05x14 - Make Me The Enemy S

Episode transcripts for the TV show "How to Get Away with m*rder". Aired: September 2014 to May 2020.*
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"How to Get Away with m*rder" revolves around a group of ambitious law students and their brilliant criminal defense professor, who become involved in a twisted m*rder plot that promises to change the course of their lives.
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05x14 - Make Me The Enemy S

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on How to Get Away With m*rder...

Did Laurel tell you she got a creepy call from a mouth-breather?

She thinks it was her mother.

- What did Christopher see?
- I don't think he saw anything.

You don't think?!

We're prepared to offer you complete immunity, Ms. Keating.

They're now saying they have to take my laptop.

I'd feel more comfortable if I was reassigned to a new agent.

I'm gonna have to take you off Bonfire until further notice.

AGENT TELESCO: This is FBI Special Agent Claire Telesco.

This is Laurel Castillo. Call me back.

DR. GROFF: When Officer Gladden uncuffed the inmate, Mr. Lahey then reached for her g*n.

I have a present for you.

From your father, really.

Thought you would like to know how proud he was.

- It's late.
- Yeah, I'll go.

I know who k*lled Nate Senior.

Emmett Crawford.

Are we sure these are Emmett's phone records?

- I'm not sure of anything anymore.
- I'm just saying.

This is the same Governor who played you before.

Like I need you to remind me.

Okay, look at the time.

Emmett called the female guard just minutes after I quit C&G.

Nate Senior was dead two hours later.

You don't k*ll a man because you're pissed your employee quit.

You do if you want to destroy me.

Or Birkhead's made this all up.

That's why I invited you here... so you could tell me who to believe.

I can't tell you that.

But I can tell you Emmett Crawford is not a man who goes around ordering hits on people.

- We don't know him.
- We don't know the Governor either.

I didn't invite the Governor to my home, introduce her to my mom.

Being polite to a lonely man on Christmas doesn't make you a fool.

I almost kissed him.

You had already left. I wasn't even drunk.

I just... I needed something. He was there.

Well, there's your answer.

That man's into you, Annalise.

Just the whiff of sex will lower his defenses.

So you're telling me to play the whore?

I'm telling you to use the gifts your mamma gave you.

Or drive yourself crazy with not knowing.

Can we talk?

- Of course.

Let me again say thank you so much for Christmas.

Oh, that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.

About that, uh, it was just a moment.

You don't have to worry.

I'm not worried.

I-I just mean we can pretend it never happened.

What if I wanted it to happen?

Annalise, I... I've already had one misconduct crisis at this firm.

So the board is why you're saying no?

No, please don't take this as a no.

Are you sure there's not another reason?

I'm attracted to you, if that's what you mean.

It wasn't.

I just think it's best if we keep this professional.

I get it.

You can't stop being this firm's good little boy.




Hello to you, too.

Everyone in here, including you, Oliver!

We have a project.

So do we... studying for our midterms.

Yeah, or did you forget that we're still hoping to graduate

- at the end of the year?
- You won't get the chance to graduate unless we get Oliver's laptop back.

Uh, I told you. It's encrypted.

ASHER: And didn't Telesco get suspended?

She isn't the only FBI officer investigating Miller's case.

We have to write up a motion to get the laptop back.

I'm thinking we focus on th Amendment violations to start.

And let's be quick. I can only be out of the office a few hours.

BonBon back in charge. I like it.

Where's Laurel?

Uh, Christopher has a check-up at the pediatrician.




AGENT TELESCO: Ms. Castillo.

You brought your baby.

- [SIGHS] Christopher.
- Cute.

You were vague on the phone.

I assume this is about the Miller investigation?


Someone keeps calling me from a blocked number and hanging up.

You called me because you're getting prank phone calls?

I think it's my mother.

I think she's trying to warn me about something.

What does this have to do with the FBI?

I haven't heard from her since my father was arrested.

I assumed you put her in Witness Protection.

You're making a lot of assumptions here.

I'm a mother. I have to assume the worst to protect my son.

I can find out who's calling and offer you and your son protection, but I need information in return.

About my father?

Your father's in prison.

I'm more interested in people you know who also deserve to be in prison for crimes currently unsolved.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You do.

