05x06 - It's All in the Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Med". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Chicago Med" follows the day-to-day chaos of the city's most expl*sive hospital and its staff as they tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events. Intertwines with "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD".
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05x06 - It's All in the Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, Bert.

What are you doing?

These people went through a terrible divorce.

They haven't talked to each other for a year.

I just want them to be happy, that's it.



Toddler in Treatment 6.

Nanny brought him in.

If there are natural options without side effects, we try those first.

Perhaps a more immediate treatment - You mean antibiotics?

- No.

On the outside, he may look normal, but on the inside, pneumonia is notorious for its slow progression.

You scare people with diagnoses and then you sell them on treatments they don't need.

This is the second time this month the parents have lost faith in your judgment.

No more.

We're going home.

He needs these antibiotics now.


- Hey!

- Security!

Are you out of your mind?

- Security!

- It's okay, buddy.

Everything's going to be all right.

Open this door!

Well, where are we?

In a better position than we were four hours ago, but barely.

Lucky for you, Kalmick did some quick maneuvering and wrangled up a court order to treat Lucas.

Well, that's a relief.

Still, there's no excuse for your extremely reckless behavior.

I made every effort to keep Dr.

Manning on a short leash.

I understand my actions appear irrational.

You locked that boy in a room.

I didn't have a choice.

Kidnapped him from his guardians.

They were risking his life.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Why don't we all just bring it down a few notches, okay?


Manning, you understand administering antibiotics against the parents' wishes, and before securing a court order, left this hospital open for a major lawsuit.

Lucas's parents gave me no other options.

Okay, they were unwilling to accept the diagnosis and wanted to leave the hospital.

Well, she's right about that.

I want that boy discharged as soon as possible.

Not so fast.

If you're in any way compromised, you need to recuse yourself from this case immediately.

I assure you, my medical judgment is sound.

I hope for Lucas' sake and your own that that's true.

Hey, I heard what happened.

I don't need another lecture right now.

I wasn't gonna lecture you.

I was gonna offer to talk I don't need to be supervised, and I don't need your help.

Hey, just cleared two more shelves for you.

Can't you just give me the guest room closet?

His and hers?

All yours.

Have at it.

And after we're married, you know we're getting a bigger place, right?

With a lot of closets?

Ah, yes, ma'am.

Good news, I got out of pulling a double tomorrow.

- Dinner and a movie?

- I can't.

I'm training a new nurse.

How about Saturday?

Got that Navy recruiting event.

I do have a lunch break from 1:00 to 1:30.

Uh, what are we gonna do with half an hour?

Oh, I have some ideas.

I see.

Time to hit the pavement.

Hurry up!

Hmm, the gentle sounds of Noah in the morning.

- Hmm.

- Coming!

- Bye.

- Bye.

Have fun.

What happened to all that noise you were talking?

Keep up!

- Hey, did you hear that?

- Yeah.

It's coming from the alley.

- Come on!

- I changed my mind.

Hey, get off her!

- Hey!

- Punk bitch!

- Get off her!

- Come on, come on, let's go!

- Call 911!

- Okay.

- It's okay, it's okay.

- I'm calling.

No, please.


I'm illegal.

Okay, okay.

All right.

Hey, we work at the hospital.

We'll keep you safe, okay?


End the call, April.

- What if they come back?

- Just do it.

Hey, hey, what's your name?

- Jacinta.

- Jacinta.

Just stay put and let me check you out, okay?

I'm a doctor.

Hmm, deep head lac.

Use this.

All right, look, we really need to get you to the emergency room, all right?


I'm fine.


Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Jacinta, Jacinta!

Come on.

Come on now.

Come on.

Come on.

Stay with us, Jacinta.

Jacinta, stay with me.

Come on, come on, come on, come on The bleeding stopped.

IV bag is out.

I'll grab another.


Where am I?

Jacinta, I'm Dr.


My sister and I, we found you after you'd been att*cked this morning.

You're at the hospital.

- The hospital?

- Yeah.

No, no.

I can't be here.

- It's okay.

- We didn't call the police, but you shouldn't move right now.

You suffered a small pneumothorax, a collapsed lung.

I I don't feel anything.

We gave you some morphine for the pain.

Your lung should re-expand on its own, but you really need to stay in bed for awhile.

