01x13 - Erase Weary Youth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x13 - Erase Weary Youth

Post by bunniefuu »

announcer: Previously, on "Blindspot"...


Chief Inspector Fischer. This can't be good.

I'm opening an inquiry into the death of David Wagner.

You're never gonna be the head of the NYO.

You think I don't know you've been campaigning internally?

When was the first time you removed classified documents from the FBI's office?

And were you aware at the time that you were breaking federal law?

Patterson is a good agent. She stays.

This is Agent Sloane. She's going to be assisting us.

Olivia Delidio, Russian-born, married to an American for 12 years.

You'll be charged with espionage, treason, accessory to m*rder, thrown in prison for the rest of your life, if you're lucky.

What are your orders?

We were given targets, people to k*ll.

Hey, Allie.

Hello, Kurt.

You're a marshal now?

Yeah, I was looking for a change.

I'm going to untie you. I'm here to help you.

I want answers.

Your colleagues, they're into some very terrible things.

They are my friends.

They're scared of you, and they should be.

I have missions for you.

Things that move us closer to our objectives.

You show me you can be trusted, and I'll... tell you everything you want to know.

Jane: What is Orion?

Orion is where you died.

It was an operation.

Things went sideways, you went off the grid.

I don't understand.

Orion is why you're here.

Why we're all here.

But I can't tell you more.

Not yet.

You can't trust them.

They trust you, so I trust you.

You did this to yourself.

You did this to yourself.


(heartbeat pumping)

(door latch opens)



Walk of Shame, huh?

Who said I'm ashamed?

Why haven't I met this guy?

Since when do you care who I'm dating?

Since you started keeping it a secret.

How was Dad last night?

He was all right.

He's a bit bothered by the cancer meds.


Well, just glad you guys are talking again.


And all it took was a terminal illness and the return of a m*rder*d girl to bring the Weller family back together again.

That's not funny.

Yeah... I mean, it's a little funny.

I think it's funny.


An innocent man is dead.

Because of your actions.


Are you feeling okay?

Yeah, fine. Uhh!

This wouldn't have anything to do with that Russian spy's final arraignment today, would it?

Zapata: Are you sure you want to be here today?

Nobody would fault you, if you want...

I just want to get past all this David...

I... I just want things to go back to the way that they were.

I appreciate your concern.

How did you not work this out before?

This is the first I'm hearing of this, Your Honor.

Well, it shouldn't be.

If your client truly has that name, it is vital to national security.

I know an...

We'll need a deal on the table before my client says anything further.

You've got 15 minutes.

Make it happen.

What the hell was that?

I'm your attorney, you blindside me with this?

Bluffing is not going to get you...

It's not a bluff.

I couldn't risk the name getting out before I saw the judge.

You really have a name?

Yes, on my children's lives, I swear to you, I have the name.

Do you think this could buy me a way out?


I think it might.



guard: What's going on in there?




Sarah: Sawyer.

(Sawyer laughing on video)

You little idiot.

What's so funny?


This video. Look at that.

Sarah sent it to me.

Of Sawyer.

(cell phone ringing)

Oh, um, I think you're getting a call.

Oh, yeah.

I, uh, yeah.

I, um...

(clearing throat)

Okay, I'll, uh, I'll see you out there.


What? When?

Well, how the hell did that happen?

Well, who else knows about this?

No, no, I'll handle it.

What's wrong?

That was the director.

Olivia Delidio was just k*lled at her arraignment.

By who?

Her lawyer.

Right before she was about to name a Russian intelligence source.

She was being silenced.

What have we got on the lawyer?

The lawyer's dead, too.

All we have is the location of the source.



The NYO has been compromised.

The FBI has a mole.


A traitor, in here?

The director wants me to investigate everyone in the building, everyone with access to the building.

If we start looking around, asking questions, it's gonna raise red flags.

Which is why I want you to handle it, quietly.

We'll start with Olivia's k*ller.

Work out who hired her.

Not "we."

Just you.

No one can know your real objective.

It needs to look like business as usual.

I'm not lying to my team.

Sometimes you have to.


I think we need to prepare for the possibility that it could be one of our guys.

