02x24 - Sleeping With the Enemy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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02x24 - Sleeping With the Enemy

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on NCIS: New Orleans...

Agent Brody.

Agent Russo.

Helping to set up the new DHS post.

Something imminent.

No. Usual chatter.

Mrs. Judy Brown?


Sonja: g*n!

Arthur, run!

Russo: Two foreign operatives,

I promise you, all bets are off.

This red means HMX.

So they were smuggling in expl*sives.

expl*sive power to level a city block.

You jeopardized the mission.

Wait you're... our contact.

You know what you have to do.

♪ ♪

(phone ringing)


(ringing continues)


Is the package complete?

Secured and ready for delivery, yes.

(phone blips)

(phone rings)

Wait. No! No, no, no...!

What were you doing out there?

Just taking in the view.

But this view's better.

(phone ringing)

Your phone has been ringing off the hook.

It's the office.

Guess I better answer.

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 2x24 ♪
Sleeping With the Enemy
Original Air Date on May 17, 2016

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

Pride: Mornin', you two.

Stopped by the lumberyard.

Thank you.

Picked up some wood to cover up the doors and windows till the glass people come.

Lasalle: I got you, King.

Thank you.

Just saw Roy at the hospital.

He's getting released today.

Well, he should get a medal too.

He's a brave man, taking a b*llet for Merri like that when this place got att*cked.


Uh, you hire a new bar manager just in time to become “Mr. Fix-it” at work.

Someone invaded our home.

Now, we can't leave it like this.

Brody back?

I haven't seen her.

She's supposed to be interviewing Judy Brown.

Figure out why her husband did all this.

Yeah, and figure out the location of the HMX expl*sives they smuggled in the city.

(cell phones buzz and beep)

Pride: Blast went off at 7:00 am.

A*F contacted us when they determined it was high expl*sives.

Know we've been on the lookout.


Pieces of one.

Pride: Place is just used for storage.

Not exactly a high value target.

Sonja: It wasn't a target, it's a workshop.

Yeah, I've been going through the debris.

Found remnants of wiring, plastic casing, old batteries.

All classic components in b*mb-making.

Now, best guess: radio-controlled IED with some sort of cellular frequency.

How do you know so much about it?

Before undercover, A*F trained me as a CES, Certified expl*sives Specialist.

I know what it stands for, I'm just surprised you're one.

Well, you're not the only one with secret skills, scuba boy.

Pride: If this was a b*mb-making workshop, what happened?

Could be an accidental detonation.

It's an occupational hazard in the b*mb biz.

But I won't know till I get all this on the table.

Stealing Ms. Loretta's catchphrase.

Well, Doc Wade is gonna need all her skills to identify what's left of this victim.

Was the cause of the blast the HMX we've been hunting?

Well, you know, judging by the levels of nitrogen and carbon that I've detected, I'd say it's a safe bet, yeah.

Well, it could be good luck.

Judy and Arthur Brown smuggled the expl*sives in to someone planning an attack on New Orleans.

He takes himself out.

Yeah, but HMX is one of the more powerful chemical expl*sives.

The damage here was done by...

I don't know, 20, maybe 30 pounds.

So there could be close to 1,000 pounds still unaccounted for.

Enough to take out a skyscraper.

(cell phone rings)

Our only link is Judy Brown.


Where are you?

(Brody speaking indistinctly)


(Brody speaking indistinctly)

Judy Brown is dead.


Cyanide poisoning.

According to Wade, Judy Brown ingested it.

She was searched at NCIS and again when she was processed at DHS.

How'd she get the poison?

Got a list of everyone who had access to her in the last 12 hours, which, of course, includes me.

Didn't notice anything suspicious.

She would've died within minutes of ingestion.

Which was 7:00 this morning.

I have an alibi.

Lasalle: We got something.

Pulled traffic and surveillance cams around the warehouse.

(snaps fingers) Damn.

I'll put it up on the other one.

Sonja: So the truck pulled up to our crime scene at about 4:00 in the morning.

Left minutes before the expl*si*n, got abandoned on Tchoupitoulas.

Lasalle: A*F found traces of HMX, but nothing else.

