02x11 - The Martian Chronicles

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Supergirl". Aired: October 2015 to present.*
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"Supergirl" is Kara Zor-El, cousin to "Superman", who ended up being taken in by the Danvers family after being sent away from Krypton at age 12. Until the age of 24, she learned to keep her superpowers hidden but as a result of a disaster, she chose to reveal them, setting the trend for the show.
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02x11 - The Martian Chronicles

Post by bunniefuu »

Kara: When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off-course and by the time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. I hid who I really was until one day, when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world. To most people, I'm a reporter at CatCo Worldwide Media. But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister for the DEO to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm. I am Supergirl.

Previously on Supergirl...

I care about you.


I get that you don't care about me.

I do care about you.

But not in the same way.

That's fine. That's... It's okay.

My people, they know where I am.

They're coming.



Club soda on the rocks.

Thank you.

Uh, hey, Mon-El?


So, I know things have been a little weird since that conversation we had the other night.


You know, I've been talking to some of the regulars and apparently Earth males are only supposed to express their feelings about sports and, occasionally, monster trucks. So...

No, it was great that you were honest.

That's actually a trait women like in men.

But here's the thing, um, you were right.

I'm not so sure we're a good match.

Yeah. Yeah, no. I'm just glad we're on the same page, you know.

I mean, I have my career in journalism that I just started out on.

In the meantime, when I'm not being Supergirl, I really need to focus on that.

And even if I did have time to date someone, I wouldn't date someone like...

Someone who... Who...

Who is...

An intergalactic bartender?



No. It's...

Because it's not your job.

It's... It's the way you are.

I'm going to go over there now.


Oh, that looked serious.

He told me he liked me the other day.

I'm so shocked.

Was it that obvious?


Well, I don't like him, and I had to tell him and I just shoved both feet into my mouth.

I'm sure it wasn't that bad.

It was, though. It really, really was.

(SIGHS) But on to more important things.

Earth birthday!


13 years since I crashed here on Earth.

So, I know we always just do cupcakes, but I was thinking we should go all out for lucky number 13.

I've always wanted to try country line dancing, so I made us this reservation at a club.

If we get there before 7:00, they teach us all these tutorials and the dances!

Oh, I should call them and make sure that we can rent cowboy boots.

Uh, well, about Earth birthday...

I know we celebrate every year, but the thing is, that, um, Maggie surprised me with concert tickets to the Barenaked Ladies tonight.


And, um, she knows that I've loved them since college.

It would be our first concert together and so, you know, I was... Maybe if there's...

Do you think we can celebrate another night?

Oh, my God! (GASPING)

You are not going to believe this.

One of the guys at my precinct is working security at the venue tonight and he was able to upgrade our tickets to VIP!


Oh, my God! That's amazing.

That's great.

That's great.

Is everything okay?

Sounds like you guys are gonna have a lot of fun tonight.

Are you sure?

Go! Go! Have fun.


Okay. Bye. Go.

Kara, you all right?

Can I get you anything to drink?

Just get me something strong.

Actually, you know what, I'll have what he's having.

Oh, he's been drinking exclusively club soda for the last week.



I'll just stick with my club soda then. Thank you.


I know you're there.

I saw you yesterday, too.

The old lady at the bus stop.

And you were that little boy in the park this morning.


Why are you following me?

Do you regret letting me out of that cell?

Of course not.

But you still don't trust me!

I do trust you.

It's just what you said, your people know where you are, the White Martians are coming.

As an agent of the DEO, I have a duty to protect this Earth.

If any of those monsters show up, I have to be ready.

Well, like I said, they're coming.

They're not here yet. So, you can stop...




Mind if I cut in?

I didn't know if we'd see you tonight.

Why wouldn't you be?

Thought you might be off Guardian-ing or whatever.

You understand I'm just worried about you.

You don't have to worry about me.

You got beaten up a few weeks ago. You could have been k*lled.

Hmm. Hmm.

I know James thinks he has a calling, but you have to see how crazy this is, right?

Have you ever thought that maybe I have a calling, too?

