18x12 - No Surrender

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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18x12 - No Surrender

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

This is honor.

This is service.

This is courage.

This is Captain Beth Williams.

This is the United States Army... [g*nsh*t] 2.0.

What do you think, Captain?

I'm honored and humbled, sir.

Be humble on your own time.

You're one of the best soldiers we have.

Silver Star, first female Ranger, three confirmed kills.

We didn't just pull your name out of a hat.

Now it's time for the country to hear your story.

Once you're off leave, I will escort you on a three-month media tour throughout this great nation of ours.

Lots of bright lights, lots of cameras.

This is your new mission.

[indistinct chatter]




Hey. Thank you so much for coming.

Hey, babe.


So, uh, have you two love birds set a date yet or what?

Next year, May 20th. Right, baby?


Speech, speech, speech, speech...

[everyone chanting] - No, no, no.

Hey! [laughter, cheers]

People are always asking what drives me.

When thing's get tough, and I have to dig deep, where do I find my strength?

It's here... my home, my family, my friends.

You're my strength.

Thank you for always believing in me.

So here's champagne for our real friends, and real pain for our sham friends.


Let's drink!


Hear! Hear!




[tense music]

♪ ♪


Oh, my God.

Are you okay?

I'm good.

Don't move, you're hurt. Let me help you.


Yes, uh, I need an ambulance.

Fin, what do we got?

The vic's name is Beth Williams. That jogger found her.

She's in bad shape. She can barely talk.

You said she was sexually assaulted?

It looked that way. Her skirt was torn, her underwear was pulled down.

She had blunt force trauma to the back of the head.

And what else do we know about her?

UNI found her military ID.

She's a captain in the United States Army.

You're kidding me.

I looked her up.

She's a Ranger... best of the best.

That's why I called you, Liv.

I thought you'd wanna be early on this.

"Captain Beth Williams, 26.

"Born and raised in Queens.

"First woman to graduate Ranger school.

Three tours in Iraq. Earned a Silver Star."

So a local girl makes good, and this is her "welcome home" present.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

So there's our blunt force object.

CSU's running it, seeing if we can get any prints.

Hey, CSU found Beth's backpack under a bush.

Look it what was inside. 50 C-notes.

Hey, Fin, when you were a Ranger, you ever walk around with 5 grand?

More like $5.

So what? The perp just leaves that behind?

Maybe that's not what he was after.

Question is why is she walking around with 5 Gs cash?

Yeah, could be any number of reasons, but this neighborhood kinda narrows it down.

Let's not jump to any conclusions.

Fin, why don't you coordinate with the Army CID, and see if they know anything that might be helpful.

Carisi, get with Rollins at the hospital.

I'll meet you there.

And let's find out what Captain Williams was doing up here last night.

Rollins, how's Beth doing?

She just got out of Neuro-ICU.

Uh, and they sutured up her head wound.

Sounds like she's doing okay.

But they are gonna keep her here under observation, until they can rule out complications.

Okay, can we talk to her?


The doctor said yes, as long as we keep it short.

I'm glad she's all right.

Sounds like he got pretty brutal.

Yeah, but she put up a hell of a fight herself.

She had several offensive wounds... lots of cuts and scratches on her knuckles.

Makes sense. A woman like her is not gonna go down without a fight.

And there's some blood on her legs.

Some of it could've come from the perp.

Yeah, the guy gets cut during the tussle.

Okay, so let's run it. Maybe we'll get lucky.

Yeah, and, uh, family's been contacted.

The mom and the fiancé are in the waiting room.

All right, so you two talk to the family.

I'll talk to Beth.

Did you see Beth last night?

Well, we had, uh, a little party over at Mickey and George's to celebrate her graduation from Ranger school.

I left early, and... and Beth said she'd be home later.

When she didn't show up, I just... you know, I just figured she... she spent the night with Mickey.

Sylvia, um... we found a lot of cash in Beth's backpack.

It's $5,000.

Do you know of any reason why she'd be walking around with that kinda money?

No. [sobs]


Yes, ma'am?

I'm Lieutenant Benson from the Special Victims Unit.

Are you feeling well enough to talk?

It's gonna be okay.

I promise.

Thank you. I...

[sobs] I appreciate that.

I know that this is tough, but I'd like to ask you a few questions about the as*ault, if that's okay.


Do you know who did this to you?

I can't believe this really happened.

The timing is...

This is the last thing I need right now.

What do you mean?

I'm starting a press tour... next week for the Army.

The goal is to project strength, courage, power.

