19x08 - Intent

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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19x08 - Intent

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,

the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

[dramatic musical sting]

Ava forgot her snack, so I gave her one of my apples.

That's very nice.

A gentleman always shares.

- Mommy!

- Hey, sweet boy.

Oh, how was school?

- Great.

- Good.

Thank you.

Thank you for picking him up.

Thank you.

I love my time with Noah.

You're staying for dinner, I hope.

Oh, gosh, no, thank you.

I'm having some plants delivered.

I know it's just a furnished Airbnb, but I need a little green.

You know that you're welcome any time.

Thank you.

- Right, Noah?

- Yeah.


Okay, honey, say good-bye.

- Bye, Grandma Sheila.

- Bye, little man.

Thank you.

So, Noah, huh?

Looks like you're having fun with Grandma Sheila.

- Yeah, she's nice.

- Yeah.

I wish I got to meet Ellie.

Sorry, honey, what did you say?

What did Grandma Sheila say?

She said that Ellie loved me so much.

It's called Pink Ice.

[phone pings]

Um, are you sure?

I don't see it.

We have to get out of KC.

[pop music]

Oh, it's called Blue Glacier.

You were close.

[phone pings]

Thank you, Katy.


[phone pings]

- Hey, gorgeous.

- Hi, were you waiting long?

- I'm sorry.

- Nah, it's fine.

I got here early.

[phone pings]

- How was Argentina?

- Wow, close, I think you mean Pensacola.

I was just visiting my parents, so, you know, nothing special.

- This is me.

- Oh, wow, I was expecting something bigger.


Yeah, I was thinking we'd take it easy tonight.

My place?

Get to know each other a little better?

Are you taking me straight home on a first date?

'Cause you should really buy me a meal first.

I'm kidding.

It's perfect.

[phones ping]

Katy's guy has a Range Rover.

Um, Stevie has a bicycle.

Broom him.


To something new.

Mm, come on.

This ought to keep everyone busy.

They love cryptic stuff.



I'll never tell.

Wow, all this just for knocking the snot out of a couple of mouth-breathers, huh?

Oh, this thing weighs more than I do.

I wanna see you wear it.

Maybe later.

But first...

Whoa, that was fast.

I think we should just take it slow...


You know you want it.

Oh, my God, no!



Andy, please, stop!




Hey, are you okay?


I was r*ped.

Oh my God!

_ You better come with me, now.

Whoa, whoa, what's the rush?

The vic's talking about leaving.


Was she r*ped or not?

Depends what time you ask her.

Her name's Katy Miller.


Hi, Katy, I'm Detective Rollins.

This is Detective Tutuola.

Excuse me, you told the officer you were r*ped.

- Nope.

- You didn't say that?

It's not what you think.

[phone pings]

Okay, what is it then?

I just wanna go home.

You know, I get it.

I know it's all confusing, but if you don't let the doctors examine you, collect evidence now, then you're not gonna have many options later.

I don't need options because I wasn't r*ped, okay?

Can you please get that through your heads?

[dramatic music]

- She refused the r*pe kit?

- She said she wasn't r*ped.

- After she said she was r*ped.

- Well, if it's the same Katy Miller, then she's a social media celebrity...

Instagram, YouTube, Snap.

She's got a couple hundred thousand followers.

Thank you, Kim Kardashian.

Sure, make mock, but these influencers are the voice of Gen Z.

And they're getting rich doing it.

Don't people know porn's free these day?

This Blue Glacier shampoo, my sister uses that.

Okay, is there a photo from last night?

Just this one posted at : p.m.

There's no geotag, no meta-data.

Well, it looks like Tribeca.

That's where the uni picked her up.

Okay, anything with a face attached?

Nope, not yet, but I still got , pics to go through.

Okay, so what happened between the time she disclosed and the time she denied?

She was texting the whole time we were there.

Could mean she was being pressured.

_ You don't look happy.

It shows?

I don't know if things are gonna work out with Sheila and me.

- Things?

- You know, I've never had a...

what you'd call a normal family life.

It'd just be nice if somebody had my back.

Doesn't sound good.

You know we got your back here.

Yeah, I know.

[doorbell rings]

- Hi.

- What are you doing here?

