12x05 - Change of Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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12x05 - Change of Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

AMY: Previously on "Heartland"...

CLINT: You know, I've got this new case; Luke.

I just thought a couple of days around horses on a ranch

might put him in a better head-space.

- Oh hey! Whoa! Whoa!

Since when did you start gettin' your mail sent here?

Oh, just until I know what my living arrangements

are gonna be, just don't worry about it.

Are you the Georgie Fleming-Morris?

I wanna be your friend.

Well, good, 'cause I... wanna be your friend, too.

Look at the little birdhouse!

All thanks to Luke right here.

JADE: Oof! I have a concussion.

The doctor said I have to take it easy for a while.











CLINT: Morning, Luke.




Hey, your mom leave for work already?






Hi, Daddy!


- LYNDY: Funny!
- AMY: Funny! (LAUGHS)

- Hey! Did you get it?
- Hey!

- Yes, I did, right here.
- Oh!

And the clerk said they got great feedback on it.

And it has this feature where it like,

cheers when she has a success.

Interesting, I still think we're crazy

trying to potty train our daughter in one weekend.

Well, the book said it only takes three days.

Yeah, but I mean, that's a lot of pressure

to put on a toddler.

We got the entire weekend off, no distractions.

Lyndy can do this!

- Can you do this?
- I know she can!

I told you, I've seen the signs.

Yeah, "the signs", you've said.

- She's totally ready.

Hey, is Luke coming today?

No, that's next weekend.

You're sure?

Yeah, I think so, I...

it's today! Uh...

What about potty training?

I, well... I guess we'll have to double down,

- and hope she's a quick study.
- Okay.

- Sorry about that.
- Hey, do you wanna meet Clint?




- Hey, there!
- Amy: Hey.

Lyndy, finally!

Hey, sweetie!

- Whoa, is everything okay?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

I, I got the dates mixed up, but...

- Is this gonna be a problem?
- No, it's... it's fine.

- Okay.
- Hey, Luke.

TY: Welcome back.

AMY: Why don't you put your stuff in the office?

(SIGHS) That's great because I need a few hours to,

to find Luke a place to stay this weekend.

What do you mean?

Oh, his mom picked up some extra shifts,

and she doesn't have childcare,

so I'm scrambling to find him a place.

Uh... you know, he could, he could just stay here.

Really? I mean, that would be great,

that would be a huge help.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah.

We'll make it work, that'd be fine.

Hey... it'll be fine.

Change of Heart

♪ And at the break of day

♪ You sank into your dream

♪ You dreamer

♪ Oh oh oh oh

♪ You dreamer

♪ You dreamer


Oh hey, look at this. A bona-fide Georgie sighting!

What does that mean?

It means I don't, I feel like I don't see you anymore, ever.

Okay, well, with work and training,

I've barely had time for anything.

Yeah, well, it's my duty as a friend to tell you

that you are actually in danger of becoming capital "B" boring.

(SCOFFS) Wow, thanks.

Yeah, you're welcome. It's my duty, so... I do it.

Um, there's actually a retrospective on Godzilla

playing this weekend, Adam said it was epic.

So, do you wanna go?

What like, a date?

No, like a friend. Like, a friend date.



Th-that-that's Betty Thomas!

- Who?
- Betty Thomas!

The lady who just sat down!

I don't know, who is that?

She's a famous trick rider!


GEORGIE: Excuse me?

Hi, I don't mean to disturb you or anything,

but you're Betty Thomas, right?

- Hey! Watch it!
- Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!

(LAUGHS) Sorry, I'm just,
I'm a really big fan of yours,

and I-I just can't believe it's you!

My coach used to show me tons of your videos.

I just think you're absolutely amazing,

Guess what?
I don't really care what you think,

I just want some food, if that's not too much to ask.

Uh yeah, okay. What can I get you?

Green salad, dressing on the side.

- And make it quick.
- Okay.

Coming right up.


WYATT: Whoa, What is her deal?


Hey, Lis. Yeah, your package arrived safe and sound.

And yes, I agree,

we'll be saving this for our anniversary, I can't wait.

Love you lots, call me.

TIM: Nope, non-negotiable, Jade.

No! A ride?!

I'll tell you what, Jack'll swing by and pick you up.

I'll talk to you later, bye.

You can't just assume

I'm free to do your running around.

One of the benefits of having me around

is that you've got a lot more free time on your hands.

Besides, I know that Jade is just moping around

her mother's house, right?

