02x10 - We Can Be Heroes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Supergirl". Aired: October 2015 to present.*
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"Supergirl" is Kara Zor-El, cousin to "Superman", who ended up being taken in by the Danvers family after being sent away from Krypton at age 12. Until the age of 24, she learned to keep her superpowers hidden but as a result of a disaster, she chose to reveal them, setting the trend for the show.
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02x10 - We Can Be Heroes

Post by bunniefuu »

Kara: When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off-course and by the time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. I hid who I really was, until one day when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world. To most people, I'm a reporter at Catco Worldwide Media. But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister for the DEO to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm. I am Supergirl.

Kara: Previously on Supergirl...

You're a white Martian?

I am not like them.

You need to believe me.

I spared you so you can rot in a cell for all eternity.

This is Leslie Willis coming to you alive, and wired.

Leslie Willis is dead. This is Livewire.

I wanna be a superhero.

You're serious?

I wanna help you keep the world spinning.


You ready?

Born ready.



Wow, you really nailed Hank's disapproving non-smile.




End simulation.

Nailed it.


Hey, careful.

I'm okay. Yeah?

Uh... Mon-El?

Mistakes were made.

But it's our fewest cardboard fatalities yet.

I think you're ready.


I mean, you're dedicated.

You punch really hard.

Not as hard as you. Yet.



But when you deflected that laser, you hit this girl.

Oh, the headless one, yeah.

So, what is our number-one rule as heroes?

Protect the people.


Are we clear on the whole protect-citizens-above-all else thing?

Yes. Clear. Super clear.

Supergirl clear.

I'm just kidding. No, seriously, we're clear.

Let's do it again.

Uh... Well, I think you might need to change.


I think it's time.



Gift-wrapped. Better than Christmas.

Looks like Guardian is working the night shift, too.

Shall we, gentlemen?


No, no.

What? Oh!

Are you... Are you hurt?

(GROANS) You weren't watching?

Yeah. Smashy smashy. sh**t sh**t.

Yeah, well, the last part got complicated.

That's a b*llet hole.

That's a b*llet hole in a suit I made.

It grazed my arm.

Did you get shot?

I'm a little shot.

That is it. That's it. We're telling Kara.

Would you please calm down?


Dude, I can't... I can't do this anymore.

All right. If there's a flaw in your suit that means the suit is faulty. Which means I have to go fix it.

And that already on top of me having to make Mon-El a suit.


Oh, yeah.

Didn't you hear? He graduated from superhero kindergarten, so now I have to make him a suit, according to Kara.

And that just means more work for me.

Wait, so that frat boy wants to be a superhero?

Stay on point, all right.

Winn, Winn is tired.

Okay. The workload. The lying to Kara. It's gotta stop.

Winn, you know what she's gonna say.

Maybe she's gonna be totally cool about all this, all right?

You guys have worked together before.

She totally respects what you do.

Maybe she'll be grateful for the help. You don't know.

Seriously, this is officially the first time I have ever asked you for something.

I'll talk to her tomorrow.

Thank you.


It's not tomorrow yet, is it?

So, one more?

One more.

One. Uno.





What the hell's going on?

Sir, there's a Code Blue in containment cell 19.

It's M'gann.






What is wrong with her?

As far as I can tell?


Her vitals are good. Breathing is normal.

Brain activity its... It's fine.

She was screaming like she was being att*cked.

I've checked all the tapes.

There is no one in there beside her.

There's no heat register for an invisible assailant.


I mean... Do you think she's faking?

That was my first thought. But, no. No chance.

How do you know?

I know. I sense it.

Feel it. She's, uh...

She's not there.

I'll run some tests, okay?

We'll figure it out. Don't worry.

I don't worry about w*r criminals.

Dr. Hampton: Don't you want to get better?

Before you had powers, you had a career as a shock jock.

You had a life.

Do you ever miss it, Leslie?

Leslie who?

My name is Livewire.

Livewire is the name you called yourself...

After Supergirl ruined my life.

Let's talk about her.


Yes, Doc, let's.

(SOFTLY) Let's.

Let's talk about when I get out of this pathetic prison and these silly little cuffs.

When I fry Supergirl from the inside out.

You think she'll scream as she cooks?

I do.

Will you scream?

Threatening me won't help you.

Anyhow, you know you can't hurt me right now.

Why, because of the water?

I am pruning, by the way.

It's true.

Probably would hurt a lot to use my powers right now.

