03x12 - Lemons

Episode transcripts for the TV show "blackish". Aired September 2014 - current.*
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A family man struggles to gain a sense of cultural identity while raising his kids in a predominantly white, upper-middle-class neighborhood.
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03x12 - Lemons

Post by bunniefuu »

[Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On" plays]

Dre: Upsets...

[Horn blares]

they're as American as apple pie... and obesity. Yep, America has a love affair with upsets.

♪ Brother, brother, brother ♪

As a matter of fact, that's how the country got started. Those scrappy kids from the East Coast beat an empire. Here's the thing with an upset, though... Someone wins and someone loses. And when that happens, the losing side always tries to look for where things went wrong. Yep. At the end of the day, no one wants to be on the losing side of an upset. But what happens when the winners and the losers are supposed to be on the same team?

♪ What's going on? ♪

Reporter: And there is it.

Rainbow: Oh!

We're officially calling it a win for Donald Trump.

Dre: I'm really asking. Seriously, what happens?

No, no, no, no.

It had been over two months since the election, but everyone was acting like it had only been two minutes.

Bow, what's going on, dude? Seriously?

What? Everything you're wearing is from an NPR commercial.

No, it's from a Barney's sale.



These UNICEF flip-flops are from a Barney's sale?

And this Covenant House sweatshirt and Habitat for Humanity sweatpants, Black Lives Matter button... Barney's.


And why aren't you guys dressed for school?

We don't have school today.

They gave us a day of reflection.

A day of what?


It's a lot to think about.

Much needed, if you ask me.

My first 90 days as student-body president have been rough.

Valley Glen Prep is a pressure cooker about to blow.

And he tried to tell me I stole his phone.

Gomez: Joey. Joey.

"No, I didn't steal your phone."

"I stole your computer."

Joseph Peterson, will you please get back in your seat?

I don't have to listen to you, Ms. Gomez.

They're about to ship you back to your country.

[Students gasping]

Ship her back.

[All chanting "Ship her back"]

To be fair, Ms. Gomez is from Spain, her visa is expiring, and she is looking forward to seeing her abuela.

But I'm pretty sure those kids did not know that at that time.

They did not.

So, yeah, we got the day off to prep for the Healing Rally.

They asked me to read MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech at it, so I'm trying to memorize it.

Oh, that's fantastic!

Healing Rally?

Day of reflection?

Are they gonna prorate your tuition?


Bow, that school is not cheap.

I know.

Four kids times two days.

That's a pair of Jordan 3s and a hoodie.

Oh, my God. What?

I don't need comforting?


Ignore him. I am very proud of you, sweetheart.

And why don't you take this Trevor Project scarf.

Wear it around your throat while you're practicing, huh?

What are you doing for the Healing Rally, Zoey?

I'm making lemonade. Looking up recipes now.

Oh, I get it.

The country gives you lemons, and you make lemonade, right?


Oh, I see.

You're doing it more as a symbolic thing, like Beyoncé.

How she uses lemonade as a symbol for women and their self-knowledge and healing.

Yeah, that's good.

No, I mean it as a non-carbonated refreshment thing.

My friends are not really soda people.


Yeah, that's good, too.

I mean, it's not scarf good, but... do better.

Your mother's unraveling.

I'm probably gonna have to get a lawyer to help me take both of you.

I've always wanted to testify against one of my parents.

I don't know why you guys don't want to try my "stay positive"

New Year's resolution.

I'm telling you, it helps.

Like, I don't see this glass as half empty, I see it as half full.

But it's completely empty.

But I see it as half full.

It's also a bowl.

In his own sweet-smiled, misunderstood way, Jack's confusion with metaphors seemed to echo the same polarizing emotions I saw everywhere I turned.

[Shouting indistinctly]

♪ I just need to clear my mind now ♪

The world had become a giant mixed vortex of anxiety and elation, and we seemed to be more openly divided than we'd been in a long time.

♪ Now I know you not it ♪

I wish I could say work was better, but it wasn't.