She refuses to get involved with the rodeo school,

but she's gotta get out of this funk,

she's gotta find something to do.

What is all that?

Oh, I am making cedar planked salmon

tonight for dinner.

I told you, I was making my stew tonight.

Yeah well, people are getting a little tired

of your greasy old stew, Jack.

I mean, even that vegetarian meal that Lou whipped up

the other night for Maya,

that was like a refreshing relief

from some of your old recipes, okay?

You gotta, you gotta be open to new things, like me.

Okay well, maybe you could be open to putting new hinges

on the gate to the back road?!

Here we go, I told you I'd do that!

Well, you've been saying that for a week.

- Well, I'll do it right now!
- Okay!

- You pick up Jade.
- Why can't you pick her up?

Because I gotta fix the hinges!

And make cedar planked salmon for dinner.


Works for me.

GEORGIE: I don't get it.

I was trying to tell her how amazing she was,

and... she was so mean.

Yeah well, that's... Maybe that's why they say

you shouldn't meet your heroes.

I don't know, I just don't want to have to deal

- with her right now.
- Okay. Okay, I'll do it.

- What?
- I got it, I got it.

Trust me, I'm gonna win her over.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Old ladies love me.


Hi, here you go, that's for you.

So is that.

Betty, right? My name's Wyatt.

- My Mom's the manager here.
- So?

So I just wanted to come over,

and I wanted to introduce myself,

- and just say hi.
- Why?

Beuse my friend, Georgie, over there,

who you met already,

is actually super inspired by you, uh...

and she used to be like, an amazing trick rider too.

Uh, Georgie, come here? Yeah, come here, come here!

Hey, you guys are gonna love each other,

you're gonna get along really well, so...

I was just telling Betty how you used to trick ride.

I haven't done any trick riding...

in a long time.

Not that it's any of your business.

What is it with this place?!

Can't I just eat in peace?







Hey, thank you so much for looking after Lyndy.

It turns out, Luke is staying for the whole weekend.

- Overnight?
- Yeah.

We weren't exactly prepared for that.


Hey, how was your shift?

Hey, you will not believe who came in to the diner.

Betty Thomas. She's like this famous trick rider.

You bet she was! How is she doing?

You know her?

Oh, sure. I saw Betty perform at lots

of half-time shows, she was the real deal, boy.

Yeah, I saw her, and her horse, Boots.

They were incredible.

Yeah, maybe, but she was pretty rude to me.

Well, Betty's had a rough go.

You know, her and her husband, Frank,

they fell on some hard times,

They had to sell out lock, stock, and barrel,

and then things just went downhill from there.

What do you mean?

Well, Frank passed away.

It must be goin' on two years by now,

and Betty's life fell apart.

No one's seen much of her at all, lately.

WYATT: That's crazy, what trick is that?

GEORGIE: It's called a shoulder stand,

it's actually really hard.

What uh, what's the article say?

Well, it turns out the horse that actually made Betty famous

- was Boots' Mom, Lightning.
- Oh.


What? What's wrong?


It's her husband's obituary. Frank Thomas.

He was k*lled in a car accident.

Oh, that's uh, that's terrible.

(SIGHS) Yeah.

It says here that she was forced

to put Boots up for auction.


I can't imagine.


What if we were to...

track Boots down?

So they could see each other again.

Do you have time to do that?

I mean, what about like, your training?

I'll make time.

Oh! Oh, okay, so should I be offended that you don't have

time to see a movie with me,

but you're gonna make time to track down

some random rude stranger's horse?!

No, it's just...

I get it, no wonder she's so... miserable.

Maybe we can help her.

Okay, I can't really say no to that, can I?







All right!

Well, we're inoculating the horses,

I thought you might like to help.


What are they being vaccinated for?

Well, horses are susceptible to many of the same diseases

as humans are. Rabies, tetanus, west nile.

All right. You ready?

Yeah. Let's go, Luke.




All right, I think he's ready.


- AMY: Whoa, easy.
- It's okay.

Amy's got him. You don't have to be scared.

I'm not scared! (HORSE NICKERS)

I know it's tough; you didn't expect to spend

the whole weekend at Heartland.

But we're glad that you're here, okay?

I'm only here because my mom got a new job!

All right.

What do you normally do when your mom's at work?

(SIGHS) It's not like she likes leaving me alone!

I didn't say that she does.

Okay, but she does leave you alone sometimes,

when she goes to work, doesn't she?


