep the adjacent structures for people.

On it. We're going back toward the expl*sives?

You need to be told twice, Probie?

Bishop! What the hell's going on here?

Sir, there's a suspect inside with his...

No, no, no. I know what's going on in there.

I'm talking about out here. This is a police matter.

Sir, I respectfully disagree.

Our people are talking down the suspect as...

Do you hear yourself?

You're not cops. You're firefighters.

PD has a negotiator standing by.

Swap him out with your people.

Is their negotiator a veteran?

'Cause my guy inside is, and so is the subject he's dealing with.

I understand that this is a unique situation, but we aren't just firefighters.

We are problem solvers.

And we're handling the problem.

SWAT and sn*pers are about to arrive, so handle it quickly.

There's counseling, veteran groups.

What about the VA?

They helping with your head?

The VA.

Yeah, I've waited six months to see a doctor.

Every time I call, it's six more.

Meanwhile, my headaches are... are... are blinding a-and I...

I can't remember what I had for breakfast, much less dinner the night before.

And... And... And my fuse is so short...

...that my friends won't even talk to me anymore.

Sounds like you need new friends, Kyle.

Yeah, well, the ones I had were fine.

It's really tough to...

...to leave your tribe behind, Kyle.

Why don't you put the pin back in the grenade and call them?

Call them?

Call who?

Call who?!

My tribe is dead!

Herrera, it's Bishop.

I've got Dixon breathing down my neck and SWAT chomping at the bit to go in.

Negative. It's a bad idea.

Okay, I need your eyes and ears in there, Herrera, not your opinions, please.

Sullivan is connecting with him... better than a dozen cops with g*ns will, anyway.

He just needs more time.

How much time?

As much time as you can give him.

See the blotter today?

A couple of boys got collared for some B&Es over on Fifth.

Uh, yeah, B&Es.

B&Es? Breaking and enterings.

How do you know that?

How do you not... Chief?

I'll tell you, property crime's gone way up...

Huh. ...since I walked off the beat.

And remember those baseball games between the fire and the police?

Oh! How can I forget?

Man, were those hose-heads lousy.

Come strutting in the field, you know, with their sleeves rolled up, like hooligans.

Hmm. Showing off their muscle.

Huh. Bunch of meatheads, huh, Earl?

Okay, here you go.

Hold on.

Thank you.

You look so nice.

You going somewhere?


It's the opening night of "Pirates of Penzance."

It's your favorite show.

Finally get to play Mabel.

Couldn't have done it without you. I wish you could come.

You look like somebody I used to know.

Mom and dad are gonna come pick up their tickets at some point, okay?

Oh, I'm... I'm giving them tickets to a s-show?

No. No, no, no, Grandma.

You just rest, okay?

You sure you're gonna be all right here alone?

O-Of course, dear.


But where are you going?

It's the opening night of my show.

Okay, then.


Thank you.


Good night.

Bishop, adjacent structures are clear. Copy.

Clear any houses behind the surplus store and return to me.

Okay, we're on it. Return to her?

They said this whole block could explode.

At what point do we save our own lives?

Damn it!

All right, pull yourself together.

I'm trying the best I can.

Well, your best isn't good enough.

I think you're making this personal.

And I think you're used to being handed things because your old man's in charge.

It's not personal, Probie. You're failing at the job.

My buddy Sara sold these here last month to pay her rent.

Was that the last time you talked to her?


'Cause she k*lled herself last week.

There was no one there waving yellow ribbons.

I had this kid in my unit.


One day, he was leading a patrol, and he got turned around.

He was too proud to admit it.

He took a wrong turn.


He die?

No, but two others did.

And Lowry never forgave himself.

A couple months later, he walked into a port-a-potty with his r*fle and never came out.

Makes your blood boil, doesn't it?


Because Lowry dishonored those who already lost their lives by wasting the only one he had.

He let the enemy take one more from our ranks.

Don't let the enemy win, Kyle.

Stay in the fight.

I'm... I'm ti...

I'm tired of fighting.

I'm tired of the pain.

I just want it to stop.

Then let me help you.

How? How?

What are you gonna do? B-Bulldoze the VA?

You gonna clear this head?

You gonna bring back Sara?

I can't change the past, but...

...I'm here.

Kyle, I'm here.

And I'm listening, all right?

I'm listening to you, Kyle. No. Hey.

So, uh, do those boots really all belong to dead firefighters?

They represent firefighters. Don't be so literal.

It's, uh...

It's very poetic.


Chad's a poet in his spare time.

No, I mean it. He's not just some loud, obnoxious brute.

He's an artist.

He makes you think about everything, remember everything, question everything.

He asks you loudly every day, "What mark do you want to leave on the world?

What's your true character?

What do you have left to say?"

You sure he's a "he"?


Chad just sounds a lot like my wife.



This is going on too long.

Get my son off this scene right now.

Sir, this is my team.

And that's my kid.

Who works for me.

I understand you think you know what's best for your child, but making him watch from the sidelines is not it.

Sir, what are you doing?

What I should have done already.

Your time's up, Captain Bishop.

Hey, what's going on? We saw SWAT around back climbing up to the roof.

