04x22 - Where the Collapse Started

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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04x22 - Where the Collapse Started

Post by bunniefuu »

We're dealing with a serious condition, called Immune thrombocytopenia.

But he can still report to work, right?

Not right now.

What would you think about us becoming foster parents to Louie?

Gabby, we barely have time for each other.

How are we going to have time for a child?

I can't get him out of my head, Matt, so I'm going to do it on my own.

When I'm married, you break into my house with flowers and champagne, and then I'm solo, and you keep a safe distance.

(dramatic music)

(poignant music)

♪ ♪

Let's call furlough for the next six to eight weeks.


And go where?

Right here.

Never leave this spot.

(alarm beeping)

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

All I'm saying is, I could get used to this.

♪ ♪

(engine turns over)

(car departs)

(dark music)

♪ ♪

Excuse me, I have to get going to work. Is there any chance...

Mr. Harvey's got several people to see this morning.

Yeah, what about tomorrow?

Meetings all day.

Look, I can give you a call if there's an opening.

You know, this isn't about me, right?

There's a kid sitting somewhere right now without a family, without a place to call home, nothing.

By the time the children reach us, they're all that way, unfortunately.

Okay... yes, please give me a call if you find time for me.

I appreciate it.

What kind of club?

Oh, it's nothing fancy, just a good DJ, cheap booze.

I need a favor from you, though.

Of course you do.

The liquor license.

You wouldn't believe the amount of hoop-jumping you've got to do to get one of those, but now that my little brother works with an alderman...

No, not a chance.

I wouldn't have come to you if this wasn't important.

I'm 15 grand deep.

I'm losing money every day.

Jimmy, I'm serious.

If I don't get this place opened up, I could lose the house.

Hey... could you restock the 4x4s? I think we're running low.

Hey, Danny.


(alarm beeps)

Truck 81, Ambulance 61, car accident, 2802 West 47th Street.

I'll see what I can do.

(dramatic music)

(sirens wailing)

♪ ♪

(indistinct radio chatter)

Mouch, Kidd, check out that smoke.

Copy that.

Watch the rig.

Let's get these people out.

♪ ♪

Strike. Strike.


♪ ♪



(metal bar clatters) You okay?

(dramatic music)

Brett, let's get a C-collar over here.


Hi, I'm Sylvie. What's your name?


(both grunting)

Hey, stand up.


I'm gonna put this around your neck.

(siren wailing in the distance)

(metal bar clatters)

Does any of that hurt?

A little.


Wait. Stay there.

(siren wailing)

You feel any pain in your tummy or your chest?



Yeah, she's loaded.


Wait there.

What do we got?

Mom and dad are sauced. Had their kid driving.

Good, good, good.


♪ ♪

Are they gonna... Are they...



♪ ♪

Jimmy, seat belt may have given her a pulmonary contusion.

Need the stethoscope.

Diminished lung sounds on the left side.

Damn it. She has a broken rib.

Must have been the steering wheel.

She might have a punctured lung.

The trachea's deviated. She has a pneumo.

All right, let's trauma her to Med.

I'll decompress her en route.

All right.

♪ ♪

Kaylee, Mommy loves you!

Yeah, real nice work, folks!

You put your daughter in the hospital!

Hey, hey, hey, come on.


You all right?

The world's rough enough.

Your own parents shouldn't be making it rougher.

I'm... I'm fine.

Just got my dander up, but I'm fine.

(door opens)

What the hell are you doing here?

I'm on steroids. I'm not bedridden.

See, what I heard when they said "medical leave" was, "four weeks paid vacation."

Yeah, shouldn't you be on a singles tour of Middle-earth or something?

Ha, yeah, I'm here to collect my check.

Hey, Lieutenant, what's up? Hey, buddy.

You know, it's okay to admit you... you miss us.

Who's on in relief?

Malcolm Ferguson. You know him?



Ferguson, get over here!

(mellow music)

♪ ♪

Otis, Ferguson.

Ferguson, Otis.

Great guy. You're gonna love him.

Okay, yeah.


H-hey, man, B-Brian.

(knuckles crunch) Hey, hey...

(clears throat) Hey.