Okay well, thanks anyway.

Yeah, okay.

Bye. (SIGHS)

Wow, who knew this was gonna be so hard?

I know, right?

What's next?

Okay, thanks.

- So?
- Nope.

Hey, look.

Boots got a new owner.

Great, thank you.

Yeah, we'll be right there!

Okay, bye. Yes, we got him!

- Oh, good! All right!
- Yeah!

Georgie? Hi, I'm Philip.

We spoke on the phone. I manage the place.

Nice to meet you, this is my... friend, Wyatt.


So this is Boots, right?

- PHILIP: Yep.
- Can I go see him?

You can try.


Hey, bud.




He wasn't always like this.

Well, what happened?

Boots' owner pays for his upkeep,

but he lives in another province.

It's been a year since he's been down to visit.

I do what I can, but...

it's getting harder and harder to ride him.

Do you think I could take him to Heartland for a day?

Horses only leave here with their owners.

But his owner isn't around,

and I really think it would be in Boots' best interest.

Could you maybe...

- call the owners, to ask?
- Just say yes, trust me.

When it comes to Georgie, "resistance is futile."


Yeah, okay, I'll call.

- It can't hurt, right?
- Yeah, thank you, thanks.

Thank you.

- Whoa!

Honey, leave poor Remy alone.



Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.


Okay. Hey, Jade, perfect timing.

I need somebody to make a marinade.

Okay, since when do you invite somebody over,

and ask them to help you with dinner?

- Since I'm behind schedule.
- Sorry, I'll be on the sofa.

- Wha... uppy her!
- LYNDY: Uppy! Up!

Uppy her, you gotta keep her occupied.



Jack, I need you to pitch in.

Oh no, I wouldn't dream of interfering

with your special dinner.

Okay, great, thank you!

Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye-bye.

Boots can come to Heartland tomorrow.

Well, that, that's great, but why?

So Betty can see him again.

That is, if she wants to, you don't know that.

I'm sure she will.

Do you think you could meet me at the stable tomorrow

to pick him up, and maybe...

work with him while he's here?

Well, I would love to, and I'll do my best,

but Ty's busy all day,

and I've got Lyndy.

Jade can look after Lyndy.

- What? No I can't.
- Why?

Well-well, I'm sure you've got lots of stuff to do, so...


What? What do you have to do tomorrow?

Well... actually, nothing.

Right, see?

TY: Uh well, I don't know, we...

AMY: I think that would really help us out.

I mean, if you're, if you're up for it, I...

Right? It would be great.

- Well, I guess.
- Perfect.


Luke, not at the table.

- Sorry.
- Hey.

You know the treehouse, I rode past there yesterday,

and it looks like a nice little family

has already settled into that birdhouse you built.

Dad, this salmon is amazing.

- It is delicious.
- TIM: Right, huh?

And it's good for your heart. It's a lot better than that

greasy stew we get all the time.

Did you have to dirty every dish in this house?

What can I say?
The salmon was a big hit.

It's a small price to pay.


What? I didn't drink that.

I used it to soak the planks.

You what?!

I'll replace it, no big deal.

You can't replace it!

Lisa just sent this to me from France.

It's a special vintage we were saving for our anniversary!

Well, I'm sorry. I had no idea.

Yeah, 'cause you didn't ask, you just helped yourself!

You're gettin' way too comfortable in this house

for my liking, you're sticking your oar where it's not wanted!

You told me this was only temporary,

so why are you still living here?

Are you serious right now?!

You know, I, I've done everything I can do

to help out around here, to pitch in.

I made a big sacrifice moving in here!

You're here because you made a foolhardy decision.

You sold Big River, but I'm the one who's paying the price!

You're not-you're not gonna do this. You're in a mood

'cause you're missing Lisa. Everybody knows it.

You're just too stubborn to admit it.

You're not blaming this on me, Jack!

You have overstayed your welcome,

and I want you out of my house.

It's French.




Hey, hey, hey.

What are you doing?

I can't reach my mom.


Well, she's at work right now, isn't she?


Mom, are you okay?



TY: Her lunch is in the blue container in the fridge here.

Okay? And no treats, okay, Jade?

Just the ones we have down here,

They've got no added sugar or anything like that.

She can have one, but she'll try to convince you otherwise.

- All right?
- Got it.

And don't let her out of your sight,

she likes to get into everything.