But no pain, no gain, right?



Freud, please, I'm not gonna k*ll you.

Come on.

It'd be so... pointless.


The name is Livewire.

Do you know what power is, Freud?

About time they hired more people.

Livewire: It's the feeling of someone's life in your hands.

Every atom in you, it just burns electric.

It's like kissing a frayed wire.

What do you want?


About time.

You know what that power makes me?

A bad guy?


It makes me a god.

You don't look like a god.

Not in here.

I won't be in here much longer.

Dr. Hampton: What's going on?

Just a little shock therapy.


Livewire. (SIGHS)

Gotta be honest.

I freaking loved Leslie Willis' radio show before she went nuts.

Never tell Kara that.

Livewire's kind of her nemesis.

Kara: All right. Okay.

Man: Ma'am, you can't go in there.

Kara: Hey! Freedom of the press, buddy!

How long do you think they can hold her off for?

I'll give it about five seconds.

Ten, at least. She's way too polite.

Oh, you wanna bet?

If I'm right, you gotta try vegan ice cream.

That's disgusting.

If I win, my place tonight.

Kara: Okay, I'm not. No, I'm being nice.

I'm being... No. I need to get into this cell.

I'm... No... Okay.

Man: Ah!


Well, chez Danvers it is.

Kara: I'm sorry.

Kara Danvers, Catco magazine.

I tried to stop her but she's so strong.

It's okay. She's with us.


(SIGHS) How did this happen?

Looks like an inmate named Lisa Gold and a thug disguised as a guard helped her out.

Or she kidnapped them.

Look, until we know for sure what happened, let's just stick to the facts.

This was very well staged and very well thought out.

And we know Livewire is not one for thoughts.

Yeah, she's mostly "k*ll this, electrocute that."

She's probably already k*lled that inmate and guard.

Kara, I know Livewire's a sore spot for you, but just get a grip.

Get a... I...

I don't know what you're talking about.

We have to find her, before she hurts someone.


Lady and gentlemen, the one, the only, Livewire.

Who knows what havoc she will wreak when she resurfaces.

Maybe she'll turn all her girlfriends evil again. I don't know!

We're talking about full on rats in the attic here, people.

Except the rats are electrified and the attic is on fire.

Behold, ye mighty, and despair.

Yes, yes. Yes!

I am so ready to kick some non-cardboard crazy.

Am I right? Let's do this.

Hey, hey!

This is serious.

Very serious.

Livewire is despicable.

I mean, she never should have been in a human facility.

All of the human parts of her are gone.

She should have been here, where we could make sure that she didn't get out!


Uh, what is that? A toy?

No, it's expensive.

Hey, hey, hey.

We've got this.

You've already defeated her twice.

What's the big deal?

The deal is that she brings death and destruction.


Need you for a minute.

How's she doing?


I have run every test that I can.

There's nothing wrong with her physically.


But her... Her brain...

It's like her...

It's like her mind is drowning and it's pulling her body down with it.

Just say it, Alex, she's dying.

Brain death is a few hours away.

What is doing this?

You tell me.

You know, Martian biology is usually intertwined with psychic phenomena.

Could something be attacking her in her mind?

It's not me.

I know that.

I may want her in prison but I wouldn't hurt her.

Will you help her?


The mind-meld.

The Martian Bond.

If you do this, then you can see what's happening to her.

You don't know that.

If anyone can help her, J'onn, it's you.

I know how you feel about White Martians.

Don't ask me to do this, Alex.

You have shown them mercy before.

Not this!

I will not give her my people's memories.

I will not give her my daughters' smiles.

Her kind has taken enough from me. From us!

If she dies, she dies.

She deserves it a thousand times over.

Let her drown in her own sins.



Man: Come on, that's the best.


What the...

Turn it off.

Hey, thanks for coming.

I, uh... (CLEARS THROAT) Want to tell you something.

Yeah, me, too. (STAMMERS) I am losing my mind right now.

Livewire is just out there roaming the streets, and I don't know where she is, or when she'll strike.

I just know she's out there somewhere and she's going to hurt people.

The city is not defenseless, Kara.

I hate having a nemesis.

Clark always makes it look so much fun, like you have a deadly pen pal you see once a year.

But having a nemesis is stressful.

Well, you're not alone in this fight.

You have friends. You have help.

And you're not the only hero in National City.

Yeah, that's a good point.


Yes, that is actually such a relief.


I, for one, am relieved to hear you say that.

