03x02 - The Ultimates

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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03x02 - The Ultimates

Post by bunniefuu »

Ultron! I knew he was out there somewhere.

Hawkeye: And he just absorbed the Super-Adaptoid and AIM's Scientist Supreme.

Then he's gonna get a super supreme smashing.




I have no interest in fighting.

Ultron, I don't care what you're interested in.

I have bigger plans, bigger goals.

I let you get away before. It won't happen again.

[both grunt]

Hey, Iron Man, Ultron's the target, not us.

Give him everything you've got.

We need to take him down before he stabilizes this new body.

[grunts, yells]

[grunts, groans]

It's not working.

You're not walking away from this one.

If you desire today to be your last, so be it.

You humans think you can control technology, but it's the technology that controls you.

Whoa! Everything's locked up!


[both grunt]


All our tech's outta control!


Good-bye, Avengers.


Your trickery, Ultron, is no match for the Prince of Asgard!

Ultron has control of our tech, but I'm working to jam his signal. Whoa!

Hulk! Thor! Iron Man needs some time!

Everybody needs time.

Hulk just needs a target.




Okay, Ultron. Let's jam.

Falcon: I hope you know what you're doing.

Ah, technology. Nothing tech can't do.

Yeah, well, some of us rely on our natural skills.

Okay, and a little bit of tech.

Hawkeye, what did you do?

Just an EMP arrow.

What's the big deal? It stopped Ultron.

Yeah, and everyone else too.

Why didn't you warn us you were using one of those?

Hawkeye: Well, excuse me for being creative!

System back online.


It's been fun. But, now, if you'll excuse me.

We're getting nowhere. We need an organized attack.

Iron Man: Not me. I'm finishing Ultron today.

I just need Hulk.

You sure you know what you're doing?

Friday, you there?

Where else would I be?

Friday, set my armor to overload.

Done. Hope you know what you're doing.

Why does everybody keep saying that?

Hulk! Attack plan: New York Minute.


[groans, grunts]

I'm... okay.

From where I'm standing, it looks like Ultron's been vaporized to dust.

I wish I could believe that.


[grunting continues]


We are all tired, Hawkeye, but you must do the sim.

It's a waste of time.

I can take down these bots with just one shot.

Tony's been searching for Ultron for a week, and while he's finding nothing, he's got us cooped up in here doing nothing.

I'm with Hawkeye. All of us have responsibilities apart from the Avengers, and we're neglecting them.

For what? To stand around and...

[Captain America clears throat]

Realize you're busy, but have you found any sign of Ultron?

Not yet, but I'm close.

There any way we can help?

'Cause other than drills, we're not doing anything.

I mean, you can't expect us to just wait.

That's exactly what I expect you to do.

Never assume Ultron is gone for good. We've learned that lesson before.

You're not above the team, Stark.

The rest of us have work to do, too, but you don't care, you pompous jerk, because you only think of your...

We are not fighting each other.

Whatever you were going to say, Tony will see as a compliment.

Look, we're going a little stir-crazy.

Maybe it's time for the team to go out and get some air.

You've obviously got the search under control.

As soon as you find Ultron, send the signal.

We will gladly return with all haste.

Fine. I can't stop you from going.

But you'll be back sooner than you think.

I'll find him, and I'll find him myself.

That happened.

Well, bad guys don't smash themselves.

Friend Hulk is right. We all have work to do.

Black Widow: Sneaking in the back door. Huh?

Always a bad sign.



Check another off my list.

That leaves me just another 8,000 to go.

Friday: I've gone ahead and loaded your tablet with study materials for advanced building techniques and structural support in skyscrapers.

Thanks, Friday. Don't know how you can help Tony look for Ultron and help me at the same time.

Multitasking is in my programming.

How are you able to be an Avenger and still take college courses?

Hard work is in my programming.

Is that why you're here on a Saturday?

I've always had to prove I'm good enough.

But what about...



Ah, good old Brooklyn.

You haven't changed a bit.

[gasps] It's Captain America!


Don't forget to tag me.


Brubaker's Bakery? They still around the corner?

Stop right there.

Step out where I can see you.

Captain America, you are obsolete.

You are to be replaced.



You're not fooling anyone, Ultron.


You are obsolete.

You are to be replaced.

Friday, boost power. Ultron's out there somewhere.

I can feel it.

Friday? Are you there?

[mechanical whirring]


Assembling parts of different suits.

That's just brilliant.

Like something I would expect from you, Ultron.


You're my mistake, and this time I'm gonna fix it!

Iron Man, you are obsolete.


I've been waiting for my chance at a rematch!

But we're gonna fight on my terms.

