02x18 - Secret Avengers

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x18 - Secret Avengers

Post by bunniefuu »


Eagle One to Eyepatch. Avengers are in.

Fury: I'm showing 10 guards, six cameras, and a computer checkpoint between you and the asset.

Black Widow: So this is a low-security Hydra base?

Cutting camera feeds.


Check point one, clear.

We were never this efficient with the rest of the Avengers.

We couldn't be efficient with Tony Stark's method of "Blast first, ask questions later."

Captain America: Cut the chatter.

This is a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission, not a competition with our former team.


Black Widow: Checkpoint two, clear.


Checkpoint three, clear.

Fury, we got bad intel.

There is no asset.

But we found a kidnapped S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

Fury: The intel was fine.

The agent is the asset.

You said it had important data stored in it.

Yes. In his brain.

Now get him out of there before Hydra discovers you.

Fury, there's been a complication.

Captain America: Fury, Hydra's on to us.

Fury: Stand by. S.H.I.E.L.D. has you covered with a new w*apon we've developed.

Launch the Gamma-X.

Captain America: You're dropping a b*mb on us?

We need cover!

Fury: Not for this kind of b*mb.

What is that?




Falcon: The b*mb is Hulk?

Gamma-X smash!



I'm the b*mb.

This base is swarming with Hydra bots.

What's our exit strategy?

No strategy, just exit.

Not bad, "Gamma-X."


Man 1: The effective force of a half-kiloton.

Man 2: But with no launching limitations.

Man 1: And 100% reusable.

You have five times the yield of a photon t*nk.

I try.

Hulk, a celebrity? Who would have thought?

Better than chasing down Hawkeye over a jar of pickles.

Hey, watch where you're... The Falcon?

Man, I didn't know it was you. I am so sorry!

Do I know you?

Me? No, but everyone knows Sam Wilson, the trainee that left to become an Avenger.

I didn't mean any disrespect, sir.

"Sir"? Wow.

No one's ever called me that before.

I kinda like it.


Good work.

The asset's in recovery.

You mean "Agent."

I think you'd agree, a successful deployment of our new Gamma-X project.

I hope S.H.I.E.L.D. knows there's more to the Hulk than just "smash."

Man 1: Hey, Gamma-X, any chance I can get you to autograph my S.H.I.E.L.D. manual?

Hulk: No problem. Got a bigger pen?

It appears your team is fitting in well here, Rogers.

Well, The Avengers have needed structure since the day we formed.

Under Stark it was a free-for-all. Everyone was a soldier and a general.

Fury: At S.H.I.E.L.D. we believe in the chain of command.

You take care of the field missions.

I've got my eye on the big picture.

Gather your team.

We have a briefing in 20 minutes.

Yes, sir.

Three days ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. intercepted a power source from Hydra.

It's origin is classified, but it can power a major city for decades, or destroy one in seconds.

Source was en route to S.H.I.E.L.D. when it was stolen from us by the Winter Guard...

A Russian splinter group of the Central Command.


Sorry, old habits.

Fury: The Winter Guard have the source, and won't hesitate to use it.

Captain America: Then why haven't they?

It can only be accessed with an encoded electro-key.

I tracked it to Hydra's base when we were raided by Crimson Dynamo.

He's taken the key and is making his way to the Winter Guard's secret headquarters... location unknown.

Fury: Your mission is to track Dynamo from his last known position to the Winter Guard's base.

We need to know the location of the power source.

We're taking Hulk with us this time. He's not just cover fire.

He's a member of our team.

You're going to need him.

You won't be the only ones after that key.

Falcon: Cap, I get that we're following orders.

But I wish Fury told us more about this power source.

We should be aware of what we're getting into.

Some things are on a "need-to-know" basis.

Yes, it's a change from the Avengers, but you'll see Fury's approach has advantages, if you trust him.

I like S.H.I.E.L.D. More food. Less Hawkeye.

Hate to break up the love-fest, but we're approaching Crimson Dynamo's last known location, dead ahead.

Get me visual.

I figured he'd be a lot harder to track.

We're not the only ones tracking him.


Black Widow: Zarda. Remember her?

I thought the Squadron Supreme was in hiding?




The Winter Guard is not worthy of the power that key unlocks.

Give it to me, or I will take it by any means necessary!




Sheep cannot steal from wolf.

I am no sheep.




Gamma-X, ready to launch.

Captain America: Not yet.

Dynamo can't be allowed to see us.

Stealth the ship and let him escape.

Wait, so we don't stop bad guys anymore?

We just do it differently now.


Now, while Dynamo's gone.

Avengers, assemble!

Hulk, what are you waiting for?

This is usually when I punch Thor.

Wait, what?

Oh, no...



Not the same.


Maybe this will be a worthy battle.




Widow, lay down fire.

Keep Zarda hemmed in!


First time I've gone into battle with a dead arm.

Thanks, Hulk.

Thor would have laughed it off.

You're not funny.

Yeah, almost breaking my arm is hilarious.

Surrender! You can't win.

As you Avengers will soon learn, wars are not won by those who yield!


The uniforms may have changed, but your weaknesses are as predictable as ever.


Fury: Rogers! Pursue Dynamo. Ignore collateral damage!

We have S.H.I.E.L.D. backup minutes away.

Civilians are in danger, Fury.

Fury: If you lose Dynamo, millions more will die.

Dynamo can wait.

Falcon: So much for following orders.



Falcon: Gotcha!

Widow, with me.





Tell him he's welcome, but it's what any Avenger would have done.

Actually, he just said he's nauseated.

Fury: Rogers, you directly disobeyed my orders. That's insubordination, Captain.

