05x11 - The Ground Shifts Beneath Us

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Med". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Chicago Med" follows the day-to-day chaos of the city's most expl*sive hospital and its staff as they tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events. Intertwines with "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD".
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05x11 - The Ground Shifts Beneath Us

Post by bunniefuu »

Tell me, Lynne, you under the influence of dr*gs right now?

You all were handy oxys out like candy, and now I'm left to fend for myself.

But I wanna help you now.

35-year-old female.

Looks like an OD.

Let's go.


Come on, Lynne.

I'm sorry.

You and I agreed what happened was a mistake.

I have to tell Ethan.

April Sexton, will you marry me?

I don't thin I can have kids.

Look, I love you no matter what.

Then yes.


From the looks of that rock, I'm guessing you didn't tell Ethan.

No, I didn't.

And I would appreciate it if you didn't mention it again.

Mention what?

Morning, Mags.

Big plans tonight?

I'm actually going before the board today.


What'd you do now?


I'm proposing opening a safe injection site at the hospital.

Safe injection of what?


People will be allowed to use, but with medical staff on hand to resuscitate should anyone overdose.

This because of that patient you lost last week?

- Lynne.

- Mm-hmm.

She should not have died.

She had a kid, Maggie.

Now he's an orphan.

But that's not your fault.

I gave her the pills.

Her addiction started with me.

How many other people did I do this to?


I gotta take this.

Listen, everyone, there was an accident at O'Hare.

They're routing victims to us and East Mercy.

Any word on what happened?

An electrical fire in the cabin.

Our first victim is coming in now.

Marcel, you're with Dr.


We're going to Baghdad.


Male, age unknown, was seated in the front of the plane where the fire started.

55% TBSA.

Full-thickness burns.

GCS 3.

BP 70/45.

Blunt trauma and suspected C-spine injury.

- Couldn't get a line in.

- You know his name?

Working on it.

Airline gave us a manifest.

We're identifying victims based on seat assignments.

Okay, let's transfer him on my count.

Everybody ready?

One, two, three.

Cross table, C-spine, chest, and pelvic X-ray.

Yes, Doctor.

No place to get an IV in the arms.

Okay, give me an IO drill.

Breath sounds bilaterally.

Okay, victim's name is Samuel Abrams.



No, it's just our head of neurosurgery is Sam Abrams, but There's got to be a dozen Sam Abrams in Chicago.

Wait, but I do think that Sam was traveling somewhere, though.

Do you know where the plane was coming from?


Flight 3376.


Charles, do you know where Sam was traveling to?

Um, neurosurgery conference in Honolulu.

Coming back today, I think.

Mags, see if anyone in neurosurgery knows what return flight he was on.

Already on it.


What's going on?



- This could be Dr.


- What?

See if you can reach him on his cell.

C4 on 5 subluxation.

Could be a catastrophic injury.

Straight to voicemail.

Sam was on flight 3376.

I'm all out of rooms.

You're gonna have to double up in trauma 2.

- Need some help outside.

- Another victim from O'Hare?

Yep, Layla Bistarkey, 36, in premature labor.

Heavy vaginal bleeding.

Suspect she abrupted on impact.

Maggie, call up to labor and delivery.

Have them open up an OR.

No time.

She's already crowning.


Sexton, April, you go and help.

- Yup.


- She have any burns?

- No.

She and her husband were in the back of the plane, evacuated first.

Fire never reached them.

- I'm here.

I'm here.

- My baby - Just breathe.


Heart tone's 140.

She isn't due for another four weeks.

This is our last embryo.

So, please don't oh, God.


I can see the baby's head.

- Heart rate is dropping.

- We gotta do this here.

- You're okay.

- Layla we've got to get your baby out right now.

I need you to push with all your might.

- I - Now, Layla.

Layla, bear down.



- Now yes.

Come on!



- That's it.

You're almost there.

Keep going.

- A little more.

- Through the mouth.

- Oh, my God.

- Yes!



You did it.



- Baby.



Hi, my love.


I know.

Yes, yes.

I know.

Just tell them we'll start in 15 minutes.


And move my, uh, 3:00.

Move it to 4:30.


Look, I gotta go.

- Hey.

- Have you heard?