Meantime, do you wanna us what happened this morning?

It's okay.

I know it's hard.

Just take your time.

You wanna start with where you were heading?

To a friend's house.

- Should we notify your friend?

- No.

I don't want him to see me like this.


Hold the elevator!

- Morning.

- Morning.

Sharon, again, I swear on my life, I had not a clue that Cece was gonna invite Bert to dinner last night.

I found out literally a minute before you walked in the door.


- Literally a minute.

- So you said.

And now, you know, he's asked me out for a drink.

- Well, you're gonna go?

- Of course not.

I mean, somehow Cece got into her head that, you know, you guys need to get back together to make you happy.

- Is that what she thinks?

- Yeah.

Listen, I am not defending her actions or saying I agree.

I just I just hope you understand that her heart is in the right place.

Look, Daniel, uh, I think it's wonderful that you and Cece found your way back to one another.

I really do.

But that's not gonna happen with me and Bert.

- I get it.

- Good.

Then tell her no more surprise reunions.

You got it.


Charles, good morning.

Hmm, at least somebody's happy to see me.

- Huh?

- What's up?

Doris told me there's a patient in Treatment 3 that's asking for you.

- A Titus Witherdale.

- Oh.

Not exactly a name that you hear every day.

No, it isn't.

He grew up down the street from me.

- sh**t me his chart, will ya?

- Done.

He used to play soccer with my little brother.

Titus Witherdale.

I go by Claire now.

- I'm sorry.

- It it's fine.

Uh, it's still Titus on the insurance.

I haven't finished the process of legally changing my name.

Good to see you, Dan.

Well, it is really good to see you too, Claire.

Uh, so how you been?

I retired a little over a year ago.

Huh, congratulations.

Yeah, it was time to focus on other areas on my life.

I hope I didn't pull you away from anything.

It's just I find doctors to be a bit intrusive, and I remember you as being so sweet and respectful.

Oh, that's nice of you to say.

Um, so what bring you in here today?

You sound a little short of breath.

Yes, it's been on and off the last few weeks and, uh, I've had some pain on the left side of my chest.

Uh, it's probably nothing, but Why don't I just take a little listen?

Um, full disclosure, I'm actually a psychiatrist, but on a good day, I still know my way around a stethoscope.

So why don't you put this on and I'll be back in a few.

- Oh, jeez.

- You all right?

I it just really hurts.

Okay, okay.

Lie back.

Lie back.

Legs up.

Legs up.


Choi, I need you.


Oh, what what are you doing here?

Well, I know I shouldn't stop by unannounced, but I just wanted to bring you breakfast 'cause I know you were working late last night, and I brought you your favorite, chilaquiles.

Thank you.

Uh, and what is that for?

Our six month anniversary.

Phillip, I'm I'm so sorry.

I just my head is all over the place right now.

It's okay.

It's all right.

You don't need to apologize.

We're still on for dinner tonight?

Honestly, I don't know how today is gonna pan out.

I mean, my patient isn't even discharged yet, and I have so much work.

It's okay.

You don't need to say another word.

I get it.

- Just keep me posted, okay?

- Sure.


Well, I'll leave you to it.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Here we go.


Will, Crockett, you're going to Baghdad.

Level 1 MVC.


David Bridges, 20-year-old male, car rolled, ejected out the side window.

- Wild guess, no seatbelt?

- Correct.

GCS 3, HR 125, BP 100/72, sats 100%.

Tried to clean him up for you guys, but some of that glass is in there pretty deep.

Appreciate the effort.

David, can you hear me, bud?

All right, transfer on my count.

One, two, three.

- Thanks, guys.

- Yup!

Bilateral breath sounds.

Hey, David, can you hear me, bud?

Can you open your eyes for me?

- Fluid in his belly.

- All right.

Let's find the source of the bleed.

Chest and pelvis x-ray.

While his pressure is still holding, let's send him over to CT.

Get a pan-scan, get a type and cross, CBC, CMP, coags, and a urine tox.

Hold on a second.

He's got a No Blood card in his wallet.

He's a Jehovah's Witness.

Doris, let me see that.

Okay, card's almost a decade old.

It was signed by his parents when he was still a minor.

All right, well, let's get them down here and ask them about it then.

Meantime, let's see what the scans show.

Hope things don't go from bad to worse.

