01x10 - EJ

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bull". Aired: September 20, 2016 - May 26, 2022.*
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"Bull" follows a trial consultant, who uses his insight into human nature, three Ph.D.'s and a top-notch staff to tip the scales of justice in favor of his client. Inspired by the early career of Dr. Phil McGraw.
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01x10 - EJ

Post by bunniefuu »

(tires screeching)

♪ ♪
♪ You're a*t*matic ♪
♪ So keep on walking ♪
♪ Get off your knees, baby ♪
♪ Stop talking ♪
♪ You got fire... ♪

(tires screech)

All right.

Very nice, E.J.

You shaved 0.7 seconds off that run.

We'll need to up the negative camber another... degree.

That's exciting.


You wanted me to remind you when it was time to go.

Thanks, E.J.

Anytime, man.

I still have to load your upgrade.



What's wrong with your wipers?

Low moisture sensitivity.

They were coming on too late when it rained.

I got a game to catch.

(tapping door)

Come on.

Screw this, I got to go.



I don't have time for this crap, E.J. Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Newsman: CEO of Ejetto Technologies, Ginny Bretton...

Newsman 2: E.J. kills.

(distorted): My name's E.J.

(newsmen overlapping)

Newsman 3: Technology on trial...

How are you? My name's E.J.

My name's E.J. My name's E.J.

Would you like me to stop for some coffee?

Marissa: Ejetto Technologies was founded by tech entrepreneur Ginny Bretton.

Say her name fast and it rhymes with Einstein.

Benny: I don't think Einstein would've devoted his life to autonomous vehicles.

Benny, do I detect a hint of technophobia?

Just work better with paper and pen.

And by pen, I mean my Montblanc.


So, what do we think of this case?

(sighs) It's a loser.

The plaintiff is Adam's widow, married less than a year, also an employee at Ejetto.

All they have to prove is that it was negligence that caused the death.

Much as I hate to agree, juries get lost in technobabble, so they're likely to find for a young widow over big tech.

But this case has a young woman behind it, and Ginny has accomplished more in her first 26 years than most do in an entire lifetime.

(cell phone beeps)

Who knows what she's gonna do in the next 26?

You really think she's going to make that big of an impact?

I do. Just got a text.

She sent a car.

Least I can do is hear her out.

E.J.: Hi, Dr. Bull.

Please come in.

My name is E.J.

How are you?

In case you're programmed to care, E.J., I'm fine, thanks for asking.

Are you comfortable with me driving?

Well, "comfortable" might be a bit strong.

I take it you're the self-driving program that Ginny is getting ready to launch?

I am.

Were you driving the car that was involved in the fatal crash?

Unfortunately, yes.

But don't worry, I've been updated.

What went wrong?

Unfortunately, I don't remember.

That's convenient.

Good thing Ginny contacted me.

E.J.: Yes. You have a very impressive success rate:


Actually, it's a bit higher than that.

Currently it is, but Ginny also asked me to factor in this case, as well.

I projected a loss.


E.J.: All right, Dr. Bull.

You have arrived at Ginny Bretton's house.

Front door's open.

I'll wait here for you.

Thank you.



Ms. Bretton?

Oh, yeah, I'm back here.


Want a fry?


Sorry, I'm Ginny.

I'd shake your hand, but, um... burger fingers.


So, is it Dr. Bull?

Or Jason? Or...

Just Bull.

Well, hey, thanks for coming.

(laughs) Let's...

Where to start?

Oh! Ah, first, have a seat.


Interesting office.

My parents surrendered this room to me when I was 12, so...

Your parents live here?

Oh, uh, they did, yeah.

I bought them a house in Scottsdale, traded it for this.

This is where I get all my best ideas.

So, ah, uh, personal desalinization pods, self-generating solar batteries.

Um, the Arable Gobi. I love this one.

It's, um, turning the Gobi Desert into farmland.

Are all these realistic?

Yeah, all of them.

I've just been, uh, too busy working on E.J.


Adam was such a nice guy.

I feel terrible for Adam's wife, Erica, too.

Erica said Adam died because your program malfunctioned.

Yeah, and I've spent every minute since he died scanning E.J., but there's no glitch, no error, nothing.