What have you found, Agent Schott?

(CLEARS THROAT) Nothing yet. This guy is hard to track.

But we're monitoring every probable target so when he does attack...( CLICKS TONGUE) we'll be ready.

In that case, I'll prep our strike teams.

J'onn, you should stay here at the DEO. For protection.

It's not here for J'onn.

It's here for me.

Hunting me.

The White Martians want me to pay for my w*r crimes.

They're telling me.


Then you have to remain here.

If you go outside, you're vulnerable.

I can't put you all in danger.

That's what we do.

We protect people.

I don't need protection.

M'gann. You're making a big mistake.

Risking yourself helps no one.

This is my fight, J'onn.

You're cut off after this one.



Don't call me that.

Would you prefer it in the human tongue, wife?

I am no longer bonded to you.

The nest has been cold these 300 years without you.

It was always cold.

You've been impersonating a Green.

How do you live with yourself?

I thought you were dead, and I suppose it gave me some comfort.

Your parting gift.

No, you didn't k*ll me, but you came closer than anyone ever will.

I've come to bring you back to Mars, k'onahr.

Your treachery is legend.

The Council wants to see you dead more than J'onn J'onzz.

And I will satisfy H'ronmeer, God of Death, by watering the desiccated plains of T'ozz with your blood.

I will never go back.

Oh, but you should see it.

With the eradication of the vermin, Mars is a paradise.

The way it was intended to be.

The Greens have been silenced.

The ones who thought they were better than us.

We are now one pure hive.

So, who are you going to k*ll next?

What other species deserves to be obliterated because you decide you're better than them?

Whichever one we choose.

I'm not afraid of you.

Maybe not.

But I don't need to bond with you to know that J'onn J'onzz and the Kryptonian are your friends.

(SIGHS) This has nothing to do with them.

If you ever cared for me, you'll leave them alone.

I'm going to make this very simple.

You have two hours to turn yourself over to me.

If you do, I may let them live.

If you don't...

Let's just say, I'm glad you made friends here on Earth, M'gann.

It will be such a pleasure to watch them burn.

Hank Henshaw: Where are you going?

I'm leaving.

They'll just find you again.

I've put you all in danger.

I need to get out of here. For everyone's sake.

M'gann, I spent many lifetimes running, convinced I was on this Earth alone, no one to call family, no one to call a friend.

I refused to open my eyes to what was right in front of me.

People who were willing to take a chance.

It's taken me hundreds of years to learn to trust again after...

After what my people did.

You are not your people.

Okay? You are kind and you are generous and willing to put yourself before others.

You are different. I know that now.

Then you know that I can't just stay here and let these monsters hurt you and your friends.

They're not just my friends, they're your friends, too.

And they want to protect you.

Please. Don't run away.

Trust us.


Man, the last time I saw them, I think I was in college.

What about you?


Oh, I don't remember.

You know, for a super-fan, you are not that excited.

No, I am. I promise.

Really? Because I've seen your face when you defeat a blood-thirsty alien.

I know what excited Alex Danvers looks like, and this isn't quite it.

No. This is... It's perfect, all of it.

I just... Kara...

(SIGHS) I think I hurt her feelings.

That's... So... I'm sorry.

I don't need you to be sorry, I just wanted you to have fun.

And right now, something's eating at you.

No. No.

I'm just distracted. So, now...

I'll forget about it for the rest of the evening. I promise.

You know, the days of you pushing down your feelings are officially over.

So go. Go talk to your sister.


Yeah. I'll meet you there.


You're the best.


Shouldn't you be at your concert?

Ah, well, I wanted to check in.

I was just going to get an update, but I don't think we've found anything yet.

No. I mean I wanted to check in about us.

I'm... I'm sorry I bailed on your Earth birthday.

You made all those plans.

I made them this morning, it's not a big deal.

This morning?

So last-minute of you.

I know.

I know I got a little over-excited.

But it... It's okay.

We can celebrate another night.

So, you're not mad at me?

(GIGGLES) No, no, no, I am not mad.

