02x07 - Inherent Bias

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Med". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Chicago Med" follows the day-to-day chaos of the city's most expl*sive hospital and its staff as they tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events. Intertwines with "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD".
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02x07 - Inherent Bias

Post by bunniefuu »

Packaged you some of the last night's lasagna.

Mmh. Thank you babe.


All right.



Uh. Wait. Almost forgot.

Uh, I bought you these.

Memory foam, on your feet all day.

I don't know what I'd do without you.



Yes... what?

I'm sorry that it took so long, but I do want to marry you.

I mean, if the offer still stands.


I've been sitting on this for months.

Just waiting.





Oh, my God. It's beautiful.

Tate, yes!

[both laughing]


I thought you were picking up an extra shift.

Yeah, I was hoping to, but Goodwin put a moratorium on overtime.

Oh, I do not wanna go home right now and face Mandelbrot.

What? Is your new roomie still leaving toe nail clippings on the couch?

Worse. Now he's doing jumping jacks in the nude.

Okay, you really need a new roommate.

I can't make rent without him.

Well, hey, if worst comes to worst, got plenty of beds down in the morgue.

Yeah. [laughs]

Yeah, I bet you do. I might take you up on that.


Have a good day.

Um, Dr. Halstead?


I, uh, I don't mean to pry, but it sounds to me like you may be in need of a little extra cash flow.

Now just hear me out for one sec.

I think I can help.

Dr. Manning, incoming, Trauma 3.

[alarm blaring]

61 year-old male, BP 140/90, fever 101.


Called it in himself but could hardly breathe by the time we got there.


Sir, I need you to relax.

Listen to me.

Just try to relax, okay?

Listen to me! [inhales deeply]

All right, let's start a Neb treatment and get 125 milligrams solumedrol IV.

Okay, got it.

And an ABG kit...


All right, let's transfer him.

On my count. Ready? One, two, three.

Let's get it out.

Let's get that Neb treatment.

Coming up.


Just try to relax, sir.

All right, I need you to take a deep breath for me, okay?

There you go.

Do you have any family we should notify?

No... I need... I need to speak to Sharon.

Deep breaths.

I need to speak to Sharon.

Relax, relax.

Sharon... Sharon...

Take this in.


What did he say?

Something about a Sharon.

McGee. He said McGee.

[grunting affirmatively]

That's Goodwin's maiden name.


Keep taking deep breaths, sir.


I had a fever and a headache for the past week, figured I had the flu.

Next thing I know, I can't catch my breath.

Any history of illness?

Had a flare-up of colitis a few months back.

Doctor put me on a course of steroids.

Reggie Dixon.

There she is.


Just like I remember.

It has been way too long.



It sure has.

Reggie and I grew up in the same neighborhood.

Haven't seen each other since when?

The summer after my senior year in High School.

That's right.

That's right. I'd just gotten back from Vietnam.

That's right.

You served?

Oh, sort of.

I... only thing I ever shot was my Pentax 1000.

Aw. Reggie was a photographer with "Stars and Stripes."

Now they said that you're having trouble catching your breath?

Well, I can't say you're making it any easier.

Stop it.

Mr. Dixon, um, the doctor that put you on steroids...

Can you get us his information?

I can, but, uh, he's in Paris.

In Paris.

Yeah, Reuters had me stationed there, and I transferred back here.

Time to start the next chapter.

And is there anyone we could call?

Are your folks still living?

How about a wife?

Never married. Never put down any roots.

Heard you were running the show at this place, so I told the dispatcher to route me here.

Knew you'd have my back.

Yeah. You know that's right.

I'm glad you did.

Uh, Nurse Doris here's gonna draw some blood so we can order a few tests.

I'll be right back.

Thank you.

Thank you.

So what are we looking at here?

Well, he was on a course of steroids, which could have weakened his immune system.

We could be looking at a respiratory infection.

We'll get a chest X-ray and start him on broad spectrum antibiotics and see what the labs say, Maggie.


If you suspect anything, run it down, and you let me know the second you get results.

Of course.

Yes, ma'am.


Was it just me, or...

No, she was definitely flirting.


[both laugh]

Ohh, please help.


April, what is wrong?

Please, my arm. It's k*lling me...


From the weight of this.




Look at the sparkle on that thing.

You are gonna need some sunglasses.

Congratulations, April.


That is so pretty.

Thank you.


Hey, Mags, you see this thing?

It's hard to miss.


So beautiful.

Treatment 2. Tried to assign him to someone else, but he said he would only talk to you.



