03x06 - Thunderbolts Revealed

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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03x06 - Thunderbolts Revealed

Post by bunniefuu »

[rumbling thud]


I don't know why we had to come 3,000 miles to a jungle, when we have a perfectly good jungle gym back at the tower.

Because the tower isn't where Klaue is conducting an arms deal to sell Vibranium.

[Klaue roaring]

This was supposed to be an easy trade for my Vibranium.

I was told no Avengers.


Citizen V: But nobody said anything about Thunderbolts.

Songbird, Meteorite, Atlas, draw his fire.

Techno, Mach IV, attack his flank.




Someone's going to pay for this, one way or ano...

[arrow whooshes]


Babysitting wasn't exactly on my schedule for today.

We're not babysitting, Hawkeye. We're lending them a hand. [groans]

Eight guys against one, and you think they need a hand?

Yeah, this isn't a fair fight.


[all groaning]

But now it is.

[grunting, groaning]



[high-pitched scream]


Let's give her some backup.



They've stopped fighting.

They seem to be attracted to my shield's Vibranium.

Captain America.

If we corral these minions together and I bounce my sonic blast off your shield, that might do the trick.

I noticed a cliff wall not far away.

It might be enough to trap them.

Eyes open, Cap. She might be planning a trap for you.

I believe in her. A person's true nature will always come out when put to the test.

How can you be so trusting?

I trust you, don't I?

Now, Songbird.


Nicely done.

Hawkeye: Wasn't there just a moment there, where you thought I...




Captain America: Citizen V, how's he doing that?

Klaue is blasting the Vibranium with his sonic ray.

It's the perfect alloy for amplifying his attack.

This never happens on the jungle gym!


Citizen V, strike my shield.



[all groaning]

Ugh, ow, my head.

Ha! Farewell, heroes.

Relax, you fool. I'm here to help you.

You can help me by getting out of my...

Wait a minute. I've heard that voice.

You're the one who arranged this weapons trade. You set me up!

I'm not setting you up.

I'm building you up.


Citizen V: I've got him, and the Vibranium is secure.

Nicely done, Thunderbolts. We'll take it from here.

It's been an honor fighting beside you, Captain.


So somebody stood Klaue up. It's probably a good thing.

Anything involving Wakandan Vibranium is a recipe for disaster.

And how'd the Thunderbolts do?

Well, their teamwork is impressive.

With a little more guidance, they may really surprise us.

Where should I put this?

Stick it in one of the containment vaults until we can run further tests.

Looks like Klaue found a way to use the Vibranium to duplicate the deflecting and enhancing abilities of your shield with his own sonic blasts.

What do you think, Falcon? Can we use it to deflect the sonic vibration of Hulk's snoring?

Very funny.


Hawkeye: Is that supposed to be happening?

[beeping faster]

Hulk, look out!




The Vibranium's reacting to Klaue's sonic powers and fusing with him.


Take out his sonic arm.


Sorry, Klaue. I'm gonna have to ask you to...





Ha. You and I...



As accurate as ever.

Thanks for the assist.

You know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder...


They ought to keep down.

Klaue get bigger.


Hit harder!


[Hulk grunting]

Hulk, wait! Hulk, hold up!

You're only making it worse.




[all groan]

[all screaming]


Don't worry about Hulk.


[crowd shouting]

Now, you will face your doom.


[people screaming]

You wanna fight? Then come and get it.


Not in the mood to be a pancake today.

[both grunting]




Brace yourselves.

[all groaning]




Iron Man: Send me a bill for the damage, officer.



The Thunderbolts have arrived.




We heard there's trouble. We're here to help.


By what force does he remain so large?

It's the Vibranium. It's allowing him to amplify his powers.

If we can separate it from him, we can take him down.

We'll take care of it.

Thunderbolts, strike!



Meteorite, Atlas, you're up.




How'd she...

Piece of cake.

I'm scanning for Klaue, but I don't see any sign of him.

Well, at least not in a concentration enough to become solid matter.

Thank you, Avengers.

Why don't we take the Vibranium and run some tests to see what we can find?

I think we're better equipped to handle that.

Uh, still, we'll take care of it.

reporter: Hey, look, it's Citizen V.

One question at a time.

Just like you'll take care of all the media?

I still say there's something fishy here, but we'll get to the bottom of it.

And in what is now becoming an old story, the Thunderbolts, once again, saved the city.

Today makes at least half a dozen times the Thunderbolts have done the job we used to depend on the Avengers for.

It leaves this reporter wondering... are the Avengers washed up?

Huh, I look bigger on TV.

You all played your parts brilliantly.

You did everything required to outshine the Avengers.

I can't wait to see the look on Captain America's face when he realizes he shook hands with Baron Zemo.

And he fought alongside the Masters of Evil.

Be proud of what you've accomplished.


He's right.

You may be wearing a Songbird costume but underneath you're just Screaming Mimi.

And I'm Fixer, who'll never be respected by Tony Stark, no matter what mask I wear.

Exactly. Didn't I give you the power I promised?