- Dr.


- Yeah.

Lucas' latest labs.

How's he looking?

His temp just spiked again to 102.

2, higher than before.

His sputum gram stain came back negative.

It's not pneumonia.

I can double check with the lab.


No, that's okay.

Just, um okay, if it's not If it's not pneumonia, what let me think, um What am I missing?

Draw a lactic acid, and, um, repeat blood cultures, um, keep his fluids at 100, and add vancomycin into his antibiotics.

You think he's septic?

We are operating under that assumption for now.

Should I call Dr.



That is not necessary.

Hey, check this out.

Looked Jacinta up, she was admitted here in '07 with a case of food poisoning.

I thought she was terrified of hospitals.

Yeah, and get this.

She listed a Social Security number.

- Was it real?

- Yeah.

Turns out she was born in Indiana.

I don't get it.

Why would someone lie about being undocumented?

Unless they really needed to avoid the police.

I'm still waiting on your second set of cardiac labs, but it looks like you've had a small heart attack.

Oh, my God.

All those late nights at the office and greasy takeout, didn't do myself any favors, I guess.

Well, but you're retired now, right?

So plenty of time to focus on turning it around.


We're gonna send you up to the Cath Lab so cardiology can take a closer look at the vessels in your heart.

Oh, sorry.

I must have the wrong room.

I thought the nurse said that excuse me, miss Oh, my God.




What's my ex-wife doing here?

You didn't have an emergency contact listed on your intake form.

I just used the most recent contact in your records.

I'll be right back, okay?

Right back.

Excuse me, Melinda?

Melinda, it's Melinda, isn't it?

Melinda, hi.

I'm I'm Dr.


I'm one of the doctors who's looking after Claire today.


That's his, uh I mean, her name?


Listen, do you have a few minutes?

Maybe for a cup of coffee?


- Hey.

- Hey.

- You all right?

- Yeah.


All good.

You're talking to the queen of "Got It All Together.

" Can't put one over on me.

Maggie, I've been a terrible friend.

I am so sorry.

I should've known something was going on.

I feel awful.

Stop it.

You've got nothing to apologize for.

I did my best to keep my cancer under wraps, and you had a lot going on.

I promise to fill you in on everything.


Now spill it.

I was wrong about Lucas' diagnosis.

I have been combing through case reports and trying to make sense of his symptoms, and I'm just I'm at a loss.

What if it is just a sinus infection?

What if, when I locked Lucas in that room, a small part of me was just doing it to just I don't know.

Prove Will wrong?

Absolutely not.

No matter what you've got going on, you would never jeopardize a patient to prove a point.

Trust your instincts.

I've never seen them steer you wrong.

Thanks, Mags.

Come on.

Hey, Monique, will you set up a punch biopsy?

I want to sample the rash on Lucas' arm, see if that gives us any direction.

- You got it.

- Thanks.




and Mrs.

Bridges, your son suffered significant laceration to the spleen.

Now, we already took him to interventional radiology to embolize it, but he's still actively bleeding.

I bought him that car when he started pioneering.

I kept telling him to get those tires checked.

- Pioneering?

- Spreading the ministry.

David has a real gift for connecting with people.

What can you do for our son?

Well, we need consent to operate, which will require giving David blood.


As Witnesses, we can't accept any blood products.

Mr. and Mrs. Bridges, I want to make sure you understand the severity of David's condition.

Without this surgery, it's unlikely he will survive.

We'll pray.

Listen, I'm a man of faith myself.

But if you're praying for a miracle We don't pray for miracles.

We pray that Jehovah will sustain and comfort David.

- You went through my stuff?

- I didn't.

- I was just - Just stay out of my business!

Jacinta, we just want to help you.

That's all we're trying to do.

I've got to go.

What if they find me here?

If who finds you?

Wait, is someone after you?

Listen, if you're in some kind of trouble, I promise you, we won't judge, and anything you say stays confidential.

They They were jumping me in.

It's how you become legit.

Jumping you in?

Like a g*ng initiation.

You let them do this to you?

I knew you wouldn't get it.

Okay, well, um, I'm sorry.

You're right.

We do not know the first thing about your life, - what you've been through.

- But we really want to.

If you just if you just trust us.

I always felt Titus was keeping something from me.