I can't be in here talking about getting r*ped, for God's sake.

First of all, Beth, nothing has changed.

You're the same person that you were before this... the same strong person.

Do you think you can tell me what happened?

Do you know who did this to you?

I wanna talk to Major Dantley.

He's my superior officer.

Okay, I understand that.

But the more you can tell me, the more helpful I can be.

[door opens]

Excuse me, Lieutenant, we need to take Ms. Williams upstairs for more tests.

If you could just give me two more minutes.

We need to do this quick.

I've already discussed all this with the other detective.

I'm okay. I can walk.

You got any news on Beth?

Yeah, she's stable.

They're still running tests, but the doctors are hopeful.

She called me when she got here... told me to come.

She said she can't remember anything?

With her type of injury, that... that's common.

You just gotta give this time, Mickey, okay?

Listen, I'm gonna have to ask you guys some questions now, okay?

All right, so this... this party... what time did Beth leave?

Around 11:00. You know, I asked her to stay, but she wanted to be with her mom.

And you didn't offer to walk her home?

She didn't want me leaving the party on her account.

Beth's pretty independent.

Does Beth usually carry lots of cash?

Cash? No, I... she's in the Army.

Well, we found $5,000 in her backpack.

Any idea where that came from?

No clue.

What did you two guys do after the party?

Well, we stayed up playing Xbox.

I asked Beth to stay... you know, hang out.

We shouldn't have let her leave alone.

Listen, uh, George, why don't you give me and Mickey a few minutes.

All right? Thanks.

Hey, listen, Mickey, I'm gonna have to talk to you about some pretty personal stuff now.

It's standard procedure. Yeah, sure, no problem.

Did you and Beth have sex in the past 48 hours?

Um, yeah.

I mean, we haven't seen each other in five months, so...

Okay, did you use a condom?

No, um... Beth's on the pill, so...

Okay, I'm gonna... I'm gonna have to swab you now.

Um, yeah.

They're calling her the face of Army 2.0, Captain Beth Williams, the first woman to graduate from the rigorous Ranger training program is set to embark on a publicity tour showcasing the Army's new and more progressive attitude.

The hope is that the Captain Williams marketing campaign will help with the current recruiting efforts.

Now, Captain Williams was kept to the same standards as the men, that's thanks to the Army's new gender-integrated assessment program which guarantees parity, regardless of gender.

She's as strong as any of the male Rangers.


Everybody's not impressed.

Found this hater online.

He's one of those Men's Rights Movement guys.

Check out those posts. "Captain Beth Williams might as well be Captain Crunch. Army ain't what it used to be. Hoo-ah."

"I think I saw Captain Hot Pants waiting for the N train today. Next time, I'll do a service for the country, and push her onto the tracks." Yeah.

The N train sounds local.

Calls himself "Superman78."

Okay, so some loser who lives in his parents' basement hates women. Okay, but he made a threat.

So this is the closest thing we have to a lead, so let's track down Superman for real, and find out where he was last night.

I'll call Barba... see if I can get a warrant for the RedChanlt server... see if we can get this guy's real name.


Who's that guy?

That's Major Robert Dantley.

Captain Williams has been serving under him for the past two years he'll be traveling around the country with her on her press tour.

Detective Tutuola got in touch with me about Captain Williams.



Anything you need, please know you have our full support.

Oh, thank you, Major. I appreciate that.

As I'm sure you can understand, it's in everyone's best interest if this tragic event remains confidential.

Last thing we want... last thing Captain Williams wants... is for this unfortunate event to be played out in the press.

Well, I think we can both agree that our primary concern is what's best for Captain Williams.

Terrific. So she'll be a Jane Doe?

Well, if that's what she wants.

Ultimately it's her decision.

You know, some survivors prefer to go public.

It encourages other women to come forward.

Of course.

So, Major, um, do you have any idea what Captain Williams was doing at 207th street at 4:00 in the morning?

No, ma'am.

Were you aware of any issues, or any problems?

No, ma'am. [knocking on door]

Excuse me, Lieutenant, a word?

Excuse me, Major.

r*pe kit came back.

The semen DNA's a match for Mickey Reid, her fiancé, as to be expected.

So the perp wore a condom?


We didn't find any traces of lubricant.

I'm guessing the guy didn't finish.

The good news is that the lab did find somebody else's blood on Beth's skin.

He in the system?

Ah, he's all over it.

Jose Marquez, 35.

He's got a rap sheet from here to Yonkers, including felony as*ault.