I mean, you've probably done some babysitting before though,

- right?
- No.

No, kids aren't really my thing.

But how hard could it be? I ride broncs.

Or, at least, I used to.

So I'm pretty sure I can handle one toddler.

Okay, well, just call, or text,

shout, if anything comes up, okay?


I'm gonna go down and meet Luke.

Wait, what's all this stuff?

Oh, we were planning on potty training her

this weekend, but we're just putting that on hold,

- so don't worry about it.
- Mmah!

And is this gonna be cash, or e-transfer?

- Ah! Ah!
- Mhmm...

You be good to Jade, okay, sweetheart?

- Okay.
- 'Kay.

Your daddy's a control freak.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, he is!

I pity your teenage years.

- Yeah.
- Yeah!

GEORGIE: Are you sure you called the right Betty Thomas?

Yes, I'm sure, and I've gotta say,

she was thrilled that I found her credit card.

She is eating out of my hand.

So where's my credit card?

Right here, there you go.

Um, we just wanted to talk to you for a second.

I don't have time for this.

You're gonna want to hear it, trust me.

We have a surprise for you.

- I hate surprises.
- We found Boots.


What gives you the right to go meddling in my business?

We're sorry, we just found out you had to give him up,

so we thought you might like to see him again.

We're taking him to Heartland later today.

I-I can drive you this afternoon, if you want.

Why? Why would you do this?

Well, when I think about being forced to give up

my horse, Phoenix, I...

I can't even go there,

but I know that if I did,

I would take any chance I could get to see him again.

(SIGHS) All right.

Come on, bud.

Come on.


- There you go!
- Good!

Good job, hey Georgie, why don't you go put him

in one of the pens, I'll be right there.

Sure. Come on.


That's just Jade trying to be funny.

Very funny.



Hey uh, I'll be right back.

Oh, okay.

Come on.

Hey, you goin' somewhere?

Yep, I'm outta here.

It's time to pull the plug on this little experiment.


(SIGHS) It was always meant to be temporary.

I can't live with Jack, he's impossible,

he won't acknowledge anything I do to help him.

You know, sometimes you've gotta give people

a reason to stick around.

Where you gonna go?

I got a plan.

I'm just really gonna miss having you around here.

I'm going to miss you, too,

but I'm not gonna be that far, I'll be close.

- Okay.
- Okay.



You wanna give it a shot, Luke?

Yeah? All right.

Put those in.

Yeah, just like that.

Now listen right here, okay?


Can you hear it?

Yeah. The sounds and rhythm are similar to a human,

but the rate's a bit slower.

- Is that normal?
- Well, yeah.

Boots is in good health.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

So I got a message from Wyatt,

he's bringing Betty over soon.

Okay, well, I wannna check on Jade before they get here, so...

Well, I wanted to go and say hi anyway, so I can go.

Oh, okay...

uh, actually um, you know, I should probably go,

uh, just...

(SIGHS) no, I'm gonna stay here.

You can go, I'm good.

- Okay.
- Yeah?

- Yeah, I'm good.
- Yeah? Okay.

Do you wanna brush Boots?

I'll show you, you just go like this,

along with the grain of the hair,

just nice and smooth, wanna try?


That's it.


JADE: How's it goin' in there?


Oh, wow!

This is amazing!

Mhmm. So, did Ty send you to spy on me?

No, it's nothing like that.

He did... he did kinda wanna come check on you.


So how's it going?

It's good.

Lyndy's a cute kid, there's no doubt about that.

And it's not like I have anything better to do.

Are you okay?

I get it, being sidelined with a concussion sucks.

I haven't told anyone,

but I have a follow-up appointment tomorrow.

What if I'm not getting any better?

Do you want me to come with you tomorrow?

For moral support?


- Thank you.
- Lyndy: Jade.

- Oh hey!
- What do you have?

- This.
- Let's see. Cars?


(SIGHS) Okay...

Good boy, Boots.

You're fine.

It's okay, hey, hey, hey. Whoa...

- Hey, hey, easy, easy.
- Whoa...

- You good?
- Yeah.


Okay, come on.

(SIGHS) Come on, Boots, it's okay.




You just wait.



How are you, buddy?

You look good! (BOOTS NICKERS)



That's it, come on.



You two wanna go for a ride?

Yeah, sure!




Hey Luke, we'll be right out front, okay?

What?! Oh...


TIM: Hey. Ha! Ha! Power steps.

Don't even need 'em.