There was a plane crash at O'Hare.

Oh, no.

No, I I I've been tied up.

How many victims?

Well, I haven't gotten a headcount yet.

Oh, goodness.

I'll keep you posted.

Oh, wait.

This proposal from Dr.


- Yeah.

- A safe injection site?

Well, there are already facilities like that overseas and in Canada.

Yeah, none in the U. S.

Not aboveboard.

Well, the judge in Philadelphia just ruled that a proposed site there doesn't violate federal law.

Sharon, the legal battles alone would cost this hospital a fortune.

Yeah, but preventing deaths would save the hospital money in the long run.

Not to mention the PR value of being the first hospital To allow drug use on our premises?

"A PR nightmare" is how I'd put it.

- Sharon.

- Yes.

Sam Abrams was on that plane that crashed today.

Oh, no.

He survived?

He did.

But he's severely burned and in pretty bad shape.


Thanks, Daniel.

We did four rounds of IVF.

I can't believe it.

Is she really here?

She's really here.

- Gosh, let me see this.

- Yeah.

Where in the world did this red hair come from?

Don't look at me.

Every Bistarkey since the Stone Age has been brunette.

As the only ginger in my family, I can tell you the redheaded gene is recessive.

So it's possible it just hasn't expressed until now.

- Noah.

- Hmm?

Do her hands look a little blue to you?


Hey Layla, I just need to take a quick look at something.



Who's this?

- Who's this guy?


Who's that?

Chest is mottled.

Feet are blue.

- Why is she breathing so hard?

- Uh, give her to me.


She's retracting.

I'm gonna try to clear out more secretions.


Still struggling.

Blow-by with Ambu bag.

Is she okay?

What's wrong with her?

Transfer her to the NICU.

- Wait.

- Don't worry.

We're gonna figure out what's going on.



Where are you taking my girl?


Can't be my Sam.


Are you sure?

Paramedics used the flight manifest to identify Sam by his seat number.

I dunno.

Maybe he switched seats with someone.


We recovered this from his pocket.


Honey - [SNIFFLES]


- I'm so sorry.


You must be Lucy.

I'm Dr.


You father's a friend.

What no, um, I'm not Sam's daughter.

Um, I'm sorry.

This is Sam's wife, Michelle.

Lucy's backpacking in South America right now, and I haven't been able to reach her yet.

My apologies.

They're ready for Dr.

Abrams in CT.

- Okay.

- Can I go with him?

Of course.

I'll take you up.


Hey, Maggie.

- Hey.

- How's Dr.

Abrams doing?

He went up to CT.

We'll know more after we see his scans.

I can't believe it.

So couldn't help but notice your tête-à -tête with Crockett this morning.

Looked a little tense.

It was nothing.

You sure?

I'm sure.


Great news about you and Ethan.


All I want is to marry him and forget this ever happened.

So Mazie has a genetic condition.

Surfactant protein deficiency.


It's a kind of interstitial lung disease.


It means the scarring of the lungs, making it difficult to breathe.

So what do we have to do?

Does she have to go on medication or No.

Unfortunately, the only effective treatment option is a lung transplant.



But she's so little.

I don't understand.

Her embryo was tested for genetic disorders prior to implantation.

It's possible that this was missed or wasn't even included in the testing.

- It's a very rare condition.

- Yeah.

How will she get a lung that's small enough?

Does another baby have to have to die first?

Well, there's also a living-donor option.

The lower lobes of a lung from two donors are transplanted.

If you're matches, you both can donate.

You should know, it is a major surgery, followed by four to six weeks of recovery.


- But of course we'll do it.

- Yeah, anything Mazie needs.

Okay, we'll get you both tested right away.


- Oh, God.

Trini, come quick!


What's going on?

There's a baby in the back of the car.

- Is he breathing?

- I don't know.

Stand back.


He's breathing shallow and he's unresponsive.

You're okay.

You're okay.

Come here.


Let's go.

Get warming blankets and start an IV.

You got it.

Trini, get a core temp.

Wake up, honey.

Wake up.

Wake up.


- Core temp's 94.

He's hypothermic.

All right, let's bolus 10ccs per kilo of warm [BABY COOS]

You're okay.

You're okay.

I'm working with security to locate the parents.