♪ We could've been somebody ♪
♪ Said you had to tell somebody ♪
♪ Let's take it back to the first party ♪
♪ When you tried your first molly ♪

Nope. Even the usually impenetrable, cartoonish walls of Stevens & Lido had been affected by the real uncertainties of what our world was going to become.

Come on, guys.

Hey! Whoa.

We've got till 5:00 to get this Boxable pitch ready.

Whoa. Hold on. 5:00 today?


How the hell did we let this creep up on us like that?

Yeah, when did we get that pitch?

November 8th.

Guys, listen up. Listen up.

Just got off the phone, and we got the Boxable pitch.

[Cheers and applause]

This is huge.

So huge, in fact, that we brought back Lucy, completely unrelated to the lawsuit we can't talk about.

[Neck cracks]

The point is, we have got to knock this pitch out of the park.

I said "pitch."

Did you?

Didn't sound like it.

Look, the good news is, we have plenty of time, so I want you all to go home, 'cause tonight should be a pretty uneventful election night.

[Cheers and applause]

We're gonna make history tonight.

Reporter: boisterous rally last night, Trump and his supporters, along...

Everybody go home.

There's no way we're getting any work done today, so we'll reconvene tomorrow.

I can't believe this.

I just read that he may not even live at the White House!

What?! That is a donkey punch to the back of the head.

This day is a wash. We'll start fresh tomorrow.

Daphne: This is ridiculous!

I hear Sean Hannity's already suggesting he basically do a reality show inside the White House.

Sweet mother of God, that man is an evil genius.

That's an outstanding idea.

Look, there is no way we are getting any work done today.

No, no, no. We're gonna leave the pitch for tomorrow.

Now, come on, we got to get some work done, all right?

Now, these are the areas that we need to focus on.

Got to say, Leslie...


I still can't believe you didn't vote for him.

You guys don't know me at all, okay?

Look, I am a ferocious Republican, but Trump is just not my kind of guy.

Now, you give me a true conservative like Mitt Romney...

A beautiful, coiffed-haired tax genius made in a president factory? Mm-mmm!

Also, your entire life runs on the backs of an absurdly low-priced, extremely diligent workforce Trump is looking to deport.

Also, there's that. - Mm.

Come on. We got to move on.


Dre's right.

I mean, we've tricked off the last two months of work on this.


Look, it's a new year, fresh start, clean slate.

Curtis: Uh, speaking of Slate...

Did y'all see what they put up today?


Trump is in a Twitter beef with Dikembe Mutombo.

Oh, hell.



That's crazy.

[All talking]

Junior: I have a dream.

[As Martin Luther King Jr.] I have a dream.

[As Malcolm X] I have a dream.

I have a dream that blah-de-blah-de-blip-blip yadda-yadda.

You know this "I have a dream" stuff is not the whole speech, right?

It isn't?

It most certainly is not.

There's a whole lot of that speech that they do not want you to hear.

And when I say "they," I do mean the white man, if I was not clear.

I'm not feeling this scarf, Junior.

This was my life now. The idea of business as usual had become anything but usual. Nobody knew how we got here, but everybody had their ideas.

Hey! Keep it down, okay?

'Cause we all know whose fault this really is.

I'm actually mad at myself for not having started here.




It was the blacks.

You just can't give us that capital "B," huh?

Not today, Charles. Not today.

How is this our fault?

If you all had turned out for Hillary the way that you turned out for Barack...

Hold on. Are you comparing Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton?

That's exactly what he's doing.

T-That's just crazy.

You're talking about the man who had a left-hand jumper and smoked menthols.

Coolest president we ever had.

I mean, no offense to Hillary, but that's like comparing Jay Z to K.D. Lang.


I don't know about left-hand jumpers or what a K.D. Lang is, and as much as I do love the cool legendary rush of a menthol, all I cared about was that he was black.



There it is.

He could've punched a baby in the face.

Broke his nose!


It wouldn't have mattered. Look, come on.

We talking about the first black president ever.

Okay. We had to come out.

Don't even care that he was a Republican.