The Evanston guy. Yeah.

Hey, so listen, that thing that you did...



You did.


You're the man.


Yeah, Connie handpicked him herself, so...


Yeah, she's been keeping a list of CFD's best floaters for Boden.

Had her eye on Ferguson for a while now.

Real happy she finally found a spot for him.


Well, temporarily.

Uh-huh, yeah.

It's not like we got ourselves a Wally Pipp situation here.


Who's... who's Wally Pipp?

First baseman for the 1925 Yankees.

Took a day off with a headache, got replaced with Lou Gehrig, who went on to play 2,130 consecutive games.


But like I said, you're not him, so...

Yeah, Connie... Connie would never replace me.

Mm, absolutely not.

Good to see you.


♪ ♪

A child?

Not just any child.

We pulled him out of the fire at north Dayton.

I remember.

Well, paperwork's done, aside from a background check.

And I already started parenting classes.

All I need is a letter of recommendation from you.

What are your chances of qualifying, realistically?


But "unlikely" doesn't mean "impossible."

And what if the boy gets placed somewhere else in the meantime?

I just want what's best for him, whether that's me or another foster family.

Where he is now, the group home, he deserves better.

And I know I can give that to him.

I have to try.

I'll have the letter for you today.

(stirring music)

Thanks, Chief. Thank you.

♪ ♪

(door opens)

♪ ♪



I thought you were coming over yesterday.

I know, yeah.

I just got a lot going on.

And the day before that?

I've been spending every free moment at DCFS trying to find five minutes to plead my case.

This foster thing, it's moving forward.

(solemn music)

♪ ♪

I don't mean for it to come between us, Matt, but...

But you're doing this.

Yeah, I am.

Okay, then... good luck.


♪ ♪




Can I get your opinion on something?

Danny just bought this club, and he wants me to help him get his liquor license.

The after hours thing in Bucktown?

What do you mean after hours?

Been up and running a few months, all cash, under the table. He trying to take it legit?

I guess. I don't know.

He wants me to ask Casey for a favor.

I wouldn't.

Nope, and that's what I figured.

Anything else?

Close my door, then.

Basically, DCFS just wants to know that I'm not a criminal.

I thought maybe you could expedite the background check.

Shouldn't be a big deal.

Say something.

What's Casey think about all this?

I'm doing this alone.


Right now, this is more important than my relationship, Antonio.


What I need from you is your support, okay?

What I don't need is your permission.

(tense music)

♪ ♪

I'll have the background check for you by the end of the day.

Thank you.

♪ ♪


I need you to clarify a few things for me.


You still in love with my sister?

Of course I am.

And you know about this foster situation?


Then why the hell is she doing this on her own?

She made that call without me.

Maybe because you've been stringing her along for three years.

All right, okay.

That's not even close to what happened, all right?

You were supposed to marry her.

Now she's out there taking this thing on by herself.

I tried to talk to her.

That's where you screwed up, talking.

You either go get her and make this right for good, or you leave her the hell alone.

You want to intimidate someone, Antonio, take it back to the 21st.

If you're just giving advice, then I can tell you.

I don't want it.

(chair clatters)

♪ ♪

Gabriela, what are you doing here?

I'm... just trying to get in with Mr. Harvey, hoping he'll give me a chance.

Are you on shift?

Yeah, on my way in.

Just stopped by in case.

I know. It's a long shot.

Single mom with a job like this.

Are you sure you're ready to foster?

Never been more sure.

We have a staff meeting later.

I'll talk to Mr. Harvey, see what I can do.

Thank you.

No promises.

Come on in, have a seat.

Gabby asked me for a letter recommending her to DCFS.

I wrote her a glowing review.

Thanks, Chief.


Unfortunately, I'm not sure how far my words are gonna go.

This is a long, hard road.

That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

Yeah, we both know Gabby.

There ain't no turning back now.

Yeah, she made that perfectly clear.


Well, I believe everything happens for a reason.

There's no way that I can send men running into a burning building without knowing that there was some kind of bigger plan.

You and Gabby, you've had a tough year.

You've had your wins and your losses.

Then there's this newfound clout that you have being an alderman.