I mean you're right. I don't have to face her alone.

Absolutely not.

I have Mon-El.



Right. The, um... Superhero kindergarten.

Yes, I have been training him.

And you're sure that's a good idea?

Well, how often does someone with superpowers just show up?

Yeah, that's true. But, um...

There's a lot more important things than having powers to being a hero.

Of course, yeah, but...

Like wanting to make a difference, or having the willingness to put yourself on the line for others.

And I just think that Mon-El is the kind of the guy who thinks about himself first.

Well, he's come a really long way.

He's doing really well with training.

Do you have something against Mon-El?

No, I don't.

I think he's a fun guy.

He's just not a hero.

Why do you get to decide that?

Never mind. Just... Forget it.

I, um...


What did... What did you want to tell me?

I came in here and bulldozed you.

Um... I just...

Honestly, I just wanted to catch up.

It's just been so long.


Seriously, Kara, I'm fine.

No, no, James.

Both: I gotta go.

Winn? Get downtown now.


Give it up, Leslie.

We've done this before, the same thing always happens.

I win. You lose.

I'm not Leslie.


Is that Leslie?

You protect the cops. I can handle these guys.

What about you?

Don't worry about me. Just help them.

Stay back!

I'll see you in a minute.

Supergirl, behind you!

Go with them. Go, go, go.

Let me help you!


Stay with the cops.

Screw it.




Let's move! Let's move!

They got away.


I told you to stay with the cops.

I'm sorry.

Is he okay?

Hey, you okay?

You okay?


So cool. I know I don't technically need a motorcycle, Jimmy, I am a very fast man, but I would very much like one.

You know. Where would I... Where would I find a motorcycle?

Is there a superhero discount?

Is there some cash...

It's a cool suit.


I was going to tell you.

I told him to tell you last night.

I told you both weeks ago.

You all knew?

Um, I didn't.

I thought James was a professionally handsome desk person.


Um, Kara... (CLEARS THROAT) This is between us.

Not them.

Yeah, you're right.

Can we have a minute, please?


Oh, yes, yes.

I am calm.

I am going to listen to you.

I owe you that much.

But you need to tell me why.

Because that thing that you feel...

That thing that makes you want to make everything better...

I feel that, too.

And I always have.

And I've tried so many different ways in my life to help people.

Whether it's career or friendship.

But it's just not enough.

But this is.

Now, look, I was never meant to be in Superman's shadow.

Or yours.

I am more me as Guardian than I've ever felt as James Olsen.

Kara, we are the same.


We are not the same.

You are a human.

You're going to get yourself k*lled.

One mistake.

One human error, and you're gone.

That's it. You don't get a strike, James.

Not like me. Not like...



Are you serious?

You saw him, he left civilians unprotected at that fight which I had to go back for.

Mon-El's still learning.

At what cost, Kara?

There was a cop that took a lightning bolt because "Mon-El's still learning."

He cares about himself, he cares about you, and that's what he fights for.

But he can change. You can't.

You are never going to be strong enough for this.

You don't get to decide who is a hero.

And who are you to tell me how to be?

Or who to be.

I am meant for this.

If you don't stop, I'll stop you.

You're welcome to try.


Do you want to know how she's doing?

I know.

I always know.

She could be halfway across the city and I would...

Feel her.

The final cruelty of our w*r that I should still feel tied to those creatures.

When I needed her, when you needed her, she opened up a vein for you.

She had to know that there was a chance saving you would reveal her as a White Martian.

She did it anyway.

She said she tried to help your kind.

I suspect that's true.

Then what's the harm in the Bond?

I mean, if you can see into her past, maybe you can find some good there.

I don't want to forgive her.


Hate becomes your reason for living when you've lost everything that you love.

If I find that there was some good in their kind, I don't hate her.

Forgiveness isn't something that you give to somebody who's hurt you.

Forgiveness is something you give to yourself.


Hey... Hey, wait.

We need to talk.

Yeah, what's wrong?

I can't trust you.


You were reckless.

You left your post and because of you, someone got hurt.

I was trying to protect you.

Yeah, but I don't need that, I need a partner who will listen to me.

I told you, I said protect the people, above all else and...

Why can't you just listen to me?



Why are you working with me?

Because I should.

Right? I have these powers, and I should use them.

That's not an answer.

Do you like me?

Do I like...

Uh, at the moment, that's a tough call.

You kissed me when you were sick.

Yeah, um, says you.


Are you working with me because you like me?

