13x01 - Troublemakers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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13x01 - Troublemakers

Post by bunniefuu »

Murdoch Mysteries - 13x01 - Troublemakers


- ♪

Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule, Dr. Talbot.

I always have time for a little agitation, Ms. Martin.

I hope it doesn't come to that.

- Dr. Talbot...
- Katherine, please.

You raised quite a stir when I told Dr. Forbes you were attending this rally. I think he assumed you were here solely for the medical conference.

Was he pleased to learn that you'd be attending the rally as well?

- I wouldn't think so.

Look at us, a pair of troublemakers.

- ♪

It's a very good crowd.

Your name carries weight, Dr. Talbot.

Hm. Not as much as it once did.

- Well, we shouldn't try their patience.
- Of course not.

I'll be cheering you on from the audience.

Ruth isn't coming?

Ruthie doesn't want to trouble herself with the bother of voting.

She thinks it's nothing but a load of fiddle-faddle.

Hmm... somehow, I'm not surprised.

- Ms. Newsome, I trust you're well?
- Indeed.

I must admit to being excited to hear Dr. Talbot speak.

I've long admired her.

Henry, look at this chap.

I've seen him before at a suffrage speech.

I arrested him for causing trouble a couple of months ago.

Perhaps you'll get to again. Oy! You there!

- Out of here, this minute!
- I have a right to be here.

But you don't have a right to drink in a public place!

- You care for a day in the cells, Mr. McReardy?
- Ah,

I couldn't be bothered to listen to them anyway.

They'll just spout the same nonsense they always do.

This way, ladies.

There's Agnes Cunningham.

I was wondering if she'd be here.

- She's still at it?
- I saw her at the last suffrage meeting.

She tried to shout Clara down.

(OGDEN): From what I can gather,

I wouldn't recommend it with Katherine Talbot.

That last meeting, I didn't see you, or the one before that.

Life has a way of intruding, from time to time.

Oh, so you're settling in to domestic responsibility like Agnes Cunningham recommends we all do.



I don't know what you all do to banish the idle hours, but, um, this morning, I was on a train wondering if I am a person.

And I came to the conclusion I must be. I am sentient, capable of determining right from wrong, and I can fend for myself, but perhaps I'm wrong.

Perhaps I'm not a person, and that would mean that you are not, nor you, or you.

How can this be?

Because we are not considered persons.

Male politicians have deemed it so, and as such, we are denied our right to the vote.

- But we are people, and as people...

- ... we must demand what we deserve.
- What are you doing there?

- (expl*si*n)

Henry, make sure everybody gets out!

- Dr. Talbot!

- Dr. Talbot, are you all right?
- Yes.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

- (MS. NEWSOME): Oh, Lord!

I'm fine, I'm fine. Go see if she's OK.



Effie, I need you to apply pressure to this wound firmly.

George, we need an ambulance immediately.

Sir! Sir?


I want your report as soon as you have it.

Of course. I'll need a couple of constables

- to help me transport the body.
- Right. You two, assist Ms. Hart.

- Where's Julia? Is she all right?
- Sir, yes.

Her and Dr. Talbot are already off to the hospital.

- They're tending on Ms. Martin.
- How's her condition?

She's alive. Beyond that, I don't know.

All right. Where was Dr. Talbot standing?

Oh, uh, about here.

So, quite a ways from the expl*si*n.

Perhaps it wasn't meant for her.

Perhaps the expl*si*n was merely a distraction from the proceedings.

Sir, perhaps somebody meant to fling it.

I mean, wait until Dr. Talbot was mid-bluster, and then...

It exploded early.

Perhaps he wasn't very experienced.

expl*sives is not a field to learn on the job.

Sirs, do you mind if I have a word with Ms. Newsome?

- Of course.
- What did you see, Higgins?

- Not much, sir.
- Well, there's a bloody surprise!

George and I were speaking to a man at the back.

We asked him to leave shortly before the speech began.

- (MURDOCH): Why?
- He was drinking, and he'd caused trouble at events like this in the past.