So talk, and perhaps I can get you the same immunity deal your professor wanted.

Clearly you need time to think about it.

Stay safe, little guy.





What is that?

I didn't want to tell you until I knew it was true.

Just show me, Annalise.


Emmett called Paula Gladden on the night your father was k*lled.

And they were talking weeks before, like they were planning it.

Who gave you this?

The Governor.

I know.

She's doing exactly what I'd do in her position.

She's framing the only other person she can think of...

Or she's telling the truth.

Pops' letters to your mom.

"Yesterday some slick lawyer visited, said he wanted me to fire Annalise and hire him.

I sent his sorry ass packing, of course."

BOTH: Emmett.

Who else?

You sure these are all the visitors from that week?

Everyone who signed in, at least.


Then get me the security footage.

I don't have access to that.

And honestly, I just need my money.

What if I can get you more money?

I've done all I can, Nate.

Name your price.

- How much?!
- You're the one making all that blood money from the firm.

Fine. But he only gets paid when he delivers.


- Talk later.


There's no clinic during break... you know that.

My mom wants to visit me this weekend.

- But she still thinks I'm in Virginia.
- What?

I never told her I transferred from UVA.

Why are you telling me this?

- Because it involves you.
- No, it involves you.

You made the decision to come here.

You made the decision to lie to her.

[SCOFFS] What...

I-I thought I was being considerate coming to you.

No, you came to me because you wanted me to tell you what to do.

I already saved your ass from federal prison, so my work is done.

Fine. Fine, I'll just...
I'll just tell her the truth.

So just be ready when she shows up at your door.

Tell her the truth and she goes back to snorting pills.

You want that?

Look, I...

I'm just really confused right now.

- I feel alone.
- It's called adulthood, Gabriel.

Every single one of us is alone all the time.

Accept it now and you'll save yourself a lot of pain later.

Thanks for the advice.



What horrible thing are you about to ask me to do?

Gabriel's mother wants to visit.

Obviously, that's not what any of us want.

Can't he just lie to her, say he's buried studying for exams?

See, you're already thinking two steps ahead.

Go to his place, make sure he stops her visit.

You mean go to his place and use my boobs again.

I want you to use your mind, Michaela, just like you did with Simon.

You hated what I did with Simon.

And we haven't heard from him since.

Clearly, I was wrong.

[SCOFFS] Don't look at me like I've never said that before.

You only say that when you're trying to manipulate us.

[QUIETLY] Look at me.

Right now.

I'm dealing with a mess right now that makes me want to cash out my savings and take a plane somewhere none of you know exists.

[QUIETLY] What is going on?

Consider it a gift that I'm not telling you.


- What's up?
- Annalise's midterm is in a week,

- and my roommates don't care.
- Makes sense.

Annalise will probably pass you all anyway.

Not true. But if you don't want a study partner who consistently ranks in the top % of her class,

I'll let you figure it out on your own.

You're not gonna plant another nanny cam, are you?

I wouldn't even know how to do that.


Bet you didn't know cars could fly.

Well, they can't, but they will when you're old enough to drive.

He's really turned a corner with his eye tracking.

LAUREL: Was Annalise gonna take immunity from the FBI?

Where'd you hear that?

From her. She said she was gonna talk to the FBI.

It's obvious.

Ah, they just wanted to question her about Miller.

And everything else.

Look, Tegan got Telesco suspended, so stop stressing.

It's gonna rub off on Christopher.

Yeah, you mean more than the wedding?

Look at the guy.

He's thriving, Laurel.

Yeah, well, I'm not.

Maybe that's because you haven't forgiven Bonnie.

- Stop...
- I'm serious.

She's in a bad place.

I'm not saying that's on you.

But I know she hates herself for what happened.

And that you talking to her and forgiving her could be the thing that keeps her alive.

Can you help me find out why my mother is calling me?

- If she's calling...
- It's her.

I know you think I'm paranoid, but my father was never just gonna sit in prison.

I need to protect Christopher.

Why don't you get that?

I'll call Otis.

Thank you.

BONNIE: "Special Agent Telesco was recently exposed as committing misconduct,

- specifically planting false evidence..."

"...in the case United States v. Maddox."

- "It's also come to our attention that Agent Telesco engaged in romantic relations with an FBI informant."