(tense music)

♪ ♪

Maybe there's a reason for that too.

♪ ♪

Hey, been looking for you.

Did you get a chance to talk to Casey?

Look, if you think I'm bringing my Lieutenant into this, you are out of your mind.


An after hours club?

That is illegal, Danny.

You think you're in trouble now, try dealing with the city if you get busted.

I had to make money to get the liquor license.

What did you want me to do, sit on the place while I'm getting bled dry on rent not making a dime?

I wanted you to be legit.

That's what I'm trying to do.

I'm drowning.

I got Stacy beating me up every five minutes asking me why the checking account is taking on water.

This is because you rush into things.

Are you gonna help me or not?


I'm not.



(phone rings)


This is she.

Sure, yeah, of course.

Thank you so much.

What's up?

Um... the DCFS guy, he agreed to meet with me.

That's amazing.

Yeah, now... now what the hell am I gonna say?

The truth, how much you want this.

You're gonna be great.

Matt, can I...

Got you covered.

You can't stay away, huh?


What do you got?

Oh, a little insurance policy.

The theater?

Connie loves musicals.

(clicks tongue)


You know what? I will not be the Wally Pipp of 51.

Mm? I'm not going down without a fight.

Hey, that is good thinking.

You know what? I didn't want to say anything.

But I did see a Form 2 on her desk earlier.


Yeah, I mean, it's probably a transfer for one of those yahoos on, you know... third shift.

Yeah, yeah, but still, you can never be too careful.

You're going with her to the show, right?

You think I should?

Heck yeah.


You can't send a lady to the theater without a date.

Come on.







Hey, Grant.

What are you doing here?

I got your favorite, corned beef from Manny's, like I did when you were in the academy.



Right, um... let's go outside.

Let's go talk.

Oh... okay.

Yeah. Come on.

Hey, is that the dude who left me high and dry on my kid's birthday?


He looks like a mess.

What are you doing here, Grant?

We're playing a gig this weekend.

We're playing.


You're the one to thank for that.

Look... I mean, you got me back into it just when I was this close to pulling the plug on the whole thing.


No, no, Stella, I mean it.

It's you.

You know, you're my inspiration.

You've always been my muse.

You got to be there. You have to come.

Kurt says the place is gonna be packed.

Have you slept?

Yeah. No.

I'm... I've been up all night writing.

You know how it is, and just whatever was missing, it's now back, you know.

I'm back. I'm back. The songs are coming out of me.

I couldn't stop it if I tried.

Just... just... just... You'll see, all right?

The first song is for you.

You inspired it, "Stella Bella."

Be there, baby. Here, your corned beef.

Take it, enjoy.

Thank you.

Baby, baby, Stella, I love you.


(door closes, engine turns over)

(tires squeal)

Yes, sir.

They say if we show up, it's probably the worst day of your life.

I know it was for Louie.

Wish I could say the same, but the truth is, these children typically experience a fair share of trauma.

Are you prepared for that?

Yes, sir.

I know that trauma can lead to emotional problems and... distress, acting out.

My eyes are wide open.

And I know it won't be easy, but when I look at this kid, I don't see all the problems.

I see everything he could become if someone would just give him a chance.

(poignant music)

What's his name again?

Louie. Louie Thompson.

♪ ♪

Look at this.

♪ ♪

Hey, how'd it go?

(sighs) Uh... not gonna work out.

He got placed with another foster family.

Happened this morning.

That's a raw deal.

You would have been a better parent than 99% of the folks that we see out there.

Nah, it's okay. It's good... it's good news.

I just want him to be happy.


Hey, what's going on?


(somber music)

Uh... the meeting didn't go so well.

Oh, Gabby, I'm really sorry.

(alarm beeps)

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, building collapse, 422 North May Street.

(dramatic music)

Want to sit this one out?

I'm fine.

You sure? 'Cause we can manage without you.

I'm fine.

(truck door opens)


♪ ♪

(sirens wailing)

♪ ♪

(indistinct radio chatter)

You the incident commander?


Fourth story was under renovation when the floor collapsed.

A couple construction guys already got out.

Is the third floor occupied?