- Did you get a name?
- McReardy. Walter McReardy.

Right. Henry, have the men gather every piece from this expl*si*n and bring it to the station house immediately.

- After that, find Mr. McReardy.
- Sirs.

Was Dr. Talbot hurt at all?

- What business is it of yours, Mrs... .?
- Mrs. Agnes Cunningham.

Simply curious.

If you have no further questions, we are in the middle of a police investigation.

Well, if she was hurt, she would only have gotten what she'd long been asking for.



Dr. Ogden, can you hold that back? Clamp!

Very good.

- There's another bit right there.
- Yeah, I see it.

How's her heartrate?

It's still steady.

Do you see any other areas of damage?


- Due diligence, before we close her up.
- Of course.

You have experience with this kind of injury?

Did it once or twice. Can you just clear that blood out of here? I need to see what I'm doing.


What were you doing at that rally?

Wanted to hear what kind of rot

- they were gonna spout this time.
- "This time"?

You make a habit of attending suffrage rallies?

Well, if you're asking, you already know.

But I was out of the hall well before the expl*si*n.

You could have set the b*mb and left.

I could have, but I didn't.

You and your men have disrupted a number of these rallies.

Simply voicing our opinion.

I believe that's our right, last time I looked.

Disrupting a legally sanctioned gathering is not the same as voicing an opinion.

Well, one of your men escorted me out before any disrupting could take place.

So, other than enjoying a drink in a place I shouldn't,

I did nothing wrong. Can I go?

Boss is not gonna be too pleased I'm not at work.

Hey, you know what I think?

I think if you try and disrupt the natural order of things, nothing good's gonna come of it.

That's all you're seeing here.

She will recover.

What happened to Ms. Martin is not your fault.

Thank you, but trouble does seem to follow me around.

Progress is not without cost.

But I'm never the one to pay it.

You should be thankful for that.

What have you, Ms. Hart?

- I've only just begun to examine...
- I need to know the nature of that device, or as best you can tell me, and how close the victim was to the centre of the blast.

- And you will have it.
- When?

As soon as I can, Detective.


(YOUNG WOMAN'S VOICE): "And Father, I have secured employment in Toronto.

I shall be arriving once I have completed my classes.

I do hope to be able to see you again,

and perhaps meet your family."

- Sir?
- Oh, Murdoch! Come in.


- What do you know about the dead man?
- Very little, but the good news is Ms. Martin survived the operation.

I'm glad that Margaret never had the time for any of this.

Any sense of who planted the b*mb?

Someone opposed to women having the right to vote, I assume.

The world's bloody changing, Murdoch: unions, suffragettes, no one knows how to keep up with it.

Product of the times we live in, I suppose.

Well, I've had enough of it.

That's no reason to pack it in, sir.

I'm not about to...

Oh, you're making a joke.

Don't. It's not your strength, Murdoch.

Right, then. I'm off to see this minister again, to talk about the state of my marriage.

Waste of bloody time, if you ask me!

- Perhaps you'll get something out of...
- The only reason I'm doing this is to stay out of the dog box. Toodle-pip!

Detective, we've avoided the subject all night: what exactly do you know of what happened today?

Not as much as I would like to know, unfortunately.

I've questioned a man who has disrupted events like yours in the past, but...

I had no reason to hold him.

Julia, do you know Agnes Cunningham?

I do. She's the head of Women United Against Suffrage.

She was at the event?

You know her?

She wrote me a long missive demanding I not speak.

Absolute rot!

How about the dead man? Do you know anything about him?

Oh, we were hoping you might know him.

I'm sorry, I... took a quick glance at him, but it certainly wasn't a face I recognized.

It's hard to think I looked into the eyes of a man who tried to k*ll me.

We don't yet know if he was the bomber, or an innocent victim.

I should hardly be surprised, I suppose.

Seems whether one is in the new world or the old, there are always those opposed to equal rights for women.

Just as they are those in favour.

Someone wanted me dead.

