06x02 - The Terminator Conundrum

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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06x02 - The Terminator Conundrum

Post by bunniefuu »

Tower, this is Alpha Foxtrot Two Zero Four.

Completing perimeter.

All clear.

Copy, Alpha Foxtrot, proceed to NAS 160.


On approach to NAS 160.

Tower, I have a bogey on radar.

Five miles out at seven zero.

Tower, can you identify?

We have a flight plan for tail sign November 101 Delta Sierra.


This is not an aircraft.

It's nondirectional movement.

I'll go check it out.

Any chance this is one of those ladybug clouds over the Gulf?

No idea, Frost.

November 101, this is Navy.

Do you copy?


I am November 101, can you tell me what is happening?

Mayday, Mayday.

I have an aircraft in distress.

Repeat, I have an aircraft in distress, headed towards the water.

Boom, boom, boom, boom Bang, bang, bang, bang Boom, boom, boom, boom How, how, how, how Hey, hey You gotta come on.

Put your hands where I can see 'em!






I'm really happy Pride's back, but you being demoted sucks.

Even he thinks it sucks.

- Can I get you a box for that?

- No.


Probably way out of line here.

My feelings aren't important.

If you're okay, I'm okay.

I'm not okay.

- I'm pissed.

- Good.

I'm glad we're on the same page.

I'm not mad at Pride.

It's not his fault.

I'm mad at all these men sitting in their offices, looking at our work through a different prism than our male colleagues.

I hear you.

I wanted to tell them to take this job and shove it so far up the dark recesses of their big offices, and get the hell out of here, but Naomi needs me to stay, so, I will, and eventually, I'm just gonna stop thinking about it.

You can't just stay for Naomi, Hannah.

Yeah, I can.

- If that's what she needs.

- I mean, what's best for her can also be what's best for you.

You got to figure out how to make a life here.

You can't just be focused on this job.

It's not good for you.

You You don't have to do that.

I know.

Hey, y'all.

- Hey.

- We got, uh, donuts.

Yeah, thanks.

Look, I got a call from, uh, Belle Chasse.

A, uh, civilian aircraft registered to Paradiso Technologies, uh, crashed in the Gulf, and the Navy is concerned that their pilot Lieutenant Ella Meyer got too close, and her wake brought the plane down.

Uh, isn't that an NTSB issue?

Should be, except the lieutenant says that she saw something that she can't explain.

Hold on one second.

- Is "can't explain" code for - Nope.

'Cause there's been a lot of sightings recently.

- No.

- How do you even know - what I'm gonna say?

- You're gonna say "aliens".

Well, we should go, we should go talk to her.

We should.

And the Coast Guard recovered the plane.

It'll be on the dock any minute.

Well, if she saw something, it should be on radar, right?


Patton's already got the download.

So um Tammy and I will go talk to the pilot?

And Sebastian and I will check out the plane, uh, get the body to Wade?

I've got radar.


Okay, good.

I can't believe anyone thinks I brought that plane down.

I had nothing to do with it.

We don't think anything, Lieutenant.

We are just investigating.

You said you saw a "UFO"?


Just that, an unidentified flying object.

Something that I-I couldn't identify.

I bet got a lot of traction in the ready room, huh?

After all the hours that I've put in, and all the crap I've had to put up with to get here, the bunch of them just act like I reported E.


So, this object, what did it look like?

It was late, but the moon was out and I could see this-this contrast on the white aircraft, it was like some sort of a dark mass.

Smoke, maybe?

There was no smoke that would indicate an engine fire, and a-at the speed it was going, you would have assumed that smoke would be trailing.

What was this mass doing?


Like a glob in a lava lamp?

Sort of.

Except, right before the plane went down, it-it backed up, like it was, like it was looking at the plane.

A-And then it moved in again.

Wait, so are you saying that this thing att*cked the plane?

I'm saying that I saw something that, that I can't quite make sense of.


And therefore, I can't identify it.

Something happen recently that may have detached your retina?

- Excuse me?

- A detached retina can cause shadow.

A plane fell out of the sky.

And it may not have had anything to do with what you saw.

Coincidence isn't causation.

No, ma'am.

No detached retina.

- Okay.

- Look, somebody died, and I'm-I'm very sorry for that, but my wake did not bring that plane down.

