03x11 - The Kids Are Alright

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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03x11 - The Kids Are Alright

Post by bunniefuu »

Iron Man: Whoever was inside is long gone.

Captain America: Another human just discovered that they're Inhuman.

Now they're out there with their new powers.


There's too many all-nighters since the Terrigen wave, Cap.

I'm just exhausted.

Sorry, Iron Man.

Still plenty of Inhuman cocoons left to check out.

Can you finish without me?


I'm heading back to get some sleep.

Aw, man.



I'm gonna guess you're a straggler Ultron bot that didn't get destroyed with the others.

Huh. Now your turn.

You get to guess why they call me Inferno.

Whoa! That's right.


Watch that first step, Inferno. It's a doozy.

Captain America and Iron Man?

That's cool you're here and all, but, uh...

I've got skills. Check it.



(CHUCKLES) IRON MAN: We checked it.

You just blew up a nice hotel.

I know you mean well, but your powers are too wild and out of control.

Stay safe and stay out of the way.


Everybody out in an orderly fashion.


Or panicked and screaming. Whatever works.

(w*apon FIRING)

Are we supposed to tip superheroes?

What is it, like, 10 or 15 percent?

Get out of here.

All the bystanders clear?

All of them.

Except maybe Inferno.

You can stay safe and out of the way, 'cause I am in total control.


Look out, kid!



I'm fine. I'm fine!

Captain America: You're not fine.

And it looks like the robot's the one in control.

This Ultron bot's a lot tougher than other ones we've fought.

It's still just a bot. We can take it.



Tony, get on the horn to Avengers Tower. We need backup.

Yeah, but my backup's already here.



Inferno: Say hello to Ms. Marvel.


Huh? Huh?

Iron Man? Captain America?

I'm not dreaming. This is real life.

These new heroes are awfully young. They're just kids.




The piano?

What? I'm not gonna let it wreck a handmade Austrian grand piano.

This thing's a piece of art.

I think it's mad at us!

Inferno, Ms. Marvel, target the bot's legs.

No way. We just got orders from Captain America.

You got it, Cap.


Huh. The piano?

Not gonna let that go, are ya?

Say "cheese."


So, you're both Inhumans.

No. We're new heroes... Or trying to be.

I mean, we gotta do something with our powers, right?

Well, the choice is yours.

No one says you have to use your powers.

But maybe you can become heroes.

Maybe even someday you can become Avengers.

Whoa, simmer down. They're just kids.

What? I like their moxie.

What, does no one say "moxie" anymore?

Fine. I'm bringing "moxie" back.

I don't have time for this. Just send the kids to Attilan.

The Inhumans will take care of them, teach them how to use their powers, and keep them out of our hair.

Well, new heroes, seeing as how you helped us, I know a good way to thank you.

No... Way!

Yes, way. This is Avengers Tower.


Keep your eyes open.

You just might see the unexpected.

Friday: It's not going to work.

Friday, the science is sound.

The Phase Projector will change the properties of matter states between energy and solid.


Friday: You built me to be the most advanced computer AI system in the world, and then you never listen to me.

Very peculiar.

I'm detecting a failed coupling in the circuit uplink.


Are you ignoring me again?

Captain America: And here's Iron Man's lab.

Friday: Cap, Iron Man is not moving.

Tony? Can you hear me?

What's wrong? Friday, override and open his armor. Hurry.



What are you doing?

We thought something was wrong.

I was trying to sleep. What's the problem?

I do it all the...


What are they doing here? I thought I'd give them a Tower tour.

To thank them for their help.

This lab's got space.

Way bigger than his old lab.

But his old lab was closer to his bedroom.

This one's all the way at the other end of everything.

How do you know so much about the Tower?

Floor plans are on the Internet, except the basement.

For some reason, no one knows what's in the Avengers Tower basement.

You can tell us! What's in the basement?