It's not the first time.

I was giving a speech in London, um, six years ago.

A man ran on stage and came at me with a knife.

- (OGDEN): Good Lord!
- Almost cost me my life, and my job; but I came back stronger, even more committed.

And that's when I realized a revolution will not be won without blood.

Let's hope that's not necessary.

When will I be able to speak to Ms. Martin?

She should be able to take questions by tomorrow.

She's a fighter.

Well, I should be off.
This has been most pleasant.

What time shall I expect you tomorrow?

(OGDEN): I'll be at the hotel no later than .

- In the morning?
- It's a long journey.


- ♪

So, you're off to Kingston.

- I wish you had told me.
- Well, now you know.

I am not comfortable with the idea.

Someone may have made an attempt on her life.

- I'm aware of that.
- And that someone may try again.

So, she should just shut her mouth,

- and run away and hide?
- That's not what I'm saying.

She shouldn't put herself at risk.

So, a woman should deny herself her right to exist because someone may commit a crime against her?

No, not at all. I would just prefer that, if someone is after her, my wife not be in the line of fire.

I have alerted Kingston constabulary to the possibility of trouble.

- I should come with you.
- No, you shouldn't!

You should find out who tried to hurt Dr. Talbot and see that it doesn't happen again.

Now, William,

I have to get up very early in the morning.

- To get blown to Kingdom Come...
- Shh...

Perhaps, perhaps we should try to part with happy memories on our mind.

- "Happy memories"?
- Mm-hmm.


- Hmm...

- ♪

(OGDEN): I hope you're prepared for this.

I've taken a coach plenty of times.

These are not the bucolic pastures of England; this is Canada.

And I shall be well able to handle it.

We'll see in a few hours. (KNOCKING)



That's it!

That is it!

The world will soon be introduced to the inner George Crabtree.

Congratulations, George, but it's not truly finished until I read it!

- Oh, is that right?
- It is, indeed.

That is, unless you would rather not have my counsel.

No, of course, I would. In fact, that's not all I'd like to have.

Now, now, Mr. Crabtree, we both need to be at work.

No, don't go that way.

My landlady's out there, I can hear her.

I should just step out there and shock the life out of her.

I need to keep a roof over my head.

- Come on.
- We are really going to need

- to create a better arrangement.
- I know, I know, I know!

Meet me at Scott's Diner, at noon.

I'll let you know how you did.

- Mrs. Keening!

You're looking well this morning.

You're up to something in there, Mr. Crabtree.

- I know it.
- I'm just getting my rest, so I can keep our fair city safe.



- I'm so sorry this happened to you.
- Thank you.

Can you tell me anything about the events leading up to the expl*si*n?

I was backstage.

Was anyone else hurt?

A young man was k*lled.


I saw him.

Who was he?

We don't know. I was hoping you could tell me.

No, I didn't recognize him.

Did you happen to see if he was carrying anything?

Not that I recall.

Stupid me.

Why do you say that?

About two months ago, someone threw a bucket of paint at me when I was speaking at a gathering near the Legislature.

I should have been paying closer attention.

What did you do once you saw him?

I went to ask him what he was doing there, and then...

But that's all I remember.

So I've had about as much luck as you.

Nobody at the exhibition hall ever saw the man.

How did he get backstage?

It wasn't a restricted area,

I suppose he could have wandered in at any time.

Well, we don't yet know if he wandered in b*mb in hand, or if he was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I believe I can answer that for you, Detective.

Take a look at this.

Given the severity of his wounds,

I would say he was very close to the device.

He could even have been carrying it.

It went off early.

- That would be my guess, yes.
- Could he have done so deliberately?

Can't answer what was on his mind, that's your job.

- Is there anything else?
- Yes.

I found this while conducting the post-mortem.

I also found traces of mercury.

I took the liberty of examining it.

I think that you will find that what you're trying to assemble is an Orsini b*mb.

That pin is a part of the trigger mechanism.

Nicely done, Ms. Hart.
Wouldn't you say so, sir?