Because it really felt like you were mad at me.

And then I felt guilty for trying to have fun.

Alex, I was being immature.

I want you to have fun with your girlfriend, it's...

It's not a big deal, it's fine.

You promise?


You find out anything else?

All is clear on the Martian front.

We were about to game plan some new tracking techniques.

M'gann. You're here.

I want to help in any way that I can.

I hate them even more than you do.

It's very brave of you to come.

We'll do everything we can to keep you safe.

Agent Schott, let's brief M'gann on what we know so far.

Yep, come on.

Come on.


J'onn, I thought about what you said...

Oh, my God.

Wait. If she's here and she...

Oh, no.

No. No.

You Greens never learn, do you?


Computer: Auxiliary power activated.

He's gone!

Computer: Lock-down mode initiated.

Why are you putting us in lock-down?

The only way to catch that thing is to trap it in here.

With us?

We don't even know where it went.

Or where it didn't go. It could still be here.

It could be any of us.

This is everyone who was inside when the doors shut.

If one of us is a White Martian, how do we tell who's really themselves?

Oh, that's easy, we just have to ask personal questions.

Right, like, things we only would know the answer to.

Like what's the scented candle that I hate?

Teak wood and tobacco.

No. They can read minds, too.

They know all your preferences, everything that makes you who you are.

What are you looking at?


All right. Hey!

Whoa, whoa!

Holster your sidearms!

Yes, do that, please.

I wasn't looking at you.

Yes, she was.

She's the White Martian.

Now you really better put that away.

But it could be her. It could be any of you.

Stop pointing your w*apon.

Then back off!

Come on!

We're not going to lose it here.

J'onn, you can read minds.

Can you scan us to see who's who?

No, I can't.

There's some kind of psychic interference.

Well, that's convenient.

He's after me. I should turn myself over. Maybe he'll let you go.

Great idea. Mission accomplished.

Absolutely not.

That is not how we do things.

It's all my fault.

I'm the one who sealed us in here.

No, you don't understand.

This isn't just any White Martian.

Armek was my mate.

Mate, like your husband?

It's not the same for White Martians.

It was an arrangement, not a choice, but yes.

We were bonded.

And you all have a right to know that he is the worst of my kind.

Oh, well, that makes me feel so much better.

It doesn't matter who he is.

J'onn's right.

We're going to find him and we're going to beat him.

First things first. I'm going to collect everybody's sidearms.

Are you crazy?

Will somebody take his g*n?


All right! That's enough!

There is one way to determine who is the White Martian and who isn't.


There was a time when we were in hiding on Mars.

Trying to build a resistance to the White Martians.

We worked out of a network of caves, but they would infiltrate us, send in spies to wreak havoc.

Anyone who came through the mouth of the cave had to put their hand to the fire.

What did the fire do?


Okay, that's not creepy at all.


Do Vasquez first.

She was so quick to deny that she's a Martian.

Because I'm not, you moron.

Now him.

Megan: J'onn...

You okay?


He's not doing it.



You're up.

Oh, wait, seriously? It's me.

Everyone has to do it.

Okay. Geez. (CHUCKLES)

You got me.




I'm so glad you didn't turn yourself in, my love.

I would have missed all the fun.




I can't believe it was Winn and I didn't know.

None of us knew.

No, thanks. I'm armed.

You okay?


The motion sensor is offline.

Thank God the containment cells are still locked.

As Winn, he had access to the whole system.


Now what?

It's the reactor.

What reactor?

The one that powers the building.

It's going into overload.

What does that mean?

It means he sabotaged it.

This whole building is going to explode.

And it's going to take ten city blocks with it.

Why would he wanna blow the building up?

He's inside, too, he'll die.

It doesn't matter to Armek.

He'd proudly give his life to complete his mission.

Can we shut it down manually?


The White Martian who took Winn's form also took his intelligence and re-encoded everything.

We're locked out of the entire system.

So, we need the real Winn to unlock it.

How do we know that Winn's even in the building?