And the longer the Navy thinks it might have, and my fellow pilots continue to make fun of me for a completely legitimate report, the worse this is for my career.

We know.

I promise, Lieutenant Meyer, we are as committed to solving this case as any two investigators could be.


I haven't figured out what this radar cloud is yet.

I just know it's not weather, ladybugs or aliens.

And, frankly, I'm least sure about the last one.



- Yeah.

- Because, usually, y'all want me to figure out everything by yesterday.

Well, it sounds like you're doing everything you can do.

You okay?

The counselor where my brother lives called.

Said Cade's missed the last two nightly check-ins.

- You call him?

- Didn't answer.

I'm guessing he went off his medication and is cycling through a manic phase.

I can ping his phone.

Could you?

I'm tail up, stinger out.

I need to find him before he does something really stupid, as opposed to garden-variety stupid like going off his medication.

Looks like your brother's phone is off the grid.

Could just be a dead battery.

Yeah, let's hope.

Pretty clear NTSB is gonna try and pin this - on our Navy pilot.

- Well, given the fact that the plane and the body just arrived at the docks, that seems like a less than rigorous investigation.

Oh, he said he "glanced at the plane" en route.


All right.

Well, as long as he gave it his all.

They'll wait for the autopsy, see if he was incapacitated in-flight.

But he's logged 1,500 hours, and family says he's made this trip back-and-forth to Mexico all the time.

Well, at the altitude he was flying, shouldn't an experienced pilot be able to overcome turbulence, even in the wake of a fighter jet?

Yeah, I'd hope so.

That Navy pilot shot herself in the foot when she wrote "UFO" on her report.

- Pride?

- Yeah?

Just found this in the engine.

Found what?

What the hell is that?

Some kind of metal I've never seen before.

It's almost invisible.

It's like something a-a spaceship would use so we couldn't detect it.

I'm not saying aliens.

I'm also not not saying aliens.

You look like the dog ate your birthday cake.

Ugh, It's this piece of metal I found in the plane engine.

It's, uh, an advanced form of tungsten carbide.

It's designed to be invisible.

It's expensive, it's amazing, but, uh But it's not gonna get you on the cover of "Nerd's Today".

- No.

- How'd it get in the engine?

- I don't know.

- Our Navy pilot is certain she saw some sort of attack.

Well, let's assume we can figure out the what.


Our pilot, Andrew Pruitt, founder and genius of Paradiso Technologies.

The company has developed and sold a bunch of technologies.

But when Pruitt's wife died ten years ago, he started focusing on computational software - for drug testing.

- Hmm.

He gave it away to any drug company he thought needed it.

Well, that's two months ago.

- She's not the late Mrs.


- Wife number two.

She was CFO of the company when they met.

Now she's CEO.

Hannah and I are gonna go and talk to her and the rest of the family at Paradiso offices.

- Hi, Pride.

- Hey.

Bye, Pride.

Uh, I guess I'll try to figure out where this thing came from.

I'll go with you.

Patton can assist.

Oh, is this one of those moments where, uh, you want me to go, but Okay, I'm gonna go.

You should go look for Cade.

Patton told you.

He knew you wouldn't.

Well, Cade's been off his meds before.

But in the last few years, he's been fine, right?


And I was hoping this sort of thing was behind us.

And I'm gonna keep hoping that that's the case.

But the trouble with being bipolar is that if folks do okay long enough, they may start to think they're actually okay.

You should go to Alabama.

He might need you.

We've got a case.

I can order you to go.

Thanks, King.

I'll be back soon.


Having no examination whatsoever, I would say that the trauma on his body is consistent with a high-impact crash.

You think that's too much bruising for him - to have died in the air?

- I do.

Which means he was alive at the moment of impact.

And it doesn't rule out any sort of cardiac event.

But we won't know until I open him up.

What else is on your mind, Dwayne?

Am I that transparent?

We've been friends a long time.

You still having those unsettling dreams?


Though I guess "nightmares" is a better word.

A man in a red suit keeps showing up.

Never where he's supposed to be.

I try to get to him, but I can't.

And then last night, he he led me to someone I hadn't thought about in years.


A little girl who died in a hostage situation when I was a young sheriff.

How long has it been since you had a restful night's sleep?

Not long.

Couple of weeks.

- Dwayne - I'm not exhausted yet.

I It's just Worrisome.

Dwayne you were injected with a copious amount of LSD when you were abducted.