I tried so hard to get him to let me in, but eventually I I just couldn't take it anymore.

Constantly being shut out.

Why didn't he trust me enough to share this with me?

A lot of times when we hide who we really are, it's because we fear rejection or we're scared of losing the people that we love the most.

Uh I'm not saying it would've been easy, but I think I would've tried to understand.

Well, maybe you have that opportunity now.


It's too late.

Thanks for the coffee, Dr.


You take good care of her.

- Can you get that for me?

- Thank you.

So what, that's it?

We're just gonna let David die?

It's not up to us.

You heard his parents.

I'm just gonna hope he turns around on his own.

What about using 'pressors to get through the operation?

Hemoglobin's too low.

He needs blood and surgery.

I do one without the other I'm not a surgeon, I'm an executioner.

How can you accept this?

Those folks obviously love their boy.

So, way I see it, if they're willing to take this chance No, you mean if they're willing to risk his life.

For the Bridges, the consequences of receiving blood are worse than death.

May not like it, but we do have to respect it.

You may need a little refresher in medical ethics.

- Lucas - He desatted down to 89.

Call respiratory for a breathing treatment.

Oh, my God!


You said it was pneumonia!

Why is he getting worse?

The tests don't support pneumonia.

- I knew it.

- What?

You son is still very ill.

What is what is wrong with him?

Well, coughing up blood could be a a bleeding disorder or You just expect us to believe a word you say?

He's worse because you're pumping him full of antibiotics he doesn't need!

Get that IV out of my son.

- Is everything okay in here?

- We're leaving It's my understanding Dr.

Manning has a court order to treat this child.

I don't give a damn about any court order.

- I am taking my son.

- Sir?

Get your hand off me!

Earl, please remove Mr.

and Mrs.

Harper from the room.

I'm sorry, but if you take Lucas home, you are putting him in serious danger.

I need to scope him.

Don't you lay another finger on him.


You won't have much time.

Monique, transfer him to the PICU, and prepare the scope.

- Dr.

Manning, are you sure?

- Do it now!

It's okay, sweetie.

When I aged out of foster care, I had nowhere to go.

I was living out of my car, but I had to sell it.

You didn't have any family you could call?

Just my cousin, Angel.

That's who I'm crashing with now.

He's part of the g*ng?

He brought me in.

They're my family now.

What if you found somewhere else to stay?

You can't just quit.

They'll k*ll you before they let you out.

Excuse me, Ms.

Nieves, you have some visitors.


Hey, cuz, how you doing?

I I'm fine.

I I didn't even wanna come here.

Then get dressed.

We're bouncing.

Hey, I'm Dr.


Jacinta actually needs to stay and rest for a while.

Oh, I promise you, doc, I'll take good care of her at home.

She's like a little sister to me.

Did you ever get Ms.

Nieves' labs back yet?

No, the lab's been pretty backed up, but I can call and see if they'll rush it.

Sorry, but we have to go.

You can call her when you get the results It's really better that she waits.

We just need to rule out anything serious.

Hey, man, you want her healthy, don't you?

Hmm, fine.

We'll stick around.

Okay, I will show you to the waiting room.

Damn it, man.

You you should've just left me how it was.

You should've let them finish what they started.

They were beating you.

That's better than what they're going to do to me now.

What are you talking about?

If they don't get to jump you in, they sex you in.

- Did you push the versed?

- Yes, we're ready to go.

All right, let's take a look at his lungs.

Natalie, wait.

Lucas' parents had their lawyer look into the court order.

They just found out that you started treating him prior to having it.

The police are on their way.

Then this is my last chance.

I have to figure out what's wrong with Lucas.


Almost there.

Oh, my God.

There is massive amounts of bloody inflammation in his airways.

This is no sinus infection.

It never was.



David Bridges' tox screen.

Hey, Cath Lab just sent Claire's results.

What are we looking at?

Significant coronary artery disease.

Cardiology placed several stents, and there's something else.

Claire has been taking feminizing hormone therapy for a little over a year.

And coronary artery disease is a possible contraindication.

Cardiology is advising that she go off the hormones.

Does she know yet?

Not yet.

I'd like to be there when you tell her.

Of course.

Hey, look at this.

I don't think David's a practicing Jehovah's Witness.

Because there's booze in his system?

That's a big reach.