Small business, 20 to 30 employees, most of them still inside.

It's your call, Chief.

Okay, get your guys ready.

Send a small search team to limit the impact load.

This building's a collapse about to happen.

Got it. I'll make sure the guys from 67 are ready.

All right, we have 20-plus victims inside.

The only thing holding this building up is God and carpeting.

That is, no SCBAs or no power tools.

Lessen the load. Watch your step.

When I say "get out," I mean it.

Let's go.

♪ ♪

Hey, Danny.


♪ ♪

Jimmy, come on.

♪ ♪

(people wailing and coughing)

♪ ♪

Take the right.

Got it.

Ma'am, ma'am, this way.

Please, hey, do not run.

Walk to the exit, please. Ma'am, come on. Keep moving.

Check him out.

♪ ♪

No, he's gone.

Take it easy, easy. There you go.

Hey, let's check that void space before the load shifts.

Tight, tread lightly.

Don't even breathe.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, my boss, she's still in there.

Help me.

Go for it.

Right there.

Fire department! Call out!

Here. Over here.


Call out.

What happened? Was there a b*mb?

Construction accident. We got to get you out of here now.

It's not safe.

Come with me through here. Come on.

♪ ♪

I can't.

I can't.

♪ ♪

I'm scared.

You got this.

You're going home. You hear me?

♪ ♪


Come on, keep moving.


♪ ♪


Oh, I found one.

Relax, dude, we're gonna get you out of here, okay?

You did great. Come on.


Just stay calm, all right? We're gonna get you out.

All right, nice and easy.

On my count... one, two, three.

(all grunting)

♪ ♪

Slide her under, Joe.


Good. All right.

All right, come on, hon. Come on.


We got you.

Thank you. Oh, thank you.

All right, brother, come on.

All right, hurry up.

We got you. Come on.

There we go. Come on.

Come on. Good, there you go.


Aah! My leg!

I got you. All right, come on.

I got you. Come on.

Got him.

(both grunting)

Oh, oh, thank... thank you.

Squeeze on out.

♪ ♪


Got multiple fractures on his left leg.

All right.

You got this?



(indistinct shouting)

Hey, Chief, this building hasn't got much time left, a minute, maybe two.


♪ ♪

Get away from the building!

That's it. Emergency! Emergency!

Evacuate the building now.

All firefighters, evacuate the building immediately.

All right, you heard him!

Let's clear out!

Everyone out!

♪ ♪

We get everyone?

Our side's clear!

♪ ♪

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you hear that?

Come on, we got to go.

67 Borrelli to Battalion 25.

I got someone up here, Chief. I need more time to bring him out.

There is no more time. Evacuate now.

I can't leave anyone behind, Chief.

♪ ♪

Then bring him out. You have one minute, no more.

(building rumbling)

♪ ♪

Come on, get out.

♪ ♪

Come on.

(rumbling intensifies)

Everybody, get back!


Everybody get back.

(people shouting)

♪ ♪


♪ ♪




♪ ♪






♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Just relax... we're gonna find a way out of here for you.

Who saw him last? Where was he?

He went back into the bullpen.

It's back left, where the collapse started.

Is there any chance that Jimmy could get up there?

If the stairs are intact.


♪ ♪


Battalion 25, this is Borrelli.

Um... I found him.

Requesting backup to extract.

Borrelli, where are you?

10 yards from the bullpen entrance.

Debris is completely blocking the area.

Requesting squad for assistance to help extract.

Squad, let's go!

No. Stay where you are.

That place is a death trap. I'm not risking anybody else.

Battalion 25, do you copy?

♪ ♪

Squad, do you copy?

Chief, just send me.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Okay, stay with me.

Okay, just stay calm, nice shallow, easy breaths.

You didn't have to come back for me.

You did it for a complete stranger.

There's no one here.

I thought I heard...

You were doing your job.


♪ ♪

Danny, you hold on for me.

It's okay.

Augh. Aah! Aah!






Come on.

Come on, we have to go.


We need to go now.

(somber music)

Detail, atten-hut.

♪ ♪

Present arms.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Order arms.

♪ ♪

Fall out.

♪ ♪

I did not save lives today.