We just wanna talk, Katy.

- This is Lieutenant Benson.

- Hey.

Big g*n.

I told you, nothing happened.

You don't have to worry about me.

You don't have to worry about us.

Look, Katy, you were in the hospital, so it's standard for us to follow up.


There's no way I could afford living by myself when I was your age.

Yeah, I get a discount if I tweet the realtor's website once a month.

- Beats the hell out of a dorm.

- You're still in school?

Yeah, I got a late start, but this pays for it, and dorms are filled with little boys who like to look.

Any of that still going on since you moved out?

Nothing that doesn't come with the territory.

Now, I post what gets likes, which equals ad revenue, which equals this apartment, paying for college, sending money to my parents...

But posting photos doesn't give anyone the right to r*pe you.

These from your Instagram?


Some framing app sent me those, hoping I'll post a picture of them.

Then they'll frame that, then I'll repost it.

Who's the guy with the tattoos?

No one, just some MMA fighter.

Oh, that's The Monster.

Oh, when...

when'd you meet him?

Uh, a couple months ago for, like, two seconds after a fight.

I don't know why I was there.

I deleted that post.

When's the last time you were in touch with him?

Katy, you posted a picture of yourself last night with a guy with tattoos, so did The Monster r*pe you?

I told you.

I wasn't r*ped.

Are we done here?

My lawyer says I don't have to talk to you.

Your lawyer?

He said he'll help me navigate this to protect my career.

Katy, we are your advocates.

You don't need a lawyer now.

He said you'd say that.

I've made my decision, and I don't wanna move forward.

Can you please leave?

I'm sorry, I've still never heard of Katy Miller.

Well, she said that she was r*ped last night, and that you told her not to talk to us.

Why would I do that?

Celebrity defendant...

fast cash in a civil suit.

The perp has money?

If you never talked to Katy, why would she give us your name?

My stellar rep in the legal community.

So she wasn't just texting.

She was looking up some random lawyer's name.

Starting with the A's.

Doubt she's majoring in brain surgery.

Only way she even thinks about calling a lawyer is if somebody's pressuring her to shut up.

Somebody like The Monster?

Liv said she definitely didn't want to talk about him.

[phone buzzes]


You're kidding me.

We're on our way.

Liv said she got a call from Andy McPherson, AKA The Monster.

He says he wants to talk to us right away.

_ [grunting]


Tattoos at o'clock.


Ten guesses why they call him The Monster.

Yo, you guys NYPD?

Yes, sir, Mr.

McPherson said he wanted to talk to us.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm Shawn Tompkins, his lawyer/manager.

Look, he's got a $ million fight on the line and this whackadoodle chick's got him spun.

We'd like to hear that from him.

Hey, yo, Andy.


Take ten.

What we talked about.

Yeah, so we had a date last night, me and Katy.

- The Internet whore.

- Hey, stop it.


She's famous for taking off her clothes.

- You have sex?

- Yeah, sure.

And it was rough, but it was consensual.

Then she sends me this an hour ago.

This is why we called you.

"Pay me $ , , or I'll tell the cops you r*ped me." Apparently I met Katy at my last fight a couple months ago...

I didn't remember.

But then she commented on my fan page.

I liked what I saw, so I sent her my private number.

We started texting, whatnot...


I mean, she seemed pretty cool at first.

We both like Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash.

She's a smart girl.

She's going to college and working to pay for herself and her folks.

Then she tells me how she used to be shy and got picked on in middle school, and then I was like, "This is someone I could be with."

Looks like there may be a heart somewhere under all those muscles.

Then it got weird.

- Weird how?

- Sexual.

She told me that she gets turned on by watching me fight.

She sends me a bunch of selfies wearing not a lot of clothing, and then she says she wanted me to r*pe her.

I told you to back off that chick, didn't I?

Show 'em.

"I want to be pinned down and forced, and there's nothing I can do to get away." You say, "You're kidding, right?" She says, "No, Monster.

I want you to r*pe me." All I did is what she asked for.

So you're admitting that you r*ped her.

Of course he's not saying that.

But you forced her to have sex.



I don't know.

It's what she wanted, man.

Look, the girl's not only a perv...

she's a con artist.