- Mm-hmm.
- When one or more of those pins come in contact with a solid object, the b*mb detonates.

Here is some background information.

She's good.

Thank you, George.



I feel I've crossed half the country.

- With any luck, we'll arrive before nightfall.
- Nightfall?

I told you, this isn't England.

Julia, you should be aware I've contacted the League of Women Voters in Kingston.

They'll be attending my lecture.

Are you not supposed to be talking about advances in vascular surgery?

Yes, that is what I'm supposed to be doing, but meek women do not make history.

- How about dead ones?
- Ha!

Sometimes, I feel they're the only ones who do.

- I'm serious.
- As am I!

I shall not be silenced by threat or intimidation.

Mrs. Cunningham, did you write Dr. Talbot in an attempt to stop her from speaking?

I most certainly did.

And it seems to me that she should have listened.

You're married to Dr. Julia Ogden, are you not?

I am.

It surprises me that a man such as yourself has so little control over her actions.

How my wife chooses to occupy her time is none of your concern.

It certainly is. Your wife and Dr. Talbot are leading women astray.

- I hardly think advocating for the vote...
- It denigrates women.

We are the moral centre of society; we should not be sullying ourselves with politics.

And pouring a bucket of paint on someone, is that sullying oneself?

Hmm! I had nothing to do with that.

- What about this?
- Hmm...

- Looks like rubbish.
- It's a b*mb, Mrs. Cunningham.

We know who set it off, we just don't yet know who put him up to it.

You were there when the b*mb went off.

And I certainly know nothing about it.

I am a lady, not an anarchist.

- ♪

It's a tremendous opportunity.

Mr. Clark is going to commit almost exclusively to defence law, and he wants me to assist him.

- A new job?
- Why not?

There are very few lawyers who defend people accused of crime.

Well, with good reason.

I mean there are very few people accused of crimes that didn't commit them, in my experience.

Well, not all police officers are as competent as you.

- That's true.
- Who knows?

We could be facing off against each other

- in a courtroom someday.

Leave your window open tonight.

That is, if you'd like a visitor.

Oh, wait, wait, wait.

- What did you think of the ending?
- The ending of what?


Oh, your book!

The ending was marvellous, moving, touching.

It should be published immediately.

I told my publisher friend you would be bringing it by shortly.

- "Shortly"?
- Today? Tomorrow?

The day after?

Is there something wrong with that, George?


Perfect! I'll see you tonight.

- ♪


The company McReardy works for was involved in all aspects of construction, demolition.

- So he built a bloody b*mb?
- He or a friend did.

And this friend blew himself up? Sharp as a marble!

You know, Murdoch, I may have been a bit harsh in my judgement of men of the cloth in the past.

But for a Toffee man, Margaret's minister

- really is a decent chap.
- "Toffee man"?

Supporter of Everton Football Club.


Anyway, he said that all I need to do to keep my marriage happy

- is to be honest with her.
- Is that so?

And Thomas Charles Brackenreid is as honest as they day is long.

- I see.
- At least about the things she needs to know.

May I help you?

Toronto constabulary.

- Who are you looking for?
- Walter McReardy. Where is he?

Booked a couple of days off.

Do you have a home address?

I can get it.

Has this man ever worked for you?

Never seen him before. What did he do?

He set the b*mb off at the suffragette rally.

None of them got the brains to do that.

More than one of them would like to.

Do you share this sentiment?

I build buildings, don't give much of a care either way.

Women wanna vote? Let them.

Get us the address, Paddy.

- Uh, Detective?
- Yes, George.

I was wondering if you might take a quick look at my manuscript.

I know you're terribly busy, but a publisher has recently shown some interest and I would love to know how you regard it.

Oh, of course.

You don't need to read the whole thing.

Maybe just up to the part where, um...

Well, I... I don't want to spoil it.

I venture, once you start, you won't be able to put it down.

And how was your visit with the minister?

He's not a bad chap.

- That's it?
- No, that's not it.

