05x08 - Too Close to the Sun

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Med". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Chicago Med" follows the day-to-day chaos of the city's most expl*sive hospital and its staff as they tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events. Intertwines with "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD".
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05x08 - Too Close to the Sun

Post by bunniefuu »


Hey, get off her!

Punk bitch!

They were jumping me in.

g*ng initiation?

What if you found somewhere else to stay?

Thank you.

Is this what I think it is?

A fertility chart.

Just seeing the chart is like You can get a little overzealous.

Okay, my lips are still tingling.


- I'm Ben.

- Maggie.

You know, I should probably eat an actual lunch after this.

I don't like to eat alone.

This is Ben, my date.

- What are you doing here?

- Hey.

A patient told me about peppermint and ginger aromatherapy.

Supposed to help with the nausea.

Oh, thank you.

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with the chemo.

I'd say it's been a bit more tolerable now that I have my sidekick.


So you're the one who's been stealing my lunch companion.

Guilty as charged.

I'm Ben.

- Natalie, nice to - [SNEEZES]


You all right?

I'm okay.

I'm okay.

You look flushed.

Maybe you're coming down with something.

They got me under a new chemo regimen.

I'm always coming down with something.

You know, why don't you pop into the ED once you're done here?

I'll just give you a quick exam.

Thanks, but I'm fine.

- Really.

- Don't be stubborn.

I'll make sure he gets there.

All right.

See you soon.

Thanks, Nat.



Wait for me outside.

Hey, Dr.


Our distended belly in two is non-surgical.

Sign her over to GI.

Um, you know I hate to ask, but, um, you mind putting in the order?

I just I've got to run a quick errand.

Oh, is she your errand?

Looks familiar.

Wasn't she here a few weeks ago with those g*ng guys?

Uh, she's not with them anymore.

It's true, she she's turned her life around.

Oh, is that why she's wearing your Blackhawks jacket?

Uh Please tell me that she's not shacking up with you.

No, no, no, no, no.

It's not it's not what you think.

It's, um, she's crashing in my guestroom for a couple of days just until she can get back on her feet.


If you say so.

Okay, I'll I'll be right back.

I'm just gonna take her home.

Would you do me a solid and just keep this between us?

I don't want April to Kick your ass maybe?


Uh, okay.


Nat, are you sure?

The lesions in your mouth, elevated fever, the conjunctivitis, these are all very strong indicators.

I don't understand.

I was vaccinated as a kid.

You've also been on chemo for six months now.

It's likely wiped out your vaccine antibodies and left your immune system too weak to protect itself.

So do I need to suspend chemo while we treat this?

I'd like to speak with your oncologist, but my guess is yes.

Will I be okay?

I mean, people get over measles all the time.

Yes, they do.

I know we can manage this, right?

Put him on bed rest, make sure he doesn't develop any secondary infections.

Ideally, yes.


I did hear congestion in your lungs, which means that mostly likely you've already developed pneumonia.

So what happens next?

With your weakened immune system, I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before the virus starts attacking your other organs.

Wait, are you saying this is gonna k*ll me?

Measles are gonna k*ll me?

I'm so sorry, Ben.

Nat There has to be something.

How long am I looking at?




If what I suspect is true, I'm afraid so.


- Morning, Daniel.

- Morning.

You know, I haven't seen Cece in a couple of days.

How's she doing?

You know, not too thrilled that I keep on leaving my dishes in the sink, but other than that, you know, hanging in there.

You think she'd be up for a drink tonight?

- Just the four of us?

- The four of us?

Yeah, turns out, Bert and I have met up a few times just for a couple of drinks.

Don't get too excited.

He still has a lot of explaining to do.


I just figured that maybe Cece would get a kick out of all of us getting together.

Are you kidding me?

She'd love it.

I'm just warning you.

You're gonna get a big "I told you so.

" Yeah, well, I'm looking forward to that.


- That one.

- Mm-hmm.

Oh, and it's Trini's first day at Med, I was supposed to get her oriented but Don't worry, I can answer all her questions.

- Okay.

- Hey, I'm April.

- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

We've got a nosebleed in treatment 5.

Why don't you start there?

It's good.

Maggie, go be with Ben.

Thank you.

Hey, have you seen my brother?

I thought he was on your service today.

He stepped out.


He said something about an errand.

I got him covered.

Hey, listen, about the other night that move on my part.

Let's just forget it, okay?