And even if it's not, internal investigations are divisive.

You start looking for one thing, who knows what else you're gonna find?

So Olivia's assassin was pretending to be a lawyer?

No, she was a lawyer.

Maria Blanter. She works for a firm the Russian embassy keeps on retainer.

She was a fixer. Olivia was obviously a problem for someone in the Russian embassy.

Maria fixed it.

He's right.

Reade: So how do we prove it?

If you want to directly tie the embassy to criminal activity, you're gonna need someone from inside.

We believe Russian diplomats are running an illegal smuggling ring.

But every time I get close, they shut down and switch things up.

Now I know why...

Uh, Sloane, can I talk to you outside for a sec?

Sloane, what are you doing?

I heard about the courthouse.

That Olivia was gonna name an inside player here.

Thought you might want some help.

Don't look at me like that.

I'm FBI counterintelligence.

It's my job to know these things.

The Russian spy ring was my case, remember?


Don't mention the inside man.

You think it's one of them?

Start working the embassy angle.

You stay on the door.

I need someone on that elevator, the conference room.

Jackson, see what's down there. You two with me.

Well, you're certainly setting the bar low for your replacement, Bethany.

Not that I'm surprised.

Did you call the OPR?

No, she didn't, the director did.

I was just about to give my orientation speech for the new OPR agents, a rare honor, but then I get a call saying this outfit's been compromised... again.

Chief Inspector Jonas Fischer, Office of Professional Responsibility.

I know who you are.


This team has never been compromised.

Well, I respectfully disagree.

And I didn't cram myself onto a sweaty train during morning rush hour to watch the FBI bungle a Robert Hanssen-level breach... again.

I'm gonna need a polygrapher.

I'll need a holding space for the suspect, somewhere out in the open, please.

And, you know, I'll use this office for follow-up questioning.

Jonas, let's take it down a notch.

This situation needs to be handled with discretion.

Heh, this isn't my first square-dance, Bethany.

You turn this into a witch-hunt, you risk spooking them all.

This office is rife with irresponsible behavior and dangerous infractions, and... today, I'm going to find out every last one.

Someone get me a Turkish coffee?

Please and thank you.

What the hell was that about?

He's been angling for my job for the better part of a year.

He's gonna use this investigation to embarrass us and push me out.

The last thing that we need is that guy in charge.

All right, so we got to find the Russian source before he does.

Patterson, clear those screens.

What's going on?

No, please.

Don't let me stop you.

Just because you're under investigation as well doesn't mean you shouldn't fumble about and see what you can find.

Wait, why are we under investigation?

Oh, he didn't tell you?

The FBI's New York office has been compromised.

I'm here to spearhead the investigation and root out the traitor.

You knew about this?

Fischer: Well... maybe Special Agent Weller had good reason not to trust you.

Every closet has its skeleton.

I look forward to meeting all of yours.

And just to show that no one's above suspicion, Agent Weller, you're up first.

What is this?

I asked for Turkish coffee.

Well, that's all we have.

Heh, what a fitting metaphor for this office's shortcomings.

Are we gonna start this or not?

Do you work for the federal government?

You know what, we'll skip the formalities and get to the good stuff.

Have you ever had sexual relations with a co-worker?

Yes, I have.

Was that co-worker Allison Knight?


Are you currently involved with Ms. Knight?


Did you ever discuss FBI work outside this office with Ms. Knight?


Are you a Russian operative?


Is Ms. Knight a Russian operative?


Are you currently romantically involved with any other co-worker or subordinate, Agent Weller?


So... do you have any theories on who it is?

Do you?

Anybody else find it weird Weller never told us about the mole hunt to begin with?

Do you think he suspects one of us?

(door opens)

Where are we on the Russian embassy?

Okay, so Agent Sloane zeroed in on Vlad Maslak, Slava Berezin, and Ilya Anasov.

All Russian diplomats. All former FSB.

They're using their diplomatic immunity to run dr*gs, diamonds, and counterfeit cash.

You sure it's them?


I took Sloane's raw intel and ran some complex event processing.

It's subtle, but my analytics show that when these guys rotate back to Russia, the smuggling slows down.

Sloane, still have an asset in the Russian embassy?