Somebody's not telling the truth.

Katy already lied to us twice.

And there's a reason they call this guy The Monster.

Well, it could have something to do with the fact that he's undefeated with first round knockouts.

Yeah, I dabble, and I just...

I think it's weird that Katy only asked for $ , .

He's worth millions.

So have The Monster text Katy back, agree to pay the money.

If she shows, she's a felon.

And if she doesn't show up?

Charge Monster with r*pe one.

It's "The Monster," FYI.

Still nothing.

She'll be here.

I don't know...

she's minutes late.

Maybe she spotted us.

I got eyes on her.

Southwest entrance.

She's walking towards him.

She spotted him.

[car horn blares]

[tires squeal]

Whoa, what are you doing?

I'm arresting you for extortion.

- No, no, I didn't do anything.

- Then why'd you run?

- Because I saw him!

- How could you be such a bitch, huh?

- You set me up!

- That's enough.

Demanding money in exchange for not reporting a crime?

That's a crime, Katy.

It's called extortion.

I didn't do that.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Why were you at the park?

I had an interview for a modeling gig.

A rep from Chanel asked me to meet her there.

At Stuyvesant Park at : p.m.

on a Sunday?

You don't believe me.


"Hey, Katy, love your Insta.

Chanel is developing a new ad campaign you'd be perfect for." See?

I didn't ask anyone for money.

Okay, Katy, we saw the texts that you sent to The Monster.

Well, then, he's setting me up.

He told me that he would come after me if I went to the police.

Show me right now.

"What the hell happened?

You'd better not tell "anyone about this.

If you go to the cops, "your career is over.

I'll tell everyone what a slut you are, and no one will believe you." Katy, did he r*pe you?

Okay, Liv, we talked to Chanel.

They never heard of Katy Miller.

She's got texts from the shyster Phillip Altshuler telling her not to talk to us.

Which, unless he was stupid enough to lie to our face, are also fake.

So Katy just takes counsel from some attorney she's never heard of who just randomly pops up on her phone?

After you've been r*ped, how clearly are you thinking?

See, the texts from her phone make her sound like Little Miss Muffet.

Yeah, on his, he's the Pillsbury Doughboy.

But the text on his phone...

I mean, - she's the Marquis de Sade.

- Vice versa.

Okay, so if they're both telling the truth, there's gotta be a third party involved.

- Catfish?

- Actually it was a double catfish.

Whoever did it posed as Katy to message The Monster and The Monster to message Katy.

Now, let's not forget about Chanel and this Counselor Altshuler.

So we'll have Computer Crimes check the IP address.

- So?

- So the person at the other end of that IP address played both of them.

And you want me to charge that person with what?

Last I looked, lying on the Internet will put you in office.

It won't put you behind bars.

Ah, well, there's Criminal Impersonation.

In the second degree.

You wanna get all worked up - over a misdemeanor?

- No, but I do wanna get - worked up over r*pe.

- No, no, no, no, no.

The Monster didn't intend to r*pe anyone.

Yeah, but the mystery guest did.

In order for that person to be charged as an accomplice, The Monster has to be found guilty.

I'd hate to be the schmuck who presents those facts to a jury.

What if it never goes through a jury?

Why would a guy who gets punched with bare knuckles for a living take a plea deal?

Because we're gonna hit him with something much harder.

_ r*pe Three, a non-violent E felony.

No jail time.

One year probation.

I don't understand.

Katy's an Instagram star.

She messaged me.

Because it wasn't from Katy.

It was from a stranger who made a fake account supposed to look like Katy.

Whoever communicated with Katy did it from an account made to look like yours.

So when we exchanged phone numbers...

You weren't texting with Katy.

- That was also the catfisher.

- Why would someone...?

Okay, time out, time out, time out.

- Is my client under arrest?

- No, he's not.

So you want him to plead guilty to raping this Katy chick even though there's no way you can come up with a conviction?

Look, I know you don't think that you did anything wrong...

- I didn't.

- Oh, you did.



They just told me everything.

Katy, I really thought that you wanted me...

- I told you to stop.

- I didn't think you meant it.

- You choked me, Andy.

- I didn't know.

You know what else you didn't know?

I was a virgin.