What do you think?

Well, what's it for?

Well, I got the idea from your little family road trip.

It's a house on wheels.

- You're gonna live in this?
- Uh-huh.

Huh. If-if that's what makes you happy Dad,

then I'm, I'm happy for you.

Thank you, sweetheart.

Amy uh, do you know where Jade got this paint from?

No idea.

Okay, this could be toxic.

I'll show you inside later.

It's-it's uh...

Hey, what do you think, huh?

Top of the line, all the bells and whistles.

Well, I hope you don't plan on parking it here,

'Cause when I told you to move out,

I didn't mean move out into the yard.

No pleasing you.

You know, I hope Lisa doesn't extend her stay,

but... I'll understand if she does,

because you are impossible.

I'll pick the rest of my stuff up later.


Beautiful, look!


I think we have a budding Georgia O'Keeffe on our hands.

Jade, where did you get this paint?!

Relax, it's washable, kid-friendly, eco-paint.

I thought Lyndy might like it,

so I picked it up while I was in town.

I thought I said only one treat.

Yeah, but, she asked for it.

You-how did you...

did she go down for her nap yet?

Uh, you didn't say anything about a nap.

You didn't put her down for a nap?!

We've been having fun, does it look like she's tired?

Jade, you're the adult, she's just a child!

It's okay, it's fine, I'll put her down

for a quick nap now, and you should probably

go tend to Luke.




Okay, okay.

- Good boy.
- That was great.

But I can already tell that I'm gonna regret that tomorrow.

JACK: Well, if it isn't Betty Thomas!

- Awww!
- It's good to see you.

I'm-I'm glad you're here.

BETTY: Likewise Jack, it's been too long.

You have got a beautiful spot here.

- Thank you.
- Young people around,

- lots goin' on.
- Yeah, well, I gotta admit,

it does seem a little hectic at times, but...

Well, enjoy it while you can.

'Cause when it's gone, the silence is deafening.


BETTY: She's been jumping?

- Oh yeah, she's out here more.
- Yeah?

Oh, a trick saddle?

Yeah, if you don't mind,

I'd like to see what he can do.

Sure, if the old boy's up for it.




Come on, Georgie!

Woo! Woo!




Oh, that's so cool!

Lookin' good, Georgie!

Good, are you kidding? That's awesome!

You're right, not half bad.

Now... watch this.




Go Betty, whoo!







I just wish Betty could still take care of him,

and he didn't have to go back to that boarding facility.




Oh well, you know, Boots has always sorta been my baby,

but you know what, now he wants to come and see you.

Betty, that was... that was epic.

Yeah, not too bad for an old gal, huh?

Betty that was really something.

Well Luke, Boots has had a pretty big day.

- You wanna help us untack him?
- Sure.

- Okay.
- I bet he could use a drink.

Ty: Good idea.

I've always admired the work you do with horses, Amy.

I'm glad that I finally got to meet you.

Well, feel free to stop by anytime.

Wyatt told me that you are focusing on show jumping.

I hope you don't forget about trick riding.

It would be a shame, because you're a natural.

Well, that's high praise coming from you.

I won't, I promise.

I want to know why.

Look, I, I owe you an apology, I'm sorry.

I was... really rude to you.

But you did this for me anyway, why?

We have a lot more in common than just trick riding.

I read about what happened to your husband.

I know what it's like.

I lost both my parents in a car crash when I was a baby,

And I was lucky enough to end up here, but...

you lost Boots, too.

Forced to let him go, and I...

I can't imagine that happening to Phoenix.

So I just...

I wanted to give you some time with him today,

even if it was only for a few hours.

Thank you.

- WYATT: Okay, you ready?
- Yeah.

I can't thank the two of you enough for this day.

Yeah, it was our pleasure, so...


- Watch your feet, though.
- Mhmm.

Yeah, I gotta say, we still do make a pretty good team.

- Yep, yeah, we do.
- Yeah, a little bit.

Come on, let's get this Mustang on the road!

- Okay.






Hey, Luke.

- Where's Boots?
- I let him go.

- What?! Why would you do that?
- What were you thinking, Luke?

Okay, come on, Georgie. Let's go find him.



So don't worry, uh, this is the last of it.

I'll be out of your hair in no time.

So where you staying?

Stumpy said I could stay on a piece of his land,

past Mclean Creek.

- It's a nice spot.
- Yeah.

- What's this?
- That is uh...

not the same vintage, but...

it came highly recommended.