I don't know what to tell you, okay?

I want to work with you, Kara!

And that is it!

I'm sorry if that disappoints you.

Where are you going?

I'm going to find Livewire and her soldiers because someone has to.

And apparently I'm the only person in National City that appreciates how evil she actually is.

Well, let me come with you.


You've done enough superheroing today.

Somebody get me out of here!

Sorry I'm late.

What'd I miss?

Awkward silence.

J'onn: Roll the tape, Winn.

Winn: Yeah.

Now, I'm no jail break expert...

J'onn: Livewire didn't escape. She was taken.

She was a victim.

I was wrong.

Don't beat yourself up.

Agent Schott, have you had any luck tracking Livewire or the people who took her?

Not yet. I'm actually having some trouble delineating her energy from other wavelengths.

You keep working.

Mon-El? You're on standby.

Supergirl. I need you in the med bay.

Hey, you got a second?

James: Yeah.

How's the mood down there?

Oh, pretty bleak.

They're all worried 'cause I haven't found Livewire yet.

Funny thing about that?

I totally know where Livewire is.


Short answer, science.

You wanna go catch her and show Supergirl exactly what we can do?

My man. In the van.

(LAUGHS) Guardian for the win.

Oh, no.

Alex: It won't be long now.

We're not saying goodbye.

I'm bringing her back.

I have to try the Bond. It's the right thing to do.

I've, uh, never attempted this with a White Martian.

I don't know what'll happen.

If things get hairy, I'm gonna pull you out.

I need you to do something for me.

Of course.

I'm going to relive some things.

Deaths. The w*r.

What do you need?

Stay with me.

Both of you.

We're not leaving.

We're here, J'onn.

All right.


This is where it happens.

What is happening to you?

Run, Green. They'll k*ll you if they find you here.

M'gann, it's J'onn.

This is a memory. We are in no danger here.

I set the fire.

I k*lled the other guards.

They'll find me.

They'll k*ll me.

That's all right. I deserve it.

But they can't find you. Please.

That's the fire in the guard house?

They wanted me to k*ll a child.

A little boy.

He was crying, and they laughed.

I took him behind the barracks.

He was so afraid of me.

I couldn't do it.

I couldn't.


I went back and k*lled my people.

They will not forgive.

I'm going to die here.

Listen to me.

You don't die here.

You live.

You ran that day. You came to Earth.


You survive.

You hold on to life.

You, uh...

You meet me, a Green Martian.

You save me, too I... I hid who I was.

I said I was a Green.

I wanted...

Tell me.

To be your friend.

I couldn't bring your people back to life, but I could make you feel less alone.

I'm so sorry.

I'm here with you.

I see you.

You are my friend, M'gann M'orzz.

You are forgiven.


It's time to come home.




Please, by all means, continue.

Kick, fight, scream.

The more energy you expel, the more I collect for my...


Why use cheap copies when we could team up?

You could have the real deal.

I don't think you understand your purpose here.

See, after seeing news footage of the attack, every military on Earth is gonna want my super soldiers.

That's why I staged the attack on the police station, I knew Supergirl couldn't resist it.

And she gave me a two-for-one deal.

Showed everyone that my super soldiers could take the cops and Supergirl using just their electricity.

My electricity.

This is copyright infringement, asshat.

I'm gonna sue you, and then, I'm gonna m*rder you.

Such a nasty woman.


System: Intruder alert.


Intruder alert.


Who are you?

Where's Supergirl?

She's busy. I'm Guardian.

Great. I'm screwed.

Who the hell are you supposed to be?

I'm the other Superman.

In training.

Your cosplay sucks.

That's not nice.

What are you doing here?

Uh, the same thing as you, buddy.

Did you know that most scientists experiment on themselves first?

Winn: Kara! Hey, girl!


Uh, remember when I said that I didn't know where Livewire was?

That may not have been wholly true.

Are you kidding me?

Yeah, I know, I know. It's bad!

Yell at me later, we have bigger problems.

Where are you? Are you with James?

Winn: I'm in the warehouse district.

Guardian and Mon-El are inside.

And they are also maybe captured.

You know what I love?

Little boys who think they can do a better job than the woman who's an actual superhero.



Can you break out of these cuffs?



Oh! Bad, bad science man!

Oh, the cuffs.

Fun, huh?

Patent pending.

It's funny 'cause Shark t*nk turned them down.

Said my valuation was too high.

What do you want with us?

And what's a Shark t*nk?