My gut tells me that you didn't mean to hurt Katy.

I didn't.

It was the catfisher, not me.

The person who did this deserves jail time.

The catfisher can't be an accomplice to r*pe unless there is a r*pe.

So again, you want Andy to confess to a crime - that he can't be convicted of.

- Yes.

Otherwise the law says nothing happened to Katy.

So here we are.

You can walk out that door right now without taking any responsibility for what happened.

And reject a very generous deal.

- Very generous?

- You're talking about him forfeiting millions of dollars.

Or you could risk doing years.

That's crap and you know it.

There's no jury in the world that would find him guilty.

No, but Katy will.

So if you walk out this door right now, you're saying that nothing happened.

And you'd also know, for the rest of your life, that you could've done something to make it right.

But you chose not to.

- Okay, we're done.

- Shawn.


I am so sorry.

Sorry, no deal, or sorry I hurt you, and I'll take the deal?

I didn't want to hurt you.

And I don't wanna hurt you either.


I'll take the deal.

You can go after whoever did this now?

You can count on it.

Computer Crimes tracked the catfisher to Whitney Mountain Road, in Maysville, West Virginia.

- Okay, a name?

- Real estate records aren't exactly what you'd call up to date.

All right, so get a John Doe warrant.

- Done.

- All right, uh, forward it to the local precinct.

- Done.

- Perfect.

Get two first class tickets to West Virginia.

- Really?

- No.

Fill up your gas t*nk.

Fin, you're riding shotgun.

Oh, no, no, I'm allergic to West Virginia.

- Rollins, you're up.

- You're kidding.

Look, somebody has gotta translate for this guy.

That little man was out like a light the second his head hit the pillow.

I'm so glad.

Um, you...

you okay?

Did I do something?

Sheila, Noah asked me about Ellie.

I specifically told you that I hadn't told him yet.

I know, and I just said it without thinking.

Really, he was asking so many questions, and I know Ellie loved him.

What was your plan if he asked you what happened to her?

If he asked you why she gave him up?

If he asked you where he spent the first year of his life, what was your plan?

I wasn't thinking.

I really wasn't, and I'm very sorry.

Noah's family is...


your family is complicated.

That little boy is five years old.

When he is old enough, and when he is ready, he is going to hear the truth, but, until then, Sheila, you have to discuss these things with me first.

You are absolutely right.

It will never happen again, I promise you.

Olivia, this has been, all of it, wonderful...

I really just want this to work.

So do I.

Can you forgive me?

Of course.

We're both new at this.

Thank you.

Now are you doing the actual arrest, or am I?

I've never done this jurisdictional stuff before.

Technically, you'll have to make the arrest, then you'll maintain custody until the extradition.

Then we'll take over.

Got it.

TV's on.


Hey, it's the police.

We just wanna talk.

Door's open.

Excuse me, ma'am, I'm Detective Carisi.

This is Detective Rollins, NYPD.


Yeah, New York Police Department.

We've got a warrant to search these premises.

What's your name, ma'am?

June Parcell.

Do you have a computer, Ms.



I get the clicker to work, it's a good day.

Does anybody else live here?

My husband used to till he died, so my daughter takes care of me now.

- Is she here now?

- What day is it?

- Monday.

- Heather?

Mama, what's going on?

Where do you keep your computer, Heather?

- You're the police.

- You know why we're here?

Yeah, because I'm stupid.

It's nice to meet you.

Where do you keep your computer?

Uh, it's under my bed in my room.

You take her, who's gonna change my bag?

Mama's got cancer.

She can't use the toilet.

- You have somebody for that?

- Yeah.

We got a winner.

Heather, I'm placing you under arrest, okay?

And we're gonna be confiscating the computer too.

_ Now, don't hold me to it, but I think I heard Heather's voice before.

- Blimpie.

- Blimpie?

Well, that's what she called herself.

End of the day, the whole thing turned out to be a scam.

Can I take the empties?

No, no, a man needs to know what he's had.

He also needs to know his limit.

- [chuckles]

- Hey, Siri, remind me to check on Heather's alias, Blimpie.

Okay, I'll remind you.

- [groans]

- Hey, Chuck, you okay?

I'm gonna use the little boys.

