17x22 - Intersecting Lives

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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17x22 - Intersecting Lives

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Nothing yet?

They're supposed to post the link any minute, so...

Post what?

Bar results. Today's the day.

Okay, shh. It's up.

All right. Come on.

Come on.

There it is.


My ID number. It's... it's on the pass list.

You passed?

I passed. Oh, my God!



Somebody win the lottery?

Sort of. Carisi passed the bar.

Carisi, congratulations.

Thank you.

Does that mean you're leaving too?

What? No.

What do you mean, "too"?

Dodds is going to Joint Terrorism.

This is his last week.

Last week? He just got here.

Yeah. He's on his own journey.


Well, Carisi did it.

We should celebrate.

Yeah, how about I take you all to lunch?

Today I can't.

Come on, Fin. Don't be like that.

No, I got to go meet up with my son.

He says he has some news.

Hope he didn't quit his job.


You told 'em?

I did.

Task Force? Really?

SVU, we go after bad guys and lock 'em up.

Terrorism, you can get yourself k*lled.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You're leaving?

I thought you were taking the kids to school.

I was, but they want me in early again.

Got a lot of Centre Street transfers today.

Can't someone cover?

We need the OT.

You're the one who wanted to take the kids to Disney World, right?

Money makes the world go around, little man.

♪ ♪

Hey, Charisse, my favorite former inmate.

Come on.

I thought we were done with this.

Is that an open container of alcohol in your hand?

That's a violation.

Please, just leave me alone.


How about I pat you down?


Please... we don't need to do that.

Get in the car.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Oh, Charisse.

♪ ♪

This menu's crazy.

So, Dad, thanks for meeting me.

Thanks for having me, man.

I hope you're not trying to fix me up or anything again, man.

No, okay, that was a bad idea, but no.

I actually have some news.

So what, you're leaving that halfway house?

No, I like my job.

I like social work, and I'm gonna need the paycheck, because...

Alejandro and I are starting a family.

What, you're adopting?

Well, we found a surrogate.

She's three months pregnant.

It's a boy.

So I'm going to be a grandfather?

You okay with that?

I mean, yeah.

Everybody in my squad's having babies, showing me pictures.

Now I get to show some pictures myself.

And this little guy...


This little guy calls me Fin.

None of that "grandpa" stuff, okay?


That's what's up. Congratulations.

[cell phone ringing]

Excuse me a sec.


Slow down, Charisse.

Where... where are you? Are you all right?


That CO from Rikers, Gary.

He just... he just r*ped me.

Okay. Where are you?

♪ ♪

Stay there. I'll come get you.

What's going on?

One of my clients says her former CO just r*ped her.

I got to go.

No, hold on, hold on. We got to be careful.

A corrections officer?

Let me call Liv.

♪ ♪

Until today, Gary just... would made me go down on him, but I said I didn't want to do that anymore.

I was back with my boyfriend.

He got mad.

He hit me.

And then he r*ped me.

How many times did this happen?

I don't keep count.

At least once a week since I got out.

I'm on his route.

I thought it was bad enough when I was inside.

Did he as*ault you in Rikers?

He never hurt me, but when he'd take me back from a visit, he'd make a stop in the chapel.

No cameras there.

He knows what he's doing.

He'd say, "You do me a favor, I do you one".


Meaning I get to see my kids.

Don't get strip-searched, thrown into solitary.

Don't get my teeth knocked in.

Did you report this?

In Rikers?

The COs and the gangs run that place.

Every female inmate in there knows that.

Every time he'd do me, he'd say, "Cry all you want, but you're just a broke, black crack whore. Who's gonna believe you?"

I do, Charisse.

[laughing] Uh-huh.


I never should have called Ken.


I was just messed up.

Don't worry.

I know this doesn't go anywhere.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Gary Munson. What do we know about him?

CO at Rikers for 17 years.

Never charged, never disciplined.

Puts in for a lot of OT. A wife, two kids.