His blood alcohol level's three times the legal limit, and he tested positive for marijuana.

So he isn't winning Witness of the Year.

Doesn't mean he left the faith.

And his tattoo?

You know what that is?

A symbol for the Holy Trinity.

Witnesses don't believe in the Trinity doctrine.

Someone's been studying up.

What if he converted, and didn't tell his parents?

Speculation at best.

A tattoo is not an advanced directive.

Look, fact is, David was in the ED less than a year ago with strep throat, and put down his parents down as his emergency contact.

That was strep throat.

I doubt he imagined they'd be choosing whether he lives or dies.

Nobody ever does.

But if it were me lying in that bed?

I'd want my family making that call, not you.

Take this down to the lab quickly.

You got it.

Stop right there, Dr. Manning.


You scoped him?

We told her not to.

Dr. Manning, I'm sorry but you need to come with us.

Hold on.

What are the changes?

Unlawful restraint, as well as medical as*ault and battery.

Mr. and Mrs. Harper, please.

Lucas has clots and inflammation in his lungs and airways.

This is not a sinus infection.

It is far more serious.

We want our son discharged now.

- Let's go, Dr.


- No, please.

If you want to help your son, okay, just wait for the labs to come back.

Do not take him out of the hospital.


I'll page Peter Kalmick and have him meet her at the station.

- Absolutely not.

- Excuse me?

The hospital's not gonna protect her.

She got herself into this mess, she can get herself out of it.

Get out of my face.

- Hey, I'm not asking you.

- I'm going nowhere.

You can either come with us voluntarily or you go in cuffs.

I told you not to call the cops.

I was not gonna let you put that girl or yourself at risk, Noah.

The cops can protect her better than we can.


Where'd Jacinta go?

Didn't you discharge her?

Wait, why do I have to go off my hormones?

I thought you said they were not responsible for my heart disease.

They're not, but because of your severe atherosclerosis, we want to mitigate any factors that increase your risk of developing a clot.

What if I'm willing to take the risk?

That's your choice to make, Claire, but the next heart attack will probably k*ll you.


I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

I'm sorry too.

I'm sorry I left you.

It's okay.

- Mrs.

Harper - There is nothing more to say.

We've been put through enough.

I understand why you'd feel that way, but are you 100% sure you want to sign those papers?

We have always tried to do right by our son.

We would never, ever do anything to hurt him.

I know you wouldn't, and I'm sorry you felt that your devotion to your son was in question.

You know, it isn't fair, the medical community's dismissal of holistic treatments, and it's created a lot of mistrust on both sides, which is deeply unfortunate because it isn't an either/or situation.

There's a place for both.

I just I don't know what to believe anymore.

All I want is for my son to be okay.

Yes, I know, and right now, your son needs more than you can give him at home.

Now I'm not gonna defend the way Dr.

Manning handled this.

I can't.

But regardless of your differences, I'm asking you to trust that you have the same goals.

Everything that Dr.

Manning did was to save your son.

Oh, did you find Jacinta?


Noah, I'm sorry, but I told you I had it covered.

You didn't give me any details.


That's the problem right there.

You still see me as some knucklehead kid that you have to micromanage.

You were making a huge mistake.

And it was my mistake to make.

Just back off and let me breathe.

So wait, you're saying no one has seen him at his Kingdom Hall in months?

Has anyone tried to contact him?



I'm sorry, Mr.


I gotta go.

- Excuse me.

- BP is down to 72 over 47.

Heart rate is 148.

Give 25 grams of albumin and start him on Neo.

Page Dr.


If we don't operate on David within the next few minutes, he will die.

We already told you, it goes against our son's wishes.

I don't believe you know your son's wishes.

What are you talking about?

David stopped pioneering.

I just spoke with the Overseer at his congregation.

David hasn't turned in a service report in months, and when he crashed, he was drunk and high.

No, no.

I don't understand any of this.

There must be some mistake.

What about this?

Why would he put this heresy on his body?

Because he no longer shares your beliefs.

It's not right he should die for them.

All right.

What'd you do?

The Bridges have abandoned their son.

We now have the authority to make all decisions on David's care.

Do the surgery and transfuse him.

Open the Hybrid OR.

Let's move.

Let's go!

- Maggie.

- Nat.

They said the charges were dropped?


She worked her magic.