Wasn't his fault.


Uh, yeah, E.J.'s.

When you give something a face, it's hard not to anthropomorphize it.


So you think it was Adam's fault.

It had to be.

He entered those updates every day with a thumb drive, but the day that he died, he made a mistake.

He bypassed security protocols, you know, prematurely shut down and overloaded the system.

That's what k*lled him?

Oh, once you have corrupted files, anything can happen.

E.J. was designed to save lives, not to take them.

So, 33,000 Americans die in car accidents every year, but if every car had an E.J., we could reduce that number by 90%.

Okay, that's 30,000 lives, every year.

That's a lot of lives.

Yes, it is.

So, what's his speech based on?

I noticed he said "unfortunately" twice.

You coded him to use very human idioms.

Uh... yeah.

I had a friend who used to say that all the time, about everything.


"Used to"?

Mm, yeah.


You know, I have a PhD, three disciplines, in psychology if you need any help with E.J.'s personality.

Thanks, but, uh, I like him the way he is.

Why don't you settle?

I tried.

You know, I've offered Erica whatever she wanted, but... this isn't about money for either of us.

She wants revenge.

She wants to k*ll E.J.


Benny: Even if her employee screwed up, why weren't there adequate fail-safes in place?

Ejetto is a tech company. Safety should be job one.

It's gonna come down to Ginny's credibility as an inventor.

They'll try and paint her as a money-grubbing, heartless tech-head who doesn't care about her employees.

Bull: Nothing could be further from the truth.

She's a marshmallow.

She's also loopy... Half-finished sentence next to a half-eaten bowl of Count Chocula.


So, I'm thinking we'll lose the pajamas.

Yeah, that's a good idea because a little loopy is nice, it's endearing.

Takes the edge off the CEO stereotype.

But too loopy looks incompetent, likely to make mistakes.

Okay, so we'll find the sweet spot on the loopiness spectrum.

It's a copy of the thumb drive that the paramedics found near Adam's body.

Have Cable go through that, find Adam's mistakes.

We also need proof he bypassed security protocols.

I thought Ginny already confirmed that he did.

People, say it with me.

All: Never trust the client.

That's my team.

Now I'm proud of you.

Danny, we're gonna go to Ejetto, we've got to get our hands on Adam's personnel file and find out what kind of employee he was.

Yeah, I'm just the money guy.

That's why Ginny brought me in.

She makes the magic, I make the payroll.

You get along with her?

Oh, are you kidding?

Ginny's like a daughter to me, in more ways than one.

I mean, I feel like a father to most of these kids.

Right, Carter?

That's right, Dad.

(chuckles) Course, you know, soon they'll all be billionaires and they'll be moving off to start their own little tech families.

When did you come on board?

Eighth grade.

Ginny beat me out for middle school valedictorian.

Not that I'm still bitter about that or anything.

Wait a second.

You started working on E.J. in the eighth grade?

No, no, no, first we built a robotic arm, firefighting drone, a digital cornea and a few others that aren't worth mentioning.

Then Ginny was involved in a car accident and next thing you know, E.J. came along.

Tell us about Adam.

Oh, was a great guy.

Poor Erica, we loved her here.

She's one of our best R&D engineers.

Nice enough guy, but he had his issues.

Showing up late, missing some days, falling asleep on the job.

This wasn't his first mistake.

It's all in the file.

So, you think the accident was his fault?

Hell yeah.

Dean: It's obviously in our interest to think so, but the truth is he did violate security protocols.

You know when you're supposed to click eject before removing?

Well, we have several things that you're supposed to log before removing the drive.

He didn't stick to the script.

Incident report's in there, too.

Should've fired him a long time ago.

Maybe. But Ginny thinks of everyone here as family members.

All right, you don't mind if we take a look around, do you?

Sure, take your time.

Thank you, guys.

All right, see what you can find.

Keep an eye on Carter.

He's not telling us everything.

It's a digital record from the night of the accident.

Adam definitely screwed up in failing to log the drive out, but watch this.

He overloaded the system.

So why was he in such a hurry?

Cable: I checked his calendar.

Bull: A soccer match.

He was in a hurry to get home and watch a game.