His father-in-law is a deputy inspector at Queens South.

Now, the second time Gary fails the police exam, strings get pulled, he makes D.O.C.

He's got three complaints in his jacket.

Nothing stuck.

Nothing ever sticks at Rikers.

That CO union has more power than any place I've ever seen.

Putting that aside, these cases are never easy.

Your complainant has 12 arrests?

Misdemeanors: dr*gs, prostitution.

My son says she's turning it around.

This guy covers his tracks.

There's no DNA, no witnesses, vulnerable victims.

Look, we really caught a break when Charisse called Ken.

Did we?

It's still the word of a corrections officer versus a black single mother with a drug problem and a prison record.

All right, if he's raping her on the street, how many is he raping on the inside?

Is there any value in having DOI look at him?

Don't... Rikers is where investigations go to die.

v*olence, r*pe, assaults, hundreds of allegations, almost no prosecutions.

Are you saying just walk away?

If a CO is having sex with an inmate, forced or not, that's r*pe.

It is, but Rikers...

It's like "The Lord of the Flies" there.

If anyone finds out we're investigating him, Munson gets tipped off, and his vics pay.

So we're not investigating him.

We need the guards' help.

We're investigating a trafficking ring with ties to g*ng members who were involved with female inmates.

All right, yeah. Put up a good front.

Pick another dozen women who have rotated through Charisse's unit with similar records.


Charisse says she was r*ped in the chapel.

We should pull the surveillance video from the hallway outside.

And plus another six cameras. Hand them a laundry list.

With luck, they won't realize that Munson's the target.

I'll start the paperwork.

You want to spend your last week at Rikers?

I'm not coasting out. I'll put in my time to the end.

What, are you trying to make me miss you now that you're already gone?

I'm just doing my job.

Sex-trafficking victims?

Seriously, that's what you guys call these women?

I know, we're looking at low-level hookers.

But a couple of them were underage.

SVU gets called in, hence, "trafficking."

And the crap keeps rolling down the hill.

[door buzzes]

I hear you.

Visitor logs for the so-called "victims."

Least you don't have to follow up with the boyfriends.

Audio recordings of phone calls is no problem.

500 hours of "baby" this, "baby" that.

But you need video too?

We want to know who these girls interact with after they see their visitors.

But there's no audio.

I'm not sure how much help it'll be.

If it's on the list, it's on the list.

We just have to check that box.

I'll run it by my warden.

Between the Feds and DOI investigating...

Look, it's bad enough we got these animals in here.

We're being k*lled by friendly fire.

Is there any chance we could talk to some of these inmates?

COs will know where to find them.


She ain't here.

She is in the infirmary.

They're all working something.

Each one's worse than the next.

I'm sure it can get rough in here.


I've been screamed at, spit on, had you-don't-even-want-to-know-what thrown at me.

Guys pull their thing out, wave it at the female COs.

Anyone making a complaint, they're lying.

That's not why we're here.

Some of the inmates may have ties to the CPB g*ng.

We think they may be facilitating the pimping of girls on the outside.


They'd sell their own sisters for a score.

Keisha, possession.

Mo'Nique, as*ault.

Janice, prostitution.

Della, public urination.

A bunch of real ladies.

Lot of rough road.

We're just trying to keep 'em from k*lling each other.

Now, if you're telling me that they have baby daddies or exes or brothers in CPB, I wouldn't be surprised.

You're on visitation detail.

Any inmates, current or former, that let something slip about the gangs running girls in the South Bronx?

Well, anything real, I go straight to the warden.

I don't look the other way.

Any of these ladies ever asked you to?

What, are you kidding me?

They're working me 24/7.

With the big eyes and the crying and the begging.

'Cause everybody in here, they're all innocent, right?

Of course they are.


Mike Dodds.

Chief Dodds is your dad, right?


My father-in-law knows him.



[tense music]

♪ ♪

The female CO was the lookout.