Oh. Um...

He was... He was a Democrat, Charlie.

Both times?


Yeah, both times.

Hmm. I'm gonna look that up.


Maybe you should come up with an idea for this pitch.


No, no, no. I'm... I'mma do this.

Truth is, you got to rep your people.

That's why who we really need to blame is white...

Hold on one damn minute, now!


Let's hear her out, guys.

I think she's got something to say.

When black folks had the chance to put up one of ours, we did what we had to do.

That's right.

Come on now.

Showed up and showed out.

And, Dre, I got to be honest.


I still don't see anything on here about that whole Barack-Democrat thing.

I'm gonna go to the library, see what I can dig up.


Also, I have to return a DVD.

I do not recommend "Young g*ns II."


He might love it.

It's a classic.

Look. Okay, seriously.

That pant-suited white woman could've been the first female president, so can someone explain how 53% of white women voted for the orange [bleep] grabber?

I've always said the American white woman is as fickle as a Pinot Noir.

Lucy, I mean, as the resident white woman, if there was ever a cue for you to talk, it would be now.

Why didn't your sisters turn out for Hillary?

Why is she just staring at me?

Please, dear God, just say something.



Well, first, white women aren't sisters.

We hate each other.


And second, if you must know...

I voted for Trump.


Oh, my God!

No, you didn't!

Pinot Noir.

Unh-unh. She ain't worth it.

And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the n*gro is granted his citizenship rights.

The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

Oh, my God.

You were right.

That's a battle cry.

It's like something from "Braveheart."

Martin had a lot more Malcolm in him than people thought.

It's like two different speeches.

Why don't they teach us this part?

'Cause it's their job to pacify you, and when I say "they," I do mean the white man, if I wasn't clear.

It's a scam!

Sure, they give us the hook, but they don't give us the verse.

You can find me up in the club, but what else is going down there?

Oh, a whole lot, son. A whole lot.

Well, go ahead. Have a sip.

No, no, don't do that. Don't do that.

Besides, you're underage and you look like you might have the gene.

I can feel it sometimes.

Look, I know you're feeling duped right now.

I've been there. But you can't let it get you down.

The day you realize that there are things going on between the lines is a special day.

But how can I read this one section knowing it's not the complete message?

It's just a choice you're gonna have to make for yourself.

Thank God I got alcohol to help me with these difficult decisions.

You... You're on your own.

Can I have, like, a sip?

Oh, I'm definitely gonna have to keep my eye on you.
Stevens: Lucy, you sound stupid, okay?

There's all this yappity-yap about female empowerment, and still you don't care enough to elect the first female president?

Of course I want a female president.

I just didn't want it to be her.



You guys just said that you would've voted for anyone who was black, but what if instead of Obama, it was Clarence Thomas or Herman Cain or Ben Carson?

Oh, God, no.

Definitely not that fool.

Dude is a weirdo.

Yeah, exactly. Well, in my mind, Hillary Clinton is the Ben Carson of white women.




Is Ben Carson even black?

But Trump's a misogynist.

I mean, t-t-the boob jokes, the Miss Universe comments, the [bleep] grabbing?


Man, totally ruined Tic Tacs for me.

Look, as stupid as those comments were, and they were, at least I know he says what's on his mind.

Who knows what Hillary's actually thinking?

What was she even about?

Oh, my God. Stop it! What was she even about?

She was the most qualified candidate to ever run for president.

Look, I'll admit, I don't think Donald Trump is a great guy.

No, he is the devil, and I should know.



But look, Hillary's no angel, either.

I'm not some crazy right-wing nut, you guys.

I voted for Obama twice.

I even got my Republican parents to vote for him.

He felt different.

I believed he was gonna change stuff.

He did!

But it's eight years later, and my dad's still out of work, my hometown's about to go under, and Hillary comes out saying she's basically gonna keep everything the same.

I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me or my family.

Okay, I-I-I hear what you're saying.

But what about all the other families that are gonna be affected...

Gay families, Muslim families, immigrant families?