He's not ready... my relationship with this guy is delicate.

Why don't you want us to meet him?

Worried about what he's gonna say.

Can I have a sidebar?

Weller: Yes, you can.

If I say he's not ready, he's not ready.

I have to think of the long game.

You won't have a long game if we don't find this mole today.

We can't just go down there.

Get him to meet us somewhere else.

We need every lead that we can get.

All right.

I'll reach out to my guy.

She's dragging her heels.

Because she's hanging by a thread.

Three dead spies and a m*rder*d civilian.

She knows how that looks.

How well do you know Agent Sloane?

Not well enough.

This is ridiculous... the whole building?

Yes, ma'am.


What's going on?

They're locking us down.


We have orders not to let anyone leave the building.

Hey, you okay?

Yeah, no, it's just... even my standard FBI polygraphs get flagged.

And it always turns out fine.

But if Fischer's looking for a weakness...

Everybody knows you b*mb tests.

I'm the one who should be worried.

Yeah, Zapata, I'm... I'm the mole.

That's what I came in here to tell you.


Look, we're talking about espionage, though, here, right?

Fischer's definitely gonna ask who we're in bed with.


Wait, who are you in bed with?

Sarah Weller.

Are you crazy?

Does Weller know?

You gotta tell him.

You think I don't know that?

Here's the thing, though, do I?

Reade, it's Weller.

If you're hiding something, he's gonna find out.

You're no help.

Just... state your name for the record, please.

Jane Doe.

Ah... your real name.


Taylor Shaw.

I understand you've been through this process recently.

This time, I expect your answers to be a little more illuminating than "I don't know."

State your mother's name.

Emma Shaw.

Have you ever been directly or indirectly involved with or assisted a t*rror1st organization?


Are you yourself a t*rror1st?


Are you a Russian operative?


Is your mother Russian?


I'm sorry, it says here in your file that your mother is one-eighth Russian.

Is that a clerical error?

She's seven-eighths English.

Oh... but she is Russian.


Are you a Russian operative?

Am I a Russian operative?

Please answer the question.

Are you a Russian operative? Yes or no.


Do you speak Russian?




Are you trained in the Russian martial arts of Systema or Sambo?


Ah, which one? For the record.

Both, I-I think.


Have you ever removed government property from this office?


Really, Agent Reade?

Not a pen? Box of paperclips?

Yes, I've taken a pen.

Ah, and did you share that property with someone else?


David Wagner.

Is he... I'm sorry.

Was he a Russian spy?


But he was k*lled by a Russian spy.

Not unlike Olivia Delidio.

Is that... is that a question?

Did you order the death of David Wagner?


Do you feel responsible for the death of David Wagner?


Did you order the death of Olivia Delidio so she would not reveal your name as a spy?

No... what? No.

Your number was in her cell phone.

Excuse me?

Olivia Delidio's assassin, your personal cell was in her phone.

Does that surprise you?


Do you have full access to the FBI's New York office?




Do you have access to its equipment, its files, its databases?

all: Yes.

Do you consult with the CIA?


Do you know Thomas Carter?



No, not really.

Could you answer yes or no, please?

Do you know Thomas Carter?


Do you work with Thomas Carter at the CIA?

At the CIA, no.

I'll rephrase... do you work with Thomas Carter, who is a CIA agent?


But you had one case recently that overlapped with one of Tom Carter's operations, no?


Have you seen Tom Carter recently?


all: No.



Thank you, that's all I need.

(indistinct chatter)


What's up?


Damn it, um...

I'm dating your sister.

I've been meaning to tell you for weeks.

So you're telling me now?

I know... I know it's bad, it's just...

I don't want you to find out from some stupid interrogation.

You need to lift the lockdown.

We got a solid lead at the Russian embassy.

The traitor isn't at the Russian embassy.

She's right here at the FBI.

What do you mean, "she"?

Ms. Doe, Agent Zapata, Assistant Director Mayfair.

They all had a dizzying number of inconsistencies on their polygraphs.

Each of these women is hiding something.

I'm gonna find out what.

They could've at least put us down in holding.

Fischer wants us on display.

Right now, his OPR agents are tearing our lives apart.