Where was the car parked?

Third floor of the parking structure, south end.

That's administrative parking.

Do either of you remember the color or make?

Dark gray BMW.


Do you know it?

That's Gwen Garrett's car.




His name is Devon, right?



What is he?

About seven months?


You know, when my son Michael was about six years old, I took him school shopping with his baby sister Tara.


And Tara was throwing some kind of fit about these red, sparkly Mary Janes.

And I turned away from Michael for a second, and when I looked back, he was gone.

And I remember how sick I felt at that moment.

Where was he?

Hiding under a clothes rack.


Anyway I know how hard it can be sometimes just managing as a mother.

My husband, Mark oh.


Excuse me my soon-to-be ex-husband, he usually drops Devon off at daycare on Wednesdays, but we switched schedules this week.

I'm sorry, I didn't know you were going through a divorce.


Well, it's turning into a contentious custody battle, unfortunately.

Well, you're obviously juggling a lot.

I totally forgot that I had him with me.

I should have double-checked the back seat.

Yes, that's true.

You were very lucky this time, Gwen.

And I'm sure you won't make that mistake again.

No, I won't.


Thank you, Sharon.


Oh, my God.

Um, wait.

You're you're saying he'll never walk again?

He'll he'll never be able to use his hands again?

I'm very sorry.

But we are optimistic Sam will wake up once the swelling in his brain goes down.

And, um he'll he'll be able to talk to me?

We're hopeful he'll be able to communicate.

Scans showed no major brain injury.

And what about feeding and and and dressing himself and He'll be dependent on others for that.


For for how long?

The rest of his life.


Sam and I were supposed to go to Italy next month.

I'm sorry, I just I'll be right back.

I just need a minute.

Oh, man.

A lot to put on a young woman's shoulders.


- Looking sharp, Dr.


- Yeah.

Okay, so I gotta I gotta go practice this presentation.

You're still cool to handle the Bistarkey case?

Oh, yeah.

just waiting on Layla and Patrick's test results.

- Just keep me posted.

- Will do.

- Hey.

- Hey.

How they holding up?

Not so great.

They're worried sick.

The Bistarkey's labs just came back.

- Oh, thank you.

- Mm-hmm.

Dad isn't a match.

- Mm.

- But Mom is.

Well, that's a start.

- Hold on, um - What?

So the good news is Layla is a donor match.

I am?

Oh, thank God.

But Patrick, unfortunately, is not.

It's okay.

Okay, well, uh, still, we're halfway there, right?

What's next?

What do we need to do?

Does Mazie's second donor have to be blood-related?

Not necessarily, and we'll definitely go over the next steps for getting Mazie onto the transplant list, but, um, before we do Patrick, there are a few documents you still need to sign, if you wouldn't mind following me.


I mean, can't that wait?

Technically, they should've already been taken care of Whoa.

What's up?

Whatever you need to share with me, my husband can hear too.

Testing revealed that Patrick is not Mazie's biological father.

- What?

- Not her father?

Obviously there's been some kind of mistake because that's I mean, that's just wrong.

Patrick is her father.

How would that even be possible?

Usually there would be no reason to even bring this up.

It's just that Mazie's best chance at a match is a blood relative.

And if we can gain contact with the father Oh, my God!

Patrick is the father!

There's obviously something wrong with your tests.

We'll, um we'll run the labs again, see if we can get to the bottom of this.

Yeah, you do that.


- Devon's father.

- Oh, my God!

- Is he okay?

- Shh, shh.

- He's sleeping.

He's fine.

- What the hell, Gwen?

I must've called you a dozen times.

Sandy said you never showed up to daycare.

Um, Devon woke up with a runny nose.

And he was coughing last night, so I just thought that I'd bring him in so he could get checked out.

Better safe than sorry, right?

Uh I'm gonna leave you two.

You should have picked up your cell.

I thought you were in an accident.

So that's it?

We're just gonna keep Gwen's husband in the dark?

Well, I think she's afraid he'll use it as amm*nit*on to get full custody.

Listen, if anyone was trying to take Owen away from me, I don't know what I would do.

But if something ever happened to him and someone kept it from me Trust me, I'm right there with you.

He has every right to know the truth, but the truth should come from Gwen.