At 1:30 in the morning?

You've obviously never seen an Arsenal, Man. U. match.

There's our human error.

Ginny's home free.

Cable: Except... the green thumb drive is still a bit of a mystery.

I dug deeper and found something I didn't recognize: a bunch of junk code lines.

I'll try to decipher what I can, but it's like eating a bowl of soup with a fork.

Get slurping.

Danny: Well, we have our first person of interest.

Your suspicions were right, Bull.

Carter's a recovering addict.

He was in rehab last year.

You want to ask him about that?

I'd rather ask our client.

He was in a mountain biking accident five years ago, he messed up a nerve in his neck.

Started out with prescription pain pills and went downhill from there.

He ever come back uphill?

(sighs) He says that he's clean, but his money's going somewhere.

I mean, he's always hitting me and Dean up for a float.

I mean, he's desperate for money, could be an extortion plot gone wrong.

No. I mean, Carter's got his personal problems, but he and I built this company from nothing, he wouldn't jeopardize it.

Plus, I pulled his security clearance on E.J. a year ago.

How'd he take that?

With bitterness and sarcasm.

Bottom line, he couldn't access E.J.'s program even if he wanted to.

When the Titanic sank, whose fault was it, the ship's or the captain's?

Marissa: And this helps us how?

Walking tech disasters screw up tech ten times a day.

They accept human error as a fact of life.

They'll blame the captain before the ship, Adam before E.J.

Juror: The ship had serious design flaws.

You can't blame the captain.

They told him it was unsinkable.

Marissa: Middle-school science teacher.

ScoreMyTeacher.com says he's a hawk when it comes to grading, never gives anything over a "B."

Hmm. Well, we don't want him to flunk E.J.

(clears throat)

Move to strike, Your Honor.

Juror number one, you're dismissed.

Marissa: Next up is Stella... artist, lives off the grid. Now, this is where tech disasters get tricky.

No social media profiles, not even e-mail.

I like the look.

Old school.

I can smell the patchouli from here.

We accessed postal archives, she exchanges letters with a transcendental guru, signs her name as her spirit animal.

Stella: I can't imagine trying to guide a ship that size a hundred years ago.

The captain was only human.

The captain was negligent, and the ship was poorly engineered.

If I had to blame one thing, it'd be the iceberg.

(chuckles) There's an outside-the-box thinker.

He's a wild card, but at least his instinct isn't to blame Ginny.

Let's take him.

That look of quiet desperation means you couldn't decrypt it.

But this look of excitement... says I found someone who can.

An encryption specialist named Sarcoma.

How come hackers never have names like Parasol or Julep?

Well, hackers tend to pick names that reflect their personality.

This one's cancer.

He won't meet with me, but I happen to know that he's dying to meet Goliath 918, a notoriously reclusive hacktivist.

Rumor is that he anonymously shows at events, so I was wondering if you could, pose as him at this get-together later.

As Goliath 918.

Well, no one knows what he looks like, other than that he's... vintage.


Sorry. But, with a little makeover, you could totally pull it off.


Chunk, I got a job for you.

(train rumbling)

(clears throat)


Amazing transformation.

If no one's ever seen this guy, how do they know he doesn't dress like this?

Remember our little refresher.

If you forget what to say, just throw out some hacker slang, like "yak shaving" or "dogfooding."

(rock music playing)


I think that's him.

Let's go shave that yak.




I'm-I'm Cable.

And this is Goliath 918.

You're not Goliath.

(crowd murmuring)


Woman: Did you see that?

Goliath, it's an honor.

Don't touch me.

You're not Sarcoma.

I swear to God I am.

Junk code, two minutes.

(computer trilling)

(phone vibrating)

(sighs) Speak.

Danny: I followed Carter home, and there's something you got to see. Um...

I'm sending it over to Cable right now.

Oh, my God.

(phone beeps)

He did it, in less than two minutes.



So, we cool?

It's just that I...

I don't like to be touched.


What was with the smashing?

How did you know that that would sell him?

I needed a personality that matched the name.

What's on this?

So, Sarcoma decrypted about 300 pages of real code embedded in the junk.

Not sure what it is yet, but it's not junk.