Excuse me, guys, looking for Jose Marquez. Heh?

You guys, Jose Marquez?

That's me.

Do me a favor... move the Bobcat, all right?

Yeah, we got a few questions about where you were last night.

I'm a little busy right now. Can this wait?

No, it can't.

Why don't you start with what happened to your eye.

I got in a fight.

With Beth Williams?

Yeah, you could say that.

Why are you asking? Well, she was assaulted.

Yeah, and your blood was found on her legs, Jose.

Yeah, well, that makes sense.

How's that?

Check this video out.


[indistinct cheers and applause]

Is that what I think it is?


It's a fight club, man.


[all chanting] Beth! Beth! Beth! Beth!

Beth! Beth! Beth! Beth! Beth! Beth! Beth!

I already told you, people. I didn't r*pe Beth Williams.

Hell, I couldn't even get a jab in there.

I was just trying to get my...

You know what, hold up, where was this fight?


It's always at the warehouse on 203rd street.

That's four blocks from where Beth was assaulted, Jose.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means you might have a fragile ego.

You don't like getting your ass kicked by a woman.

Oh, come on, man.

Home girl kicked my ass fair and square.

I got nothing but mad respect for her.

Listen, does anybody ever bet on these fights?

Yeah, everyone.

What about the fighters?

There's a purse... $5,000.

Winner take all... all cash.

And when did you leave?

Right after the fight.

It was 3:30 in the morning.

My wife took me to see the doctor, so I could get these.

I'm not your guy. I'd like to believe everything you said, but I don't.


Look, I'm no angel, but this particular thing... I'm clean.

She gave me a beat down, and that's the last time I saw her.


Doctor says you're feeling better.

I am. Thank you.


So Beth...

I prefer Captain Williams, ma'am.

Oh, okay.

Okay. Captain Williams.

Whatever you prefer.

So, Captain Williams... were you able to remember any of the details, or...


I tried, but it's still a bit foggy.

That's all right.

So how 'bout we start at the beginning, and we'll just take it from there.

You were at the party earlier that evening at your fiancé's apartment.


Okay, and where'd you go after that?

Do you remember being at the fight club?

It's okay, Captain. I am not here to judge you.

I promise you that.

I appreciate that, ma'am.

And you are correct.

I participated in a mixed martial arts event that evening.

I needed to make some quick money.

My mom has early Parkinson's, and there's an experimental drug she needs that isn't covered by insurance.

All right, so did... did any of the men come onto you?

Were they disrespectful?

No one came onto me.

Okay. So, um, how did you find out about the fight club?

My old martial arts coach runs it.

Uhhuh. And what time did you leave?

4:26. I checked my watch.

Were you with anyone?

No, I was alone.

Did you see anyone following you?

No, I obviously let my guard down.

No, you didn't do anything wrong.

This... this isn't on you.

I respectfully disagree, ma'am.

As a Ranger, I'm taught to stay mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight.

Under no circumstances, will I ever embarrass my country.

A predator r*ped and assaulted you.

Embarrassment doesn't even enter the conversation.

I suppose we see things differently.


Thank you.

You know, I know that this is, uh, difficult, Captain.

And I just want to assure you that I will do everything in my power to find the person who's responsible for this.

And what do I do, Lieutenant?

What's my mission?

To heal.

Jose Marquez's alibi checks out.

He was at a 24-hour walk-in clinic called CityMed.

He has a fractured rib too.

Huh, she really did a number on that dude.

And then a couple hours later, she gets beat down.

How does that happen? Here's what we do know.

Captain Williams was assaulted four blocks from where she fought Jose.

So we think that somebody followed her from the fight club? Well, it was a room full of drunk, amped-up men, so, I mean, it's certainly possible.

I think that we should talk to her martial arts coach.

He's the one who organizes these things.

And get the name of every person who was in that room.
I still can't believe what happened.

Beth's a fierce warrior.

You two are close?

I've been training Beth since she was in the eighth grade.

Did any man pay special attention to her the night of the fight? Well, to be honest, having Beth on our card was a huge draw, but it's not sexual in any way.

People came to see two skilled fighters face off.

We take it seriously. I'm sure you do.

What time did you leave?

I didn't.

I have a loft in the same building where I hold the fights. Slept there.

My girlfriend was with me all night.

Okay, we're gonna need to talk to her too.

We also need the names of everybody who was there.

Is that really necessary? I mean, I...

I don't wanna betray anyone's privacy.

This is a r*pe investigation, Randy.

We're beyond privacy.

And suspect number 20 bites the dust.