Is it a spaceship? Oh, I bet there's an Avengers t*nk. (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS)

Friday, remind me later to scrub all the floor plans off the Internet.

After I fix this Phase Projector.

And after I get some sleep.

Never knew you were so good at microelectronics.

Eh, it's how I build and fix my arrows.

But if people knew I was good at this, you'd expect me to do more around here.

Falcon, Hawkeye. You remember Inferno.

And this is Ms. Marvel. I got this, Cap.

Code name's Marvel. Ms. Marvel.

Big fan. Big fan.

What's this thing do?

Captain America: It's our communications array.

You can see the others are off around the world, but are ready to go on a moment's notice.

Avengers are always on duty.

Inferno: Oh, man!

Ms. Marvel: Whoa.

Avenging. It's a full-time job.


Wait, why are the Tower systems down?


Captain America: Out there in the world, use your powers wisely.

Keep good friends, and trust in yourself.

Um, Captain? Uh, Mr. America?

I haven't gotten a selfie with you yet.

Is there a chance I could? Sure.


Iron Man: Which of you kids has been messing with the Tower systems?

I can't get a hold of Falcon or Hawkeye or anybody because somebody cut the communications.

Communications? That wasn't us.

Then who was it?



Excuse the laughing.

It's my way of announcing my presence.

With authority.

I don't think we've met.

Consider yourself lucky.

This is Ghost, an old enemy of mine.

Thinks he's slick. But he's just a common, ordinary thief.

While everyone's busy with Inhumans and bots, I made my move on Avengers Tower.

That doesn't make me a common thief.

That makes me a very uncommon thief.

A visionary.

Jamming signal ought to get you to stop talking.


Take cover!


How wrong you are, Iron Man.


I'm Inhuman now, with power you can't even dream of.

Much more unpredictable.


And much more deadly.


Ms. Marvel: Embiggen!







Ghost: You didn't need that, did you?

I already took out Falcon and Hawkeye.

(GASPS) A couple of weak heroes and sidekicks will be easy pickings.

Inferno, slow him down!



I do not want to die in Avengers Tower.

Or anywhere else, for that matter.

You should run away.

This isn't your fight.

Is now!



You can't phase through the heat, can ya?

Walls are another story. (GRUNTS)

Ms. Marvel: Can you phase through this?


That'll cool him off.
Iron Man: Now what's the plan?

Captain America: First, try to lose Ghost.

Then we look for Falcon and Hawkeye, and some help.

Can't send out a distress call.

Did you try a cell phone?

Oh, cell phone!


It doesn't matter because Ghost is jamming every signal in the Tower.


Why is he doing this? What's Ghost after?

Ghost: I'm after something in the Tower.

Something I can't get anywhere else.

But first, ooh, I'm gonna have some fun.


Have a nice flight.




Gotcha! (GRUNTS)



I'm okay!

Whoa! Yeah, I can fly!


Did you see that?

Oh, no.

Nerts. (ECHOING)

If Ghost thinks he's taken us out, it gives us a chance to find Falcon and Hawkeye.

That's Thor's room.


Man! Thor's place is decked out.

Who knew Asgardians had such good taste?

Um, everybody knows that.

Will you please focus?

I need to be looking for Falcon and Hawkeye, not babysitting annoying kids.

Uh, hey! Those annoying kids...

Yeah, they just saved your life back there.

Yeah, you know what? Iron Man used to be my third favorite hero.

But not anymore. My new third favorite is Captain America.

Uh, let's leave me out of this.

Get down!





You want him? And Falcon and Hawkeye?

Come get them. We'll be waiting downstairs.


I'm used to whipping Ghost. Not the other way around.

Need a way to fight back without my armor.

You were a tough guy before you built the armor, right?

She has a point, Tony.

Yeah, but being tough's not gonna beat Ghost.

The three of us? We've gotta be creative and outsmart him.

Sounds like fun.

Our next move. We go right at Ghost.

Hit him where it hurts.

He's luring us into a trap.