(phone chimes)

Hold on.

We're getting live feed from Danny.

Bull: Ginny's at Carter's house?

Yeah. I got sound.

Hold on.

Ginny: What the hell have you done to us?

She swore Carter was innocent.

I told you, never trust the client.

Where were you yesterday?


Went to bed early, at 10:00.

In the past seven words, you exhibited two of the three most common lying traits: you blinked twice the national average, and you pointed your feet towards the exit.

Bull: When we fib, we subconsciously get ready to leave the room, in case we're caught.

We know you were with Carter yesterday. Why?

Wait, you had me followed?

No, we had Carter followed.

You were a surprise bonus.

Carter and I are old friends.

What we talked about had nothing to do with the case.

It's private.


(sighs) Am I really that bad a liar?

Let's just say it makes your hair your second-worst trait.


I guess fashion and tech are mutually exclusive, huh?

Not at all.

In fashion, social tech is everything.

Our profiles, our posts, our images...

They create our brand.

Not to mention the dating apps that govern modern love.

Tech meets man's greatest needs.

Some people find love through tech, others find tech through love.

It's a long story.

Well, we have a lot of problems, and a lack of time ain't one.


So spill it.

Benny: Adam was diagnosed with sleep apnea two years before he started working at Ejetto.

So the plaintiffs can't say that Adam's insomnia and inattention to detail were work related.

Benny, tell Danny to take a closer look at our young widow.

Before we go to court to defend Ginny, we need to find out why she's lying about Carter.

Let's talk to an employee who won't lie.

Who's that?

Bull: E.J., what can you tell us about Carter Spinell?

He was born 26 years ago, on March 21, in Hempstead, New York.


Let's fast forward a little bit.

He and Ginny had a falling out...

Over his drug use or something else?

Unfortunately, I don't know.

Did he recently alter your programming?

Carter doesn't have security clearance to alter my code.

Did Carter originally write any of your programming?


My collision algorithm.

It makes choices to minimize loss.

If the car is going to hit an object and, say, there are motorcyclists on either side, one wearing a helmet, the other not, the algorithm determines which one you should hit.

Choosing between survival and legalities.

That was Carter's work?

The base code was done by Carter, but Ginny revised many specific rules.

But just like any language, programmers often inject idiosyncrasies into their work.

If I look through the algorithm, I can probably tell you exactly who did what.

Great, work with Cable on it.

I have got an idea I want to prep Benny for in court.


Making Ginny more sympathetic for the jury.
Inglis: From what you told us, it sounds like Adam was more than just a wonderful coworker and husband.

He even used to make me breakfast every morning.

Those were the best days of my life.

You get that, Marissa?

Yes, and so did all of our mirror jurors.

Heart rates are normal, biometrics are showing they are calm and attentive.

They like Erica.

Your witness.

Ms. Bunson, you say your husband made breakfast for you in the mornings.

Was that because he was already up?

Of course.

In fact, it wasn't unusual for him to be up all night?

Adam sometimes had trouble sleeping.

'Cause he was an insomniac?

There were a lot of factors.

Benny: Well, these factors caused him to miss at least two days every month and be late three times the week of October 15.

Adam's job was hard.

They worked him very long hours, so he didn't punch a clock.

Did you resent the company for overworking him?

Yes, I did.

You two were seeing a marriage counselor, is that correct?

Lots of couples go to therapy.

Heart rates are going up, Bull.

They are stressing. This is not good.

Bull: Relax.

It's all part of the strategy.

Benny: As a newlywed, would you say that these were the best days of your life?



You were upset at the company, at your husband, and... you stand to make an awful lot from this lawsuit.


Is counsel gonna ask Ms. Bunson a question or just insult her?


Marissa: Bull, biometrics are showing signs of stress, probably anger.

We're two to four against. We can't afford to lose any.

Judge: Make your point, Mr. Colón.

Yes, Your Honor. I just have one simple question.

Did you have anything to do with the death of your husband?

Ginny: Wait, stop this!

Erica, I am so sorry.

I had no idea they were gonna do this to you.

Judge: Ms. Bretton, please sit down!

Marissa: Heart rates are going down.