- Don't put that in. We can't know that.
- Hey.

Why are you here?

Uh, we're getting Oli's laptop back.

How was the check-up?


Do we think it's smart to keep taking sh*ts at Telesco in court?

Isn't that just like poking the bear?

Well, she's on probation.

It's our best argument for the motion.

Okay, we are all proofed.

Only thing left is, who's gonna be Oli's attorney?

Put Oliver. He'll represent himself.

- What?
- Seriously, no.

I'll prep you. You'll be fine.


I mean, I guess I've watched Annalise enough in court, and I did do musical theater in high school.

Why don't I do it?

You need to be supervised by a licensed attorney.

I'm Oliver's husband.
I can be co-plaintiff.

We'll just say that the computer contains my personal information, too.

But it doesn't.

Look, this isn't some fender-bender case.

We need to stack the deck as best as we can here.

Good. Add Connor and file it with the judge right away.

On it.



Danielle said you needed me?

Come in.


So, how are you?

Okay, you know me... straight sh**t.

So if there's something I've done wrong...

That's for you to tell me.


A few weeks ago, I.T. alerted me to an e-mail you received in which you were referred to as "Jane Doe."

I never confronted you about it because I didn't want to believe it was true.

- Is it?
- No.

I think whoever sent that e-mail was trying to frame me.

Who would do that?

That's what I can't figure out.

But Sandrine Castillo informed against Antares, just like Laurel told us.

I just didn't tell you about that e-mail because...

Well, I was afraid of this.

Emmett, please.

I'm not that stupid.


I know.

That's why I called you in.

- You want my job, right?
- I'm sorry?

I've decided to pursue a job opportunity outside of the firm.

- Why?
- It's just time.

You, on the other hand, deserve a promotion... to managing partner if it's up to me.

- You're kidding.
- Ah, you single-handedly, uh, saved Ruthie's Burgers, you brought in new accounts, not to mention you're brilliant.


Unless you're not interested.

- I'm interested.
- Good.

I'll make sure that e-mail never sees the light of day, and I'll talk to the board.


That other job.

It's a competing firm?



Then what is it?

Between us?


Girl, he's gonna run for D.A.

- Since when?

I don't know, but it's suspicious, right?

Like maybe he knows you know and that the Governor knows and this is just his way to protect himself from going to jail.

That's insane.

This whole situation is insane, Annalise.


No wonder you drink.


Your mom making sure her little boy isn't working too hard?

Not my mother.


You'd like her.

Okay, how do you have time to date with everything that's going on?

I compartmentalize... you know, find good things to think about instead of the bad.

If you want, I can show you how.

- Stop.
- You sure?

Because it seemed like you were looking for something else

- when you came here.
- I came to study.

- You came because Annalise sent you.
- No.

Are you supposed to talk me out of letting my mother visit?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Of course you don't.

Do the lies ever stop with you guys?

[SCOFFS] Seriously?

You are calling me a liar?

You're right. We lied to each other.

But I'm done with that.

Which is why I went to Annalise, so I could try to figure out a way to handle my mother without lying to her for the rest of my life.

Tell her you got the flu...

...or that you need to lock yourself in a library.

Anything to distract her so that you can take your exams here and then transfer back to wherever you came from.

Except I want to stay at Middleton.


Do not say because of me.

I was never gonna say that.

But, you know, it's good to know you think I like you that much.

You hungry? I'll make us something.

AGENT TELESCO: Perhaps I can get you the same immunity deal

your professor wanted.


Mamma doesn't want to drag you to the FBI again, so your uncles are gonna watch you until I'm back, okay?

Can we talk?

It's fine. Christopher's fine.

Please, Laurel.

You have every right to hate me.

- I don't.
- Just let me say this.

I don't talk about it... you know that.

But no one ever protected me when I was a child.

So the fact that I'm now the adult who hurt Christopher...

...I'll never forgive myself.

What if I forgive you instead?

You don't need to do that.

You know, it's not your job.


I'm so sorry.

ASHER: BonBon, it worked!

We just got a court time for this afternoon!




JUDGE SINGH: Are the two of you % sure you want to proceed without counsel?

I'm a third-year law student and fully prepared to argue the motion, Your Honor.

