10x10 - The Devil Inside

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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10x10 - The Devil Inside

Post by bunniefuu »

(tense theme)

(quiet chiming music)

(tense theme returns)

(indistinct street chatter)


(creepy music)

(hair-raising music continues)


Are you alright?

I'm sorry.

He made me do it.


The Devil.

(creepy music intensifies)

Mr. Foley?

How do you mean, the Devil is inside you?

I mean it like it is and it sounds.

He came in through my chest one night.

And now he lives in my head like an insect.

Telling me to do things...

Terrible things.

And why did you obey him?

He said if I did as he asked he would leave me.

But he didn't.

And just what did the Devil say to you?

He told me that I would be visited by two men.

That I was to invite them in then cut their throats.

He told me they were demons but I knew better.

I should have k*lled myself instead.

But I couldn't do it.

I'm a coward.

I'll have the constables escort Mr. Foley to the asylum.

Yes, I think that would be best.

He's back.

I don't know. I don't know.

Mr. Foley?

Is your name Julia?


He knows you.

Is he talking to you right now?


What is he saying?

Alight, alright! I will.

He wants to talk to you.

I can't hear him.

Hello, Julia.

How wonderful it is to see you again.

I'm afraid I don't recall meeting you.

Oh Julia, you wound me.

Surely you remember me.

I buried you alive.

(frantic banging) HELP!


William. Help.

James Gillies?

Have you missed me?

(creepy music)

Mr. Foley claims to be possessed by the spirit of James Gillies?

Well, if he really believes he's hearing his voice, he must be mad.

That or he is passing himself off as insane in order to avoid the noose.

Then why invoke Gillies?

I don't know.

To undermine our investigation. Unnerve us.

Well if that is his intent, he will fail.



We've identified the victims sir. We have Robert Wilcox, a farmer from Richmond Hill, and Gerrard Berkeley, a machinist.

He lived at Brunswick and Harbord.

Alright then. Find out how the two men are connected and if they are at all connected to Mr. Foley.

Oh, and find out what, if any, connection either may have to James Gillies.


I'm going to have another chat with Mr. Foley.

I'll go to the asylum and see if there's a file on him.

Are you alright?

Yes. Whether he's insane or just manipulative, he is in custody and of no threat to either of us.

James Gillies remains as dead as ever.

Though I would be interested to hear what Mr. Foley has to say.

Let's meet back at the hotel later and I'll tell you all about it.

I will. I will. I said I will.

(stammering): He wants to talk to you now.

I'd much prefer to speak with you, Mr. Foley.

You see I don't believe in demonic possession.

Nor do I think you're insane.

He doesn't want to talk to you now!


Stop it! Stop it! Please. Please!

Please talk to him. Please! Before he drives me truly mad.

Oh God! Oh God!

All right. All right, Mr. Foley. Have a seat.

You disappoint me, William.

A good Catholic such as yourself denying demonic possession.

What would your priest say?

He would conclude, as I have, that this is all a big show you're putting on to escape the noose.

I'm not, I swear.

I'm doing as you ask!

I apologize for Mr. Foley's stupidity.

He doesn't appreciate that it's rude to interrupt a conversation between friends.


Why of course.

I know I sometimes played a little rough.

I kidnapped the woman you loved and buried her alive.

But it was all in good fun.

I suppose in retrospect it was impolite of me to k*ll her husband and set her up for the crime.

But William, the look on her face when the verdict came in...


Dr. Ogden, the nature of this crime is such that I have no recourse but to sentence you to be hanged by the neck until you are dead.

Such intense emotion.


Julia. I'll get you out.

I couldn't help but applaud.

(slow clapping)

And the look on your face when you saw me...

You were at the courthouse.

That proves nothing, Mr. Foley.

Ah, that's right. You don't believe in demonic possession.

OK then Detective, tell me, was Mr. Foley also in the lecture hall?

What lecture hall?

Surely you remember. It was where we first met.

Newton believed light to be made of particles.

Professor Godfrey was lecturing on the wave theory of light.

And you came through the door.

Well, a wave needs something to push against, does it not?

That's what makes it a wave.

You'd come to talk to Professor Godfrey about Professor Bennett's m*rder.

Robert Perry and I were such scamps.

We'd thought we'd committed the perfect m*rder.