This is big.

Danny, what's wrong?

My stomach, it's tied up in knots.

Well, let's take a look.

Don't they have a clinic at the shelter?

I'm not at the shelter anymore.


A woman came in with her newborn.

They said they needed the bed.

Told me I had to leave.

They kicked you out?

I spend the night on the street.

I barely slept.

Hey, can you close the curtain?

What's going on?

I don't want them to find me, I...

We took your tracking chip out.

They know that I was here.

Don't worry.

I'm gonna keep you safe.

Double iced latte with one pump of sugar free vanilla.

For Robin.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry, you just ordered the exact same drink as me.


A little dainty for a surgeon.

What are the odds?

Well, if you limit the data set to just lattes, you've got iced or no iced, caff or decaf...

Don't forget the vanilla.

I'd say the odds of any two random people ordering the same thing are about 1 in 36.

Good with numbers.

Ahh, of course. Epidemiology.

Wait are you... Are you that Charles?

I'll see you later.

Okay, designed it myself. With one swipe, you get a board-certified physician on your doorstep within the hour.

A house call app?

I prefer medicinal concierge.

Look, I just launched the beta and I already got a write-up in TechCrunch.

Subscriber base is set to explode within the next quarter.

And I've got a few residents on board, but with an attending, we can make a k*lling.

A k*lling making house calls.

How does $200 a call sound?

This is the future of medicine. All right?

And you have the option to get in on the ground floor, without that annoying roommate.

[phone chimes]

Oh, here's one right now.

A 23-year-old male with a persistent nosebleed.

So what do you say?

Chicago P.D. dropped her off this morning.

They found her loitering outside of a convenience store, jabbering to herself, disoriented, no idea where she'd come from or how she got there.


I'm Dr. Charles.

You're not Bob.


But you can call me Daniel.

Um, do you mind if we ask you a couple of questions?

Dr. Wheeler was thinking that maybe you're feeling a bit out of sorts.

Do you know why you're here?

I just wanted some ice cream, and...

You know what? I think I might be able to help you out with that.

What flavor were you thinking?

Cookie dough.

Oh, dang.

That's my favorite. Um...

You mind if I... If I look at your hand?

Oh, boy.

You have really beautiful nails.

You know what, Pamela?

I'm gonna see what I can do about that cookie dough, okay?



I need a CBC, CMP and you better page cardiology.

Why? I called you in for a psych consult.

She's not psychotic, she has endocarditis.

You didn't notice the fever?

The splinter hemorrhages under her nails?

The cops said that she was having a psychotic episode, so I just assumed that...

An infection is attacking her heart and sending micro-strokes to her brain.

Okay, so we should page cardiology, right?

You know what, Jason? I think I'm gonna take this myself, but good work, really.

I mean it.


Already on it.

Ah, you know, I was thinking it might be a good idea to loop in epidemiology, you know?

Maybe Dr. Robin Charles?

Just to be safe.

Help, help, my bel... my belly!

My belly is on fire! It's on fire!

Okay, okay.

Help! Ohh!

Oh, God...

Oh, he's got a rash.

Ohh, it feels... It feels like something's alive in there.

It's not a rash.

Those are worms.


How the hell did I get worms?

Have you traveled recently to any underdeveloped countries?

Anywhere tropical?

The south of France is as tropical as I've gotten in the past 20 years.

What about before that?

You said you served with "Stars and Stripes."

Did you do any time in country?

I was with the 7th Cav when they took Quang Tri.

What, does that have something to do with this?

What aren't they telling me?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I wanna get a stool sample.

See what the labs say.


Just try to rest, Mr. Dixon.

We'll be back soon.

So what were you driving at in there?

I think we're looking at a parasitic roundworm called strongyloides.

Seen a bunch of cases at the VA.

I'm guessing he picked it up in Vietnam.

But that was over 40 years ago.

The worms embed themselves in the intestinal wall and can remain dormant for decades.

The steroids he was on to treat his colitis must have suppressed his immune system, allowing the larvae to proliferate.

So we put him on an anti-parasitic.

That should clear him up, right?

Oh, the worms have reached the surface of his skin.

I'd say he's in a hyperinfective state.

Ms. Goodwin, I'm sorry, but most patients don't survive this.

I don't want you two throwing in the towel before we've even started.

Ms. Goodwin, we're just presenting our medical opinion.

I don't want your opinion. I want you to keep him alive.

So, what'd you find?

Uh, MRSA's definitely a possibility.