Mr. Walsh, the seized property at issue here doesn't appear to belong to you.

That's correct, but as Mr. Hampton's husband, I also have personal information on the computer, which qualifies me as an aggrieved party pursuant to the Supreme Court's determination of standing established in Wiebe v. NSA.

Meaning I have property rights that could be negatively impacted by the government's actions.

I know what your property rights are.

What I don't know is how they're being violated here.

BORDAL: They aren't, Your Honor.

The FBI hasn't looked at any materials on the computer beyond what's outlined on the warrant.

A warrant requested by the same FBI agent who was recently called out for misconduct in the case of Gabriel Maddox.

Agent Telesco's been removed from this investigation.

Well, then, doesn't that invalidate your claim, Mr. Walsh?

No. The basis for the warrant was unfounded.

But aren't there legitimate reasons for the FBI's search of the computer?

- No. Any reason...
- I was asking the A.U.S.A.

The wedding is the last place Ronald Miller was seen alive.

Their wedding photos could contain vital information.

[QUIETLY] Say the download thing.

The FBI could have simply downloaded the photos in our presence without taking the computer.

Not unless you and Mr. Hampton already deleted some of them.

- Wedding photographer.
- Young man.

- No more of that.
- Sorry.

My point is, there is no legitimate reason why they needed access to the entire computer.

JUDGE SINGH: Well, I disagree, Counsel.

While you are quite confident, that doesn't make up for the fact that the alleged bias by Agent Telesco

- has been remedied.
- Uh, but...

I rule that the FBI can keep the computer as long as they need.

- Motion denied.

Too bad this wasn't just a fender bender.


Tell me all that money was worth it.

Check your e-mail.


I thought we were getting footage.

He couldn't access the full archives,

just some compressed files.

You think it's Emmett?

Looks like him.

I've wanted to smack the back of that head enough times.


It's not the right contract.

Get me the right one. Otherwise, you're fired.

If you're working on something, I can come back.

You're the boss.

I'm here to do whatever you need.

Look, you're right.


About me being the firm's bitch.

There's no reason I should give up on the chance of you outside of this place.

So would you perhaps go to dinner with me some time?

Is tonight too soon?

FRANK: So, I talked to Otis.

He thinks this is the number of the person who's been pranking you.

It's a New York number, but Otis said it's probably just a decoy

so no one can trace the location.

You really want to open this can of worms?

It's fine.



WOMAN'S VOICE: Nous sommes désolés.

Le numéro que vous avez composé

a été déconnecté.

- Ceci est un enregistrement.

The hell does that mean?

The number is disconnected.

Maybe I should just call my brother.

- Stop...
- I need him to tell me what's going on.

Or maybe this is one of those times where we do nothing.


We're never gonna be together... I know that, but Christopher's my guy.

I'll k*ll a whole army of your family before I let them take him from you again.

I just want a normal life.

Don't we all?


- That's his poop cry.
- Yeah.



You have sexy lipstick on.

It's for my date with Emmett.

- What?!
- He changed his mind.

- You can't go.
- It was your idea!

Emmett had Nate Senior k*lled, Annalise.

I called in a favor and got a copy of his phone records.

They match what the Governor gave you.

You trust your I.T. guy?

I.T. woman, and yes.

She's my ex, and she's a genius.

Then why's she your ex?

My point is, Emmett's guilty.

I want to look him in the eye.

Make his guilty ass sweat.


EMMETT: [ECHOING] I'm so glad you guys put the rib eye back on the menu.

WOMAN: [ECHOING] You've been here before?

I've been a fan of the chef since her first restaurant in New York.

So you've had the crispy Brussels sprouts?

I'm mean, they're my crack.

You might as well put in the order now.

Done. What about cocktails?

- Uh, no, thanks.
- We're not drinking tonight.

Oh, don't not drink because of me.

[NORMAL VOICE] Nah, it's fine.

He'll have a double Scotch. Keep 'em coming.


I hope that's not because I seem nervous.

- Aren't you?
- A little.

Is it me? Am I making you nervous?

Uh, I don't know how to answer that.

Well, how 'bout the truth?

Uh, I don't know about you, but I haven't done this in a while... a date.

- And not with an employee.
- A colleague.