Our homes, our offices, our computers.

What's he looking for?

Anything and everything.

This is about me.

He wants my job. He doesn't care about the mole.

He just wants to disgrace me.

You two are just caught in the crossfire.

man: Assistant Director Mayfair?

So how well do you know Mayfair?

Isn't it a little coinciden...

He's railroading them. It's a career move.

We're running out of time, we need you to bring in your asset.

He's hyper-careful.

He's not just gonna walk himself into the FBI.

What do you got on this guy, anyway?

Roman's an embassy driver.

We found heroin in his glove box.

He played ball to stay out of jail.

So tell him you'll let him off.

I can't just say that.

I'd have to actually let him off the hook.

Sloane, we need this.

I'll see what I can do.

What about the lockdown? How's she gonna get her guy in?

Don't worry.

I know a guy, too.

A lot of redactions in this Saul Guerrero file.

Just how compromised are you, Bethany?

I wouldn't start moving in my things just yet.

g*ng leader, notorious federal informant.

m*rder*d in a supermax penitentiary at the exact time you were there to see him.

That's a coincidence?


You were his handler.

Maybe he found out something you didn't want other people to know.

If you really had something, we wouldn't still be sitting here.

My team and I are clean.

Look at this.

It's like a toddler got hold of an Etch A Sketch.

I'm bad at tests.

Oh, I know.

I pulled all of your standard FBI evaluations.

What's more interesting to me is this.

You recognize this?

This is a surveillance device, and I want it inside Jane's safe house.


We found it inside your home.

I've never seen that before.

Hmm, no, I suppose you wouldn't have.

My men found it inside a light switch.

CIA bugs like this are impossible to sweep for, but if you know where to look, sometimes you get lucky.

Now the question is, why is the CIA bugging your home?

I have no idea.

Tasha, I think we've established that I can tell when you're lying.

Tom Carter wanted intel on Jane.


I told him to go to hell.

He must've planted this in my apartment to look for leverage.

What did he find?


I wonder if he'd say the same thing.

Oh, but he's missing and presumed dead.

That's convenient.

So that's how it is, huh?

You don't call me back till you need something.

Come on, Roman.

Weller: Thank you, Halley.

I owe you one.

You owe me multiple.

So what's going on around here, anyway?

You know Jonas Fischer from the OPR?

Yeah, unfortunately.

We met after the WITSEC list leaked... why?

He's here on a mole hunt.

So, unfortunately, no one can leave until he finds it.

Wait, what? So I'm stuck here now.

Ugh, Kurt, you could've mentioned that.

I'm sorry, if I'd've mentioned it, you wouldn't be here.



Well, do they have any suspects?

Mayfair, Zapata, Jane.

Who do you think it is?

None of them.

That is where Roman comes in.

Come on.

(indistinct arguing)

Everything all right?


Just impressing upon Roman the importance of cooperating.

Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for me to be here?

Yes, I do.

That's why I'm keeping it quiet.

Now, what can you tell me about the guys that you drive for... Vlad, Slava, Ilya?

Sloane told me that I'm off the hook if I come in.

Now, I am not talking until I see a deal in writing.


Look at that camera.

Here's the deal... you start talking, or I send that to the Russian embassy.

What do you wanna know?

Fischer: Agent Reade.

With me, please.

Did you trust Ms. Doe initially, Edgar?

No, but then she earned it.

Sounds like Tom Carter didn't trust her, either.

In fact, Agent Zapata told me that he approached her about informing on Jane.

Did he approach you, too?

Yeah, and I said no.

What do you think he was looking for?

I wouldn't know.

He's not exactly around for me to ask him that question, is he?

Lucky for Jane.

Lucky for a lot of people... Carter made a career out of making enemies.

So you believe he was k*lled?

I don't believe it was su1c1de.

Were Carter and Jane ever alone together?

Well, that'd be tricky... Jane's either at home, at work, or with a detail.

But I was under the impression that her detail had been officially lifted by Assistant Director Mayfair at Jane's request.

That was after Carter disappeared.

So she never went out without her detail before that?

Not to my knowledge.

Agent Reid says she went out without her detail all the time... you're contradicting his story.

