02x22 - Midgard Crisis

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x22 - Midgard Crisis

Post by bunniefuu »


Mom, look! A giant lion!

It's just a statue, honey.

I know what a statue is, Mom.

Over there!








I would visit Midgard zoos more often if all the animals were like these.


Oh, you brought a friend?

So did I!

Team up!

Who's responsible for this?

Some kind of evil zookeeper?

Harming innocent animals is pretty low for whoever's behind this.



Widow, Hawkeye, round 'em up.

Falcon, Tony, air support.

Ant-Man, find out what mutated these creatures.


Ant-Man: No sign of radiation.

These things aren't mutated. They've been amped up.

Hyper-evolved to their very limits.

I've got the bear. Round up those lemurs.

Those are lemurs?



Now, this is our kind of problem, goldilocks, giant beasts.


We call dibs!


Go easy. They didn't ask to be monsters.

No monster of Earth could thr*aten the son of Odin.



You appear to be thoroughly bested, Thor Odinson.

And here I thought you were a true warrior.




What game do you play, Zarda?

We are enemies, not allies.

The Squadron Supreme is the enemy of the Avengers.

But you and I, we are warriors above all else.

So come, let us battle.



Such grace and ferocity.



Sleep, noble beast.

That disabling move, 'tis the Muspel slumber.

Indeed. There is no honor in harming these creatures.

I have only seen warriors use that move once before, at the battle of Muspelheim.

Aye. My old battalion and I stormed the fields of Sinmara.

That means you and I, we once fought on the same side.


Sorry, kitty. Time to pull out the big g*ns.

No energy weapons!



This has the Squadron Supreme written all over it.

Wrong, Stark.

True warriors must engage these tormented creatures with dignity.

Did Zarda just school me on fair play?

In this battle, Zarda is to be trusted.

I admire her honor.

Admire her or not, we've still got a monster problem.

Ow! We've got to find a way to contain these creatures. Ow!

Herd them into the habitat.




Some improvised energy cages ought to put the cats back in the bag.

Ant-Man: I still can't tell what caused the transformation, but it seems to be temporary. They're already changing back.

Zarda, though it surprises me, I thank you for your assistance.

Don't speak too soon, Thor.

I doubt a Squadron member would assist us unless there's an ulterior motive.

I was on the way to my training zone when I glimpsed this battle.

Combat is my only motive.

That is the difference between a warrior and a mere soldier, Captain.

Surely you understand, Thor Odinson.

You expect us to believe you had nothing to do with the animal monster mash here?

What you believe matters not.

I have nothing to prove to weaker beings.

Hawkeye: "Weaker beings"?

Um, obviously, you've never met the Hulk.

Get her.

Don't waste my time.





Hawkeye: Well, if I never see her again, it'll be too soon.

I've used sat-imaging, radar, infrared tracking...


And do you mind?

This thing isn't really built for two.

We had a member of the Squadron in our hands and lost her.

Have you tried heat signatures?

Three times. She simply disappeared.

Well, maybe the Nighthawk fan club is coming apart at the seams.

It's possible. Remember, Dr. Spectrum walked away.

Well, Spectrum wasn't there by choice.

Zarda is.

She wouldn't help us without a reason.

Honor was the reason.

All those who fought at Muspelheim swore a warrior's oath, committing to fight only for glory and honor.

Some stupid oath?

Never stopped her before.

To a warrior, an oath is a bond.

Nighthawk, who has no honor, could not hold sway over one like Zarda for long.

Even if she has some good inside her, she's still a threat, in or out of the Squadron.

It is clear none of you understand.

I'll face this battle alone, if I must.

Where ya goin', blondie?




Have at thee!

Took you long enough to get here!

You never gave me your coordinates.

I knew you would find me.

True warriors are drawn to one another.

Thor: I often come here as well.

A warrior can train here without limitations.

Are you here to... What's the term?

Take me in?


I am here because any veteran of Muspelheim is worthy of respect.

We both took the oath, to battle only for honor.

The Squadron battles for its own gain.

Nighthawk promised the honor of bringing order and discipline to the weak humans of Earth.

But now, his only concern is the Avengers.

Always the Avengers!

The Squadron is mighty, and in mighty deeds I still find honor.



Would you not feel more at place fighting side-by-side with heroes?


Weak humans? Heroes?

On this pitiful world, I have not met a warrior I considered my peer.

Until now.

On my home island of Utopia, I was a princess, heir to my mother's throne.

I honor her by only fighting alongside the truly powerful.

I am the son of a king who also doubted humanity.

Earthlings may appear soft, but they have a resolve that is the equal to any in the nine realms.

Enough! There are far superior places to train.

Follow me, if you dare.



Thor: An invisible ship?

So this is how you vanished from us.

Earth has never seen its like.

Perhaps you plan to lead me into an ambush.

(ENGINE WHINES) On my honor as a warrior, this is no ambush.

I formed this island from the very bedrock of the ocean and seeded it with DNA samples from my home.

It is a place for people like us.

A place for warriors.

Yet, you are alone here.

With my sledge I can form many things.

But not another like me.

Truly, this was a hidden surprise.

The surprise? That begins now.



Nothing but an elaborate trap!


Zarda, you betray me!

You set a dragon on me? Do your worst!


I was a fool to trust you, Zarda. You've led me into a trap!

Trap? This, fellow warrior, is a gift.


How does this compare to Stark's pathetic training machines?