In order for Armek to shape-shift into Winn so exactly, he'd have to be close by, to keep the telepathic link.

He's in the DEO.

Can't Supergirl X-ray vision the building to find him?

No. Someone lined the walls of the building with lead.

We need to search the building.

How long until the reactor explodes?

According to our calculations, about 15 minutes.

Vasquez, Demos, you take two teams up through the north wing.

Supergirl, Alex, you hit the basement.

Let's go.




(WHISPERING) Look around the corner.

Oh. Oh.

All clear.

We're not so good at communicating these days, are we?

I was mad before.

About Earth birthday.

I knew it.

I owe you an apology.

I shouldn't have bailed on you.

It hurt my feelings.

(SIGHS) I know.

It wasn't fair.

Look, I don't want to feel bad for wanting to spend time with Maggie.

You shouldn't. It's a good thing.

(SIGHS) It's just...

Ever since I've been on Earth, I don't know what life is like, without you there all the time.

And I felt that changing and it's just...


When my parents put me on that pod in Krypton, I...

I don't think I realized what was actually happening.

I didn't know that I was saying goodbye to them forever.

I've been abandoned before, and I didn't wanna be abandoned again.

I will never abandon you.


What was that?

Let's find out.

We're not going to be able to find him in time.

I should have handled this on my own.

I'd never let you do that.

I know you think it's your duty, but...

It's not just my duty, M'gann.

It's more than that.

You've become dear to me in a way no one has been since...

I just had this huge hole in my heart for so long now.I never thought...

Dreamed that anybody would be able to fill it.

When I realized you were a White Martian, I never thought that that person would be...


But I was wrong.

Your spirit is so beautiful and brave.

Now that I'm able to see that, I can't imagine my life without you.

I'm brave because you showed me how to be.

I'll protect you, M'gann.




Be careful.

Hank Henshaw: Winn!

What's that?

Oh, my God.

(ON COMM) Supergirl!

What's up, J'onn?

We were wrong! There are two White Martians in the building.


It's Alex!

The other White Martian has shape-shifted into Alex!


You guys are so dumb...



What's wrong, Supergirl? Too afraid to put up a fight?



Computer: Core breach in five minutes.

Nice shot, sis.

You're not my sister.

Maybe heat vision isn't a good idea in a room with an unstable nuclear reactor.

Then I guess we're gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way.


Ow! Why?

Was I... Was I on the ceiling?

Martian. White Martians are here!

Yes. Yes, and the building is going to explode.

We've got to get out of here!

No. No. No.

No? Why no?

The White Martians infiltrated the reactor in the basement.

And I need you to shut it down before the whole thing overloads.

No. Damn it.

No. I can't shut it down remotely.

I have to go to the reactor room.

Then let's get to the reactor room.

Hey, you two go. She's still a little out of it.

I'm gonna make sure she's okay.



It's okay, I can walk.

How are you doing?



To tell you the truth, I'm glad they found your sister.

It is so exhausting pretending to care about your silly little feelings.


If you hurt her...

You'll what?

Whine at me?


Almost there.

How long till you disable the reactor?

Computer: Core breach in four minutes.

About four minutes?

Good answer.

As long as I can focus, it should be easy.

Oh, God!

Monsters are real.

J'onn, J'onn!


Go, go!


I haven't k*lled a Green in centuries.


This is going to be a joy.

You never should have come here.



Okay. Okay, whoever encoded this was a genius.

Computer: Core breach in three minutes.

We have to re-route it.


This did not used to happen at CatCo.


This is for every Green you ever k*lled.

In that skin, you look like a monster.

We're the monsters, Armek. This skin is beautiful.

Computer: Core breach in two minutes.

Just don't look behind you.







That should do it.

Computer: Core stabilized.

Oh, that was a close one.



We had, like, you know, 12 seconds to spare.



You okay?


Yeah. Thank you.


Have I mentioned how much I love my new g*n?


Computer: Lock-down terminated.


I can't believe it's still nighttime.

Feels like it's been one week. (SCOFFS)

One Week. Barenaked Ladies.