A small amount could create cognitive disruptions.

That amount Grab that red book over there, and look up serotonergic hallucinogens, and let's see what it says.

Thanks, Loretta.

Well, if I can't help a friend with a massive LSD overdose, who can I help?

I wonder if there's a nice engineer here at Paradiso we could set you up with?

When did we start talking about dating?

You said you want to forget about getting screwed over?

Then you got to try to have fun.

I'm not saying you got to get married.

Well, that is good, because I am not divorced yet from my first husband.

- Since you brought that up - Oh, it's gonna happen.

We just haven't done the paperwork.

Let me ask you a question.

If you were interviewing someone and they said that, how would you feel?


Thank you for waiting.

- Hi.

I'm Sheri Pruitt.

- Hello.

- This is my son Scott.

- Hi.

I'm Special Agent Khoury.

This is Special Agent Gregorio.

We're very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

I-I didn't think that was gonna take so long.

Uh, everyone just had a lot of questions about how Paradiso was going to move forward.

Uh, if you wouldn't mind just, uh, signing this before we begin.

- What is that?

- It's an NDA.

We're federal agents.

We don't sign that.

You'll, uh, have to forgive us.

Uh, we are in uncharted territory here.

We understand.

We're investigating Mr.

Pruitt's death; we're not looking for venture capital.

So you don't think the Navy pilot caused the crash?

We don't know what to think yet.

Is there anything you think we should know?



Was Mr.

Pruitt threatened?

Involved in any - nasty litigation?

- No.

My stepfather did extensive background checks on people before he went into business with them.

He said life was too short to work with jerks.

What can we do - to help you?

- Let's start with documents: contracts, project lists, competitors, employees' records, especially anyone who's left on bad terms.

I'll get Andrew's assistant to get you everything you need.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

Cade's a good resident.

Kind to the other guys, super helpful around the house.

And when he left, did he say where he was going?


He have any trouble with anyone recently?


Though, if I'm completely honest with you, he had seemed a little anxious over the past few days.

What kind?

Manic, or - he piss off the wrong guy?

- Not sure.

Tried talking to him, but he wasn't interested.

You think he was off his meds?

Sure hope not.

Wouldn't be the first time.

And he's awfully good at hiding things.

I know.

But your brother's been doing great here.

Which is why I got worried and gave you a call.

And you said the last time you saw him - was night before last?

- Yeah, he got in his car right before dinner and never came back.

- He's got a car?

- Yeah.

He bought it, uh, two months ago.

What kind?

"And finally, longer periods "of REM sleep as a result of ingestion create increased levels of cognitive disruption" just like you said "not dissimilar to other types of psychedelic experiences".

Well that explains that.

Well, in short, you sleep deeper, but in this case, it's no good.

I have a friend, she's a neurologist at Tulane, and she's done a lot of work in pharmacological psychedelics.

I could give her a call when I'm finished.

Everything okay?

I'm seeing something.

Could be a crown, but it's awfully reflective.

I'll need a tweezer.

What the hell is this?

Engineered tungsten carbide.

What's it doing in his mouth?

I have no idea, but we found some in Pruitt's airplane engine.

Not enough to cause an accident, but still, something that shouldn't have been there.

I'm guessing this doesn't belong in here, either.

Bet that's part of a drone.

Why would Mr.

Pruitt have a drone in his throat?

That looks exactly like what I saw - But those are birds, aren't they?

- Yeah, starlings.

There's no bird that can fly as fast as an airplane.

Well, the white-throated needletail can go 105 miles an hour.

That's faster than most prop planes at takeoff, but We're not suggesting the birds att*cked the plane.

No, this is called murmuration.

I wanted you to see it just so you could confirm that it resembled what you saw.

We think this is part of what brought down the plane.

Looks like it's from a small drone.

Yeah, it is.

And there were a bunch of them, too.

All moving independently, but acting as one.

That's how you saw them back up and then attack again.

So I had nothing to do with the pilot dying?


He died due to the impact of hitting the water.

But we believe he lost control of the plane from being att*cked by this swarm.

Yeah, the technical term for this type of movement is called scale-free correlation.

It's like the critical systems involved in crystal formation or ferromagnetism.

The only problem is, as far as we know, the technology doesn't exist for drones to do it.

- Well, clearly it does.

- Yeah.

