03x23 - Civil w*r Part 1: The Fall of Attilan

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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03x23 - Civil w*r Part 1: The Fall of Attilan

Post by bunniefuu »

Iron Man: Las Vegas.

Everyone on your best behavior.

Nice view, Iron Man, but I'm guessing that's not why we're here.

This is where the security alert said Maximus would be, Hawkeye.

Black Widow: Maximus?

Hulk: Black Bolt's brother, tech genius.

Got a thing against humans.

Heard the Inhumans exiled him.

What's he planning?

Don't know, Cap.

Black Bolt didn't include any details.

I assume the alert came from him.

It's one dude. How hard is this gonna be?

I should know by now not to ask.


Iron Man: Where did Maximus find such pathetic g*ons?

Falcon: Off to the side, please.

Thor: You'll be more comfortable over there.

g*ons are covered. Take the fight to Maximus.

Maximus: The Avengers are here. How exciting.

Move in!




You Avengers may have made it past my shock troopers, but you're too late.

My Terrigen b*mb will detonate at any moment.

Uh, Maximus, you know the Terrigen mist has already been dispersed all over the world, right?

Created lots of new Inhumans?

In certain forms, Terrigen can become very unstable, like the isotopic form I'm using right now.

It has the power to level the city.

I don't think that's Black Bolt approved. Gonna have to shut it down.

My brother is a fool.

You humans are nothing next to the great Inhuman civilization.

The idea that we can "work together" disgusts me.

My scans show the b*mb is located in this building.

We've got to get past Maximus and disarm it.

Maximus: Destroying one of the great human cities will show that humans and Inhumans can never live in harmony.

Thor: This beast needs to be taught a lesson.




Stay on it. It's regenerating.

Here's your ride home!

Iron Man: You're surrounded, Maximus.

Then it's time to do this.

And now, the famous lights of Las Vegas...


Maximus is getting away. I've got him.


No. I... I don't.

Iron Man: It's fine. We've got bigger problems.

Fifty seconds to detonation.

Not a lot of time. Widow, Hawkeye, keep him busy.

Hawkeye: Armed g*ons, crazy robot, giant b*mb...

Still not the worst weekend I've had in Vegas.


But it's close.


Lousy robot keeps fixing itself!

Enough of this foolishness!

I know one place where he will not bother us anymore.


He is no longer Earth's problem!

Iron Man: The circuitry is complex. No time to disarm it.

Well, how about getting it out of here?

It's hard-wired into the building.

Running off the power supply.

Pull it out and it could blow.

But we can cut off the juice.

No more power, nothing to set off the b*mb.

Hulk, rip those power cables out now.


I don't rip. I smash!


Iron Man: Vegas can add this to my tab.



How's it going?





You left without saying goodbye.

Thor: Yes. Very rude.

You stopped the b*mb, but Inhumans and humans living together will not end well for anyone.

It will lead to the downfall of our great race.

(CHUCKLES ) I'm always up for more punching.

Why don't we let Black Bolt deal with it?

He isn't the one who sent the alert. I am.

(SCOFFS) Truman Marsh.

Seems like you think everything's your business. Jerk.

Only what threatens the safety of civilians.

Ghost nearly destroyed Avengers Tower, and now Maximus threatened a whole city.

You Avengers have a duty to make sure Inhumans, old and new, don't get out of hand.

Um, is that in anyone else's contract?

'Cause I don't remember that part.

At times like this, we all have to do a little extra.

Good job capturing this criminal.

Don't need your performance review.

Time to get Mr. Anger Control Issues to Attilan.

I'm coming, too.

After you exiled Hulk and nearly got us k*lled? No, you're not.

Don't you dare hang up...



MAN 1: All right, let's see what you got.

MAN 2: Did you see that?

MAN 3: Over here! Do it again!

Look over there.

Avengers, welcome to the new Attilan.

Wow, this place has really changed, Gorgon.

Since the Terrigen Wave, new Inhumans have been arriving in Attilan to learn about their legacy, and to practice their powers.

Thank you for taking care of this problem.

Sorry for the chaos he caused.

You don't know what you've done.



Gorgon: Take him to the processing center.

And then transfer him to the maximum security facility.

He will be dealt with appropriately.

I know you are busy, but please, stay for a bit.