Yep, and just like Charisse said, he takes her to the chapel after visiting hours.

After five minutes, he emerges with a big grin on his face, adjusting his junk.

Seconds later, she comes out.

We know what happened.

So, this corresponds with the dates Charisse gave us?

Yeah, every Saturday, her mother shows up with her daughters, and every Saturday afternoon, Munson gets his favors.

Ten times, same M.O., over three months.

And it's not just Charisse.

By chance, we found three other probable victims.

Well, that's not a surprise.

They're all black women, 20s to 30s.

He's... he's got a type.

I'm tracking down their records.

We've got months of these tapes to go through.

We'll find some more vics.

Well, you can, but Rikers is out of our jurisdiction.

Charisse was assaulted in Manhattan, so I'll call Barba and let him know that we have evidence backing her story.

And we let Charisse know?

It's gonna be tough.

Ken just got a call.

Charisse was arrested tonight.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


What did you do?

Just can't get enough of me, can you, girl?

I will see you tomorrow.

♪ ♪

Charisse McCabe? Yeah.

I saw her after roll call this morning.

They should put a revolving door in for that girl.

Yeah, we heard she just got picked up last night.

Oh, you heard that?

Yeah, the g*ng unit looped us in.

She was arrested with her boyfriend.

He was a crew chief for the CPB.

Oh, could be.

I don't know what the charges were, but I heard that her and her boyfriend were this trick-rolling team.

Oh, that checks out.

Then we have an outstanding case.

John wakes up in a hotel, no Rolex, no laptop.

Craigslist hookup, you know?

All he can remember is that she was pretty and black.

Is that right?

Well, it fits Charisse and her M.O., so...

We think that now she's back inside, it might give us some leverage on her.

Yeah, I wouldn't count on it.

Every time that one opens her mouth, a lie comes out.

No, we got the john waiting.

We put her in a lineup, get this thing closed out.

She gets ID'd.

She might lead us to other names.

They give you OT for that?

Collars for dollars.

Good for you.

But it's a dead end.

He did this. Gary.

He said that he could do whatever he wanted to me.

That the only time I should open my mouth is with him in the chapel.

So he assaulted you again?

What do you think?

I told you, this is never gonna go away.

We can keep you out of Rikers.

No, it doesn't matter.

He knows where I live, where my mama lives with my two girls.

I wasn't resisting arrest or being disorderly or whatever they say.

Did they identify themselves, tell you why they stopped you?

They just said, "NYPD, empty your pockets now."

He had one joint.

They start yelling, roughing him up.

I pull my cell, start to record.

Three cops come out of nowhere, grab my phone, and put me in cuffs.

Did they tell you why you were under arrest?


They threw me in the car and tossed my cell phone out the window.


Okay, we're gonna look for that phone.

That video might help us.


[dramatic music]

He has complete control of me.

My life is over.

He owns my ass.

Charisse, we're gonna protect you.

He's not gonna get away with this.

So a possible illegal search.


We're checking security cams near the arrest.

What about the arresting officers?

It's a big surprise.

They're not returning our calls, so we're pulling the 61 and the arrest report.

Hey. Lucky break.

Security cam footage from the bodega on the corner caught the whole thing.

See? They move right in.

Nothing indicates probable cause.

Am I right?

It doesn't look good.

Now, when Charisse starts filming, they go up to her.

They call that resisting arrest, and they didn't even give her a chance to resist.

They're not worried that they're directly in view of a security camera?

What worries me is this can't be coincidence.

She and her boyfriend were targeted as soon as she started cooperating.

Munson's trying to intimidate her.

Yeah, maybe. Maybe.

Find out if there's any connection between these five officers and Munson.

Or his father-in-law.

So the surveillance video backs up Charisse's story.

Man, these guys are bold.

And they're MIA.

I put a call in to their captain: radio silence.

Clearly there's no cause to arrest her.

I'd feel better if her boyfriend wasn't holding.

What do we know about him?

