02x26 - Avengers World

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x26 - Avengers World

Post by bunniefuu »

Hawkeye: The Earth is gone?

We're too late. I pushed us too far and Thanos destroyed our world.

Falcon: He simply wiped our planet out of existence.


But how can the Earth be gone?

His foul deed will not go unpunished.

(SIGHS) I never called her back.

My mom left a message when we were on a mission.

And now...

Something about this isn't right.

Everything about this isn't right.

There's no debris.

If Thanos destroyed the Earth, wouldn't there be dust clouds?

Or asteroids?

Possibly, Cap, but we don't know the nature of Thanos' new powers...


Woman: (THROUGH STATIC) Avengers...

Am I picking up a signal?

Hey, I got it, too.

It's short range. Where could it be from?

Avengers, come in! Avengers.

Iron Man: Black Widow? How are you alive?

Are you calling from Valhalla?

No, Thor, still on Earth.

Just a microscopic version of it.

Tony's new satellites detected Thanos heading towards us, so Ant-Man rigged the system to project Pym Particles around the whole planet.

You shrunk the planet?

100% brilliant.

You warned us to prepare for the worst.

This means we beat Thanos here.

Just barely.

Think of something fast! I can't hold this for long.

Iron Man: All right, guys, we've been given a second chance.


Jarvis: Incoming projectile targeting the blue area of the moon.

We have to keep Thanos from finding Earth.

Your planet is missing, but your moon still hangs in orbit?

You will not fool me with simple tricks.

The Earth, like the Avengers, will be crushed!




Hawkeye: Okay, last time we did this, we needed Tony's robot bestie, but since Arsenal's long gone, I'm open to suggestions.

We don't need anything else.

Tony was right in pushing us further than we thought possible.

We'll bring Thanos down because we're the Avengers.

Iron Man: This is the part where one of us says...

Assemble! Now that, I can do.

Thanos: You may have found a way to hide your Earth, but not for long.

Captain America: He's scanning for the planet.

Thor, your hammer, throw it there!

Hulk, gravity sling shot!


Hate this plan!

Hawkeye: Uh, isn't Hulk going the wrong direction?

Captain America: He's building up velocity. Just wait.

This better end in a smash!




Good plan.

He's down. This is our chance. Pour it on!




Thanos: I was simply going to shatter your home world.

But now, I will break its spirit first.

People of Earth!

Your attempt at hiding will fail.

Know that I will find your planet, and I will devastate it.

And when your world has fallen, know the Avengers, with whom you have placed all your hope, will have brought this upon you.

Ant-Man: The mental strain is too much!

What's Tony doing up there?

Somehow Thanos is transmitting this signal all over the planet.

Man: He's destroying the Avengers.

Woman: What if they can't stop him?



We need another plan, we're not making a dent!

I think I know someone who can.

DAN, the Data Analysis Network.

But your satellite's not a w*apon.

Ant-Man used it to fire Pym Particles.

We could use it to hit Thanos with enough force to knock him down for the count.

Uh, Tony, do you realize the amount of power you'd need to pull this off?

I do, the entire energy output of every power grid on the planet.

All the countries on Earth uniting together?


You don't ask for small favors, do you, buddy?

Black Widow: So, you've basically come up with a w*apon that runs on world peace and international cooperation?

Well, that's one way of putting it.

Black Widow: I'd say you're a little low on a*mo right now.

Thanos has put the planet in a panic.

Do you have another plan?

Okay. I'll access S.H.I.E.L.D. databases, contact the governments of the world.

Widow running diplomacy?


Hawkeye: Nothing. Nothing.


The Watcher.

Move, you passive fool!


If nothing hides from the Watcher, then nothing hides from Thanos.

(STRAINING) Can barely hold on.

Thanos is a clear and present danger.

Giving us global power access is the only chance we have.

Thanos is beating the Avengers and will ravage our planet.

It is every country for themselves.

We're not about to give you access to our national infrastructure.

We'd be completely vulnerable!

The Avengers got us into this mess, they can clean this up.

You're vulnerable now! The entire world is!


Thanos: They shrunk their planet?

Clever, but pointless.


(STRAINING) No! I'm losing it!

Thanos has found us.


Never thought seeing Earth again would be a bad thing.

All hope is lost, Avengers!

Regroup. Focus all our energy on getting back to Earth.

Corvus Glaive: You will never return to your homeworld again.

You will only be able to watch helplessly as Thanos conquers it.

Didn't we lose the Black Order a few galaxies over?

Was that another attempt at humor?

Everyone's a critic.

Soon you will jest no more.




Oh, enough with the mind control, lady!

What? Sorry, Cap.

It wasn't your fault, Sam.

Corvus Glaive, why does Thanos waste his time on this fringe planet?

Earth has proven unexpectedly strong, Supergiant.

But we're stronger.

The planet's in chaos.

There's a reason Thanos is the most feared conqueror in the universe.

He's good at his job.

We've never backed down from a tyrant before, and were not about to start today.

Speeches alone do not create victories.

Show them, Black Dwarf.



Man: Oh, no!



