02x19 - The New Guy

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x19 - The New Guy

Post by bunniefuu »


Hawkeye: Another day in the Avengers, another giant monster attack!


Hey! Touring D.C.?

Mind if I hitch a ride?

If you throw in for gas money.

What if I wasn't here to catch you?

Come on, you've always got my back.

Yes, Mr. President. I give you my word, we will not allow the creature to damage any national landmarks.

Don't make any promises you can't keep, Cap.



This beast reminds me of the pet Svur I had as a boy in Asgard.

Great story.

Now zip it and smash!


Hawkeye: Tell the President he can relax.

My hypersonic arrows will lead Fin Fang Foom right out of town.

Oh, come on, Ant-Man!

I did it!

I pushed the Pym Particles to their limit!




Well-handled, Scott.


Did no one see Ant-Man enter my line of fire?

Cut him some slack, Clint, he's new at this team stuff.

Iron Man: Ant-Man, drive him into the Potomac.

Let's herd this monster-movie wannabe out to sea.

Fin Fang Foom normally sticks to his own habitat.

Why would he leave Monster Island and come to the capital?


I can't hold this size much longer...


Nice try, Ant-Man, but this isn't amateur hour.

Widow, close range!

Let me show you how a real Avenger gets it done.


Black Widow: Hold on, Hawkeye! I've got you!

You better hurry up!



Sorry, Foom, this isn't my first rodeo.


Falcon: Ant-Man, time for round two.

I like the way you think, Falcon.


If I can't stay at your size, I'll bring you down to mine.


I didn't need the help, Ant-Man.

My bad, then.


You're not such a big problem after all.

Captain America: Yes, Mr. President.

His name is Ant-Man, our newest member.

Well, thank you, sir. I'll tell him you say so.

Ant-Man: What'd he say? Does he like me?

I bet he was impressed.

Ant-Man: Ah, if you told me a week ago, I'd be moving into Avengers Tower.

Seriously? My mind is blown.

Anyone who can put Fin Fang Foom in a jar belongs on the Avengers.

I thought you were bringing your whole lab?

I did. Pym Particles really help when it comes to packing light.

Your official Avengers ID card.

Scott Lang, welcome to the team.

Aw, thanks, Cap.

Thanks, everybody.

A new member?

I cannot think of a better reason for celebration and feasting.

I was actually hoping someone would say that.

Eh, ah?


Ice cream cake? New guy's okay.

He had his own "insta-party" ready to go? Ego much?

Since when do you complain about free food?


Why were you not always an Avenger?

Tony, you got a sec?

I have something I need to talk about.


How can I put this delicately?



You're not paying attention, are you?




Hawkeye: I mean, he's "Ant-Man," but now he grows giant, too?

The guy can't even pick a name that makes sense.

He's just eager. I was no different when I joined the team.

Give him another chance.

Hello? He threw his own surprise party.

Tony throws himself parties all the time.

You know, when I first got here, there was an Avenger who really got under my skin.

But once I got to know him better, he earned my utmost respect.

You're talking about Thor, right?


I dive off a building, I have no doubt you'll catch me.

Ant-Man? Who knows where he'll be?

Probably blocking my sh*ts.


The guy is not a team player.

I'm not sure I can be an Avenger if he is.

Black Widow: So, you ever gonna tell me the truth?

What are you talking about?

I know you, Clint.

This isn't about blocking sh*ts or throwing parties.

Ant-Man doesn't seem to remember this, but before I joined SHIELD, he and I had a history together.

Let's just say he's the kind of guy who's only out for himself.

He'll smile to your face, and then betray you when you least expect it.

That was a long time ago.

Some people never change. I don't trust him.

You need to tell Cap.

Captain America: I see.

Trust in your fellow Avengers is vital for this team to work.

This is a serious issue.

So, you want me to tell Ant-Man he's gone, or is this something you should handle?

Ant-Man's not leaving the team.



Did you not hear the whole part about him betraying me?

Captain America: Everyone deserves a second chance.

We know Scott's history just like we know yours.

If we didn't have faith in him, he wouldn't be an Avenger.

Hey, I'm serious. If he stays, I go.

Another option.

We put Ant-Man through my new recruit training course, and you'll handle his evaluation.

If you fail him, he's off the team.

Welcome back to Monster Island, Foomie.

Run along, little guy.

Well, not "little" for much longer.