Tom Metz let the club at 2:00 a.m.

He got an E-ZPass hit half an hour later on his way home to Stamford.

Well, it's hard to as*ault somebody in New York when you're in Connecticut.

[chuckles] Yeah.

So that leaves what? 27 more angry idiots, who like to bet on inter-gender fist fighting at 4:00 in the morning? Okay, our friends at RedChanlt finally got back to us.

We got a real name for this online troll...

"Superman78." His name is Gary Cook.

Gary Cook. Gary Cook.

He's on our list. Yeah, got him right here.

He's an Army vet... dishonorably discharged.

He has three drug convictions, and in his spare time, he works as a freelance I.T. guy.

Yeah, when he's not trolling Beth online.

Check out what he posted today.

"I saw our Rangerette give quite a show the other night.

I wonder if she screws as good as she fights."

Bring him in. "Superman78"... let's see how tough our Man of Steel really is.

How's it going?

Gary Cook?

NYPD... Detective Rollins... talk to you for a sec.

About what?

Captain Beth Williams.



Stay down!

Get away from me, bitch!

Hands behind your back!

Stop resisting!

Stop resisting!

[grunts] [groaning]



Where's the fire, Gary? Huh?


No fire. Just a parole violation.

When's the last time you saw Captain Williams?

After the fight, I was having a smoke... saw her leaving.

Did you follow her?

For a little.

Okay, so now we're getting somewhere.

I mean, this is confusing, right?

She's hot, but she's full of herself.

She's strong, she's tough, so you gotta show her what a real man can do, right?

Did you hit her, Gary? With a rock maybe?

I hit her with a firm and respectful handshake.

A handshake? This is the woman you called... and I... I quote... "an Army publicity stunt with a nice rack."

What pill do you take? The bright blue, politically correct pill, like the rest of the sheep?

Or are you red pill thinkers?

Well, what's in the red pill?


And the truth is I cherish women.

The entire manosphere does so.


If you would chew on this red pill for a moment, perhaps its not a great idea for a woman to be boxing a man at 4:00 in the morning in a warehouse.

Maybe God put women here for nobler purposes.

Right, nobler purposes, like making babies?

Cooking? Cleaning?

Worked for the last thousand years.

What happened after this wonderful handshake, Gary?

I said, "Good fight."

She walked away, then I hopped into a cab to go see my grandma.

Grandma? Is this guy real?

Look, he's not helping himself, but there's no DNA match. There's no witnesses.

How's Captain Williams doing?

Well, she's coming around, but this is really tough for her.

I mean, we don't see a lot of victims that are decorated w*r heroes.

Yeah, she's used to being the aggressor.

That's part of our creed. Rangers lead the way.

That's why she's really struggling.

Think she can ID this guy?

She says that her memory's still foggy, but maybe if we show her a picture of this Renaissance man, that'll clarify things.

Captain Williams... Hi, wasn't expecting you.

Uh, where are you going?

To my mom's house.

Did your doctor release you?

[chuckles] Following my own orders.

Captain, uh, it's just been 24 hours.

Your... your body needs time to recover.

They... they still have to do tests on your head.

Thank you, ma'am, but I'm quite in tune with my body.

Okay, uh, we... we'd like to talk to you in private for a moment... if that's okay. I have a-a photo that I'd like to show you.


You sure?

He definitely looks familiar.

I remember that he was smoking a cigarette outside the fight.

And I've seen him creeping around my gym a few times.

Okay, so what about the actual as*ault?

You remember seeing this man's face?


Okay. So Captain, can you... can you walk us through all of this?

Right? The fight ends, and then you saw this man smoking a cigarette.

Yeah, he followed me down the block, then I finally turned around and confronted him.

Then I... I shoved him, and told him to back off.

Did he?

I thought he did.

He walked away.

So I kept walking towards the subway.

Then I heard footsteps.

I turned...

It was him.

You're sure?

Yes, ma'am.


We'll bring him in.

Captain Williams.

I know how tough you are. I was a Ranger also.

Sua sponte.

Back at you.

But like we both know, every soldier needs a little R&R.

Why don't you stay another day?

Read a book, watch TV. It can't hurt.

Thank you, but my mom needs me.

And with all due respect, hanging out in a hospital isn't my idea of R&R.

She's hardcore.

Yeah, agreed.

You don't think it's odd that she didn't ask us more about Cook? She didn't even ask us his name.

She didn't even ask if we were going to arrest him.

Well, see, if she asks about her assailant, she's admitting she let it happen.