He's got Falcon, Hawkeye, and Inferno.

We don't have a choice.


I could unfaze them now, but in their current positions...

Well, let's just say it'd get a bit messy.

No shield and no armor.

Not much of a challenge in two helpless Avengers and a kid.

You're wrong. I'm not my shield, he's not his armor, and the kid's got skills.


Aw. That's a nice pep talk.

But while you were running around, I got what I came for.


The most advanced computer AI system ever.

With all the secrets of Tony Stark, (GROANING) the Avengers, and the world, and it's mine.

Now comes the fun.


Uh, New York's not supposed to have earthquakes. Right?

I'm phasing the ground underneath the Tower, making it like quicksand.



I just got a better idea.

I'll be watching all of you get buried alive.





What just happened?

Where are we?

Later. We've got to get out of here.

We're too late.

Inferno, blast us a hole out of here!

One hole, coming up.

It's not working. We're too deep!

What else we got?


Nowhere to go, other than straight down.

In here!

Run! We gotta get upstairs faster than the Tower's sinking!


How'd you know where the stairs were?

Oh, we know everything about Avengers Tower.

Didn't you know? Apparently it's all online.

Okay, assuming our lungs don't blow up from all this stair climbing, what are we gonna do when we get to the top?

I have an idea, but I don't have the time.

If you've got the idea, then we'll get you the time.

Ms. Marvel, take Tony.

I know this is weird, but...



The rest of you, we need to slow down or stop the Tower.

Oh, is that all? I was worried you were going to ask for something hard.


Ghost phased the ground into quicksand.

So if the force pulling the Tower down is gravity, we need a way to overcome gravity.

Overcome gravity. Good thinking.

Dante, we need you to make like a rocket engine.

You might want to step back.









Captain America: Keep it up, Inferno! It's working.

Keep it straight, otherwise we're gonna tip the building over.


Now it's up to Tony.

I may not have my armor, but I've still got my best w*apon.

Ms. Marvel: Your mind, right?

But barring that, I can use my Phase Projector.

I'll try to match the Ghost's frequency and reverse his phase polarity.


Keep that ceiling from crushing me, please.



Um, this is too heavy.


You can do it. I believe in you.

Why do they make buildings so heavy?

I can't find the right frequency.

Give me a few more seconds!

I can't hold it!

You're stronger than you think.

Got it!


Well, this can't be happening.



Something's jamming my phasing!


Oh, leaving so soon?



We're unarmed.

You still think we're helpless?

How's this possible? I had you!

Iron Man: It was easy.

After I blocked your powers, I busted up the jammer you had on the Tower communications systems.

So I could do this.


Big deal.

I can still take you apart piece by piece!

Did we get him?

No. He's in the basement.

Yes! The basement.

Spread out. There's a ghost in here somewhere.








I suppose I should give you a chance to surrender.

Nah. Ms. Marvel, you wanna finish him?

You're totally my third favorite Avenger again. Embiggen!


Don't come back here ever again!


I mean it!


I got our girl Friday.

"In recognition of Avengers Day in the city of West Burbank."

What an honor.

Inferno: That's it?

The secret of Avengers basement is old junk? (FLIES BUZZING)

I am so disillusioned.

Friday: Structural tests have passed.


I've got a few ideas on how to upgrade the Tower.

Have Falcon oversee the cleanup.

No, wait. Have Hawkeye do it.

He needs to do more around here.

Inferno and Ms. Marvel are about to leave.

Thought you might want to say something to them.

I don't want to say anything to anybody.

I'm so sleepy I can't even...



Couldn't have done it without you.

For kids, you're all right.


Wow. He was actually nice to us.

Captain America: That's because you earned his respect.

You kids aren't Avengers yet.

But if you keep it up, you will be.

Um, Cap?

Before we leave, I never got to take that selfie with you.

Actually, I never got to take a selfie with you.

Well, that looks like a team to me.
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