Look, we were sipping Sazeracs, having a nice time.

Guess I misread the situation.

Yeah, just let's blame it on the Sazeracs.



Halstead, we got an ambo landing.

- You're going to Trauma 1.

- Elsa, you're with me.

Lori Shelton, 16 years old, BP 118/82, heart rate 112, collapsed on a jog this morning.

We told her not to push it.

She just won't listen.

Dad, I'm fine.

I skipped breakfast before my run.

That's why I was dizzy.

Lori, I'm Dr.


This is student Doctor Curry.

Try to relax; we're gonna get you checked out.

On my count.

One, two, three.

Please tell me her kidney is okay.


She had nephrotic syndrome, finally got her transplant about six weeks ago.


Is it okay if I take a look at your incision site?


Oh, incision looks good.

No edema in the lower extremities.


Lori, you had any fever, night sweats, chills over the past few days?

No, since I got the kidney, I feel great.


I did hear a little congestion.

Honey, tell him about your cough.

Dad, I'm fine.

Well, it is possible you've developed an infection in your lungs.

An infection?

Yeah, it's a common post-op complication.

Curry, what do you think?

Uh, we should probably start with a CBC, BMP, chest x-ray, and give 500 milligrams empiric azithromycin.

And a full transplant panel to make sure her kidney's okay.

Lori, just try to take it easy.

We'll be back to check on you in a bit.

Hey, good morning.

I'm Dr.


You must be Dennis.

Yeah, the one and only.

And, uh, this is my girlfriend and partner, Aviva.

Say hi to Dr.

Choi, you guys.

Excuse me?

You're live in front of 800,000 people.

Say hello.

Uh, you mind if we do this without the camera?

Sorry, doc, but we keep our stream live 24/7.

Hey, um, I don't really think this is the place.

Oh, no, anything you need to say to me, you can say in front of our loyal followers.

All right.

Mind taking a seat so I can examine you?

Oh, I don't know?

Can I take a seat?

I'm not following.

Not you, Dr.


He's talking to our followers.

They're voting.


Sorry, dude.

They voted no.

Looks like I'll be standing, Dr.


You're not serious.

It it's in the name.



Our followers vote on all of Dennis's decisions.

Look, if you won't let me treat you properly, you should see another doctor.

Oh, I don't mean any disrespect, doc.


It's just that I make my living honoring the vote.

Please don't send me back to the waiting room.

My stomach is k*lling me.

Abdominal pain?

Oh, it's definitely food poisoning.

They made me eat a ton of discount sushi last night.


Easy, man.

You're warm and your belly's obviously tender.

I'd like to get a CT scan to rule out anything serious.

I'll be back to check on you soon.

Wait, doc.

They're voting.

Okay, good, yes.

It's a yes to that scan.

Hey, what are you doing?

Oh, April is covering for me.

You can't go in there.

You're immunocompromised.

A little credit, Nat.

I know how to take the necessary precautions.

If you catch this virus, you might not be able to fight it off.

I'm willing to take that risk.

- Maggie.

- Nat I'm not about to abandon him now.

Hey, Doris?

Can you get the leg fracture in Trauma 2 admitted to Ortho?


We need some help!

Hey, give me a hand over here.


Oh, my God!


What happened?

I don't know.

I found him on the sidewalk like this.

- Get him to Baghdad!

- I got c-spine.

Let's roll!

Easy, easy, easy.

All right, on my count.

Everybody ready?

One, two, three.

Noah, I'm right here.

- People, come on!

- Okay?

I'm right here.

Hang in there.

Set up for an x-ray!

Hey, let's get him on the monitors.


Hey, buddy.

Do you know where you are?

- M-med.

- Good.

Noah, that's good.

Breath sounds present bilaterally.

Multiple abrasions on his face, neck and left flank, some broken ribs.

Did he get hit by a car?

No, injuries like this, looks more like a beating.

Did anyone see where he was going?

He just said he was meeting a friend.

Thought you said he was running an errand.

BP's down to 92.

Hang a unit of O-negative.


Everybody, clear!

Massive hemopneumothorax on the left side.

- He needs a chest tube.

- Push 5 of morphine.

Chest tube, give it to me!

BP's down to 70.



I'm in.

Pressure's better, but his heart rate's still up.

He's still losing blood.

Call CT, tell them we're bringing him up to a pan-scan now.

Don't worry, buddy.

We got you.

April, how is he?

He's stable for now.