Respectfully, sir, innocent lives were at stake.

Now millions of lives are at stake because you lost Crimson Dynamo.

Black Widow: We didn't.

Before Dynamo fell, I fired a tracer on him from the jet.

Fury: At least one of you remembered the objective.

Finding the Winter Guard is top priority.

Everything else is secondary.

Fury: Are we clear, soldier?

I hear your orders, and I'll do what's right for my team.

We got your back, Cap.

Falcon: We wanted a change from Tony's style.

Not sure this was it.

Dynamo stopped moving.

Captain America: That must be the Winter Guard's base.

Land the ship at a safe distance. We'll approach on foot.

Falcon: Next time, let's follow the Summer Guard.


Wow. Tough crowd.
Black Widow: The signal's just up ahead.

Fury told us to keep our distance.

He told us to locate the power source.

Until we lay eyes on it, this mission isn't over.


The tracer.

Falcon: Dynamo tossed it!

Must be long gone by now.

Then why hasn't the snow covered it?

Crimson Dynamo: Russian proverb, "Is no effort to summon fools."



Another proverb...

"Hulk smash!"



Freezing water?

Mister, you don't know much about me.


But I am more in my element than you, Captain.


You're still outnumbered.


Black Widow: Let him go...

...and I won't destroy this.

Metal suits are so easy to pickpocket.

Release him and you get the key.

I don't make deals.


Darkstar: Red Guardian, someone is approaching facility.

Another wolf, Darkstar?

Too big.

Way too big.

Red Guardian: Crimson Dynamo!

We received reports you were att*cked.


The Avengers.

We're not going down that easy.



If S.H.I.E.L.D. finds out...

Red Guardian: Taser round. Captain America's alive, just unconscious.

But where is Hulk?


We've got to call this in to our superiors at Central Command.

Not smart. If they discover we're out here, they'll shut us down.

The key please, comrade Vanko.

I use it.

As you would say, "Friendship is friendship and service is service," yes?

The honor should be yours.

This way.

Remind me not to volunteer to take a Taser round from the Dynamo armor again.

Widow was right, though. They bought it.

Sneaking in is much better than us just "Russian" into this place.

Huh? Hmm?

You're making me miss Hawkeye's jokes.


Crimson Dynamo: Where is it?

Red Guardian: So eager to do your duty for your fellow comrade.

Patience, Ivan.

Black Widow: "Fellow comrade"?

Looks like there's more going on here than Fury told us.

Begin extraction, Ursa Major.

Darkstar: Clever move, Guardian.

Using the abandoned reactor to hide the containment unit.

Red Guardian: Of course.

The residual radiation is masking its energy signature, keeping Central Command out of our hair.

Falcon: Whoa, Fury was wrong.

This thing has enough energy for 10 cities.

Okay, we've seen the power source.

Time to alert S.H.I.E.L.D...


Darkstar: Someone has found us.

S.HI.E.L.D.? Central Command?


Winter Guard, you've been infiltrated!


Crimson Dynamo?

But that means...


It is Hulk!

Undercover Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. to you!


Captain America: Avengers, assemble!



This power source belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Push to center!

Red Guardian: The key!

Get the key!

Hulk, watch your back!


Got it!

Russian proverb says...


Hate proverbs!



Throwing your shield at me, son?

Captain America: The Facility...

It's no longer stable.

Too much smashing?

Guess so.

Avengers! Protect that village!

The Winter Guard will get away!

Fury might consider those villagers collateral damage, but Avengers don't!

Widow, Falcon, stop that debris!

Hulk, with me! Secure the foundation!


Sick of avalanches.


That should do it.


Now is our time to escape.

Wait. They are trying to help our citizens.

It must be a trick!


Yes. Da.

"You know a true friend when trouble comes."

Maybe there's more to the Avengers than Central Command has told us.

Winter Guard, to battle!

This was your chance to escape.

We cannot escape our duty.

Neither can we.


Guardian! The Facility has grown even more unstable!

The power source!

If we can somehow control it, we could use it to stop the damage.

Of course we can control it.

Falcon, do it! It's our only chance to save the village!

Great. What now?



Wait! We need to find a conduit to lead the energy.

We have all the conduit we need.


Welcome home, Radioactive Man!

Thank you, comrades. I believed I would never taste freedom again.

The power source is a person?

You are surprised, Captain?

How could your superiors not tell you what you are fighting for?

You are gamma-rich.

Gamma obvious.

Let me borrow some.




You did it, comrade!

Falcon: Those are the friendliest evil super villains I've ever seen.

The Winter Guard are not villains.

We work for Central Command, Russian version of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But in order to free our comrade, we had to defy their orders.

Apologies for stealing from you.

But we could not let anyone use our friend as a w*apon.

I know what you mean.

Man: Gamma-X, can I get a reading?

Name's Hulk, and no.

Fury: If I wanted reckless, I could have called Tony Stark.

Fury, we're more than pieces on your board. We're human beings.

I'm well aware of that.



I don't think you are.

You've lost sight of the field.

Real people, not blips on a screen.

Why didn't you tell us the power source was a person?

A person?

We didn't know.

We confiscated it from Hydra.

I want to believe you, Fury, but you're treating us like pawns.

Even Tony wouldn't do that.

If we're going to work with S.H.I.E.L.D., things have to change.

You're right. You four are a special class of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent.

There will be changes.

Your next mission isn't going to be easy.

Would never expect one that is.

Fury: This started as an A.I.M. attack, but most of that damage is from Iron Man's team in their reckless attempts to stop them.

Tony Stark thinks he's above the law.

He no longer responds to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attempts at communication.

Your next mission, bring in the Avengers.
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