I dropped a pretty penny on it.


Okay, well...

see 'ya.



Luke? Hey.

I just don't get why everyone's so freaked out.

Well, you're gonna have to help me understand

- why you let Boots go?
- I was trying to help him.


Well, you've gotta know that Boots has had someone

looking after him his whole life.

And I know you were trying to help him,

but setting him free actually puts him in danger.

He needs people to look after him.

Just like you.

I think Betty and Boots should be together.


I know what you mean.

But it's not always possible.

But why does he have to go to a bad home?

Who said anything about a bad home?

Because Betty can't take care of him.


Are you talking about Betty, or...

someone else?

Maybe your mom?

No way! My mom's amazing.

It's just, she works a lot,

so I'm alone.

Well, we love having you here, Luke.

So anytime your mom's at work, you just give me a call.

I can come pick you up.


Let's head back.


I kinda get why Luke let him go.


Well, I don't want Boots to go back to that stable either!

Isn't there something we can do?

Hey, look!

There he is. (AMY SIGHS)




They found him!

Is he okay?

- He seems all right.
- Hey, Boots.

Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?


I have a crazy idea, that I wanna run by you.

You wanna buy Boots?

Yeah. (LAUGHS)

Are you sure?

He's an amazing horse, Ty, and he deserves better.

Plus him and Luke have really bonded,

so maybe it'll give Luke a reason to be around here more,

come out of his shell.

What do you think?

I think I'm one lucky man.




You can cluck.

- Keep him goin'.






Okay, turn away now.






Good job.

CLINT: Hey, thanks again for taking him this weekend.

It looks like you made some progress.



I'm thinking he's terrified

of being taken away from his mom.

What, did he come out and say that?

Well, not directly, but...

I know he's hiding something.

I just need a bit more time to get to the bottom of it.

Hey, Luke?

I got some news for you.

Amy's made a deal to buy Boots.

So, he's gonna live here at Heartland.

- For real?
- Yeah.

You can see him whenever you come and visit, okay?

That's awesome! So Betty can visit, too?

AMY: Absolutely.

Will you teach me how to ride?

I would love to.




- Hey.
- What's up?

Sorry I'm late, I had to help Jade with something.

Oh yeah, it's okay.

Um, your text was uh, kinda cryptic.

What's up?

Godzilla retrospective.

Yeah, I was...

thinking we could go together.

Yeah. Yeah, like the uh, friend date.


Or... maybe like a real date.

If you're up for it.

The thing is, after...

hanging out with you this weekend,

I've kind of realized how much I...

You missed me.


Yeah, you missed me, yes, you did!

Well, I missed you, too.



- Jade!
- I'm here.

TY: Oh, thanks for coming, Jade.

Yeah, you bet, what's going on?

Well, first of all, I have to be honest with you,

and say that...

I wasn't so sure about you babysitting Lyndy.

- Yeah, that makes two of us.
- But I was wrong.

Amy and I have been talking, and we wanna offer you

a full-time baby-sitting gig with Lyndy.

Wow, I'm flattered.

And I love hanging out with Lyndy.

- But I'm gonna have to pass.
- Hmm? Why?

Well, I just had a great appointment with my doctor.

And I'm not a % yet but I am improving,

So I called Tim, and I told him that I wanted to help out

mentoring students at the rodeo school.

That's great, you know, I'm-I'm really happy

to hear you're getting back in the scene.

Yeah, I... I hope you do well.

Good for you, I mean, all the best.



I pee.

I only did about % of the stuff in this book,

but it seems to be working.

Look at you, you cute little doodle!

How was that? Good for you!

- Did she just...
- Huh.

♪ Maybe we were wasting time ♪

♪ Somewhere on our way to love ♪

♪ When you can't see where the road will end ♪

- Nice setup you got here.
- Yeah, I'm happy with it.

Coffee and biscuits.

Made 'em this afternoon, new recipe.

Oh, look at you, opening yourself up to new things.

Wonders never cease.

And they're pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.

What're you doing here, Jack?

I wanted to check out your place.


You worried about me?


You missed me, right? Is that it?

Don't make me regret coming here.

Oh, come on, don't deny it.

Will you let it go?


Sure, yeah, I can let it go, 'cause...

I know it's the truth.

You miss me.


♪ We made it home ♪

♪ We made it home ♪

♪ We made it home ♪

♪ We made it home ♪

♪ Made it home ♪
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