Jay Raymond. He's got a record.

All for misdemeanor possession, no ties to CPB.

He pleaded not guilty last night.

Which means he's in Rikers, and he's not safe there, and neither is Charisse.

Can you get the charges dropped, Barba?

That's a bad move.

I don't want anybody thinking that we're looking out for her.

Did she make bail?

Five grand, no bond.

Which might as well have been 500 grand.

I can get the judge to reduce that.

Her defense attorney will go along with it.

Hold on. What about these three?

Right, they're in Rikers too.

If Munson thinks that we're investigating him, they're gonna be in trouble.

What are they in for?

LaTanya Franks.

CeCe Thornhill, Zahara Letts.

They're all in for class A misdemeanors.

Do not talk to them at Rikers.

I'll let their defense attorneys know that I'll be asking the judge to reduce their bail as well.

People request a reduction in bail?

Actually, we request R.O.R.

You are aware this is Ms. McCabe's 13th arrest?

Unlucky 13?

There was no probable cause.

My client was a clear victim of police brutality.

Your Honor, approach.

Please do.

Charisse McCabe is a material witness in an ongoing sex-trafficking case against CPB.

All right, Mr. Barba.

Thank you, Your Honor.

LaTanya Franks, you are released on your own recognizance, pending trial.

I thought the charges was gonna be dropped.

Mm-mm, I need you to be here on the date of your trial.

Will you be able to do that?

Yes. I will.

I understand, Your Honor. Thank you.

Thank Mr. Barba.

Can I ask what the case is?

I'm not at liberty to discuss.

I understand. We'll cooperate.

What does that mean?

Don't leave town.

Don't get arrested again.

Talk to the detectives.

♪ ♪

That's what this was about?

I'm not testifying against Munson.

You just told me he r*ped you.

Cost of doing business in Rikers.

That doesn't have to include r*pe.

Really, Elsa?

When's the last time your white ass got locked up?

Munson should be behind bars.

We can't do that if you don't testify.

Go against a CO, I'm a dead woman walking.

We can protect you.

Not in Rikers.

In Rikers, out of Rikers, he does whatever he wants wherever he wants.

So help us stop him.

I don't want to get hurt.

Listen to me.

If we put him away, you won't be.

You think he's the only one?

I have friends on the inside.

His friends will go after them.

It never ends.

Pulling all these girls out of Rikers was a morning well spent.

We couldn't just leave them in there, Barba.

I can't keep them out forever.

But we still have Charisse.

No, we don't.

Ken thinks she's AWOL.

♪ ♪


Give me a hug, give me a hug, give me a hug.

Hey, now, I love you, Chris.

You're gonna be good for Grandma.


Okay. Go to Grandma.

Go, go ahead. Go.

What are you all doing here?

You leave town now, you're running out on your bail.

I've just got to get out of here.

Then you're gonna lose your kids forever.

They'd be better off.

Hold on, Charisse. Can we talk to you for a second?

Oh, like I have a choice.

It's over.

Running away doesn't make it over.

There are still charges against you.

They're lies.

Yeah, you leave, you make 'em stick.

What do you want from me?

Your daughters look like they're good girls.

They are.

I know that it seems like I'm just someone else coming into your life to take control.

No, I don't care about you.

I don't care about me.

I don't care about any of this.

But you do care about your daughters.

You keep saying that your life is over, that Munson owns you.

I don't want that to be true for you, Charisse.

[somber music]

Do you want those two little girls growing up to think there's no chance?

Or do you want them growing up and seeing their mother fight?

♪ ♪
[laughs softly]


Hey, skank.

Who the hell do you think you are, calling me?

Hey, don't be like that.

I thought maybe we could do each other a favor, huh?

♪ ♪

You want to go for a ride?

No, you know, actually, I...

I thought we'd walk.

You got a problem with that?

Whatever you want.

Okay, then move that ass.

[dramatic music]

Where are we going?

To the river.