You did.

All of you.

That does not make the loss of one of our own any easier.

The nature of this job is that sometimes we are the ones who don't make it home.

♪ ♪

We all signed up for that.

Every time we roll out of those doors, we know that it could be our last call.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

This house has your back.

You give us a call any time.

We'll be on our way before you hang up the phone.

Take all the time you need.

No one's marking down furlough.

Casey and I will be at your place first thing in the morning, help out with any arrangements.

Be with your family, Borrelli.

Reach out to the chaplain if you need, but don't go through this alone.

♪ ♪

Come on. I'll give you a ride home.

♪ ♪

What happened?

There were behavioral problems, aggression.

He was lashing out physically, hitting, biting.

So they sent him back? They can... they can just do that?

Well, the family has other children. They were worried for their safety.

He's three years old.

They were trying to do the right thing.

(cartoon playing on TV)

How is he?

He's been asking for you.

I thought it might finally calm him down.

(poignant music)

♪ ♪

Hey, Louie.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Thank you.

♪ ♪

He's asleep.

You're a lifesaver.

Anyway, it's late.

Look, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but there's still a chance.

With Louie back here, you've got a shot again.

♪ ♪

You two have a connection. I won't let that go unnoticed.

Thank you.

Harvey likes you. (chuckles)

The Alderman may have gotten you in the door, but whatever you said in there...

I'm sorry, the... the Alderman?

Alderman Casey.

♪ ♪

Apparently, he pulled some strings to get you that meeting.

♪ ♪

(bar music playing)

Hey, you heard from Borrelli?

He won't return my calls.

Not since he left 51.

You hear from him, you let me know.

Yeah, sure.

♪ ♪

On the house, guys.

♪ ♪


It's been a hell of a week.

Hey, speaking of hell, how do you think Otis is doing right about now?

♪ ♪

(classical music playing)


Champagne. That is so sweet.

Well, you work so hard, you deserve a little spoiling.

♪ ♪

Oh, you know, I've been meaning to talk to you about that whole relief situation.

You know, you bringing in Ferguson to replace me.

(chuckles) Connie...

I've been at 51 for going on...

What are you talking about?

Herrmann and Mouch, you know, they told me, and they said...

Your spot is safe at 51, Brian, always has been.

Yeah, but...

Oh, wait.

Shh, shh, shh, shh. Here we go.


(classical music playing)

♪ ♪

(clears throat)

(singing opera)

(bar music playing)

Hey, stranger.


So... about the other day, I know that you saw Grant stop by 51.

It's all good.

Well, no, no, it's not.

I mean, we're not back together, if that's what you think.

It's none of my business.


It's just, he's... he's using again.

He's got glassy eyes.

Looks like he's been up for days "writing music," same thing he used to say before he'd go off on a bender, and I'm worried, and... that's it.

So, just wanted you to know.

We'll figure it out.


You're awfully quiet. What's going on?


I shouldn't talk about it.


You should talk about it.

♪ ♪

I might actually have a shot with Louie after all.



I mean, I'd have to find another place to live.

Otherwise, it's both of us going through the approval.

Oh, no, no, of course.

I mean, with everything that's going on around here, we could all use some good news.

It's okay to be happy.

♪ ♪

I'll be right back.

(poignant music)

♪ ♪

You think I wasn't gonna find out?

♪ ♪

You're the reason that I got that meeting at DCFS.

Just helping out a deserving constituent.

Mm, right.

Something change?

It's... it's too soon to tell, but...

I might have a chance, yeah.

That's 'cause of you.

♪ ♪

Thank you.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

(phone ringing)

(knock at door)



You said if I needed anything...


I can't stop going over it in my head, man.

There's something that the Chief said.

Um... and I can't help but think why.

(dark music)

"One more minute."

When everyone else was coming out, why... why did he tell Danny that he had time?

I can tell you, Chief never makes a decision lightly.

And he did what he thought was best.

He was wrong, though. He was dead wrong!

Jimmy, Jimmy, listen to me.

Don't go down this road.

It doesn't lead anywhere good.

♪ ♪


Look, you need any...

♪ ♪

(wolf howls)
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