(clock chime; g*nsh*t)

We even insinuated ourselves into your investigation.

May we be allowed to observe your investigation?

Observe? Quite dull, I should think.

Actually, it might prove an interesting exercise in applied physics.

What do you think, sir? Show these young toughs how things are done outside the schoolyard?

Something we never see. The classroom's so theoretical.

I can't see the harm. Why not?

Ah, the folly of youthful arrogance.

We mocked you and the cheerful chipmunk that you worked with.

Robert thought you were a rube, but as I watched you work, I began to realize that I was in the company of a mind to match my own.

Such clarity.

Such purpose.

Like a bolt of lightning finds the shortest route to ground, you knew
exactly what to look for.

And I experienced the unsettling thrill of realizing that you would defeat me.

There are only two ways for you to avoid this nine-foot drop, Mr. Perry. One is to confess your crime and to name your accomplice.

And the other?

Robert, don't.

You couldn't prove anything of course, so you tricked Robert into turning on me.

I knew you were brilliant, but I failed to anticipate just how devious you would be.

It wasn't my idea.

Shut up, you fool.

The timing device. That was his invention.

You bloody coward.

You tried to k*ll me.

No, I didn't. Whatever they said, it was a trick.

Unfortunately, he's right, Mr. Perry.

Poor Robert.

He just was not made of the same stuff as you and I.

Oh my God.

It's a shame that he had to lose his head. I was angry.

I know, that's no excuse.

I behaved badly towards Robert.

I've told him as much.

How did you do that?

Why, Robert Perry is down here with me.

Isn't it wonderful?

Everything they taught you in church is true.

There is a Hell.

It's everything they said it would be.

That's why I returned.

To take you back with me.

Oh Detective, we are going to have so... much... fun!

I forgive you, William.

(mechanically): I forgive you, William... give you, William.

I for... give... William.

Give you, William. William. William.

I for... I for... give...

Hello, Detective Murdoch. Remember me?

I know what you're thinking. "Now I understand how rats get caught in traps. They're easy to fool."

Welcome to the Murdoch Trap, Detective.

We are going to have so much fun!

I went to the asylum.

There's no record of Mr. Foley.

William, are you alright?

He knows things, Julia.

He knows how I met Gillies, what he did to Robert Perry...

He even used the phrase "We're going to have so much fun."

Wasn't that on his filmed confession?

William, everything he told you could have been gleaned from newspapers and court transcripts.

You admit that you kidnapped Dr. Ogden and buried her alive?

Well, it wouldn't have been much of a game if there were no stakes.

Here! Start digging!

William! Help!

Quickly! She's running out of air.

Julia. God, please.


It's alright. You're with me now.

I'm so sorry.

But Detective Murdoch won that game, did he not? Nicely played, Detective Murdoch.

Looks like you win again.

I'm going to watch you hang in person this time, Mr. Gillies.

I'm flattered.

Why do this? You could have walked away a free man.

I don't like to be bested. You beat me the first time.

I wanted a rematch.

Well, the game is good and over now.


Unfortunately, you didn't hang, Mr. Gillies. You escaped.

But instead of securing your freedom, you returned to k*ll Dr. Ogden's husband and frame her for the crime. Why, Mr. Gillies?

I was conducting an experiment. Doesn't every man tell his lover that he would die for her?

But how many truly would?

Would you? I know you'd fight for her, to the death if necessary.

But to actually trade your life?

That is my experiment, Detective.

Does any of this look familiar, Mr. Foley?


Everything that you've told me so far can be found in these documents.

So if I'm to believe you are possessed by James Gillies, you'll have to tell me something that only James Gillies knows.


I'm waiting.

He wants to speak to you again.

Very well.

Hello, Julia.

Do you remember our last conversation?

(train chugging and whistling)


To what do I owe the pleasure?

I just wanted you to let you know that I've made a request to the Kingston coroner to have your brain removed.


Your brain, Mr. Gillies.

After you are ex*cuted, of course.

Well I'm flattered.

Something made you, Mr. Gillies.

I believe you may have some physical abnormality that caused you to become what you are.

And what am I?

A monster.

A monster?

You confessed to k*lling six people.

One of which was your late husband. You still haven't thanked me for that.

He was an innocent man...