What do you care, anyway?

Arrested one day, back on the street the next.

That golden ass of yours
is like a get-out-of-jail-free card.

It wasn't like that.

The judge R.O.R'd me the second he heard the charges.

Oh, so you didn't rat out your boyfriend just so you could get out?

I know things.

I know he's still locked up.

Oh, that's why I called you.

I thought... I thought, you know, maybe...

I could do you a favor, you could help him out?

Thought of that all by yourself?

What are you gonna do for me, huh?

He could be on to her. Maybe this was a mistake.

Look, it's our best shot.

He may just be getting off on the hunt.

Fin, you have her in sight?

That's cool.

The safe word is "home." She knows it.

[tense music]

Why don't we go back to the car, huh?

What's the matter? You don't trust me?

After you.

♪ ♪

Get in there.

♪ ♪

Let's go. Go.

♪ ♪

We don't need to be here.

♪ ♪

Why don't you tell me what you want to talk about?


Cat got your tongue?

They went in through the downstairs entrance.

I got no video.

All right, we do, but it's just a brick wall.

We still have audio.

You know, Charisse?

I tried to look out for you on the inside.

I tried to be your friend.

I'm a married man.

He knows she's wired.

Fin, we're en route. Be ready.

You know, you can't be calling me and asking me to help with your boyfriend or your legal problems, because... well... you got to learn to stick up for yourself, Charisse, and stand on your own two feet.


No, now, now, now.

Don't... don't be begging me. Don't.

Don't try that.

Don't give me those pillow lips.


Please, let me go home.

Fin, go now!


♪ ♪

[tires screeching]

♪ ♪

NYPD. Freeze!

Hands up! Now!

It's okay. I'm on the job.

Not on my job. Turn around.

Do you mind telling me what's going on?

Shut up.

What the hell is this?

I'm a CO. I'm allowed to carry.

You thr*aten her with that, Munson?

Yes, he had a g*n on me. He tried to r*pe me.

You're under arrest for attempted r*pe.

Of this whore? Arrest her.

Trying to bribe an officer.

I only went along to see how far she'd go.

I told you to shut up.

Hey, Charisse.

So you got a lieutenant to show up for you?

Hey. Stop talking.

Get him out of here now, Sergeant.

Ah, you know how to work it, girl.

I'll give you that.

You're okay.


You're okay.

♪ ♪

Wow, you got a lady boss bitching you up.

You like a woman on top?

You get one phone call.

Is it gonna be your wife or your father-in-law?

First of all, I'd like to make it clear my client doesn't have to be here.

As his union rep, it's against my advice.

You don't want to be here?

That's fine, we can put him in the holding cell right now in the Tombs.

No, you won't.

There are courtesies on both sides.

So, courteously... what was your business with Charisse McCabe?

Look, Charisse came on to me.

She was worried about her boyfriend, and she wanted to trade sex for a favor, and I said "No."

And you had to pull her into an abandoned building to communicate that?

She was wearing a wire, right?

Why don't you listen to that?

You'll know I did the right thing.

The only thing that proves is that you knew that she was wired.

Charisse told us that while you were saying all the right things, you were trying to r*pe her at gunpoint.

She's just looking for a lawsuit against the city.

We see it time and again at Rikers.

My client was trying to give this woman the benefit of the doubt.

No, I'm looking at attempted r*pe here.

So what are we talking about, huh?

You want him out of D.O.C.?

He might be willing to resign if he keeps his pension and full benefits.


Mr. Munson, you are facing two counts in Manhattan of r*pe and attempted r*pe.

Not to mention multiple as*ault charges for female inmates at Rikers Island.


That's outside your jurisdiction.

If you want to save your family and your union the public humiliation of these charges, this is your chance.

You plead guilty to one count of attempted r*pe, and we won't go after you for these Rikers assaults.

So this is just a shakedown?

One count?

Gary, he just admitted he doesn't have a case.

If he did, he would have not offered that.