And we're in here fighting against the greatness of America again, aren't we?

Pumpkin, that is not how I raised you.

What? I was allowed to hit the help.

Uh, that was just exercise. You were pudgy.

I'm sorry, but just think about it for a second.

This country at its core is just a company.

I mean, I know we don't like to think of it that way, but America is a corporation, okay?

It's the world's biggest and most important corporation.

So is it so crazy to think that maybe a businessman, who runs big corporations, might not be such a bad idea?

He runs them into the ground.


That idiot goes bankrupt like Khloé Kardashian changes black dudes.

Well, guess what. He won, okay?

So can we please give this man a chance?

To do what?

Hell no!

Chance to what?

At least give him a chance.

Dre: Guys!

Guys, the pitch is today, all right?

Can we get back to work?



As long as she knows that a vote for Trump is a vote for racism.

Yep, very true.

Oh, I'm r*cist?


I'm a r*cist?

Yep, pretty much.

I'm a r*cist?

Please, don't say it.

I have black friends.


Oh, my God. She said it.

It's r*cist to say that.

They're real. They're real.


I do!

It's lunch.

Rainbow: So, for my donation, I get a water bottle and a Frisbee.

That is awesome.

Go, Hillary!

Yeah, I-I know.

Thank you.

[Telephone beeps]

Still working on your lemonade, huh?

I am.


Did you know the yellower the lemon, the more tart the taste?

Did you know that the Earth has lost more than half of its wildlife in the last 40 years?

Whoa. That's a lot.

That's a lot.

Thank God for zoos.

How about while that's cooking, you and I just take 15 minutes and hop on a Planned Parenthood phone bank and make them some money?

'Cause we're women, sweetie, and people hate us.

I can't, Mom.

Got to keep stirring this 60 rotations a minute, or else it'll clot.

You know what else will clot?

Untreated rectovaginal fistulas.

I've really got to focus on this.

How is he getting Mexico...

I want you to explain that.

He's gonna start arresting women for having abortions.

He walked that back, and maybe you wouldn't have to worry about that if 650,000 e-mails didn't disappear...

[All shouting]

We're talking about e-mails. Not policy, e-mails.

See what I did there?

Look, all I know is that man would never be my president.



What about the electoral college?

I mean, there is still time to overturn that.

No. No, no, no.


Wait, no, no, no. Hold on. W-What's so funny, Dre?

Yeah, you haven't had nothing to say about any of this all day.

Why do you not care about what's happening to our country?

What did you say to me?


You don't think I care about this country?

I love this country, even though at times, it doesn't love me back.

For my whole life, my parents, my grandparents, me, for most black people, this system has never worked for us.

♪ Southern trees ♪

But we still played ball, tried to do our best to live by the rules even though we knew they would never work out in our favor.

♪ Bear a strange fruit ♪

Had to live in neighborhoods that you wouldn't drive through, send our kids to schools with books so beat up you couldn't read them, work jobs that you wouldn't even consider in your nightmares.

♪ And blood at the roots ♪

Black people wake up every day believing that our lives are gonna change, even though everything around us says it's not.

♪ ...swinging in the southern breeze ♪

Truth be told, you ask most black people, and they tell you that no matter who won this election, they didn't expect the hood to get better.

♪ Strange fruit ♪

But they still voted, because that's what you're supposed to do.

You think I'm not sad that Hillary didn't win?

That I'm not terrified about what Trump's about to do?

I'm used to things not going my way.

I'm sorry that you're not and it's blowing your mind, so excuse me if I get a little offended because I didn't see all of this outrage when everything was happening to all of my people since we were stuffed on boats in chains.

I love this country as much, if not more, than you do, and don't you ever forget that.


Okay! I found the perfect way for you to get involved.

Mannequin challenge. Ha!

Just have to stand still.

You literally don't have to do anything.

And then you can post it.

You know, to raise awareness on whatever you want?

I'm not doing that, Mom.

Why not?

Zoey, what's wrong with you?

You have to have a voice.