Thanks to me, the world thinks you're heroes.

Along with a little help from Tony Stark's inversion stabilizer.

You'll never matter as the Thunderbolts as long as there are other heroes around.

If you want the world to praise you, you have to claim your rightful place, and eliminate the Avengers.

Beetle, no. You're Mach IV.

You were wonderful out there today.

That wasn't an act, was it? That was true heroism.

And Meteorite, the way you took on Klaue, that was... that was brave.

Eh, I was just saving my skin.

Enough of this hero talk.

You'll do as you're told.

Not to mention that I can expose all of you right now.

So you see, you really have no choice.

Guys, I'm picking up another life sign. We're not alone.

I thought there was something off about you guys. I just didn't know how off.


Oh, you've spoiled our surprise.

But no matter, we'll just take you out one at a time.

We're the Avengers. We don't do anything one at a time.

Hawkeye: Avengers assemble!

Baron Zemo? And the Thunderbolts?

Baron Zemo: Surprised to see me, Avengers? You should be.

Once I stole Stark's inversion stabilizer, it allowed us to move among you, disguising who we really are.


The Masters of Evil!

Is this true?

You cannot even see what's right before your eyes.

Goliath, Beetle, Fixer, Moonstone, and of course, Screaming Mimi.








Why are you doing this, Songbird?

Don't call me that. You know who I really am.

I also know what I overheard.





You... you saved me.

I put my life in your hands back in the jungle, and I knew you'd do the right thing.

Baron Zemo: Don't be fools! The Avengers don't trust you.



And Avengers, the Masters of Evil betrayed you.

Made a mockery of you.


How many times will you have your trust trampled, Captain America?


Trust isn't a weakness, Zemo.

It's a barometer for bravery, and your team showed me that they're heroes at heart.

He's right.

Baron Zemo doesn't trust us.

He's about to rat us out. It's him we should be fighting.




No one betrays Zemo.


Hey, watch it, Zemo!

Decide your loyalty. Those who turn against me will be destroyed.


Hulk, give me a hand!




Thanks for the save.

Yeah, whatever.

[grunts, wails]


[sword slashing]




We'll take that stabilizer.

You know what? We're done playing these parts.

It's time to live these parts.

Thunderbolts, strike!

[weapons firing]





I collected the particles of Klaue and now his powers are mine to control.

[shouts, grunts]



Klaue used this Vibranium to immobilize you, but I'll use it to tear you apart!


[all groaning]

I wish I could stay and watch you turn into dust, but I have an announcement to make, and a world to conquer.




Figures, just when we go all in on this hero thing, our luck runs out.


[all groaning]

We're not finished yet. Use my shield to strengthen your power.

It's Vibranium. Use it to focus the blast.




Zemo said something about an announcement, so I have a pretty good idea where to find him.

Then let's go show the world his true colors.

Citizen V: People of New York, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you that the Avengers and the Thunderbolts are no more.

I, Citizen V, am your only hero left.

[people chattering]

But I promise you, they fought valiantly to their last breath.

The heavy burden of responsibility now falls on my shoulders.


Hawkeye: Anyone miss us?


Citizen V: What? No, no, no, no!

[people cheering]

You always did speak too soon.

Now, the world can see who you really are, Zemo.

[people gasping]


[people screaming]



[all screaming]

Thanks to Klaue's particles, I am more than just Baron Zemo.

Much, much more!

Avengers, keep that building standing.


We're gonna crash.



[people gasping]


I gotcha, Songbird.

Catch that jet. They can't hold it for long.



I got it!


[engine dies]

[brakes screeching]

Thunderbolts, if we're gonna be heroes now, let's start by bringin' in Zemo.



You dare to fight me?

Then fight both of us.

Did he just say, "both of us"?



Iron Man: Avengers, Thunderbolts, Klaue's back and bigger than ever.





Guess we're even.







Songbird, how do you feel about putting this guy in jail?

Ah, music to my ears.

[deeply inhales, screams]


I'm just feedin' him.


Songbird, how 'bout one more time, with feeling.




Unleash everything we've got.

All together.





[muffled roaring]


[muffled groaning]

It's workin'. Pour it on.


Hands off, Klaue.

[muffled screaming]


Songbird, now!


Yeah, I think she's got it.

Brace yourselves.


Away with you!


Great job, hero.

Now to get... Ooh. Hey, where's Zemo?

The Klaue particles he absorbed must've been scattered too.

So he's gone for good?

I wouldn't count on it.


I could use a sword.

Hey, come on! [laughs]

[grunting] Is he always like that?

Hey, whoa!

Have at thee.

How about we all stick with what we're best at?

Aww, I'd already named him Swordy.

I'd say what the Thunderbolts are best at is fighting on the side of good.

Oh, thanks, but, uh, I guess if we're gonna stick with this good guy plan, we'll probably need some work.

Well, if you're serious, I know a place where you can get some real training, if you turn yourselves in.

Yeah, I guess I'd be up for that.

But you will see us again, as real heroes. And showin' who we really are.

That, I believe.
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