We're still trying to find the source of the bleed.

Uh, can I have a word with you and Dr.

Choi, please?

I want Dr.

Lanik running point on this.

- Ms.

Goodwin - You know as well as I do, - you're too close to Dr.


- I can separate my - personal feelings from - No, Dr.

Lanik will keep you updated, and you're needed in the ED.

Yes, ma'am.



I'll check back as soon as I can, okay?

We're able to get the scans yet?


Hey, what were you saying earlier about Noah meeting a friend?

He just said he had to help someone.


Scans are up.

He's got a grade-3 splenic laceration with a central blush.

He's bleeding into his abdomen.

I'll call the OR and tell them we're bringing him up.

Well, pressure's stable.

No reason why we can't embolize the bleed.

But if the pressure drops Well, we can worry about that when the time comes.

IR is less invasive.

I agree with Dr.


I don't want to cut my brother open unless it's absolutely necessary.

- It's not really your call.

- No, it's mine.

We're going to IR.

Let's move.

I just checked on Lori Shelton's blood work.

The lab should have it up soon.




Did you know that Fibonacci is performing tonight?

The mathematician?

Hasn't he been dead for about 1,000 years?

Uh, it's a it's a rock band.

They they write all their songs using Fibonacci's sequence.

So, uh, every note is the sum total of the two notes before it, and, uh, their their music is actually quite elegant.

Oh, that sounds interesting.

There there are still tickets available.

Oh, if you're asking if you can take off early, go ahead.

Oh, okay.

Okay, thank you.



We need help in here!



- Watch out, Dad.

My stomach hurts so bad.

- Ultrasound.

- I got it.

What is it?

What's wrong?

We're gonna find out.

There's a clot blocking blood flow out of the kidney.

It's likely what made her collapse this morning.

I thought it was an infection.

Kidney dysfunction can mimic signs of an infection.

Okay, so what do we do?

There's a drug called tPA that should break up the clot, but we'll need a CT first to pinpoint its location.

Tell radiology we're bringing her up.

No, wait!

You cannot give her a CT scan.

She's allergic to the contrast.

You're sure she's allergic?

She had a CT scan before her transplant and had a really bad reaction.

It almost k*lled her.

Her transplant center must have not put that in her chart.

You have the ultrasound.

Can't you use that to locate the clot?

An ultrasound doesn't give us a detailed enough view.

We can't inject the medication without a precise location on CT.

Please make it stop!

Isn't there something else you can do?

We could try to get the CT by using a high dose of steroids to suppress her allergy.

Yeah, but she could go into anaphylactic shock.

No, I'm not putting her through that again.

Do we have an alternative?

All right, we'll put her on heparin.

Wait to see if the clot resolves on its own.

At this point, it's our best option.

Bolus 1,000 units of heparin, 50 mics of fentanyl for the pain, and repeat her labs.

Lori, hang in there.

We're gonna get you through this.


Your scans came back.

Turns out you didn't have food poisoning.

You have appendicitis.

I told you guys this pain was real!


Luckily, we caught it in time.

We can get you up to an operating room to remove it before it bursts.

@Mewbuddar is asking, "Is there's an alternative to surgery?" In some cases, it can be managed with antibiotics, but surgery is the standard.

Babe, the chat is all worked up over the pros and cons of surgery.

Give me the camera.

All right, team, this is a big one, so don't do me dirty 'cause my side is literally k*lling me.

Will you let me have surgery?

This is no way to determine treatment.

You heard him, peeps.

I'm setting up a vote.

Surgery versus antibiotics.


This is ridiculous.

Vote are tallying.

Okay, the votes are in.

Oh, babe, uh Surgery is a no-go.


This is a serious medical decision.

You can't let strangers on the internet make it for you.

If your appendix ruptures, there's a good chance you'll die.

I'm sorry.

The decision's been made.

We're going with the antibiotics.

Doris, order 1 gram ceftriaxone and 500 mg flagyl for my patient in 4, and page Dr.


Maggie, I'm sorry to hear about Ben.

Thanks, Sharon.

He just wants to go home.

I'm afraid that's not gonna be possible.

What do you mean?

We need to keep Ben here under quarantine.


Hospital protocol is if a patient has measles, they can self-quarantine as long as they don't take public transportation.

Yes, under normal circumstances, but there's a citywide outbreak.

The county health officer has issued a mandatory quarantine for all hospitalized patients.