(GASPS) I've got to call Maggie.

Hey, you did a great job with that decoding down there.

Well, thank you.

You did a great job with the de-Martianing.


Uh, I'm going to go see James.

See if he needs my help tonight.

Unless you object?

No. Just...

Be safe.


Thank you for saving me.

I should be thanking you.

I've been on my own for so long and...

Though I had a mother, she wasn't warm, that's not our way, but she cared for me.

I know she did.

And I'd forgotten that feeling until now...

What it feels like to have a family.

Which is what makes this so hard.

I'm going back to Mars.


There must be other voices like mine.

White Martians who have the desire and the capacity to change, who don't want to be defined by the hatred of our kind, but just need a push to do the right thing.

They could k*ll you as soon as you land.

Maybe, but if I don't try, they're never going to stop hunting me. You know that's true.

You've shown me what it is to stand up and fight.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Please tell me you understand.

Oh, darling. I'm so happy for you.

Honey, isn't this terrific?


Happy Earth birthday.

Look, there's a "K."



Go ahead. Blow it out.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Was Maggie mad that you missed the concert?

Well, luckily, I have a girlfriend that understands when deadly aliens besiege my place of work, that takes precedence.

Yeah, I'm glad everyone is okay.

That last White Martian... Oof!

First of all, boy, did it do a good impression of you, and second, you got there just in time.

Uh, speaking of that White Martian, um...

When it was me, did you have a conversation?

Because I have these memories. They're like a...

Almost like a dream, that we talked.

But I'm not really sure if that was real.

Do you remember?

Yeah. So I'm not crazy?


I guess if the White Martian's bond is strong enough, the telepathy goes both ways.

Yeah. I guess so.


I'm not ever going anywhere.

I promise.

Just because I'm with Maggie, it doesn't mean I'm not with you...


I know. I...

I guess I made those big plans because I wanted the day to be extra special.

I felt you were slipping away.

I'm not. Ever.

But is that the only reason you made such big plans?

What do you mean?

Look, sometimes, you know, in our life, when one part is really confusing, we will pour way more attention than necessary into another.

And, you know, you looked a bit overwhelmed when you talked to Mon-El.

So, maybe the reason that you made such big plans with me was so that you didn't have to think about how you actually feel about him.

I told him how I feel.

Mmm-hmm. And you really believe that?

He's complicated.


But it's not just about him, it's about me.

Every time I put myself out there, it backfires.

I don't want it to happen again, it's too risky.

You know, I happened to have taken a rather big romantic risk recently.


And I gotta say...

It pays off.


Maybe he's worth a shot.

Armek's ship is in low-Earth orbit.

I can transmat up to it from here.

Will you tell them at the bar?

I will let them know that you're going away.

J'onn, about what you said before...

I shouldn't have said anything.

It was totally inappropriate.

I feel it, too.

I have for a while. I just didn't...

Know what it was.

I've just had one of the hardest nights of my life, and I'm heading into something I probably won't survive, but standing here with you, I feel like everything's going to be okay.

You have changed me forever.

Goodbye, J'onn.

Goodbye, Miss Martian.


Mike: I couldn't even believe it.

There's a thing called a Dunkaroo. Have you ever heard of this?





Eve! Hi.


It's so funny, Mike, that you're here.

I was going to call you later to talk about something, but...

Um... Are you two headed somewhere?




That's great. That's really great.

Oh. sh**t!

You know, I left my cell phone at my desk.

I'll be right back.


Hey, I heard what happened at the DEO. Is everything okay?

Oh, well, I've...

I've never seen anything like it, but everyone's fine.


Good. Good. All right.

So, is that together, like on a date?

Yeah. I mean, you rejected me.

So it's time to move on, right?


That was a pretty quick turnaround.


Uh, yes. Yes, I guess that is true, um...

Gotta swipe right till you find the one. Right?

Isn't that what the kids say?

As you should.


Hey, you, uh... You said you wanted to talk about something?

Or was it...



It's... No, it's fine.

You guys have a... a good date.
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