Hawkeye: Look at all these people who picked up and left their homes and their lives.

It's kind of amazing.

A place where you can be yourself and work on making the most of your skills.

A new home. I see the appeal.

For the first time in a long time, there is optimism here.

We can see a new future for our race.

Even with all the new Inhumans, there's a sense of peace.

Heads up.


Iron Man: We appreciate the tour, but we need to talk to Black Bolt.

Of course. Come with me.

Think I'll keep looking around.

I'll come, too.

Iron Man: Marsh.

Marsh: Avengers. Nice of you to make an appearance.

What took you so long?

Iron Man: Doing some actual work, instead of just showing up when the hard part's done.

Did I say that out loud?

You know you say everything out loud.

Avengers, it is always good to see you.

Black Bolt and Medusa and I were discussing how to help all these new Inhumans integrate into the world.

They're adjusting well so far.

Why fix something that isn't broken?

You don't think what happened in Las Vegas was a problem?

That's why the National Security Council has proposed the Inhuman Registration Act.

I don't like the sound of that.

Every Inhuman will be registered.

They will have their powers tracked.

Those that don't comply willingly will go to prison.

Iron Man: I can't believe you're even listening to this.

Your Majesty, you think he knows better for your people than you do?

Black Bolt has come to accept that everything has changed for the Inhumans.

There are so many of us.

We can no longer isolate ourselves from the outside world.

But... We do not like this proposal.

There must be a way to compromise for the good of our people.

They seem happy, but I wonder what kind of challenges they'll face back in the human world?

They got a community now. Makes things easier.

Yeah, I can see that.

Banner had a community of scientists.

Wish there had been a community of Hulks.

And I used a little of this to save Avengers Tower.

I was a newbie like yourselves once, too.

You'll get the hang of it.


Hulk: We got this.

(STAMMERS) Wait, where are you going?

Falcon: How's it going, Inferno?

I thought I was getting better at controlling it.

Stop and think before you act.

Instincts will catch up.

It's good to see you guys.

The royal family's been great and all, but they're so focused on the new Inhumans, they've left me to explore Attilan on my own.

Did you know they have secret laboratories?

Oh. And they have catacombs.

You, new Inhuman with the power of fire.

What do they call you back home? Freak? Misfit?

Wherever you come from, they don't trust you.

They'll hunt you down.

Ignore him.


It's not true! My family and friends, they...

They know you're not like them.

You'll never be normal again.

Normal's overrated.


(VOICE ECHOING) You're a monster.

No... I'm not!



Hulk: Remember what I told you!


This is the opposite of control.

The registration disk itself is small.

Everyone will forget they're wearing it.

Sounds convenient for you.

It's the same technology I developed to track the movement of the Hulk.

But even more powerful.

This would make it possible to locate any Inhuman who is out of control.

Or whose powers you just don't like.



We shall not be turned into pancakes today.

But we might still be barbecued!


Dante! What happened? What are you doing?


Can't stop it!


Falcon: Sorry to bring bad news, but Maximus escaped.

And there's also this Inferno thing.


Inferno! I know you can handle it.

I saw you!

He was right. I am a monster!

You're wrong! We've seen you be a hero!

(GROANS) Please help!


Hulk: Dante!

Split up. Find Maximus and Inferno before they do any more damage.

Think I might know where Inferno is going.

I'll go on my own. Don't want him to get freaked out.

You know, that's the first time we send the Hulk somewhere to not freak someone out.

Iron Man: The rest of us need to track down Maximus.

Marsh: I'm already way ahead of you.

I had a registration disk attached to him at the processing center.

He's headed toward the bridge.

Still think it's a bad idea?

Iron Man: Listen to us for once and get yourself out of Attilan.

For your own safety.

Gorgon: Halt!

We have unfinished business, Maximus.

The Avengers were right to thwart me in Las Vegas.

Destroying the city would have been merely a symbolic gesture.

But my plan has evolved.

And you brought me right to the perfect target.

I'm about to destroy Attilan.

Why would I let you leave?

You couldn't even blow up one building.

What makes you think you can destroy a whole city?

By bringing me here, you've also brought the expl*sive Terrigen isotope.

It only takes a small amount.

Now all of Attilan is one giant b*mb.