You don't want me to have a voice, you want me to have your voice.


You think I don't see what's going on around us?

That's why I made this lemonade for the Healing Rally.

It's not Liberal lemonade. It's not Conservative lemonade.

It's just lemonade that I made with love.

That's what I want my contribution to be... love.

I'm sorry that I have been acting the way that I've been acting.

I'm just... I'm really upset.

And I'm scared.

And I don't want to hate people, but I kind of do.

'Cause honestly, I feel hated.

I feel like I failed you.

What are you talking about?

Because as a mom, it is my job to deliver a world where the values that I raised you to believe in mattered.

And they didn't! They didn't!

I mean, half of our country rejected them!

Hey, Mom, our values don't disappear just because our side lost one election.

And in the next one, me and my friends will be voting.

We're gonna pick up right where you left off.

I know you will.

Thank God.



Not bad?

I mean, seriously.


This is fantastic.

I'm really good.


This is crazy.

Tell me what I'm gonna say.

Ain't nobody's pawn.

What's going on here, boy?

I've been such a fool!

Nothing is what it seems!

The constitution, the JFK assassination, "The Star Spangled Banner."

Have you heard verse four?

It's about k*lling slaves!

Yeah, you won't hear them singing that at the Super Bowl.

I'm gonna give a speech, but it's gonna be a different kind of speech that shakes the world.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sit down, now.

This is not what I meant.

When I asked you to read MLK's speech, it's 'cause I wanted you to learn the truth, to know exactly what you were talking about, but I didn't want you to change who you are.

But I'm woke now.

And that's a beautiful thing, but you can't let that turn you into another angry black man.

That's what I am.

Hell, so is your daddy, especially when he's hungry.

But not you, son.

That beautiful, bright way you have of looking at the world is what makes you special.

I never want to take that from you.

Now, look, there was something I didn't tell you about the speech.

When Dr. King was giving the speech, he was fired up.

Now, there was a famous singer named Mahalia Jackson sitting right there with Dr. King.

She screamed at him, she said, "Tell them about your dream, Martin! Tell them about your dream!"

You see what I'm saying?

You know I don't.

Mahalia had heard Dr. King speak in church a few nights before.

She heard the speech... The part about the dream.

She was moved.

So when Martin heard her screaming, he knew immediately what she meant.

The people needed to hear that we should be fighting.

But they also needed to hear what we should be fighting for... the dream.

Martin knew that. You need to know that.

And you especially need to know it with where we are now.

I'm feeling this look on you, too.

Look, I'm sorry for blowing up like that.

This election is driving me crazy, too, and I know how hard it is to deal with the gut punch that we are all feeling right now.

It sucks.

And all I'm trying to say is that maybe instead of letting this destroy us, we take the feeling you guys felt the day after the election... and say that morning we all woke up knowing what it felt like to be black.

It is a nightmare.

I thought I'd feel taller.

Yeah, well, maybe we can get past all that racial B.S. that's held us up for so long and work with each other to make sure that whatever happens next in this country, we do together.

How do we work together when the other half is nuts?

O-Okay, okay.


We have to stop that, too.

All right, do I understand what anybody in their right mind could have seen in Trump?

No! But maybe that's why we lost.

Over 50 million people felt something.

And I'm not saying that they were right.

But I don't think it... It's possible that all, half, or even most of them were nuts... or racists... or hated women.

So then what were they thinking?

Daphne, I don't know.

But I do feel it's time that we stop calling each other names and we start trying to have those conversations.

If we don't, we'll end up being in a country that's even more divided for a long time.

King: There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the n*gro is granted his citizenship rights.

The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former sl*ve owners will be able to...

Dre: I've been lucky enough to raise four beautiful children in the world that showed them Jay Z and Beyoncé as king and queen, a black family in the White House, and a woman run and almost win the presidency of the United States. So if you ask me if I love America, the answer is yes, warts and all. Can it be better? I hope so. And I hope that we as a people have it in us to come together and make lemonade out of our lemons.

And sing in the words of the old n*gro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
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