I know now I was wrong not to tell you about my relationship with Ms. Johnston.

Well, that's something.

And that I should be more mindful of your feelings, in general.

Ah, I see.

- "I see"?
- No, I appreciate it, Thomas.

It's all I ever wanted from you: honesty; so thank you.

Where are you off to?

Uh, for tea with Verna Jones.

It's been a long time since we visited.

We have a lot to catch up on, so...

Before you go, there's something you should know.

Your minister surprised me.

- How?
- He suggested there were a few things that we could do to improve the quality of our marriage.

Oh. Did he now?

Perhaps you should give old Verna a ring, suggest another time.

Perhaps I should.


And you had a hard time in medical school?

- I persevered.
- I'd say you did much more than that.

Your accomplishments suggest a woman twice your age.

Uh... you ladies have a chaperone?

I hardly think we require a chaperone.

Then we don't need your, uh, type.

And what type would that be?

The type that don't know their place.

Make me leave.

- Katherine.
- Come on!

- You have a lecture tomorrow.
- So, you're the type of man brave enough to strike a woman?

- With cause.
- And what is that cause, sir?

The simple fact that I exist?

Go to bed, ladies.

Or are you waiting for someone to take you there?

Katherine, there are more important things at stake than these two.

I'd heard much more encouraging things about you than what I've been seeing.

Sir, Mr. McReardy has been missing for two days;

I think we need to at least entertain the possibility that...

That he's gone off in search of Dr. Talbot. I'm aware of that.

But, if that's the case, then shouldn't you...

Julia is a grown woman, and she's assured me that she will notify me at the first sign of any trouble.

Now, have you found the identity of the dead man yet?

- I'm afraid not.


- Hmm! Ooh, Thomas!

Huh! Looks like all is well in the inspector's world.


Oh! Sir, have you had a chance to look at my book?

George, I may not be the most qualified to judge a book of fiction.

Liked it that much, did you?

- Oh no, it's not that. It was fine, it was fine.
- Fine?

- Good.
- Good? Good!

That's good. Good to hear.


My pleasure, Detective.
Call on me anytime.

What can I do for you?

- I need the victim's belongings.
- Follow me.

- Dr. Ogden is doing well?

Yes, Ms. Hart.

- I'm sure she's flourishing at her new job.
- Oh, indeed.

Please do tell her I miss having her around here.

The victim's clothing, all the personal effects I could gather.

Very good.

Where did you find this?

The inside pocket of his jacket.


It's an odd place to keep a lapel pin.

I contacted Dr. Talbot some months ago when I was made aware she was going to be in Canada.

Her reputation as a fierce fighter for women's rights made her an ideal person to speak to our group.

How did you get in touch with her?

I initially contacted Emily Pankhurst, who told me they had a falling out, so I managed to contact her through the hospital she worked at.

Which hospital?

St. Stephen's, in Central London.

I see.

Thank you. And I do hope to see on your feet again soon, Ms. Martin.

You're not the only one.


(TALBOT): Oh, my God!




- What happened?
- I don't know.

I was outside doing my callisthenics, and I came back to this.

We'll talk to the hotel manager, see if they saw anything.

- One day, they will finally k*ll me.
- Don't say that!

It will be for the best.

Every movement needs a martyr, doesn't it?

- Perhaps you should cancel...
- I shall not be cancelling a thing!

If you wish to live your life as a coward, that is your right.

I'm not a coward, but I'm also not a fool!

Someone's already tried to k*ll you, and now this?

And yet, look at me; I'm not dead, nor are the things I believe in.

What I am left wondering is: is it any good?

Would you like me to read it?

I'm not sure if that would tell me anything.

- George.
- Effie.

- Could I have your book?
- Why?

- You know why.
- No!

No, I have to look it over.

George, if you fear failure you have failed already.

Ms. Newsome. Moment of your time, George?

Ah. I have to go.

- Ruth and I would very much like to have you for dinner.

- I'm terribly busy.
- Oh.

Perhaps another time, then...