Who are they?

Well, we don't know yet.

South African nationals.

Use your computer?

They've got military training.

They entered the country with three others, all in the last month... all in New Orleans.

You knew about these men and didn't tell us?

I told you: Homeland's been monitoring an imminent attack.

You said it was just “general chatter.”

We all found out yesterday that Arthur and Judy Brown have been taking orders from someone through encrypted e-mails.

And then there was the as*ault on our office.

That would've been another time to mention these suspects.

We've been watching these guys, Pride, for weeks.

No suspicious phone calls, e-mails, or movements.

None of these guys is the ring leader.

They take orders.

So you have their location.

They're staying at a house on the Westbank.

Homeland Security Investigations is gearing up to take them down now.

We need to be a part of that raid.

We need zone coverage here, Pride.

Let DHS handle the raid.

You keep on this morning's expl*si*n-- it doubles our chances of finding this ring leader, and stopping the plot.

I want to know the minute those men are in custody.

You'll be my first call.

That's a big piece of Intel he's kept hidden from us.

That's not all he's hidden.

What do you mean?

I can't believe I'm thinking this.

What, Merri?

Russo may be the ring leader.

This may seem insane, Pride, but there have been three mysterious suicides in as many cases.

Walt Jeffries, Glenn Franklin, both tied to the scandal that took down General Matthews.

Judy Brown smuggled HMX expl*sives into New Orleans.

You think they connect?

I don't know, only Russo's been a key player in all three cases.

So are we.

Yeah, but he's been feeding us Intel.

Ever since DC, he's always there with some tidbit.

Always leads to a dead body.

This morning, 7:00 a.m., when the b*mb went off, Russo was on his balcony, talking on a cell phone.

You were with him?


And his cell phone was on the kitchen counter the whole time.

So he's got two phones.

I mean, that could mean a lot of things.

Something inside me has been saying “watch out.”

Same voice that told you your sister's death was suspicious?

I'm inclined to listen.

Saying a high-ranking Homeland Security agent is involved in a t*rror1st plot...


Don't know.

But if it's true, he is the lead investigator in his own conspiracy, and he has been playing us all.

And we need evidence.

Just can't go to his bosses at DHS... on instincts.

I'll get the evidence.

He trusts me.

Thinks he has me fooled.

Whoa, like undercover?


That's a bad idea.

You don't know how dangerous this guy is.

Plus... you're personally involved.

That's why it has to be me.

Look, if I'm right, he has put this city in danger; he's compromised other Federal operations; it's a risk we have to take.

Not we, you.

On his turf.

Okay, so I will stick close to him at DHS, where there are 30 other agents.

I'll never be alone with him.

I know it's not perfect, but it's the best choice we have.


But only to observe, understood?

Get Patton to dig into Russo.

Find any red flags, any connections to those missing expl*sives.

And, hey... it's off the books.

Till we know more.

Just a theory.

Lasalle: You got it.

Wade: I knew there was something off with Merri this morning.

Of course, Russo was there.

Pride: Mm.

She seems to think he's been corrupted somehow.

And may be right.

I spoke to a friend in Homeland IG's office.

Been aware of a breach for a while.


They've had Intel compromised, operations blown.

Have a task force to find the breach, no suspect.

Wade: You mention Russo's name?

Ah, not yet.

Don't have enough proof.

Mm-hmm, so you're taking on Homeland's problems, as well as chasing down missing expl*sives.

I take on what I'm faced with.

Oh, well, let's hope I can lighten the load.

Or at the very least, confirm Judy Brown was k*lled from acute cyanide poisoning.

Found this in her stomach contents.

su1c1de pill?

Someone got it to her in custody.

Oh, Russo left hours before she died.

You saying he's innocent?

Not necessarily.

The capsule has a polymer barrier.


It means delayed release, Dwayne.

Russo could've given that pill to Ms. Brown hours before her death.

Can you prove he did?

No, stomach acid would've removed fingerprints and DNA Russo may have left behind.

But the same cannot be said for our unlucky b*mb-maker.

There was enough left for an identification?


(computer blipping)

His name is Charles Anisa, a Scottish-born South African national.