I'll take that.

Changing of the guard.

I got this.

Hey, you must be Buck.

Last I looked.

I'm Amanda with the New York Police Department.

- Wasn't me.

- No, my...

my partner and I are here about one of your regulars, Heather, Heather Parcell.

Betsy said you might've gone to school with her.

It's always the quiet ones, right?

Oh, well, she's not a serial k*ller, but...

But she is kind of a sad sack.

But she wasn't ever any trouble?

No, her old man would've locked her in the closet.

I thought she'd be long gone after he died, but then her mom got sick.

What'd she do?

Oh, something stupid.

- Thanks.

- Mmhmm.

I've spent way too many nights in places like these.

Aw, don't start getting all teary-eyed and singing "Dixie" on me.

I left, didn't I?

No, my favorite place was Roy's.

I went there every Wednesday and Thursday night - when Roy was behind the bar.

- Oh, you had a thing - for the owner, huh?

- No, Roy Junior.

And I went home last year 'cause mom had that thing, and I went back there, and RJ was still behind the bar, - just like years ago.

- All right, so you had a couple sh*ts, you started crying about that touchdown he almost made.

No, I took him out back and banged his brains out.


I mean, like, like, six months ago, right, I get this email from his sister, Suzie.

- Mm-hmm.

- Been diagnosed with melanoma.

Son of a bitch just goes off and dies.

You should probably go check on Chuckie, huh?

Oh, no, we didn't...

Oh, they're on Buck.

Okay, thanks.

I got my coat.



[glass shattering]

What the hell?

- I'm sorry.

- Don't tell me!

Tell Missy here.

Missy, I'm sorry.

Let me get you guys a round of drinks.

- What the hell'd you say?

- Excuse me?

You can't just buy me off with a beer and say Missy's fine, come on.




Come on, let him go!

- You gotta admit that was fun.

- Oh, so much fun!

- That was fun.

- I haven't had that much fun since Christmas .

Oh, this is where I get off.


You know...

There's something nice about not having to always act like a cop.

- Yeah.

- You know, we could've taken all those guys, you know?

Oh, I know we could.

You know what?

You're a helluva partner.

- You too.

- Nah, you've got my back, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.

Not just tonight.

- I'm beat.

- Yeah, I should, um...

- Okay.

- All right, good night.

Okay, night.

[keys clinking]

Hey, Liv, tell Rafael not to worry about extradition.

Heather waived the hearing.

Because she wants to come to New York.

Yeah, we're picking her up now.

She'll be out in about .

Okay, got it.

[indistinct chatter]

Well, I'll get out of here.

- All right.

- All right, that was fun.

- Maybe see you next time.

- Okay.

- Have a good one.

- Bye.


Me and Cheryl, my best friend, we used to dream about going to New York City like Mary Tyler Moore did on TV.

We would throw our hats in the air and everything.

Did Cheryl ever make it?

Well, she went to Clarksville, Tennessee.

I know it's not the same as New York City, but I'm still kind of jealous.

You could've gone with her.

She went with Gary, her husband.

He sells machine parts.

Besides, someone's gotta take care of Mama.

I had a sister three years younger than me.

She could not stand the cold weather.

She moved to Scottsdale about eight years ago.

Oh, were you close?

We were sisters.

She passed away three years ago.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Breast cancer.

You know, you, me, and Noah, all of this...

it's good, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

You know what I would love to do?

Would it be okay if I bought Noah a nice, warm winter jacket?

Would that be okay?

I think that he would absolutely love that.

- You okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

'Cause I can drive.

Nah, I slept like a baby.

How'd you sleep?

'Cause sometimes, after drinking, I just...

I stare at the ceiling, you know?

You wanna talk about something?


Am I gonna be able to meet him?

- Who?

- The Monster.

Oh, you'll meet him, for sure.

We're willing to go down to r*pe Two.

Seven years in prison.

But less if I behave good?

That's right, Heather, and if you don't take the deal, you're looking at accessory to r*pe One.

That's r*pe by forcible compulsion.

That's a violent B felony, up to years.

Well, I don't wanna sound stupid, but how could I r*pe a girl?

It's like The Monster robbed a bank, and you drove the getaway car.