You see, I'm... [CHUCKLING]
I'm already screwing this up.

Ah, that remains to be seen.

Dinner is served. Unless you're vegan.

In that case, there's no fake cheese here.

Let me guess.

You made Janelle grilled cheese, too?

Okay, first of all, calling this "grilled cheese" is like saying LeBron James is just a basketball player.

No, no, this... this is Crucolo on brioche.




Yeah, I know my way around a kitchen.

Seriously, if you were to make this for my whole house, they might actually want you to stick around.

You really want to know why I want to stay here?

You're in love with me. I get it.

I don't buy that Wes k*lled Sam.

And maybe you're okay with not knowing anything about your birth parents, but...

I want to know about my father.

And that includes finding out how he died.


All I know is what you know.

No, you know more. I can tell.

Then you're just making things up because you really want to believe that half your DNA isn't from a horrible man.

I get that, more than you know.

What do you mean?

My birth father shot my mother.

Do I know why?


Because all I know is that I am responsible for me... not my birth parents, not my adoptive parents.

And honestly, I really like that.

Because that means I don't have to deal with their crap or expectations, and...

And I get to be me.

And on most days, I really like me.

None of my parents have anything to do with that.

Now I see why Annalise sent you.


You just made up that story so we could stop talking about Sam.

Know what?

Call your mother, tell her everything... including that Michaela Pratt

- will never ever be with her lame son!


Okay, okay, okay.

- Just let me go!
- I'm sorry.

I believe you, all right?

I hate myself for even telling you any of that.

Everything okay?

What's going on?

I'm just tired.

What the hell'd you say to her?



- Walk away from me and I'll...

...beat your face.

My family's fourth-generation Concord... uh, ice-skating on Walden Pond, lacrosse in the spring.

I was there until Hotchkiss, then Yale, Oxford for a semester...

This is the whitest crap I have ever heard.


So true.

That was all set before I was born... yeah, the poli sci major, law school, partner track at the white shoe law firm...

I mean, it's pathetic I'm only now thinking about getting off the train.

What do you mean? New job?

I'm not sure.

And you? I-I mean, I know you're not long for C&G.

Mm, I think you're confusing me with yourself.


You're running for District Attorney.


[SIGHS] Yeah, I was, um...

waiting until dessert to tell you.


Isn't it obvious? You don't approve.

- Who cares if I approve?
- I do.

How long have you been planning this?

Not long.

You inspired me, actually.


I'm the firm's good little boy, right?

And not all of us can, uh, take a class action to the Supreme Court.

Maybe this is my version.

You don't think I should do it?

I don't know if I believe you.

You don't believe my reasons for wanting to do this

- or you just don't like it?
- Both.

See, I knew this would ruin our dinner.

No. Who says it's ruined?

Well, you should see the way you're looking at me.

Well, I'm just trying to get to know the real you.

Well, I'm here. Ask me anything.

Well, that's not easy for someone like you.

What am I like, Annalise?

You perform, people-please.

Why? You covering up something?


I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

You don't get a big job at the most powerful law firm in the world without burying a few bodies.

- Is that what you're afraid of? My past?
- I'm not afraid of anything with you.

You are. That's why you're attacking me now.

No. This is me attacking you?

Look, I got flaws, Annalise, God knows...

- I'm noticing.
- And you don't, right? You're perfect.

Smartest person in the room.

I'm realer than anyone else in the room.

No, if that were true, you would appreciate being with a man who calls you out on your crap.

But you can't handle that.

You'd rather go in attack mode, make me the enemy, even if it means pushing away someone who cares about you.

I just don't get you, Annalise.


'Cause I get you completely.

- BONNIE: Where's Annalise?

She was never coming.


We're not sure the Governor put the hit on my pops anymore.

Then who did?

Emmett Crawford.

So Ron wasn't involved?

We don't know who was involved at this point.

Why are you telling me this?

Annalise clearly didn't want you to.

'Cause I need your help.

We need the video from this meeting.

Warden Sykes is the only one who can sign off.

I don't know him.

But you got something on him.


Police, medical examiner, and inquest jury all came to the same conclusion...my guards followed all protocol that night.

You can tell Lahey I said that.

I'm not here for him.

Right. Think I haven't heard he's still sniffing around this?