Ben will have to remain here until he's no longer contagious.

That's five days.

That could be all the time he has left.

I'm sorry.

- Sharon.

- Yes.


He just wants to go home and die in his own bed.

Maggie, you know I understand, but my hands are tied.

It's the law.


How are you doing?

I'm Dr.


Uh, Dr.

Choi showed me your website.

It's pretty pretty interesting stuff.

His name tag legit says Chief of Psychiatry.

I'm gonna get thrown in the loony bin if y'all keep punking me with these votes.

Dude, we're getting mad love in the tip jar today.

Definitely gonna top naked skydiving.

So Dr.

Choi and I just want to make sure you understand that by opting out of the surgery, that you are putting your life in danger.

We never go against the vote.

Those are the rules.

No chance at even a one-time exception?

No can do.

A year ago we were living in our car.

Now we've got a condo on the lake.

Our our followers buy our merchandise and watch our ads for one simple reason.

I always obey the vote.

As soon as I break that pact, it's over.

Okay, well, really nice to meet you both.


He clearly understands the decision he's making.

Yeah, but he's not making the decision.

True, but he's willingly allowing other people to do that for him.

He's denying surgery to boost his online following.

How can you say he doesn't pose a risk to himself?

Just 'cause he's reckless doesn't mean he's suicidal.

Well, so that's it?


If the antibiotics don't take, we just watch him die?

Ethan, I don't like it either, but we can't lock a patient up just because he wants to be internet-famous.


We spoke to a few witnesses who were at the scene, and they confirmed Noah was jumped.

By who?

They weren't able to ID any suspects except that they looked Latino.

The guy that brought Noah in?

He said that there was a young woman with him.

She helped Noah into the car.

That friend he was meeting, could it have been this young woman?


Marcel, if there's something that can help us I did see him leave with a young woman.


The one that you and Noah found, getting jumped in by that g*ng.

He said he was taking her home.

You saw him leave with Jacinta and you didn't tell me?

You have a last name for this Jacinta?

Uh, yes.


Jacinta Nieves.

Okay, we'll run with that.

Listen, we're all thinking about your brother.

Thank you, Jay.


You didn't think it was important to tell me that my brother ran off with some kind of gangbanger?

He asked me not to.

He is fighting for his life.

He's a big boy, April.

He makes his own decisions.




I was told to get a quick blood draw.

Oh, just leave it.

I'll do it.

- I'm sorry.

- Okay.


Okay, okay.


- You're okay.


Do you want some water?


There you go.


There you go.


I'd finally fallen asleep.


The hospital can't do anything for you, yet here you are, getting poked and prodded every other minute.

I should never have brought you here.


- I'm so sorry.


The folks in group say surrendering isn't weakness.

It just means that you've accepted your future As it comes.

No, Ben.

I won't let you spend any more of your precious time here.


Do you have any idea what you're asking me?

I know that it's technically illegal.

And unethical to have me change his charts and say he's post-infectious?

Yeah, but you and I both know that I can keep one measles patient from infecting the public.

Please, Nat.

I Please let me honor the only wish he has left.

How many times have I had your back?

This is not about what I owe you.

This is about what we owe the public.

And I'm sorry, Maggie, but I can't discharge him.

Maggie, I [SIGHS]

Just got Lori's latest set of labs back.

Her creatinine has risen dramatically.

What does that mean?

The heparin isn't working.

Lori, I'm sorry.

Your kidney is in serious distress.


Since we're unable to get the C needed to inject the tPA, I'm afraid there's not much more we can do to save your kidney.

Oh, God.

There's still dialysis, and you can go back on the transplant list.

No, I can't go through that again.

Please, there has to be another way.

I wish there was, but What about the thing you were saying earlier about suppressing my allergy?

Well, there is a chance we could prevent an allergic reaction to the CT contrast by loading you up with a high enough dose of steroids That would be extremely risky.

I wanna do it.

You could you could go into anaphylactic shock.

I spent too much time on the transplant list.

The pain and the fever and the sleepless nights.

I can't go through that again.

- But, honey - I can't go back on dialysis.

Lori, I would need your parents' consent.


I can't lose this kidney.

Oh, Lori.



You have our consent.

All right.

Hey, you can't do this.

She she could die in the scanner.

Elsa, I understand the risk, but we have to try.


I mean, even if she loses her kidney, she can still survive on dialysis until a new organ is available.

She could also spend years suffering on dialysis, and still die before getting another transplant.