It has been too long since I have been able to unleash my might so fiercely.

Truly, this was a gift.

My gracious thanks.

You are not done yet.





Whoo! Huh?


That's Thor's.

Uh, yeah, but he's...


Oh, okay.



Mjolnir, to me!



Such unparalleled warfare.

Do you really believe you could claim such glory with your team?

The Avengers fight to protect others, despite personal costs.

Hulk is hated by many, but saves all.


Their very name is weak.

They sit in their tower, awaiting wrongs they must avenge.

Your courage is unquestioned, but what of other virtues?

Duty, loyalty, mercy?






Zarda, you have shown me something I have missed.

But is it not possible you, too, have missed something of the warrior's way?

It appears you've gone soft from too much time amongst the Earthborn.

Was this not challenge enough?

A mere warm-up.


Rock trolls? Pitiful.

I will show you how a true warrior battles.




This time you shall not battle alone.




Both: Huh?

Come see what it means to fight beside an Avenger.

Iron Man: How's the incredible "Sulk"?


Been on single player for hours.

No one likes a game hog!



Jarvis: Sir, getting seismic readings from offshore.

A tidal wave heading for New York!

Another tidal wave?

Someone's stealing Attuma's moves.

Avengers assemble.


Thor? I know those hits anywhere.




I must have an island like this of my own.

Or perhaps you could use mine.

Align myself with a member of the Squadron Supreme?

Zarda, I respect you, but not your allegiance.

We could use one of your skill on the side of justice.

My allegiance is to the strongest.

Perhaps it is time to find out who that truly is.


Let us see if you are as worthy a sparring partner as I hope.



And when I best you?

If you best me, then by my honor, I will leave the Squadron.

But should I defeat you, you must denounce your beloved Avengers.

What say you?

Would you put your allegiance to the Avengers at risk?

For it to be a risk, there would have to be a chance I might lose.

Ha! Clashing enchantments? You won't be seeing your hammer for a while!


I know you're making these waves, goldilocks.

But where?

Lose your hardware?




You retreat?


The Avengers will soon be one Asgardian less!

I am not bested yet, princess.

But with the Avengers or alone, I will always fight to protect humanity.

You and I, we are above Avenger or Squadron.

We will be living legends long after the others have perished into forgotten dust!



Think of it, the royal heirs of Asgard and Utopia.

Hulk: Hey, lady!




You're welcome.

A dishonorable form of attack.

Away, beast!

Hawkeye: Hauling ships from the sea, building tidal breakers...

We're just postponing the inevitable.

Black Widow: We've stopped a tidal wave before.

We can do it again.

Yeah. Except last time, we had a Hulk and a Thor.

You interrupted a true warrior's battle.

How did you find us?

Your little date made tidal waves.

Easy to track.


You knew you could not defeat me, so you called to your oafish green lackey for help?

Found a new bashing buddy?

Zarda has sworn a warrior's oath.

The most sacred oath of all.

"Sacred"? Try stupid. She's playing you, goldilocks.

You dare insult an Asgardian tradition?

Ant-man, can't you, I don't know, shrink it or something?

Miniaturize the ocean? Sure, I'll get right on that.

Tony, that energy cage you used on the zoo animals...

Way ahead of you.

Ant-Man: (GRUNTS)

Got it.

Rewiring your reactor, complete. Any time, Tony.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

Actually, not any time. Now!

Iron Man: Got it!

It won't be long before another wave builds.

It's time we turn our attention to the source of these quakes.

Already on it.


You beast!


This ain't you. Zarda's gettin' in your head.

I am showing her there is glory in being an Avenger.




By fighting a friend?

Perhaps there is wisdom in your words, Hulk.

You allow yourself to be talked out of combat?

Clearly, you are not worthy of the plans I had for you.

I do not find glory in fighting a brother-in-arms.

Then I will see that he is brother to you no more!


What are you doing?

The same I did at the zoo, improving an earthly animal.


Thor: That was you?

You said those animals should be treated with dignity!

There is no greater dignity than power.





You shall not undo this.

I shall!


Fool! Like your hammer, my sledge cannot be lifted by any but me.


You have no choice.

My enchantment pushes him on.

Finish him and claim your honor!


I shall never lose faith in an Avenger.


Defeat the beast for glory.

Demonstrate the way of the warrior.


You are wrong, Zarda.

This is the way of the warrior.


Hulk, I will not fight you.


Stop Zarda!




You are weak, protecting this Earth creature!




Thank you for risking your life so I would rediscover my true self.

Huh? Just wanted someone to play video games with.


Zarda: My offer was genuine, Thor.

I risked all to show you my island.

And I am willing to sacrifice it.

She's sinking the island.

You think?



Looks like you two could use some friends.


And some towels.

Nighthawk: Your mission to sway Thor to our side was a failure, as I expected.

I believed Thor could be convinced to honor his oath, and follow true glory, not of honor, but of power.

But I was...

The word you're searching for is "wrong."

You need not appear so satisfied, Nighthawk.

You now see that my plan is the only way, don't you?


The Avengers must be completely destroyed.


Ant-Man: So wait. An island of dragons and rock trolls?

That's messed up.

You mean fun.

Indeed. If only we could do that all over again.

Why don't we?

I like the way you think, you oafish green lackey.

To the training room!

It's a good thing those two get each other.

Glad I don't have to.

Excuse me.

Ah! Finally!



Oh, these paddles are completely crushed!
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