And if they can bring a prop plane down with them, we have to catch them before they move on to a bigger target.

Just because that car's on my lot doesn't mean I did anything wrong.

I bought it fair and square, and I don't have to help you.

I notice some of these cars don't have buyers' guides.

I assume they're filed away in your office?

Local law enforcement might want to check them when they stop by.

- You're threatening me.

- Nope.

Just helping the locals vigorously enforce the law.

Open it.

If you find anything in there, it's mine.

I bought it.

- Did he say why he needed the money?

- Nope.

- Did he say where he was going?

- No.

- Did he leave with anyone?

- I don't know.

I'm sure I can find some consumer credit violations, if I put my mind to it.

I believe he left on foot.

Headed around the corner.

No idea where.

I had it detailed, Agent Lasalle.

If there was anything good in there, they probably stole it.

- Well, you saw the movie.

- Yes, dear.

Movie night.

All five of them.

And I will never get those 14 hours back.

What does this have to do with our drones?

Well, the "Terminator Conundrum" means you don't develop a thinking w*apon that can turn on you.

Mm, a world ruled by bots.

Not exactly why the U.


draws the line at fully autonomous weaponry.

Well, the line only exists as long as nobody crosses it.

Lieutenant Meyer's commander won't clear her to fly yet.

She didn't down that plane.

Well, we have a theory, not proof.

When we find these drones, we'll make sure she gets her wings back.

My contacts aren't aware of any military weapons program working on scale-free correlation software.

Well, DARPA isn't working on it, either.

They got a call from Pruitt.

Last week.

Asked for a meeting, wouldn't say why.

Well, then, it's not unreasonable to think that someone k*lled him to stop the meeting.

But that still doesn't explain why they would need a secret and highly valuable technology to do so.

Proof of concept?


Anyone at Paradiso a likely suspect?

Not yet.

But it's a successful, well-run company.

Employees only leave when the technologies they develop is something Paradiso doesn't want a part of.

But Pruitt will let them keep the technology in exchange for a piece of the new business.


So far, most of those folks have gone on, gotten venture money, become billionaires, quarter billionaires, or just lots-of-dollar-aires.

Are the drones Paradiso technology?

If so, Pruitt could've realized the danger, and just didn't want to pursue it.

So some wannabe billionaire heard about his meeting with DARPA and got angry that Pruitt was giving away his genius?

- Maybe.

- We haven't found anything like that yet.

I do have an idea on how to track the swarm, but it's gonna take a bit to pull it together.

All right, well, Gregorio, help him.

We don't have time.

- All right.

- If this technology ends up in the wrong hands, - we end up - Underground, trying to stop a Terminator from k*lling a young woman.

No more movie night for you.

- That's a good idea.

- I'll call NSA, see if any foreign nationals are talking about this kind of tech.



Hold on.

- About the desk - Oh Look, Pride, we don't have to talk about it anymore.

We're gonna make this work.

It's not about the desks.

I'm gonna call NSA.

All I found was a receipt to a burger joint across town.

Not much to go on.

Follow the string.

Can't know what the truth is until you get there.

What I don't get is why he sold his car.

I mean, he was doing pretty good here, recently.

You only sell your car if you need money fast.

Well, whatever the reason, he's missing and you need to find him.

I know.

I know.

It's just It's hitting me harder than I expected, King.

Found a photo in his room.

Two of us were fishing when we were kids.

Happy as could be.

And then I just didn't think it would end up like this.

Let me know if you need anything, okay?

Will do, King.

My NSA contacts haven't heard about any foreign governments possessing scale-free correlation software, but they have been hearing the word "swarm" on calls between two black market arms dealers.

Any chance they're just lovers of bees?

Not unless bees have gotten really expensive.

They have been mentioning a price tag.

Looks like the software is for sale.

Just got to hope that Sebastian and Gregorio can figure out how to find it.

Because the swarm suddenly appeared on the Hornet's radar, it's clear that it wasn't moving as one mass to the attack location.

And whoever sent it was smart enough to send it separately and then have it clump together at the last minute.


So, we calculated that He calculated.

Okay, I calculated, that the, uh, battery life on one of these drones is worth about five miles of flight, so if we could enhance the available radar in that zone, we should be able to pick up the trail of the drones and track them back to the launch site.

This is the Hornet's radar, enhanced.

Which leads us to the local weather Doppler, enhanced.