This is what Lori wants.

We have parental consent.

Heart rate's up to 140.

When was the last time he had pain meds?

Two, maybe three minutes ago.

We need to get him to the OR now.

He's gonna crash.

What are you talking about?

His vitals are stable.

Not for long.

Pulse pressure's narrowing, heart rate's climbing, and his lips are turning blue.

I've seen this before.

It means a crash is coming.

No, we almost have control over the bleed.

If we wait until his pressure drops, it'll be too late.

It's Dr.

Lanik's call.




- We gotta stop this.

- I'm almost there.


Marcel, you need to back off.

He needs the OR!

Stay away from my brother.


- Pressure's falling.

- Now can we move him?

Let's get him ready for the OR!

Doris, what's the word on Noah?

They just rushed him to the OR.

It's touch and go.


Choi, I need some help.

- What's happening to him?



Give him some room, Aviva.

Breathe in and out, buddy.

In through the nose, out through the mouth.


All right, your appendix has nearly perforated.

We need to get you into surgery now.

- Babe - It won't take long until your appendix bursts.

When that happens, it may be too late to save you.

Chat room's saying you should put him on a medicine called Cialis.

They have no idea what they're talking about!

Dennis, what do you say we give the surgery a shot, live to fight another day?

Babe, we just hit a million followers!

We're going viral!

Oh, my God!

We did it!

Dennis, think this through.

Babe, our ad revenue is going to double.

The antibiotics could still work, right?

- It's highly unlikely.

- But is it possible?

Technically, yes, but the odds are highly against it.

Then we're still going with the vote.

Show me some love, people.

Buy our merch and smash that subscribe button below!

Get him up to 2 grams of ceftriaxone.

- Still think this guy's sane?


All right, Lori, we're gonna give you the injection of steroids before we administer the CT contrast, okay?

I'm ready.

All right.

And now the contrast.


All good?


Let's get her into the scanner.

- Hey, Mags.

- Oh, hey, Eddy.


Manning's order didn't mention this was a transfer.

Oh, it's not.

We're taking him home.

Hospice care.

Uh, here's the discharge.


Manning's signature.

All right.

Let's load him up.


Are you sure about this?

It's time to get you home.


Here we go.


Sats are dropping.

We close?

Doing the best I can.


We have to get her out of there!

No, she can tolerate it.

Sats are down to 87.

- How much longer?

- I just need another minute.

She doesn't have another minute.


All right, we need to get in there.


All right, Lori, just relax.

I've got to intubate.

20 etomidate, 100 of sux.

- Okay, Lori.

- Sats are down to 72.

Damn it.

Airway's totally clamped down.

I might have to trache her.

Sats are down to 70.

Wait, I'm in!

Bag her.

Let's move her back through.

- Gurney!

- Sats are climbing.

- What about the scan?

- We got it.

All right, let's get her to the IR now and clear the obstruction.

Give me another clamp.

There must be two liters in there.

Why'd you wait so long to bring him up?

Great question.

Curved six.

Pressure's in the toilet.

Please tell me this isn't gonna take long.

Clamp's on.

Spleen's coming out.

I need an O silk tie on a pass.

BP is down to 100.

Okay, tying off the vessel now.

Clamp's coming off.

There, that should do it.

Pressure's dropping.

He's still losing blood.

We have to find the source.


I was hoping to get just a quick word.

One sec.

Our suppliers can't keep up with our merchandise orders.


I've got to say, I'm very impressed with what the two of you created here.

Yeah, no joke.

Yeah, it'd be such a shame to lose it all.

I just mean, you know, if something happened to Dennis, I've got to imagine that's gonna impact your livelihood.

It's not just about the money, Dr.


You don't understand.

In high school, Dennis was a ghost.

- Nobody knew he was there.

- Hmm.

But when I got to know him, I realized just how incredible he was.

So I convinced him to start livestreaming.

Now the world gets to see what I see.

That's what this is about.

But what happens when he goes into septic shock, though?

We'll ask our followers for another vote.

They'll let him to do the surgery for sure.

Yeah, but what if they don't?

They're not trolls.

They're our homies.

But then why won't they let him have the surgery when his appendix could rupture at anytime?

They're pranking us.

- Oh.

- But I know our followers.

And if things get worse, they'll do what's right.

I've got to get back to the show.

Dennis's fever just spiked.

He's septic.

Dr. Manning.

