03x09 - Inhumans Among Us

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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03x09 - Inhumans Among Us

Post by bunniefuu »


Watch your repost, Volstagg.

Your right flank should never be unprotected.


Unprotected flank? I think not!

Seems you are going soft, Thor.

Too much time with your earthling playmates.



My time on Earth only strengthens me!



Earth is a realm of endless creativity.

Watch that flank.



You'll answer for that one, my friend.


Excuse me, Volstagg.




Right. An Avengers matter has come up.

We will have to finish this match later.


I will win this bout when he gets back.

Until then, back to the training table.


Hmm. Strange place for an Avengers emergency.

It gets stranger.

Iron Man, Captain America, and Falcon.

What is so special about this town?

Nothing. That is, nothing if we could see the town.


Is this all that's coming?

It's just us, Hulk.

Hawkeye and Black Widow are on a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. op.

So you dragged us up here to look at fog.

Huh. That's great.

Falcon: The distress call went out before the town disappeared from sight.

And if you noticed, the area around is untouched.

I noticed. So what's in there?

Wish we knew.

Even my lights can't cut through that fog.

Hulk: No problem.

One Hulk-sized clap will clear it out.

(INHALES) And shatter windows, and possibly bring houses down on helpless people.

Allow me. I'll send this fog to the Realm Below.

Sure. Do it the hard way.


And cue the grateful populace.


All in a day's work, folks.

I don't think they're running to us.

They're running away.


Falcon: Running away from what?

From those things.


Save us from those... Whatever they are.

Easy, easy. We don't have to fight.



Okay. Now we have to fight.

Avengers, show 'em we mean things.


These things look confused and scared.

There's nothing to worry about.

The Avengers are here.

Now, tell me what happened. (GASPS)

Or don't.

As if the day wasn't weird enough.

Avengers, stand aside.


Do not interfere. This only concerns Inhumans.


I know 'em.

Super people with attitude. They don't play well with others.



(GROWLS) Lockjaw.


And Black Bolt.

Hulk, the creatures you fight are workers of Attilan, escaped beings of our creation.

We will contain them and be on our way.



It would seem you are the leader.

Not just our leader. He is Black Bolt, King of the Royal Family of Attilan.

Show due respect, human.

Ha! Human. That is amusing.


Thor, son of Odin, ruler of Asgard.

At your service, Black Bolt.


You will forgive Black Bolt for not speaking, Lord of Asgard.

For everything you are with your hammer, Black Bolt is with his voice.

Hmm, then I respect the power of his silence.

A thousand pardons, Black Bolt.

I accept full responsibility for the crash, My Lord.


This is the Seeker.

A transport ship under his command lost power and crashed near here.

It carried experimental materials.

Mostly Alpha Primitives and our Terrigen Mists.

You were just cruising upstate New York with a flying saucer full of horror movie stuff?

Science is the keystone of Inhuman life.

As inhabitants of Earth, we also have the right to study it, as you do.

The Alpha Primitives are clones created to assist us in our lab work.

They frighten easily.

But they are never this aggressive. (GRUNTING)

And what are Terrigen Mists?

It's the gunk that gives Inhumans their powers.

Doesn't work on humans, or Hulks.

Seems we can help each other out if we join forces.

You can see to the cowering humans if you must, but the welfare of the Alpha Primitives is our business.

Perhaps it is best we stay out of their way.

My sensors got a reading on the Terrigen Mist.

It's definitely the source of the fog, but it's mixed with some chemical I can't ID.

Falcon: Mystery chemical might be what's driving the clones into a frenzy.

Seeker: Contaminated Terrigen could indeed be responsible for the Alpha Primitives' behavior.

Watch out, pup.

A concentrated sample of Terrigen crystal would certainly calm down the Primitives.

If I weren't needed here, I could return to Attilan and get some.

I know my way around Attilan.

I can get it. Come here, pup.

You and me gotta make a run home.


It is of the utmost necessity, My Lord.

You call the dog "My Lord"?

He is royalty.

By what other name would you address him?

I don't know. Rover?


Take this key.

It grants you permission to venture anywhere within Attilan.

Back before you know it.



The Science Center of Attilan.

The crystals we need are inside.



What is it, boy?

Can't you run?

All right, I'll carry you.

Told you to be careful knocking down that wall.

An outsider.

And he's captured Lockjaw!

Release him! Now!


He's torturing Lord Lockjaw!

Wait! I'm just here for...


Aw, nuts.

Most of the Alpha Primitives have been accounted for, but I have pinpointed one last unusual life reading here.

I'd say this qualifies as unusual.


Energy readings are off the chart.

Seeker: Terrigen emissions are incredible.

This changes everything!

What do you mean? What is that thing?

Seeker: Well, when an Inhuman... It's... It's nothing.

Merely an Inhuman right.

Wait. If it's nothing, then why are you Inhumans so concerned?

Black Bolt, Medusa, please explain to us what we are dealing with.

Black Bolt has decreed this is Inhuman business only.

We owe you no further explanation.

You have one last chance to leave this place peacefully.

We suggest you take it.

Is that a threat?