Which leads us to local ATCs.

And these threads, they're all drones that were sent out in a more westerly direction, but they all originated from the same site, right here.


Now, radar's not precise enough to give us a specific location, but we can narrow it down to four or five blocks.

Have Patton start searching for the buyers.

I'll call NOPD, have them help us search our target area.

All right.

It's effectively a demotion for both of them, but he got to choose.

And even though Hannah and I aren't super tight, I feel like I owe her a little little sister power while she's going through this.

You know what I'm saying?


You gonna say anything or what?

What I like Pride, I like Hannah.

I think they're both great at their jobs, I feel lucky to work with them.

That's the limpest thing you've ever uttered.

Look, I know that you have very strong feelings about this Yeah.


and I just, I don't want you to get mad at me.

Get mad at you?

For what?

Because you decide to have a controversial and perhaps boneheaded opinion?

- What?


- Okay, see, right there?

- That's you, that's you getting mad.

- Me?

I'm not mad.

- You're getting mad right now.

- I'm not mad.

I'm not mad at all.

The more we're talking about it, the more Shh.

That electrical panel, it's awfully fancy for that warehouse.

Seems like more power than you'd need for just lights and a conveyor belt.

All right.

Check this Tammy?

Don't move.



All right.

The machines win.

I don't care what happens in the movies.

Well, they got to be motion-activated.

- Right.

- Which means that whoever controls them has to have some way to turn them off so they don't get shot when they enter the workshop.


Well, you have any idea how that might work?

- Of course not.

- Shh Damn it, I have no signal.

Well, that might be for the best.

If anyone found out what's happening here, we'd never live it down.

All right, well, come up with something clever and get us out of here.

We'll be fine.

Oh, okay, yeah.



All right.

Oh sure.

- Get to thinking.

- I got it.

All right.

So, yeah.

- They're motion-sensitive, right?

- Yeah.

So-so we just got to, we got to give them some motion.

Uh, it's probably a template algorithm so they can differentiate a face from a shadow.

- Yeah.

- And based on their size, they can probably only carry a single load.

They must have to be within three or four feet to sh**t with any accuracy.

And I counted ten drones, six sh*ts.

- Five.


- Five sh*ts.

So Just take a picture of your face with your phone, and then just slide it in there.

Cheat it to the right, to the open area, and then, the drones with the live charges, hopefully they react.


Not my phone.

Come on, you know I just got this phone.

I got all my vacation pictures on here.

I still haven't downloaded them.

This is why I told you about cloud storage.

I don't care.

I'm busy.

Just trying to make your life simpler.

Think I should do one that's a little more - I think it's fine.

- No, that's not - Sebastian.

- Okay, all right.

Just These things are clever, man.

- Yeah.

- All right.

Your phone.


What are you talking about?

What do we do if only one of them sh**t, or-or none?

Then we wait for the batteries to run out.

Your phone, go.


Then we wait.

Or, uh What are you doing?

Just wait a second.


- I'm not really seeing the - Shut up!

plan here.


All right.

- You need me to help?

- Yeah.

Grab that thing over there.

- Come on.

- Okay, all right.

What are you doing?

Cover me more.



That went well.

I haven't seen him much.

Mostly when he's coming back with food from that burger joint.

I'll open it.

I'm his brother, ma'am.

Not looking for trouble.

Then why not knock?

Well, he may not recognize me right away.

And even if he does, he may not see me as a friend.

It's better if I set the terms of introduction.

And you should get gone.


Where's Cade Lasalle?

I don't know.

- Where is he?

- I don't know!


You're Christopher.

Y-You're his brother?

Yes, I am.

I'm Kelly.

This is my son, Will.

Cade's my boyfriend.



Well, the counselors at the halfway house were worried about him.

I was just checking to see if he's okay.

We don't know if he's okay.

He brought us here a couple of days ago.

Said he had to go take care of something and he left.

We haven't heard from him since.


Will do.

What do you got?

Found this in the workshop.

Okay, "Event Horizon".

Yeah, it's the, uh, boundary defining where an event can't affect anyone beyond it.

Uh, so, it's a boat.

Yeah, a super nerd boat.

Stop it.

I'm just trying to figure out how these things work.

The boat is registered to Scott Sanders, Andrew's stepson.

And the photo was found in the workshop, along with the materials needed to prototype the drones.