I can't lie to my patient's father.

I'm not asking you to do that.

Just give me a chance to speak with her first.

- Okay.

- All right.


- Hey, Michelle.

I know you had some questions pertaining to Sam's care earlier.

- So I brought you a - Thank you.

Um I've decided I want Sam taken off life support.



Michelle, do you know what you're saying?

When I married Sam, I made a vow.

For better or for worse, and I meant that.

But this isn't about what I want.

It's about what Sam would want.

That's right.

It is.

And there are still plenty of things we can do to positively affect Sam's outcome.

He could still have a meaningful life.


I mean, not being able to operate again?

Not be able to feed or or or bathe himself?


No, my husband is a proud man.

He's fiercely independent.

He would resent me forever, and I just I I just can't do that to him.

We understand.

Michelle, I just wonder if this is a decision you should be taking on alone.

Who else would take it on?

I'm his wife.

You are.

Of a few months.

- Dr.


- Excuse me?

I'm sorry.

With all due respect, his daughter might be better equipped to make this decision.

I think what Dr.

Choi means is that maybe we should wait for Lucy to come and say her goodbyes.

No, that's not what I mean.

Lucy has known Sam her whole life.

- Dr.

Choi - Don't you think she should be able to speak for him?

Sam wouldn't want Lucy to have to make this call, and he wouldn't want her to see him like this.

He would want her to remember him at his best.


We'll get the paperwork started.

What's up?

Had HR check Sam's life insurance policy.

Turns out Michelle's on it.

She stands to gain millions.


Not surprising.

She married him three months after meeting him, and from what his colleagues tell me, she was the one who rushed it.

You know what they say.

When you know, you know.

Look, I get it Your whole shtick.

You don't get invested.



No, I just don't stick my nose where it doesn't belong.

You know, like looking into a patient's life insurance policy.

Which med school class they teach that in?

First rule of medicine is "do no harm.

" I'm not gonna ignore the red flags just because you can't be bothered.

Look, bottom line, Michelle is Sam's next of kin.

If she wants him off the vent, we're taking him off.

Yeah, we'll see about that.

I'm convening an emergency ethics committee.


You know, this is probably my fault.

The other night, on my way to my mom's house And I was in a rush I ran out without even putting a coat on him.

And I know better.

I just We all make mistakes.

Right, Dr.


The good news is, Devon's temperature is back to normal and he is alert and engaged.

Isn't that right, buddy?


You should be able to discharge him soon.


It's my mom.

I'm just gonna give her a quick update.



Please leave me out of this.

I do not feel comfortable.

You have no idea what I'm dealing with here.

Just don't say anything.

I'm begging you.

- All good?

- Yup.

She's gonna bring over her chicken soup tonight.



Garrett, the board meeting is in 15.

Uh, we should reschedule.

My son is still Go.

I got this.


Drug overdose in the U.


is the leading cause of death in people under 50.

More than 68,000 Americans died last year Dr.

Halstead, we're all aware of the devastating effects of the opioid crisis.

What I don't understand is why you want to make it easier for addicts to use dr*gs.

And having the site here.

It looks like we're condoning drug use.

No, no.

We're not condoning it.

We're just trying to save lives while also offering counseling Do you have any evidence that these facilities achieve that end?

I do.


A review of 75 studies shows that safe injection sites reduce overdose deaths and the transmission of infectious diseases, while increasing the number of people starting treatment.

Okay, but what happens after these people finish sh**ting up?

We will provide a space where they can rest until their high subsides And what if they won't comply?

- Mm.

- Exactly.


Why don't we all just take a little recess, stretch our legs, get some coffee.


I'm not getting through.

I have an idea.

So did you sort things out?

I apologize for the wait.

But yes, we were able to figure out what happened.

At least in part.

But we ran the labs again, and Patrick is not Mazie's biological father.


This is ridiculous.

Hang on.

There's more.

Layla, we went ahead and karyotyped your blood sample and found that you are not Mazie's biological mother.

Wait, what?

I don't understand.

How is this possible?


- Stats are dropping!

Take her off the vent and bag her.

Hold on a second.

If Mazie's not ours, then who are her parents?

We don't know.

We believe there must've been a mix-up at the fertility clinic.