You are obsolete.


You are to be replaced.

This was not on my to-do list today.




[tires screeching]

[horn blaring]


Too many bystanders. Have to get back to the Tower.



You are obsolete.

You are to be replaced.
Tony, Ultron's back.


Can't get a comm signal through to Avengers Tower.

Guessing you have something to do with that.

Hey, Ultron, over here!

You can pick on someone exactly your size.


[tires screeching]


Humanity has such potential, once I set them on the path of unity.

Avengers, I found Ultron.

Erase their inefficient individuality.

Cap? Widow? Anyone?

Douse their unpredictable fire.

Since you've merged with the Scientist Supreme, you've become annoyingly chatty.

And now I'm gonna shut you up for good.

I made a few upgrades to the Tower.

Like that force field.

Still a work in progress.


I'm gonna replace every human on Earth. Too bad you won't be alive to see it.

Hey, Tony! You mind if I make a huge mess in here?

You've never asked permission before.

Thanks for the help.

Oh, I didn't come to help.

I came to get help.

Iron Man: Have you two met?

Of course someone would want to duplicate me.

But it looks like Ultron's done it to everybody.

Door won't hold for long. Now what?

Can't call the team. Friday and all of her comms are down.

The others don't need to be told what to do. Have some faith.

You're never gonna believe...


'Tis madness!

It's right on my tail.

Other Hulk coming to smash.

Iron Man: I always wondered if I could take you guys.

As long as we don't get in each other's way this time.

Why do I get the feeling that was directed at me?

And that was too!


You are obsolete.

And you're gonna eat street!



[brakes screeching]

[all grunt]

[all gasp]

[horn honking]

[tires screeching]

Hurry! [horn honking]




You are to be replaced.



Those people are trapped.


Let's get 'em down from there.

Look out!

Get the civilians to safety.

As long as you're providing cover.

Good thing I happen to have a shield.



The civilians are out of danger, but we're not.

Iron Man: Did anybody moved a giant A?

I just had this polished.


I've got this.


Hulk, heads up!


Wrecking New York makes Hulk mad!

[people gasp]

Climb down to safety. You guys don't give up, do you?

Then, if you're duplicates of us, I guess you wouldn't.

Not duplicates, Ultimates.



Our time apart working on our individual skills made us stronger.

But these Ultimates are perfect.

How do we compete against perfect versions of ourselves?

We're imperfect, but we're human, and that wins every time.


Never thought I'd hear you admit to an imperfection.

Just trying to fit in with the rest of you.

But we're all unpredictable, illogical.

Perfect shot from a safe distance.

But that's exactly what you were expecting, right?


Yah! Yah!

Here. Catch.


Sometimes you gotta think outside the shield.

Come at me. Go ahead. Hulk not smash.

Eat my jet stream, Ultron!

Hulk, smash the center column.

Won't that bring down the whole building?

I've been studying engineering. Trust me.

I know my stuff.

You got it, Professor!


Yeah. Never turn your back on an Avenger.

Or anyone from Brooklyn.

Your hammer's lightening is only an imitation.

Mine is the real thing!



Ultimates, unite.

Black Widow: You still have those EMP arrows?

Oh, the ones that everyone got mad at me for using last time?

Quit your whining. This time we're ready.

Thor, strike!

With pleasure!

Huh. We should work together more often.


[yelling] [thud] [groans]

Well, maybe not that often.

Six down, one more to... Wait. Where's the other me?

Uh, maybe he got scared and ran away?

Not very likely.


I could lead humanity into a bright new future, or I could drag them kicking and screaming.

Kicking and screaming it is.

We could be one big, happy Ultron family.


Hawkeye: I'm guessing that's not a feel-good, happy scan thingy.

Iron Man: He's scanning everyone to replace them.

What he tried to do to us, he's gonna do to the whole world.

Yeah, I don't really feel like fighting seven billion of those things.

If we can't go through it, we'll go under it.


All of humanity will be upgraded.


[Hulk roars]

Iron Man: Give up the fight, Ultron.

If you could see what I see, you wouldn't fight me.

You would join me.

No, thanks!

You may win small victories, but in the end, you will always fail, because you are... imperfect.

Your team of perfect parts can't beat our team of imperfect parts.

Your perfection doomed you, Ultron.

We learn from our mistakes and from each other.

Well, most of us.

Okay. Me too.

I will upgrade all...

I think we've made our point.

Nice to change things up.

Fighting threats instead of, you know, ourselves.

Even when those threats look just like us.

Taking down Ultron today proved something I already knew.

I'll always be proud to call you my friends, my team... the Avengers.
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