So Captain Williams ID'd Gary Cook.

Let's charge him.

Loved to, trust me, but we got a problem.

Two problems actually. Both are big.

Awesome. Who wants to go first?

Well, turns out that Gary Cook's grandma lives at the St. James Assisted Living Facility.

And I... I talked to two witnesses that put him there.

They have a sign-in sheet. His grandma? You're kidding.

No. And look at the sign-in time.

4:50 a.m. So where is this?

It's in Yonkers. It's at the... the corner of Ashburton Avenue and North Broadway.

So Captain Williams was assaulted between 4:30 and 5:00.

At 207th Street.

It takes 20 minutes to get to that part of Yonkers in a car or train.

What's the other problem?


This is surveillance footage from an auto glass shop on 203rd Street the night of the as*ault.

Now there's Beth... all right.

She's walking out of the fight club warehouse.

Right, and there's Gary Cook coming in.

Right, right, right, and he starts to follow her.

Right, which syncs up with Captain Williams' story.

Okay, she's about to shove him, right?

No. Not exactly.

He shakes her hand. He walks the other way, just like he said.

Cook's telling the truth.

Which means that Captain Williams isn't.


Excuse me. Captain Williams. Hey.

We're late getting in the hospital for my mom's treatment.

I'm so sorry. It's... it's important.

What do you need?

It's about Gary Cook, uh, the man that you identified.

Look, I... I know that this is very difficult, and... and I just wanna help.

You understand that, right? Of course.

Okay, so I just wanted to... to make sure that you were clear about... about what you saw, about what you remember.

So if you could just quickly think back to that night.

Are you sure that Gary Cook is the man that att*cked you?


So here's where we're having the problem.

Two of my detectives found ironclad witnesses, who put Gary Cook 50 blocks from where you were that night.

So you understand what I'm saying.

He... he can't be the guy.

I must've made a mistake.

Okay, please... wait... Captain Williams, look, I'm just trying to figure this out with you, okay?

I've been called back to base.

I fly out tonight with Major Dantley.


I thought you were staying two weeks for your mother?

Duty calls.

How 'bout you stay a few days?

Give yourself a chance to heal.

Give us a chance to find your assailant and put him behind bars.

And... and in my experience, that will help you find closure.

Soldiers don't need closure, Lieutenant.

Soldiers need a mission.

[engine turns over, car starts]

We're in the middle of an active investigation, Captain Williams was brutally assaulted three days ago.

And we need her help.

You can't just keep her here a few more days?

I got a chain in command, just like you.

Army feels it's best for her to get back with us.

I get that, sir, but he has an important mission here... helping us find the punk that hurt her.

I'm just as worried about Captain Williams as you are.

Hell, I'm a lot more worried.

We've known each other for five years.

She's one of my soldiers... a fellow Ranger.

But she needs to get back to base.

With all due respect, this isn't just about her.

It's about other potential victims.

While this guy is free, he is a threat to other women.

I appreciate that, Lieutenant, but I need soldiers who are engaged in the present, and the longer Captain Williams stays here, stuck in the mire of this unresolved tragedy, the worse it is for all of us.

And the more likely it is the press gets wind of what happened.

Is that it?

No, that's not it.

I've known Beth since she was in her slick sleeves... watched her evolve as a person, and as a soldier.

And I'm getting her back to where the hell she belongs, but make no mistake, I'm on her side.

Trust me on that.

I do.

I just hope your approach works.

Okay, so the subway stop Beth was headed to is right down there.

Closest bar... right near the park.

Only place around here opened late night too.

After you.


There you go.

All the receipts from the night of January 8th.

Your people already went through 'em.

Yeah, well, we're gonna check their homework.

That's a lot of receipts for one night.

Big business, huh?

Karaoke night.


Did you happen to see this girl walking by that night?

Maybe somebody following her?

That'd be a no, and another no.

Okay, so these are all the people who were here closing. I say we divide and conquer.

Or we talk to this guy.

Michael Reid...

Is this Mickey?


It's the fiancé, and check out the time.

4:25 a.m. That's right around the time Beth was assaulted a block from here.

Son of a bitch lied to us.

Mickey Reid! NYPD!

Hey, what's going on?

Where's Mickey?

Uh, I don't know.

You don't know?

Or is that what Mickey told you to say?

Step aside.

He's not here... I swear.

Oh, you swear, huh? Just like you swear you were playing video games with Mickey the night Beth was r*ped?

I was!

You ever heard of obstruction of justice?