But it's hard to confirm without a detailed history.

Is there any family we can talk to?

You know, so far, nobody that seems to be in the picture, but we're still trying.

Then I'll grow some cultures and fill in the rest of the puzzle myself.

Look, before you go, um, your mom told me you just broke up with your boyfriend.


I'm sorry.

You keep canceling coffee. We'll get to it.

We'll get to it.


Look, it's so not a big deal, but I got this thing in my office, it's a pashmina scarf, you know?

It's been up there for a while. We could go up and get it.

Thank you, Dad. But I really...

I gotta get cracking on this.

Of course you do.

Maybe later.


People say the hardest part is when they decide they don't need you anymore.

Oh, yeah.

Daniel? Daniel, Daniel.

Where... where are they taking me?

My friend, Dr. Berger... Alvin...

Is taking you upstairs for a quick test.

Gonna take about five minutes.

No, please, please don't leave me, Daniel.


Please don't leave me.


Okay. All right.

Listen, Pamela, Dr. Berger... Alvin...

Really knows what he's doing.

And this is gonna literally take about five minutes, okay?

Why don't I take you upstairs and get you settled, okay?


Okay, here we go.

So when did the bleeding start?

This morning.

Couldn't have come at a worse time.

I don't get 10,000 lines of code written by the end of the week, my VC's gonna pull our series B round.

Series B?

That's pre-IPO.

Besides the bleed, anything else bothering you?

Uh, I've got this headache, but that's probably from staring at a screen for the last 48 hours.

Any history of autoimmune disorders or cancer in the family?


Any past addiction, drug use?

Only thing I'm addicted to is my work.

Seen hundreds of bleeds in my day, most of them from far worse places than a nose.

Just try to relax, Eliot.

We're gonna get you all fixed up.

Protective custody?


We don't have a suspect, much less an open investigation.

We legally can't protect Danny unless he gives us information about the people who held him c*ptive.

So talk to him.

I did. I tried.

I went to the shelter and he wouldn't talk to me.

Well now he's gonna have to sleep on the street tonight.

Are you okay with that?

No, of course not.


Can we talk to him together?

'Cause maybe he'll open up with me there.

Let's give it a shot.


Did you ever hear any of them call each other by a name?

Or a nickname?

Look, you don't have to be afraid anymore.

You can help us catch them.

Detective Lindsay's our friend.

If you answer her questions, she can keep you safe.

It might be a small detail you remember.

About the place that they kept you.

A landmark or any unusual sounds.

My stomach hurts.

I'm gonna let you rest, okay?

You can call me anytime.

I'll be right back, Danny.

He's not ready.

He's obviously terrified.

And I wish that I could help, but my hands are tied here.

Let me know if he changes his mind.


Good luck.



So Tate stepped up.

What made you finally accept the man's proposal?

He's been so great through everything.

And now that it seems like the TB's gonna remain inactive, I...

So you two resolved all the other issues?


You told me that he didn't want you working anymore.

Oh that... that was just one time.

You didn't discuss it?

How about his ex-wife? Or you becoming a stepmom?

We talk about everything.

And I love him. I mean, you don't...

This is the happiest day of my life, and you're pissing on it.

That's not what I'm doing.

You know what? Next time you feel the need to weight in, don't.


I thought I made it out of 'Nam alive.

I didn't know there was a 40-year delay on that grenade.

Don't talk like that, Reggie.

I'm a newsman.

Mordant humor comes with the job.


Do you remember that time we watched the sun rise at Rainbow Beach?



Stayed up all night.

All night. [laughs]

It was good you brought that flask of Hennessey to keep us warm.

Corrupting a minor.


[both laugh]

Listen, about when you left...


We were just in different places in our lives.

Chalk it up to bad timing.

I heard through the grapevine that you got married.

I did. We had a good run.

But now we're separated.

I'm really sorry about that.

Maybe... Maybe our timing will be better this go-round.





I can't...

I need some help in here!

[monitor rapidly beeping]

BP's diving. What happened?

Gastric hemorrhage.

Let's get him on the rapid transfuser.

Two of red cells, two of plasma and a five pack of platelets.

I need an NG tube.

Got it.

Here, Nat.

Excuse me.

[dramatic music]

I need cold saline.

Yes, Doctor.


Reggie, stay with me, I'm here.

It's not clearing.

Start a PPI drip, vasopressin and page GI.

We need to get control of this bleed.

On it.

GI's got his bleeding When push comesunder control, but his sats are down to 88.