We're not going anywhere without answers.

Here's your answer! (GRUNTS)


I really hate that answer.

Thought we were on the same side!



This battle is not good.

Especially so close to an awakening.

Avengers versus Inhumans is madness.

Surely you and I can reach an agreement!


If you respond only to force, then force you shall have!




Ow. That actually hurt.

Care to tell me how you did that?

I have the ability to find the weakest point of anything.

And I have the advantage.



Careful, Gorgon! You'll bury us both!

Unhand me!

We don't have to fight.

I can let you go after you talk some sense into your king.

You'll find I'm more than a simple mouthpiece for my ruler.




We could really use some Hulk muscle right about now.



I'm here on official business from Black Bolt himself.


Liar! Free Lockjaw and surrender peacefully.

I'm with Lockjaw! He brought me!

Tell them.


What do you mean this place is off-limits?

Can't you stop them? You're Royal Family.


Only Black Bolt can do that?

Oh, great. Now you tell me.

You go get that crystal.

I'll hold them off as long as I can.


I know.

But use your three good legs.



Hold still, you little...




The little rodent actually breached me.

Another hit like that, and I'll rip open like a tin can.

I think I found your weakness, Karnak.

You can't fly.

In Attilan, we had heard legends of the heroic Avengers.

How disappointing to learn we have nothing in common.

Nothing in common with you, huh?

I'm gonna take that as a compliment.



Oh, no, no. I'm one day away from retirement!

We thought you Avengers might be different.

(GUARD WHIMPERING) But like every group of humans, you punish and persecute us without reason!

Punish and persecute? We just want to help, if you'll let us.




Why did you attack us over that thing in the library?

What does it mean? You can trust us.

And these bars are as far as you can trust us.


What's taking you so long?


I know you're just one dog.

I don't wanna have to hurt these guys.




Oh, oh, you think this is a waste of time?

Think how I feel.

I have tried to reach you as monarch to monarch, but you continue to wage mindless combat.


Inhuman, you have earned this!


Enough! (ECHOING)


Seeker: Impossible. It's too soon.

But the contaminated Terrigen must have...


I like living among humans.

I understand them.

And now I understand why you Inhumans keep your distance.

You are afraid.

Afraid of the outside world.

Afraid of the future.

Afraid of those who might force you to release the darkest parts of yourself.

Mighty Black Bolt is afraid of humans.


Odin's beard!

What was that?

This cannot be.

It came from the library.

The cocoon has hatched.

Hatched a living Inferno!


What is that?

You've just witnessed something no other human has seen.

The birth of an Inhuman.




Move it!


This fledgling Inferno must learn his place.







Black Bolt!

I have you.

Inferno's power, it's uncanny.

Wait. Stop!


If we cannot work together, then we shall surely perish one by one.




Huzzah! Avengers and Inhumans, together.


Today, we fight as allies.


Don't hurt him. He's not evil.

New Inhumans are often confused and scared.

So "New Inhumans"?

Uh, wait a second. Terrigen Mists have no effect on humans.

So how did Inferno get infected?

You say "infected."

We say "blessed."

Somehow this kid must have been an Inhuman living in this town, which doesn't make any sense.

Unless you've been holding back on us.

You dare accuse the Royal Family?


You find anything yet, mutt?


Good boy.

Now teleport us out of here.




Black Bolt!




The Asgardian bought us a moment.

We're back, and... Whoa!

What did you guys do to this place?

Hulk's back. Where's the crystal?

Will this clear the contaminate?

Yes. It should calm Inferno, as well as the Alpha Primitives.

Avengers, Inhumans, there's still work left to do.


Cool off, young Inferno.



We need a way to get the cure into the atmosphere.

Thor: Leave that to us.






Congratulations. It's a boy.

This isn't happening. My name is Dante.

I've lived in Maple Falls my whole life.

I have friends and family here.

I'm starting college in the fall, and now you tell me...

You are one of us, and have always been.

We are just as surprised as you are, Dante.

If it weren't for Seeker's accident, we might never have found you.

Does this mean you'll take me away?

All right, not to bust up the reunion but that might not be a good thing.

This is a lot to process.

We don't want to overwhelm him.

No. Perhaps he should remain among the humans he knows.

However, this does give our young friend the singular opportunity to be an ambassador between our two worlds.

A son of Attilan, raised as a human, would have much to teach us all, if we are willing to learn.


As long as I can come home for long weekends, then sure.

Inhumans raised as humans living amongst us.

It's all too much for me.

But if Black Bolt agrees, then so say we all.

Both: So say we all.

A thank you, Son of Asgard, from one regent...

I mean, from one friend to another.

Aw. Huh?


Seeker: Releasing the Terrigen by itself would have aroused suspicion.

But by staging a crash with contaminated Terrigen, the Royal Family accepted the birth of a new Inhuman as only a happy coincidence.

Experiments in creating new Inhumans do not interest me.

But, master, my experiment was a success.

Now I can recreate it on a much larger scale, and I can build you the device you crave.

Then continue with your plans, Seeker.

Black Bolt's days are numbered.

He will fall.


Then so will the Avengers.
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