All right, we're clear. You know, we know that Mickey was not here with you that night.

We know that.

George... you were just looking out for your friend, and I get that, but now it's time for you to look out for yourself.


The morning after it happened, Mickey called... asked me to cover for him.

He said he was out drinking alone all night, and it might look bad. Why would it look bad?

They're happily engaged.

Actually, Beth broke it off after the party.

That's why she walked home alone.

Mickey was crushed.

Told her to get out.


They looked pretty cozy at the hospital.

After everything that happened, I guess Beth changed her mind.

Did Mickey know about the fight club?

Yeah. He didn't want her to do it.


What time did Mickey really leave the party?

Uhuh, 20 minutes after Beth?

[phone buzzes]

There's no way he could've done this.

Mickey's been in love with Beth since the fifth grade.

Okay, so TARU's up on Mickey's phone.

They've got an address. Benson and Fin are on their way there now.

Where is he?

850 Como Ave. That's Beth's mom's house.

There's Mickey's car.

Yeah, Mrs. Williams is at the hospital all night.

What's he doing here?

Nothing good.

Lights are out inside. I don't like this.

NYPD! Open up!


What the hell was that?

I don't know.


Hello? Anybody home?



Mickey Reid?

NYPD! Are you in here?


Down here, Lieutenant!

Captain Williams?

[grunts, pants]

Captain Williams?

It's okay! I'm fine.

[grunting, panting]

Do you have a w*apon?

I have all I need. [grunts]

Captain Williams! Step away!

Step away from him right now! Finn, call a bus.

Hey, Captain Williams, step away.

Hey! Listen to me.

[screaming] No! No! No!

Step away!


It's okay.

[sobbing] I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I'm sorry.

It's over.


It's over now.

It's over.

I gotta tell ya, Captain, I am at a loss for words.

How did we get here?

When I figured out it was him, I had to handle Mickey my way... make him look me in the eye, make him suffer.

But it's over. I'm good now. Well, I'm not.

It's not your decision whether or not we prosecute.

So you wanna tell me what really happened?

He was so drunk... angry.

I tried to calm him down.

He started getting physical, and I turned to walk away.

And he hit you?


Mickey and I...

We've been going in different directions for years.

His world kept getting smaller, and my world kept getting bigger.

He obviously has a lot of pent-up anger.

Look, I gotta tell ya.

You've put me in a very difficult position.

You've lost all credibility as a witness, and not to mention what you just did in there is a crime.

He deserved it.

I understand that.

But the DA's office... not a big fan of vigilante justice.

Are you gonna charge me with a crime?

I don't know.

If you start to cooperate, and help us convict Mickey, I will talk to the DA, and see if we can help you out.

We're arraigning Mickey tomorrow morning.

I would like you to be there.

[siren wails]

People versus Michael Reid.

Are you Michael Anthony Reid?

Is that your true and correct name?

Yes, Your Honor.

On the charge of r*pe in the first degree, how do you plead?

Not guilty.

And we request RoR.

Mr. Reid is gainfully employed, has no priors, and has numerous ties to the community.

He is not a flight risk.

[sighs] I cannot believe she's not here.

Given the defendant's record and ties to the community, I'm denying People's request for remand.

Yes, this is Lieutenant Benson calling from the NYPD.

I'm trying to locate Captain Beth Williams.

Yes, thank you very much.

I know that you feel like you've made your peace with this, but I like I said, you need to tell a jury what Mickey did to you.

What I let him do to me.

None of this is on you... none of it.

I was supposed to be a courageous leader, a role model for all the little girls out there.

I feel like a fraud.

Look, something like this changes you.

But it doesn't reduce you.

You can still be that role model.

You are courageous.

And if you testify, I am confident that we can put Mickey behind bars for a very long time.

If I testify... will my name get out there? Yes, it's possible.

But in my work over the years with survivors, there is this amazing power... this freedom... in coming forward.

It's different.

I'm a soldier.

No, it isn't.

Rangers lead the way... remember?

Are you sure?

Yes, positive.

I'm proud of you, Captain.


Good afternoon.

As you know, Michael Reid was just indicted for r*pe.

I instructed the court to not refer to the victim as Jane Doe.

I feel it is my duty to step forward... to tell the world the truth.

My name is Captain Beth Williams.

On January 8th, I was r*ped.

This does not lessen my ability or worth as a soldier.

It will not define me.

It will not break me.

I'm not ashamed of what happened.

I stand here with one mission only... to encourage other survivors of sexual as*ault to do the same.

There is only honor in being a survivor.
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