His lungs are deteriorating.

So what now?

We'll see how he responds to the inhaled nitric oxide.

He's on a PEEP of 10. There's still room to increase.

If his sats don't improve, we might consider a paralytic drip.

So we do still have some options.

Why don't we put him on ECMO?

Oh, I don't... I don't want to speak for Dr. Choi, but while putting him on ECMO might protect his lungs, it wouldn't be addressing the inflammation affecting the rest of his organs.

I agree. ECMO might buy us a little time, but it won't help him fight off the hyperinfection.

So you're against it. Both of you.


That's right.

See what else you can come up with.

It'd be nice to get ahead of this thing instead of always playing from behind.

Hey Dr. Charles, I just got off the phone with cardiology.

Your patient, Pamela, they just confirmed, endocarditis.

Hey, um, they putting her on antibiotics?

No, the plan is to remove the vegetations, and reconstruct her aorta.

She's going into surgery now.

Surgery? Who authorized that?

Hey, Dr. Vanilla Latte.

I need to collect another blood sample from Pamela.

I can't grow a decent culture.

I can do you one better. I can get you the infected valve itself.

Great. I'm scrubbing in.

Once again we're in the same place at the same time, wanting the same thing.

Would you care to run that through your calculator?

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here?

Evidently there's an issue with consent.

Surgery's been cancelled.

Cancelled by who?

By me.

Hey, Pamela.

Now I laid out everything for her.

I explained the risks, her alternative.

I have her signature right here.

That scrawl?

It doesn't matter if you approve of her penmanship, I have her consent.

Not her informed consent.

She's way too impaired to make that kind of decision right now.

So you're gonna make the decision for her?

We can't get the consent that you're insisting on without first performing surgery.

Sounds like a catch-22.

She needs the surgery. It's urgent and necessary.

Of course you think that, you're a surgeon.

Your inherent bias is to cut.

What about you, the shrink?

You don't have a bias?

Well I'm not afraid to admit that I'm biased.

My job gets a lot easier if I can get my hands on that infected valve.

You know what?

Unfortunately, not really open for debate.

Performing surgery without actual informed consent is by law, as*ault.

I mean, you should thank me, Doctor.

I'm trying to save you a lot of legal bills.

Well, Dr. Charles, I hope that when you're done trying to prove a point, I still have time to save her.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

[camera shutter clicks]

I'm gonna need to remove that, okay?

All right. Do your thing, Doc.

Mm. Ah, looks like the bleeding subsided.

Hey, what do you call that thing again?

A Rhino Rocket.


All right, what do I owe you?

$350, flat rate.

Sounds fair to me.

You got a Square?

Sure do.

Now before we finish up, have you gone swimming lately?

Specifically in fresh water?

Yeah, I got a couple acres lakeside up in Lake Geneva.


Yeah, I'd like to bring you back to the ED with us for more tests.

Wait, the hospital?

[clears throat]

Guys, uh, I'm kinda busy here.

I thought we got this all fixed up.

We did, probably, and I'm 95% sure it isn't serious.

What isn't serious?

Well there's an infection I'd like to rule out, naeglariasis.

And that's extremely unlikely.

Excuse me, Dr. Halstead, can I speak with you for a moment?

Excuse us.

[clears throat]

Really, uh, you think he caught a warm water amoeba in a Wisconsin lake in October?

Tell me it hasn't been unseasonably hot lately.

And it would explain the persistent nose bleeds.

But this app is about convenience.

Dragging our customers into the E.D. cuts against the value proposition, okay?

First rule of customer service: a satisfied customer tells two people.

A dissatisfied one tells 2,000.

I minored in econ, Noah, I get it.

But surely what our customers want above anything else is to get better, no?

Of course, but...

Not to mention if we suspect something and don't test for it.

Talk about liability.

A brain-eating amoeba?

You really think I might have this?


You didn't find me a place to stay.

No. Not yet.

I'm gonna recommend admitting you for the night if the pain in your stomach doesn't subside.

My stomach's actually feeling a little better.

If anyone asks, just keep saying that it hurts.

Uh... are you angry with me?

What? No... no, I just want you to stay safe.

I'll, uh, I'll check back in with you soon.

I have... I have an idea.

I could stay at your place tonight.

If... if you're worried about me using, then don't be.

I'm totally clean.

I... I could sleep on the couch. Or the floor, even.

You'd hardly even know I was there.

Danny, I don't...

I get it.

Never mind.

No, no, no.

You just, uh, you caught me off guard.