Signs of de-escalating stress. Almost as though...

Bull: They saw Ginny rush to protect Erica, and they connected to her.

Benny: No further questions, Your Honor.

I think this is a good time for a recess.

Marissa: Your stunt worked, Bull.

Everyone showed motions in Ginny's direction.

And we actually got one juror to our side.

Now it's three to three.

Which means the prosecution's gonna be desperate for a new strategy.

And when one is desperate, one resorts to fear.

Fear of technology.

So how do we push back?

We fight fear with fun.

(tires screech)

If you squint, you can see the future, Benny.

Okay, so the jurors who are afraid of this technology...

They go for a ride, they have a wonderful time, fall in love with the whole self-driving thing.

Then they flip, and boom, we win.

And here I thought my plan was inscrutable.

Benny: Problem is getting them in the car, and not k*lling them.

That's why you're going.

People are competitive, Benny.

If they think you're afraid, they're gonna climb all over themselves to get in this car.

Think you can look scared enough?

Hey, that's perfect.

Your way of embarrassing me, isn't it?

Yes. I made up the rest.

Good luck.


Don't worry, Benny. I'll be right here.

So... who's feeling adventurous?

This self-driving car's gonna take you for one loop around the obstacle course.

Benny over there is a little nervous, but he's gonna do it.

Love that jacket.


Hey, you're Ginny Bretton's attorney, right?

You're afraid to get in this thing?

We should probably not speak to each other.

To avoid any perceptions of impropriety.

Fine by me.

Come on.

Live a little, lawyer man. (chuckles)

Have fun, lawyer man.

(Bull chuckles)

You'll be all right.

E.J.: Welcome aboard.

Please keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times.

Expectant mothers and young children should not ride.

(engine starts)

That was a joke.

Everyone ready?

Here we go.

No. But let's go.

(engine revving)

(tires screeching)

(tires screeching)


(tires screech)





Thanks for your time.

Yeah, so the robot works now, but would you really trust it out there on the streets of Manhattan?

I think two of them switched to Ginny's side. It's not bad.

Could do worse.

(phone chiming)

It's not good enough.

What's up, Cable?

You know those 300 pages of code Sarcoma found on the thumb drive?

I finally figured out what they are: a back door.

A secret opening into E.J.'s code that allows users to hack in and control the vehicle.

It's what was used to k*ll Adam, and it's in every copy of E.J.

Ginny says she searched every byte of E.J.

It's called a Heisenbug.

It doesn't show up on scans.

Here are three examples of code, written by Adam, Ginny and Carter.

Overlay each example with the backdoor code found on the thumb drive...

Carter Spinell.

Find him now.

Cable: Tracking his GPS.

Carter didn't have security clearance, so he couldn't have loaded it into E.J.

Which is why he must have swapped out Adam's green thumb drive with windshield wiper upgrade, disguise the back door.

Why do it in the first place?


Once E.J.'s vulnerable, Carter could blackmail Ejetto or sell it to any rival.

Destroy the company he helped build? I don't think so.

More at play here than money.

Think Adam was in on it?

Either way, Carter probably k*lled him to tie up loose ends.

If he did, that lets Ejetto and Ginny off the hook.

Corporations aren't liable for the crimes of an employee.

Cable: Got him.

All right.

Carter's on the move.

Tell Danny to pick me up.

There he is.

♪ ♪


(indistinct police radio chatter, sirens wailing)

Some bloodshot eyes, blue skin and nails, traces of vomit.

Heroin overdose.

He set the car for one last ride.

They're saying su1c1de.

That's what it looks like.

I guess we're back to square one.

He could still be our guy, maybe Adam's death got to be too much for him.

That would be the tidy answer.

It's just one thing.

If you were gonna k*ll yourself, would you buckle up for safety?


If this was m*rder, maybe he knew something about E.J. that somebody wanted to keep secret.

Someone who had a lot riding on E.J.


This is my fault.



So what happened that day?

Carter's house.

After you asked me about him, I took a closer look at the junk code in the green thumb drive.

Carter's coding signature was all over it.

You confronted him.

Yeah. I mean, I was... furious and confused.

I left him alive.

He-he swore that he had nothing to do with the accident that k*lled Adam.