Former military.

Pride: Just like the five suspects Russo and DHS are going after right now.

I don't get it, Loretta.

If Russo's part of the plot, why lead us right to his co-conspirators?

Well, the simplest explanation is always the best place to start.

expl*si*n at the warehouse was an accident.

Russo's just covering his tracks.

I don't think this expl*si*n was an accident.

I found traces of a cellular receiver amongst the debris.

Even found a fragment of the SIM card.

So the b*mb was detonated remotely.

No question about it.

I'm trying to restore the SIM card now, retrieve the data on it, but most likely the b*mb was set off by a simple smart phone app.

Brody said Russo had a second phone with him.

The time the b*mb went off.

As in Brody's crush, Russo?

Yeah, she thinks he's involved in all this, and I'm starting to agree.

Lasalle: The problem is we have to find a way to prove it.

Finding the rest of the HMX would help.

Well, I can't tell you where it is, but I might be able to help with where it's going.

This looks like scrap metal.

High-density carbon steel drum.

It's used for hazardous liquids.

I ran an expl*sives residue test on it.

I found this: High levels of HMX.

So the b*mb was in a drum.


Then I gave it a thorough hydrochloric acid cleanse, like, you know, you do, and got this.

Looks like a barcode.

Can you read it?

Maybe I can run it through a recreation program.

Brody's flying blind out there right now, Sebastian.

We're gonna need more than maybe.

Brody: I thought we were kicking in the door with HSI.

HSI's taking the front, we're covering the back.

Thought you wouldn't mind being alone with me.

I like to be where the action is.

Are you mad at me or something?



I'm adjusting a strap on your vest.


Okay, something's definitely up here.

I'm fine.


I'm just ready to go get the bad guys.

(woman's muffled grunting and whimpering)

Federal Agent! Drop the w*apon now!

(woman screaming)

Let her go.

(muffled): Oh, my God...

Drop the w*apon.

Whoa, Merri.

I'm on your side, remember?

The other night, these men break into our house.

Wave g*ns in our faces.

Put hoods over our heads.

I thought we were dead.

You and your husband?


He was with me at first, but then they kept us separate.

What did they want?

Woman: They never spoke.

They took me to this house and...

(stifled sob)

(crying): They just kept me locked up.

Is Garrett okay?

We're working on it.

You haven't found him yet?

Not yet, Molly, but you can help us.

These men are planning to set off a b*mb in the city.

Your husband may have information they need.


Did Garrett have a high security job?

Access to sensitive information?

No, he's a riverman.

Your husband's a river pilot?

What is that?

Mississippi's complicated to navigate-- shifting sandbars, currents...

Rivermen are the ones who get the ships through.

b*mb's gonna be on the river.

Molly: You'll help him, right? Garrett?

We'll bring him back.

And we'll keep you safe, too.


I'm gonna see to it personally.

Yes, sir... (continues indistinctly)

You all right?

Thank you.

Weren't supposed to be alone with him.

That was the plan.

I didn't have a choice or time.

Could've been you who got shot.

Instead, he k*lled another link to the explosions, and the attack.

Like he's planned the whole thing.

All the information he gives is solid.

Leads us one step closer to the conspiracy.

He ties up loose ends just as we get there.

He's playing us.

Maybe the river's a distraction.

Don't think it is.

Sebastian recovered the barcode on the expl*sive debris from this morning.

Supposed to be part of a shipment of 30 fuel barrels headed for the Port of New Orleans.

We tracked the shipment to the dock, but the barrels are already gone.

No record of what vessel they've been loaded on, but close to 1,000 pounds of HMX is already on the water.

This attack is gonna be soon.

Russo: Pride.

DC wants a report.

Contact CGIS Agent Swanson, coordinate with Coast Guard, find that boat.

Brody, Russo...

Russo: We've got 1,000 pounds of HMX on the Mississippi River, Deputy Secretary.

Suspects took a river pilot hostage.

Means they can detonate the b*mb anywhere along the Mississippi.

The situation is critical.

Can you estimate damage assessment?

b*mb of this size, set off at any number of strategic points on the river, casualties start in the hundreds.