You know what they call my brother COs?

New York's boldest.

Other DAs have learned to think long and hard before seeking unprovable indictments against my rank and file.

Gary Munson, on one count of r*pe in the first degree and one count of attempted r*pe in the second degree, how do you plead?

Not guilty on both, Your Honor.

People on bail?


I know that being a CO is one of the toughest jobs there is, and most of them carry out their duties with dignity and respect.

That's why it's essential to send the message that New York City will not tolerate any abuses of power.

Mr. Barba, this is not the time to score political points.

That being said, Gary Munson is not one of the good guys. He is a serial predator who abuses his position to as*ault female inmates.

He has access to DOC databases, including home addresses.

Mr. Munson is a dedicated civil servant, 17 years CO, no record, who himself is being victimized by career criminals with an Axe to grind.

We request that all charges be dropped.

This is neither the time nor the place, Mr. Pastrino.

These are serious allegations.

However, given the record of the defendant and his ties to the community, I am denying the people's request for remand.

Bail is set at $200,000, cash or bond.

I don't think we have that kind of money.

We look out for our own, Lisa.

♪ ♪

You set him up. This is entrapment.

That's not what's happening here, Mrs. Munson.

My husband is a good man, a good father.

Calling him a r*pist?

How dare you?

♪ ♪

How dare all of you?

♪ ♪


Okay, Charisse... not the world's most credible witness.

Audio and video are subject to different interpretations.

Did you get anything from his car?

No, it was hygienic.

He had it detailed the night before.

Yeah, probably why he didn't want her to get in yesterday.

What about his cell phone, GPS, his E-ZPass?

Can we put him near her halfway house?

He's smarter than he looks: he turns off his GPS to and from work, and he pays cash at tolls.

So nothing puts him in Charisse's neighborhood?

No, we may have something.

Now, the red lines are Gary's possible route to work from his home.

Now, he should use either the Triborough or the Whitestone Bridge to get from the Bronx to Queens.

But he doesn't?


We've got him on bridge cams once a week, on Fridays, using the Macombs Dam Bridge to cross into Manhattan.

Okay, nothing on the street cams?

No, like I said, he's smart.

No, he avoids known traffic cams.

Key word: "known."

I called my new friends at Joint Terrorism and caught a break.

Charisse's halfway house is two blocks away from a Harlem Mosque.

Terrorism, Harlem, mosque.

NYPD doesn't like those three words together.

License plate readers.

They've had 'em near hot spots since 2007.

That's right.

Now, we found that every Friday morning for five Fridays running, Gary Munson has driven within two blocks of the Mosque and within 100 yards of where Charisse said she was r*ped.

That's not a route. That's a pretzel.

There's not a reason on earth to detour through Manhattan from the Bronx to get to Rikers.


It's circumstantial, but it's a start.

Keep digging.

Okay, here's where you might be able to help us.

Now, Munson used a condom with Charisse last week, but there weren't any in his car, so... maybe he uses the same brand at home.

That might be enough to get me a warrant.

I'll see if I can find a judge who's willing to go against the CO union.

You're not gonna find anything.

Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Munson.

Yeah, your daddy gonna be proud of you?

Invading the home of a fellow officer, railroading one of your own?

We're looking for anything with the victim's DNA on it.

The suspect's clothing, personal items.

On it, Sergeant.

Again, is there a place, maybe a neighbor's house, that you can take your children to?

Now you're worried about us?


The search is gonna be extremely disruptive.

Your kids shouldn't be here.

Please, Mrs. Munson.

Annie, Tommy, let's go play in the backyard.

Do we have to?

You can use the hose. Make mud pies.

Race you.

We wouldn't be here is we didn't have good reason.

He didn't do this, and I'm calling my father.

He's a deputy inspector, and when he hears about this, you are all gonna be on traffic detail.

I understand that you're angry, but what I'm about to say is gonna make you more angry.

You should get yourself tested for STDs and for HIV.