Who was getting in the way of you and the good detective's happiness.

Now there's nothing between you and the man of your dreams.

Aren't you happy? Or do you feel guilty?

Why should I feel guilty? You k*lled him.

Yes, but you caused that.

He'd still be alive if he hadn't met you.

You know when I'll be happy, Mr. Gillies?

When I pronounce you dead.

Well you'll just have to wait because that won't be happening for some time.

Ask me why I want to live so badly.


Because I'm not done with you yet.

Aren't you curious as to why I've come back?

Why have you?

I'm not done with you yet.



"I'm not done with you yet."

That's the last thing he ever said to me.

Those exact words. I've never told anyone about that conversation.


There's no other way that Mr. Foley could have known about that.

Oh, my God. James Gillies is alive.

Julia, James Gillies is dead.

We've proven that.

Did we?

Is it possible someone overheard that conversation?

No. Which means he must have communicated with Mr. Foley after the bridge.


The water is too shallow. You will be k*lled.




Julia. That bridge is fifty feet high.

The water was shallow. There were rocks.

I barely survived the jump myself.

Yes, but you did. Which means he could have as well.

Why did you jump?

He was getting away.

Any sign of him?

Sir, the river gets fast and deep down there. If he was still handcuffed, there's no way...

You didn't see him?

No, sir.


Sir, we'll keep looking. We'll keep looking and we'll find him.

It's over, William. We have to believe that.

We lied to ourselves.

When the Inspector told us that they had found his body, we leapt to believe it.

We were stupid. I was stupid.

The clothes on the corpse were a match, as were the height and weight.

We had no reason to believe we hadn't
found the body of James Gillies.

Five feet nine inches.

Gillies is five foot ten inches.

Bodies have been known to shrink over time.

We can't afford to be wishful about this. We have to be exact.

It's is not an exact science, William.

The hair appears to be the same.

It exhibits the same curl. Unfortunately, of course, the left side of the face is crushed.

There were rocks in the river. He may have struck one in the fall.

Or Gillies found someone with similar features, k*lled him and placed him in the river.

We could rebuild the face on the intact part of the skull.

Would that be definitive?

Not definitive, no, but possibly convincing, one way or the other.

If this isn't Gillies...

Then he is alive and he will k*ll us.

Look. Remember when Constable Crabtree shot him?

We never did take out the b*llet.


The b*ll*ts match.

I know.

You do?

We took some liberties with the nose.

And the lips are always a bit of a guessing game.

He's dead, William. He's really dead.

We took liberties. We guessed.

You were right, William.

He found a man with similar features and k*lled him.

So he removed the b*llet from his own shoulder and placed it in the corpse.

Knowing that that would be the piece of evidence that would absolutely convince us that it was his body.

But doesn't that suggest that he intended to disappear and never return? So why is he back?

I don't know. I don't know.

But until this is resolved, I want a constable at your side at all times.

If James Gillies is back, he has a reason.
Where is he?

He's in my head.

He's not in your head. You're working with him.

He's given you information. Now where is he?

No, I already told you!

You've told me nothing but lies!

Stop, please, you're hurting...


AHH! Ugh! Oof.

What's the voice in your head saying now, Mr. Foley?

No, he's not saying anything.

He's just laughing.


(frustrated sigh)

If I don't keep my temper, I won't be able to get to the bottom of this.

That's what demons do. They bring out the worst in us.

That's just it, Julia. Foley seems like just a broken man.

He did k*ll two men. And he knows things that only Gillies could know.

(knocking) Sir, I've talked to the wives of both victims.

What's their connection to Gillies?

Unknown sir. Neither knew Jacob Foley, James Gillies, or even each other.

How odd.

What were they doing in that rooming house?

Well, both men had received letters from Foley enticing them there, sir.

Did you write this?


Do the names Robert Wilcox and Gerrard Berkeley mean anything to you?

No sir.

I would like to speak with Mr. Gillies again.

Hello William.

Are you here to beat up Mr. Foley again?

Tut tut.

And I thought I was the violent one.

Why k*ll Robert Wilcox and Gerrard Berkeley?

Because of their names.

That's a clue, by the way.

What about their names?

I can't tell you that.

It won't be any fun if I just give away the game.

What's the game?

The same as it's always been.

You and I having a ton of fun.