Well, it's clear that my current prototypes aren't strong enough.

And I need upgraded models.

That's where you two come in.

Perfect specimens.

Not sure how much power I'm going to need.

I might have to drain our little battery completely to pull it off.

But you two are worth it.

We will never fight for you.

You will.

You, you might definitely die.

Leave her alone!

Scientist: Oh, what do you care?

She's a bad guy.



That's enough! Come on!



You two, go get them, I'll save Livewire.

Got it.

This might hurt a little.


Livewire: It's nice of you.

Stupid, but nice.

You're not looking so hot, blondie.

I'll warm you up.

You could k*ll me.

For all the things you think I stole from you.


But you wouldn't be who you are if not for me.

This is who you are now.

For better or worse.

He tried to take your powers from you, not me.

We may not be allies, but I will punish him for you.

What do you say?

We'll discuss this after I deal with Frankenstein.

All right!

There's only one Livewire, you piece of crap.


Big mistake.

No, Leslie, Leslie! Don't k*ll him.

You can't!

You said we'd punish him!

Not like this. He will go to jail.

I swear!

I'll make you a deal, all-American Barbie.

You can haul his ass to prison, but I never see the inside of a cell again.

I can't make that deal.

Then he fries.

No, Leslie, don't!

My name is Livewire!

Livewire, listen to me!

Why? You know you can't stop me from leaving.

And you know you can't stop me from chasing after you.

And you know how fast I am.

But if you spare him, if you do that much, maybe I'll wait to chase you until after he's in jail.



Just us girls next time.

We can braid each other's hair.

We can still catch her.

I will.

But not today.

Do you understand me, Agent Schott?

What you did was insubordination.

If you ever keep a secret from me like that again, you are...



Oh, yes! That's fair.

You're lucky no one died.

Can I, um...

Can I go back to pushing my buttons and things?

Go on.


Wait a minute. One more thing.

You and Mr. Olsen are actually a pretty impressive team.

Reckless, but impressive.

Get back to work.

Sawyer: So she's just out there.


As a bird.

Why did you let her go?

Livewire could've k*lled me.

But she didn't.

There's still some good in her.

And if she comes looking for trouble, she'll get it.

But maybe she'll come looking for help.

Excuse me.

So she let Livewire go.


That means vegan ice cream at my place tonight.

I never should've taken that bet.


So, what now?

You tell me.

We could go back to the way things were.

Super friends.

We could be a team again.

You mean we just back you up but never get to do it ourselves, right?

You'll live.

But not the lives we want.

I don't want to be the guy at the office anymore.

Yeah, I don't want to just be stuck behind a computer.

James: We're going to do this.

And we're going to do this alone if we have to.

But we would love to work with you.


You know, you two were heroes to me.

Way before all of this.

I know you want to help people, but this is not the way to do it.

I won't stop you.

But as long as you are putting yourselves in danger, I can't support it.

I guess that's it, then.

I guess so.


Feeling better?


Come in.


Thank you.

So, how long do I stay here?

Alex says you need a few days of observation.

Then back to my cell.


You're free.

The things you did...

You've paid your debt.

We both have a right to move on.

There's something I need to tell you.

I know what happened to me.

There was a psychic attack.

I was shielding my mind, but I got trapped inside myself.

Shielding from what?

My people.

They know where I am.

They're coming.



Yeah, that's your door.

Come on in.


So, are you okay?



Just you, uh...

You were right.

I remember kissing you.

Do you... Do you want to sit?

I... I feel like...

Yeah, sure.

I think we're gonna sit. That's a good idea.

I remember.

I was sick and alone.

And you were leaning over me.

And you must have been sad.

Or something because your eyes were insanely blue.

I mean, they always are.

But they were like comets.

And I had never seen anyone so stunning, and I kissed you, and it was okay that I was...

It was okay that I was going to die, because I'd gotten to kiss you.


I saved you at the police station because...

Because I care about you.

(WHISPERS) Comets.


I'm not here to change your mind.

I get that... I get that you don't care about me.

I do care about you.

But not in the same way.


That's good, that's fine.

It's okay.

You know, just keep working with me.

I've been honest about it, so let's just...

Now we can ignore it, right? We can let it go.

Let's put it behind us.


Uh, yeah.

Yeah, of course.

Just keep being my partner.

Of course.

Thank you for being honest.

Yeah, okay. Good.

(CLEARS THROAT) Good talk.


I'll see you tomorrow, partner.


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