[dramatic music]

Your husband is a... reckless man.

♪ ♪

You can go to hell.

Just get tested.

♪ ♪

Could you put the things back where you found them?

What, are you tearing up my home?

Harassing me?

We're just doing our job.

Yeah, are you? Listen to me.

I didn't r*pe anybody.

I'm either on the road or on my shift at Rikers.

Just ask my supervisors or my union.

Check my time cards. Everybody will vouch for me.

Yeah, I bet they will.

You know what, if you need me, I'm gonna be with my family.

♪ ♪

He's right.

You throw a rock at Rikers, you hit a CO with mixed integrity.

They're punching each other's time cards, covering for each other.

Well, punching time cards for somebody else is one thing.

It's another to facilitate r*pes.

♪ ♪

That's you, right, Orita?

You're standing outside the chapel, while Munson takes that girl inside.

What happened inside that chapel?

I don't know what he does in there.

There's no evidence of wrongdoing.

She's manning her post.

Well, what do we think he's doing with the inmates?

Ministering to their spiritual needs?

You've asked about the video.

You've asked about the time cards.

Now you're fishing.

Are we?

So, Orita, if we go over these time cards for the past three years, every single one, are you saying that we won't find any violations?

Look, no offense to my union rep, but I believe this would be a good time for me to call my lawyer.

Seems like it.

Your cell phone's not gonna work in here, so why don't I walk you out to a hot spot?

My lawyer's on his way.

Listen, that's your right, but you should know that once he gets here, I can't help you.

What do you want, lady?

What I don't want to do is go after you for time card violations.

Everybody cheats on OT.

It's allowed.


Until it gives us leverage.

So I say again, what do you want?

You know that Munson is a r*pist.

Do I?

Yeah, you do.

'Cause you're his lookout.

See, I know how it works in there.

You do him favors, he gets his guys to look after you, no double shifts on holidays, overtime when you need it.

If you know so much, why do you need me?

Orita, you better start listening to me, 'cause I'm trying to help you out.

Maybe we don't get you on facilitation of r*pe, but those time cards, theft of service, fraud.

♪ ♪

Who's gonna look after your kids when you're in jail with all your friends?

♪ ♪


I leave early on Sundays.


I have a sick mother, and so does Munson.

Munson has a sick mother too?

No, he leaves... early every Sunday.

6:00 p.m.

Time card out at midnight.

♪ ♪

I'm gonna need more than that.

♪ ♪

One of his frequent flyers, Della Carter, she's in for something every few months.

She's, like, 40.

She got a baby sister on the outside.

Munson saw her visiting.

Munson wanted her.

Munson got her.

♪ ♪


Yeah, son.

Your mama home?

Leanne Carter?


Your sister, Della, at Rikers?

Oh, God, is she dead?


But we need to ask you some questions about a CO of hers, Gary Munson?

♪ ♪

Go inside.

I'm not leaving you.

Xbox, all you want.


♪ ♪

What do you want to know?

He been around lately?

♪ ♪


That son of a bitch been around.

♪ ♪

Gary Munson came to my apartment every Sunday night.

He knew my son was asleep in the next room.

He'd lock the door and force me to have sex with him.

Did you ever report it?


My big sister, Della... She's doing a nine-month bid in Rikers.


Munson met me when I was visiting.

He said if I did him a favor, he'd make sure Della stayed out of trouble.

What did you and Della take that to mean?

If I went along with what Munson wanted, Della wouldn't get stripped searched, binged.


Thrown in solitary.

People die in there.

Gary Munson forced me to perform oral sex on him once a week in Rikers.

Then once a week when I got out.

The last two times he r*ped me... and attempted to r*pe me.

But you didn't report any of this to the police until last week?


He said I was just a... black crack whore, and he was a CO... and nobody would believe me.

He said if I did tell anyone, that he'd have me arrested, thrown back in Rikers, and he'd let the gangs do whatever they wanted to me.