No, please, I've seen that look before.

You don't want someone like me staying at your place.

I'm trash.


The hospital has strict policies about doctor-patient relationships, and I'm just a first-year resident.

I will figure something out, okay?


There you go.


Okay, let's lift. Yep.

Ah, hey, don't move him like that.

If you want him more upright, adjust the bed.

I'm sorry, Ms. Goodwin.

I'll do it myself.

I'm gonna go check on the latest blood gas.

I've never seen Goodwin like this before.

Nat, all I know is that when Sharon was graduating from high school, Reggie came back from 'Nam.

They practically spent the entire summer together.

It was her first real love.

So why didn't it work out?

Well, Reggie wanted her to travel the world with him.

But... but Sharon was going to college in the fall.

And then Bert came along and it was just...

If you had listened to me earlier, we wouldn't be out of options.

I'm sorry, Ms. Goodwin.

What's going on?

The infiltrate's in Reggie's lungs.

Complete white out.

They're barely functioning.

So what do we do now?

Ms. Goodwin, the condition his lungs are in, there's very little hope for recovery.

We should try to make him comfortable.

What about ECMO?

I'm afraid all ECMO will do is delay the inevitable.

I have been listening to your advice all day, and look where we are.

Ms. Goodwin, all due respect, both Dr. Manning and I are telling you that it isn't gonna help.

Your concerns are noted, Dr. Choi.

Put him on ECMO.

I can assign this case to another doctor, if you prefer.


We'll do it.


We will put Reggie on ECMO.

Call up to the ICU.

I'll take care of the arrangements myself.

Thank you, April.


Hey, what did Dr. Halstead order in there?

Uh, CBC, metabolic panel, a urinalysis, sed rate and a head CT.

Oh, man.

Can we scale that back?

Or is there some kind of employee discount I'm eligible for?

It's not coming out of your pocket, is it?

It's gonna come out of somebody's.

Well, talk to Will about it.

I already tried. [chuckles]

You know, why'd I think it'd be a good idea to hire my attending, you know?

How am I gonna be his boss when he knows more about medicine than I do?

It looks like he's getting along with your client really well.

We'll see.

I've gotta work on my managerial skills.


Wait a second. Is that...

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah!

[both laugh]

This is... this is huge.

Oh, no, what is he up to now?

Oh, um, let's celebrate later, okay?


All right.


Excuse me, sorry.

Oh, April, listen. About earlier, sorry.

Don't worry about it.


No, really. [sighs]

It's not the first time my mouth's gotten me into trouble.

I shouldn't have said anything.

I was just trying to protect you.

I've had so long to think about this, and what Tate and I have is real.

Well, okay. In that case, if you need anyone to go dress shopping with, I'm available.

Danny wants to stay at your place.


Well, I mean, makes perfect sense, right?

I mean, now that he's free of the traffickers, there's this big void in his life, which he wants to fill with you.

Obviously, it can't be entertained.

Then again, rejecting him now could just be reinforcing the abandonment issues he's already feeling.


Did you come here to ask my permission?

The system's incapable of keeping a roof over his head.

We can't let him sleep on the streets, it's too dangerous.

It'd be just for the one night.

Dr. Reese, having a patient stay in your home?

Maintaining professional boundaries is a fundamental part of our work.

Again, to protect both our patients...

I'm sorry, but I don't see any other options.




Hey, does this look like it'll fit Danny?

I guess... listen, about Danny...

Oh, could you do me a favor? See if they have any extra blankets in the store room, I wanna take some home.


Where is he?

I'm sorry, I tried to stop him, but he was so desperate to get out of here.

Did he say where he was going?

Just said that he was going back where he belongs.

He's gone.

I never should have hesitated.

I knew it wouldn't help and so did you.

I figured we had safety in numbers.

I know.

But if we'd had an alternative plan to save his life, yeah, I would've held firm with you.

But we didn't.

So we tried the Hail Mary.

And Goodwin knows that we did everything we could for her.

For her?

Goodwin's not our patient, Reggie is.

Right now, he's suffering.

Best thing we could've done for him is to let him die with dignity.

Ms. Goodwin?

You here to tell me my options?

I just wanted to know if you needed anything.

No. I'm fine.


What is about first love that just...

Sticks with you?

It's like... it's like those last 40 years don't even exist.

One day he's saying goodbye to me, and the next, he's showing up here on a gurney.


Reggie Dixon.

[sighs] These machines aren't gonna save him.




[knocking on door]

Excuse me, Ms. Goodwin?