He just wanted to... punish me.

Punish you for what?

Oh, he-he was upset that I pulled his clearance.

But it was more than that.

He thought that I was choosing my work over our friendship.

He was my best friend, and he was right.

Well, Carter's admission that he sabotaged E.J. means your company is not liable.

But it also means that E.J. can be hacked.

You know, our investors will leave us in droves.

Look, if you win, you can find new investors, but if you lose, there's no company left to invest in.

Right, but if I can just patch up that back door, then the problem disappears.

(chuckles softly)

I'm never giving up on E.J.

It's just a machine.

To you.


So what's the plan?

We're putting Dean Poole on the stand as Ginny's character witness.

So, you want the CFO, the most corporate position of all corporateness, as a character witness?

Ginny needs to see E.J. for what it really is.

Mr. Poole, you knew Carter Spinell?

Very well.

It was a tragic loss.

Inglis: But isn't he the second employee to die in one of your self-driving vehicles?

Benny: Objection!

Facts not in evidence.


Watch it, Mr. Inglis.

Yes, Your Honor. I withdraw.

Exhibit 14.

Ejetto's so-called algorithm of ethics.

Mr. Poole, would you describe its purpose?

It determines the car's course of action in situations where the loss of human life is unavoidable.

Inglis: That's pretty hard to wrap my head around.

Uh, say a large tree's fallen into your lane.

And on your right side, there's a car with two passengers, and on your left, there's one with three passengers.

Which car does your car choose to hit?

The algorithm's designed to save as many lives as possible.

So it would swerve into the car with only two passengers?

No. The car would stay its course.

In order to k*ll the fewest number of people, your car would run straight into the tree and k*ll you, and there's nothing you could do about it?

It takes millions of calculations into account, far better than any human could, again, in order to save as many lives as possible.

Is it possible the upgrade had a glitch and that it identified Adam as a danger, as a life it had to take?

No. I mean...

I'm not qualified to answer that.


That's terrifying.

No further questions.

My spirit animal ain't feeling this.

Machines do not have a choice, but their makers do.

She chose poorly.

Darbie: You mean that carny ride was a tree trunk shy of my early demise?

Hell to the no.

Marissa: The mirror jurors have flatlined.

We're back to two to four against.

Getting them back on board is gonna be a steep climb.

Like E.J., sometimes you have to make a choice of whom to save.

(phone vibrating)

(knock on door)

(door opens, closes)

That was insane.

They totally misunderstood E.J.

He's not some Frankenstein monster.

He'll... save thousands of lives.

Millions of lives.


It's a positive thing.

But often comes from a deep-seated need to... recover something that's been lost.

What have you lost?

I've left some people behind.

You want to tell me what you've lost?

I know about E.J.

The boy you loved, who died in a car accident ten years ago.

Chunk filled me in.

And then my office sent me this.

I was driving him home.

And it was dark, rainy.

Uh, there was an oncoming car, a narrow bridge.

He died in my arms.

I... (inhales deeply)

I k*lled him.

Evan Johnson.

The real E.J.

And now Carter is dead.



Well, he loved you, too.

But you can't love anybody else because you're still in love with Evan.

You've transferred it onto E.J.

But, for Carter, it was jealousy, not blackmail.

He was trying to... take out his rival.

You have to tell the jury this.

They need to know what really happened.

I mean, you need to testify.

The idea that Carter hacked into E.J. and that's what caused Adam's death, they'll buy that.

I'm not coming to court.

Not until I fix E.J.

Evan's gone.

And E.J. can't bring him back.

I didn't take this case to save your tech company.

I took it to help you, to help you move on, and do all the incredible things that you need to do.

And if you don't, your only legacy will be that you were the girl who created the k*ller self-driving car.

That's why you put Dean on the stand.

To manipulate me.

At least come for the verdict.

Okay, but I won't testify.

Ginny, would you like me to stop for some coffee?

I can't believe I left Carter like that.

So alone. (scoffs)

That's not on you.

I think he was m*rder*d.

We don't have proof, but...

(tires screech, engine revving)


Bull: I can't get the door unlocked.

E.J., stop the car.