Not quite, but I'll explain it to you later, Heather.

Sorry, I'm late.

There's been a mix-up.

I'll need a moment with my client.

- Who are you?

- Phillip Altshuler, - Attorney at Law.

- Excuse me, you said that you didn't even know her.

Oh, we haven't formally met, no.

- How are you?

- Your client has already obtained a public defender.

And therein lies the mix-up.

Heather didn't exactly know I was coming.

How did you find me?

You're all over the news.

Nice to finally meet you.

He's the lawyer that Heather impersonated to coerce Katy - to keep quiet.

- Yeah, that I guessed.

You gotta admit, Counselor, this is a little bit odd.

If you weren't representing her, you'd be begging me to charge her with Criminal Impersonation.

I see no conflict of interest as long as Ms.

Parcell is okay with it.

I can't pay you.

This one's on me.

You already know I'm good.

Excuse me, how would she know that?

Well, he was on the Internet under the best lawyers in New York.

I'm honored.

Bye bye.

My client respectfully rejects whatever plea deal is on the table.

Hey, so I'm gonna get a sandwich if you wanna...

No, I'm good.

Is that about Heather?

Uh, yeah, I'm scanning her digital footprint.

- Anything useful?

- Well, she lived her life on her computer, so there's a lot to go through.

You sure you don't wanna get a sandwich with me?

I'm sure.

You know I'm human, right?

Right, and human people have sex, sometimes with people they love, sometimes with people they don't even know.

Mm, thanks for that.

And sometimes with people who are pains in the ass.

Once we moved from Instagram to texting, we talked about everything.

I told him I wanted to take it slow, and eventually we agreed to meet up.

He looked scary, but in real life, he was sweet.

At first, it was a good date.

Then what happened?

All of a sudden, he changed.

He grabbed me by the throat.

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't move.

Then he ripped my clothes off, and he r*ped me.

- Objection.

- Sustained.

Be a little more specific, Katy, if you can.

Put his mouth on me.

His tongue.

I tried to close my legs, and then he jammed his...

in me.

Did you tell him to stop?

- Over and over.

- How'd he respond?

He said he knew this is what I wanted.

Where did that idea come from?

I thought it came from Katy.

We'd been texting for weeks.

She said she had a r*pe fantasy.

- Did that sound odd to you?

- Well, yeah.

- So what'd you do?

- I asked her if she was sure, multiple times, but she was clear.

She wanted me to force her no matter what.

But that wasn't really Katy's fantasy, was it?

Objection, the witness isn't a mind-reader.


What, if anything, did you come to learn about those texts asking you to r*pe Katy?

- She didn't really send them.

- Who did?

We traced the texts to an IP address in West Virginia to a computer belonging to Heather Parcell, the defendant.

She had sent over , text messages to Katy posing as The Monster, Andy McPherson, and over messages to Andy posing as Katy, and this was all during a six week period.

Is it possible she was hacked and someone else sent those messages?

No, she confessed to catfishing both Andy and Katy before we arrested her.

When Heather confessed so quickly, did you get the idea that she realized the gravity of what she'd done?

I can't speak to her state of mind.

Did Heather Parcell ever express her opinion of The Monster to you?

She said she was excited to meet him.

Would you say she idolized him?

I'd say she wanted to meet him.

- Like she was a fan.

- Yes.

Like someone who wanted to see him go to prison for r*pe?


It was fun, like a game.

I never thought that it'd actually happen.

And where in the world did you get the idea that a woman would actually ask to be r*ped?

- It's stupid.

- Tell us anyway.

I saw it on one of Mama's soaps.

She watches 'em every day.

So you never actually had a r*pe fantasy yourself?



Did anyone you know in Maysville have such a fantasy?

- I don't know.

- You never talked to anyone about it?

- I don't talk to many people.

- And why is that?


She's real sick, cancer.

It's bad.

Diabetes, rheumatoid.

That's why she's not here.

She can't walk, and I take care of her.

Mmhmm, uh, how so?

Uh, I make breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.

When she's too weak, I spoon feed her.

After that, I change her poop bag, and I give her a sponge bath because she can't take showers, and then I press her fingertips and rub her feet 'cause they hurt, and that sometimes helps.