I've collected two signatures.

One from my attending, Dr. Latham.

The other from Dr. Walters, Director of Cardiology.

I don't care if you have 200 signatures, it doesn't change the fact the patient is too impaired to consent to a high-risk surgery.

They were both willing to sign their names to the opinion that Pamela's surgery is indeed both urgent and necessary.

[laughs] This is a blatant end around.

It's just legal cover to keep us all from getting sued.

Am I actually the only person who's got this girl's best interests at heart?

Are you sure the surgery is the best course of action?


And you're confident you can fix it?

I am.

Then go do it.

Thank you, Ms. Goodwin.


Wait, wait, wait. Are you kidding me, Sharon?

You're gonna let a couple of surgeons tell you who's mentally competent?

I'm the Chief Psychiatrist in the building.

It's a double doc. That overrides you, Daniel.

So we're just running this hospital by majority rule, now?

No, no, no. But after the day I've had, I'm wary of challenging the collective wisdom of our doctors.

Okay, okay.

So let's just set the law aside, for now.

Are we abandoning the ethical argument altogether as well?

It's done, Daniel.

If you want to file a complaint, be my guest.

Kaplan, Eliot, good news.

Test came back negative. You don't have naeglariasis.

My brain's not being eaten by an amoeba.

I guess that's a good thing.


We're all about customer satisfaction.

Okay, so all in, it comes to comes to $2,134.68.

You told me it would be $350.

Well, there was the, um, the blood panel.


Urinalysis, uh, CT Scan.

It's all in our terms and conditions.

No, wait a minute. You're upcharging me for something I don't even have.

Well it's a good thing we ran those tests.

We did find your liver function markers slightly elevated.

Now a good excuse to cut back on your alcohol intake.

Now you're telling me I'm an alcoholic.

Just get me out of here. Okay?

Okay, um.

Would you like me to email you the receipt?

See that?

Congratulations. You just went anti-viral.

I didn't expect that.

I thought he'd be relieved.

Yeah, uh, it's, uh... it's hard.

Concierge patients.

You know, you were just trying to be thorough.

Yeah, thanks. Listen, Noah, I appreciate the opportunity, but maybe this just isn't for me.



Damn, I'm sorry to hear that.

I... if I'm leaving you in a tight spot, I can stay on until you find someone...

Oh, no, no.

I appreciate it, but I... I think I can handle it.


Pamela Blake. How you doing?

I just came to see how everything was going.

Much better, thank you.


I'm really glad to hear it.

I'm sorry, you are?

I'm Dr. Charles. Daniel.

We, um, we met earlier today when you got to the hospital.

You remember?

Oh, yeah. Right, yeah.

Yeah. Okay, well, I'm happy to see you're doing so well.

Glad to see she's finally coming around.


We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one, aren't we?

Yeah, we can just disagree, too, that'd be all right.

Hey Connor, the lab ID'd the bacteria from her infected valve.

Q fever?


She works on a dairy farm down-state on weekends.

I'm heading down to the cafeteria to write up my report for the health department.

If you're free, I was hoping you might help me fill in a few details.

Uh, yeah, I just have to sign over a few patients.

I'll, um, meet you down there in ten?


You wanted to know why I broke up with my boyfriend.

He was too soft. He rolled over every time we had a fight.

But that guy, though. Oof. [chuckles]

Anyway, I better get downstairs.

See you later?

[monitor beeping]

Are you ready?

[rapid beeping]


Time of death, 20:53.

[dramatic music]

Hey, hear anything from Detective Lindsay?

Not yet.

Hang in there.

The kid's a survivor. PD will find him.

I'm not just gonna sit around and do nothing.

Well you're gonna go out looking for him?

Come on, Sarah, it's a big city.


Give me a minute.

I'll come with you.

[cheers and applause]

He offered me stock options.

Stock options? [laughs]

And you turned him down?

Yeah, I know.

I'm kind of kicking myself a little, but it's not for me.

I'll figure out another way to make some cash.

Well, or just save some.

How about you move in with me?

Lena, come on.

I appreciate the offer, but if I'm gonna move in with you, I don't want it to be because of money.

It's not about the money.

It's because I really think this has a chance to work.

So what do you say?

I am so happy for you guys.


[rock music]

It's $8.50.

Oh, thanks.

Thank you.

Let me give you a hand.

All right.


Hey, April, you okay?


You sure?


Hey, hey, hey.


April, you're burning up.

[dramatic music]


All right, thank you.

Thank you.

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