You were implanted with another couple's embryo.

She's bradying down.

2 mills of atropine.

Is she gonna be okay?


Heart rate's coming back up.

Stats are improving.

Call ped surgery.

She needs to go on ECMO.

April, get in touch with the fertility clinic.

We need to track down Mazie's biological parents right away.

- What if we can't find them?

- One step at a time.

We can just hope for the best.

All right.

Let's move.

I've been asked to come and share some thoughts with you about safe injection sites.

My younger brother Tommy, he played baseball.

His talent was such that he was being scouted by big Division I schools when he was just a freshman in high school.

But then, when he was around 15, he started to gravitate towards, um, you know, not-so-great kids.

He started to experiment with dr*gs and alcohol, and he was hooked on heroin by the time he was 17.

There was a good stretch there where Tommy got himself healthy.

You know, he got married, had a kid.

His his arm was shot by then, but he loved teaching his son the game.

And he was actually getting him ready for Little League tryouts when he died on the floor of his bathroom from a heroin overdose.

My little brother was alone.

I know this because I'm the one who found him.

And and I was minutes Just minutes too late.

The time that it took for Tommy to die from lack of oxygen to his brain are why sites like Dr.

Halstead is proposing today are so important.

Because if he hadn't been alone, if there had been somebody there who had the tools and training to revive him Tommy could very well still be alive today.

Thank you for your time.

I think I speak for all of us when I say that Dr.

Charles, Dr.

Halstead, you've made a very compelling case.

And while the official vote won't happen until we've reviewed the funding proposals for the quarter, I have a good feeling.

Once we disconnect your husband from life support, may be another few minutes before his heart stops.

If you're sure I would do anything to have Sam back, but he wouldn't want to live like this.

Of course.

I understand.


Um, you would just need to fill out a few documents, and then we can proceed.

Can I just have a minute to read this?


What did the ethics committee say?

They ruled in Michelle's favor.

Oh, come on.

There's got to be some other recourse.

There isn't.

They're letting her pull the plug.


All right, so I tan like an Irishman.

S how are you I you were on the 6:00 a.


flight from Honolulu.

Yeah, I was supposed to be, but I gave up my seat for a later flight.

You know, figured a few extra hours in paradise never k*lled anyone, right?


Oh, no.



- Dr. Choi!


How long has he been asystolic?

- Just under a minute.

- All right, start bagging him.

What are you doing?

Dr. Choi, stop!

I told you he doesn't want this!

- Give him a milligram of epi!

- Dr. Choi!

- You don't understand!

- Understand what?



Oh, my oh, my God!

- Oh!

- Dr.



All right, I feel a pulse.

He's back.


Hey, Gwen?

Listen, I wanted to thank you for your support.

Oh, no need.

Consider it a favor returned.

Um, clearly there's been a misunderstanding.

My silence this morning was not a bargaining chip.

Sharon, I understand how the world works.

No, no, I wanted you to have the space so you could tell your husband the truth on your own.

I can't do that.

Gwen, I know you're in a tough spot I can't lose my son.


- That's our baby girl?

- I can't believe it.

Patrick, Layla, this is Denise and Steve Bistarkey.

Same last name as us.

I've never met another Bistarkey.

Us either.

The clinic believes that's what may have caused the mix-up.

Are you kidding me?

How could they have let this happen?

So does that mean We don't know yet.

We still have to determine if Denise was implanted with your embryo.

We'll also run labs to see if either of you are a match to donate to Mazie.


That's what we named her.

I have an exam room ready.

I'll take you.

I don't want to leave her.

We'll stay with her till you get back.

Thank you so much.




Hey, hey, hey.

Come on.

Come on.

It's okay.

I am so, so sorry I didn't call, honey.

My cell phone died and I left my charger at the hotel.

You know, they do sell chargers at the airport.

I am not gonna shell out 30 bucks for a piece of plastic.




They tracked down John Doe's family.

Turns out he's a medical sales rep.

That's why he had a pass to the conference.

You're not thinking about I'm gonna tell Sam the truth.

I think you should just leave it alone.

He deserves to know who he married.


You got a sec?

Seeing as how I just narrowly escaped death, yeah.

I'd say I have a lifetime.