If you want to keep humans and Inhumans separate, why destroy Attilan?

It's too late to isolate ourselves again.

The outsiders are already here.

Better to destroy it all than to let our society be corrupted.

You know what's not too late? Stopping your insane plan!


Even if he's spread the isotope around the city, he can't make all of Attilan go up at once!

What would it take? Basically... A lot of fuses.

You're wrong. I just need one...

One that moves... That's out of control.

Sound like anyone you know?

Iron Man: Dante.

Get through the force field or everyone on Attilan will be trapped.

Let's hope Hulk's having better luck with Inferno.


It's me!

Just want to talk!


I destroyed the palace. It's all my fault.

That was all Maximus. No one blames you.

(SIGHS) My powers just feel so much stronger here.

And what Maximus said... It's like I lost my mind!

I thought I'd be safer here. Or maybe everyone else would be safer from me.

But they're not. No one is!


Uh, hey, did you see that?

My EMP arrows short it out for a second.

Must be interfering with the field's frequency.

I can work with that.

Hawkeye: Focus your att*cks on the same spot.

First things first: evacuate the city.

Iron Man: We could still save it if we find Inferno.

And where we find Inferno, we find Hulk.

Okay? All things first.



Hulk: Help Dante!

Come on! Help us!


It's too late! We must begin the evacuation.

Medusa: (OVER PA) Fellow Inhumans.

Evacuate the city at once.

(YELLING) Make for the bridge into the human towns.


You must remain calm.

You will not be abandoned.

Go to safety.

Protect one another.

I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but it's time to go.

We cannot abandon our home.

The new Inhumans need your leadership now more than ever.

We can't leave Hulk and Inferno behind. Go.

I'll catch up.

Iron Man: Get the royal family to the human towns.

I'll stay with Widow. We'll keep looking until the last possible moment.

No matter what it takes.

Attilan... It's all gone.

And we've lost one of our own.

Iron Man, Widow, Hulk... They're still alive in there.

And they'll find Inferno.

Black Widow: Hulk!

Iron Man: I'm not reading any signs.

This may have been a bad idea.




Oh! Oh...


Go! Get out of here. It's too late!

It's never too late!

Get ready.

Black Widow: What?


Heat-resistant and nearly indestructible.

Only had the prototype standing by, but I thought it'd come in handy.

Now we're ready to rescue.

Hulk! Inferno!

Black Widow: Hulk! Where are you?


No one could survive here.

Not here.

It's no use.

No, I'm not giving up.

There's nothing left here.

Nowhere for anyone to hide.


Hulk wouldn't want you to sacrifice yourself.

You're right.


Hold on.


You can't save me!

Hulk: An exploding city never stopped the Hulk.



Friend Hulk!

We thought... It's good to see you.

Hulk: Job's not done yet.


I got this.


Look who I found trying to blend in with the civilians.

The destruction of Attilan was a beautiful sight.

You call yourself a king.

But you have betrayed our legacy.


The Inhuman race used to be proud.

You will forever regret the day you allied with the humans.




In trying to keep us apart, Maximus' actions have taken a toll on both humans and Inhumans today.

In a way, he's brought us closer together.

The Avengers are at your service.

We'll come up with a plan.

We'll do something.

We need to find a temporary shelter until Attilan can be rebuilt.


I told you that the Inhumans are dangerous.

What happened today proves my point.

Now everyone can see that safety precautions are needed.

I... I'm here to turn myself in.


Even though not everyone thinks it's a good idea.

Thank you for your help. But I have to do this.

Arrest him.


The world has changed in ways we were not prepared for.

This was not your fault. It was Maximus'.

But there are many Inhumans now, and we do not know what they are capable of.

Today Inhuman history changed forever.

We must do what is best for our people and for the whole world.

We will cooperate with your registration plan.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

I expect the Avengers' help enforcing registration.

We'll see about that.

And for those who won't listen to their king...

These are the designs for a new maximum security prison.

Refusing to be registered will be considered a threat to the security of the world.

Iron Man: This is my tech.

And are those guard bots based on my Hulkbuster armor?

As one royal to another, Your Majesty, you cannot just hand over the sovereignty of your people.

My husband would like to remind you that this is a new world.

We must use new tactics.

And anyone who does not adapt is doomed.
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