Plus, environmental effects to the ground water and surrounding communities.

Not to mention shutting down a main economic artery to the city.

It's a conservative estimate.

Without General Matthews to run the division, this falls on you, John.

It's what I'm trained for.

You have operational control of all Law Enforcement assets in the area.

Yes, sir.

I'd like to note that Special Agent Pride and his team have been invaluable.

I want them in the field as my eyes and ears.

Whatever you need, John.

I'm counting on you.

I won't let you down, sir.

I mean that.

Relying on you both.

No one knows this city better.

(phone ringing)

Appreciate the confidence.

Pride... gotta take this.


(ringing continues)

Pride: Russo's upstairs making calls.

Don't have much time.

Fine, 'cause I don't have much to say.

I did a deep dive in Russo's past.

Makes a Boy Scout look corrupt.

Columbia University, Air Force, followed by Harvard Law.

Yeah, then, instead of taking his pick of jobs in DC in the private sector, he goes Peace Corps for two years.

No hidden accounts, no alias, no Dark Web profile.

He's on the up and up.

He's anything but.

Playing the long game.

Worked his way through DHS to be two man in his division.

Made sure there was no number one.

That's why he set up General Matthews.

To keep the post open, to take control of the investigation into his own plot.

Then who's he working for, t*rrorists?

Whoever it is, hired South African mercenaries, has access to a submarine, military-grade HMX-- could be an enemy state.

I guess we'll have to figure it out as we go.

Getting good at improvising these days, huh?

We may know one thing that might help.

Sebastian: All right, well, I was able to confirm that this morning's b*mb was set off by a cell phone.

I even tracked the signal, but I couldn't pull any data.

Patton: Phone is encrypted.

Russo's second phone?

Can't be sure unless we examine it.

Well, Russo's not letting that phone out of his sight.

Doesn't have to. We just need to clone it.

Won't know we did it until you slap him in cuffs.

Which means that you have to get close to him without him getting suspicious.

It's not a good idea.

I can do it.

If it means stopping the attack, I can do it.

Puts you back in the line of fire.

He may be on to you already.

Do we have a choice?

We have no authority to access Russo's phone.

Just theories.

If we do it and fail, it's not only losing our jobs, we could go to prison.

All right.

Give Brody whatever she needs to clone that phone.
Sonja: We're looking for a boat filled with 1,000 pounds of HMX.

Well, you came to the right place.

Nerve center of all traffic on the river.

Lasalle: What's it do?

Puts eyes on any ship, boat, or barge on the Mississippi.

Any idea what class vessel we're looking for? Tug, river, cargo?

Don't know.

All we can say is, we think it left the port late this morning.

Yeah, it's like a needle in a haystack.

Well, consider me your pitchfork.

The Captain of the Port ordered a stop on all river traffic.

It's like a giant game of red rover.

You break it, you buy it, Lasalle.

We got a winner.

The Heritage Star, tugboat out of Natchez.

Not responding to the COTP order.

It could be a miscommunication.

Or it could be our b*mb.

Swanson: Motor Vessel Heritage Star, this is the Coast Guard Sector New Orleans on channel 16, over.

Motor Vessel Heritage Star, this is United States Coast Guard on channel 16.

You're in violation of a Captain of the Port Order.

Come to all stop now and hold your position.

Hijacker: Don't answer! Stay on course!

Heritage Star, this is your final warning.

Come to all stop immediately.

They're not responding.

(indistinct chatter)

Swanson: MSST's are ready to roll.

The 87's gonna be en route to block the Heritage Star upriver.

Air Station's on scene in ten.

Pride: We need to go with MSST and board the Heritage Star.

Agent Russo already cleared it.

We got room on the small boats for two.

I'm gonna coordinate from the cutter.

Russo already cleared it?

It means he wants us on the Heritage Star.

You think it's a trap?

Either way, we got to do it.

We got a crew of ten on that tug.

All right, I'm with you, King.

She said there's only room for two.

Got to take Sonja.

She's got the expl*sives experience.

Well, I don't think that's a good idea.

Excuse me?

Russo doesn't expect us to return.