And on the bad days, I hold the bucket while she pukes.

And when you're not taking care of her, what do you do?

Talk to people on the computer.

People like Katy and The Monster.

I love it when they talk back.

Did you ever intend to harm Katy?

- No.

- Did you wanna see The Monster - go to prison?

- No, never.

Nothing further.

It's getting late, Mr.


You can cross-examine the witness tomorrow.

Shouldn't you be on mother duty?

Grandma took Noah to the movies, and now they're getting pizza.

- He's a lucky kid.

- He is indeed.

He ended up in the right zip code with the right people.

Heather Parcell?

The Internet has made the world a smaller place, but some people still get lost in it.

She instigated a r*pe, Rafael.

Out of boredom.

She had no motive.

- How is stupidity a defense?

- It's not, but this is just a bad case.

The girl doesn't have - a malicious bone in her body.

- Oh, my God.

No motive means no story for the jury.

This was the most exciting thing in her life.

And the most painful for Katy.

If I was on that jury, I'd vote to acquit out of pity alone.

Hey, what's going on?

Well, right after The Monster and Katy agreed to meet up, Heather texted 'em both a picture asking if a friend could tag along.

They said no, but does that friend look familiar?

Well, this establishes a possible revenge motive, but not mens rea.

Yeah, but if you toss these in the pot as well...

The human body has a lot of bones.

It looks like you wanted to be friends with The Monster.

He's famous.

Who wouldn't?

Could you read this text please?

"My girlfriend would like to come with us." - You sent this to him.

- Yes.

- Pretending to be Katy?

- Yes.

And this photo was attached to the text, just like the one you sent to Katy pretending - to be The Monster?

- Yes.

- How did he respond?

- He said no, that he just - wanted alone time with Katy.

- And Katy, what did she say?

She said no, she wanted to be alone with Andy.

And neither of them wanted to be with you.

- Objection.

- Withdrawn.

What would you have done if one of them said yes?

- Objection.

- Sustained.


you are...

your mother's primary caretaker, is that right?

Well, there's no one else.

You feed her, you bathe her, you wash her hair?

- Relevance?

- It'll become clear.

- Proceed.

- Do you wash your mother's hair, Ms.


- Yes.

- What shampoo do you use?

- Oh, come on.

- It will help to establish - intent, Your Honor.

- Overruled.

I use Blue Glacier shampoo.

Who's Blimpie- , Ms.


It's me on Reddit.

A name that I sometimes use.

I'd like to introduce into evidence exhibit B.

Please read this Reddit post.

"Who the hell likes Blue Glacier shampoo, "and why would they use a disgusting bitch like Katy Miller to sell their crap?" You posted that on Reddit at : p.m.

on November th, is that right?

- I guess.

- How many Instagram followers do you have?

I don't know.


Miller has over , .

The Monster has million.

How many Instagram followers do you have?

- I don't know.

- You have six.

Sound about right?

I guess.

It isn't fair.

He beats people up for a living.

She posts sexy photos of herself holding shampoo.

They're both famous.

They both have lots of friends.

You resent them both, don't you, Heather?

You work so hard to take care of your mom, and nobody cares.

Nobody gives a damn what you have to say about anything.

I never meant to hurt Andy.

What about Katy?

She's from Pensacola.

It's not much bigger than Maysville.

She posts near-naked photos of herself, and they make her rich.

And I have to rub Mama's feet.

And you wanted to get even.

It's not fair!

She gets paid to take a shower, and I have to change Mama's poop bag?

She deserves what she got!

It's not fair.

I'm sorry.

Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

In the matter of the People of New York versus Heather Parcell on the charge of r*pe in the First Degree, we find the defendant guilty.

All right, now this is a big boy coat.

Well, why don't you take a look at yourself in the mirror?

Is the hood too big?

Huh, hmm, do you think it is?

Okay, well, let's try...

Oh, you are going to love this one.





The Monster is caged.

Well, that's the end of his career.

Nobody's gonna touch him again.

How's he ever gonna make it with a mere million in the bank?

Imagine walking around, everybody thinking you're a r*pist.

Or you can just move to Hollywood.

[phone buzzes]

Hey, Sheila.
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