Radiology just called.

They're ready for Ben's chest x-ray.

Good, let's get him upstairs.


Did they take him already?

Looks like he was discharged.


By who?

You, Dr.


Uh, what are we doing up here?

I figured out how we could double your followers in an instant.


I don't think you get how this works.

It look us over a year to get to a million.

I think I know exactly how this works, which is why I want you to ask your followers a very simple question Should you jump off this roof right now?

- Whoa!

- This is not cool, man.

Wait, is that a no?

I thought that they made all the decisions.

Wait, isn't this, like, against the rules?

You said your followers love you, right?

They don't wanna see anything bad happen to Dennis.

He's got nothing to worry about.

Babe, the chat's blowing up.

They want to vote.

What do we do?

All right, guys, this is for reals.

Look at the drop.


All right, team Should I jump off this roof?

They're voting.

Oh, man.

What's it gonna be, man?

What are we doing?



I'm not jumping.

Oh, my God.

They're all unfollowing us.

Hold on, you guys!

That wasn't even a fair question.

It doesn't count!

You could still be the judge!

What do you say, Dennis?

Can we can we get you into surgery?


How is she?

They were able to successfully break up the clot.

And her kidney?

Function's improving.

We expect Lori to make a full recovery.

Thank you!

Thank you for saving our little girl.


I'll have someone grab you as soon as they get her settled into recovery.

Thank you again, Dr.


- Thank you again.

- You take care.

That was amazing.

Yeah, we had a good save, didn't we?

No, you had a good save.

I I should never have doubted you.

You know, Elsa, I've been a doctor for ten years.

After a while, you develop a kind of intuition.

You just get better at guessing when it's right to take a risk.

Thank you!

As soon as we're inside, we'll get you a nice warm bath, and a neb treatment.

There you go.




Maggie It's okay.


Let's go back.

Found it.

The short gastrics are still bleeding.

I don't have the angle.

Can you clamp it from your side?

Yes, sir.


Better hustle.

I can't keep his pressure up.

Don't rush me, Marty.



Got it.

2. 0 silk stitch.

Pressure's improving.

Nice work, Crockett.

Let's tie this off and close.


Get him quarantined now.

You forged my signature?

I'm sorry, Nat.

I didn't know what else to do.

I I I couldn't turn my back on him.

That doesn't give you the right to endanger the public.

I realized that as soon as I stepped outside.

I can't believe you did this, Maggie.


I was I was Go be with him.

How's he doing?

The appendectomy went well.

The surgeon expects him to make a full recovery.


Daniel, what's going on?

Can you please explain to me why there's a video showing my Chief of Psychiatry asking a patient to jump off the roof?

I realized that the optics aren't good.

You're supposed to be mitigating psychiatric crises, not creating them.

What if he had tried to jump?

First of all, Sharon, there was never any danger of that happening.

But if it had, I would've put him on a psych hold, and mandated the surgery.

This video's going viral.

What happens if the "Tribune" picks it up?

Wouldn't be good.


I'll see you tonight.

Hey, you're Elsa, right?

These two concert tickets just came off the printer.

- Your name's on 'em.

- Thanks.

I was just about to grab 'em.

How was your first day?

Um, great.


Everyone was so helpful.

Uh, excuse me.

Um, Will.

Sorry, Dr.


- I was just wondering if maybe - There you are.

Somebody promised me a Stoli up, extra dirty.

- You ready to go?

- Definitely.

Uh, Juliette, this is Elsa, a fourth year med student.

Juliette's one of our new paramedics.

Hi, nice to meet you.


- Uh, did you need something?

- No, no, no, no.

Uh, it's nothing important.

I I'll see you tomorrow.

All right, you bet.

Good night.

Good night.

Let's go.

All right.


Hank, you call this a decent pillow?

It was all that was left in central supply.

Then you go to plastics and you find me some silicone.

I don't care how you do it.

Let's make this patient comfortable.

- Hey, Daniel.

- Hey.

Where's Cece?

You cannot imagine how excited she was when I told her about tonight, but she just wasn't up to it.

Did, however, absolutely insist that I join you, so how about a quick drink?

Sounds good.

Good to see you.

Please get this young man whatever he's drinking.


Hey, you're gonna be okay.

So what, you got banged up?



I'm here.

I'm right here.

Just get some rest, okay?

I'll check back in a while.

Hey, Crockett?

Thank you.

I'm just glad he's okay.
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