All right?

It's too risky.

For me, but not for you?

Well, you know what I mean.

I'm sorry, I don't.

This is my job as much as yours, Lasalle.

Okay, all right, look, we don't have time to argue.

Russo's got a plan here.

We still need to figure it out before that b*mb goes off.

You go on the cutter with Swanson, and be our eyes.

That leaves Brody alone with Russo.

Yeah, well, she'll get the evidence, contact DHS, call in the cavalry.

It's not perfect, Chris.

Best we got.

Brody: Okay, Sebastian.

Uh, this doesn't look like much.

It's got special software that'll detect, decrypt, and download every byte of data on Russo's phone.

Great, what do I have to do?

Just get close.

I'm talking like Arrid Extra Dry close.

There's not a lot of scenarios where that kind of invasion of personal space is going to be socially acceptable, okay?

Just-- trust me, I know.

There was one time in grad school where I went to a par--

I've got it covered, Sebastian.

I just hate that he used you, you know?

The only thing I hate more is that you got to go back up there and pretend like he didn't.

I'll be okay.

Oh, hey, wait, wait, wait.

Take this, uh, in case of emergency.

Am I supposed to write for help?

(chuckles) It's not a pen, it's a stun g*n.

You just click the top, it packs 200,000 volts.

You know I'm armed, right?

Oh, yeah.

So is Russo.

I'll be fine.

The Heritage Star's about a mile downriver, moving at 14 knots.

You got eyes on them?

No visual yet, but we put a drone in the air and we hacked into the Heritage Star's security cameras.

We got two hostiles on the bridge...

Lasalle: And that's Garrett Layne, our kidnapped river boat pilot.

Another hostile on the main deck, fourth is below deck.

Lasalle: It's our South African suspects we've been looking for.

Got as*ault r*fles, sidearms.

That guy looks like he might have grenades.

Detonator on any of these hostiles?

Not that we've noticed.

All right, there's no room for error here.

All CG Vessels, this is CAPCON.

Boarding team en route.

Air Station is two minutes out.

(phone blipping)

(door opens)



Can we talk for a second?

Of course. About what?

I'm worried, John.

This interdiction, if anything goes wrong, my whole team could be k*lled.

I could lose them all and I don't think I can handle that.

Hey, hey, hey.

Listen to me: it's gonna be okay.

We've got the Coast Guard and an army of federal agents on our side.

I swear to you, I won't let anything go wrong.



Better get back out there.


Thank you.



Swanson (over speaker): Motor Vessel Heritage Star, this is the Coast Guard on channel 16.

Stop your engines, drop your weapons, heave to, and prepare to be boarded.

Air Station coming in for diversion.

Fire warning sh*ts now.

Agent Pride, you're clear to approach at the starboard aft.

Air Station, another burst of fire.

We'll take the bridge.

Get down below deck, find the fourth hijacker.

Drop your w*apon!


Sonja: Put your hands behind your head.

Grab the hostages.

Where is the detonator?

We're pinned down, Chris.

Hostiles in the aft section of the bridge.

Port side.


Bridge secure.

Garrett Layne, I'm Special Agent Dwayne Pride, NCIS.

You need to stop this boat right now.

No, sir.

(anxious gasping)

I can't.

Sonja: Pride... the fourth hijacker is in custody, and I found the expl*sives, but no sign of the detonator.

Think we just found it.

Detonator's connected to the GPS, Chris.

If the tug's diverted from its heading, or slows, b*mb goes off.

(phone ringing)

Special Agent Percy's trying to defuse it.


Patton: Cracked the SIM card on Russo's phone. We hit the mother lode.

Sebastian: The data files confirm that he detonated the warehouse b*mb this morning.

Does he have the capability of setting off the b*mb on that tug boat?

Sebastian: I'm afraid so.

But listen, that's not all.

Russo's been in contact with one of the hijackers all day.

He's pulling all the strings.

I still have no idea why.

Patton: We might.

Russo's been receiving encrypted e-mails.

We traced it back to server in Bogota, Colombia.

Yeah, sophisticated encryption, military equipment, hired mercenaries.