Yeah, "Event Horizon" was a name on the Paradiso Technologies' abandoned projects list.

It's one of the only ones that wasn't pursued internally or spun off into its own company.

We just assumed it wasn't viable.

But maybe Andrew Pruitt didn't want a part of it, so he shut Scott down.

Well, seems like a thin motive for k*lling your stepfather.

Andrew is seen as the genius behind everything Paradiso does.

And with Scott having a PhD to Caltech, he was hired as a marketing manager for a company who doesn't do marketing.

According to his mom, things have been frosty between Scott and Andrew for the past couple of weeks.

So the kid's thinking his drone technology's a ticket to a big payday, but when his stepdad decides to give it to DARPA, he's had enough.

Add to that that we can't find him.

He's not at home, he's not at Paradiso, his phone's not pinging.

Well, let's get to it.

We need to track him down before he connects with a buyer for that technology.

All right.


I'm gonna cut your nose hairs with that drone if you don't stop.

Anything yet?

I was just about to call you.

One of those arms dealers is in Bosnia, having dinner at a Chinese restaurant.

The other one is flying like a crow towards New Orleans.

What airport is he landing at?

Based on his flight path Jefferson, 25 minutes.

Good work.

I got a positive ID.

That's Yuri Gjonka.

That's some fine black market velour.

Anyone have eyes on Sanders or his drones?

Yeah, he's in the prop plane in the hangar.

Sit tight.

We need to make sure he's got his drones with him.

Note to bad guy: don't leave the controller for your Terminator on your workbench.

- Sebastian?

- I got it.


Drop your w*apon!

Hands in the air, now!



Drop it.

You should get a holster for that thing.

Get in.


- Anybody know who that is?

- Nope.


Special Agent Khoury.

What's going on, Winchester?

We're helping you out.

Taking over this investigation.

What investigation?

We've wrapped this up already.

You need to see a warrant?


Do what you do.

That it?


Thank you.


Who's that guy?

A super secret ass.

Well good news is no paperwork.


Roy helped me, uh, move it all.

I know this is gonna take some adjusting.

And you can feel about it any way you want.

But I'm just saying you're too good an agent to be sitting in a tiny desk in the corner.

Nobody puts Baby in a corner.


We don't have to talk about it.

But I couldn't let it be.

This works.



Oh, we were just doing our job.

I'm glad it worked out.

All right.

Lieutenant Meyer returned to flight status and even received commendation for her work on patrol.

- Great.

- Yep.

- Let's get a drink.

- Tammy?

- Yeah.

- I'm not a lesbian.

- I know.

- Then why are we at a lesbian bar?

Because you need to get into the New Orleans spirit already!

- Oh.

- You know?

Like, and this is the perfect place for opening up without investing in the outcome.

I don't feel like that Just do me a favor.


Let me get us a drink.

If someone talks to you, just act normal.


- Great.

- Okay.


- Hey, Tammy.

- Yeah.

Thank you.


And hope that I'll still be right there Excuse me.

Oh, oh, oh, oh Definitely think you'd like this Hi.


I'm not a lesbian.

Good for you.

So, "not a lesbian", what brings you here tonight?

Don't let me fall down.

My friend at Tulane basically confirmed what I thought.

A massive dose of LSD could alter some neural networks, loosen up, uh, memories that were lost.

Which would explain the little girl but, uh, not the guy in the red suit.

Well, might be that the craziness was stirred by the dr*gs.

Is it permanent?

It shouldn't be.

There are things you can do to help as well as getting a better night's sleep.


I'll send you her contact information.

Thank you.

People and I head down tonight Huh.



People and I - I'm sorry to interrupt.

- No.

It's never an interruption, Chris.

Did you find your brother?


But I did find the woman he's been seeing for six months and her teenage son.

Cade put them into hiding and then left.

Look, I made some amberjack.

Loretta and I were just about to eat.

There's more than enough for you.

Come sit down.

Lord, that freight train Keep on going - I should get back.

- Wh-Where?

- To Alabama?

- No, my house.

I brought the two of them there to keep them safe since I don't have a clue what Cade got himself into.

Come on in.

Just for a while.

Come on in, Chris.

We're family.

Come on.

We'll talk it through.

Lord, my baby, she's standing way back Tell them for me goodbye Hey.

Just in case you change your mind.

Thank you
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