No, I'm not, that's...

Is Agent Reade lying?

You're calling him a liar.

I don't know why Reade would say that.

He wasn't even...

Jane didn't go out without her detail all the time.

Oh, so just some of the time?

Agent Patterson, I already know she did it.

I just need to know where she went and who she saw.

I don't... no one.

Mm, no one?

Jane said she... she... wanted to be alone sometimes.

Ms. Doe said that?

Yes, we went out for drinks to blow off some steam.

And I get it.

Her life is crazy...

Is there anyone who can account for Ms. Doe's whereabouts on the night of Tom Carter's... disappearance?

I can.

She was here at work until late.

And then she went home with her detail.

You, uh, just said she slipped her detail.

No, it's her protective detail.

She's not a prisoner.

Not yet.

All I do is drive.

I take 'em to their meet-ups.

Who do they meet? FBI agents?

(chuckling) How would I know?

It isn't like anyone's wearing a badge.

I know you know more than you're saying.

Who's gonna talk, you... or that photo?

All right, okay.

One time I heard Slava say he had... inside help.

Did he mention a name?

No, I swear.

I-I-I stay in the car, I make runs to Akbar's when they're making their deals.

I don't hear anything.

Are you gonna keep going?

Or shall I send this to...

But I... I see things.

I see people, faces.

I have a very good memory for faces.


Sloane, take him to the lab.

Show him the photo IDs of everyone who works here.

Hey, are you sure you're not making this harder than it needs to be?

The simplest answer is usually the right one.


She's the only person in this building whose entire past is a question mark.

Is this about Jane's past or ours?

Look... however you feel about her, you don't know who she is.

I just don't wanna see you get hurt.

(door slams)

Fischer's looking for you.

Fischer: So, you lied to me.

I asked if you were in a romantic relationship with any of your co-workers, you said no.

Your polygraph disagrees.

I didn't lie.


I sent agents to your home.

Your sister was not particularly cooperative, but little Sawyer was very eager to tell us all about how he saw you and Auntie Taylor kissing outside your house.

One kiss does not mean that we're romantically involved.

Is it getting hot in here, Agent Weller?

I'm not the one wearing a three-piece suit.

Well, some of us still respect the formality of this office.

You were sleeping with the enemy.

Jane's not the enemy, and, no, we're not sleeping together.

(chuckling) That's adorable.

We're all grownups here. You don't expect me to believe this just ended with a kiss.

We did not sleep together.

And her detail will confirm that?


So you admit she was alone?


We met... we talked, and we kissed.

And then she went home.

What has this got to do with the mole hunt?

Did you walk Ms. Jane Doe to her door?


So you can't confirm that she even went home.

Hang on, what I'm telling you...

I'm just trying to establish a timeline.

Agent Patterson told me she saw Jane go home with her detail.

You've just confirmed she subsequently met you later that night without her detail, after which she left, totally unaccounted for, on the last night Tom Carter was seen alive.

The only person who knows where Jane really was that night is Jane.

So, stop me if I'm getting any of this wrong.

Tom Carter didn't trust you.

He wanted you in his custody.

He would stop at nothing to get you.

He posed a direct threat to your life and to your mission.

I don't have a mission.


But the kicker is, you can't account for the majority of your time on the night he disappeared.

Yes, I can, I was with Agent Weller, and then I went...

Straight home.

Yeah. So you've said.

So, why do these photos show you avoiding security cameras at your safe house at 4:00 in the morning?

You didn't account for the window reflections, Ms. Doe.

I couldn't sleep, so I went for a run.

You're lying.

You didn't go home after kissing Weller.

You went after Carter, because he found out your secret.

And then you k*lled him.

Jane: No, you're wrong.

I am not a mole.

You're caught, Ms. Doe.

I'm telling you the truth, I didn't k*ll Carter.

No one's confirmed that Carter is even dead.

Are you confirming that he's dead?

Your polygraph is practically a straight line.

I've seen sociopaths with more spikes.

The truth is, you were kidnapped at the age of five.

You were trafficked to Russia, you were taught the language.

You were taught to lie, you were trained to fight.


Do it again.

And then sent back to the United States to infiltrate the FBI.