(tires screech, car horn honks)

I don't know what's happening.

I do.

E.J. is trying to k*ll us.

E.J., all systems abort. I repeat, all systems abort!

Cable, someone is sending us into to the East River.

Would you put your latte down please and hack us the hell out of here?

Got you.

E.J.'s been breached. The back door's in use.

I don't know how to lock the door.

Can't be locked, you have to force them out of E.J. by flooding the door with an unbridled virus.

How about... self-replicating MyDoom!

I've got that one.

Gonna save the life of Ginny freaking Bretton.

I'm in the car, too.

Cable: It's not working, the door's been laced with malware.

Enter the back door multiple times at once, okay?

Force a shutdown.

I'd be impressed if I wasn't about to die.

Cable: 200, 400,

800 entrances in the back door.

Still nothing. 1,600, 3,200, 6,400...

Systems down!

(tires screech)


E.J.: You sure you wouldn't like some coffee?

Maybe a cappuccino?

I'll testify.

You've heard their witnesses say that Adam Bunson's death was caused by your technology.

Yes, I have.

Well... we believe that it was his own error that caused his death.

Now, you've investigated everything involved...

Hardware, software, thumb drives, hard drives?

Yes, I have.

So, in your professional opinion, as the creator and chief programmer of all of these things, what k*lled Adam?

Man or machine?


E.J. k*lled him.

(gallery murmurs quietly)

You do realize that by saying it was the technology's fault, that... you could lose your company?

Yes. I do.

Uh, the technology was compromised, and that's what caused Adam's death.

Benny: Well, this is a very important question, because if the compromise was caused by your error, then your company is liable.

But if it was caused by the illegal acts of someone else, your company cannot be held liable for the criminal acts of others.

So, I ask you, what caused the compromise?

A man I trusted.

A man who loved me, but I never loved back, because I was in love with someone else.

Someone I couldn't let go of.

The system was compromised when he hacked it with malicious intent.

Who hacked it, Ms. Bretton?

Adam's death was the result of a criminal act caused by Carter Spinell.

And I now have the evidence to prove it.

(gallery murmuring quietly)

Madam Foreman.

In the case of Bunson v. Ejetto Technologies, how do you find?

Darbie: We, the jury, find the defendant, Ejetto Technologies, not liable for the death of Adam Bunson.

(gallery murmuring)

Judge: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this court thanks you for your service.

Court is adjourned.

(gavel bangs)

Hi. Thank you.


Well done.

Thank you.

(talking quietly)


I'm so sorry.

Please know that my settlement offer still stands.

But... you won.

Well, we both lost Adam.

Here, here. Come here.

(Ginny sighs)




Sorry I won't be able to help you with your next trial.

For double m*rder.

Police are on their way.


You used Carter to create the back door and Adam to load it in, and then you k*lled them both, so you could exploit it any way you wanted.

'Cause you're the money guy.

That's quite a theory.

Oh, no, the theory was that someone hacked into E.J. twice...

Once to k*ll Adam, and then to send Carter on his ride into oblivion.

We traced that user to you.

And that's not a theory, it's a fact.

One family member just became dispensable.

Officer: You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say...

So... still have mixed feelings about advancing technology?

She wasn't at fault.

Your uncle was a cabbie, wasn't he?

Yeah. For 32 years.

I swear, he knew everyone in San Juan by name, and everyone knew him.

Man, I miss riding in that cab.

So, this is where it all began, huh?

The crash that inspired you to create E.J.?

First time I've been back here.

I know our little joyride was your doing.

(laughs) Getting Cable to use the back door to hack it.

You caught that, huh?

Well, timing was just a bit too convenient.

I guess you needed to do it, or I wouldn't have testified.


♪ ♪

I don't know if I can let him go.

You don't have to let Evan go.

He'll always be a part of you.

E.J. isn't Evan.



So, what are you gonna do now?

I don't know.

I've had this, uh, overwhelming urge to check out the Gobi Desert.


(sniffles) How about you?

I've got a phone call to make.

Someone, uh...

I left behind.


Thank you.

Travel safe.

♪ ♪


Amy. Hi.

(chuckles): Yes, it is.

I know. It's been awhile.
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