Chief Dixon, you are putting my team in danger!

No, Captain Bishop, you did that!

Once SWAT is in position, PD calls the sh*ts on going into that store.

All right, stay with me, Kyle.

When was the last time you felt like yourself?


I was in, uh... in uniform.


Fresh cammies always made me feel like the man I was supposed to be.

Like, a-any day. Yes.

It didn't matter if it was a good day or a bad day, you know?

You could lay your head down at night

'cause... 'cause you knew that you did something that wasn't just for yourself.


This doesn't have to change.

It already has. Hmm?

People don't see me the same way anymore.

They see this broken, jobless time b*mb.

People used to look at me and... and... and... and smile.

Now they don't even look.

It wasn't the uniform.

It was the person inside.

And that person still exists. You hear me?

There are so many different ways to serve, Kyle.

Oh, my... No.

Listen to me.

Cop, teacher, fireman.

It worked for me. All right?

No. Yes.

No. I found another way.

You can do it, too.

Just go, please. Please, just go. Go.

No. I'm not you! I'm not going anywhere!

I'm not you. Please. Go. Go. Go. I'm not going anywhere.

I'll hold the spoon. I promise. Listen to me.

I'm not going anywhere. I promise.

I just want to end the pain.

I'm not going anywhere.

All right?

I'm not gonna let you go out like this.

A Marine doesn't leave another Marine behind.

What the hell is that?

You been BS'ing me this whole time?

Kyle, no, no. Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. You been stalling for the cops?

I haven't been BS'ing you!

I haven't been BS'ing you, Kyle!

I'm gonna blow this place to hell!

God! No!

Herrera, get out!

Let me go! Please! I just wanna go!

I'm not gonna let you go!

There's got to be something worth living for.

A parent, a brother?

A girl?

What's her name?




She your girlfriend?

I don't even know anymore.

Well, do you want her to be?

What's holding you back, huh?

I've been lying to her.

About having a job, about... about my condition... about everything.

So, you're afraid she'll... she'll leave if you tell the truth?

She's all I have left, man.

I get it.

I'm scared, too.

I'm scared of all the stuff no one else can see.

See that woman right there?

That's the woman I love.

But I haven't been honest with her.

I have this chronic nerve condition.

It's a searing pain that comes out of nowhere and knocks me off my feet.

I've been self-medicating to deal with the pain.

And I've kept it from her because I don't know what's gonna happen if I come clean.

Don't keep it bottled up, Kyle.

Just... tell Ashley the truth.

Well, what if she leaves me?

What if she doesn't?

What if she stays by your side, loves and supports you, and... and helps you?

And what if you come out of it stronger?






I got you.

I got you.


Called every senior home in the city.

Nobody's heard of Earl Davis.

There's got to be something we can do to help him.

There is.

Grey-Sloan is three blocks away.

We are not gonna dump him at the hospital.

He's somebody's family.

We don't abandon our family.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's...

No. That's okay.

You play piano?

I took lessons as a kid.

Oh, right.

After archery and horseback riding, right?

Yeah, actually.

But, Dean, music could help him. It could help him remember.

Dean, please.

Oh, no. Just do... Yes.

I'm calling baby. Ooh!

I'm calling baby.



I'll take it.

All right.

Like, what am I supposed to... Mm. Mm.


♪ Wake unto me ♪

♪ Starlight and dewdrops ♪

♪ Are awaiting thee ♪

♪ Poor wandering one ♪

♪ Though thou has surely strayed ♪

♪ Take heart of grace ♪

♪ Thy steps retrace ♪

♪ Poor wandering one ♪ Hi. I'm looking for Earl?

Follow me.

The truth is right out that door, Kyle.

You just have to walk through it.

I know that.

I can't retreat. I'm not a quitter.

Marines don't retreat.

They just attack from a different direction.

♪ Sounds of the rude world ♪

♪ Heard in the day ♪

♪ Led by the moonlight ♪

♪ Have all passed away ♪

♪ Poor wandering one ♪

♪ If such poor love as mine ♪

♪ Can help thee find ♪

♪ True peace of mind ♪

♪ Why, take it ♪

♪ It is thine ♪

♪ Beautiful dreamer ♪

♪ Queen of my song ♪

♪ List' while I woo thee ♪

♪ With soft melody ♪

♪ Gone are the cares of ♪

♪ Life's busy throng ♪

♪ Beautiful dreamer ♪

♪ Awake unto... ♪ Oh! Earl, no!

Dad! It's okay.

Ohh! Dad!

♪ Take heart, no danger lowers ♪

♪ Take any heart but ours ♪

♪ Take heart, fair days will shine ♪

♪ Take any heart, take mine ♪

♪ Take heart ♪ I'm sorry.

♪ No danger lowers ♪

♪ Take any heart but ours ♪

♪ Take heart, fair days will shine ♪

♪ Take any heart, take mine ♪

Congrats, Captain Bishop.

You walked into a tough spot, and you made it look easy walking out.

Well, a Captain's only as good as their team.

You ever put my son in danger like that again, I'll bury you so deep in desk duty, you'll be pulling splinters from your ass until Christmas.

You okay?