There's people sniffing around you, too.

I'll get fired for telling you this, disbarred, but the D.A.'s office is looking into you for corruption.

That's bull.


This is Sykes.

Jeff, hey. Ron Miller here.

Oh. I didn't recognize the number.

Yeah, my phone died.

Uh, listen, I'm calling to thank you

for handling the Nate Lahey Senior transfer.


I'm willing to tell you about what's coming down the line.

I just need you to agree.

To what?

Give me all the security-cam footage from your visitor's room on this date.


CONNOR: That judge had it out for me from the start.

Plus that argument she made about the removal of Telesco invalidating our claim was wrong.

Can you give me your password again?

"Bananas " didn't work.

- Did you add the exclamation point?

It's the court's jurisdiction to determine fairness in using a biased affidavit, but she wouldn't let me say that because she was so hell-bent on putting me in my place.


What are you doing?

Hacking the judge's credit card.

- On my computer?

Your plan didn't work, so now we're gonna do mine.

It's a federal crime to hack a judge, Oliver.

I was reading your ethics textbook and came across this thing about the appearance of impropriety with judges.

Well, you can't reargue the same motion twice.

Unless there's new evidence.

Which there isn't.

Then what do you call this?

Just admit you're impressed.

Your motion states you have newly discovered evidence.

Or, like your husband, do you plan to waste my time here today, Mr. Hampton?

Uh, o-of course not, Your Honor.

Then proceed.

- Quickly.

As you know, I'm not a law student, but last night, after the hearing,

I was reading about how even the appearance of impropriety can be just as problematic as actual impropriety.

As previously stated, Agent Telesco's off this case.

I'm not talking about Agent Telesco.

I'm talking about you, Your Honor.

- Excuse me?
- Let me know when it's over.

Respectfully, when you signed the warrant, it was Christmas Day, during which you ate at Delmonicos Wine Bar.

How do you know that?

My old neighbor's a waiter there.

I talked to him last night.

Signing a warrant outside the courtroom is completely within a judge's discretion.

Respectfully, how can we know that you didn't have wine with your meal?

- I didn't.
- But it's a wine bar.

Unless I'm misinterpreting the law, even if you weren't drinking at the time that you signed the warrant...

You're worried about the public appearance?

Respectfully, yes, because according to my research, you should be worried about the public appearance, too, just in case anyone even thinks that you had signed this warrant under the influence.

Judge, were you or were you not under the influence at the time you signed the warrant?

Clearly, the answer is no.

Yes, but you only have my word.

You are a renowned judge in this district.

Because I hold myself to high standards, Mr. Bordal.

Mr. Hampton, I don't often say this... but well done.

BORDAL: Your Honor, this is a District Attorney's death

- we're investigating...
- The only way I can expect others to hold themselves accountable in my courtroom is if I do it myself.

So thank you for being my teacher here today, Mr. Hampton, and for doing it so respectfully.

Due to the potential appearance of judicial impropriety and the fact that the FBI has had ample time to download the necessary files, I hereby vacate the warrant and order the immediate return of Mr. Hampton's computer.


ASHER: Oliver for the win!

How did you get it back?

Apparently, Oliver's charm works on judges just as well as it does on me.

It's the dimples. Don't get too excited.

I have to make sure they didn't get past my firewalls.



Researching ways to k*ll off Gabriel?


Whatever that was last night looked pretty intense.


He's just an idiot.

Or you had feelings for him and you know you shouldn't?


You sure? Our secret.

He won't shut up about Sam or my birth parents.

Wait, uh, back to Sam?

Of course he doesn't believe Wes did it.

Why would he?

And if that weren't bad enough, he got in my head about finding my birth parents.

Okay, but, uh...

I thought you always said you'd never want to find them?

I didn't.

But Gabriel keeps making me feel like, if I don't, then I'm never gonna feel whole or something.

And now here I am, filling out this stupid form and hating myself for it.


Uh, so...

You're already whole.

You're like the wholest woman I've ever met.

[VOICE BREAKING] Then why do I feel like I need to do this?

For the... same reason I called my mom.

You called your mom?

Yeah. On Christmas, after Pam was all, "Where are your parents?"


Still no call back, by the way, which hurts, but, uh... that's not my point.