The Pym Particles aren't very stable on anyone but me.




Captain America: We're burning daylight. Let's get this started.

Hawkeye's going to evaluate your training through a series of trials.

Any questions?

Yeah. Couldn't Falcon have evaluated me?

Hey, smart guy, don't forget who can "fail" you.

I trust Hawkeye will be fair in his judgment.

See you at the first checkpoint.

Let's see, looks like we follow... Hey!


Forget the map. Here's the first thing I'm gonna evaluate.

Fetch me that arrow.

What part of the test is this?

The part where I see how well you follow orders.



Aw, did you just...

I released a pheromone scent.

It's how I communicate with ants.


I gave you a direct order to...



Uh, hmm.

Mission accomplished.

My orders were for you to go get it yourself.

I got creative.

What's your deal, Barton?

You've never even given me a chance.

You're better with bugs than people, Scott.

Working with other humans isn't about showboating. It's about trust.

Showboating? Kettle, meet Pot.

I haven't got all day, newbie.


You're like a machine.

Or like an Avenger.

Where's this checkpoint?

(PANTING) Just above that ridge.


I wonder what that...




Am I getting graded on this part?

Not the time to daydream, newbie.


Rule number one, keep an eye on your surroundings.


Your teammates can't be worrying about you and the bad guys.

Please. I always keep... Whoa!


What did I just say?


Don't worry about me. Worry about running out of arrows.


Two heads, way worse than one.

At least, someone in this fight understands teamwork.

Move it, or lose it, buddy.

We're buddies now?


No need to thank me.

Thank you? Hello, net arrows!

On to the next checkpoint...

O, master Avenger.


Anybody can throw a net on a barely conscious monster.

But name someone else who can wrestle one to the ground.

Uh, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow when she's angry, which is always.

But who else can fire accurate net arrows from that far away?

Sure, until you run out of arrows.

Anything that can be picked up and thrown is a w*apon to me.

I don't think you're going to find Pym Particles laying around in the jungle here.

Why are you so threatened by me?

What did I ever do to you?

It's not what you do, it's what you don't do.

In a group, I stay aware of my teammates' actions, and my opponents' motivations.

We were nearly trampled by stampeding monsters.

I think their motivation was to stomp on us.

Wrong. We weren't their target.

They were running away from something that spooked them.

They weren't attacking? I... I didn't notice that.

Because you were just watching out for yourself.

The Avengers are no place for a solo act.

But I am realizing Cap's not at this checkpoint like he said he'd be.

Probably just part of his test.

You see? There. Cap's boot prints.

He's hiding around here somewhere.

Mind your surroundings.

If Cap's setting up a surprise challenge, it could come from anywhere.

What are you doing?

Minding my surroundings.

Cap's prints just stop.

We need to question the witnesses.

What are you talking about?

Quit fooling around.

I wish I was.
Cap's not hiding.

Who'd you learn that from, your ant buddies?

Who else? The scent communication is muddled but something tore Cap off the ground, frightening the ants.

So now your "ant senses" are tingling?

Mindless Ones. This means "trouble" with a capital "D."

That makes no sense.

"D" stands for Dormammu, creator of the Mindless Ones.


The extra-dimensional Lord of Chaos?


He's not an insect, so you might not have heard of him.


Well, they're not called the Mind-full Ones.

Rookie mistake.

Rule number two, know when to run.

Ant-Man: Wait, run into them? What kind of rule is this?

Hawkeye: You know what I meant!

Get as many of them to chase you as you can.

Me? Why don't you get them to chase you?

Group them together so I can net as many with one shot as possible.

Don't worry, I got this.

Hey, blockheads, try to keep up!

Any time now, Hawkeye!

Wait for it... Now!

"Now" what?


Ant-Man: Right. I knew that.

Nicely done.

See? I can do this teamwork thing.

Evaluation's not over.


Look, I'm working hard on being an Avenger.

But that doesn't matter if you won't give me a chance.

What's your problem with me, Barton?

You really wanna know the truth?

Does the "Circus of Crime" ring a bell?

"Circus of Crime..."

Maybe you remember a certain cable arrow that you blew up in my face.

What? That was some clown named Trickshot.

I was Trickshot! You betrayed us, took the money and ran!

I... I had no idea that was you.

But you've got it all wrong. It wasn't like that.

I don't want to hear it right now.

Dormammu could be right around the corner.