Another time.


And it has been my experience that female doctors and surgeons are particularly adept at certain elements of fine surgical repair.

In fact, the only problem with female surgeons is that there are not enough of them.

And I'm left wondering, how can we change that?

Ladies, this is a private meeting.

They are here at my invitation.

There is a simple way to change the number of women practicing surgery, and that is to admit more women into medical faculties.

- Indeed!

And I appeal to your good nature and judgement: women should be allowed to vote, they should be admitted to medical colleges

- without prejudice...
- Dr. Talbot!

You were invited here to speak about skills and innovations in surgical techniques,

- not to...
- And I shall get to it in good time,

- but first you're going to listen to me.
- This is ridiculous!

Get out of my way!

(MAN): You need to get out of here!

- I'll go as long as he goes as well.
- You're not going anywhere.

Gentlemen, please take your seats.

Sit down, everyone.

This is my friend, Dr. Julia Ogden.

As city coroner of Toronto, she has solved hundreds of m*rder cases.

As a surgeon, she has performed numerous life-saving operations and it appears she is skilled in the physical arts as well.

- Is this someone who should be denied the vote?

Someone tried to k*ll me in Toronto, someone ransacked my room and threatens my life in your city, and why?

Because I am simply asking

- for a basic human right.

Also, I contacted the hospital.

A chap by the name of Ramsey Taylor has been missing for some time.

- And he worked with Dr. Talbot?
- For several years.

I wonder why he'd be trying to k*ll her.

I don't know that he was, but he was up to something.

Oh, George...

I don't think you should let me judge the worth of your book.

Let the buying public do that.

Thank you for coming. It's a pleasure to meet you.

- You too.

I'm not sure they were expecting a lecture.

Shame is an effective w*apon.

Well, as long as the person you're shaming

- knows they're in the wrong.
- These are educated men.

You said yourself many men think we're treated unfairly.

Yes, but is this the right place?

We're here at a medical convention.

My objective in speaking to these people isn't simply to share surgical techniques; my objective is to prove to them that it is to their benefit to hire more female doctors.

By staging a sideshow?

A sideshow that seems to have worked.

You'll need to excuse me, the dean of Queen's University has asked for a word.

- Hello!

You were in the lounge of the Walford last night.

What of it?

Somewhat wanton behaviour.

But I won't tell, if you won't.

- Tell whomever you please.



- Aaah!
- Ugh!

Somebody? Somebody!

Yah! Yah!

You broke into Dr. Talbot's room this morning

- while she was out and...
- I wasn't even here.

My coach lost a wheel halfway to Kingston.

We were delayed for hours. Talk to the coachman,

- he'll tell you the same.
- You tried to as*ault me!

Prove that.

- I'm the one that's been att*cked.
- You're here to cause trouble.

- What of it? It's my duty!
- Your duty?

To protect the natural order of things.

And most decent women, they don't want the vote.

Well, then I'm not a decent woman.

You belong in the home, and nowhere else.

You have no place in the world of politics.

You never have, and you never will.

I want this man charged with as*ault. He att*cked me.

You need to learn where you belong.





(WOMAN): That's George! He's here!

- ♪

Oh, there he is! He's here!



Wonderful news! The dean from the university, he has assured me they're going to redouble their efforts to admit more female medical students next year.

- They are listening, Julia!
- That's good.

You don't seem pleased.

- No, I'm pleased.
- Then what is it?

Was I too forward?

- Did I upset your sensibilities?

My sensibilities are troubled by other things.

And what are those?

I'm not sure I believe that someone broke into your room.

- Nonsense!
- Is it?

Then why did the staff not see you out on the lawn, doing callisthenics?

(TENSE MUSIC) You're checking up on me.

And there's no sign of forced entry into this room.

Perhaps I didn't lock the door,

I'm not in the habit of doing so.

Even after you were threatened last night?

The best response to threats is to ignore them.

I suppose so.

Especially if the threats to you are written in your own hand.

You staged this.

Will you hear me out?