Reade suspected it.

But Carter proved it.

And he and Agent Patterson's boyfriend were m*rder*d because of it.

You actually spoke Russian to a fellow Russian spy in this very room.

Olivia Delidio recognized you.

(speaking Russian)

(Russian continues)

But before she could name you, your handlers had her k*lled.

It's over, Jane Doe.

Now, isn't part of you a little relieved?

(computer beeping faintly)

Has he recognized anyone yet?

No. We're dealing with over 1,000 photos here.

Look faster, we're running out of time.

Well, thank you for making this so easy for me, Bethany.

It's almost like you want me to take your job.

What're you gonna do with her?

Give her time to consider making a full confession, then arrest her.

Arrest her for what? Your evidence is circumstantial.

No body, no w*apon... all you've got is a photo.

You're trying to twist the rest into a narrative you can't prove.

Why can't you see what's right in front of your eyes, Agent Weller?

I've got a guy in Patterson's lab that can ID the Russian source.

What "guy"?

Roman Kozar, a driver that Agent Sloane has turned in the Russian embassy.

Well, have you considered the fact that this Roman Kozar might just tell you anything you want to hear in order to get out of whatever charge you apparently have against him?

Do you wanna find the mole or not?

I have found the mole.

But fine, I'd be happy to confirm it with your guy.

And once again, Agent Patterson gives a random civilian access to FBI files.

Are you trying to get someone else in your immediate proximity k*lled?

Roman hasn't found anything.

Still have a lot of photos left to go through.

But it's just...

Maybe you're looking in the wrong place.

Maybe it's not an agent.

Why don't you show him a picture of the NYO's newest consultant?


Go ahead.

(Patterson typing)



I know her face, I've seen her, with Slava... I would know those tattoos anywhere.

That doesn't make any sense.

It's her.

It makes plenty of sense, Agent Weller, if you're willing to see it.

Call the director, tell him I've caught his mole.

Please stand.

(handcuffs snapping)

Jane... Jane!

Kurt, I didn't do this.

I believe you, all right? Don't say a thing to them.

I'll find out the truth. Okay? You hear me?

Fischer made his case.

Fischer's wrong.

Jane didn't do this.

We need to find the real traitor.


Look, I know you don't wanna hear this.

All right, so don't say it.

Talk to them, please.

You too?

So the Russian diplomats tattooed her, wiped her memory, and dropped her in Times Square to help them smuggle?

She hasn't been with us long enough to be useful to them.

She doesn't have any access to the intel they'd need.

Her tattoos led us to the Russians!

They're solving crimes, not enabling them.

Jane is not the mole.

Then why did Roman ID her?

You're a Russian counterintelligence agent.

You've had years to bust this spy ring.

You didn't, why?

You're protecting them.

Roman's your guy.

He ID'd Jane because you told him to.

I have been here all day trying to help you.

We didn't call you in here today.

You just showed up.

This is insane.

Is it?

Let's see what Roman has to say when you're not there to coach him.

Don't let her out of your sight.

It's Sloane, isn't it?


You tell me the truth...

What, what, what?!

Tell me the truth!

Weller, stop it!

Art Trevisan.

You said you make runs to Akbar's?

What do they sell?


What kind?

The black, sludgy stuff with the... the grinds.

Someone get me a Turkish coffee.

Fischer's orientation for the new OPR agents.

Where was it?

Newark, 8:00 a.m.

I was just about to give my orientation speech for the new OPR agents.

Then I get a call.

Olivia was found dead 8:06 a.m.

What time did the director call you?

8:30, I was his first call.

Fischer arrived just before 9:00.

I didn't cram myself onto a sweaty train during morning rush hour...

There's no way Fischer took a train from Newark and got here by 9:00 a.m.

Unless he was tipped off by the people that ordered the hit.

It's a perfect cover, isn't it?

Fischer's got OPR jurisdiction.

Which means he can shut down anyone that gets close to the smugglers.

Fischer's the mole, isn't he?

Answer me.

Answer me... answer me...

Answer me!

I had to lie, you heard him!

He said he was gonna k*ll me!

Are you trying to get someone else in your immediate proximity k*lled?