What is?

Our lives suck.

Like, everything's always falling apart around us.

So, yeah... [CHUCKLES]

...we want our mommy or our daddy to tell us everything's gonna be okay.

I mean, it's actually pretty damn understandable.

I miss us.

I know.

CONNOR: Michaela, Asher, get in here!

What's going on?

My laptop has a program that takes a picture of anyone who tries to access my encrypted files.


Of course Telesco was gonna try and snoop.

Look at the background.


Oh, my God.

They know about Sam, Rebecca...


They know everything.

Are you still there?

Yes. It's okay.

Of course it's not okay.

Listen, we'd be in jail right now if they had any real proof.

Shouldn't we not be talking about this on the phone?

Or getting out of the country?

- Toronto's under eight hours.
- LAUREL: Canada's not far enough.

You need money to be a fugitive.

ASHER: AK has money.

And the $ , clinic prize,

- she can give to one of you.

Who is that?

Don't do anything till I call back.


What are you doing?

You want me to be real?
Then you be real with me.

We're done. There's no need to drag this out.

I didn't k*ll that man, Annalise!

You know what?
I want you out of my home.

No, not until you accuse me to my face.

Whoever told you that is trying to get between us.

You and Tegan told me!

C&G has had a bug in Tegan's office since Antares.

I went and listened to it after our dinner.

TEGAN: Emmett had Nate Senior k*lled, Annalise.

I got a copy of his phone records.

Emmett's guilty.

You're too smart to believe anything the Governor told you.

CONNOR: Of course she's not calling us back.

Yeah, because she's on a plane to Dubai.

Look, I got about a grand in my checking account.

Maybe if we pool all our money together, we can go, too.

Or we just go to the FBI, all negotiate immunity.



What is this?

I'm here as a friend.

Since when?

I'll tell you who k*lled your father.

You just need to return the favor.

It's right there.

The night Nate Senior was shot, you called Paula Gladden.

- I don't know who that is.
- The guard who lied about Nate Senior reaching for her g*n!

I never made a call.

- T-This is all fake.
- Says you.

Th... Why in the hell would I k*ll Nate's father?!

I quit, humiliated you.

But that's not motive to m*rder a man!

Then why did you visit him in prison?

- Who?
- Nate Senior.

There's a photo of you meeting with him.

Or are you gonna lie about that, too?

We're gonna be here all night.

I'm gonna lose my job for this footage, so go somewhere else if you're gonna be all negative.

There he is.

You're playing yourself, Annalise.

I was genuinely happy when I was getting ready for our dinner last night.

I felt alive, because finally I was doing something I wanted to do.

I was going on a date with a brilliant, beautiful woman that I felt lucky to be seen with.

But for you, the whole night was just a game.

No, it was a game to you, some last-ditch effort to make me feel sorry for you.

No, I feel sorry for you because you can't even recognize a good man when he's standing in front of you.

And you think that's you?

Your first instinct is to believe the worst in people.

You know nothing about me.

Was it your husband?
Was it he who broke you?



Here we go.

Can I help you?

Package for Laurel Castillo.


That's me.

You want to talk about broken?

Why the hell were you so scared of me the second that you met me?

I could smell it off of you.

It's why I never respected you.

Ah, you don't respect anyone but yourself!

You let fear control your whole life...

fear of losing status, losing face.

Oh, and you're just so strong, right?

At least I don't hide behind the color of my skin.

- No, you're hiding in your anger.
- No, that's you hiding behind your whiteboy privilege.

You'd rather sit behind a desk than to actually make a choice that would cost you something.

Trust me, just knowing you has cost me.

So of course I'm gonna believe that you k*lled Nate Senior!

Anything to hold on to every pathetic crumb you think is your birthright!

But you know what? Game over!

The world doesn't belong to you and your good old boys anymore!

It belongs to me!

Turn around, jackass.


BONNIE: There.


Who is that?

Never seen him before.

I have.

It's the same size box that the baptism gown came in.

Then it must be from your mother.

A Christmas present for Christopher?

Maybe money we can all run away with?

Everyone, stop talking.



Is that...

My mother.



Emmett's not the lawyer in the photo.

Who is it?

Xavier Castillo.

Laurel's brother.

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