But at the end of the day, someone wins and someone loses.

The question is, what are you in danger of losing?

Or should I say, who?

Temper, temper, William. Be a good boy and I'll give you a hint.

It's one I've given you before.

You really are wasting time, Detective.

How much time do I have?

37 minutes, by my calculations. Less, if she loses faith you'll find her in time.

You mean if she panics.

You've rigged some sort of device to be triggered by her heart rate.

Oh, I like that. I almost wish I'd done it, but... no.

You know what's funny? Well, I guess you won't find it that amusing, but you will appreciate the irony when you discover it.

Discover what?

That it was you who k*lled her.

You were so hell-bent on finding me, you sealed her fate.

Of course I knew you'd do that. You're so predictable.

It's really not fair.

Tell you what, Detective. Here's a hint: You already have all the clues you need to find her.

The question is: are you smart enough to figure it out in time?

So you're saying I have all the clues already?

Until we meet again, Detective.

He's gone.


The voice... it's gone!

(mechanical whirring begins quietly, then increases)


No! Make it stop! Make it stop!

Mr. Foley! Mr. Foley! Stop!

Mr. Foley! Put down the g*n!



Mr. Foley was our only link to James Gillies.

There's nothing you could have done, William.

He said I have all the clues I need.

Perhaps it's true.

I have only questions.

If Mr. Foley was in league with James Gillies, then why k*ll himself?

And if Gillies engineered his su1c1de, then how?

Detective, Doctor.

What is it, Miss James?

We're not the first ones in here.

Foley said the devil entered him through his chest.

Open him up, Miss James.

His spleen has been removed.


There's something clipped onto his rib.

Good lord!

There's wire attached.

It runs underneath the skin.

Follow it.

This was embedded in his skull right behind the left cochlea.

The wires were threaded subcutaneously between the muscles and skin.

It's a magnet and coil. Similar to a telephone speaker, only it has no diaphragm. It must have vibrated directly against his skull.

It's a small wonder it drove him mad.

What is it connected to?

Some sort of wireless transmission device.

I'm going to need to speak with Reginald Fessenden.

Who's that?

He's an inventor.

He specializes in wireless voice transmission.

I believe he's currently working at the Toronto Power House.

This was in a man's body?

Yes. It looks like a scaled-down version of your electrolytic detector.

That's exactly what it is. And I should know.

I designed it.

You did?

About six months ago, I was asked to design a version of my detector small enough to be worn on a person, not inside.

I was paid a commission and given full patent rights.

Is this the man that commissioned you?

We never met in person, but I think not.

I was commissioned by a woman.

What was her name?

Gillian James.

George. You interviewed a woman earlier, blonde hair, heavily rouged. Lives near Veronica Bowden's home.

Miss James.

Yes. What's her address?

It's right here, sir. Miss Gillian James.

Gillian James... James Gillies!

Do you have an address?

Not for Miss James, but I have an address for where I sent the design specifications.

Let's see.

740 Robert Street. Leonard Wright.

Who's that?

The man who built this.



Go to 740 Robert Street.

Bring in a man named Leonard Wright.

Be careful, bring a constable with you.

This man has worked with James Gillies.


What's this device capable of?

It can receive a signal from a nearby source.

How nearby?

A city block. Maybe two.

Can it send signals out?

Oh heavens no.

It's strictly one way.

William, if this device is only one way, then how was Gillies able to hear what we were saying?

William, what are you doing?

I'm looking for a microphone.

There has to be a microphone.

(mysterious music)

Where does it go to?

He was right next door the whole time.

"Detective Murdoch. I'm sorry to have missed you.

I look forward to seeing you very soon.

Remember, you have all the clues you need. James Gillies."

There was only one clue: the victims' names.

Robert Wilcox.

And Gerrard Berkeley.

I've tried ciphers, anagrams, everything!

Oh, sir, I've spoken with Mr. Wright.

He's a jeweller who specializes in microscopic construction.

He admits to building the device, sir.

In fact he was asked to build two such devices.

Did you bring him in?

He's in the interview room, sir.


Sir, this is probably nothing, but 740 Robert Street is at the intersection of Robert and Willcocks.

Robert Wilcox.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

No, no, Henry, it isn't a coincidence.

This is the clue that Gillies alluded to.