I mean, I know that we were thinking enemy state.

Yeah, but it could be the cartels.

Why would they blow the river?

E-mails indicate their target to be the Coast Guard itself.

No idea why.

Those Coast Guard boats are blocking the river directly under the Crescent City Connection.

That b*mb goes off, it takes out the boats and the bridge.

You tell Pride now.

I'm detaining Russo.

(motor revving)


NCIS has evidence that this ship is the target and the Crescent City Connection.

You must take evasive action.

Not that simple. I have orders.

Plus a mission to protect the river from that tugboat.

Well, your orders came from the person who set this whole attack up.

What's that supposed to mean?

Look, sir, you have to listen.

If you don't move out of my way, I'll have you removed.

Swanson, you must have heard about the breach at DHS.

Task force is looking for the mole.

I know, but how would you know anything about that?

I have the evidence right here.

Commander... Commander, listen, damn it.

Special Agent Swanson, escort Special Agent Lasalle below deck.

Look, the Heritage Star is rigged to explode if it's taken off course, all right?

And it will definitely explode if it gets close enough to us.

That bridge goes down, takes out God knows how many innocents.

Then I'll have the skipper fire on that tugboat.

Look, we still have agents on that boat.

And at least one hostage.

All right, my people is working on disarming the b*mb.

We just need more time.

He's right. We need your help here.

Okay, you got three minutes.

And at that point, anybody that can get off the boat should.

We gotta protect that bridge.

I'll contact DHS, make sure Russo gets dealt with.

Pride, Percy...

...I bought you enough time to disarm the b*mb.

I'll need about a week.

Yeah, well, you got three minutes.

Gonna get you off the boat, Garrett.

I can't let go of the controls.

Yeah. Yes, you can.

'Cause I'm gonna switch places with you.

Crazy, huh?

But that's what's happening.

It's not like driving a car.

My uncle was a riverman.

I know my way around the helm.

We're gonna take it slow.

Easy-- just one hand, and then the other.

(panting) No, no, I-I just... I just need to... I promised your wife I'd get you home safely.

Don't want to make me a liar, do you?




Just let it go.

There you go. Okay.

Take the other one off.

I got it.

Good job.

Everybody off.

Go. Go. That's an order.

I got the controls, Chris.

Just like a Kingfisher.


You're too clever, Merri.

That mean you're surrendering?

That means today's gonna end badly for you and your team.

(lock clicks)

Soon as that boat gets close enough...

You're doing all this...

Sit down.

...for drug dealers?

How much could they possibly be paying you to betray your country?

You got me wrong!

I'm a patriot.

Just not for your side.

I don't understand, John.

Don't you want to matter, Merri?

Be more than just a cog.

They saw the potential in me.

More than any law firm, or government agency, to be exceptional; to matter.

By blowing up some boats?

Taking out a bridge?

How many people have we lost... to the Coast Guard, to the military.

I'm making a statement.

It's petty, John.

Don't be hurt.

I enjoyed our time together.

I really like you.

I liked you, too.

(Russo yells)

Sonja, we're running out of time.

I'm getting there, okay?

One of these wires leads to the cellular detonator.

Find that, and I'll diffuse the b*mb.

Got the cutter in view.

Just past the bridge.





Out of time here, Special Agent.

Gunners, in position.

Get Agent Percy off that boat.

What about Pride?

You want to lose them both?

Sonja... that's it. Time's up.

Stop talking!

All right, Sonja... it's over.

Time to go. Now.

Get out of here! It's time to go!

Sonja... get out of here! Now!


One more second.

(grunting, groaning)

Officer (over P.A.): Gunners ready...

(pressing key, repeated beeping)

Don't move. You're under arrest.

It's over, John.

Coming about.

Pride: b*mb is diffused.

(over radio): Call 'em off the strike.

I repeat: b*mb is diffused, call off the strike.

Officer (over P.A.): Gunner! Stand down! Stand down!

(sighs, laughs)

(pounding on door)

Man: Open the door! Open up!

(man continues shouting, pounding on door)

Whatcha got?

DHS cleared Brody, and Garrett Layne reunited with his wife, so all in all, we should be celebrating.