I didn't realize you were... dealing with so much.

I get by.

And that's what I'm afraid of.


I'm fine.

I'm here to help.

You're helping.

Good work, everybody, out there.

I'm so sorry. I just needed a break.

Just one cup of coffee by myself.

I thought you guys could just... watch him?

I'm sorry.

I get needing a break. I get it.

He gets so angry.

He doesn't know who I am most of the time.

I try... I really try my hardest, but I...

I snapped.

I'm sorry.

Your face. Oh, it's fine.

It's fine. It's seen worse.

We'll need to file a report.

No, we won't. We're not... We're not doing that.

She didn't abandon him, Dean.

She needed a break, and she came back.

I promise I'll never do this again.

Yeah, you can't promise that.

You can't.

You're gonna snap again, and you're gonna need another break.

This situation... It gets worse before it stops.

And when it stops, you will give anything for the bad times again.

So... next time, if you need a break, just give us a heads-up?

You don't want to run toward expl*sives?

No, that's not what I was saying. I...

Kind of a prerequisite of the job to want to run toward expl*sives.

And now Daddy doesn't want us to put you in danger?

What the hell, Probie?

I was an art history major, Travis.

The fire academy... that was my father's idea, and I'm pretty sure it's because he wants to run for office one day.

People will die... unnecessarily... because you are doing a job you are not cut out for to try and please your daddy.

Sleep on that. I know I couldn't.

Thanks to the Seattle PD...

Did we miss it? What are we watching?

No, just... just... just wait for it.

...and the grenade was safely deployed.

"Thanks to Seattle PD." And in other news, Fire Chief Michael Dixon got the boot today... in the form of dozens of firefighter boots placed on the steps of City Hall.

A statement from a former Seattle firefighter, Captain Pruitt Herrera... What?!

...says the boots represent fallen heroes.

Oh, my God! Dad?!

These empty boots represent the firefighters we've lost to cancer this year.

I say "represent" because we didn't have enough boots to show you the accurate number.

There wasn't enough space on these steps to show you how many men and women have died in the past 12 months due to cancer.

And we aren't covering their medical bills.

And I ask why.

Why are we failing to help those who put their lives on the line to help us?

That was Captain Herrera, former Fire Captain of Station 19... Whoo!

You're hitting that bag like it owes you money.

You still sleeping with other men's wives?

No, I stopped that.

And you don't have to forgive me, man, 'cause I don't even forgive myself.

What are you working out here?

JJ feelings?

It's not okay.

It's not okay when someone is depending on you to take care of them, to love them, to nurture them and just leave!

It is not... o... kay!

You should cry.


Yeah, it'll make you feel better.

I can't just cry.

Well, then... listen to a sad song or, uh, watch a sad movie.

I don't know. Just... get it out.

Daah! I am!

I'm... I'm hitting this thing.

It's not the same as crying.

So, what, you just cry voluntarily?

Only when I'm sad.

Oh, God!



I'm crying.


Quite a show.

Well, Dixon didn't approve. Added bonus.

I, uh...

I can't do this with you anymore, Warren.

I... don't have it in me.

And I don't want to cost you a life 'cause I can't keep up.

Y-You, uh, need to find a new partner.

Yeah, I hate Chad.

Me, too.

But, um... listen, you know, uh... when you meet him and he... takes you... wherever you go, uh...

I had a little girl I never got a chance to meet.

In my head, I call her Danny.

If you see her, I'd, um...

...I'd appreciate it if you'd give her my love.

You got it, son.

I'm gonna, uh...

I'm gonna miss the superhero suit.

Captain doesn't make the soup.

I miss cooking.

You were an excellent Captain today.

You don't have to say that.

I know.

Well, at least I'll go out on a high.

You can't quit.

If you fail, we all fail.

Every one of us.

What, you think if you step down, Dixon's gonna let another woman take your place?

So now I'm responsible for the future of all female firefighters?

Well, don't act like that's a surprise to you.

It is what it is.

You had a rough start, but look at my dad.

When he made Captain, his team called him so many racial slurs, he should have walked out of these doors on day one.

But he didn't. He stuck it out.

He... He changed people's minds, and he became legendary.

Everyone hates me.

Everyone's fighting some kind of battle.

This is yours.

And for the record, when I make Captain, it's not gonna be because my friend gave me her job.

I'm too proud for that.

And you're too proud for it, too.

I miss you.

I'm sorry I broke us.

I do blame you for the fact that I live with Jack now.

I mean, he refuses to use Tupperware.

He ju... He just puts a-a plate over the bowl and sticks it in the fridge.

I'm so sorry.

You're my tribe, Maya.

We're not all the way through this, but... we'll get there.

In the meantime, you go tell Sullivan you're not quitting.

You couldn't have said all this to me before I made enemies with Dixon?

Ooh! What are we making?

Split pea soup.

That's disgusting.

Don't even... joke about that.

You're not joking. And why... would you... be?

I'm pumped about it. Why don't you get to work? And then...

You okay, Chief?

I just got a call from Eva Vasquez.

Rigo died this afternoon.


No, sir.

He was getting better. He was going home.

Yeah, he didn't make it home.

He's gone.
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