What's at the corner of Gerrard and Berkeley?

Veronica Bowden's house.

She's the girl that Gillies kidnapped.

Veronica, who took you from your bed last night?

Was it a man, or a woman?

A man.

A man.

Did you know him?


What did the man look like?

I never saw him. I was sleeping.

Veronica, did this man hurt you in any way?

No, he was nice. He said we were playing hide and seek.


Did he say who you were hiding from?

You. But you found me.

Yes, yes I did.

Veronica, did the man ever make a voice like this?

Help me, Detective Murdoch.

I've lost my head. Can you help me find it?



Well, thank you.

But he said you were a bad person.

And that you aren't very clever.

Do you remember me?

Yes. You're the detective who found me when I was kidnapped.

That's right Miss Bowden. I'm Detective Murdoch.

Do you remember the man who kidnapped you?

His name was James Gillies.

That's right.

Has he contacted you or your mother?

I thought he was dead.

So did I.

Are you here about the doll?

What doll?

It arrived yesterday.

Please stop. No, don't! William, please help me.

That's Julia. George, he has Julia!

It doesn't work. It just makes a crackling sound.

See, I told you.

Hello, City Morgue.

It's working now.



Meet me back at the hotel.

Right now? Are you finished at the Bowden House?

Meet me back at the hotel and I'll tell you all about it.

Hello, City Morgue.

That's a funny message to put in a doll.


The message wasn't for you. It was for me.


Hello, Detective. How nice of you to drop in.

Where is she?


Julia? She's at the morgue.

You're so gullible. When I suggested you may lose someone, you assumed I meant your wife.

Who then?

You remember this little fella?


I've been watching you, Detective.

These last few years I've basked in the glow of your happiness.

You got married. You're building her a house.

It seems as though you are constructing a tiny, perfect little life.

Be such a shame to see that all come undone.

What do you want with me, Gillies?

Well, I need your... help with something I'm having a little trouble with.

Help with what?

I want you to k*ll me.

k*ll you?


Look at me.

What happened to you?

I jumped off a bridge, remember?

I smashed my face on one rock.

Crushed my spine on another.

Do you know what happens to a spine when it's crushed?

It severs the spinal cord.

If you're lucky. If you're unlucky, it merely drives bone shards into your vertebral nerves.

You're in pain.


It is agony at the center of every thought, every dream.

You see, I've tried opiates, but, see, they just dull the mind.

And a mind like mine? Well, that's like painting over the Sistine Chapel.

Why not k*ll yourself?

Because I want my life to be taken by the object of my admiration and ardour.


Don't you remember our moment on the bridge?


I'm not going to sh**t you, Mr. Gillies.

But if it's any consolation, I will watch you hang.

Oh I won't hang.

No, the shock of the force ripping apart my vertebrae while I'm still conscious? It... terrifies me.

The lecture you gave left quite an indelible impression.

Heroin is wonderful, but too much can be deadly, as I'm sure you know.

His eyes will roll back and he'll just stop breathing.


I know what you're thinking.

Can you get to me before I get to him?

At what point does the risk of his death trump your desire to see justice done?

(g*n clicks)

Oh, my goodness.

You took the b*ll*ts out.

All but one.

I needed to know, and now I do.

See, I wanted to die, I did, but when you pulled the trigger all I could think was 'not yet.'

There's still so much I want to do.

Now drop that g*n or say goodbye to this little chap.

If you hurt him...

William, I want to thank you.

You have given me the gift of life.

A new sense of purpose. For that I thank you.

We are going to have so... much...


The act of hanging a man requires a rigorous application of Newtonian principles.

Can anyone tell me the variables required to determine the amount of force needed to break a neck?

Anyone? Mr. Gillies?

Force is simply the product of mass times acceleration.

Exactly. Or in this case, rapid deceleration as the rope snaps taut.

I think this is all in utterly poor taste.

A rubber b*llet?

As I said, I intended to see you hang.

Good bye, Mr. Gillies.

♪ After the ball is over ♪
♪ After the break of morn' ♪
♪ After the dancers' leaving ♪
♪ After the stars are gone ♪
♪ Many a heart is aching ♪
♪ If you could read them all ♪
♪ Many the hopes that have vanished ♪
♪ After the ball ♪
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