- Since the bombing in Toronto,

I have been flooded with enquiries and invitations to speak.

It seemed the only way to get people to listen is to cause a stir, so...

- I caused a stir.
- To what end?

The dean didn't offer placements because of my words, he offered them as an apology for this!

And you consider that acceptable?

No one's being hurt by what I've done, Julia, and many have been helped.

That's not exactly true, is it, Dr. Talbot?

- William!
- Julia.

A man did lose his life.

- That was not my doing.
- Hmm.

What can you tell me about this?

What is it?

It's from the passenger manifest from the Mauritania.


- What am I looking for?
- The name Ramsey Taylor, about halfway down the page.

You should be able to recognize the name; after all, he sailed with you all the way to Canada.

So did a lot of people.

William, what is this about?

Ramsey Taylor was a surgical assistant that worked at the same hospital that Dr. Talbot did.

- It's a coincidence.
- No.

You performed many, many surgeries together.

He was very familiar to you. In fact, you were close.

I'm an unmarried woman.

Despite that, I cannot be seen travelling with a male companion.

Then why did you not identify him? He tried to k*ll you!

That's not true, Julia.

- Isn't that right, Doctor?

This is nonsense!

You were becoming less and less relevant to the cause.

Mrs. Emily Pankhurst thought that you were becoming a hindrance, rather than a help.

You didn't like that.

- Just breathe. Just breathe.
- OK.


- ... denied our right to the vote.

You there! What are you doing there?


I don't believe you meant for him to be k*lled.

However, the Orsini b*mb, as effective a w*apon as it is... it is unstable.

The slightest of jostling and...

I don't have to tell you what you already know.

You think I built a b*mb?

The first Orsini b*mb was built by Felice Orsini and Zachary Taylor, Ramsey Taylor's grandfather.

(OGDEN): Katherine!

No one was to be hurt.

He told me it would be detonated far from anyone.

- You k*lled a man!
- It was an accident.

We were doing it for the cause. We were doing it so women could see their rightful place in history.

Every day at medical school, I suffered humiliations.

I was jeered, my work was sabotaged; I was spat at!

And I was never believed.

Instead, I was exaggerating or blowing things out of proportion.

So I endured, just as many others like me have.

- No one was listening to me anymore.
- And no one will listen to us now, because of you.

I didn't know this would happen.

It was an accident.

It was an accident.

One that you are responsible for.


She didn't do much to help, did she?

I suppose not.

One step forward, two steps back.

Doesn't mean you stop stepping.


What if they don't like it?
What if they don't look at it?

- What if they lose it? What if they lose it?
- George.

I had Mabel at the office type up another copy.

You needn't worry.

There is one thing I am truly sure of: the world could use more George Crabtree.

Promise to remember me when you're famous.

- Effie Something, right?

And I've left you some potted pork in the icebox.

- Where are you going to be?
- With Verna.

She certainly seems insistent on seeing me. I shouldn't be late.

Margaret, I need to have a word.

(LAUGHING) It can wait.

No, it can't. Sit down, please.

Margaret...there's something I need to tell you about Verna.

Oh, is she in trouble?

No, no, no, no. When you left, we went to the opera together.

- Did you?
- After the event, she accompanied me back to the flat that I was staying in.

That hussy!

What happened?

- Well, not as much as you might imagine.
- Oh, I knew it!

I knew she was always after you, Thomas!

(SIGHING) I worried about it every day I wasn't with you.

- She was quite forward.
- Well, I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind.

Oh, that's not necessary, Margaret.

She'll probably just deny it or tell some kind of a lie.

Oh, I wouldn't put it past her.

Although, I can't say that I'm surprised.

Who wouldn't go after a man like you if she knew you were available?

- I'll see you at home?
- I'll be there shortly.


I want to say that I'm proud of you.

Thank you for telling me the truth about Verna.

I think we're gonna be all right.



(WOMAN'S VOICE): "I do hope to be able to see you again,

and perhaps meet your family.

I trust you have told them about me."

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