This isn't a negotiation.

We need control of your power grids now!

We will not be bullied into leaving our countries unsecured.

The Avengers have proven they can't protect us

so we have to protect our own.





No go on world peace, Tony.

Iron Man: Hold that thought, Widow.


You were saying?

Hawkeye's right, I'm not a diplomat.

Widow, the clock's ticking.

Whatever it takes to make this happen, you've got to do it.

Time for some Black Widow diplomacy.




Who betrays us?
Falcon: Can't say I like much about the Black Order, but they do know how to build a spaceship.

Next stop, Earth!


We need to create a perimeter to keep Thanos out of the city.

We've thrown a Hulk and a Thor at him, and he barely batted an eye.

I've got something.

Part of my New Frontiers initiative.

But I've never tested it.

I think you might get a chance today.


Something hit us!

From the inside.

Tony, go!


Hatch is open!


Sacrifice is the ultimate gift to Thanos.

Do you think you are the first to fight back against Thanos?

He has faced far stronger than the Avengers and has never lost.

Prepare to bow before me.


You're not the only one who thinks bigger is better, Thanos.

You think sheer power can match me?

I've broken the spirit of your people!

I've already won this battle.


Someone's overconfident.

That's usually my thing.



Man: (SHOUTING) Get out of here!

Okay, lady, let's see how you like fighting on my turf.

You underestimate how many planets I've already plundered!





Where ya been? Coulda used your lightning just a...

Impressive, Thor.

I am not surprised to find you are more powerful than this beast.

What... What are you doing?

No one controls an Asgardian!





You are a simple annoyance.

When will you realize you have been defeated?

When there are no more Avengers.

So be it.


(STRAINING) Time to cut you down to size.

No mere mortal can steal power from me.

Uh-oh, the quantum force, it's more powerful than I thought.




People of...


You'll never get our world, Thanos.

Not while there's an Avenger left standing!

Still hopeful, earthling?


Watch, world, as your final hope is extinguished.

And your last Avenger falls!



Bow before me, pathetic creatures.

Earth finally belongs to Thanos.


Thanos: The Avengers are defeated.



Wrong, you giant jerk! I'm an Avenger!


Yeah, I'm an Avenger, too!


Huh? You dare insult me!

I broke you!

Sure don't look like it, purple face!


Never took on a galactic w*rlord...


But there's a first time for everything!


I love this city.


I must be dreaming this.


You will pay for this insolence!

You are nothing but insignificant bacteria to Thanos!


I think I know what that is.


Widow got the world to unite their power grids?


I totally knew she could do it!

You said world peace was impossible?

We're not there yet.


You expected me to fall, earthlings.

But you have failed.

That blast wasn't all of the grid. We need to buy Black Widow more time.

Then time we shall buy!


You might have conquered other planets, Thanos, but when things are at their worst...

Iron Man: Turns out, that's when the people of Earth rise to their best.

Or did no one tell you what a pain in the butt humans can be?

No planet has ever resisted the power of Thanos, and that will not change today!

We need to keep him occupied!

Have I ever told you the difference between you and Mjolnir?


You are even more fun to throw!



We're all on the same side in this.

Thanos is hurt, but we can't win this unless we work together.

I know I can't force you, but I'm asking you to join us.

Either we all go down separately or we all stand together.

As Avengers.


Iron Man: That's our cue! Take cover!


No one defeats Thanos!

I will tear each Avenger apart!

I have not yet reached the limits to my power!


Iron Man: Boy, nothing I hate more than a guy who's too cocky.

And you were afraid we weren't ready for bigger things.




Thor: Ha-ha! You should have seen my attack coming!



And I should have seen that.


Oh, great, the videogame hogs are back.

I'll just be waiting in my room, twiddling arrows.

Then you don't want this?


My own controller?


Ah, I love you guys!

This is awkward.

Wait, so now you're an ambassador to the United Nations?

They want me on a committee to help foster world peace.

You? Was Red Skull not available?


What's in the box, Sam?

My mom made us a cake.

Apparently someone told her they were sick of her cookies.


Tony Stark: The Guardians have the Black Order in custody, Falcon estimates it could take centuries for Thanos to pull his particles back together, and it looks like repairs are coming along nicely the world over.

Jarvis: In addition, sir, crime levels are down in nearly every country.

Would you look at that?

Uniting against Thanos helped us all get along.

I'm sure it won't last, but I'm gonna enjoy this moment.

Cake? Falcon's mom sent it.

I have to admit, it's even better than her cookies.

Tony, after all this, I see you're right.

The Avengers need to be prepared for universal threats.

I'm not one for rejecting compliments, but I wasn't as right as I thought.

I was looking at our future as something out there, when I didn't realize it was always right here.

I'm not following.

From New Korbin to New York, we've discovered the Avengers are more than just a team.

We've become an ideal.

You said it yourself, anyone who stands up to a tyrant or a bully is an Avenger.

So, where do we go with this?

After some well-earned personal time, we'll come back stronger than ever, and we'll be ready to expand our horizons.

Keyword, expand.

It's an Avengers world.
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