Okay, Sam Michelle told us to unplug you.


And she wouldn't even wait for your daughter to get here.

Well, thank God.

I'd hate for Lucy to remember me like that.

I'm sorry, but I didn't get the sense that Michelle had your best interest at heart.


And what would make you think that?

Ah, I get it.

Maybe you're thinking the only reason a woman like her would be with a guy like me is money.

No, no, no.

I didn't mean that at all.

For your information, I'm the eye candy in this relationship.

You ever hear of Max Amino Pro?

The protein shake?

Yeah, I drink it every day.

Right, so does every fitness freak in the country.

My wife invented the formula.



Now, if you'll excuse me - You lying bitch.

- Mark.

You will never be alone with our child again.

- Please, please.

Let me - No.

Let me explain.

You'll be hearing from my lawyer.

He was asking questions and blaming himself.

I had to tell him the truth.

You had no right to insert yourself.

- I am your baby's doctor.

- Do you see what you've done?

If I lose my son Listen, Gwen- - Sharon, this does not concern you.

Actually, it does.

I instructed Dr.

Manning to be honest with your husband.

- Ms.

Goodwin, you don't - I confided in you.

Lying to a minor's guardian?

Come on, Gwen!

It's too big of a liability.

You wanna talk about liabilities?

You can forget about your little pet project.


Consider the safe injection site dead.


You know, I actually thought that you and I made some strides today.

Me too.


Goodwin, I'm sorry.

I couldn't There is no need for you to apologize.



I just heard that the board passed.

I'm sorry.

It was a valiant effort.

I don't know what the hell happened.

They spouted some legalistic garbage in the rejection email.

They're just, you know They're afraid.


Yeah, well, it doesn't matter.

There's another way.

What do you mean?


Look, I wanna do this on the up-and-up, but if they're not gonna let me spearhead it at the hospital, I got a friend who's got something already in the works.

You mean an unsanctioned site?

You said it yourself.

A site like this could've saved your brother's life.

I know how badly you wanna help, but, buddy, they're illegal.

I mean, you could lose your license.


You're right.

Thank you for your help today.

Well, of course.

And Dr.

Charles I'm sorry about your brother.

After testing and speaking with the clinic, we can confirm they made a terrible mistake and swapped your embryos.

Denise is carrying your baby.


Thank God.

Uh, what about Mazie?

Steve is a donor match.

- But I wasn't?

- Unfortunately, no.

Don't worry.

There are other options to find a second donor.

We're getting her on the transplant list.

Well, you said I'm a match, right?

You are, yes.


I'll do it.

I'll donate.

Oh, we can't ask that of you.

No, no, you've done more for us than you know.

Besides, me and Mazie, we've been through a lot.

And I know she isn't mine [SOBS]

But I still love her like she is.


Wow, what a crazy ride.

Like an IVF nightmare.


Look at them.

I'm guessing they'd do it all again.


Listen, Crockett.


You might've noticed I can be a little quick to judge.

I get it, man.

You were trying to do right by Sam.

- It's all good.

- Not just with that.

With you too.


- Well - Look, man.

I made some assumptions about you.

The truth is, I really don't know you.

Appreciate the sentiment, but you don't You don't have to worry about it, man.

- It's all good.

- Yeah, I do.


Fresh start?



- What's going on?

- Hey.

Nothing, just saying good night.


Well, good night, Dr.


Good night.

- Hi.

- Hi.


- Ethan?

- Yeah?

I want us to try to get pregnant again.


What if we give IVF a shot?

Uh, I thought you didn't want to go down that road.

I know, I just I was afraid.

And IVF isn't a sure thing, and given my condition, it's possible it may not even work, but there's a chance that it could.


It seems like it's worth the risk.

- Right?

- Yeah.

Nice, Matty.

Don't pinch your shoulders.

It could cause elbow problems down the road.

Just ignore him.

When Uncle Dan was your age, he was picking dandelions in the outfield.




Why the mirrors?

It makes it easier for the users to find a vein and helps us keep an eye on everybody.


Where are you getting the naloxone kits?

I got a guy who's hooking us up.

There's a clinic that's closing on the South Side, so we're getting them on the cheap.

Anyway, what do you think?


I'm in.
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