These att*cks, where did they occur?

Mostly in his car.

Sometimes at my boyfriend's apartment, if Gary knew that he was locked up.

How many female inmates did Gary Munson escort into the chapel while you waited outside?

Six, seven.

Sometimes more.

He had his frequent flyers.


But he'd change it up anytime someone new came in.

Did he ever tell you what was going on inside that chapel?


He didn't have to.

But he did make sure me and himself got OT, whether we worked the hours or not.

How thoughtful.

Any night in particular?

Sunday nights.

We'd leave at 6:00, get credit till midnight.

Like clockwork.

Mrs. Munson, would you say your husband is a hard worker?

Yes, he is.

Gary only thinks of me and his kids.

I know he couldn't have done this.

He loves me, and we have a healthy sex life.

The grand jury has heard allegations that he committed r*pes on his way home on Sunday nights.

That's impossible.

He always calls when he's about to leave work, and he's home 20 minutes later.

On a Sunday, what time would that be?

He'd call at 10:00, home at 10:20.

Was he? That's very interesting.

Here are his time cards for the past seven Sundays that he's worked.

He's punched out at midnight.

That... that happens.

They get extra time credit when they work a double.

A double?

Here's footage... of one of the CO checkout points at Rikers, two weeks ago, Sunday night.

Can you make out that time stamp?

It says 6:05.

[tense music]

Do you recognize that man?

Is it your husband?

Our son may have been sick that day.

Has he been sick a lot?

Before you answer, I'm gonna show you footage from the previous six Sundays that he's worked.

♪ ♪

Thank you for coming.

What's going on?

My gut is when the grand jury gets back from lunch, they'll return a bill of indictment on multiple counts of r*pe and sodomy of both Charisse and Leanne.

Each of their stories reinforced the other.

Plus the female CO's testimony.

Okay, what about Lisa, the wife?

She honestly believed that she could alibi him.

Munson didn't even bother to tell her what she was walking into.

Do you need us to pick up Munson?

He's out on bail, and he surrendered his SIG and passport.

He'll be informed of the indictment through his lawyer.

♪ ♪

When the indictment does come down, I'll need you to walk me out of here.

♪ ♪

These charges are an outrage and an insult to every conscientious corrections officer who puts his or her life on the line every day.

Rather than dealing with the rampant dysfunction and g*ng v*olence in Rikers, ADA Barba and City Hall are leading a witch hunt based on the implicitly compromised testimony of this city's lowest forms of life.

You want a w*r, Barba? You got it.

We're going to shut this city down!

Hold on, guys. Guys.

There's really no need for this.

Everyone's just trying to do their jobs, okay?

So how about you step back and let us through?

You don't know about the day-to-day reality on Rikers Island.

It's all about the inmates.

My COs get beat up, jumped.

But you lay a hand on an inmate, and they write you up.

Good luck to you when you need a prisoner to testify.

You're looking at a big problem, Mr. Barba.

You're counting on these guys to put their life on the line for you.

That ain't gonna happen anymore.

Okay, Mr. Rodriguez. You've said your piece.

Now, guys, please, let us through.

Step back.

And what happens if we don't?

Hey, just take it easy, all right?

♪ ♪

Barba, you don't know me or who I am, but we know a lot about you, things people would want to know.

Is that a threat?


No, a threat would be right here, right now, I shove you down these steps and get your skull cracked open, bleeding to death.

Right here, in front of all these people?

Maybe they wouldn't be able to save me, but they sure as hell would catch you.

So, amiguito, I'll tell you what.

You want to k*ll a DA, right here, surrounded by all these cops and cameras?

Spend the rest of your life in prison?

Here, here's my home address.

You come by any time you want.

♪ ♪

Hey. Everything all right?

Not really... someone just threatened to k*ll me.


Who was it?

Just a face in the crowd.

♪ ♪

Tell the squad to watch their backs.

This is just the beginning.

♪ ♪
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