He's a very dangerous man.

If Fischer's the double-agent, he knows that Jane isn't.

He'll try to silence her before anyone can prove it.

You know, our OPR detention facilities are actually quite comfortable.

But I don't think you'll be here for long.

You have the wrong person, I'm innocent.

Innocent people have alibis.

So where were you the night Carter was k*lled?

I didn't k*ll him.

Maybe not.

It only means whatever you were up to till 4:00 a.m. that morning must've been worse.

I collected my evidence against you in a matter of hours.

Imagine what I'll find in a few days or weeks or months, as you sit in a dark hole, awaiting trial for treason.

I'm going to bury you, Jane.


Weller: Stop! Jane!


(overlapping shouting)

FBI! Move it!

He's corrupt! Jane! It's Fischer!

He's the mole!

The second Weller breaches that door, he's committing treason as well.

Get her to holding.

I'm gonna call the director.


Open this door! It's him!

We've gotta stop him! Let me past.





Jane: Fischer!



Now... just hang on.





He was going for his g*n.

He's dead.

So what happens now?

Sloane and her team are gonna pick up the Russian diplomats.

If they don't go down for smuggling, we've got them on espionage and conspiracy.

At the very least, they'll get deported back to Russia.

On a day like today, that's a win.

I meant, what happens to me?

You go home.

When you shot Fischer, he was going for his g*n.

Your life felt... threatened.


Thank you... for standing up for me, for believing me.

If you wanna go somewhere, we can talk about it.

I think I should just go home.


Hey, good night, Kurt.


You and Sarah, is it serious?


I wouldn't be with her if it wasn't.

End it.

Can you hear me?

Whoever's listening to me right now, I know you're there... Fischer showed me the bug.

So why don't you just stop wasting everyone's time and talk to me?

I'm right here.

All you gotta do is call.

(phone ringing)

It's not right.

It isn't up to you, Kurt.

It is none of your damn business who I date.

It is, Sarah.

If it's Reade, it is, okay?

I don't need you playing protective older brother, He works with me! so thanks.

I'm not.

Yes, you are.

I'm not in the way that you think.

Then enlighten me, please.

We've got so much loss in our lives.

Our mom... Taylor.

And Dad's sick.

I spoke to Reade.

He told me things were serious.

If it's true...

It is.

Do you know how dangerous my job is?

The risks that I have to take?


Reade's job is exactly the same.

The last thing that I want is you or Sawyer... to lose someone that you love.

Kurt, you don't need to protect everyone...

That's my point, Sarah!

What is your...

I can't protect everyone!

Do you know how much it takes?!

It takes all of me!

It takes everything from me!

Kurt, what's going on?

I'm not angry at you. Okay?

I'm sorry if I woke him up.

man: You made it.

Do you have any idea what kind of danger I was in today?

What is that, Russian?

I don't know anything about you except for what you tell me.

And what you tell me, I can't trust.

Who do you work for?

You know who I work for.

No, enough of all this circular...

I was almost caught today.

By Weller?

No, by an OPR agent who accused me of being a Russian mole.

And for k*lling Carter.

Now, he didn't have all the pieces right, but he didn't have 'em all wrong either, and do you wanna know why?


Because I am a mole!

And I am responsible for Carter's m*rder.

You may have k*lled him, but I... I am the reason why.

This... this OPR agent... what happened to him?

I k*lled him.

You know exactly who you're working for.

No, it was not like that.

I... I had to.

Whether you did or didn't, you're one of us.

He would've kept digging, and... he was reaching for his g*n.

And now your secret's safe again.

And we live to fight another day.

I have a time-sensitive tattoo I need you to bring to their attention.


I don't think you understand.

I'm done.

I'm out.


You're here late.

You got a minute?

Close the door.

Everything that happened today got me...

I just don't wanna go over Weller's head.

Reade, it's late. Out with it.

Circumstantial evidence is still evidence, and Fischer's case against Jane wasn't all that crazy.

Just because she's not a Russian spy doesn't mean she didn't k*ll Carter.

Where was she that night?

Because I've got some major reservations about Jane's alibi.

Me, too.

The question now is, what are we gonna do about it?
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