And what about Lucas?

Is he okay?

Did the lab results come back?

Along with the rash biopsy.

Lucas has an autoimmune disorder, granulomatosis with polyangiitis.

- GPA?

- Yeah.


I have never seen an actual case before.

Untreated, it would've att*cked all of his organs.

- So the parents came around?

- Yeah.

Lucas has already started plasmapheresis.

You saved his life, Nat.

But, wait, I I can still live without my spleen?


You're gonna be just fine.

Can I see my mom and dad?

Are they here yet?

David, I'm sorry to tell you.

They were here, but they left.

I I don't understand.

Why would they leave?

Well, when they found out you were no longer a Jehovah's Witness What?

What what are you talking about?

Well, we knew you'd need blood during the surgery Blood?

You gave me blood?

No, no.

I can't.

I I can't.

Oh oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no It's gonna be okay.

Take it easy, buddy.

Take it easy.

I'm sorry, David.

You had alcohol and marijuana in your system, and and the tattoo on your chest.

That was a mistake.

I was gonna get that removed.

I mean, I I was lost for a while, but I was finding my way back.

I was gonna repent.

What have you done to me?



Any interest in a a quick cocktail?

Oh, uh, not tonight, thanks.

This was a rough day.

Oh, okay.

Well, uh, another time then.

Hey, Daniel?

How about you?

How was your day?

My day?

Um, well, you know, since you're asking, I think that I'm I might've just witnessed something kind of remarkable.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Two people who had hurt each other greatly, I think becoming a source of real comfort to each other.

Food for thought, eh?

Night, Sharon.

Okay, guest room's right over here.

Bathroom is down the hall to the right.

And, uh, futon's kind of old, but it's comfy.

Oh, and um, if you get cold, there's an extra blanket in the bottom drawer.

It's just for a couple of days so you can rest and heal, then we'll find a way to get you out of town.

Dr. Sexton?

It's Noah.

Noah, thank you.

Thank you so much - He's doing well.

- Good.

Oh, I promised Philip I'd meet him for dinner.

Hey, you told me to trust my instincts.

And you should.

Okay, then that's what I have to do.


You came.

Well, I wasn't sure I was going to.

Uh, please.

You still take your whiskey neat?

Better make it a double.


Excuse me, miss?

Um, whiskey.

A double.

Oh, good.

I hate to drink alone.

No, thanks.

Oh, we're off duty.

It'll be all right.

Well, come on.

You can say it.

Oh, I don't like to kick a man when he's down, especially when it looks like he's beaten me to it.

Besides, you did save that boy's life.

Yeah, but he thinks it's cost him his eternal life.

I was convinced David was no longer a Witness.

I couldn't accept the choice his parents were making.

And you weren't altogether wrong.

You heard the kid, yeah, he was questioning his faith.

I did the same thing to Natalie.

What's that?

I wanted to believe, because of her TBI, that she didn't remember she still loved me.

The truth is, she chose Philip.

Right, that night in my car, she was coming to tell me she was engaged, show me her ring.

I didn't want to accept it.

I don't know what she was gonna say to you, but I do know she wasn't gonna show you any ring.

What are you talking about?


Do you need a second to change?

We can always go back to your place.

I think the reservations will be held for, like, 15 minutes or something.

No, I'm I'm not going to dinner.


Is everything okay with your patient?

Yeah, my patient's fine.

Uh, it's about us.

What about us?

On the surface, everything seems perfect, but in my gut, it just doesn't feel right.

I am sorry, Philip, but I have to trust my instincts.

I can't marry you.

- Natalie, can - Please just leave it at that.

I'm sorry.

- Natalie!

- I don't - He's been lying to you.

- What?

He slipped the ring on your finger when you were unconscious.

I don't wait, I don't understand this.

Is that What does he mean?

You never said you'd marry him.

He made you think that.

Is that true?

No, of course not.

Natalie, look at him.

He's jealous.

He's looking at you right now and lying to you.

You know what?

It doesn't matter because it's over.

Hey, Natalie.

Hey, you stay away from her.

From the moment I met him - No, just stop!

- I'm sorry.

I just I should've done something.

- Said something!

- No!

Here you are again trying to save me.

I can take care of myself.

I don't need your help.

I don't want your help.

Please just get out of my life.
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