Yes, we should.

How'd it go with DC?

Far as they're concerned, without us, yesterday would have been catastrophic.

I feel like there's a big "but" coming.

Russo got too close to pulling off his mission from inside.

Which means...

Full review of the entire affair.

All right? From General Matthews to yesterday.

And until the review's complete, we are on administrative leave.

Two weeks.

That sounds like a punishment.

It's a break.

Which we need.

Agent Hardy's gonna cover our cases.

We'll take some R&R.

Well, I'll let Percy know.

You're going to ask me how I'm doing.

And you're gonna tell me you're fine.

No. But I will be.

I just need to sort this all out.

I can't believe I let Russo get close.

You didn't let Russo get close.

You stopped him.

I was lucky.

You were smart.

Listened to that voice inside you.

You should do it more often.

Well, right now, that voice is saying, "Go to a secluded beach."

I'll clear my mind.

It's 5:00 somewhere.

Lasalle: Pride says we're on administrative leave.

Two week vacation.

Oh, wow.

You don't have to tell me twice.

I'll see you later.

Yo, Percy.

You just going to leave?

Oh, I didn't realize I needed to check in with you.

Well, I thought you might want to talk.

Oh, "work husband" means your responsibilities end after work.

See ya later.

Well, you almost died yesterday.

Yeah, and you almost died a few weeks ago.

But we lived.

I go now.

Did I offend you somehow?

No. But you need to stop worrying about me.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

It means don't treat me different from everyone else.

It especially means don't try to stop me from taking dangerous jobs.

Don't get soft on me.

I'm not soft.

I care about you, you idiot.

Well, stop, 'cause...

I-I can't take it on.

I'm glad you didn't die.

You're an ass.

(both laughing)

Yeah. I know.

All right. Cool.

I'll see you later.

And I'll see you soon.

Walter "Wolfman" Washington: ♪ Ooh, baby
♪ Tell me, baby ♪
♪ You're lyin' every time ♪
♪ Messin' with people... ♪
♪ Lyin' and lyin'... ♪

(trumpet blaring)

Patton: Oh.

You're getting pathetic, Sebastian.

Just, I'm-I'm saving the high heat for when Brody gets here.

Oh, you're gonna be waiting a long time.

Merri hit the road.

She's heading to the Keys.

She left?


Patton: I'm still here for you.

Come on. One more game.

I'll take it easy on you.

Buckley: Miss Loretta.

I call it "Death Takes a Holiday."

Oh! Poetic and accurate.

But is it good?


Oh, delicious.

Another satisfied customer.

Hey. (laughs)

Hey, boss. You on duty tonight?

I most definitely am not.




Oh, look at that face.


How's it going?

Not that great.


Look at that score there. I'm k*lling it.

Easy on him, would you?

Ah, thank you.

Loretta... feeling good.

Despite the news from Washington.

Prying into your business.

Eh, it doesn't bode well.

But you know what I call that?

Tomorrow's problem.

I like the attitude.

You gonna miss us while we're on leave?


Taking advantage and using a few vacation days.

Danny's graduating this month. (sighs intensely)

Asked him what he would want for a gift.

He said to go camping out west.


Loretta, you have many talents.

Outdoorsman is not one of them. Not one of them.

(laughing): Not even close.

You're welcome to come along.

Thank you, but I have plans.

Right. Two weeks to work at the bar.

No, ma'am. I'm leaving the bar in Buckley's capable hands.

(light chuckle) I promise I won't burn it down.

Appreciate that.

Laurel's doing a... an internship in Oberlin, Ohio.

And I have a gig.

As in music?

Yes, as in music.

Walter "Wolfman" Washington lost his piano player for a month.

I'm filling in while they're playing in the Southeast.

Dwayne Pride...


On tour. I'll drink to that.

Come on.

Dwayne, we need you up here, my brother.

(crowd cheering)

Here I come. Excuse me.

♪ Just take those old records off the shelf ♪
♪ I'll sit and listen to them by myself ♪
♪ Today's music ain't got the same soul ♪
♪ I love that old-time rock and roll ♪
♪ ♪
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