Dormammu's not controlling the Mindless Ones.

Shh, quiet!

No, I'm serious.

I know. You're right.

This symbol of freedom will make a fine tombstone for you, Captain.

So this is where you've been hiding from the Avengers, Red Skull.

Should have figured it'd be with other monsters.

You think I'm hiding from you?

There are much worse things out there, Captain, such as Titan Warlords bent on revenge.

But I won't bother you with such talk during your final hour.

I've had many "final hours." Do your worst.

If you insist, Captain.

Despite the demise of my Cabal, I never lost faith I'd have my final chance for revenge, Captain.

sh**t me.

Oh, I'd love to.

I mean sh**t me on one of your arrows, quick!

Not bad, Scott.

Oh, yeah!

Disintegrated? Impossible! Find him!

(expl*si*n) (HAWKEYE GROANS)

One of Captain America's lapdogs.

Of course the only people that work for Skull are mindless.



They sent one single Avenger to save their Captain?

One? Oh, you're just not looking in the right place.


Captain America: Thanks for the save, you two.

Just to be clear, this isn't part of the test.

Yeah, we kind of figured.

Look, Hawkeye, I didn't know you were in the Circus of Crime.

Doesn't change the fact you sabotaged us and ran off!

Ringmaster told me you were a real circus.

I thought I was making tech for your show, not to steal from my town.

I gave your stolen money back.

Ringmaster lied to you? Of course he lied to you.

When I learned you guys were criminals, I destroyed my own tech.

I had to protect my town.



It's not like you to hide, Red Skull.

I am not hiding. I am surviving!

Soon, Thanos will return and obliterate our world!


If Thanos is coming back, he'll find our world protected by the Avengers.

Such arrogance.

Unlike you, I do not wrap myself in the flimsy veil of misplaced hope.

Thanos will come. It is inevitable.

My deal with Dormammu has given me the power to endure.

I was not ready to isolate myself yet, but you Avengers have forced my hand.

Not so fast.

Fast enough, Captain.


Soon Dormammu's mystic shell will become impenetrable, sealing us inside permanently.

Not even the might of Thanos could get us out.

Is there an unlimited supply of these guys?

Right? Maybe they should be called the Endless Ones instead.

Any more expl*sive arrows?

Nope. That doesn't mean I'm out of tricks.


Looks like I've found some Pym Particles in the wild, after all.

You did not.

Prepare to be proven wrong, in three, two, one...


Never thought I'd be glad to see Fin Fang Foom.

Get used to it. We're about to be stuck with him forever.

Red Skull: Finally, it ends as it should.

Trapping you here with me will assure your final...


Is that something you should really be touching?

It would be rude not to bring Tony a souvenir.

Especially one this dangerous.

If we make it back to show him.

Double-time, Avengers!


Why do we always cut these things so close?

We won't make it, and I don't have enough Pym Particles for all three of us.


It's a small dose. It will only last a few seconds.

What are you doing?

What an Avenger would do.


He saved us!

Well, it was fun being on a team while it lasted.


This dome's impenetrable.

Black Widow: Then it's a good thing someone's got your back.

We traced your signal, Cap. But we don't have visual on you guys...

Never mind.

Come on!

Red Skull used Dormammu's powers to protect himself from Thanos.

That dome's not built to shatter.

No, but we've got one more chance.

But it's gonna take some teamwork.

Uh, are those...

Avengers, assemble!

Focus your attack here!


What? You think we were just gonna leave a team member behind?





Iron Man: All right, Skull.

Was it your idea to try and ruin Hulk's favorite vacation spot?


Iron Man: Fury just informed me Red Skull has some brand new accommodations.

Not as picturesque as Monster Island but a little more secure.

Ant-Man: I heard that was pretty good.

No, no.

Antonio's Pizza is strictly for tourists. Let me show you a place on Staten Island.

So, what's your final evaluation of Ant-Man's performance?

I gotta be honest.

We better keep him.

Yeah, Scott's got a lot of "bugs" to work out, but I can't think of a better coach than myself.

I can. Hulk, Thor, Black Widow when she's angry, which is always.

I checked with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Thanos is still in custody on Xandar.

Red Skull was more than confident he was going to take another shot at the Earth.

Let him try.

With our new addition to the team, we're stronger now than ever.

Come on! Come here, you little...






Ant-Man: (GROANING) Not the face, Hulk!

Which isn't always a good thing.
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